HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-6, Page 5• rHh HURON., SIGN L FRIDAY, JUNE 6. ISM 5 POL,1TIp11 £ND TNg1[PIR Pet Heel same 6taeer Eras se Wer. • dowel MlraMwN. "llaeeeine i• Chatham Illaarar. "Eder see soy political Bute f" Well, tea But I've seen • few di.egree.etate mad a little nnpleaeastmua remit /mesa Jose IIT. "Beoosse camveresat with polities r (►h, .o ; didn't need to be - are ; was Gere and raved in their. Tuo•k to them w a dock dues to water, you know. The first election after oceateder•tion was very h d1y omit -steel t■ Heron My giber took an active part on th'e Reform Sid. and whet. Moors Cameron :.red Gib- bus -were returned "ter Mew.. Ritchie sad Carlini; great was the rejw:iug that followed the hard-earned victory. I ?v- oided hear Exeter, and with• few others waited all night for returns, Sud before leering we agreed with a few of ib. boys to ...nee out the following night and cele- brate the event by • hie bonfire. This ens a risky business. The village was a Tory hot bed, (I am pl.aard to know that with better facilities for education a greet shame has came over its politics" the few Reformers in it being ao.n.Nded the treatment usual in ouch oases. But the Thames Road settlement waa with u•, and we looked for a turnout from there. Well, we went—about a dozen of us and after waiting for the reinforcements, which, owing to • misunderstanding, did not come, we concluded to tire up .lone. A big pile of inflammables was 11000 011 the street and ablaze while we cheered and find off our runs as rapidly &. we could load and fir. We had not bong enjoyed ourelves tbu. when • big crowd was seen coining up the street armed with all sorts of weapons from stick and scythe blades to ba onto and two or three with formidable looking old .words, and we saw • row or run was to follow. When they gut near us they be - gait to .wear and—but you cant have any idea how an Exeter Torr mob can swear. Why if the hatches of the bot- tomiess pit were battened down for • few &ions and then the bottled -up pro- fanity suddenly turned loose it might beet it : but it wouldn't be a safe thing to bet •• i. Well, that mob lust opened its moot •I and howled and then a via for our fire. One fellow seised a brand and an uncle of 'nine, who was there. put ho food ••u it. 'Three or four rushed at hie) sod has brother and another of our boys who had runs headed heavily with pow- der, blazed away. One of the snob was knocks 1 offer and pretty well scorched. Bruce B— who had been trying to get a rusty charge of ball out of his rifle, lowered and snapped it, but fortunately it didn't explode. The next thing I did was to get up out of • fence corner. I didn't go there of me own free will and I've always suspected that the careless fellows in battering that tire must have crowded me. The condition of my ribs led me to infer this. The weather for sometime after wasn't particularly healthy fox our b eye. ore I was on deck again one of them 'got pretty badly kicked, cut and stabbed, but escaped, minus hu gun The other one with the gun was in the middle of the mub, Lying about him bravely. One or two pistol shots were fired but whether they were only intend- ed to frighten or were badly aimed he was not struck. A broken jaw, several cut heads and many bruises attested how well he used the clubbed Enfield, but he was ..vvrpuweret and with difficulty escape.; i.. the hotel near by were sitting a gentleman just arrived from California and oue Browolee,in auctioneer. Brown- lee was a noted Grit mid as steno as the mot. heard he was there they rush- ed in and in a moment he was knocked bleeding and senseless among a lut of kegs and irrreb. His comrade, now a well-known cattle -buyer, whom I shall call by his front name, Tom,w.s r+ take(' by sorpnse that he had Dot interfered. But he moved quickly then. Druppi•ig a many] capped blue coat he evolved • four shooter and a wicked looking knife and, in a fractiim of the time it takes rite to tell it, Iaune.hed out the hand that held the pistol catching one of the bul- lies in the forehead and making a wound from which the blood spurted freely. The oowardly mob didn't wait for much cere- mony One or two got remindert as they rushed ort, leaving their wounded companion, whom we brought to by sousing water oa him afterward. Girls a. Memeateepeee. FASHIONABLE CHECKED SILKS H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., BRA.NTFORD, Having secured a very Decided Bargain in the Nel• Fashionable ('hecked Silk-, we are showing n Full Range of Colouring at the Lowest ,Figures we have ever seen such goad offered. ALL WARRANTED PURE SILK. B De. Checked Dress Silks Eflo wopz.p. ..00. 