HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-13, Page 1WHOLK 11iUMINK J17.
hew AlweW000m's This Week.
House to Rest. -D- Boluses.
Overcoat Fumed -This (idle.
Chilled Plows ('. A. homier.
•Form for Sale Arthur Hauitbe:3.
Swedish Turnip timed- F. Jorda;t.
For Nle or to (tent E. R. W atom.
Tweed Sults tut Ole J. t'. heeler d` ('o
American ('nal Oil Stoves- John A. Natter.
Special Bargains for Jane -H. W. Iltst ser R
Co.. Brantford.
.! Dentist, Once sad residence. West
Street three deem below Lank et Masire1 .
She People's Column.
townie'. and Smith's Hill. on Thous
••ay last, an overcool.. The owner can hare It
to callingst this oils, petrels( 148 11817.
,. • r I lag charges.
fl OOD WANTED-_J01no 300 CHUM
of weed. for which cash will 1s.paid ea
delnveerryy tpply w %Wall A IllEttleA
Broderick. )lay 2tth. Mt. t9LYSt
1 t• prepared to pasture sleek at the Falls
I:raerre. There aro mart) o thousand acres
of good pasture lasd. Nice for yearlings :Sc
per month ; ' year olds and upwards, sl per
n.enth. Apply to SAIII'hi. PLAT Bode -
The undersigned has been appointedt
for placing young Englishmen. who wie6 to
learn farming. in the hands of good farmers.
in the county of Huron. for one year at nomL
sol wages. The young men are brought herr
et emigrants. are trout mit-uteri' to twenty
ate rears of axe. Partite wanting such. can
get all information from JOHN 1R'TLiift.
agent of Dwni•ron Line of Steamships. Omit-
rcch. 194.1-
11' loners and Iron Harrows. will be sold
cheep at the Uederich Foundry. The neatly
Raper and all ropers for the same ran also
be procured front the liwdericb Foundrryy woo
seplksuon by mail to H. SKE(;MIt.I.ItI .
t:.wlerteh. Oat. 19004f
'I' be undersigned has sixty imams of bees
for sale in doable or single boxes. also hives
awl tauoken. together with a large quantity
of hooey In Doe pound boxes. 'rime will be
given by furnishing approved renes. (Mase
order at once. CHARLES HeP1iNE. Carlow
PO. Oat. leW-int
L still reedy to do any work In his line at
moderate prices.
Liao. ltrtc... ►-firebricks. and other Building
Material kept on hand for Sale.
Ondee(dt. )larch >atb, ttlst- 11011am
I'(►}t SALE.
A White Mathis Fountain, heavily silrer
plated. with t wo coffee cylinders. syrup caws.
pips and every requisite complete for the
running of Ibr same. will be offered at a bar-
F.r further particular. call at E. RING-
HA103. where It can be seen. and every in-
fo -nation gii ten.
(ioderich. June tad. MAL 19ea-1t
. the County of Hiroo. ,!alas attended
in any part of the County. Address orders to
• Uodericb P. 0. last.
TiONitZA and Lead Valuator. Oodertcb.
flat. flavins had ooaslderabte experience in
obs aectieseering trade. he Is la • position to
discharge with thorough satisfaction all t'om-
tsissioas entrusted to him. Order's lett at
Martin's Hotel, or sent by small to my addrrvr+.a
(ioderich P. O„carefully attended to. JOHN
.'tNOX County Auctioneer. Itaff-tf
For Sale or to Let.
legs•, °antedateg�t'i
ht ee e. together
with • quarter -sere ea tet with trait
tress. it is dtoated os. Sl. Barbra street. con-
venient to the sq wank and will be rented on
a 1IOL E.ccornrrer sof Xsm sad Y iojw s
A cemmodl^tn besot no Palmerston
street. contain/ng six and two Pare
tries, is on wale or for rest. T re is a geed
gate. and orchard 1n oeanen
otte. mad_ the
bums is uomGxaahle sad e•aveateat. For
particulars apply to IL R. WATRON,
palette. 1147-11
"A chief's amass ye. t•kli notes
As' faith he'll peat It."
Ask for the ..Solid Comfort' sr "Olivetti,"
Goderich cigar.
