The Huron Signal, 1884-6-13, Page 6Aug T club lot ( . when Part T stir has lad some a dei t3. new is p1 ant. M the Fa M beau mid mad a cul week un h viaitil 1s v' H thro snit shak A b is wh woo has pile the Yo was re ask lief to 0 ask in tjo y Lo bu n M a0 ha p p me hg ho s l lo f or 4.i th a he in in 1e in, h (ne Poet's turner. The nevelt tu.eesea. TMs Welder said last algid la church. ''Dealt be afraid of gists ; If year Itfe alit a..thin/I to other folks. N by, what's the use u l l s ta't Acid that's what 1 say to guy wife. say. 1, There's Uruwa Use staeraWe straw. Ilea sower a beggar would starve Ikea gets A oat wwarJ. burin' • Mawr. 1 tell you our Inlarters prise. be is, 1Mt . owldat quite drlertalaa Wham l heard boa a-gisla' it night .ad lett, Jar who was 'id b1 .M .seam en. Of smarm tete...aldol br se mistake Wk... be telly , t o tae long-win•ted pr4yti . PerU.wea sad Jw.w..a te, wet aad mewled Ai e . err wort he woe say es. Asd the stotNer he *eat oe t0 say. "Then'. satin's clads o• cksatio. Aad rraigioa's a.paal for evrri day Agnate bring t..westii. 1 deet .htak (*rich of a sari that gire. T1s Lir 1 &aeu. at .uv pr,rcbl.' Aad apatite kir time toe folio situ' week Ia steeds' hod o r srrearb!ng.' I goon that dose was attar ru..ueh For a Ina like Junes t., sw•ller : Itsa 1 monad he didn't apes lila Mouth. Not once aft,. *hal. to holler. Htsratt, rya 1. for the nla.M.r Of course. 1 said it quiet. 011ie us sane cure 4 this upea alk : les very retries/sib' dist. The minister bet 'en ever) rens . And when he spoke of fashion. Aad a-rigg.0 out is bows and things. As woman's rules' mansion. And a.owtu' to church 10a0e the styles. 1 couldn't help a winkau . And a-wudg.ug coy wife. mays 1. -'That's you.' Aad 1 gees.i: rut her • tbiekta. Says 1 to ut)self. that twrinuu'r pit ; But to in it a queer crration And I'm much *fruit that uo*sI of foe folks Woo f take the application. ) ow if be had said a word about My personal wale of eianin'. I'd a some to work to right fnvaelf, And not al here a-gnnna'. Just t'.es the minister vise...says he, to the fellers Who've lest tl.0 *bower by using their t:lends As mural u ubrella.. Go bootie. err be, and nmu you' faulty. Instead u' hyalin your brothers': Oo home. heart*, and wear the coats You-ve tried to dt on Ili rres•.' My wife she nudged. and Brown be winked : And there was lute u' stud in' Aad lois u' toeoke,' .t our pea It set coy blat.l Says 1 w int self. our :Maisie. la grttin's little bitter; III tell hint when meeti's.out that t Ain't at all that kinouf a critter. Short Talk With the Boys. Int V. .11 Al.. 'Where's my hat'' 'Who's seen my knife t' 'Who turned lay tx.ap wront side out and dung it under the lounge There you go, my bey ! When you came into the house last eve.ting you flung your hat across the room, jumped out of your shoes and kicked 'ern ri.ht and left, wriggled out ul your coat and Bare it a toast, and now you aro annoyed because each article hasn't gathered itself into a chair to be ready for yon when you dress in the morning. Who cut those shoe strings f You did it to save one minute's titae in untying them ! Your knife is under the bed, where it rolled when you hopped, skipped ane jumped out of your pants. Your collar Is down behind the bureau, one of your socks on the foot of the bed, and your Test may be in the kitchen wood -box fur all you know. Now, then, my wig Now, been the easiest way. I hada thur Bong my hat down than to hahg it up ; 1 d rather kick my 'boots under tile lounge than place 'alb in the hall ; I'd rather run the risk of spoiling a new coat than to change iL I own right up to being reckless and slovenly, but, ah ! me ! haven t I had to pay fur it ten linos ever. Now, set your foot right down and determine to have tinier. it is a trait that can be ac- quired. An orderly 11100 can make two suits of clothes last longer and look bet- ter than a slovenly man can d0 with four. He can have an hour per day over the into who flings things halter akelter. Ile stands twice the show to get a situation ped keep it, and five times the show to eeMdtlst a business with profit. An orderly man will be an accurate .IN& II he is s repenter every joint ty dl. If he is a turner his goods will look neat. If he is merchant his books williphow neither blob nor error& An ly roan is most always an economi- cal man, and always a prudent one. if you should ask me how to become rich, I should answer :-'Be orderly -be ac- curate. Now, about school. Nine boys nut of telt look upon school as something in the light of juvenile prism. They are more than half right. The idea seems to be to command a boy to open his mouth and &wallow as fast and as muck as he .an kilo off, and many of the rules and r.gu ballfitess are too captious to have cone from sensible men. But, hark yet oeaooe means vice -crime -degrade- The man without education must make _ his muscles tarn him a dollar a day, tree,. hirsute would tarn hoot five The moeigncrant the man the mere natural, I,I a lawbreaker. leducati.m will ena111e ,ytsu to e.o.pete with capital. it will Rmke e*no*l (Jr you. I /rely, if ynu were why buy I'd (Aucate you in particular and not i.. general. 1 mewl by that, that if ilou • rented to be a lawyer i wouldn't let you totter away two re throe Years in laliohrn, astronomy and the bead lane urea if you wanted to become a doe tor i wouldn't educate you for a lawyer 1(t you had a fancy to become a civil en- gineer I'd pooh roe in algebra instead of otdosiai history. A. the ease .tends W oar ethowla today every he.y must atony what oat. does. No two ul them iin!low the same pursuit in eft *brow* into Me same hopper W Roll set idea .w *tMeM • coy who 'lankoohed se. tl*T* $ipso iseNo't -t Mtyllitkiviooll or Moo ofism A acknowledge t. Twenty-five y.is. coo the father lb 161. tuulda t fi.d other work I..r his buy would throw down a (tons and set Mies to robed:Hag. nettles WAS 1•. wurk hiss. Ire thought was giveu 1.. the anatomy of a boy. Nubody seemed to realise that his bones were soft, bis I•it11* easily put out of order, old his muscles in w:h cuoditwn that tow much work trust use Klin up. Find me • stiff - legged ,Iran, a tear•bavked run, a Inp- sbouldered wan, a elan w h..se apical colons i. Out .1 plumb. and 111 pn,ve to you nine holes out .o1 tee that be was evrorwurked as • boy. Let's take this Saturday to go fishing. A father who coo•t throw in half a day with he boy now and then is a pour stick u1 a mon. If we fish from ♦ wharf or leg ue boat we way sing and talk es loud as we wail. but we mutat keep feet and bands 05.101.1 as possible. Why Because the fish will feel wt. Fish do not hear, but they feel in place of it. At a great fish imbibition in hew Yerk State a few years ago Seth Green preyed this fact to the people to a very plain man- ner. H. placed a brass hand among the aquaria, and at a given signal everyJ*orn blew its loudest blast. Net • lisp in any of the tanks moved. Mr. Green then took out his knife and struck a blow un an iron net running along in front of the tanks, and le ! every fish wade a sudden jump as the jar reached him. If you are un a wharf keep the fest still. If you are u. a boat be twice as cautious. Every s.und will be taken up by the water and carried along for many feet. Let's w post ourselves a bit as we fish. Now, then, if you fish for rock - bass drup your hook near an old rock - close to the pile of a wharf ---down beside a nock. These bass are what might be called domestic fish. They stake their homes is one spot instead of traveling about. They will bite either winnow er worm. Black bass feed in weedy spots and along the chancel banks. Mullet and stickers will take the bait only when the hook rests on the bottom. A pick- erel will bite at your hook much quicker It is is ,roving. Every species of fish has its regular hours for feeding, the sante as you have for taking your meals, but bats and pick- erel digest their fused the soonest, and are therefore must always hungry. A pike or pickerel weighing ten pounds will pull a dead we•..fht of twenty pounds off a level h-ri'_ when hooked. These same fish have been kauwn to jump at !east four feet clear of the surface, and to throw themselves from one pottd into another. •Cal► • fish see at night t 'Just as well as cat.' 'Dors he ever sleep ?' 