HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-6, Page 611! 6 TIIE HURON SII:NAL, FRIDAY JUNE 1;. IsS1. f'a'ts Poet's Corner. III Mees eneweh. IRO. wits. rte toned the model ebareb. I worshipped there to -day. SI Ws ate thlek of the pool old times. before my hairs weer gray 'As 1lsestis house was dtodeup matte taws they were rears ado . ISM thea 1 Irlt. .its 1 wet.t lt. It wasn't item the pat -Glacial sir Antediluvian assawsbees Rats. 1 to Use Uwe of the Phaaun_1.n ao• - pat I.e cupetiuu. Dr. Dawson thou remarked that men) geologists in these day• hod an +itersiuo to using th• wort' "Antedi- testate" en amount of the nature .1 the aork which, net year* now ;t•.sie by, unlearned people had attribut- ed to the F'Ik.,d described in Scripture, but as the aversion to the We of that word was. lee thought, 'ot called for in hitt for show. those days, 1e hoped it w..uld peas away. The sstoo dklu':..vt Ilse away back b) the Speaking as a g•ulugtat, from a purely deer; neolugual point of view, and from a He Iwo that 1 was Old and deaf, u well s Ih. rough examination of the country old toe poor. aruui.d, theta was no doubt but what He sawn 1 av• been a Christian. fes tae led Int there was cuuchuiv• evidence that he boldly through tweeli ilia time of the first uoaupatiun of The load aisle of ilio crowded church In Sad a fliese c ivies by wen and they sere wen pleataat pew. of a splendid physique --and the appear - 1 wish you hard ohs Dia{: ', s W obis mkt atter of the early Ph.cntctan iuhahitauts tiro. ring. of the land, there had berm a vast sub - Tae preacher said, with trumpet vette, ''fest mergence of land, and a great catastro- aH u..• people slag t" ph., aye, a stupendous one, in which The tusejwaa ('oru'at.uu. and to anode up. Oven the hlediterranean had been alter - wed rolled., ed frog u small sea to, its present size. Till 1 thought 1 braid the *Levi. .'r1'eing all In illustration of this, the caverns at the their harps of d, Id. I'au of Nahr-el-Kerb and at -int Elio lig deafuess seemed to mai my .ptr.t were described an setas detail, and 4110, caught tow fire : in connoctinu with these, the occurrence Clothed myfeeble, treluWin('u..e with slut of flint implements on the surfaceof melodious choir, modern seudstones at the Cape or RAS Aad saner. as in my yuutLful days. "Iasi an,t• :.• ',restnit r tall; Hrfag forth tare ru)e. d adem, ai 1 aro' a Ilau Lard of all.'. 1 tell you wife it did '.r good to slug that by an voce mare ; 'felt like Lowe wreeked mariner nhu gets a glimpse of shore. 1 almost wanted to lay down 1..11 weather- bsatea form. And anchor iu the W. sad port !orw'er from the storm. 71ne preacliiw'' %veil. l •an't Jus tel ail that the preacher said : 1 know 11 wasn't wrt.ten, i kn.-.. goes' .end. He badu't time to read it. forpLe light mu' . A Wide Awake Draggle - kis eye Went paring lung 110.1. pew- to Pew. nor W/. el • shiner i.y. ThJ serno,n e•-t:it .lowtr;'. teas simple imp- peltru:h, It Pitted old teen .the we: it tilted lospeul youth. iwas full u( cunselatiun f..r nears- hearts that Meed : 'Twits full of iuvitatton to thrift and not to creed. near Il.yruut ; these last were probably of much less antixuity than these of the more ancient caverna A dts:uwion en- , suet', which was taken part in by a num- 1 Iter of distinguished Fellows of the Roy:.l ainciety, iucluding Sir H. Harker, F. R. S., profeseers Wiltshire, F. R S •, Varringt.n Smyth, F.R.S.. Rupert Jones, F. R.S. ; Colonel Herschel, F. R. S. , the talented sen of the Tate lair John Herschel ; Dr. Rae, F.R.B., the Arctic explorer ; Dr. Dawson, F.R.S.; Mr. D. Howard. the t dew president of the Chem- ical 1 gist itute, and other geologists. The uaeeting afterwards adjuurued to the Museum, where refrethinents were served. Owen 14 'dud. May 22. -nae of the neat exattng eteasab..at rads that 1w over incurred an the upper lakes Wok place this week isetwees th. Aathaba.ka, the fastest beat uu the new Cs.01a Pa- cific Railway lane, and the CasplM, whose speed has