Hair down over. bases. triremes. etc.. in all
the Sanest seat Menne styles Ilia Girds the mer la a fes the proviuoe, was in Gown on Tues- I (1 r Pay
Family on and homestead scenes mut up day last in the discharge of his duty, and C pt. Mailer. and a number of boys will
spoke well of Goduri:h high school.
John M. Hyslop, of tioderi.h, spent i Veil. Archdeacon Elwood, and Rev. I Mr. John McGillivray, son •,f Rev. A. Manger and chiWrea vi.4ently to the
part of haat week here with hie brother, i J. Walters, will lusts on Monday next, MoOdivray, at the recent examinatinrs ground. The sudden upsetting i.( the
James Hyslop. He was un his way to' attom.l the taoottng ..f Synod to be helot I of Toronto University obtained the de-' buggy thing the horse down, but boners
• in London nett week. This will be the `arse cf B. A., with honors in Hebrew, I the animal could rise to hie test he was
Chicago, when he will made.
John McKay, cooper. is, we re,rrt to (t brat Synod under tits admini•tratinm of I C.haldee and English at the ureal exauIi-
learn, very few just now. He is„bw,i 1 the present bishop. and will no doubt I nations of both 1'uiver•ity Colleens and
laid up for a long while, and has the be of a highly interesting nature. !Toronto University. He was becketted
sympathy of many in his affliction ! Fos Loatxo3t Celli. --The volunteers prizeittan tit Hebrew and Chaidee. His
J. E. Hodgsn, high sehnwl inspector will go tuts camp at London on Tuesday, course throughp,ut although broken by
u cxn will be comwandad by frequent indispositions, has been • good
one. He supplies the pulpit of Knox
church, `_1t. Marys, this summer, during
the absence of the pastor, Rev. W. A.
Wilson, M. A.
la the nwst pleastsg elyle by bellows, the
photographer. fall at studio and sec opera -
The Scott Act is 1/0.17 to be submitted In
Harm .Mwtly, but If all liquor dealers kept as
good and pure liquors as W. L. Horton. there
would be no necessity for the art.
A button bole bouquet. on a fashionably cut
Dost is t cry genteel. and the fashionable coat
can be had at all seasons by leaving leer
seder at Y. R A. I•ridbaru's. crabb's block.
Attention is requested to toe specimen
�Aptq phs now on exhibition at
I nsi, The Reoeral comment ie " How
pretty.- AU styles ofph to suit
tats• a•d poria tiles R. Robson.f
Why will you roast yonrruvea with the wood
stove, when 3) on car get • coal oil stove, from
1,38, up to $10.0L These I have already sold,
Imre given sattsfaction. especially. the IJeity.
Tubular. and Victory, with tour burners. O.
N. tLtvia.
Oil window shades. decorated and pWn.
coal oil stores. Victory. imperial. Economist.
and other stoves made in t antis, at lowest
picture and room moulding • s ial-
tf y. .`launders L- `on rive right value for
your money. The cheapest house under the
STILI. T.. Yee Fewer. R. W t' .an>ui Des
Jest opened out s full and c-oniplce stock of
harvest tools. consisting of full tines of A. S.
Whine/4R1. (.haws. scythes, snaitne and bees,
Mena full line of O. S. Itixford'e myths. Call
and wee for Jowrself, at priors to wit the times.
R. W. mei:ream
Mn. John Fisher isivuitingrfrienda in
Mw Tina McDougall has '••u.• to
C. Crabb has gone on his farm for a
week or two.
A. B. Cowherd, has returned froth
Smith's Felts.
Mn. Baird has returned to her home
at Kin.ardine.
Wm. Craig left out the Oeoatu fns
Sarnia Isat week.
Miss Siften, of London, i• the guest of
Miss Cunniughame.
Mrs. R. Lenin of $trstfo d, is visiting
her relatives in town.
Geo. Swallow and bride. of Clinton,
LY Maces. of the easterly 184 ae'res of
beech " F - la the 7th coweessloe of tie town-
ship et Celbneiw. Thirty sires cleared. re-
mstndar well timbered. good frame harm,
sand water, nice orchard. well fe cod. about
Martaller from Goderl.•h. Terms Banrr i'nr
farther particulars apply to Z. C tMPIOK,
Rarriwer. Uoderlcb. or to A 11TH U RH•t UO H.
