HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-13, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE i3, 1884. EEREIBLi PXPIRIbiNCI. A TALK WITH JIFF DAVIS. I arta." alis." tie.*•. us i a w las —_ 1 R ail as$ is eta •sial ease. ♦ oweisssamd snarly fatal .oddest os- I Mt. William L Taylor, of the law first Mesa to Oars. 11kLood sod Capt. Quist g as Thankg maim peeuli•r eireuttiistanses Augtles Tuesday evening last about 7 o'clock, eaer0Vblb,t driving from Port Elgin to Smith- Ill•ftliamples, .std nearly half way humse they ahosters . startled by • few short grunts on '"Abs ro.tfaide directly opposite their horse Iof the Confederate leader as d esm• typt rtti ' which at the save time bee fright- � Attune plantation mansion, one .tor7 t idolseed and ran •way followed by • huge m height, with specious halbile- aand an ile- a Tbheeet in felt pursuit. After about one hal( peeing portico. Ti. house hes in view olio' mile had hien travelled at a fearful rate 'of the,ut' it, end is a.rruuuded by *thick grove ..f orange and magnolia tree* Mr. Taylor says he was rec.ivd cordially Mr. Davis, and, after they had been by talking a few moments, Mrs. Jeff Davis and her daughter, • hand- er i ' .sold be felt by the fugitive gentlemen wine young lady. •ppeard in the ow TII begs behind, when a happy thought , room, accompanied by • young Chicago 1'4 sur 1 Mama Capt. Quiuu, if he only through I Dwyer. Mr. Davis insisted that he of Peelle & Taylor, returned yesterday from New Orleans. While w the trip he visaed Jefferson Davis at thio bale, sear lieaavesr, sad Nashville Railroad, midway betimes Mobile and New Or. liana Mr. Taylor describes the home 111!_!C!! of ed the hurls soon began to show wN •►R us d exhaustion, and slowly but sunt- an )pr their fearful pursuer began to gain spa them till at last the Tare of its tate a tapes, and the very heat of its but breath a't' has sae oust to the beast, they might yet be ddh lathe laved . and quick a■ thought the coat was wmr thrown to their would bedevourer,which b yl nes ung told ford th, Self leaf sus rend e ek MI ores kg ti Lori II ,-• mit It Il g lum a dri teas turn to pieces in an instant. This pore the pursued a start, but alas ' it was 1 brought up. only of momentary duration, for ss soon 'What is the $o.tbern estimate of the Be lthe beast had gone through the coat, Federal Generals f' inquired Mr. Taylor. new b e started after there more furious than '1 cannot give you the Southern oas- is mind soon closed upon them once mate,' Mr. vis replied. 'I can give some clothes were you my owe estimate.' at. should retain in the house over night. Dunne the evening the couv.natiun turned up..o the war. and Mr. Davis talked freely on all subjects that were A Baaasa'sk Tsserrorir. — Fee a O..th, Cole ur any Bruushical aAsciaa "Pontin," in my upitsiou, is just the thing. there geed it in wy family (or Coughs and Colds fur the past four years with the inert uuvariod amass, and to- day my opiates of it is that 1 matinee to think mill more of that which 1 betas thinking well of. Gan. Kars, Manages- Ontario Bask, Price 'li .este at all dremriM & mm disposed and efor more 'What do you think of Grant r was m*p.ad of for the benefit of the pursuer. l+i ILis time two vests and a coat were asked. the thrown away to appease the wrath of 'Griot,' he said, 'was largely a crea- Fart their hungry foe. These, however, only tore of circuutatauoe. 1 remember that M seemed to increase hie wrath, for with a the first time I met Grant was when he beat hound he sprang at the rig, but went past was *rationed on the Pacific Coast as a mill. it and fell, but recovered himself in time Lieutenant. I was then Secretary of mad to catch the hone by the off fore leg se War. He was charged with drunken - ht be paved throwing the occupants out on near and neglect tet duty. 1 gave him their heads both receiving severe inju- his chutes between standing tnal and re - was} tries in their fall. The noise created by signing. He resigned. I knew he on l the poor home, as the animal attempted would. General Grant was a great min- ty bite him was fearful. The gentlemen tart' commander. Ho was very tenaci- ,, took advange of this favorable moment ous. He fought a battle as a matter of lee crawl to a fence near by, and were on- business. Men were men cogs in the