HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-6, Page 7rHh HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY'. JUNE G ISA Fun and Fungi. misses .Wiese tt/ep to think." Tru Bet yes iii bit have added : they sewer had to step an i talk." ' reslarha Josh *Moue "is • a alas sets said baits himself, deliberately rets into.' Examinee arrived at a gibe He the szaunuati*s. set arieeasly : "I would like leagued yomag lady of you all to the blacktwwd." Not a soul The sscminer, politely : "Theis mad there the prettiest of you ladies ! ' Everybody ante. as, the joker and poet, was ruts • trap on • steamer, whets be fell with a lively poeng lady, to whom he • himself very agr'eeebte. Of course made an impression upuo the damsel, . said at parting-"Getsd bye, Mr. • ; I fear you'll lentil be ("reenlist/ " Ale" said the inveterate punnet, I was not • married ratan already, may leisure rd be for getting you. "My friend," end the keeper of u 1 to au over -voracious boarder, "you w much I shalt have to charge you extra shilling." Au extra shilling r' the boarder, with his c,untenance very picture of pain ; "fur gooduess , dun t do that ; I'm most dead now g five shillings' worth, and if you t un an extra shilling 1 shall certainly est- ,:. I shall . A TROVvHTIUL DAuvwtTEK _"I don't how I'd get along without Mary, no w," Mn. Blucher ubsertrd, pausing to pe the perspiration from her aged fen - res and putting another ladle of soft p in the steaming suds. while her ter's voice at the piano could be tnctly recognized, floating out from adjoining parlor. "I don't see how get along without that gal no how. es on them days when I bey the ngest work, she picks out the nicest , like "Sweet Ret By -and -By,' THE SCOTT ACT. Petitions for its Submission Oir- ouLtinE Throughout the Province Tim Ilemprraaee Maple l usSdt*$ of Vac - eying Three most of Every rear ('an leo, For several days a News representa- tive has limn making to learn what the ternperwrioe people are doing in regard to the prop.,sed Scott Act campaign tbn.ugh..ut the Dominion. Thu furw- wbu he noticed F. 8. Spero* dodge into a halfway .m King street leadiug tt. the office top the (iuw.Lu (SW..• .., the (nail of the Temperance party. Mr. Spence is editor of the (litisen, and secretary of the Dominion sant Ontario alkanes, and therefore weUualified to give the in. nt furatkui sought fur. On hearing the reporter's errand he cheerfully consent- ed to Ie* auh)ueled to the pumping p ee- (•ase 111 !.Thal( e.f the cause and the pub- lic. 'Let me firm giro you briefly the his- tory of the Scott Act,' he amid. 'It was submitted to Parliament by the Macken- zie government in 1876, and became law. Its coastitutinnali'y was tested in the courts, and on the 22nd of June, 1882, was sustained by decision of the Privy Council. At the annual meeting of ties Dominion Council of the alliance, held at Ottawa on January 31st and February 1st, a resolution was adopted in favor of an immediate agitation fur the adoption of the Scutt act in every coun- ty ..t the Dominion in which such action lids not already been taken. At the same meeting a deputation was •ppppuo+inted to wait upon the I)omineon (iovernmetlt and urge the desirability of "Mothers growing old," 'an sings providing for the etmultaoeous polling of me 'afore she goes out on the lawn to the different counties that may petition croquet with the ether young folk°. for the submission of the act. It was t erery gal u 'ud be as thoughtful, declared to be desirable that thereshould in tell you. Now, meet of 'em jut be formed, at once, in every county and away with. ".Jordan's a hunt road city, a str'ug central committee of active p travel," ur "Wali''em up aa temperance worker, including repreesn- ne," but she ain t none to' that sort. tanners from the different local organize - e'• a pile o" c,mfnrt to me --a pile o titans, to plan and direct combined and fort," and Mot Blucher fanned her- energetic action. A circular embodying f viconsusly' with her *toiled apn.n. the views ..f the Alliance was sent to all paratory t.. ruoniog the cduthes the temp fence eicieties, the principal ugh the second water. temperance workers, and the clergy National Pill'Inrit the bl.aoi, a throughout Ontano. Supplies eeriest.