'He 41.es. If you will watcli a gold- fish for a day er two you will tind him taking ••ccasional naps.' 'Hoe fast can a fish swim t' '1f man could invent some way to get up a race between fishes the result would astonish you. A pickerel is pro- bably one of the swiftest of our fresh water fish. He moves fur a short dis- taucs so fast that you simply see a flash. Alrnost every species of fish can see on all sides and behind him as well as to front. Their gills are the most delicate filter in the world. Everp tooth in the mouth of a fish which preys up,n other fish is set in such a way that every at- tempt to escape fastens the victim snore firmly. A red -horse or ,nutlet weighing five pounds could not take a small apple into its mouth. A pike weighing three pounds could almost swallow a man's Est. When a bass is first hooked he will run towards you. A pike ..r pickerel will run from yeti. A ah.ephead and dogfish will jump for the surface. A mullet will dive for the bottom. 'Indeed, may biy,if I were your teach- er i'.1 teener pet you you on our do- mestic fah, their anatomy, habits, etc., than to have you sit fur two hours and rattle off to me in a sing -sung way : 'Gare Creek rises in the northeastern part of Japan -and the Virgin Islands an In the Carribbean Sea -and the soil of the Cannibal Islands will grow cross- eyed men and hump -backed women without fertilizers. oh! how tired and weak I feel. i don't believe i will ever get through the Spring house-cleaning 1 Oh yes you will if you take a botte or two of Dr. Carson's Stom- ach Bitters to purify your blood an.1 tone up the system. In large bottles i0 ct& Why suffer from nervous prostration when you can buy a guaranteed mire at Wilsons drug store (1) • New to Break A *'Olt. - Wirt WhathIles atsusrr Indy -1 ltk tees saveleme Is ran el bM cleteg--Mer t 1'w caw vett tial Nearalsb VIM o.at/a•ally tresis. ate.' - Wa1L ►ow foaled' W4tr dost yes to to N. Rhymes Drag Inure sad get a battle of E1.td Llgbtat.gt It ,.red Ie Is ens solaeb. 1 always beep a bottle to the base. 11 ugly Deets ID yenta Lo Freeman's Wens Powders destroy and remove wurtas witht.ut injury to adult or infant The following is •ood method fur breakinga neglected colt :-Have a large hex stall or pen in the barn yard, anti put him in it, so that he will hes depen- dent upon his feeder for food slid drink. and so that he cannot get far away. Gently approach him with any kind of food for which he shows a liking. snaking him eat from it before leaving hest. Do this daily until his confidence is obtain- ed, and • headpiece of a five -ring halter can be put en him, haring sheet one foot of strap attached with a ring in the end. all holing stout enough t.• hold hint when the time cotes. This he should constantly wear. and each feeding time should be gently pulled by it towards his food. This treatment will gradually tame hitt* .hat he will stand when the halter is held. A leading part, with a snap in the end. should then be held, which can be *napped into the ring on the end of the piece attached to the halter. Gentleness must always he shown, and the c ter led t . untlenttnd that try demi whet is desired lie will he meanies! No household should ne J.nsidere•( complete witl t a bottle of T)r. Van Ituron's Kidney (ire is in the eloset. it is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly cure all forms of kidney Maes.... Meld by J Wilson tm Them eve SWIM Fart.. The best l,io d purifier and system re - gelato ever placed within the reach' of suffering humanity, truly i. Electric Bit- ters. Inactivity of the liter. Biliotraaes Jassdice, Ooristipation. Weak Kidneys, fA any disease of the urinary Organa. or whoever requires an atPpetiser, tame or 1pila .1uaslant, will always find Electric MOW Ile.141.1 and only certain cure ka+eie. They w rank and gtsiekiy, A Rswain-1N one d0seu "Ts4sss- se" to any eele sendingthe beet four line rhyme on • tsaeaaav, ' the remarkable little genu fur the Teeth and Pat:. Ask your drugg.,* ur address. Freeman • Worm Powders require n., other pur ative. They are safe and sure to remove all varieties of worms w le the history of medicine, ne preps ration has rewired such universal cone taendatiou fur the alleviation it affords, and the p.rutanest cure it effects in kid 'soy diseases, se Dr. Van Buren's Kioney. Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderfuL :told by J. Wilson. 2m To the Medial. Presesuea..ad ads wheels N may acorea. Phos1,hatine, ur Nerve loon, a Phos- phate Element based upon Seientitis Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Mass-, cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine, but a Nuhiwent, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but Until ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is sutIiciont to convince. All Druggists sell it. $1 00' per bottle. Luwnsr d Cc„ sole agents for the Dominion, 55 Front Street East Toronto tg"ell Rewarded. A liberal reerard will le paid t.. any ety who will produce t case of Liver, idney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitten will not speedily cure. Bring ;them along, it will coat you nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will he well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious- ness. Jaundice. Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money refunded Price only fifty cents per bottle. For sale by J. Wilson. ,n. [Lj New Llfr for Fearttesa Weakea.d by tae• ease. laebtllsy and *iaalpstles. The Great German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the great Gorman Remedy will restore the lost function, and secure health and happdness. $1.00 per la.x, six leases for $5.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent ..n receipt ..1 price, postal m paid, by F .1, Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole relent ler U: nited Statek. Cir- culars and testimonials sent free. Sold by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for G'ude- rich :.m : If i'ou should be no unfortunate as to Burn. Scald or Wound yourarlf in any way the pro per thing to keep clean ane_' heal it is McGre- gor a: Parke', (:arbulie Cerate. Inalat on bas• ins. and be sure you get, McGregor It Parke's Carbolic ('este. *'rice '.'o cents. G. Ithynas. druggist. has the genuine. There is no one article in tore line of medicines that rives e, large a return for the money as a good enrolls strength- ening plaster, such as Carters Smart Weed and Belladonna llackac:ie Plast - .ea m 4ID " K N I GI Tr'8- HAVE, HAIRCI'T, SHA MP(11), oR 1)Y& 11FOR A TWO 118 EAST OF P.0 • 91d1y wen lee I ed.«s. As otsasestss t.etimoaiab will show, then Is so more reliable sure for deaf- ness than Hagyard's Yellow OIL It is Blau the best remedy fur ear ache, sure threat, ,resp, rheumatism, and for pains end la-eness gewerally. Used i.ternalir and externally. nee re/aimless Sasdase. Mra. Helen Pharvls, No. Mil Dayton 81, Charge, 11L, is new in her gutty - eighth year, and states that she has dif- fered with Cu siaptioa fur about ton years, was treated by nine physiciens,all of them pronouncing her case hopeless. She had given up all hope of ever recov- ering. Seven bottles el i).. King's New Discovery for Cowutuptu.r completely cured her. Doubting ones, please drr.p her a portal and satisfy yourselves. Call at J. Wilson's drug store and ;,'.t a fres trial bottle. 11) Seeing is believing. Read the testi monads In the pamphlet en 1)r. Van Burou's Kidney Cure, then buy a bort.), and relieve yourself of all those distress - mg pain& Your Druggest can tell yea all about it. Sold by J Wilson Godersel 2m The use of Pills, Salts,Castor Oil, dc. and other nauseous, griping Cathartics M unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute is found in Dr. Carson's Bitters. which act as • Cathartic without griping er Musing navies. All druggists sell it 50 cents a bottle. JA AMES SMILI., ARCHITECT, dc.I omce, Crahh's ill.w•k. K menton st.. bode, pleb. Plata and .peeiAcatlon.tlrawncorrect 17 Carpenters' Ia.tererAand mason's work measured and valued. *'tab Rates. Wehate made arrangements to club THE SIGNAL pith city papers at the rates given below Signal and Daily World ... - . MIS Weekly Globe 2.26 " Mail 2.25 " Advertiser... '2.^2 PITT THE POOR Di'..rsrrlr. --Poverty with perfect health is rather to bechusen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the magic effect of a dollar bottle of Fut-NTuyi O7 if [AVM. For rough conditions of the Skin, Shampooing the head, Pimples, Eruption and skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Sul- phur Soap. All Nervous Debility cured by the use of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. See adterttsen,eut elsewhere Sold at Wilson's drug 'tete. 2b Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. L}EO. SAJEiRY CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, acderich A good sssurlmsat of Kitchell, D.d-rem e. Weiss Roots and Parlor r.r.ltun eucb as T• 04nChairs bavesl avelstedbCupboards. upboa ds. lied -meads. Matu.aaes. Warylays1 (►bsAd N. 111. --A cowwplete arca -mend of Collins and 8hruuda ser aye on hand she Hearst* fee ha at reaaonable rate . Ptctare drawling a specialty.- A .'all Mess*. d lift 'An Aaawer Wasted. Can any one onng us a sae of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitten will not speedily curet We say they cannot, as thousands ..f cases already permanently cured and who are daily re a,ntniendiug Electric Bitters. will prove Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Lack, or eny urinary c,mplaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the leev- els, and act directly on the diseased part& Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wils.n. [1[: fiaN Rbeees tared. Are you troubled one Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; , if so, go at once to Geo. lthynas' Drug Store and get a package .l McGregor A i Parkes Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. It was never known to fail. h )1 mart 11agll•lseesery. Physician's are often startled L• re- markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption' and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they hare given up 1 to die, is startling them to realize their I sense of duty, and examine into the r merits of this wonderful disc overt' re - suiting in hundred* of our best Ph1.si- cians using it in their practice. Trial bottles free at J. Wilson s Drug More. Regular size $1.00. (4) National Pills act promptly upeu the liver, regulate the bowels and as a pur- gative are wild and th••ruugh. r, There are iota t f people g••m•_ around grumbllttg, and half sick at the'' m**ach all the tient• ; wk. nti_ht be well and haply. if tl..y ..uly used Dr. Carson's tit-.tu:uh Bitters ..era.i.isliy. It is a spirudbd bit..d pnrih.r. All druggists :N) eerie' A sle..leg 1. all Mawklod. 1u these times whet, .sur newspapers are tl..oded with Latent medicine adver- tisewent•, it is gratifying to know what to protwre that well certainly cure you; U you are billet's. 1,1....41 out of order, liver inectiir, .•r ;eneral debilitated, `iellime4rttt,thirtll in the wn td that w111 cure you s, quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a blessing to all mankind, and can he had for only fifty cents a bottle of James Wtls,n. 12:1 A choice ass rtnseet et Fresh Field Wells on hand, for Sul. at Reasonable Prices AT THE CASH STORE. THERE IS CHEAP Crockery & Glassware, Lamps, &c. A Fi'LL LiNE (1FGROCERIES CANNED GOODS. Cheap and Good. Give slim a Call ! G.H.OLD THE GROCER, -t- ;1' . Nl/l • cop M YNAOQUAIMTMD WITN TNS OIOORAPNY OI TNIS COUMTRT, 11/1 1.1 egg RT IMAMIMIMO TIIN NAP. THAT TNM t,S1 r CHICACO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC IVY, going t`.e Creat Central Lire-, affo►Js t0 travelers, by r.eoOn 01 Its untwisted gees' graphical position. the short**t and best routs between tare Mast. northeast WI/ Southeast. and the West. nkat. Mwea' end Southwest. it Is Ittsraiy any strictly teas. Mat uta coo/mations are as of use Wools.' Hoop of road batsman the Atlantic and the PoeIAO. By its main one and branches it reaches Chkrago. dells!. Pearls. Dosses. La Bath, O.nee.o. Moline and Rock Island. In 11111eia I Daveap►t. Musieseleta, Washinston, Keokuk, KnOav:lis. ONwloosa, darnel 1, Das Monies, tweet Llbem Iowa Clty, Atlantm, Avoca. Audubon. Harlan. Guthrie OMgr add Oosnweel ewe. In Iowa t Callattn, Trenton. Cameron and Kansas Olty, In Missouri. and Cesar worth and AteVi*on in Kansas. and the hundNes 0f eines. ysngss and seeds Intermediate. The "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE,* As it is familiarly malted. offers tJ matters all the advantages and sonsillIND incident to a smooth track, sate bridges. Union Depots at ad connecting peNttse Fast Eaprsss Trainej composed of 00MM0040YM, WELL 1/RMTILATMD. WW1. MUTED. FINELY UPNOLST'RED end MLEOANT DAY °CAMIN S I ;s line M tile MOST MACNIFICENT NORTON RECLINING MANS OARS ewer name i PULLMAN'S latest designed and hand.Oeivt PILLS= ImmVo.° OARS. and 05111040 0AM that are aetnowledgSd M peals am: peOON tea the P1NE11T 511111 UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY. and in *Wert superior mesal{ are wad le trostaillell se the lO* rate of sIVMNTY-Ilk's *.EMTs MACH. THRE[ TRAMS moon way between 06110A00 sad tfte MISSOURI RIYMR. TWO TRAINS came way between CISICAOO and MIMMSAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. Oa Use famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New and Direct Use, via Seneca and Kankakee. resp reeestlp bees wise 4. between Newport News. R10nm0114d. Cinenttata. Indianaplis air. La Fayette. end Council, Shifts. St. Paul. Mlneeepolla and intermediate pointe. All Through Passengers carried on Fast [sprees Train. For more detailed information. see Map* and Folders. which maybe Obtained. as well as Tickets. at all principal Ticket Offices in the Unittd States and 0nwawa. Or d R. R. CABLE, R. ST. JOHN, Vbe-Pree't • Oen•I Manager, Osn•I T•k•t • Peee'r Agp''a CHICAGO. URE akk Bradaeh, sad relieve C1 no. trouht,a ,rel. dent to a bilious stale of the system, such as 11).s. wares. Nears. Drowenrr, Datives after re= Pato 1e lbs 8:dr, At. White the;r mast rrtae:k able 1051151 has bees *•ova la caring Beaasche jet Cislter•.Llttie Liver Tills are seen any valuable ie ('onsupathoe, camas and prev..ttat this.nemytsg complus'. with. obey sero core., t all disorders of the stomach. shandy - the live" G ad regulate the bowels. Eves If th.1 only cured EA GREAT. URLINCTON ROUTE' -C 4 'PRINCIPAL.+LINE ►-, The bdoltTlKJT, VCItEEST ate Aad Nalt +•• 8137 Its, to at. J•sryt eem is loot, •-blaas. Top kaa- MN.ia4lao.rl.Eta• I4' 1, j4 .oaDslislkill1OY- sat, New Nettro, Arltema teas see Tessa ,'I:• e ah.; ws.14lratmastpricricaa t. tt who suffer tr on ins distressing complaint; but hate - Welly then madam doss wired here, and *boa who ones try them old dad these little pilla • da - .U. I. s may way* that they will set be otihag 1 Ilia do without that. Baader all akk bead CHE Is the bane of M assay lives tkatbare n w• ^rets11 stake our great bosst.i Oar pills car. •til::, others do not Carter's Little Liver TAIu ars eery • ..t., guff wry easy to take. Otiose two p.lia suss., s '.ars. They are strictly sortable and do Ie.t sr .• M Furl, bet by their gentle action please all who n ee them. la stabs at ss owe: are for 5s1. said by druggists everywhere, .r sod by matt. CASTER MEDICIItE CO., New York City. The SeeiiiMer PIo lifT. 1. PeTTEH. PCILES.L LONGA. e "asf v. Chfase III. ,met-sles ...111 Ceaadian Pus. Ag t, Torono, Ont 011In. B. Jonweroe, Tick.' Agset, (Iodise\ CHS A. CO - les Rosa has es serener ter Albert 0leaeapelb ass at. Taal. Xadeadly nested al the tralverwil• bbe tae beat egteilysse Iils lre1 la the M std tor eh slaws of trowel KANSAS CITY A11 ceeasetlsss made in r Three.rry d4(1 Thr e. Thins eta th sad yea els Gbb.ad Lusesad novenae a ► Weal .aallwM lusap, arm*, of aa. nett." *M C. All 1111h,rt*0tn. *hat Ras of res. 0I.•.•,fts. .n. rte .•K'Mn a r. ••s '.e I rORTHE CVRsO1 co seen fJS• COT..,... '' 6 NCIIITiS and .1111-08 aM Ff I'L1EoPERSONS or advanced wage CONSUMPTION' BRAYL PROPRIETOR - • MONTREAL. stE seals Iso 1tlMtlsw F A R M E R S 11iJ SsteMg Ntveb,e; hilt MOM MOW Meurer* 0f ohtataiag Plows of Ow alarm Mae ametabonsloe to fits les ta1 Y ei bei Nos, 04 le and tqq ega be fete seed with tete sane by eppllatieu to the fires. M111111 Wray Mersa, At *See midnekirlinli Foundry, Goderich. Bapaim of an the ahem views e a ales bs s► eqg Dryden telae at taw imam " Ylee know leer tusk, NA Air - MIMEa 15 P r opt Of se Plows akar&