75c "WORTH Checked Dress Silks 7C C R.1.aa. WE WILL SEND SAMPLES ON APPLWA'1'14►N, and Goods by Mail or Express. Goods so sent not proving satisfactory may be returned and money refunded. We have received this week : Ladies' jerseys in all Colors. Ladies' jerseys Beautifully Braided ALSO -- The New Turkish Crape, in Stripes and Plain, Being the Latest thing out for Summer Cot,tuu„ •,. 2 W_ 33R-=CT.TR dr, CO., Blrantford, April 17, 1884. BRANTFORD. 0 0 0 Begin with your own things and your owu place. That is what your mother will tell you if you rush to her, enthusi- astic with great intentions, and offer to relieve her of half her housekeeping. Reform your bureau drawer, relieve your closet pegs of their accumulation of gar- ments out a me a month fir two ago, lnatitute a clear and cheerful order, in the midst of which you can daily move and learn to keep it. Have your little wash cloths and your sponges for bits of cleaning ; your furni- ture brush and your feather duster and your light tittle broom and year whisk and pan ; your bottle of sweet oil and spirits ..f turpentine, and pieoe of flannel to or -serve the polish or restore the glom where dark wood grows dim or beta spot- ted. Find out, by following roar surlily growing sense of thorwufhnees and nice - mess, the hest and readiest way of keep- ing all fresh about you. Invent your own processes ; they will conte to you. When you have made yourself wholly mistress fit what you can learn and do in your own department, wo that it is easier and mon natural for you to do it than let it alone —.i, that von don't count the time it takes any more than that which you hen riven to your own bathing or hair drµ• ing the ) oa have learned enough to keep • whole house, so far as its cleanly order is concerned. ii•Oreleh Markets W J -J l w fcl West Street. next door to the Post Office. 'The Cheapest House Under tbe Sun.' April K ties. 11120- Fick' i10 Ficld and Gaen Seeds. The subscriber is now prepared to furnish all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds of the BEST VARIETIES at rates that cannot be beaten in Goderich. Call anal examine samples be- fore purchasing elsewhere. REES PRICE, East Street Grain Depot, Opposito Town Hall, Goderich. Merck 1114 tau. ttla Ooowarcn. Joe it 101. whoa. (Fa11, C bash. ........ III M,1 M n ser r hv;lei!.(r bush . _ ... .. 1 i0 i I a tit,• be* _.. ... . •M w • Id 9.1itt.t:: •y • hsew .. t M 1 M ae..................... T M • 1• + M rweMskeaf ..... OW WOW '1.sA................... 11 • h rout M " 1M pea..• ::..... .. a :: • .. e ....ate101........ ... 0 " 1 JOHN IacTAGGART VICTORIA *TRKET. Has opened out a fell line of GROCERIES HHD CROCLERY. Fresh. Cheap. and of the bee brands. FLOUR. 8z MEAL_ EAT SII offer a few piece.' of DRESS GOODS, suitable for Wrapper.' and Children's Dresses, at 10c., 12}c.. 15c., 20e. per yard. Goderich Foundry. The undersigned. having purchased the Goderich Foundry atm Machine Shops. and hat • ••r put the same ■ hood repair. will take coatn.cts for Flouring Mills, Steam .. ngines, Boilers, And other Machinery wanted. A11 Lads of Castings Made to Order Flouriv` Mills 6baRged to tbe gradual Reduction! or Roller System. Will keep Agricultural Implements on hand. and do all ItEPAIR8 on short notice. J. B. RUNCIMAN. R. W. RUNCIMAN. Goderich, April 24. 1001. 11141y COLBORNE BROS. Have just received a large consignment of Cottons. Cottotedea• rucks. Check Shirt - Ings and Tweeds at lower prices than ever. Call and see them. A splendid assortment of PRINTS now in Stock. 