Bit V. as the oreenees. 1N7,110
1J iNO ea career of good grovel reed. Husee
Merles. In gond repair. :•tore e.xsl. with
Moe room wood shed. stable and 1 acre land.
P. and daily mall. Term. easy. A pply to
It T. H A Y N F S. xbept'ardtnn. nen
17 OR SELL. M acres. *acres cleared and
free of et naps : all welt fenced : tern welle :
ROM barn and shed and other bulldinge, in -
eluding hrirk rettajr ISx)s, with re!Iar full
arae of house: a mple.n.ikl orchard : latae geek
rens arena. the Pmt. Terms easy Apply on
Premises. lot la Lake Shore head. township
of ire res R. T. H• TINES, She ethos.
spent Sunday in tower. made by their sp.,naork for them at bap- mated Castlemaiue to ataa1 her trial st TIIMPExalu•a Lanni-sm.-Thomas Me-
th* first competent court of juriet:ietian. a.essay one of the agents of the Ontario
posed during the week. (b R'ednosday morning the {rand jury
Aw excursion from R'iugham, under Prohibitory League preached in the
Arrangements_ have been matte f•.r the auspices of the L0►.O,F., •is expected brought in a tine bill anattiat her for i Methodist church on Sunday, and on
lamprlurhtunr West street' here on Wedneidav next. The �Wutghsm ascan t, but it was found that tine to rd )Munday delivered a lecture ou Temper -
Mr. and Mos. Thrower, are now livingpay had flown, having jumped her Mil.
anmet hand will accompany the visitors.'ince in the North street church lecture
in Sanelac county, Michigan.
We are sorry to learn of the continu-
ed ilnneas of 5ir. Ktelatie, of Newgate
John Bond, druggist. of Galt,is spend-
ing a few weeks in Goderich her his
The Scott Act is being mach discussed
on the streets just n is. The csuv-aseers
fur ateliers to the petition to have the
Act submitted are nus uu their rounds.
pitch their tents for the first tIote. About
half -a -dozen mere young men are needed
to till up the company, and anY wishing
to join for the London camp ahou'd see
the officers at once.
The lantd..a Cale:onian Society will
A. Sanders is representing u,.derich held their annual tames ..n August 13th,
Foresters at the High Court held fn I g
Tomato this week. Aleck is one of the I to be Th.folh,iod by a concert in the even-
enthusiastic Foresters in the tog. The mans. ..rs of the games Gave
written to Mayer in••rton., suggesting the
Bounty. `advisability of proclaiming the day. the
Gen. Poe, U.S. A., and a party . f Ani• I civic holiday, of Guderiu:li. Special train
erieaaa, $TTilwd •,n board • OAS" Jaclt I rates are being arranged by the co/Taunt-
on mit-
on Wednesday' evening, and "did" the toe fur the occasion.
town under the escort of some of our The Dominion license cumutie,iunere
Weal erten' :net in (loderich on Tnuaday last, and,
To ore ow•N Commercial/sem. -We • after transacting busineu, adjoun1.d to
would like our aorresp•.ndents to send in i meet at Brunel'. nn 1V'edneaday, June
their items by Wbdnesday, if p..ssible,to ! 25th. The fulluwin.t additional licensee
make sure of their appearing in the car- : were granted : Jas..t Wm. Kerr. hotel
rent issue. I license, tvwnahip of Howick ; John Gof
The Bayfield cricketers, were defeated I ton, hotel license, Wroxeter ; J. .t D,
by Goderich, iu the match, played here; Currie, liquor license, Goderich.
