HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-6, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY JUNE 6, 1884. d, w1 made et ij he • mese! thee I ▪ them bull) oe1t1 door, t knew. old at e mon: ►ole, be Mag earnest wish yt true N MQ at tt hi turf ward '111 1 th• theft t y deaf eau( joir.ed mei ind mu pro. ilriait f• Lor l hi it 1 telt 11 Elia 1 alma ben And ar the The pr the 1 know •c• He lou his Went rd T6.1 -•• It flits yes Twos the 'Twos 1 cru The p' ant Ile ale fin And It sof That ,r How tie How Apia When W 1 hop 14 In tie ids r a car. WIMP to IWMI at, sad • ran use Wast Walr s's& W go : wst .. tutu them find it pretty bard -- } The R. C. paeuic wiU be held at hl. Augustine •..i Feeley, the 27th curt An elairetie committee is IIIakisag srlanv.- to Tao (leucite on the nowt, abets he alta w tb r (uses behind his dark haired I trotter. Mr. R. H. DeLuu* bas a trot areata so that the plasm this year will foe Nutt mare, *leo • bay. He u having her Meesaste which sieun E save as say has.y u £r,s (cocas.--Uaavan r- L ase Uoiseste me. -"By • thews► wp wl.det the eats - ,*l laws winch esters the egianmanne et tlaeetem wad •musses. •ad by • earetel EML" tit the lar propertise of well - Cues. Mr. Epps has preelded War Mehl** wt& • dalloatsly Ilaveured ahead of all of i1.propIw.ar.rs we) tired for, nut its the cuuuty , Rich-sm harttnlwu/ldnrst i .i . cu�irtl talwM Way - .-- and wants to have her in good trim for ►s eraduuy die up mild weon e Hwalh erte�to ce to lffila. the ratan. when they hest take place at of stsMiraldl.e .re tteattas arouuMd w 1 G.,lerieh. Mr. K. Grsbam'a rued roan, ready toatisek wherever there r. • weak The fourth mutual picnic of "H. & 11. Blonde, has a guild unsay admirers U $L We mr�y scarp" sways natal siert by slob" will be held its McPhee's grove, among local hora.uan, who would like earslre"1ytnIlf (oeti" with frit( Service d • pec. Yadee with twiOrlt lot G, owl. *),Colborne, oil Dominion day. to see her put its traiuu's( for the course; obeli a good time is anticipated. F.'r I, M, Graham, however, •a hie ret d._ particulars see frills. , cidrd to do w. Mr. vt ui. Mcl'winell, ' gr., .•1 the 4th cos. Aabtleld, has u lively 001b02M11. , j uu,,,; horse, which will bold its own amorist must untrained h.,rses in this The importation of •caeca buggy 14 is ..f the country. Yr. Gen. Jepson AUCTION MALE OF VALUABLE MK friend, S. !'utter, of Butternut tow, has got n tate 1..4 his bay, and he has VILLAOK PROPERTY. has caused much comment among the now what the buys call a " smashing " Coder sad by virtue 01 • Power of Sale con - ladies of this locality. As it u leap year team. Mined in • certain in dated the ISM tome of the girls will likely invite Nam to Retain. - -A tea meeting or concert is day of a1 4. ter, A.,f Iter, whteb wit tsept) Q duwxl at 1M t4re tit ole, and Wade by unr a drive, and -propose ' spoken of to take place in connection be4PevNPPc.tk. Auctu16e Vsader, then will be sold with the union S. S. hen. --]lint M. DaalOp. Hawkins of Blind River, Ale om, is the Bea Walker, gardener, is one of the guest of Miss Lizzie Hawkins. --Miss K Kate Hawkins has returned from a visit newest additions to eur population. He to trtemds its London. --Miss Sank u plying his vocation brie fur the pros- Doubts" has gone to visit friends in $tan- ent. ley. --Mr. Pillow, who has Men stay - Miss Annie Louty, of Goderich, was lag with lint son, Mr. IVa. T. Pillow, the guest ..f Mrs. Tibio, Lansdowne for some litme, has *tune Inane. He lives Farm, zest week. its Stratford. but likes to visit the Port Martin Finland is charmed with the Mince in a while. --- Mr. A. C. Hawkins, besutie. (the scenery, utind you! of Ben- who has so ably and energetically attend - miller, as seen by him during a visit ed to the Government work at the harbor made last week. • biro for s.. many yt:ar, ias received of& Rabt. Quaid was Licked in the face by cul uatructiens to ge on with the im- Seret� water or milk. and nag li Pankow Tiles stlb. sad Ib.i. by Greinea 1abeUe4- Jaras O:rw & Co., Hawq.tkb Chemists Ludas Keg.' a cult which he was Modiste one day last week. The sick c.mwnittee have the case on hand. flodsrl,Olr Township. D. Gook and wife, id visiting (rapids in Ashfield. Mrs. McRoberts, of London township, is visiting relatives un the 10th CVO. Harry Churchill, of t14. 10th con.. was thrown hum his horse haat week, the re- sult being two brekeu ribs and a sewage shaking up. Adam 4't..te' :., f the 10th cuts., bad tares drop tw.- tutu .al.; receutly sired by "Lincolnshire Tom. • owned by H. Hibbs, ..f the 1Gth con. Mn. Wesley Mugfor•I, of the 10th con., is on the sick list. ;.ht, was taken i11 while at Benmillor, awl her many friends would be pleased t ace her around again. r t h d 11 b (t Zlatatl. pro%entente laid out to he done this Hatteras!, tAe 1424 of June, A. D. 1&34, at two o'clock la the atteruuon, at ladle k's Ho el in the VLI►aite of Bayfield. in the Coun- t of Huron by V. iUraw Harrison, A uuuuorrr. tiefdbwtfaagg valoehie village property. name - ! Part of Lot number 2M. in the Village of OeW, in the C,uaty of Huron. and particu- lar tti a- lar y described as follows . Commencing at a In fru°, the west corner o said At a marriage oelebratiuu, the bride wss requested to sign her mem lie the rwgteur *1 the rcruty. )�IMIBimt i `IKAUSR ARRISTERS, osuapl her linters to trMabie ; s1N melt I aJ LEWIS,' live pen, signet, mud made au rwoow I c. teaaeot, Ja, Legal. J. A. Moine. ink blot. •'Must 1 du it over agile 1" L N. Lewis. ISM she blushingly asked bet hutsh s& 4111e. I guess that 5111 do, but--" r', don't could nee ' 1 will pay mage miss - two the *mit time. 3fieMical. 91 L CABS, Y.D. C.M.. M.C.. PA. et. QK Pees ;W sib Lr: amasses.) Delaiream *IR anus -)tar- lc's hetet 1 B. WHITELY, M.D., 0.114., PHY- t dICIAN. S Aocoochear. etc.. M. C POS.. Omaha tl*Boe - Th. rleeare, 2 deem Inuit of Wilson's Drug stare. up stain. 1 t 1Z MuUON4(iH, M.D. PHYSIC- lA• IAN. SI: K4ILOK, kc., Oradea*. of Tor- onto or onto Ueivereity. Lioectfate of the Royal toi- lette et Plveietaan Leedom Ragbad. iso., Ac-, M. ('• P•8•Ontario. OWw sad teaidesoe eopposite Valley's Hotel, Hamilton street, - rich DR Mt•LEAN, PHYSICIAN, Sl'R- UKON, Coroner kc. °Mee sad residence Bruce Street second dour west of Victoria Street. 1751. polls( lis d _ Lot number Y!k frostier on stn street, It,C. HAYES, SOLWITOK As., Udes menet et tee square mod Wee, Nret, Roderick. ever Betlere buukature. ,every to led u lowed rates .t t■ters 1. 0ARROW b PROUDFOOT, BAR N.LT RIOTERS. Attorneyyss,, dollenw.. ere Roderick. .1. T. Oarruw, W. Proedteut. 175 aelletten o: A> wish sad Marehmeacal. M.C. K. ;null Ri :. nu. QODSRICH AUCTION HART s5ts COMMISSION Hones. N'Wooed door South o1 TOM Stull AL 0Aoa. 1ntiJ &n .fid anal :told on (inrtainoios. VON TNA HAMILTON LOAN SOCIETY. K s.). Leaf al Leraes Rale of Interest. MONEY ADVANCED) ON 0001rS SENT TO THE MART FOR HALL Fj POLLOCK, Real Estate and Financial Agent thsaoe easterly 3s feet in frontage, thence u a a G. MACKID, M. D. PHYSI- Guderkh. northerly lis • straight lint to the rear of said H. clan. tiurgsond Accoucber, Graduate April limb- IM(H. *937-ly lot, thence welted 31 feet. thence southerly of Toronto t; alversiiy. Udceoppealte faster - - -- w the plane of ming. -on & Cameron's Hank, Lucknow. If not 1■ �Or ' 1Y) LOT. AN AT f3 PER Then is ettuat upon the said land • gaud °doe. enquire at the Rank. 13oy t BNt two-story haste house and a frame stable. f#O TD G.N.DAVIS' aro C•OaT 1445 NEW AL OIL 1 u rt would «lake • dsirabts RS. "MANN )1\ & HAMILTON Pays/clans, Surgeons, Aoeouchere. kr. The abovepr {•e , residence, and Is well situa ted. ,,TT,FRMS . -- Ten per cent. cash at the time of odor at Ur. Shannon s restdente. Dever the alr, and the balance in one ntoath. gaolGodertch. G. C. SUAxsos, J. C. IlantL- For farther particular m apply to l'aeron, 1,$ ., 175'. year. ---Mr. (leo. Hawkins is erecting holt k l'•merun. larristers, Uodericb. John a Lon and stables. The ..uilding will Eason. EN.. Binned. or to the Auctlenaer.F_ YE, EAR AND THROAT. Dated 2Stb May. A.U. l&st. J be a commodious one. - -Mr. Mahaffy CAMERON, HOLT &CAMERON. 11 R 1' E fc S O) h , has been doing a good business. shipping Vendor's toIlcSIa DIA. Wm. HA it RISON, Bayeeld. A uet i"neer. 1345•21 lour, lumber, Sc., lately, --Thos. Richardson has started a shawl* mtll,and is running it st•WEI ---Phemed Pith ..ti ra:l::r quietly hers --[New Martin Whiny, merchant, of thin place I has erected a set 141 platform atsleq oppu- pts his store, which will no doubt be a gnat benefit t.. the farming community. Mr. stawart, .'ur now tailor is giiilg the best of Benefaction. LEAP YEAR. -- A short time a,(o a young gentlentau .h•• resides near here was Accosted by a y onag lady, and after reminding hiw that it was Trap year, asked him wily he diff not get *married. Before the young * :ntleuan had time to consider the serious question the young lady replied : "I eta willing, I'll ask pa and ma. Whee.er the young gwticman's silence a.II be ' wally joined into consent by the peppt.4 the ques- tion, in case a breach n( p. •,nisi should occur, is the subject that is agitatiug the young gentleman's mind. - Miss Ford, who gave a neue•otense towards the Blessed Virgin's Altar in London, had a raffle of a handsome al- bum fur that pupose et Mr. Thus. Ford's, near Lanesville,last Wednesday evening. Morgan Dalton was appointed chairnau, and after expressing tnauy sympathizing congratulations to the young lady, who had such a grand ubject in view, the raffle was proceeded with. Mr. Austin happened to be lucky in securing the prua. A sumptuous repast was then prepared by our liustess to which ample iustioe was dune. After several toasts had been drunk t.. several important member, 'l'be party then tripped the fight "fantastic toe- until the -wee sma hours," when all detailed much pleased with their night s amusement. -Ws. LMbze See41111g Is over sed showing has be- gun. TEt,ttutAN. 1. --- U,degates are going from Leebum lodge to attend District Ledge to be bald in Plyth June 10th. RILIGIOI s. --Rev. Mr. Sabine preach- ed s sermon on Methodist union in the Bible Christian church last Sunday even- fil▪ t•ewaita, - We are vary sorry to learn that Mr. McLeod, Luke Shore, is sink- ing fast with that dreadful disease con- ensaptiee. Pa nT. --There is a very gond display of trait this year, it frost keeps away. J. G. Clutton attended the temperance Oentention at Clinton as a delegate from I. O. G. T. No. 21:1, and gives an inter- esting account of rte proceedings. A now correspondent sends us the fol- lowing interesting story : one evening kat week .hoe May west and a bachelor friend of his, wore invited out f..r the evening to play croquet. and t.. trip the "light fantastic." Early in the after• noon they started Mr the place of amuse- ment, and as the party would not tie complete without something to enliven them, the music bey was placed in the arms of Joe. Joe's friend is very fond playing croquet, Lot a. Jest him- self meld not play the game very well hs iweiete.i upon them starting toe Sane - M11. They at last c,nts•ntsd, and went s tied* the hoose. where everything was soon put in 14011iti•4.. fol dancing. Then Joe with a .tele on his face, wont te fetch the 14.z. H. ..paned it, ■nd looked in, and, oh ' the fiddle had remained M Home. ,hoe was vary sad at this tntelN' asses, but a prune gallant from ltenoil- ise, who had a fast II eve. relieved him a little by prnmiainn to drive after the fiddle, which he dol, and they hod their dance.- Cow. Port Aliat't. Hnnant -Mr .las Acott. of this virus- ' it keep K011d honors He has • colt in feminine, which attracts anwsdeiable at- fentios. kr. C. Hawkins bas a pair of Mks whish pr'ne0ae to Asko gnn l drivers. lir. Wow MIsMilles bee • /sod yowls sail. abash 1011 litaly LAW Om rake, geatkgtimwe'arB hiav1' tit ttYht stallion. Mr. 0. Owls kmpe a Meek oafs, whisk IMPORTANT JUDICIAL SALE OF FARM AND VIL'LAGK LANDS. iodartca Towaakt� 51OkLEY re-]lUR1 LY. Under two orders *made by the liigb Court of Justice, Chaucer; Division. 10114ir III tee Holniesville, May 26th, 111.34. above action, dated the filth Nuvember. ROL Council wet lousy as Court of Resi- and the Ind September, PIM there will be Mon. The weathers havituuali ied the . ke 1 br I'ublh Authction,e.evrheen* timer followinand g valu- 9 ablpruprrties,at pla.ea revision of the assessment roll was pro- hereinafter nientionalby and with the appro- eerdad with. .Mr. 'Jl,.orhouse's appeal Ration of Sutherland Maleomson. Kpure,eae of the nester. et Ouderieh, of the Supreme against his real property uetng1 .1 highly court of Judicature for Ontario, ria:-- asasased was heard, he beim •• present. 4.t. At the Grand Cann Hotel. in the vil- Moved by E. Acheson, seconded be J. I" i' or clinlon, on lsitbwait, t' • the assessment of Mr. 1 u..S.n(, tk, '4t1..'ay of Juin, 1384, at 2 o'clock. p.m., lots number 41 and 78. in the Maitland reneenion of the Township of Gude- rich. containing 190 acres of land. more ur Met in one lot. cuoded by E. Acheson that the assess 2nd. Al the .rme nim- and place. Mourhouau be reduced *200 -Carried. The entire cull was carefully gone over, when it was moved by J. Beacom, se - number f.i in the 14411 cuuceaaion of aid went toll as ouw revised Le confirmed - To'•vuship of Guderich, cont•tning s0 acres, Curried. n.,ne ur tem. The Court of Revision being ended ' At th. same time and place, village las unteuer 141 and 1.'.. on the seutlgside .t the minutes of last meeting were read the river, Teeswater, and fronting on l tar- t passel Ordinarybusiness was then iCnoduan.t Rruce, t, in the village of Teswater, in the attended t.. al•.. The amount which 4th, At Martin's Hotel in the village of will M expended on r,uis and bridges Dungannon. on wa. considered. Moved by J. H. El- Wednesday, the '.:2A dry of June, Isi4, bat, seconded by J. Laithwait, that the at 2 o'clock. p.m.. the west half of lot number am ousel to be expended on roads and 7• in toe 5th concession. Eastern Division, of bridges in each sub -division t4 and 6repofAs14/eld containing Lwacros making one • be $300 -Carried. Circular 5414• At ticandrett's Hotel villain in the villaof from Toronto board of health was read, Belgrave. on stating that it was imperative on all TANrots y, the JAI '1.y n! June, 1r34. township councils to app•nnt thtee mem- ben, the reeve and clerk being appoint- ed by statute, the b..ar,l to consist of five tuembets. Moved by .1. Beacom, seconded by J. Laithwait, that Jas. H. Elliott, E Acheson and J. Beacom be lois. t tie nr adellat a point on northeren- a ,Pointed member of said board-('ar- it of the great el row(. between 1417114•nd tViag- 11 harp. distant lis rods southerly direction teem tied. The beard will hold its tint sitting the north -emit corner of said lot. thence west - at Holmesville on Monday, June Oth, tb rape sII.I with the col with the ion road dsg rarode, at 10 ., clock. a.m. The council adjourn- roe I itt (ret, thence easterly paratd wfth 114. ed to meet again on the first Muniay in said concession road, to the said gravel ro•.i h rods. theme northerly along said gravel July'. (Art. PATTOV. clerk. road s2 feet. to the place of beginning. 6th. At the same time and place. the pro - Gerrie. perty adjoining to the southerly. opal° the _ said stables. known formerly as the 51cCart- ney Hotel, and aI c rihrd as a part of the said Last Sunday evening Eric, son of (arnt lot number 42 in the 5th waceasion of Thomas McLaughlin. ssorekeeper in this the mid tewn"hip of Wawanosb, comment village, had the misfortune to fall from a •u the northerly Umit of the .rid gravel at the south -en -enter corner of the parcel last - doorstep at Robt. Montgomery's and ly above described. thence southerly along lb. fracture his leg. Medial aid was.futck- said gravel read 63 teat. more or les.. to the parc••1 ceraining the H rods owned by one ly procured. and the injured limb set, N illam Thompson, thetics Westerly parade( and the little sufferer is now doing as with the said cuncee.ion road 5 roads. thence well u could be expected. uortberly R3 feet. more w less. to the south - 1 west c•oroer of Ih. said parcel trimly ahoy de - Last Sunday morning the wood.hei in scribed. taence easterly parallel to the "add concession road A rode. to the mid gravel read and plat* of beginning. PARCEL 1. Thos property is II miles from Holmsvine, Midi about 5 miles from Clinton, About Ile acres are cleared and almost tree from stumps. and the balance is fairly timbered with hard- wood timber. The buildings thereon consist of a 11 story stone dwelling bootie 94:31 a frame tarn 3101 70 and • stable 11.31), soil part clay. and ppa•rrtt sandy loam. several never -failing spring flew through the premises and a good well adjoins the house. There a also a Road bearing orchard con- sisting of about 150 fruit trees. ...'11111=111P A ItC EL 1. This property is about 1. miles from lln!nres- rifle, and 1 miles from Clinton. about eitt acme are ttrered. and abut to &TM in tush. Aon part . lay and part seedy :•.am. T;.e buildinnggss thereon conslat of s trans dwelling house :hex 3) n,tp a small kltcl.cu alta, hod, • frame barn 1013D. with • part stone foundation. sad acme to *1150. ail in fair repair. A never -failing spri..g stream cows through the land, and there is also a well chose to the house, and • snug ore rd of about 3) reap 't is itimiNi,•nritrR t"e fen pesirh tMe Ian 1 are in fair repMs,r. '•i cannot sing the old songs,• shriek- YARI'F.L :. ed an amateur soprano the other otyht Tbes•• tots ate vacant. but •n r;igibty hx either ants while she tarok in hr.a•h !•r the garden or prig:. ret env. purposes in the thriving vil1.yp .it Tees%ater, next line. a young man, who !tit I..•iktel PARCEL I. On for a moment, was heard t-. remark. T*.. :eon ns sltn•trd"ttou: 11 n.ilrsfn44n ter 'Powe of G'mlrrich, and about 2 milts hon casually l.nt emphati•xlly, "1•.•u can't'' th.• village of I*ungannou. Aleut Mt ones it broke up the concert n t the sp..', the are ctestt*d. aarl.•r•a.n timtsered chiefly with hrmlork, maple sad b.et-1, and ..Mets 5 acts psi ma ,Joni:a refusing to vocalize further. of slash. •The aril is for the rnomt pat • seedy hem. ------- ` There is a I, %eery frame dwelling house la fair reptile and • frame barn MAIM nearly new and in ggomu.l repair un the premise*. • s call creek flown through the land. and there i" alta' • gaol well on the premleer. PA RC K1. 5. This 'omprir, • Namable cnanrry Hdel at I u•clock, p.m.. the property in the said vi 1 Inge. occupied by Mr. ticandrett as • Hotel. comprising villose let number 1. on the Mor- ris aide to the said v ill•ge. and the land oc- cupied by the stables opposite. lurmtngpart of lot 1'' in the 5th concession of the township of L44,c.r„ Lll.t',r.a.a., Lecturer on the Mfr. Ear and Throat. Trinity Medical College, lonolo, and Surgeon to the Mercer Lye and her Infirmary, endue and Auriar 40 the Hospital for sick children. late Clinical Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital Moor11ekis. and Central London Throat and Kar Hospital= Curie:i Smarr. Tokowro. !larch *7th, Dt461, 11ut1- THE HC1tON HOTEL, t'R.l10 & SA CL TS. PICOPRiKTORS. "The Huron Hotel" late the "Woodbine" has recently been refitted in every breach. and is capable of giving satisfaction in every particular to the travelling public. The stable in connection has b.rn specially fitted up for the tamer's eostenience. and is its charge of • first-class hostler. hates for tran- sient traveller, of per day : special terms fur weekly boarders, 1905 Loans anb insurance. THE TORONTO GENERAL rttl'*T$ ('O'Y are prepared to loau mosey ate per cent.. pay- able hell early, on (RED ROBE_) A 4 Gallon Can and 4 Gallons of Oil for BI.26. w. are ttsastut•oturtat • Tin Moller that will 000E by STEAM and also the patent hili Cana with Skimmers. Goderk h. April Iet14 new. Iter TERMS TO SLIT BORROWERS, on Arse-.4sa tarot security. Apply to UAMEPON. HOLT Jt CAMERON. Rarrieters, Goderl,b. Ageal. ter the Tomato General Trusts Ogg. 11100111111. (CAMEROS. HOLT k ('AtI*su* have also • large amount of private funds to loan en Mat -clan t.rnr .security. Gederleb. Ott. 4. I RE RTSCE= Steerage and'Internirdiate RATES_ Steerage, $25.35. C3 - ODE) RICE1 --To•-- Liverpool, Londonderry ,Gtango w London, Queenstown, Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff. ALLAN LINE $TIRAM$BIPP LIVERPOOL-LONDON DEPAT-GLA OS • 1911 1f Tam Snomater Sea Room to AND FOOS ENGLAND. SPEED, COMFORT AND SAF*TT UNSURPASSED. EVERY SATURN -10110M QUEBEC. Rabin Rate from Quebec to Liverpool, 8130. From Quebec to Liverpool and Return, 8110. 1884. Saginaw and Bay City Route WE ARE LENDINna MONEY AT 6 tsi1, per cent. Private funds. SKAGF:It k INCLEWIS. Goderich. April 17th. 1909 000,000 TO LOAN. APPLI- TO CAMERON HOLT & CAMERON. Gods - Ick. 2750. `4ONEY TO LEND. - PRIVATE :ILL funds -on freehold security. Apply to Gee. Swanson. Gotta -rich. 15.6lan, ILIONEY TO LEND. --.4 LARGE Ise. amount of Private Funds for investment at lowest rates on tint -elan )Mortgage.. Apply to GARROW k PRUCUF(JUT. THF: STEAMER OCONT G. W. McGRVGOit, Maineu. Will Irate G1MI/ERIC'H. weather permitting. on awl after June Sth, lsil, snaking WLakLT Banc all TI MM during the season, as follow.: EVERY THURSDAY At 2 o'clock p.m., for Saginaw, Day City. Sand (teach. Tawas and all points on the west shore. including Alpena and Cheboygpan. Returning wt11 leave WDFRi('H EVERY SUNDAY At 1 p.m.. for Detroit and Cleveland. calling both way's at !'ort Huron and points on Sl, Clair Driver. For rates of height and p•o•erge. and all in- ternam iur.. apply to WM. 1J111., Agent at Godcrich. w.'. A. t7AMB[BUt1. 10,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND Manager, Detroit, na on Farm and Town Property at Ioweet in- Gederich. May qtr. 11184. terve:. Mortgages pun hosed. no t'otnmisfoe Sailings /coin (juebec. 17tOMa• y Met " 7th June Itch *tat " PARi 1AN . .!11th .• SAItMATIAN *Extra Str.1 about . RIM ' SARDINIAN ...,.. ith July ('IR('AS IAN .. -..!h I POLI'NKrl1AN VRh ., PYRUYIAN , Paa.eagers neuter to leave God.rich oa Thuredats. at 12 o'clock. making direct con - or lion with %reamers at (Quebec. It you are sending for your friend". you est obtain !'repaid 1' Tickets at lowest tis: 11 at this Ofnce. available from England. Irela . r -• Scotland. Franc. Germany. Sweden au 1 Nor way . For '15ekets and all information. apply to 11. Ait5BTRONO Tieket Agent. tgedericb. Goderich. May 15th. 1681. SAIRMATIAN PARISIAN SARDINIAN ('1R('ASSIAN POL V N F.MIIA'S YERCVIAN 1 Wawanosh,and which tear be described as Mol- charged Cunt eyancing limn rte. --- -- - --- - -- - , charged' satisfactory. - ate fa sora .brain 14011 da THE PEOPLE'S STORE • if title is aatbtactory.-UAVIttUY t JOH� STUN Barristers. Sec.. Goderich, 1731 the rear of Mrs. A.Carson's house caught on fin from coals which were left in some ashes about a week beforehand. It was not discovered till it hats gained the roof of the building, and it is supposed that if it had been allowed to burn 10 min. longer the building could hardly have Leen saved. As it was the pro was quickly quenched with • few pails of water. A fire w.. discovered on the same morning as the above. but about three hours later, in a house belonging to Philip Mclntush, of the Gth cum ,and which is now unoccupied by Mr. Iamb, who lives near the house. The tire had burned the door sad most of the sill before it was put ill. It is a4PeUd- tt was set on 6n by Mese tramps who have infested these parts.'itely., N beeler's Thew tPbe•pbstew Bd. r1'HE, STATESMAN, FINANCIER, Hallett' Kang. Maois(acturer. !speculator, Stock Gambler or Rnsinees Man. when the ' drlirinra M grestmna" laments I:salf eptln • le in at danger of falling from ptrnsiere.in the ertjwvmen• tit s goat Moment. over-.tlmuat on and overworking of the IMringtheoolt 51. mown Hotel In the village basin. and. canner or Later. the wear and tear The hotel building n of brick, two stories must ,hew itself in Impairment of power of high, well flniehrd. nearly new and in the •t o•Yan wh1,•b retinol% the r�amr v.u*4.o(thebody. Therrmarkabl.ItICle1'OH• anatheahe areommociation both •'omps ging .table* 1 In the INR l't)WF.lt ..f WHKKI•seav !'Hann- the !ranee, g;no .1.g1NN1 Au.ineet- I'l1.ITKa .I\U ('AI,I44AVA his saved twiny I'.11t('F.La. notable .5-e* .ntfering tram •tont of the This pr .,.-r. is upon the main .greet in the hrmin. villsge. was f..rnrrly used A Hol.1, WWI could ... s he nude civ dist'. for any ordinary bustnews Wilson's purpose. of 11..•,11$11,11 sw • , .td.are by the ex udltvire of s small sum In repairs. Prescripboa Drab Sbee. Tie title toallthane parcels is perfect. They are at present under leave, but all none expire in the present year. and the particu- E (rnntain orf Health ars of each lean will be fully stated at 1b. Sulphur & Iron Bitters T p There will he a reserved bid or limpet price upon each panel. The purehaaer .111 he re- pute -en to pay 10 per rent. of h1 peeves. mean) so the `'endues tioliritnr.. raw H.. day demle. and the halaaoe into Court within one anlath thereafter the shall tl bout interest. 11 entitled t a eoaveyraoe ee all encumbrances. etcapt the laid IL�Or respeeta. the renditions of Oma the needing con4lt *.ri" of flee Mama elee7 a a- elee7 flashes of On HM b'nern of Justine. rnr further parikularsl µ,pt) to MS= Cawnerw. Holt R wr Ca.r'on. ann.-dors, (ie4.' 51.1411 4' KItem. Ao1lc11slst end to the Vendor's 'Selle1011A, at Goderleb. the lath day of hilar. S. l&LC4►11iHON. / Messer at Osiwnb. f7ARRl►W Flui41 Lightning Electric Bitten Bnnli•ek (littera Lon•lon Purple, -N-RE- PARIS -An D--- H1t]I GRIM_ JAS. WILSON. .:..J .:9rJtilfk RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, For Cash I will sell all kinds of Goods at Lowest Prices. . Life and Accident Insurance Agent. It presentimgdrat-clas.tompaniee. Also agent Ms the to ladA 1.1y11 oST r.S isecin Toa l'o. See Those 10,12;,17, & 20c. Dress Goods . Money w tendon Mortgage. either a Town of Fern Property. in any way to suit the borrow '^ er- Umce--fGa-sulrsi Kar's Meek (iederteh New Clover Seed TIMOTHY SEED, SEED WHEAT, SEED PEAS, OATS AND BARLEY, BUCKWHEAT, FLAX SEED. NI )TICE THOSE OINGHAMS-11, 121, arid I:•t EXAMINE THOSE PRINTS: 5c., 8c., 9c., lOc., 124c. No trouble to show Goods. Don't purchase if above data facts. W_ H_ RI DI EY", GROUND OIL CAKE, The People's •3tun. Guderioh ONION SETS. - - - - ONION SEED. SEED POTATOES all Varieties). THE SUBSCRiBER HAVING RETURNED Fitt 111 THE I • NiTED STATES, 1 where he bought the Patent•Rhght for Canada of A Quantity of GOOD FLOUR. MANGOLD & TURNIP SEED GARDEN SEEDS OF EVERY VARIETY, For. s.II.E AT SAMUEL SLOANE'S IfkiTCH EN SEED STORE, T1 F'AMCvs The Ontario Mutual LIFE ASSURANCE CO. CABINET, wblibM ass bs sesn, . on. (.t.•. at Ids stet*. se Court Mee. tlgeare, );o lady. seeing HEAD OFFICE, WATERLOO, ONT. Its Convenience, Its Ice fine Nenmees tanessem. emesase•ee. The only purer Mutual Life ('o. In Canada. Total moony or I'uli,•iee rn fors, Dec. 31"1, PM 5,111, o•otermg saurwnce to the amount of Sant 719.01. TOTAL .tsarre. . liW,7ei M TOTAL 4*E*tt55. ►Mm.aal.ss as aita a • - wa3.1S$.aS The Company's I:nrerve. are based on the "Actuart.. Tante of Mlortullt),- snit four per cent. Interest the Highest Standard adopted by eny life conitany in Canada. and one-half Per vent. higher than the attendant used by the Dominion Insurance Department. The increasing popularity and rapid growth of the company may be ,ren from the fact that in Is76, the nest year of Ice Waimea. tete total cart" asouated to mar 41,234. while haat ierr they reached the hindmost.. total of 70v.M 5'51. HENDRY. Manager. -. I4(10011(s. General Agent, Stratford, Ono. tt# An active and retable Itharlrt Agent wanted for (iotlerf,-h and West Huron. Apply to II', S. Homan.. General .Stant. Stratford. .C7do1. rwT to ..n at love (fates of Interest. �Allmmy 2yn4. 111M 11141 3m R PROUDFOOT Hca Just rerrlted his "ring( Steek of llr (tIs hod GIMs. t - Alt .a. New and W"11 S.lerted. which he of - fen d Ilse Lowers Possible Prime. Atwn Hawn, Rama Lard. ('bwe, Roller flour owed. rime ataatteba wheat, also Harris' ri.. �astty neer. sad ats. Waft. Sawa. Mi ail other kiwis of teed. Women 04e4are vases as O rasa. w iruedtrailsasppitMibstaws R. PROL'DPOO'I', Omar y a./ I Vihmr "me" Mss fM► till► Its Cempleten tt 11.1. IN. WiTHOCT iT. I & Beauty w The Price is t--hithzn the Reach of Any One. IT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF IN A SHORT TIME. C_ C IRVIN_ NI 1'.P o man who thinks any thla r sit W wine erM be without one. (•. H. O. 131g 125-usch.ace of SILK PARASOLS !tevera' Iloarn honght ata great Sacrifice The entire Int at 26 Per Cent. Under Regular Frioelatp O0M AND BEE THEM J. C. DETLOR &