HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-13, Page 5- rAh HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JUNE 13. 1` 5 a east of $14 aper M. delivered. There is a steep hill at one ..t the approaches. The reaves orf Ashfield think it destrwble to rates the fluor about two feet ht•,h.r, au as 14. I.reeeut the water from t -bins etown the bail right of to the goat I the 1, dg.. which would uu doubt be . u OR - 3433011341111. 'rhe bridges ou the Lusk - row sad Lake Shure toads will all re- quire repairs, more or leas, .a well as Help's bridge. The bridge on the boun- dary between Wawan ash and Colborne, and the bridge at Dunlop will require twee slight repairs to the approaches, and Beautifier bridge requires wale similar slight repairs. The 80..r of the Goderich bridge was eery dirty, winch 1 had cleaned, at a oust td $b. The rol- lers on a loch the rude of the sr ••{struc- ture rest will require to be cleat.vd sod tiled, as direct by the builders_ Celestes Mame, ltuad Comlttlsel.•ner, aar..KT Of L HARPY, ROAD COM. Being instructed at the January meet - ng to have a new superstructure oil the t Id piers on the Bannockburn bridge, I therefore received tenders on the 20th f May, sad let contract to Shultc and Lemont, for the sum of $694, which sum includes the raising of old piers fourteen ti:ches, also for building of t.unsrrary I,tidtte and making a deviation road fur the secom,n dation of travel while a now ne wee wader construction. A bridge ..n the Perth boundary between the Tpa .1 Tuckerssmith and Hibbert, opposite hot 30, will have to he rebuilt this sum- mer. I met the inspector of Perth in early part of May last, and atter some consultation we agreed to recommend .tone abutments and iron superstructure, to be laid be(.ro both Councils ,.t the June eeestun for their approval. Stone can be got at the Hibbert quarry a dia- tattce of about tour tiles from the place of budding. Mr. Carrie, inspector of Perth, has also received offers front the Hamilton and Dominion Bridge Cos. -- the latter offering to complete the .upet- structure, 28 feet span. ready for travel, for the sum of $425. Another small bridge en the tame boundary between l'sbor'ne and Hibbert will require some new timber and flooring to make it safe fur another year. The bridge near Kirk - tun, between Blanchard and Usborne on same her, will require some repaint : the rods ars uifeloose an 1 must be ti. ht hen - ed. Mu.l Creek badge. on the boundary between Huron and Middlesex, will also require ...,ne...rrsl:e repairs or rebuilding this veto. Tuts bridge was built shout VIM years ago And •tome of the timbers are very rotten. The present structure is about 80 ft in length, but when rebuilt can be shortened to about 35 feet. Aux thimble bridge. on same boundary, should be painted and the rds tightened. The approaches at this bride are 10 or 12 feet high ; there should be a fence placed on the embankment for the safety of public travel, providing the county of Middlesex will pay half the cast. The small triddfe on the Crediton road known SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR JUNE H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., BRJ TTFORSi We are offering Special Bargains in the following departments, being half regular prices: - DRESS GOODS. ALL WOOL. CREAM NUN'S VEILING .. ALL WOOL, BLACK NUNS VEILING COLORED DRESS GOODS, in great variety, . . . . . • PARASOLS. ' PARASOLS, LACE TRIMMED. LINED, .. .. .. .. .. .. from A1.00 SUNSHADES, PLAIN AND LINED . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. PRINTS, MUSLINS AND SATEENS. We have a Choice Assortment of thew Goods, Beautiful in Pattern and Low in Price. . for Inc. . ..for 121e. .. from 12ie. .. from Vice. KID GLOVES, LISLE GLOVES. 2 BUTTON GLOVES, NEW SHADES, .. .. .. .. .. .. 50e. worth $1.00 3 BUTTON GLOVES, NEW SHADES, ... .. .. .. 50c. worth $1.00 BLACK AND COLORED SILK (GLOVES, ALL LENGTHS, JERSEY MAKE. EMBROIDERIES AND LAWNS. We have Just Received a Consignment of Very Handsome Embroideries, Choice in Pattern. and the Cheapest Goods of the kind offered. Samples Sent on Applioation. 1-3_ W_ 3MRETI30T.TR dr. CO_, Brantford, June 12, 1884. BRANTFORD. se. GOAL OIL STOVES. JW). Sanders AMERICAN A■Asra k w7ossl.altss ('sloes. c�oDERIO _ COAL OIL STOVES ■ nn', F.RPECTKU DAILY AT t4 John A.Naftel's Hardware Emporium MRS. SALKELD tla. "curb pleas's. to aaaouae Ng ...at h.. Stock of Spring and Summer Millinery 1. au,. cuwplete. cad cowl rt..