on Saturday afternoon by a acure of 88, Bt•, (' a.'.. NOT/. tt. --With this month
to 43. Vidal's bowline, was the only the first half year of 1884 chem. We
play worthy of special mention. Mare decided to close up All accounts,
The Blyth A•lnr•rt-, under the msna.e- :0ree and small. and those who have out
went of Thos. P,ts:nore, is the latest' paid for THU Suoaat for the current
newspaper venture i•. Huron. It start" { year, •.r who owe f..r advertising or j.>b stren;ah of thought. ani hia earnestness
with it r,.'.l introns: -e and we will be : pnntit.., will please pat ill CA once. Alt s inapirin_ Mr. lfeldruot will tpn' s -
vied t.. loser of the yo.tn., .;'s eu•'ces�t. : acti:o.untt un:at ....tot sol xi -1i the c'.••ae bly prrc, n at St.Andtett's chute i tie:;
J. tin Payne and fast.y' left fur Torna•' of the half Vait•. JI.a11LY.trl'DDt Ho•,e, SSbIatl:.
to . n )l.mday. Mr. Payne. we are f. The concert and Lagan recite', to Ise Tar: DETto,r ular • teal. -Rae hare
pleased to hear,hassecured a good situa- ! given by tea i.:aua. ere of Knox s church received the circular and time -card of
non in the Queen city, and se wish so I is under the control aid direction of tie Detroit Bicycle Club, in cour. T ivy
good a e:ttzan minces' in his new sphere. • Murot
Mies Fish, the organist . f the church, with their proposed Canadian tour. They
Rebecca Bates, the victim of the Cain-' Mr. Foote has kindly cottons -tat to ren- reinpropom to reach her. onThursday, the
tier a member of selections during e thGo "f July. The circular says:-
tonnutge,whu has become violently -"Go3e'ric{• with be reached at 11 a.m.,
sane. was taken t.. Louden asylut:t . u ' evuniug. Through inadvertence. a Ri
wrong impression was conveyed Orwellrie; the rest of the day and evening to
explore the eletran• roads and lovely
our bocci columns last week regardingsce1ery of that fati,jus watering place
the management cf this concert. and vicinity." Goderich has an enviable
Mrs. t't<stlemaine colored sou chars,- reputation amongthe wheelmen of the
ed on Monday with violently arsau;ttna United Staten, and such circulars as the
Mrs. Wilson one day last week. The abut'# are a good advertisement for the
mayor after hearing the evidence nom- town as a summer resort.
MINISTERIAL CHatt>Es. -At thu recent
inviting of Conference the following are
the places int this district where changes
have been trade Gerrie, Jas. Charlton ;
Belmore, J. R. Lybell ; Forttwich, B.
Sherlock ; Palmerston. C. E. Stafford ;
Truwhndgu, Win. Willmott ; Fullerton,
E. A. Fear : Monckton, Ju. Kennedy
Kirkto :, J. J. Cruickshank ; Hensel!,
Alfred E. Smith ; Londesboro John
Hough ; Lucknew, A. G. Harris ; Tees -
water, R. W. Williams ; Dungannon,
John Turner ; Auburn, H. E. Hill ;
Berrie, Gan. Jackson.
secured by his owner. Mrs. Manger re-
ceived some bruises abut the head and
face, and the eldest bey escaped unbar'.
The youngest child, • boy of • few
months, sustained a fracture of one of
his legs. The buggy was *,meld
damaged. At last accounts the lit
sufferer was leaking very favorable pre -
Sterr Art -At a Imeetit.g of the
Executive Committee of th.e County
Convention held at Clinton last Wed-
nesday afternoon, D. D. Wilson in the
chair, 30 )'ice-Prre►deuta were present
who gave an account of the prospects of
the coming tight. Blank petitions were
distributed for each municipality, and a
discussion un the general instructivas
entered upon. The amuunt of money
required for carrying on the work is lbs
County was divided amaog the various
municipalities as follows: -Ashfield 880,
West Wawsno•h $00, East Wawanosk
$90, Morris $90, Grey $125, Turnlssr•ry
$150, Howick $150. McKillop 8150,
The Victorh, B. C., Brit,, t`odon4tt' Hallett $185, Colborne $100, Goderick
of May 213th, say :-lief. A. B. Mel• t..wnship $100, Stanley $100. Ha $s.0,
drum preached in St. Andrew's chunk. Stephen F8f0, Uaburne $100, Tocker-
en Sunday morning and eveuia. Tito rtn,th $l00, Gedori. h $125, Clinton
church was full on tooth uccasi•.itaMr. $150. Seaferth $130. Wingham $100,
Meldrum is assistant pastor of St. John's Brussels $30, Exeter $100, Hayfield >1
1 testiyterau church Dr. Scott's., San
FraticuocI. He received hia theological THE Lone'+ AaMY.-During the week
education at Knox College, Toronto, and the Army has mot with much success
only received hia ordination a short time A number of young men and yuath•
ago. His serinons show depth and hare been convected, and the meetings
continue t.. he largely attended. tag
Monday a reinforcement from Clinton in
charze of Leut. Rielly, assisted by Mr.