boa tit taken from behind it when some men wheal. All the mw and means he want - visit mese to their rescue and dispatched the ed were placed at his comuand, and he 1, murderous assailant, which proved to be had every advantage. He would have gone m . gh been discharged from the Army of Pub. - au the fpr the bow .ese bad his reit 1 cele ▪ eco pel nits TOW rag uu rad 1 era, e ort anc shit fink id I R let } w ee 801 fel aw W to lia brl bop( s tlN doff rte rhe i 1.0 is v: s huge boar which had a 1 thn.0 F some unknown cause. Beth gentlemen mac if it had not been that tow many tense c,nveq.d to the Busby's hotel and changes hail already taken place in the army.' 'What is your estimate of tion. Sher- man i' was asked. 'Sherman, Mr. Dat -is said, 'was looked upon in the South as Alaric was by the Roman. He was their 'scourge trim of a fire hall for the village will take of God.' He was zruel, yet he was a great strategist. 'Yes; interrupted Miss Davis, 'he was • inhuman monster. Whet he did not use ha destr. yed.' 'Sherman hesitated,' Mr. Davis con- tinued, 'for • long time between joining the Confederate army and the ('pion army. W e were uncertain which lee would do. He finally joined the Union arniy, thinking, I suppose, that more could be gained by it: 'My idea,' remarked Mr. !Avis, is that Meade was the most skilful General in the Federal army. Gen. Lee once said to me that he could understand the movements of all the Generals in the Federal army easier than those of Gen. Meade Those above Meade never al- lowed biro to display his full power. He was hampered and kept down through jealousy.' Mr. Taylor—How did you regard Mc- Clellan 'Weil, sir, McClellan was the best trained soldier in the war. While Sec- retary of W'ar I sent him on three im- portant missions—one to Europe, to 'study military methods. He returned with a better knowledge of military dis- cipline any man inthods his country.' possessed Mr. Taylor—Could he have entered Richmond if he had pushed on across the ('hickamauea 1 'Well,' Mr. Davis answered, laughing. 'I once knew a farmer who raid that if his foresight had been se good •a his hindsight he might have made a fortune on cotton. Something of the same kind w•aprebahly the fault with McClellan It he had known the weakness of the Confederaees, and had thrown his army *croesthe river, I think he could have entered Richmond, We thought he would, and I believe Oen Lee thought so, too.' Mr. Taylor—Who do you mud as the greatest of the Confederate Gen- erals 1 'I consider Gen. Sidney Johnson as the greatest General produced on either side by the late war. Oen. Lee stands next in my estimation, and as we move away from the war his desperate strug1le against overwhelming numbers will be a 4 and of Missions during t'.5 last century : marvel in war annals. Dr. Stewart writes ou the Obligation of 'Mr. Lincoln was a vulgar jokes,' Mr. the Great Commission ; and Ilelen Davis said, 'but withal he was a great Campbell tolls the 1. uching story of Jack man. He was wise and he was honest. "the jail bird." There are ale-. finely He could have been of great geed to the illustrated erticleaon English Cathedrals, South if be bad lived, and his untimely and on Lady Bra+yey's yacht voyage death was a groat los M es.* He was t around the world, quiet and apparently in deep meditation i The new tulttfso.1isiPnsting wit t July, for ....s l mannas, and then resumed', • will have et pious i Iustrati'us of "Holy •ye•.., it was a :creat loss, for he was sac - Resells," "Walks about London " "In eeeded by a I..w, mean demagogue - Bible Lands,'' '`Venire," "Japan. Ja demagoguehnsnn—end demagogue is the worst "Arun rel the 1rorid in. the 'Sunbeun,' 1.1 ,nen. Johnson was unschooled, but a Me., with articles by Fronde. Gladstone, man of great native ability. He had no President Nelle.. Principal Grant. Judge convictions, and tried to please all Lin - I• Jones. Dr, Carlo .tt. Dr. Sutherland, coin was a man . f great vigor of mini.. Prof. Voter. M.1'.. Pmf. Shaw. John although he was plain and rough. if Beside, Esq , J..'o. 4' mirror., E'.1 . and Mr. Lincoln had lived, the South would many others. N t' IS a .'0.'d time to have had a President that understood g1.hvcribe. $l for .. i,..liths. her a'nditint, and he would have been f ea of more benefit to her than any other Carpi rabies. man could possibly have Men He was it may surprise the ;(....tl people of an honest man. His death was a great no Canada to learn the. the corn cr.") ha, nti'fortnne to the South. ni been immensely incre tool in Canticle. No , ' 'Why should .teaa whose blood is warm within Sit ke his grandsire oat in alabaster 1 Or let his hair grow fumy, scant sad this. When • 'Cream L. isasswu,will make g. row the faster. Fur sale by J. Wil - sou Just It is said is St Paul that hundreds of teams are now ea*aged sear Itlsmarck in gathering buffalo buses, fur which the sum of $6 a tun is paid by persona who send them t' Philadelphia for grinding into fertilizing powder. But so great is the supply that Bismarck is to have e "Dose meal" mill of its own within • few months. Such facts briar to mind the enonusus and wasteful slaughter of buf- faloes, largely the work tit men who use ugly the hides; or of tourist sportsmen who are neither for hides nor meat. At least rome of the bones are now to be turned to account. thr( t#*de comfortable.-- [Port Elton Free snit press. she' -\P war is M whi wolf age 11 has lite grtl 11 the 7a% was res ask int tie ata yR4 tat m C U th t 1 it T 0. t w p d d 8 It it Luanow. The voting en the by-law for the erec• piece ors the 17th of June. THgeaa MILLIdiN4 IS ii —.W'm. Mc- Lean bought ret this section on Saturday bast 83 head of cattle for which he paid the sum of ltg,(r_'0, an eremite of $107 per head. Who says cattle don't pay? Moat Goon l'arrtx.—Jaid Dryden, of the 1st con. of Huron township, de- livered in this village .•n Friday last to Mooney four steers fur shipment,fur which ha realized the handsome sum of 8407.50. Paawtxan.—Dr. Hutchison, who has practised his profession in this village and vicinity for some time Doctor has gone tin Bright to reside. The Doctor during his residence here made many friends said his departure is ;generally regretted. Bright is to be congratulated on securing two of our moat popular citirens in the persons of the Doctor and Mr. Charles Bu:hbrford bath of whom we wish every e mcees. A MAMMOTH (1*. --The largest ox ever seen thew parts,and wedoubt if his equal in height can be found in the Dominion, was delivered to James McLean, Battle dealer, on Tueeday morning lit, for Shipment to the Old Country. Although sot in very good condition he turned the sales at 2,170 pounds and stands eigh- teen hand high. While here the animal was viewed by hundreds, and all agree lis p.roru.unciDY him the largest they had ewer seen. —(Sentinel. Literary %entre.. Canadian Methodist Magazine for Jone. MM. -Price Vs year ; sl for .1x months : 5 seats per number. For sale at all book• .teres. This number flttit4pt(ly celebrates the hundredth year of the settlement of mit tipper Canada, by a number of patriotic sad U. T. Loyalist i oeins and prose arti- cles. John Cameron. Esti., editor-in- chief of the Toronto ti/dor, contributes a jgraceful sketch of 'Travel in Switzerland. 'Up the Rigi.' A companion E.iece from the same skilful pen, "Up \nu- 4 tries," illustrated, will shortly appear. A striking article. by Dr. Itorchester, e lbows by the aid of six engraved (haven's fes♦ the rainarkable pro;tress of Mtethudisin t:tadalloar's Tarte Train. r,MN- and ream* Put noun's Painless Cern Extractor, the great remedy fur cornu. u ansulately sate and p•isless, does its work promptly, withost in the lava interfacial with the oota(ort of eta, std is absolutely alone ass ode painless remedy for Dorn* Do set be imp.aed upou by dangerous counterfeit* l se en Putnam '• Curet Extractor. Beare ed lease substitutes. Sold everywhere by druggists and deal- ers in medicine. Take only Putuaw's Painless Extractor. N. C. P,Iwn t Co., propels, Kingston. At • Liberal gathenni, a few evenings ago, in the borough of Marylebone, • prepaid was made to oak the premier if he would allow an emblematical compli- ment to be paid to him on his forthcom- ing birthday its the shape of a button- hole d.r breast decoration. consisting ..f the lily supported on oach side by a leaf of the oak and the ivy—repteesenting what are considered by many thousands of Mr. (lladatone's admirers as his strik- mg attributes—mately, " Purity ,stren gib and tenacity." The suggestion was adopted amid loud applause. The well known strengthening proper- ties of iron, combined with .ober tonics and • most perfect aeevin e, are found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body, sod improve the blood and c.emplesion. lin greases Irlsid Llast.ie$ Is the only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- bing a few drops briskly is all that is liver cdom hints, severe ""'"21"called needed. No taking nauseous medicines p fur weeks, but one minute's application c'onaumption, have been cured. removes all pain and will prove the greet Women gene nearly crazy value of Kram's Fluid Lightning;. 