100 New Patterns to choose from. f Be sure sad see their Factory Co' Roes before buying. Goderich. Feb. 11th, 1001. • Sosriethizze . Waited_ WALL TINTS - - KALSOMIME COLORS. MRS. SALKELD Ha. lull. It. plrawe is aan0i0ty u.at Ler Stock of Spring and Summer Millinery 1e now coespive% sad comprises ail the Latest .Youelties in Hata, Flowers, Feathers and all kinds of Fancy Goods. Prices Low and fork Guaranteed to Please. in Every Shade. Ready Mixed Paints. Peneben's Cottage Colors. Iced Cross Brand. I.diea and others can get the color they require without the trouble of mixing. Warranted to be First -Plass in every respect. and to give satisfaction. For sale at John A. Naftel's Hardware Emporium —A FEN' P11rCks— FOw. E SERGE ---ALL WOOL, 23 Inches Wide, at 23 Cents—.SPECIAL VALUE. A CALL SOLICITED. GsderitIs. AprU M. INC MRS. W. SALKELD 111G•Im u.vea er to Miss Jessie Wilson. MILLINERY MILLINERY 1 We have couch pleasure in aa•esaelag a the ladies of Gederieh and vicinity. that Our Stock of Spring and Summel'-Ililliuery IS SOW COMPLETE. AMU COMPRISKS A VAIttkTi' tit Beautifully Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, Comprising all the New- est Shapes. All are Cordially Invited to Examine our Goods. Feathers, Flowers and Trimming Goods "THE TORONTO HOUSE." µ\\ret side tt `.lues.• teat dare to liiti$.iai ... Fruit store. GoCen, h. Apul $6, ROA. 1107 - STOCK o MILLINERY! 1s nog•• cotup:e•c. and it: be round t•• euihra.e th. Latest Stifles and the Best Finished Work at the Mosr Moderate Prices. A Call Solicited. MISS G—TLA__EA__ESASZE TUT atll .(RK. •• ;tTC'IT. !The Chidago House, Surrr3xeer One of the Most Complete .ocks in l;oderick. LATEST STYLES AND LOWE*T PRICES. MAW W711ri"1O'g, - Oh mgt Zona. TO MOTHERS OF FAMILIES 1 A taws. Spierd al red herMa Shop k Mc useless. everi variety lei Gassed Meat Pork. etc.. A sell respectfully solicited. JOHN MACTAGOART. God erica Marek IR►. 111l. OISS- m WM.. Goderich. March gab. 101. Maar Foiitliill Nurseries. RUBBER DooR MATS A CHOI('K ASSORTMENT. A11.O 326 ACR> I3_ PITCHER SATS, JEST REGI I%Z1) AT John A. Naftel's Hardware Emporium THE LARGEST 1N WE DOMINION. SALESMEN WANTED To herein work at case ea Fail Sika fad ewiploywwwt at axed eateries to all willing W work. aim mod wwlia can have Pignut Wart tie Tar ll . Goad areeste.N(• ..relere frees w to Fs pe Mcalr sal esyeeses. /Terra sat '.tat her. Address: STONE I WISLLiN0TON 111111.31m Termite.Oat. I Solt Cutting, Wool and Cylinder Oils.. DON'T REMD THIS 1 McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO, Nonstarters eh blade ef,cbinerf 01ht of the beet meant _ Al.n Godench. April 16.1281. M.. GREAT REDUCTION IN P Having retired from the Liquor business.. 1 now devote my GROCERIE Wb:eh 1 will offer lower than any house in the (Aunty. My facilities torkf et STG-A1Z Defy Competition. i pun•haee dire.. from the Refinery in car load lots. 1 also make& specialty of curing Sugar -Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon. LARD BOLD SY Till33 Read the follow' quotation.: STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR, 11 the for $1.00. COFFEE SUGAR, 12}ths for 1.00. BRIGHT YELLOW. 14 the for 1.00. West Side Court House Square. Goderich. G=O- Spring is Upon Us ! AND NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR Vegetable, Flower & Field Seeds. F. t?RDA N, at the Medical Hall. hes just opened out a fresh supply of Seeds of all Kinds FROM THE BEST SEEDSMEN. FRESH, RELIABLE AND WELL ASSORTED. F. JORDAN, Chemist and. Druggist, Pe -Court troupe Square, Goderich. . • AG . e that!!Pit LARDINE ]i .A O H I I"T in O Z L 1011.10 Vet Salle top all Regrows. welsh M ltsioe fbr siks lr roar. R. W. McKENZIE (13IC3-1•T OF THE PADLOOK_) —la IIEAiK11'AItTI•:r14 FOR— STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE With JMr1,* Either Four or Si.r In(5hes .,apart. FULL LIZ./ MS Ow Spades, Shovelsand Gardening Tools. —AtJtO A urocs. or GENERAL HARDWARE idPTCOZAL PALUffi IN Paints, Oils, Glass and Painters' Ma/ SHEFFIELD 0U TLE Y. R. W. McKENZI y.11a4"satsr4 '4,