hitherto been uaefer- peassd on fresh water. The two steam- ers left Port Arthur at a quarter past four un timidity afteru.ana on the down trip. The weather wee tine all :he way tbr.ugh, and an excellent opportunity we's/forded for testing their compara- tive merits as to speed. The boater kept in eight .4 each ether throughout the whale tap, reaching Hauls Ste. Marie w- eather at noon on Monday and tearing that port at five o'clock next morning. After an exciting run of sixteen hours the steamers reached Owen Sound, the Arthabaska coming in about five miles ahead, nuking the fattest tints ata recon un that rout-. Nut another Pill shall iia down my thr.at again, said a citizen. "whet 1 can get much a prompt and pheasant cure for my bilious attacks, as Dr. Carss'sStom- ach Bitters. It render' the blood pure and cool and stakes a splendid spring medlellle. Large tattles 50 cents. $atklea's Andra Halve. The greatest medical wonder u. the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuta,l'lcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sum, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains' iCuruTetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptiuns, guaranteed to cute in s, every instance, or money refunded 25e. per box. Fur sale by J. Wilwn. ly. sate see .e..saa. As numereae testiasraiaim will show, there it neo saute reliable ears for deaf- ness thew Hagyard's Yellow ()iL it is also the best remedy foe oar ache, sore thrust, croup, rheumatism', and for pains and looseness generally. used internally and externally. Alas Mursselaas Swillime. Mrs. Helenangtiarviz. No. 331 Dares in her sixty- eighth Chiang., eighth year, and states that she has suf- fered with Consumption for about ten years, was treated by trine physicians,al{ of them prcoouaciwq her ease hopeless. She had given up all hope of ever reoor- erine. Seven battles e( Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption completely cured her. Doubting ones, please drop her a portal and satisfy yourselves. Call at J. Wilson's drug st.re_eud get a free trial bottle. (1) Seeing is believing. Read the testi menials in the pamphlet on Dr. an Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a bot.le and relieve yourself of all those distress- ing mins. Your Drugcest can tell goon all alwut it. Sold by J W51s,u liudericl.(1 2m The use of Pills, Salts.Castor Oil, de. and other nauseous, griping Cathartic is unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute Is f•,und in Dr. Carson's Bitten. which ace as a Cathartic without griping or causing nausea. All druggists sell it 50 cents a bottle. time faeces. We have made arrangements to club if lou should be so unfortunate as to Hurt, per t in keep youn to any way the n and eait is pea icor lePaarke.Carbolic Cerate Insist on hav- ing. av given below : - Ing. and be sure you get. 11c(:re gor & Parke's :ional and Daily World .... .... PS.50 Cart.' ('erste. Price , , Leant*. G. Rhyne,. • •• Weekly Ma (.1 .b. '� 25 drugg.st. a the genuine. :Ta THE SIGNAL with city papers at the ratesor The pre*, her mane sin ...Aeons la OeUtihs and is Jews : . Ile shut the guld••n .entea..es cows en the finest yews. And tl,uu.tii 1 can't tee ter) well, 1 Mw tt.e fellim.i, :ear. That told rue 11.11 aa. *woe n a) * WE an 1 i 1155'. en very 'ear. How swift the golden tuonments'lie.l within that Indy piste t How brig:.tly bcatne-.t Ib.- :kW of Ilea. rat ' from every happy fate. Aasiu i langnl fur that sweet time wren friend stall meet with friend. When cut yregatians neer br.•al. up and eat - baths Lave no end. I hope tonew.t tilt n.i is:,•r--t he to';r.ygat:mn . loo In the dear house hr, and she }tan that shies from ii caveat's blue: I doubt wag rwaN®ber.beyond fif s events: xrar. - T:1e happy hour of worship in the :model ('bur* today. I/ear wife. the fight trill s,on ire (Lindh: -the victor) be won : The shinin' goal is just ahead. the race 1. roearly run. O'er the river we are neurin' they are throng' in' to 111e shone T.) shoat aur safe arrival where the weary weep wo mom. Prehistoric Nass 1• Egypt avid Syria. SE l u,%aaLt HI*TK. -The Sanitary • - Journal gives some "Seasonable hints which are worthy of attention. in tier of the near approach of the bathing eeas.,n our contemporary advises :- 'Bs u •t tie, ready to get int.. cold water .out ui d.s,rs. Better to bathe at huine until tate needier and water stet decidedly warm. 0.. not i• 'old water when overheated, t.:1 when cooling off, nor when cold, Cor remain in ton lona at first. Fatal cramps are caused by such iudt.cretiuns. Dry off' quickly, and dross as soon as posaible..•ii leaving the water.' Iltefernne to the too common h•►bit of leaving at! under -flannels on the first warm day, the Journat says that Il, ie,. reran "i:.as been the prittie cause of many a death. Hotter t . be uncam- f•vtal.:y warm than fstal'y (Nola. It is a g e4I plan to wear lighter darnels f. r a few weeks before leaving off altogether. nithengh many do not net. They might be left off at night. if w worn, at alrno t any time. lir. Dowel nor Sagami. J. Wilson is always alive to his busi- ness, and spares nu pains to secure the best of every article in his line. He lies secured the agency for the celebratedDr Kings New Discovery for Consumption, the only certain cure known for Con- sumption, Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any afftctit:n af the Throat and Lungs. Sold Ion a pesitite .uarantee. Trial bottles tree. Rs_ular size $1.00. (hn Tnureday aftern...n Hon. ('livor Monat let. fat England. where he «111 segue the (mieno side ..f the boundary adispate before the prwy cnuncil. Quite a number of his political friends were down t•• see him off, and the little pre - mien seemed happy in the importance of his mission. After kissing his grime - children ar.d shaking hands with all his friends lie got ..n the rear platform and started t..wards Hamilton amid the cheers of his,syrnpathizera. Among those present were noticed Hon. A. S. Hardy Mon. A. M. Ras'+. Capt. McMaster, Mr. Darlins. Hugh Miller, F. Fenton, Mr. Henders,u, 1'. Wand, W. Johnston, C. Doherty, 'Major Allen, Mr. Rogers, J. D. Edgar and C. 1: W. Biggar. A gals meeting we. hell by the Vic- toria Phi*u.ophical institute of London in the ttnesed week in May,1at which its members gees a wurthp welcome to Vtee- Chancellor Dawson, ('. M. G., of 'Jlct:ill Unit-ereaty. Montreal, at whose instance the British Aes.ciation visits Canada this year The Society of Arts kindly lent its premises for the oecasiun, and its greet theatre was crowded in every 'mixt long before the hour of meeting The chair was taken by Sir 11. !darkly, 0.C.111.(:., K. C. it, F.R.S., who - -atter the new members had been announced by Captain F. Petrie, the secretary -- wela,me.f 1)r. 'lawsuit amid loud ap- plause,. and asked him to deliter hos Address : It was on "Prehistoric Mur in Egypt and Syria," and was illustrated by largo diagrams, also flint implements and bones collected by Dr. Dawson him- self no the spot during his winter tour in to Eat ; Professor Mid -Dawkins, f•', R.B., kindly assisted in the clAssifatien of the bones. In dealing with his rub trees. He bores • hide in the body of ject, Dr. Dawwu remarked :that, tireat the tree, and thus becomes a borer him - Interest attaches to aur rruuiu. which, self. then fills the hole with their of sal - in oonntries historically so ..1 1. may in - vanish, and the borers in a •hcrt,tiryne dints the residence of calors tw•(or the vanish, while the tree flourishes like • dawn of hiwtery. in Eypt, mwlulea of fltio are ter; nl.nndant In ;Ise Ewell limeston.•s. a 1•l, where these hive been wasted nary. retnsin en the surface. In Rtany places there ie go. d evidence that the dint thus to he foiled everywhere. has been, and still is. used far the mAnufae- tdre of flake*, knives and ether tmpl.. mints. Thew, as is well known, were used for many' purposes by the ancient Egyptians. and in modern tines gun- flints and strike -lights au11 c.•ntinue to be (Sade. T.:e ,Lblis .,f worked dints lowed on the surface la :hue of tittle value ss an Indication o1 any flint -folk precedin the ..It! Egyptians. 1t would be otherwise if flint implements could he The rieirramraa Sired. Mail ..... 2.25 Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. GF. CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich A geed aasortaeat of Ketches. Hud-ruom, i)tu:ng Home a d 1 atiur Vomi eres. .Mswat all hiss, Claire tkalr. tsar sad weed •rated'. cupboards Ded tads Leuyiee, sofas. What -Nuts. LArektes 0la.ae•. N. H. .t complete mania 'IMO* of Collies anti 'broods always en bard also Hearers for btr At rea.uwWe rests . Picture Framing a s'erls1Iy.- A call wI'e:1, e " " -_1' Advertiser... 2.23 lire Tug point Dv -teener. -Poverty with perfect health is rather to be chosen than riches and dvspepsia. Try the magic effect of a dollar the of Foe:TAIe' Cr HEALTH. For rough eve diti.ns net the Skin, Shamp•eing the head, Pimples, Eruption and skin diseases, use Prof. Law's Bel- phur Soap. m ,'!I Nervous Dubiety cured by the us .4 Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and ISrain 'Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere - sapid at Wilson's drug sear. 3b• The Conservatives have to, louver any ritLt 1.a apeeal 1., any o;e's patriotism to help thele to extricate themselves from the mire iota which they have plunged. If they admit they can no lon;;er govern alone, let them resign their portfolios, and there will be found teen, as in 1878, , intelligent and willing to courageously Lace the sltuatten. If not, let then) get ' along alone, the people have elected them be -that : and when the day of reckoning comes the people, that is to , say, their masters, will sea the: every - i thiu:t is straightened Out. -[1.a Patna. •W'hy should •matt wriest, bb.t^a a warm withtu alt ke his grandaire cat its alabaster Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and than. Vher "Ct\t: stgee Its:`tw as t willmake i g.ruw the faster. For sale by J. esu _m Pain hem indigestion, dyspepsia, and be. (hearty eating is relieved at once by I Lakin. one of Carter's Little Liver Pills i immediately after dinner Don't forget this. m. 'A■ Answer Wan/N. Can any nue eros; us a case ..f Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters *ill not speedily cure : W'e fay they canne•t, as th:•uesnds of cases already permanently cured awl «Soo are daily re- conuuending Electric Bitten. trill prove. 'tri_ht's Disease. Diabetes, Weak Hack, r sang urinary complai:tt quickly cured. , They purify the liked, regulate the hive - diseased eat, ane act utrrcul parts. Every b..ttle guaranteed. For sale at 5(k. a bottle by J. Wils,.u. [1J: Int salt Risen= tared. Are you troubled wttu Salt Mettle. Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Soma; if so, go at once to (;eee.. Rhynes' Stere and get a lackaae .1 Mct:regtr Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. It was never known to fail. b A mtartllay�laret cry. I'hyslcian's are often startled b .r - j narkable discoveries. The fact that 1h. 1 Kings New Discovery for Consumption it ' and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily , Penally tee *Sealing as 1 sbeelle. I curing patients that they have Kiera up to die, as startling them to realize their sense of duty, ant1 examine int.. the merits .1 this wonderful discovery, re - VINO IS INITN SIM p ThI.��. THAT TNS CHICAGO, WOW CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y, !sing the Creat Central L!r.-, afforde to trawlers. by reason of Its unrivaled gee- - graphical pOl.tiOf, the shortest and best route between tee East. Northeast arty So:s:nowt, and the West. Nythwett ano southwest. sat is ....really and etrlotly true, tnat Its eonneetione are all of the printlpal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pa'ific. Sy Its main tine and branches It reaches CbletagO, Joliet. Peoria. Ottawa. ta bane. Genesee. Moline and Rook Island. airft111 015;1. Davenport. ven t. M e t�rh. Washlncton, Keokuk, Kno.rulo, O.ha►ooa, Iowa City, Atlantis. Avoca. Audubon, Harlan, Outhrie Center and Oounlg glues. M towel Oalaatin, Trenton. Cameron and Kansas City. in M/ascan. and Leaven- worth and Atchison In Kansa:. and the hundreds of Metes. villages and towel Intermediate. The "CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," W iluungton, Del.. May :39. -Cho. 1 Blake, of Phtlasielphie. arrested here for bur.larl last N..‘ ember. but convicted' I only of tarceuy last week. has been sen - !few Life fee 1.eetleas Weakened by l- ease. Debility ■ed Di..lsatlea. The (creat German Invigorator is the only specific for inlpoteucy. nervous de- bility, universal Lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the hack or sides, no matter how shattered the system may .be from ex- cesses of anykind, the Great german Remedy wil restore the lost functions and secure health and happiness. 51.00 per box, six loxes for 55.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt ••f price, postage `paid, by F .T. Cheney. Toledo, Ohio, sole rgent ter 1 -sited Stater. Cir- culars and testimonials sent free. Sold by Oen. Itnynes, sole agent for (lode - rich 3m : tenced for stealing an mnbrella, to pay !coats of prosecution. Ski tine, tone hour In iill.ry, twenty lashes, and three 'ears m Cewcastle jail. A Ba'ara4 TRsTIMOtr. - For a, Cough, Cold or any Bronchaca) affecion. "Pretoria, ' in nay opinion, ts just the thing. I have used it iu my family for 1 Coughs and Colds for the past four years with the lima uurariet success, *u.1 to- day my opinion of It 1s that i c nttiune to think still ta••re •,i ;Ott v5 ,1 :: 1 be_:ul tau.:king well of. Geo. Kerr. Mati;&t.cr i h.ta:i•, Bated, Pickering. Pnce 2s5 wits:a alt'lr;itv.st,. ria Tarr. E]aMiIt..--Mr,Tisdale.of B,ant- The 'ell lowest stren:,tl.euiug pr(q.rF- f••gd, an enthusiastic fruit grower, has tie, .1 Iron. c..mhim••i soli other tonus discovered that sulphur is a sovereign and x meet oriel .,er:me, are Jotted In ttbe berlti' -iii° kinlr- sine nitre's aSd twvly, eel innn•te the. bh..ad and rotnnleci•01. .lin Prof. Kay has Leen re-engage 1 M teacher of the Wingham Brass Band. "greets bay tree. The remedy ei sin•fever silts ger. pin and effectual. it is suggeste ! that,' If ,rat ere •u!` grin ilia1• a Alia dr -sulphur m'Qht exterminate the hi y knot as well, and is worth trying. The Pre!se'i spirits, l •• • : ai'rrtite. `suers! general plan with t•lack knot is to cat off debility, disorder -I bl.-w. weak enisti• the 'door'/ and burn it, but as that ,.ften fauna, headache. or alio disease 5,1 a bli- the the frau, it is said that if the iota nature. by all Means peneure a tee. knot he shaved4ose amt painted several flu of Electric i:Ittara You will toe sur- tiudeswith she' varnish the sauna n• a prised to see the rapid iuipr. 44n&ent that sult will he attained. Shellac is a thing 741 ("11".: ya sol Ire inspired with new every owner of fruit tree. should lay., life : strength and activity will retunl as the easiest and cleanest thing to nee rain and miners sill c'ssr. ran•! honart- for closing up wonndel lunhs and hark. "rth 7"u win rej.lee 1h the praise of. Electric Bi.tet--. Soda At fifty cents a battle by J. Wilson. leo yard' Reward d. A liberal reward will b..:e pai.l f•. say i)r. Low s Kura Syme has re ed party who mil) pr.•duce w tale of Liver, tat,e warms fears 15 /e :*) (art In length. •Mad in the older gravels oaf thecuuntry. 'kidney 0r Stomach complaint that foe :• 1 1' *leo destr••ys air kinds o; worms. la eoon of thee• ate of Pleat...ems age, *n 1 tric Hatters will not speedily cure. Ilan. beleto a period of partial sum h.r,gence thein *ham. . it will cast yen nothing fee arwsa'. Plaid tlsltbelow of Ibe Nile Val's,. Flint implements the medicate if it fails to cure, and yew Is the tole 1nstsntane,•tts relief f..; Nen. will 1» well reminded for your treble besides. All Blow' diseases, Bilious. nese, Jaundice. C.metipatinn, and gene- ra:.lebility ate quickly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money refunded Pr.ee only fifty cents per, bottle. Yer sale by J. Wilw.n. (7,1 own per bottle at George Ithyna drug 150.. are moiled tart.. gore. b The heat bland purifier and aysnets (5- gtulab.r ever placed within the resole of A sires/ Rttaeeverr suffering hnman,ty truly a Electric nit- That is daily bringing joy to theMRlw tete. Inactivity .d the t.Irer, Bilinasnes Of thousands by eevtng many 01 Alb Jaundice, t'.natapatien. Week kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organ, or whoever requites an appetiser, indoor mild stimulant. will always And ''loath Bitters the beat and only eertaia .sr' known. They aot surely and giddy, .roto bottle SRsupnid to g*SS alibi suiting it hundreds of aur best Phlai- cians using it in their practice. Trial bottles free at .1. Wilson s Drug Store. Reeular size $1.0.1. ;) National Polls alt promptly upon the liver, regulate the I...we's and as A pur- gatite see mild end th••rough. rt There are lot.. f , e•.pte t••i et around grunhling. assn 'salt sick at the Stomach all the t:,.se ; sen . might he well and hof+l•y, if they "-sly need Dr. Carson's tk•otetah Bitters •'eCasiunatly. It is a •pleudd hk..l purifier. All druggists 50 cents -1 111114.1411‘ to atireaa4Nut. 1., these times w -h i. our news:at,rrs are if. noted with p-htemt medicine ada'er- uaemeuts, it 1. ,tratifying t.. know what to procure that will certainly cure 3411 iflaau are Lili••us, bleed out of order, R debilitant', there is ;is thins ( in the world that will cure yam e. quickly as Electric Bitten. They are a Messina t.. all mankind, and can he had fav eniy tifty cents a bottle of Jsines Wiesen. 12:1 Jowl i) en alleged to be hone in thew pkvela, but there atemod t.e he no good evidence t.. pre•. • that they are other isiglige the chips hrokea by ,neobanieal lbiblN+oe in the renewal of the gravel 1►y .♦Iosrential action. In the i.ebanon, gmeterIli. caverna exist. Thep• were divined int.. two denies, with reference 10 their origin ; wme being water eaves or tunnels of wu',tenanesn were, others sea -ares, excavated the wrotet when the (renntry at r latter level than at present kindle Inc. been • erupteed ee and same of thein und,ubee Ily time anterior to the )'h.enician , c ion of the errantry. and even at a w1gR the animal inl•ahitantw and kleteles of_ oke region ware ralgia, Headache. Tootheche. etc. Rub- bing a No drops brisk)* is all that n seeded. No taking nauseous media's for weeks, but ens minute's application removes all pain and will prove the gvc'nt value of Kraut's Fluid Lightning. 25 dear "nes from an early grate. Tray n Dr. King s new Disa,very for Consentpp•• *my, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Rema* .. SlaFever, Inas .1 Voice, Tidbit' is the Throat, Pais is Bide sad Cinsttetr- sow dimness of tits Throat amid Lorma taiiirs ease. Omit ntiosd Wel Plb ter___•_ w• ___ As it is familarty called. offers 13 travelers all the advantages and comforts 11.10.nt to a smooth track. safe bridges. Union Depots at all connectins points. Past esoress Trains. Composed of COMMODIOUS. WELL V[MTILAT[D. WELL HEATED. FINELY UPWOLS1'sRfO 'aid ELEGANT DAY CO,,CH[s $ a line of the MOST %IAC)IIsICRNT NORTON 1 [CURING CHAIR CARS seer Isullt r PULLMAN'S latest deal ,nsd and Itawdaoen•et PALACE $LUPINO CARS. and OWING CARS that are acwnowledged by press am. people to be the FINEST RUM UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and In which superior Mob. are tarred to trimmers et the sow rate of SEV[MTY-FIVE tr*NTs [AOM. THRs[ TRAINS each war between CNICAOO and the MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAMS malt way between CHICAGO and MINMtAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. ria the famOws ALBERT LEA R e A New and Direct 1.115. va Ihneca and Kankakee. aas reeenttr wen openers pstweon NowpOrt Noww. Richmond, Cincinnati. Indianapolis and La Payette. end Council Stuffs. St. Pea. Mlnnea0005 and intermediate pants. All Through Paseens're carried on Fast [apses Trains. For more detailed information, see Maps and Folders, which may be Obtained. as well as Tickets. at all principal Ticket 0 *1c.e.n the United States and Canada. or d R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vb. Pree't a Csn'l Manager, Csn't ('1'1 a. ?atee'r Airs CHICAGO. '/t A t --tet•; A p r . :0111 T.Irv) M ; a(rll �t al°t '4" Gr o4TIS.co's.t::1gULfERRLIEFRSNo L 4,7 N.i4s. *he Adtanat.d ttaag� CoNsuMPTIoN• J' W BRAYLEY PROPRIETOR • NONTRIAL. Stelt Hradecbe sat relieve all the iron!tet .or'. dent Una bilious crate of the prams. such a. Dm - armee. ltaass5. Drowslx•as. Dher-.e eft. r ea: iag Palate the Okla Le. While their most neu..rk• .5N....S.s has bees 'boon Is carni SICK Resdarbe.yet Csrter'N.Ittte Leer Teas are what! rateable la Coeu(ipatlea, arias and prer.-scut this annoying eoopluwt, while they also corer.. all disorders of the pooaeh. simulate the li..•- • add .11 sad r gelate the bowels. E. ea if Hay only ectad pan in ,.,, EA PRINCIPAL -+'.INE •. 1.. r.l'itll.'i'T. 4• I. Kier ills HIST liar 14 41. .14,114 tithe. Tap ia. 1A11 - t Nebraska .t'Isr,•r!.[sa• sec New Melte*, Arlenes.la teas eau TmT 4 Aeh^ 1'Iry would be•Imo.l prior'.* to the... who • user fres this distressing 'emptiest : hat fmt..- e stsly their goodaeeedoe• set sad beteg, and 1 t,.,. • also oath try them wilt Ind these llttle11s..:.- able fa Militant tray'het they «Ill vont 5. will:o: ledo without tLcm Dist after 511.iek hoed CH Is the times of ►.. many 1: ves that ho r. make our great hose.. Our p.W t.. oaken do not. Carter's Lunt* LI.', TII10 aro ret) •m.a sir ' very they M take. One or two pill. mak. - dos. They are .trimly vegetable and do not gr. sir purr. bet by their gentle Sewn.plena„ all wan ▪ Meet. ew. In vials at s5 teats: err for S:. Sold by draggles everywhere, or seat by mad. CARTER MEDICINE CO., Mow York Dotty. The SReuutHer P10!. CJ ME C .� Gt. CP - 012 Pa'ae e.,...n ..;; n.,r I.or Meet Calverse 5. sal La•r.ry.,l• slat �:a, Pea \.Ib.....) reputed se s• eeeded to 1.:•.,t ins .• Bl k thest equipped rk tlMtlrnsd In the world fes sS 195.45 or 1 ratio' KANSAS CITY At. c,mnrrt Ines made 2• payer Throne. Tlekets .1s t1 Celebrated Lbw to mien ail otiees t the C. s. Tor it. .^n roe won e^ : • ., •,iag • .0 . ,. taatar•d e s die FARMERS ikeitons of nhtainl.g* Plows of the •hn.• make, bingo Nov. It D. In and M. ran 5. fur washedwith the sane by application in the Foundry, Goderich. nepsln of all the .bore plow■ ran sten he oh. tallied u the enema pear.. 1 Beau ei 25 Per Ont. O>! ea Mien sick 14.1". Ci 4s HUMBER a .1 T. 1 POTTER. • W nee !*',sortG. -r A4s,•'J' t'h'esis. 'Ali. (live '. ,.(•t.5., • _.'Niri Canadian Pass. Ag t, Torowo, Out I:. Jeri,aTov, Tick.' Aggent. (melees► AP ale rents fo4%1= po Sque. twhisk he tree.* W boleros eds'fefv 1110 oew dant awy than anythingelse In $• the weedAllve1stook rt. seeree41 Prat hour. The p,•4 twai to fortsw. open• before fore otos wortteta, akiI0 b sere. At ow,•e sAdrra.Tabl lk CO.. Air . Melee. Fayslhydsn' "Shit know. her Batt, tatted w1sRyss * 11 awl .wart. Can draw you to her wait mi a a* brik.'1 Bet it most bo bedrest = to fit. i w 1 hi xe, a ith _kit tai, 1. • 11 I wi way M •e1 to w m extra the very , dol II III tonal cat -I ♦ Tea how er,„M pe the aro p in ter trtctll adjoi get a; s on est "M. tole 'l cox t et in tell awe trans rte"h iea g fort • f vis;• pante ugh Natio • stun 1 There The b The c 11 rds. There pie. g steal Educe n intr.., 'ety- :. He th be cls. o. his actio Hemet bee ani i n witty. Deer. trey the Powders worms. Watcl trestle. Whey Is het a Jarrii ceesful . Don't while y. Keep their oh Fresh sweeten air over itha checks A fah with yrs the whi Arm wait to uprtbefb x/11 passion OR' bat oak pot Alba that he fine ; h bestow Paying The tont an elsewh. font To, and fa and pr mals. nearly (tent p and its pld it arms Cloe any 01 for the sena the ere other stock. (arose, boort Me is enocgl to sup bring suborn secure the re ways of the The modie for th ening Weed sols.