25 cents per bottle at George Rhynes' drug sotn ore. b A Gavot .rfY; That is daily bringing joy t.. the homy f thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is GavotMM Spring is Upon Us ! AND NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUY YOUR Vegetable, Flower & Field Seeds. James Rrevky• Hamilton. says: •'1 road the testimonials for McUrrgoes Speedy- Cure and found I had not loge t0 New York. Philadel- phia. Louisiana or Texas to and living wit- nesses of its valor. we MVO plenty of peewee right herr to prove its merits. 1 got a bolds and it helped rax right away. 1 was as bad with Nihon* Fever and ladipeatwa as 1 think any one would be. 1 hats takes thaws bonsai and am newly well and can eat any kind of food without it hurting lee. 1 may say I •s Netter than 1 ever expected to be. Free trial betties at G. Ithynsi. 2n Not another Pill shall go down my throat again, said a citizen, "when 1 can get such a prompt and pleasant cure for my bilious attacks, 'as Dr. Canna's Stom- ach Bitter. It renders the blood pure and cool end makes a splendid spring medicine. Large bottles 50 oats. National Pills purify the blood, regu- late stomach, liver and bowels. m [Continued.] t-HarT[R 11. wonderful and mysterious curative power is developed which is an varied in its operations that no disease or ill health can possibly saint or resist its power and yet it ii Harmless for the most frail woman, weakest invalid or suallest child to use. Pat lents '-.{:moat dead or nearly dying' For )ears, and given up by physicians of Bright's and other kidney diseases, F. JORDAN. at the Medial Hall, has just ripened out a fresh supply of Seeds of all Kinds, FROM THE Bl{Y'1' SEEDMMEN. FRESH, RELIABLE AND WELL ASSORTED. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, AP -Court Mouse Syusre, Guderich. HUGH DUNLOP, Fashionable Tailor, WEST TREET, Has the Finest Assortment of hoods for Fall Wear to Choose Froin. IF vOt' WANT A Nobby Snit at a Reasonable Price, CALL tiN r u GGH DUNLOP_ CIGARS...... CIGARS. I M PND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN eel Aosta, the N.I . people will claim this as t a product of protection. but l'.,tnain'• at4 Painless Corn Extractor alone is ent.t'ed M all the creelit_ it raises morecort:a 1.. the acre than anything e'er the world sen supply. Sale. sure. and painless. Take ne substitute. c ►rely 25 cents. Try per hand. A grad crop guarantrd. $ewer. of Arsh eating manta ute. N. ('. 1N•1«m it Co., pe* pre., Kinest .•n. it never etre Fp. 11 you are suffering with l•.w and de- pressed spirits, bus o f appetite. general d.h4uty, disordered blood, weak c matt- tuttrm, headache, or any disease 01 a bl- ues nature, by all means procure. bot- tle of Electric Bitten. You will to stur- pttiev 1 to see the repel improvement that •dl follow ; you will he inspired with new life; strength and activity will return ; pain and misery will erase, and hence - you will rejoie. in dm praise of ric Bi.tees Redid .t fifty stints • by J. Wilma. [Aj Wheetee'a Thane rteapt tca. mol. r1�HE SUPPLY OF Ci)VMt'\IED l twain substance can only be had from the nutriment in tits hto.t derived from food. The win 1. s lanai.- who n.rs whlakeT, atryrhnlne. or npinm to nerd hint to pari.wni • work .n hared when i.e .el. tee weak 10 g0 thrnigh it wit how .tlen lila atm, which anpnly nothing but Isorease she eowsaspllon of tis- sue. iei Wherher'. F1.xir 0f ('bo•pkatm. 554 ('alimya we bare she only trove ra•terssirca of Mein waste the only source of nerve (novas found in our fond. From agony of neuralgia. nervousness, wakefulness and various diseases peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from excru- ciating pangs of Rheumatism. Inflammatory and chronic, or-suffer- nig r suffer- ing from scrofula' Dr. King's new Discovery fur Consumt.- Erysipelas tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, ronchitia,j halt rheum,bb.d p.iwnin ,dyspepsis, B Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in indigestion, and in tact almost all die the Throat, Pain in Side and Chest,t.rt' ass' trail any disease cf 0:12Throat and Lungs, . Nature is heir to 1 Have heen cured by Hop positive carr. Guaranteed. Trial Bot Bitten,proof tles free at .1. Wilson's Drug Store. Large °f which can be found in every neigh - size $1.00OS) borhuod in the known world. m _.sties•d trate. naive. The greatest medical w.mder ... the world. Warranted to speedily cure Barna, Rnu.es,Cute,l'leees, Balt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, P11ee, Chilhlainl Corns. Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions. guaranteed to eine in every instance, or money refunded the. pee hoz. For sale by .1. WiI. n. ly. Destroy the worms nr they may des- troy the ehildrert,. 1'.e Freeman's Worm Powders, they expel all kinds of wnrrws. ei First Prise at lit Provincial Show for quality of the Wire. FOUR -POINT BARN Mbf FENCING. SMOOTH TWISTED WIRE. 1111AN 1UC17110Ra EIRE. Washburn & Moen 4.1Am5E5 PATLL'ST Two -Point Wir Fencing Hardware Emporium. JOHN A. NAFTEL'S Cheap BOOTS AND SHOES NEW GOODS_ A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) GEORGE RHYNAS, BLAKE'S BLOCK. THE SQUARE, The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. LAND x EG-uL' ATZO N. The Company offer lands within the Railway Ikit along Ibe main line, and in Soothe Manitoba at priers ranging from $2_50 PER ACRE upwards. with conditions requiring tub italien. A rebate for cultivation of trona soon le ease per sere. accord'sg to price paid for the land, allowed on certain toadittons. 1 L C. many also offer lands without coediting* of settlement or cultivation. THE RESER 1 El) SECTIONS along the Main Line, ix.. the odd numbered se.. i...r.a a (thin one mile of the Railway, are newt offered for sale on •lvantages terns, to partne, prepared to undertake their immediate oniate cul- tivation. TERMS OF PAYMENT: -- Purchasers may pay one-sixth in ounh. ar.d ±l a balance in lire annual instalments. with is terest at SIX PER CENT. per annum. payahl.- in advance. Parties purchasing without condition. oto ulr.tatiun. will receive • [teed of (•onreyaace at time of purchase. It payment is made in full. Payments may be made in 1..‘ NI. (:RANT ROYItS_ whleb will be accepted at ten per cent premium en their tar talie sued accrues niece!. '[hese bonds can be obtained is •p plication as the Rank of Montreal. Meat real :.•r at any of its agencies. FOIL PRl('F-S and ('OYINTNINS OF SA I1: nod all information with respect to the per - chase of Lands, apply to JOHN H. McT.t\'1+H. Land Commissioner. Winnipeg. By orderce the Board CHARLES MU NK WATER. Secretary. 191140 H D `r 1.1 - rel" ill REMEMBER 0P: 1 Wi Have the Largest Stock, $ °�. , The Latest Stylest °a W ki The Most Reliable Goods, _-R p ; v. And the Lowest Prig 8 w e —Lk Ijlco 6z td 433 z m ,, . i) 9._ . . E_. ct _ DO -SN J I N G,rm 0 H 'M Vl Please CallcSt Exams 3 Y, e_ NO TROUBLE W-ATEVER TO SHOW GOODS. Crahb's Block, Corner East street and Sittar.. Go.derich, May 8th, 1884. BOOTS&SHOES L c 3z We df.caup Beg t announce to the Public that they have opened ened business in the above Rtor• in the 'tore laoely occupied by Horace `ewton. Having purchased a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we •redetermine t.. ,•ire the Public the bene5.. QUICK SALES & SKILL PROFITS WILL BE OUR YCTTO Oter-Pl•a•e call and examine our Booth' before purehasiri elr•where. t4l Rtemcmber the place, next doer to J. Wilson's Now Store- ime-('nsom work will receive our special attention. sf-Nune het the heat e.( material need and haat-claw workmen employed. PO-Rrpeering neatly done on the shortest metre DOWNING & W ED DU F f 0 c i any H --,C rri N Q0 b4 ti -*1 O N %) K 8 x�+ QOQ Co 1.3 x� a0. * O a W rjoiu g Ari Des!&n iu Wall Paper. Now le the time. It you wish 00 ti,. no. twn-sat hum:e,'te see Rstler's nes paper 11.- . • over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs 1Besntit l colors. and at price less :pain t. r' mu. h inferior goods. Call and see the= art list. host • Sill. $1 ting . and most besoid The lialst Sriog, ilidziar Palms and Fashions,