° Purify erg sent to the secretaries of the previseial e stomach, liver and bowels. 111 alliances thn.ughont the Dominion.' 'What has been the result of your ap- 'Wor is of 'Wisdom. peal r 'The counties have responded in a very There is no courage but in innocence. encouraging manner. Twenty-four ooen- The heart is the only thing that be- ties in Ontario are getting ready to sub - es better by being broken. mit the act.' The cup ..f pleasure sometime has Canine gine me tho names of them r 'ie that sone must drink lcng after• they are as tallows Stormont, Glengarry, and Dundee, Da- rds. ! tario, Norfolk. There is nothing so powerful as ex- i Russel and Prescott, York, Perth. ple. We put others straight by walk- ! Carl•1ton, Peal, Ltmbton. straight ourmlvas. Leeds and Grenville, t+imcoe, Horoa. Education is at home a friend. abroad ; Lennox and Addington, Grey, Bruer. n introduction, in solitude a solace. in , Prince Edward, Brant, Kent. y an ornament. Northumberland and Durham, Elgin, He that is choice of his time will akin I Dafferin. be choice . f his company, and choice of Brantford, St. Thomas Middlesex. his senor. In griebes. Arthabasks, Shefford, and Honestysemrtimm keeps •man tem Stanstead. Its Nova Scotia, Lunenbeeg. p" •What success do you anticipate in heoimine rich. and civility from being tcountieswilt}. ne counties'We feel confident that we shall be Destroy the warm, or they may des- able to carry three out of every four.' troy the children,. Use Freenan's Worm 'Is it your intention to tri Toronto i' Powder*, they expel sal kinds of 'Terre ISA. been no resolution adopted worms. m by the etetuti.e in regard to it, but there is ler. intention of submitting the Farm and Garden. act here at preee.tmt. We suffered a severe lefeat at the time the Dunkin act Watch your ferns hands orad note their was c .tc.i upon, but that was largely dee trwstrueait of cattle to the bad ivachinefy by al' -h it had to When •bine smoke rims from fat it be imerateed T. ',Terence sentiment has grown wendernd.y since then. The is hot enough for frying dough. English church temperance societies and Jarring plum treses for curculio is snc- the Salvation army hare eseh added crateful only in the morning. strimeth to the cause. The way in which Don't buy a piano for your daughter. the ?a•ople dealt with the grocers' licen- while your soon needs a plow. see indicates eery clearly the growth of Keep the hors_ cellars clean and lathetemperance set.timent in Torontto We their shoulders in cold water ewe a day. Pr�tor to try the cmtest .. at first andM. �t notit ,giraffe■at*le e Fresh meat beginning to sour will will let be lorry betere we sikY begin sweeten if placed out of doors in the c:ol uplerwsinns hate, air over night. 'Could Too summarize for me the pn. Charcoal should be given hogs because visions .4 the Scott act it corrects the acidity of stomach and Nes, 1 think I can. It isalocal option decks fermentation. law. which can „niv'be adopted by cities mood. St. Gauen held his lead until A tablespoonful of turpentine, boiled or counties. To secure the subuntmion nearing home, when Harvester drew up on him, and there ens an exciting finish, n early all the awakes will be preseete i iu Jet:, and the ruling will y take piece its november. ere that time w* may w d.d.de to alba feel - tug ma Tororrt....0 this gttesti+.'- {Tut oat* News. Household Hints. Pestes Wines WILL Kase. To 100 encumbers add one pant of Moe salt, dis- solved its b..ihr.