Yonn` and a number of "Halleulujah
lads and lasses,' same up, and as the
risitnrs were fond f singing a lively
meeting was held. Lieut. Vickie, of
this station, raid a visit to Clinton an
Tuesday, and says he had a good tits..
Capt. Piper and the lieutenant, and T.
Angus, whutn the Battle ('ru calls the
"blood and fire sewing machine agent,"
will attend a "Jubilee" at Mitchell as
Tuesday next. tin that night a Bibb
reading will be held in the Temperance
Hall instead of the usual service. AO
attending are requested to bring their
Bible, and a pencil and pap•. for notes
wilt prem of assistance. The subject of
the Bible reading will be given out on
Tburday morning in care ..f Mrs. Mc-
Laughlin, the lady bailiff of that institu-
At veinier' ou last Sunday evening,
the children who had been continued on
Friday last, nude a solemn profession of
their baptismal cows, which had been
They will find Gmlerich looking prettier J. Curtis Stevenson, geuet.I se.:retary nam. The lecture was an able and
then ever of the Huron Sunday Schn.,l Asa:ciation. I eloquent nue, and the speaker had the
In at:n^.la..ce with the Health Act, represents that body at the International chose attention of his audience through -
the Beard of Health met en )funday S. S. Convention held this week in ,out He alluded to the beoetits of total
Lest. The mayor was appointed chair. Louisville, Kentucky.Mr. Stevm'.on abstinence, instanced some of the evils
man of hoard, and the town clerk ecce•- will be among the most
attentive mem- 1 of drinking habits, and dwelt upon the
tars. A thorough organization of the tem.
of that vast gathering, and will i beneficial effects of temperance legiala-
d was c ow Istel. bring home puny "crumbs" for the next . ti. A cordial cute of thanks was
The bankers and lawyers, will play • P county convention, which by the way. I tendered the speaker for his excellent
return match m:t Saturday, with the Lung Lat coat Metra. -Aate of lacrosse
If'a will be held in S.eaforth next February. 1 address.
cievrm, will los played here today Friday) at 1 Retaarartott.-On Monday evening . IMPORTANT TO HarmL-agereim. - A
[keV, A. Stewart, NIA , of Clinton, three o'clo.cS:, between the Bearers, of a number of the scholars in l,jiss Lizzie I case was decided un the Court of Appeal
will preach in Knox church "m Sunday Woodstock, and the Hurons of G..d.• \Wits •n s S S. class( North effect 1letho- un Friday in which it was decided that a
rich. Admission 15 cents. The witch
non-twin.dist church> met at her residence, and' hotel -keeper could net be held responsi-
wtll be well worth witnessing.
The West Hun.n Conservatives will gave her a pleasant surprise by present- bre for goads which had been left at his
ins Ler with a han<Ig.ma autograph hotel after the guest apart
Union tampon -ince meetinn,are spoken hold ..ne imperial quart each. The int- birthday card : also an address express -
of, to be hell weekly. The move p is • tfuduction n[a law unction such i sweep- ive of afferti,m and regard. Miss Wit -
god one.
ing change would be appreciated by the won n popular with broth pupt:a and awo-
arer'age hnusekseper in tirderieh. crate'.