* 4'1 11.. Latent Novelties in Hats, Flow( rs, Feathers and all kinds of Faney Goods. Prices Low and I t'ork Guar(tnfecd to Please. A CALL SOLiC1TED. MRS. W. SALKELD, Unclench, April It IMI. I i I - !us atomeaaer M Mei Jeri* W aal■% MILLINERY ! MILLINERY! We have much pleasure in antenneing to the Is. Iles of GSJertrb and vtclait Y. Ibat Our Stock oj S,rui4, iviti Surn:ner _Millinery IS NOW COMPLETE. .5 I t'(,:i1-1..1r1L•' A T %I:IkTV t'F Beautifully Trimmeg Hats and Bonnets, Comprising all the New- est Shapes. All Nfe Cordially Invited to Examine our Coods. Pothers, Flowers and Trimming Goods "THE TORONTO HOUSE." 'NM est ridr of t$.pe :.• ,u• t: door r.. 'ten; w .: • Veldt *mai. Goderich.April b0. 1001. WVri_"2" BTOC r. r. MILLINERYI Is now (omplete, sad wW be /egad seeing tw,e dor a LLI El CC O PA >"' v cc) W U Goderich Foundry 1 1 The wade Med. having purchased the Goderich Foundry aro Machine Shops, and bating III int the same in good repair, will take contracts for Flouring !hills,. Steam Engines, Boilers, � '♦ And other Machinery wanted. 0A rlil minds of Castings Made to Orders, O Flouring Mills Ghaaged to tit. Gradual Reduction or Roller Sister. r Wil loop Agricultural Implements on hand. and do all REPAIRS oa short notice. as Holansn's bridge, wiII also require some I O .ruall repairs. Ptauble bridge on the town 0 ne between Stephen and Hay, has one "Man of 85 ft., is tame sagged, and 1 w:,uld recommend placing a bent in the centre. If thea was done the bridge would last four or five years. L. Hector, Bridge Commissioner. Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded by Mr. Hays, that if an arbitration takes place between -the toowtn1ip of Morris and this county, G. Edwin Cresswell be appointed arbitrator on behalf of the county, and that the clerk notify the clerk of the township of Morris that the county has appointed an arbitrator ; and that a ley -law be passed confirming the said appointment -Carried. By-lesr No. 5, 1884, appointing a county solicitor, was rests and paased. M.ted by Mr. Emco, wooded by Mr. Beacom, that in the event of the town- ship of Morro proceeding with the claim against this cnurcil, the warden be in- structed to request the county solicitor to defend as he thinka proper --Carried. By-law No. 6, 1884, imposing the county rate, was read and passed. ANLBy-law No- 7, 1884, equalizing asaess- senu, wan read and passed. By-law N... 8, 1884, imposing • Legis- lative school equivalent, was read and paired. • w No. 9, 1884, fixing the malaria' of the county officers, was read and Imaged. • w )C o. 10, 1884, appeil tat g an arbitrator, was read and passed. The supplumantary report of the rinanee committee was read. Moved by Mr. Strachan, in amend- ment to the report, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that the county treasurer be - paid his salary from the 23r1 day of January, the day of his appointment, without any further claims whatever. Carnes on a drid.,n by the casting vote of the warden. The report was submitted to the aeon - al as amended, and adopted. Moved by Mr. McMurchie, seconded by Mr. Henninir., that the clerk be in- structed to esmmunicate with the Dominion BriddgeCo., and ask them to report t.i him what progress they have swede with the irn work of theManebeuter bridge ; and to notify him when the iron as ready for testing ; and that commis- sioners Hardy and Gibson ge to Toronto or Hamilton to see the iron tested --Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Beacom, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that the road commis- sioner be empowered G. employ a uni- potent engineer, and. if necessary, to obtain appliances to thoroughly test beth Manchester and (irieve's bad p•e when completed, and take theta off the hands of the contractor when satisfactory - Carried. Moved hyo Mr. Griffin. seconded by Mr. Yount:, that this council do now adjontn, t.. inert again on the Brat Tues- day in Der.•u.ler no=t -Carried. Weer Street. sex, door to the Post Office. •Tbe Cheapest House Coder the Sun." April it IBM. 1 Fuld aid Gen Seeds. The subscriber is now prepared to furnish all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds of the BEST VARIETIES at rates that eannot be beaten in Cotlerich. Call and examine samples be- fore purchasing elsewhere. REES PRICE, East Street Grain Depot, Opposite Town Hall, Goderich. March 13th. 1514. 1*4- J09N aCTAEMART tl14 r NJ* nTagrr Has opened out a toll line of GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Fresh. Chow. and of the beat brand.. FLOUR 8z MEAL_ Lede•eleb !at•heaa Goocatcn, Jame 12. 1004. Wheat. 1 ov. Pal:IPb.ash.h.a.. .b. .. .............. .1 $11e1 e11 M riWhot.pOtaretg1..Y.Bei 110 a M Oa•s. • bud%.. . . ... .... . 0 0 00 Peak T• bush. 0 A 0 72 Marley., hook .. .. 0 12 4► 0 >o 1'oseee.a e. hush sew" O N te e n Hay. r tea ... .. .... ......... r 11111 • fan Barer • t#.. ..... . le M n If NUM i Ms laspiliil.::, . .. 011 M 0 a O3,..... a 11 0 u ItlMwf., • ..:.:............ •fat • I s P44 • es1wr��.. a ;e ' at rlooy, tf ev .......... » .... Nt " 110 era t ....y•.•.{•• • M " t EATS J. B. RUNCIMAN. R. W. RUNCIMAN. kb. April M. IBM. 1g.olr A thoroughly equipped Butcher {Skop In on adotHm. Spiced and Cured Meat. pork. rte., eleven' variety A rail r••apectrutty solicited. JOHN MaoTACA3ART. Ood ertch Mar h 1143.. 11M. 111`bn Foothill Nurseries sem` Ac�a>�fa- Children's Dresses, at 10c, 12#e., 15c., 20e.per yard. COLBORNE BROS. Have Just revived a large consignment of Cottons. Coitenades. irucks. ('heck Shirt- tail* and Tweeds at lower prices than an ever. Can and see them. A splendid assortment or PRINTS now la Stock. ?s.0 New Patterns to chews from. .e Br sure aad see their Factory Cottons before buying. Oederic b. Feb. 11th, itH4- Latest Slides and the Best fihscd "irk i-.' the Mose Moderate Prices. A IN! BfpiciPd. MISS GRAEA Sorca.et 7.7Tem.ted_ WALL TINTS - KALSOMIME COLORS. THE SQl"'.iii:. The OhIca: In Every Made. ReadyMica Peaks. Penehen's Cottage Cobh. Bed Ceet11esad. Wire end otters can get tcolor they require without the trouble at MaimWnnsseed to be Firm -Claes in every resite't. and to taws eatb0actkw. Per sate def> John A. NaftelIs Hardware Emporium 31'=C==77-3=1:) I -A ray: PiItCK$- FOVLI BERGE---ALL WOOL 23 Inches Wide, at 23 Cents: --.SPECIAL VALUE. I:oa=4:'.It'II. _-_Ouse, Si-irra.S./.C1�.1�.........r _r`3 .. Sow-► x -er One of the Afost Comfol( r. ',/(1 -les iia Goderich. LATEST STYLES AND LOWES r PRICES. Miss Wilkinson's, - Chicago "louse. Goderich. April 141b81. 1at11 THE PEOPLE'S STORE. For Cash 1 wi'1 yell all kinds .•f (,..ala at Loasst ('rices See Those 10, 12z.17, & 20c. Dress O oocts. TO MOTHERS OF FAMILIES 1 NOTICE THOSE GIN(.IIAMS-11. I`+A ant 13c. EXAMINE THOSE PRiN IS: 5c., 8c., 9c., lOa, 124o. No trouble t.. show (,nods. Don't purchase i• shore are not facts. . I off'r a few pieces of DRESS 0001)S, suitable for Wrappers and THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION. SALESMEN WANTED To h•gin work at once on Fall Oaks. !heady employment at axed Belisle. to all wIltIab to work. Matt wad w•ratt ran have P.caaal1 Wort the Year Rood. Good agents are Noting trent 100 to 1175 pe month and essesaas. Or erms and ewtat free. Address SIOSE A WELLINGTON, Italt5ltet- Tomato, (1st AGE less than Tee Urea et i N toe eIs.wia•.a.lt Ii sry� Handwntneot 1bse be e.e....tlrr t wtee ser ir/es. Isasest a.11hi greats to aweata It. Anys1e t. Goderich. March tlRb. 101. 11111.3ei. DON'T READ THIS 1 McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO, Maawtactare ell kinds 01 Machinery (fps of the beet gaallty. Also Bolt Cutting, Wool and Cylinder Oils. Twaa LARDINE W. H. P,IDI Y, Tao People's Store, Godes. GREAT REDUCTION fN PRICES. Raving retired from the Liquor business. 1 now devote my attention to GROCER=E , Which I will offer lower than any home in the county. My facilities for handling Defy Co:npctflon. I purchase direct from the lb -finer) it car load lots. Iaim tasks a specialty of curing Sugar -Cured Hams raid Breakfast Bacon. LARD BOLD BY TEEM P6IL_ Read the follows quotations : STANDARD (IRANI:LATE') SUGAR, 11 ails for $1.00. COFFEE SUGAR, lisjttes for L00. BRIGHT YELLOW, _ 14 the for 1.00. West Side Court House yuan•, 0010111 11111. C SO_ AN17- ..-ae�miasaias art[ O IEI TT 10 O X L 1M1Jin Camel be beaten tar pries and vents. Per Ye r all Ilabloe. R. W ■ MCKENZI.E (SIC}N OF THE FADLOOg_) -15 nKAt/tl!".IItTF:uN FOR - STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE With Barbs Either Fens or Six Inches .lpart. FULL LI !s :,Q OF Spades, Shovelsand Gardening Tools. -ALSO A lI"L1. STOCK OF --- GENERAL HARDWARE!' aP113OZAL PALVM XIV Paints, Oils, Glass and Painters' Materials. SHEFFIELD CUTLERY. R. W. MCKENZIE'S.