- water and poured en thew (set. Lo . a .tend 24 hours ; turn of and rinse. they dissolve its Waling water a piece of alum of the size of • small egg, and Nur it on the cucumbera. Let at six nd mew. Then scald sullenest . pour the a bent cider sinew A, cuver, spiced with half au ounce each of ck.ves,cinua *on and white mustard mod, with a cupful sat eager. Put this upon the cucumber boiling hot, and you have nice brittle pickles, with au more instable than when they are packed In sett. Maalwete Henan 1111011 81101ST -t -AK< -Make • very light biscuit crust and bake In jelly-o•ke rum After it is baked split it upeu and Dover each half with berries ; sugar them slightly. On top of the berries pile the whited top eggs boatels to a very stiff tooth ; aweeteu,aud met hook in a quick u: on to brown slight- ly. Allow the whites of two eggs to each Dake, and • teaspoonful of sugar to each egg. 1f you like, make a soft custard with t o he yolks t the y eggs Lawns PUDDIMii.-Take an otdivary sized sponge cake that has grown stale. )tub it into fine crumbs, add a catlike - cupful of sugar, one of butter, fists eggs well beaten, and the juice and grated rind (of one lemon. Two tablesporrneful of brandy improves it. In stirring in your cake crumbs be careful not to hare it ton, stiff, u it is intended to 1e* rery Tight and putty. Bake it and rat hoot, with • lemon mugs, if you choose. TOMATO t ATat'F. The I uuntry t stf(r.us.. furnishes the following recipes fur tomato catsup' : Skin one peck of ripe vacuities ; out into a kettle and lead, then strain through a sieve. Return to the kettle, take off the scum that rises, then add ens teacupful of brown sugar, nue-third of a teacupful of salt. a dessertspoonful cif cloves, the same of cayenne pepper, and cook till quite chick, and then add 1/ pints of vinegar. Keep well stirred toward the last. It is excellent.!1 CesLD CATarr.-Chop tine a half peck of tomatoes, two roots of mated horse- radish, one small cupful of Balt, half a cupful of black and the saute of white mustard seed. two tablespoonfuls of black pepper, one cupful of unions chop- ped fine, one tablespoonful of powdered cloves. one of mace, one of cinnamon, tone of celery seed, one quart uf nastur- tiums, half a cupful of sugar, and one quart of vinegar. Mix all together and put int* jar's. Cork tightly ; it will keep until tomatoes come again, and is -excel- lenli Wash • gallon ot ripe toutau.es quite clan ; cot off all the stems and Mack spots, and put in a porcelain. Add • worn eruptions, and all skin diseases, , gallon of sharp vinegar ; set them over use Prof. Low's Sulphur Sup. the fire, and let them stand till soft enough to mash with a spoon. Then add four tablespoonfuls of salt, two of fine mustard and two el black pepper. Stir thoroughly very often, keeping a corer over it so the steams will not escape. Let` it stow about sax hours ; then rub it through a sieve, and Mottle it up while warm. Set it in • cool place and it will keep for years. Some like cayenne pep- per, and more mustard than is called for in this recipe ; they can be added to suit the taste. The Payne steles, whisk Harvester wun :lay 17 last, were worth £1010. He ran the 1 is. Y hu. yds. in 1.17 3 6.' Mt. Ostiest is a berstefwl try colt, the pet.pesty .4 F. E. knew. tit. Belie has moue ds.tiaghtehed t.itr•df bet•,re wt the lett, •'though his . wiser has al: along Looked tor rrnetutug frown hues 11) the grand liatwwl sIeepluchase rules horses running a dead Lest for a race to p' ti.o stall be deeutod w re u1 lie Inc. p:aw uuttl the dent boat is full . •1 one venom agree t.' divide. And at it.. ,,r: ars agree to dr. ale, each horse *hick di. ides dull to ilei used a winder of the rate or place fur • loth h., divides. (u the pewseiit case the ueueI$ •tooeed to divide. traMtrs aad Pr. pi. Put,am's Painless Cern Extractor, the great teaedy fur corns, u •Isedetely sato and painless, dura its work promptly, without in the least interfering with the ou.ufort of patients, and is absolutely •lone ae a safe painless remedy for a orue. Do not 4.e iwp •sed upon by dangerous counterfeits. Cm only Putuau s Corn K tiesector. Beware .1 base substitutes. Sold everywhere by druggn a and dotti- er. its medicine. Take only Putualn's Painless Extractor. N. C. P amen & Co. , proprs. , Kingston. Postage Maass. t greet } r. •leu 1 ultras. by Postage o per 'ii mem ascii route. . Ite,irlrat ion per. S<•. Mosey order grunted on all money order of - aces in Canada. 