THE SwaaL will he sent to any address A FA.+T Rte. -A. Grenache made the M"Nares RHUtats. - The burst
for the remainder of 1884 for , b cents, ren from Lucknow to Goderich on Satur- bunch of rhub.•arb we hate yet seen was
postageThe seekl engine practice is good for ree.
day evening Iaat, 22 utiles, is 2 hours brought into our °nice by Charles Wells,
y and 20 minutes. and returned on Mon- market gardener, on Wednesday. It is
the company and good for the grass on day morning in 2 hours and 15 minutes, called the "Eny,lish Giant," and the
the Court House Park. He takes the cake.-(Lucknow Senti- roots were imported by the grower. The
Hereafter the ()cont.. will arrive in net larger stalks range from 3ft to 3 feet 5in.,
Goderich, .ser Sunday and Thursday each 0...r .. Pannus hu turned agrienl- with leaves over two feet in length. The
week at one o'clock p.ni. tonal this seaso.u, and is working his bunch of ten stalks brought down the
meet at Smith's Hill no Tuesday the Th• Brand, rd City Council has de- had departed. In
24th Mat Bided that berry baskets in that city shall album. and a very pretty an -1 uncommon 1889 one Plain left a trunk at the City
hotel. Toronto, and neglected t.• call for
it fur a considerable time. When he
claimed hts trunk it could not be found,
and he brought an action agaust the
proprietor of the place, Mr. Reed, too re-
cover the value of the trunk. The case
was decided in favor of the plantiff at
the County Court, but Inc Court of
Appeal reversed the decision, holding
that a hotel -keeper is only bound to take
the arne care of a gent s goods after he
has paid his hill as he would his own,and
is only liable
fur neg:igence.
farm in thorough style. He looks as if 'calm at 12 lbs. 2 mat. Mr. Wella is away On Tuesday a casket containing the
the exercise *Mod with him, and we ahead on rhubarb. -- body of Solomon Pollock arrived at
Clinton from the North-west rn none
Two boats of the fishing fleet remained
behind at Goderich grounds, and nude a
five catch dunng the week.
Rev. A. blcOitlevrapp was bb
last Saath
aesiatina v. A-.�'. iiic? ween, of 8e-
roe, at communion services.
Mr. and Mn. Thom, of Montreal, spent
a few days in town during the week,
the guests of Mr. Hutchison.
Miss Leta Reid, of Goderich. has been
engaged as sleswt man in Knight A
Dunlop's confectionery shop, Clinton.
The Mayor and suite, visited the
cemetery, on We.nesday, to overlook
Improvements in the City of the Dead.
A. Ilodg., late of the St. James hotel,
Teruntu, spent a couple rf days in Gown
last week, the guest of his father, D. B
News has come fr.m England that the
wife of the Right Re-. .1. Hellmuth, late
Bishop of Huron, died at Birkenhead on
May '21st.
Rot. Father B.oubet officiated at 81.
Peters '.n Sunday lot, Rev. Fath.r,
Lott being at flatlet, and Father Watters
at Seaforth.
The Misses Grano itnterttw.n, Lottie
Kendall and Dottie Buchanan,of Clinton,
were the guests of Mrs. Smith, East -.t.,
en Sunday last.
nth. on est- Mr. and Mts. Fred V anderlip, of
I Leedom Zook • holida "motto
AA sgeo SAL - LOT IN .. x i,. m,D ,- . on Satorda aced loft on Mends altar
aA LZ -Ilse Ikd t /nn.. R h. >A creep• rlaar ( J. J.
ed. balawo• goe4 hard woad. A good orchard v enjoying ear lake air.
tedleg hems•• 31e"dselop. tom creek minimaltt.I
c'e'aThe eltwwlferry crop hereabouts
se d, •a{ are rainy draimed. T.11.11
e'.'. Apgb T. HA vs Es. ahgpa et . promisee to be an average no., despite
liar, -h 11 the frost, but the picking will be a week
err two inter tilts usual
Mrs. R. L Doyle, wife of Jud. o k,
is paying a visit to friends in 11D
The lodge eseslapeaied hes, het retaea-
Sd to town ee Saturday.
Tiro roller skating rink men frees
'714* Russ. tome'late the •'WwNborie
hat reee.tiy bees rpst,sd le every twasek.
is barometer ►lIn t of roving satlsan+tte• 1w
Hsi travyieng asMb. TtM
wouldn't wonder to heat of our friend IxTgaesyi.'N.tl. 'it O. O. Y. Dims -
taking Imo d IM pgiila at lie tsUtstrtarloa.-It h.. Ivies decided to bold for his late home near }drucetield. The
'' • lit O4lltitlowt Intsrnstinnat Denfanstrit- facts of hia death • ars tragic In the
vicinity of Maple Creek N. W. T , on
the ince-nine of Wednesday of tart week.
Indiana were caught in the act of driv-
ing a number of heroes tint of a corral,
close to the house owned by Salomon
Pollock and partner. Mr. Pollack went
to asoettaiu the cause, without firearms.
He coot into the corral, where he saw an
Indian driving out the horses 1'e
clinched him, and during the struggle
was shot twice in the nght breast. 1io
lived but two hours, and told • ,e abuse
story. The Indian left his ride, knife
and inooaaino behind. They harp little
hopes of finding the murderers
A number of the members of the nein- time, at Brockville, Ont., on July 8th.
ty council, accompanied b some of our 10th and 11th. which gives promise .1
townsfolk. availed thetnsetves of the in- being the greatest gathering o{t the kind
vitetion of Messrs. Young and Allan. to ever held in Eastern Ontario. The
visit the 1' .int Farm, on Thursday, of Executive Committee --at an expense of
last week. We understand an enjoyable user V1,090 -are perf.ctiny an elaborate
programme for the entertainment of
Oddfellows and other guests.
-_-,. s __�_J
time was spent.
The lf-eatern '1'yc: isf, (Michigan; thus
comments on our recent descriptive
article of the town :-- "THE Hr'ttni
Stn!eah of May 30, gires • complete de
scription ..f (lederich, the paradise of
wheelmen." And eu our pretty town is
advertised abroad.
Antons those who receivedthe degree
was Hugh
oDaon. • Toronto
f Goderi hUniversity
Davison. hig'.i school.
Thte is creditable, as Mr. Davigm host
much time in the last term through ill -
nus, having been prostrated by a seven
attack of typhoid fever.
The 'bus nosiness is booming in Gown
just now. !'here are three free boatel, work the ticker in (l•Klerich :-"Charles
UM toeing row in the interest of Abe Noble.who dnsa the principal p{ress-
AlMon, oho other for the Rnhah Ex. work at the main office of the G.N.W.,
change, and Swartz is running the third is a very fast operator and an etesll. nt
The people of Winnipeg appear to be
a mode loving people. oratorios s are
frequent and popular, and at the presen-
tation of M•,rart a "Twelfth Mata" ..n
the evening of Tuesday June :ir.l the
Fun says a "magnificent audience" •s-
Semble.l. Mrs. F. S. Hick wig an alto
sob.. which wte highly spoken of by the
city papers. The Sion lays :- "Mrs.
Hick deserved all the praise which sou
heaped upon her by a delighted Amin
The • an vise E?.r'r•ini: news, ,of Mon-
tte . mates the following flattering
reference to a yount man who learned to
The Ioolvprwl"wt locale, of Meridian,
Texas, thus discourses on the doings of
suing of our friends in the Lone She
State :-"Geo. B. Johnston name down
last Saturday from hia 'Vaned* Raneltt'
which is situated on the East Basque is
the northwest corner of this county, awl
paid the filale a most pleasant visit.
Th. Johnston Bro.. are form Gsduriek,
Canade,snd have • splendid stook -rank
devoting most of their :nuet.. •h.ep,ao�
we are glad to learn hare met with good
success in their business venture in our
county. The father of our ranchtaaa
friends, Hugh Johnston, stent the win-
ter and spring months at the ranch. The
latter recoxuszes the worth of our Texas
'oil and this spring raised a fine garden.
To him we are indebted for a large basket
of fresh potatoes, beans, pest, beets,
radishes, turnips and lettuce. Mr.
Johnston will doubtless be able tons
some valuable information
Texas when he returns to hie Canada
home this summer. A gond report from
such s Stan as ho is worth more to the
state than a years work of an immigis-
t.ion agent."
THU ha1DYCoN.- mT.-Miss B. Reidy,
the popular vocalist, and her onnoset
company, gave one of their evenings of
song in Victoria Hall ou Thursday last,
to a very fair audience, considering the
short notice given. Miss Reidy, ed
enures was the star. She was in excel-
lent voice, in the hest of moods, and .0.
ant, her various pieces with that feeling"
and sweetness which stamps her as nee
of the most gifted songsters of Canada.