1 -nit.. t States. (:rest Britain. Prince Edward Nand. Neafou,uliaud and lu- dic. Deposit received un/!er 1i.e regulation* of .the port °Ince savings' bank beat%... -,.11.e h..urs of 6 mai. and 6:70 p.m. itrwtsteres letters most t.. po.ted ISminu1es beton, the close ot each mail. Office hours P a.m. to 6.91 pout.. Suadays . s- cepted. roa*1ON POSTAGE. Canada lacing been admitted into the P°., tal Union there is a re.arrangement of postal rater, as follows: For Austria. Belgium. _ Denmark. iceI*i d. Egypt, France, Algeria. Germany. Gibraltar, Creat Britain and Ireland. Core.-.-. Italy, 4.ux- enberg. Mall.. Montenegro. Netherland. Nor- way, Penia, Portugal. Aures. Rosman.... Rum*. to. Pierre. servla, Spain. the ('stodgy Iolanda Sweden. oiwitzcrlaad and Turkel. And via l'aited States: -Bermuda, ttatuma+, Cuba. banish 1'oluus of St. Thomas. tit. J.,!.n, et. Croix. Jamaica. Japan, and Porto Ito'-. (Nestwu,dland 4. now in tbeiPostal (wino. but the pasta: rates remain as before,. 1.e.t -es S meats per i ounce. Postal cards 2 ctut. ea L. New.pap s rs Y cents for f ounree. Real.: -a - tion fee Scents. For Aden. Argentine Confederation. Iiraril. British tininea, l'erlon. l;rvealaai, Colonies in Asia. Africa. Oceanic* and Arn''r• ica. except St. Pierre and Miquelon. Pi r* a. via Persian (inlf. Port UgUette Colonies is .' .t. Africa. ,krarica. Trinidad. Span's.. CW; ...1* In Africa, Oceanic* and An,erca,victim a •.ha and Porto Itico. Straits Settlements in 5.tl••- pore. Prnaag and Malacca Letters lay. per f 0*- Books. kr.. ac. for 4 oz. Other registra- tion fee,. I!A•. West India Islands via Halifax. same rat -aa formerly. Prepayment by stamp in all ramie. Australia, •except New :south Wale s. Vie- tonal. ie tonal, and Queensland : Letter "c.. papers 4 cents. Atytralia, New South Wales. Victoria. Queensland :--Letters 1&.. tapers k. New Zealand. ria San Frsnrisco:--Letters lie. '.c., paper* Dr. Low's Worm Syrup will remove worms and cause quicker than any other medicine. For nettle rash, itching piles. ring - Alsace' ce' •eery pati e.tatelaseahtanrl mos other mineral ....•rrp....t..M. Dr. Cassult's Stomach Hitter. is purelyvegetable sad takes the Idea of all '.Hier purgative*. 1.. large I..tilw a1 60 mod I.. TM,usauda bear wstucss to tke puss - Eve oerative puwets .d the Oaam, Osa- Mat1 larisoIIAToa, the Daly remedy that has proved itself • specific for general debility, seminal wskurs•, inlputenct, eta, awl all disease* slat arise from self- abuse or retailed brain, finally ending its cos.auuq.tioo, ittaanity aril a wine - nue 'crave ted by all amorists, or oar'; Lc aril free on Receipt of !}Lt10 per 1.:a, ••' eta loxes for $6. :Waters F..1, ('unset, T,Jr.1o, Ohio, sole aloin for the l'nitud Stats. Seed for cire.tlar and testimonials of Limiting cure* Geo Ithynas, Ooderich. 3e* Da. Low's PLSAJAYT Wean hi st'r. - An agreeable, sate and effectual remedy to reweve all kinds of weenie. in A Leh' salla, Meerut. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Ko:n , meed his rife by • simple Triad Kettle of Dr. King's New Discurery•, (•rr ('uu- gumption, which caused him to procure • large bottle. th*tc,mpletety enrol hon, when Doctors chance of ehulate and ev'erythin_ elan had failed. .\•Roma. Br.'rcl.;ti.. 11. ni.ene'n., Sever,. ('..ut'h., I • . isror • and all T wt and Lan • d r it is Lung , guaranteed t.. cure. Trtmi !hotly* at J. WIla-n'a drur stont. Large rizr $1. (1). A ReragtaW. swap!. Mre ;Vary A. Dailey,of Tunkhannon'1., Peoria' afflicted for six years with Asth- ma and Bronchitis, during which time the best physicians could give no relief. Her life w:t. despaired of, until in last October she procured • bottle of 1h. King a New Disaorery, when itnnrediatr relief wee telt, trait, by daftlmlhie ita oar fur a shunt time she way completely cur- e& ,--aloin;; lei 11i,+sli :10 iLe, lis 11 fee eoliths. Frew Trial Bottle. of this forfeit cure .•i all Throat and Llan Diexosee at Jul. N ils'n'a Thug Store. targe lt.tt!cs $1.00 .4) ' ltSI'RAIICE CARL. YIIITleH ANL CWT, Tomato- NataMMe nos Puu:NIXt8*. Ct7Y,ef Loa PIM ►•attlaedi- RaferrORD i 45. ('O'Y. of HAtomota ream. EatRieke taken in the od armor a fuweMs (*Sos as Iuweni s•saste WRACK HORTCN. in also Aptn" er the CA ADA IRAN Aso*ATING5 Cts. el Tomo* Tc,. Mesy 1* Leas es brat-. lam sot uric) . rem I le 1 per Came -Charges of d l ate. ON. Order' -b Mw pt. 1e( *1 1. N 0/ *rc a aaa fl gn.vN aro uawaltTT ntibed of Ihoir rtettias.11vea 1/1 prulungee. happlaos end health ree*ored by the use of theorist GERMAN INVIGORATOR! w tis' I. ,t sly and permanent y cures Ma - parer) aausrd by eacoaaes sat any kind 1 a /sal leeakeeao and all dist a..'a :Lai fol- low as a sequence of Self -Abuse. as lc. ...'f e•a- •rto. loss of *memory. osierraal lasett ode. pain 1:i the buck, din.nt•.s of .Isio,i. prema- ture old age, and many other Mecums tbat lead to insanity or ceosmmp tion and a prema- ture gage. Send for ...teenier* with testlnwnlal' free b7 nail. The I'.SK.eRATsiR i* sold at 11 per box, or six boxes for IFS by all dryenlata. or will ter sent free my mafl. ,n,-ur•ly mak d. oa rec.•Ip' of price. b • addressing F. J. l'HEN EY. urug`fse 167 Summit 1st., ToL,t!t„ Obits Ca,. i!HTYAa, Sole Anent for Ooderirb A wcel. . i .d.- ..t how, tar It r •Ir 'I.lstnou.. Hest tensors. l.a.w ►e (sire Ibe t•Utl!r. Capita bat aettl wl. '1 :n • . �1(n. co t sill•1., 1....:... . 1'; al:'.e' very • w . r:• t . ..irk fur u'. •'.saw ,a tLe:irn'. \'011 0115 w .tt in spade 114or. or vi.e your whole timetuthe basin•:•s. :'o other 114sinr*s will pay you nearly a., well. No one can lull to 'nate a t. hy engaging at once Coetiy owe and terms fret.. !goner made trot. mob,. and humors bl y . Address 7' k t• E 4' ('o.. A In:104 . Maros Ile People's Livery' 7I I5 p. -.Dote toe &wain oa the look ural tor r re• in mortars* t t.*n their ,•araingwand it. time INS et,,u. w,•*1'hy : those who do no mpro.a. theft opporlua )tie* remain In po erty. \tae °ger • lir•+ etbanc,• to nuke uwnrt. We want glen, wo- men. boys and girl* to work for as in tb..r own lotabtire. Anyone can do ti:r work pro- perly Ines, the ant *tut. 7 Le business will pay more than len tint..., ordinary was:tn. Ex. p-n.ic.outaI furnished fn -c. Sonny Wheea- dag.'s fails to nuke money rapidly. You caw gm ole y unr w'huh• time Io Or work, or 01117 your stare nto,nrnte.• Full information a44 alt that is nece�.ary sent tree. .{ddrcw Sial VON `('o horilat'd, Malt' $00.00 Z'. oward. We w ..1 ;•ay ::se shute ray r td f..r a.) rase Lives• l ompMust. ur.pepsia. sick He'adaebe, rndyrehtte'n, l'ut.atij a t oar t toati.•a, r• we . Arno, t itre w 4' Is b 1 -1'. Vegetable l.(t t r Pula, w lie,, the d lrectior y are *Irk t a r . en. phi it wick. 7 h. y aro purely Vegetable. and ::ever fall to stn a :mtist*ct h It. S tits r C r a t e d. Lane Bosh c,,nle•u:ug I •'111..:5 Brass. Fur sale by ani It r,. P• r .se of. e•n.tcrteltt avid )mit, t.• 1.-. 'Tj..' ic•uuin. at,,.ufa. tort -d Daly b1 J ti ' . ¶.V1541' t (:0.. "Tbe Pill ?Taken, FI si:'1 .:: F:r. C rti. East. Toronto, cyst. Free tial )a1. s aro *rut by ten? preraid ua receipt eon•:.'„'.romp. Far Mile at IWILMx'S ERIEaTRRE. Health is Weals'- • A DERBY DEAD HEAT. ■sweater rad •t, 6tlaes Rom 1a Teawaber its--TYe F'asselte Two Lem,lks RenI.d Th es.! 1 /.ONwto, May 23. -For the first time sitter the establishment in 1780 the Der- by resulted is a dead heat for first place. Harvester aid St. t :et len were the h. erses. Queen Adelaide, who hat been a hot fav- orite f.or a .lumber of weeks, ran third. The result was a great surprise as far as St. Gatien is c otteernr'l, as he was net looked upon as even securing a place. At the start St. (Mien shot away to the frost, clovely followed by Walt.m's Rich - with your white clothes, will greatly aid of the act in *0y city or county the sig- nals whitening pewees ; natures of nits quarter of the total num• W'men you see a fence down, don't her of ratepayers must be obtained. The wait to finish planting, but go Ind rut it petition cnitainulg the names is sent to up before the cows get out. the Governer -General in Council, who Do not cultivate the trotting horse issues a proclamation fixing the day of passion, if you have any other use for the p,ilinl. The election is conducted hors_ ; it is a meet delusive and danger- &woording to the regulations governing ous business, and if you don't believe it, elections for the Dominion parliament. ask your best friend who is engaged in it. Ha waj.nity of the ratepayers rote far After all, the draught horse is the horse the let the Governor -in -Council tats that helps you in the brad and butter a proclatnatiolt bringing the second part line ; he is worthy of all the care you can of the ast into force. The act cannot bestow : and will reward you with his come into forme for at least five months paying labor. from the date of polling, and cannot be The dreamed atlimah thotght to have repealed for three yeah It prohibits foal and mouth disease is Kanas anal the sale of liquor except by licensed elsewhere in the West, wereafected with druggists and wholesalers Wholesalers font rot canned by eating ergot in rye may sell liquors in quantities of not lees and feed. Ergot is • cases of sudden than ten gallons, also and beer not less and premature birth and abortion in ani- than eight gallons. They can only sell out of stakes' about a .Wile and • halt mala. Being more or less ceommon on to licensed druggists or to those who nearly all goalies in meadows and perms- will carry the liquor outside the county nest pastures, and especially on rye grams for eolsumption. Licensed dntggists are and its numerous varieties, is almost im• allowed to sell in quantities not !Nathan possible to calculate the damage anti loge one pint for sacramental, medicinal, se- tt sometimes causes. chanical and scientific purpose. if for Clover makes more valuable hay than medicinal pit am, a medical certificate any other grass. and is more profital,le must he pmelueed ; if for sacramental for the farmer to grow, for different mea- purposes, a cleergyman'scorti6cete : if for ONO. it apparently doss not impoverish any art or manufacture, the certificate the soil at all, will yield more than any of two magistrates. The penalties for other grass, and makes the nest food for violations of the set are =50 for the first stock. Charge answers • purpose for the offence : 9109 for second offense, and farmer that could not well be furnished imprisonment for third offence: byarything else, and the greatest trou- 'Hew many counties and cities have is that the femme do not raise already adopted the Seett act r mouth of it. The raise of the clover is ' :acre have been forty contested, to supply nitro,fen in a rotation of crops, thirty-three of which were won hy the bring up i-ior,,(snic suhstanom from the temIerancv. party. The total number of subsoil when they are valueless, and votes cast for the set in these forty otos- secure them in the surfeits soil, to meet tests was 49,1016, and the total number the ewgmirementa of other plants. end at- ; against 24,6144, giving • ma jonty for the wars improve the mechanical rendition !act of 22,1511. That moult, 1 think, jus - of the soil. tabes the hope that in future contests we 1 will lathier@ great mouses. - There is no one article in the line of 'When do yne anticipate the Toting e tediaiAs that give! er. large • return will take place in the counties and cities for the twenty as a good 'menus strength- you have mentioned Y ening plaster, welt as Carter's Smart 'That will anti�y rest with the Gov - Weed ant Beiladonna Rackaele Plate- erne -in -C •seal, who appoints the poll- ele. in tog day. I expeet t►e wanton (tuts aide, i)aytted7 and 1f4tis the two leaders paasinv the wire in a dead Leat. In the meantime Queen Adelaide had crept up to third place,and finished two lengths behind the lead- ers. The esus did not excite as treat inter- est as usual as many of the beet hursee tie.k no part in it. St. Gatien was rid- den by Wood, Harvester by Lusts@ and geese* Adelaide by Webb. Steerage, $2 l.35. ills barest betting was 0 to 0 again* s r Queen Adekiide (taken and offers(' , 7 to O D R I C I3 2 offered against Harvester, 20 t.. 1 offer- -To -- Liverpool, Londonderry,G1anggow London, Queenstown, Beltlast, Bristol, Cardin to receive 300 sem., and third 150 *tore ' AIALA.L L OV Sur JohnWill•.ughby'abr.e. Har-' ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPb 4a.e yaw Ttseegr l abase tt. Why suffer a angle moment,when you! can get immediate relief from all inter- nal and external pains by the use of Pul• son's Nerriline, the great pain curt.. Nervilinehas nerer been known to fail in a single case : it cannot fail, for it is a ' c,mbinatm,n of the most p.'werf.11 pain subduirg remedies known. Try a 10 ct. sample bottle of Nerviline. You will find Nerviline a sure cure for neuralgia, toothache. headache. Buy and try. Line bottle 26 cls., by all druggusts. Sample bottles only at .lamest Wil - eon's. A ataretlaz nt.re.?try . Wm. Johnson. of Huron, LMk., writes that his wife had been troubled with acute Bronchitis for many years. and that ali remedies tried pave nu permanent re- lief, until he precured a bottle of Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which hada ntam,ics! effect, and produced a permanent c'Iru. it is zua:anteed t.. cure all diseased of Throat. Lungs tar Bronchial Tubes. Trial nettles free at .1. Wilson'. :Irn4 store. Lame size 91.00. itseeesre amid 1etemeeedlete I .If,:°�.TES _ ed against St. Gatien. 0IaMA1Y. Renewal of the Derby stake of 50 *tura. each h. ft.; calfs 8 at. 10 Its., filllea 8 st. 8 Iiia The owner of second horse T ' ' T J. P. FISHER & JOHN KNOX. Iiart.ig nnrcha.rd the Livery bus "nets of .:r:•.. E. Swine.. formerly owned by Robert f•"'• -r. snlidt • .hare of peblio pstronser• T guarantee eatistactien to ail, and offer The Finest Rs AT itEASONABLIC PI:Io ('AL1. ANI) SEE US--O;glwi.. 1'-..; - Hael, lioderich. Goderich, Feb. 11th. !tel. ES not. life is ....cup 4 1; by. and dare teiore }(u dl, something mighty and sub' lime leave behind to conquer time. &isaweekinyon own I town. $5 outfit free. No fiat:. Everything i new. Capital not required. We wi11 furnish gnu everything. Many are making fortune. ' ' Ladies cake as much as men. and boys and girls make great pay. Reader. 4f onywant • Liminess at which you can makegreat pay all the time. write fur particulars to II. li sLLWtT eC Co. I'ortlan Mal vetoer, hy Stirling-Wtt.atear. 1 Dead F. E. Beau's boo St. Gatien, by '- heat. Rntherhill, or the Rorer, St. Rditha. 1 got Jahn Will oughby's ch. f Queen Adelaide, hy Hermit - Adelaide 3 LI V ERPOOL-i.ONDONDERRI'-RLAS'}OQ THE 81101171/ SSA ROUTS To AND Fltoll ENGLAND. SPEED, COMFORT AND SA FM- I' UNSURPASSED. $1000 FORFEIT 1M.. t . C. Weer• Nano a. A.'l, Bta*m !Misr.* guaranteed specific for ilyrtcria, ziu(as. Cuntulsioms, IF Its. Nelmous Ne Hcada. he. Nervous Prostration tamed use uf ah.': of or totorn. \Yakefutt•.ie tal Depression. Sof:cuiug of ti:. 1•redi. lug in Insanity and leading to mi,er7, decay and death. Premature OM .Age. Barremaegs, IA's, of Poo erinritticrrex,invnlnntaryLooe e eon! ,;'cru,aturrl:.ea. caused in urcr-e zeroes o' 't.•' brain. self-abuse or Weer-Indultam*. line box -sill cure recent feet- . Ent) ilea sea taring tate month', t e eat wlen,. line dotter a bee or.ta boxes for fire dollars : sent by mal) WO said on receipt of price. We ,wattles alt Foxes to cure any case. \Witt est h osier relved by us for sir bo*.es, a.:c. mpar.!ed five dollars. we will seed the purehaser eel written guarantee to refund the nosey 1f the t:eatnicht does not effect a cure. CLatmntae :rimed only by AARLII WI1N%, Pole Ire.l agent for Ooderieb. Ont. JOHN C Q (-(1.. w,k proprietors. Toronto Ont. Having the utmost confidence in its super inrtty over all others. and after thousand* of tests of the most complicated and severep sae'' we maid find. we Teel Justified in oRrt- Ing to forget .'..e T)wnsand Dollars fur any ease of . oo ,hs. colds. sore threat. influenza hoaraene'..tbronchitis. ennoumption in its' earlfy stales w coping cough. and all dtsenaes I asthma. for whirl, ens n' 1 aim relief. that we can't cure , with \\-PM'. Cough ttyT0p, whim taken wooed loo tr direct' Sample bottles. _S and 5.l .int:.: large bottle* one dollar. to -totem! wr toper'. only In bine. 141,1 by a'! .Iruttwi.tat se int he etpreni on receipt "f pr:cr. JOHN C. WF•lt A'• Co.„ el and R2 Kingtt erne Nast. Toronto. (rant. Sold st JAS. WILSON -8 Drug More Medlerieh 4413 - Harvester is a brown colt, and was EVERT SATUROAT FROM QUEBEC. bred by Lord Falmonth, in wheel colon Sailings 3 OIrL ()ache(' . he ran last mason. Sir John Willoughby from, purchased him for 8600gset Lord Fal- RARMATi(S 17th Mq mouth's sale, and he carried his new PARitl1A. 21.h '•StARDINIAN .... list " owner's &shags in the Two Thousand otitis/OMAN 7th June (Iciness, in which he fin' third to POI.YN /AN . 11th - T PICKUP list Scot free and fit Merited, and he won PARIOiAN ?Mb the Payne stakes at Newmarkat May 17. MAg MATIAN Metal Ow, shoat Lath " Last year he was unplaced out his two stAltni.IIWA 1AN Soh July I CIRCyASSIAN -.... .... 12th ant sways, the Richmond stakes and KLYSIM11 N...... ........ 1 ' Rees' memorial at Goodwood, but 4 _ _...... .. ones out in winning ferry at the First Pasnyen results to Mate (Mdorleb on October meeting, taking the skirt sixth TMwedays, at Il o'ckeek, tilde. dire'l 'no Triennial neo stake frown Knight ate Aloe with stataswers at Q.�ebeea province oar, an. sending tnr tier frig mdR. yon, , en Emnt. Kinfau,is, and half a dames eth- ers. ole next secured the Cpwrwell st We ays/labk trete sat helm"' Makes, ager a desperate race with Borneo Harwa7 Ae1iRsy. tiv'eie. an i and Cosier, and made his final appear- Far TI.k•te and dl feameetM.. appy (e lest 'n the TL h est plate,is R. AR1tlYRONthI Jr FS a LI1I3!+t'S WORM POWDERS. --- Aim pleasant t.. take . untain their own =w+ative. Is a safe. .::r.. and .f1 drawer .1 wirer In C1:iklree or I WILL CURE OR REUEVE EILIOJSNESS DlZZIN£88, Dr ,' FS18 DROPSY, 1': ;EST 1018 FLUTTERING .":Gl�f. OF THE HEART, : `;IPL-LA4 ACIDITY OF :; RIftV,Y, THE STOMACH, I": 4!1'esmav, DRi 1WE88 .f�it(RIE, Of THE SEIM, e"s' 7 ap•elso of Mom* arlgl(t� _ t11 �t�s e.. -..rowed L VCR, KIQN,V $ GOWELt OR T. HILBURN A CC., �' �nla 1r1o' ' GENUINE INGER SEWING MACHINE. CHAS. PJ3ETTY, H•rilg loco oppdet.d smelt of the Moore saaeblee, ham to ..,hell the idose irwblle pat- rwye, anal will *apply nos ln.s ow liberal the Genuine Singer. erase year i w n w►ieh he ens enpk.wd to Qwest Adel- TIaMt Age*.1ek. Victoria eros(. neer the W K. YwMe► llb7 lefh IJMI. wreak, laedrrleh M • Oederfeb.9 es, 11. ten. 11121 'on s f:.t week at banal 111110o.t91 bwlwiNy wort. N♦ r$ , (. mini red Leader. If 7em wast •u whkto permits of father ran assist gnat pay all tie w/cls • eau ratrWaty. W ie N. HMI/OTT ! CO..