Her rendition, .1 "Theron' a dear spot is
Ireland" brought moisture to many eyes,
and the Incotchmen present wen capti-
vated by the way abe gave "Comeau
Thro' the Rye. • Miss Johnston, ona-
traltn, has s sweet c..ice and a modest
manner, and although evidently planet
u a foil for the Irish -Canadian nightie -
gale. Horde a gu..d impression. Prot
Morriss was under the weather, and
could not do justice t., his high notes.
He showed at times that he possessed •
good tenor vntoe, but it was decidedly
an off' night for the Professor. Mr,
Lewis, the baritone. is one of the rnaf
On Friday afternoon Saunders d Sone I pleasing male vocalists in the 1'r+eines
bons started from behind their et re Via has a splendid voice, clear ennumeis
and nude tract - ; Al his'.wn stab(.. a -a I tion. and given Rood expreen,.r to hi
goods Coming around the "gears , singing. He divided the honors ,-1 th
P q ( e.'enint with )Ines. Reid). Mr. Ke1W
from St. Patricks'a street. the animal put I the aoa.mpianiat was dropped on th
un a apart, and allowed up nn great road, hut the quartette. notable Mie
shape. Ihngham's her+.' uses standing Reidy, were all equal to the task of el
quietly in fn.nt of the ttowor attire, and con can ing ens anther, and there es
prier el up his ears at the round of the I not hire* in the pnntramnM. w'. er
apyn.•c4ing rumwq, alter which h. glad Pi kronor that the company inter
hastened with all possibly •lscm,iy to gad again in the fall, as
out of the way, send hurriedly anieMd we predict f„r thein a full houee.
in a general way. The passengers to receiver The dopy he make' is Iden as to thus chains, taking his wagon %shied
and from the station look gleeful. we should like to see from all who dm him. BBingham'• h..rse es a s..lid cid
M. Nicholson, while returning frim G, rank as Bret -vise tel.rnphera, hat it stager and didn't run feat, ,hu( sneceed•
the Point Farm 011 Thursday last, was' is not strange for a Noble to its the ing tit damaging the vehicle to genie ex•
crowded by a teem while passing, and n,JJmd K..man of thew ell. tent. Saunders' Mfrs' a mini ..l its car -
was thrown out of the vehicle, mistiming
volunteers are organismic for the ecce at full flight, and having got nd of
an injury on the fuse and •badly sprain- camping on Oarlinjs Height.e, London. its wagon on South street, !Smelly pulled
e. ,rod almost every *riming can he sen at tip at dos own stable, Intl. the in for
sol arm. D Doty, collector of customs.
«55 «110 him was aims omtsla1 the armory, going " through their Sao- it•lively escapade.
shaken up by di, "out -torn." Ings." Ti.giay evening last they u,arelt•
Our genal entrepoarJ, tine Hamilton et armed the square, and nes of the
,Iprbntor, lama imsii r.d into be atm south who had ant got quite got own'
quarters, and knit week gave en ieterest- the intricacies of the'
ing strwteh of the history of the pavemet tripped and et hia bayonet through t�M
The *sweeter is premier with all a window of a shoe stare. Thu is the
-. .. . t - __ r tt.,. is
litatovw Ao rtozer -On Saturnia)) af-
ternoon n while .Trivia, on the Haran
rried with his wife and two Immo Skil-
dtwt, Mr. Manger, book keeper at the
Harbor sills *topped die burse et a
friend's boom. and hail (wt get wit 01
st.. uses in amain the Wises ovd. whoa
rine mod Ort Mary laltreei Tree eV
An •aconine has been arranged
take piece t.. London, on Thursday, IS
int , en which date the inspeetioo ss
parade of the too. . (ineludi' the SP
Prison, end 3:1r4, Hnnm,
wig •h' -t Its performing thsk Pte
,(1,11 o.t tn• Leaden Military Ossip..1
the returning train does not ham 1-
seven n :lock these wise goo reit fiat
kit day in London. Three who wi'
visit friable in Landon or vision'',
not havo as rood • chasm. p1.11"'
tiau, The pubic are
. 01 r7: