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f 4
THE HURON SIGNAL BtJRON CauNTY COUNCIL Mr Allan, that Mr. Harbesttin hese.
>r I kaa .carted work w ur before the (Intl
and that the camber w moved ow
isAjlirM evert Friday Mereias by c' Mame. et sae Jesse sasses. of NM
l(I�aJpOtswt lea�pe. at their Moe. Kurth N
etjhettewerel I sense. s,•'rweesesssms.
Ile Mgeteked to all ;onset the surround
...sent it the earliest mule mad tragus.
.distsNea it baa •karst. (-Uvula partf
say °4 is newspaper use tie raciest, this
reliable l�w als la Ontario I
elas Ii deed the a e•eoces
ti ..td tpp•appeerar� abo b' tb re.'t' a e
meet dgbwHe advertising "nog"... 1
-j1.0a la advance postage prepaid
$1.70. if paid before six months
tae pate. Thu rut. will be trictlt
egg Or Anraseisi ea. tightion ; throe rents t ecents
bleier r line for
Me sulsegtuencInsertion.Ye+arly.half-yearly
Mad gearterly ooatracs et reduced rates.
�Ispeengen'.-. ehare atseaant-class
fobbing depaitmeat la eon �s1 end parrs
tee meet oemalete out -At Dad (rest twilit.. s
It! tends. out work 1• (soder-kb. ase prepared
Se do badmen Is that line at prkws that cannot
in bibles, tad d • quality that cannot be
aresseed.—Terga Cask
mead the sum of $100, providing be
the road anewaao, an bea.we the pro-
perty of the County before the advance
be asadw ftforred t.. Fisceaee l;sta-
The Couucd aasemblsd on Tuesday al- slnitos.
termite at 4 o'clock, all the members Moved by Mr. Beattie, mounded by
prewar The minutes of the last day of Mr. Holland, that ler. Harstune, of See -
forth, i,eauuw were read and ons forth, lie appointed uu the Board of
finned. G,usl Ezamit•er•, in place .d the late
The warden addressed the Council re- A' Dewar. Carried.
spouting the business transac end during Mr' by Mr. Beacom, ..ousided by
the micron.. Mr. MCMurokw, that the reeves and
A petntien treat Jacob McGee and • deputy reeves receive •lot of all the
number of others, prayio.t that
a pauper ` kap °pby � County, and that
apron be erected at the Bayfield mill the sad sad ridge Committee be re-
quested to prepare such a list at this
session. Carred.
Moved by Mr. Bayo, aecoude'l by
Mr. Holland, that the warden, clerk and
G. Elliott be a cmumittee to ask for en
iron superstructure for Grieves bridge,
and have the same erected as Work as
abutments ars completed. Referred to
Road and Bridge Committee. with
dame was referred to the road and ton
wemorul from, the County Council
of Peel, requesting the co-operation of
this Couucd to obtain certain amend-
u:ente to tete School Act, was referred
to the schoti oommittra.
A c.unwm.i.i.tion from Mrs. \Yates.,
in reference indigent insane person
• kept by her a: the .:Usese of the Coen-
1 Jail sold Court
P1N1 BUMMER amour ty, was referred to t ne
house c.,mmtttee
asiarich is a besatiful spot, ssdthefe
`mo deny in, the fact. At this time of
the year it is particularly attractive to
*biters, and for the next two or three
g;emths the town will be crowded with
«laiden coming hither in quest of
inith, rig or and relaxation.
'During the season just closing the
allintcipal authorities have not - been
sparing in their efforts to add to the
Ikssety of the town, and the work put on
this Court -house Square is now assuming
A circular fro►. R. W. Phipps. in re-
ference to the preeervstron of cur turrets,
was referred to the Khoo' cnumittee.
An appltcatiun from Mr. Dickson,
jailer, for an increase of salary, was
ref.rrd to the bnauce committee.
A circuit's trete the clerk of tb. Legis-
lative Assembly. requesting the opinion
of the Council iu reference to reducing
the cumber of members of cuunty coun-
cils, was read and referrer( to a special
committee consisting of Messrs Koine,
I). D. Willem, Currie, McMillan, (Arvin,
Kay, G Elliott, Johnston, Eason, Hay,
and Simian, to report on wine and on
Letter from eouuty Treasurer,
statement of cash on hand, non-resident
taxes, &c., was referred to Fewest, Com-
A communictien from Lieut. -Col.
Ross, requesting a grant to the 33rd
Batt., while serving in camp at London,
was referred to the Finance Committee.
Moved by Mr. Forsyth, wounded by
Mr. Wray. that the township of Morris
be paid by this Council $titt fur lues and
damage eccasie,ned by removal of the
road bed un Gsrdiner's hill, iu said towm•
ship, this motion to he without prejudice
to the township's rights iu case the
amount Asked is not granted by this
corporation. Referred t.. Finance Com-
air sip freciaole form. The county council any other matter referred to to them by the
he mi o
which they supplemented the amount puta
The Metropolis Greiatly Ilsoited
Over the Late Raphosionie
• a7. a ammo
an swe Sebum
meesorest Illtase ePssl £ MMMss
i•h bribes tar •.ae.••
i,.nttaued from page t1
Los.ts, May 31.-L was sitting in the
smoking-noof the Junior Carlton
(slab last night about half -past 9 o'clock,
when the whole house trembled. There
was • dull roar and the gaslight went out. another We first thought it was earth-
quake, but one act the imams ran in and
said the back of the club house on eft.
James' square was blown in with dyna-
mite. We wont down stairs and found
that the explosion had taken place in the
area opposite the scullery and back
kitchen windows, which were all blown
in, with the frame and part of the walla.
The poor girls who were engaged in
washing up after dinner were the chief
sufferers. They were cut and nt•nrled
wit( brokou glass and flying porcelain.
They were et once sent to the bospital.
I went out into Piecadt.ly and as for as
the Nelson Column, where sixteen pack-
ages of dynamite were found, sufficient
to have destroyed the monument. There
was also, another explosion in Scotland
yard. I afterward called at the Charing
cess hospital to which the sufferershad
been removed and learned that they
were all doing well The excitement booth
last night and this morning leas been
Daylight showed the damage by the
explosion to be fully equal to the worst
anticipation. Crowds of excited people
are vatting the scenes. Policemen aro
aloe deserving of credit for the manner I Legisltive Assembly, at the earliest op -
The report of Mr. J. R. Milleso
expended by the t
( ttiel
sed ' h parts of the town together Moveri by Mr
1 h own council.
S., was read and referred to the school
The improvements 1 vemente made on the Square , twmmittee teeper.ratatt.e t:a*aer/.n.r.
a ■t ret.
m other . Koine. seconded b y aw.Was tbe
cum -
h thfine situation and natural ad- Mr. Cook, that Mr. Gibson,
montages of G.dench. the wide streets, (m to
1ner' be instructedpec
owick and Carrick, an have
t,rtion , the boundary line between
dme residences, beautiful avenues, k d b that par
6 t scenery, saline baths mine- tion of said line constructed by the c,un-
heal springs, ta, &c., cannot fail to at- .ties
i_ s ofthuron and county of B, ce rep.i�or ;town-
tract many to this point during the en- ship of Cam ,P•7
sea portion of the work has given way.
influx of visitors. - fReferre.l to road and bridge committee.
Jlre.1 by Mr. Griffin, seconded by
ek oat - half the expense,
using summer, and we leek fur a lases
Now that a definite promise has been
siren Mini/ham on the railway question
by the C. 1'. R authorities, something
should be dote by Goderich to show
forth its advantages as a lake terminus
for the road. Frew the conditions inn -
c • ' posed upon Windham we are led to be- commissioner, be instructed to examine
•hove that p the C. P: ft. count consider- the Brussels bridge, the wing wall of
Ithe same having been much injured. and
ably on the lode in salt from Huron the roadway being unlit for public
ltlepers ere 'be Inesmv ee Me sass meesses-
TIM new lewd et Meassh.
The regular meeting act the town own-
cil was belu uu Friday evowaug last.
Preaeut-the mayor iu the chair, reeve
Jo/mem, deputy neve Cameron, Mur -
my, t'ulb.rne, Chute, Lee, Bingham,
Caatelua, Mitchel(, Campton Basler,
Nicbolso., Jordan. were read
The iniuutes of last misting
and approved. .
was received (rout It. S. Williams, secre-
tary of the choral uuiom, enclosing a
-hequ. fur $15, to Wadded to the relief
fund of the town, that being the amount
of the net premeds of the "May day
Moved by Jurdan, seconded by Camer-
on, that • vete of thanks be given the
choral un►ou society, and that the clerk
be instructed to communicate the same
is the secretary of the s.oclety. Carried.
Meme mos aserases se mares (Dee en M
A largely attended and influential con-
vention of East Huron Reformers was
held in the Town Hall, Brussels, Mon-
day afteruoon. There was a full repro -
negation from every municipality. Dr.
Macdonald, of Winghann, president of
the East Riding Reform Association for
the Dominion Parliament, .occupied the
chair, and explained the objects et the
'Mr. Clara, that Robt. Hamilton, of the meeting.
township of Ashfield, be allowed the use The following officers were elected for
of the *pile driver to drive about 70 the ensuing year :-President, Dr. Mac -
epilog in the township of Ashfield, he douald, of i ingham ; First \ice-Presi-
algreein_ to give s fond to this council dent, E. E. Wade, tsruasels ; Sennd
to keep the •acne in • sod re sir -Car- Vice-President,
Wm. Ro tune, Tu nber-
red. mist- ,= ry ' Secretary, Wing -
Moved by Mr. Rogers, seconded by ham ; Treasurer, J. A. Morton, . Beacom, that Mr. Gibson, ,,road ham.
After the reading and adoption of the
minutes of the last meeting, and the ap-
pointment of municipal *nominees, hie
Thomas Gibson, M.PP., was called up -
un to address the meeting. In a speech
of over an hour's duration he reviewed
the political situation, and showed the
necessity for thorough organization and
hearty work it. future election As lie
vigorously scored point after point
against the policy of the Opposition in
the Local House his remarks wete ap-
plauded to the echo, and he oomcludd
amidst the greatest enthusiasm.
Brief speeches were also given by Dr.
Sloan, Dr. Macdonald, and Messrs Wede,
Morton, McMillan, Strac}yp, McLean,
Hoch, McGillicuddy, J. A. McEwen,
and others.
A committee, consisting off Messrs.
Wade, Mortem, Hood, Strachan, F. S.
Scott, and Dr. Sloan, was appointed to
devise ways and means to watch the re-
cision of the voters' lista throughout the
oounty, and under these conditions no
town in Canada can offer greater advan-
tages than Goderich. It is well known
that Goderich leads the van in the salt
Reade, and this fact, coupled with the
magnificent harbor facilities of the town,
should make it a desirable location ter a
railway terminus.
We have, time and again, pointed uut
the advantages that would accrue to the
C. P. R. in the event of Go derich he-
mming the terminus of the western
branch, and we do int intend to revert
to the subject en this occasion, but we
do say that inure energy should be at
once exhibited by sur local men. If the
C. P. R. authorities were duly invited to
0,derich surely they would come hither
as willingly as thiy went to Wingham ;
and if the salt business it, one in which
they take a keen interest, G,dench,with
its thirteen well, would prove to be a
plate of importance so far as that indus-
try is concerned.
In any event the ball should he kept
a -rolling, and no effort should be left nn -
done to keep it on the move.
The report of the inspector of )ails,
fits , was referred to the Jail and Court
Howe Committee.
A number of accounts were read and
referred to the Finance Committee.
A communication from Mr. McDonald,
Registrar Surrogate Court, requesting
additional vault accommodation was re-
ferred to, the Jail and Court House Com-
The council then adjourned until 10
o'clock's. m. , Wednesday.
Council resumed at 10 a.m., the war-
den in the chair and all the members
present. ��
An application from Mr. Harbottle;fur
an advance of $200 ,.n the contract for
Holmesville budge, was referred to the riding and to provide f..r the reusing of a
Finance Committee. riding fund to cover the expenses of the
A circular from the president of the test against the return of Mr. lebscn
()tomtit Agricultural College was referred iu East ursn.
to the Special Committee. The following resolutions were then
submitted and carred : -
Moved by Dr. Sloan, seconded by Mr.
Geo. Hood. that a manes of Reform pub-
lic meetings be held in the riding during
the ensuing season.
Moved by George Fortune, seconded
by Jas. Mitchell, that thus convention
desires to express continued and un-
bounded confidence in the Government
of the Hon 1). Mowat, and approve
Most heartily of their liberal and pro-
gressive management ..f the affair of
this Province, and we further wish to
express our deep eatistaction that the
base and corrupt attempt to overthrow
one of the most honest and competent of
Governments has been frustrated and
the parties engaged in it exposod ; and
we hope they will be brought to justice
and fittingly punished ; and we hope the
Government will continue to contend for
the rights .f °titari . against federal ag-
gression with the mine unfaltering per-
sistency they have thus far manifested.
Mock' by Thea Strachan, seconded
by Geo. IF od, that this convention de-
sire to express their appn,val cf the
course pursued by Hon. Edward Blake
and the monition of the Reform party in
the Dominion Parliament, and we wish
drawn up in a line across the streets to
prevent the access of the multitude.
Order have been given to leave the
wreckage untouched until an examination
by Col. Majendie.
At Set. James' theatre. a hundred
yards distant, the explosion• founded
like two claps of thunder. The audience
was alarmed and there was nearly a
panic. Several ladies fainted. The men
started to stampede but were reassured
by shouts bidding every one to set still.
as no harm was done.
The second bomb in St. James' square
exploded against the residence of Sir
Watkin Wynn and produced a huge
white fracture four feet in height and
three in breadth. The windows were Mr. Darrow -Corned.
But -
gnashed and furniture damaged. Moved by Johnston, seconded by But -
The explosion crusted great havoc in ler, that if decision be given in favor of
the Junior Carlton club house. NuttierSkimmings • deed be given to hint at
ous eases of wine were desti eyed. The mace- Carried.
club wit' remain closed severs) days Moved by Cameron, grounded by But -
So far ar known up to noon thirteen ler, that M. Cameron,
name be substi-
tuted were injured, including live esu- Luted for that of F. Jordon un board of
Jas. Ferggu•ou, ptrmapel of the Wing.
haw publte school, is about to tender his
Mr. Cashman. of Clifford,
l kept
the Queen's hotel, lttwr, lately
by A. Orr, who has removed to Tess -
A number of young men in Listowel
were tined each $1 and .rte at a magis-
trate's court last week, fur 'saki*, • dis-
turbance at a meeting of the Lord's
H. lappa'. proprietor of the Znxish
flax will has maw .tbitag over 390 teras
wider flax this spring He informs ea
that at this time of the year, ho never
saw the Mx crop lokiog better.
The. Kerr, son of K' -tot Kerr, of
Harriet MI. has been tiu..d $27.lb for •t -
tempted indecent ammult upon aim
Mock, who was returning home lees et -
tending a reheating of the Lord's Alt ire.__-
that town a few nights ago-
Jse• Braithwaite, of hi rat un
Tuesdvy morning, accompanied by bis
son Marshall, for Lexington, KcntuokI
where thee peeves purchasing a stock
farm, if they are favorably impressed
with the country and climate.'xr..' ' '
Thou esm Russel rat the Thames LtusL
Coloorne, remedy old to Messrs. J. H.
and I'. C. Cameror., et Stanley, neer
Brumfield. ea thurotgebbred (sew, and
heifer calf, heir months old,also, a three
and a half mouths' ,old, :tor the sum
■ anent.
The treasurer's monthly statement
showed a balance of $6t)tLat.
The cemetery sexton a report showed
the iuternients.ice last report to hay •
been : two adults and two children ; ales
in April two children not before repirt-
ed. Referred t•, cemetery committee.
The finance committee reccmmeoded
the paying of the following accounts :
Hume SIGNAL, $7.68 ; Mrs Mitchell,
The health committee n(wrtd that
in &mc,ntanee with the "Public Health
Act of 1884,•' F. Jordan. J. H. Colborne
and Henry Cook had been appointed on
the committee, and that Dr. 'Taylor had Miss A. Higlg'n', daughter of ltMr rhe.
been appointed medical adviser and Higgins, of the Bayfield road. Stanley,
sanitary inspector. It was also rococo- I who during the winter was teaching at
mended that the by-law under the Oct, Brussels, has been at home for some time
which cones into force on the 1st of on account of ill health. She had to re -
July next, should be accepted without sign her sitnstien on that account, and
alteration. Tne report further stated is still in a eery low state.
that Thos. Gibson had been appointed to
look after the Little faintly at a remun-
eration of $1.25 per day, and that pro-
visions and actual necesanes were now
supplied to the Little family at the ex-
pense of the town.
On the report of the cemetery cam- his teeth had been knocked out.
mitt.o a discussion took place on the I A retired larnter,wh" was moving into
r uestiou of the dispute between K.•Mrt�.,rth. sent a load ,of furniture ahead
Taylor of (i•,derieh township and t\ m• of him, among the rest of the articles
Skimmings, of Goderich town, when it being a bureauThe furniture was left
was lying loose all night, and next morning
r the farmer's wife waltzed into town and
Moved by Campion, seconded by But-
ler, that a statement of the case between opening one of the bureau drawee took
Skimmings and Taylor be referred to out over three thousand dollars in bills
The following report of Mr. Elliot,
road commissioner, was read and referred
to Read and Bridge Committer :
I inspected Lnndesberough bridge on
gravel read running north to Blyth, and
found the north end in a very unsafe
condition. It has been built en tong
pieces of timber, placed tinder one end.
i world recommend this timber to be
' raised up and new timber placed under
Oscar Wilde was married on Teeeday. them. The bridge has three floors on it,
We knew mew (sky he bad his hair cut and would be
teken .elf and the top one laid t theywhich
recently. is good ('eek elm, and this will lighten
— — the bridge a good deal. I called for ten-
R1.,JsOT D WITH 800R,N. den for tn. erection of a nes iron bridge
across the Bayfield river, known as Rath -
the errant. ?..elms Meioses M areept well's bridge, according to motion of
ale Joh■ maeesesaSd's Terms.. council at last session. 1 received six
the lowest being from George
• Wioniq,e>. May 31. -lit the Leviable Telford, of Clinton, for MAO, to be con -s-
tore yesterday, Mr. Norquay stated the pleted in Septetnbvr. This is to be built
intentions of the Government in refer- with c4elar abutments at each end, and
once to the terms sent down from lit- (.arse bents in cegtre of 30 feet span each,
tawa. 11e read a somewhat lenytitfili bents nod top itruc'ure to to td ruck
per, the gut of which was a complete re- elm. i gigs, examined Blyth bridge, ar.d
tun of the terms offered. His stand
]stet found the q.reaches wok ; 1 left it in
mass unanimously endorsed by the legis-
, charge of Mr. Kelly to have It repaired.
Wien. and a cornuuttee was appellatei examined Hayfieid budge In company
to put the reply tete shape for trarsmu- with )ire. Esruc, and found the se.uth end
stop to Ottawa. Mr. Martin, of Portage very unsafe, having been built on rock reuse emphatically too declare our drasp-
L. Praire, pr..poseeel that Attorney elm spies ; the land being soft, the spites predation of the large additional grant
Miller he rrralle.l froom his mi•' and hndce swinging over has caused tnu made w the Canada Pacific Ltailway by
Siem to England on the ground that theend to sink nix o1 eight inches. i recent-.
Dominion Government had re see the Domini Government, as well as
mend it M .alar u{o an new rim
wince the public Inds. 'face motnm cl ant ape the abutment on
Dr Gr t h q fu 1 the
On Saturday, May 24th, Allan Me -
Donald, of the 12th con. , Stephen, was
severely injured by a hone kicking hie
in . the face. The wourd being of a
serous nature, surgical aid was called,
when it was discovered that several of
The Big Mill in Seeforth is to be
thoroughly overhauled and refitted.
The old machinery and interior works
are all being torn cut, the old roof is to
be removed, another store added, and a
mansard roof substituted. When o01/0 -
plated it will present a very handsome
outside appearance. John Lyons has
men. All the wounded are in the h•api healthLost on the following division : the contract.
tai. Five, including a policeman, are in lea--Cantcloa, Butler, Nicholson, Jor- John McMahon, jr , "(the 3rd con. of
a precarious condition. can, Cameros. \ay -Johnston, Mur- Hay, while walking m the woods one day
The dynamite was carried down thin rev. Colborne, Elliott, Iwo. Mitchell, j recently. fund s curiosity is the shape
iron steps leading to kitchens and cellars,
and placed in the cellar under the path-
way with a lighted fuse. The upward
force of the explosion broke a large hole
in the pavement, and wrecked the base-
ment departments of the club.
Loewe, May 31. -Col. Majendie and
Ford are busy examining the debns in
Scotland yard. The police found eigh-
teen packages of dynamite. Ford says
considering the quantity of explosives
used it is a marvel that the damage dune
was not greater. If all had ultimately
exploded it is impossible to surmise the
effects. The dynamite discovered was
atlas powder, precisely similar to that
used in the outrages a few months age.
Three hundred panes of glass were shatwotrks c,.uwcttee-Corned
tered. In regard to the statement made by
In the detective office a large iron i Bingham, that Fields had barn hired at
d d 1»c the cor upt moons adopted to secure the
placed under l supgoeort of member to the+. ¢rents, as
was soled down. , south side ,d island is very moch tinder- i ws beliesthe urcgin.l sum granted to
The Reta.bUeaa n
Chicago, June 3. - The battle cont-
la.noed at !Soon. .11011 Lrlge 4,1 Massa-
ehs.etts nominated John Lunch. of
Mississippi, :colored .a• temp•rary clove -
Man, demanding .cul of :he roll. 1fu:
row, of California, spoke against the mite
tion. anJ also (:e.. W. Curtin. who
Inavoiding avoiding a fight.
treat excitement, tremendous at. -
Ours. and • hosted discueaien ensued
ms the temporary chairman .location.
The Blaine and Logan men supported
Clsytou while the Arthur and Edmun-l•
men supported Lynch. The roll was
.ailed and the vote stood • -- Lynch. 432:
Clayton, 3$7. The eletinn of Lynch
was then made unenimotns
Ahhouirh anneiderahly dina..nttei. it
mea a brilliant tictory f• •r the tali -Blame bridge, bot received no reply. and tine
tide, and these wh.. ace.wwplisl•e1 he has not started the work yet. 1 am
it aro wild with joy t.,night. The rete inf,.rw►ed Clinton bridge requires some
of 717 for Clayton shows Blaine s Infirm rein.
etraneth. His friends lied eetly counted mann.
Et.,.wtr, Read Oemmiesi+nes.
es 7.12 flee the first ballot. A ernmmienirah.on from the in•pectsr
d Jails, in reference to the jailer's Abet* ibss hsedr'ed sheiktrees were are. was referred to the titillate
s@ Com -
Th mislay test, 1 mew.
Moved N Mr. Beason, sear led b7
Bingham, Campion.
The relief retort of St. David's ward
showed that $3.25 had been expended
since last report.
was presented from John O'Grady ask-
ing to be placed upon the relief list.
Laid on table.
A number of accounts were read and
referred to finance committee.
of a very large deer's horn. It measures
4 feet 1 inch ie length without the end
branch which is broken off, and is near-
ly 10 inches in circumference at the large
end It las five large branches measur-
ing about 14 inches in length.
On Friday afternoon, Mr. Pollock. of
the Victoria hotel, Blyth, and Jas. Fer-
guson. went out to a creek in Wawanosh
where finny beauties are said to congre-
4Am account from Henry 8illib, for gate. The denizens of the "deep" were
tun ing four Tamp pets, $10, was order -et home, 42 of them answering to the
ed to be laid forthwith. sportive playfulness of the gentlemen's
111etcd by Butler, seconded by Mich- lines and hooks One of the captured
ulwu, that the question of removal of treat weighed 1; pounds and several
Livid stand and changing position of weighed one pound each.
pump in Square be left with the public The (:oma Enterprise says :--"Thos.
Walker, who has for a number of years
been precentor in the Presbyterian
church in this village, was presented
with an elegant Waltham "Ell.rj ' watch
and gold chain on Monday evening last,
the friends meeting at the residence of
Wm. Huston for that purpose. Mr. W.
has done his work as chorister faithful)
and well, and the Society of that church
has taken a neat way to show their ap-
preciation of his service&"
screen urinal where the explosives were
placed, was blown thirty feet and tweeted
in all kinds of shapes
Two persons tried to arrest a man hur-
rying along Pall Mall opposite from the
direction in which they were going and
$2 per day for watering the streets when
So employed, it was moved, seconded
and earned that the matter be left with
public works committee with power to
..f et. Junes
reulltStoN Day t st xasaTton.
away from the direction
Square. But four men suddenly emerg- Moved by Johnston, seconded b7
ed from the corner ani released the Muruey, test $125 be granted towards
nen. The whole party hastened away. the ce eh ation-S25 to he h•r the band
The dynamite under the Nelsen menu- -Carnet•
meant failed to explode, owing to a defer- The following committee was appoint-
ers fuse. Had the sixteen packages ex- ed t.. act with the citizen` committee
and widespread ruin and less a
ploded, the monument would have Men , Johns •n, N ichulnn.
demolishes Butlrr, Colborne, bluebell.
of life caused. 1 Moved by Johnston, secntled by Col -
Extraordinary precautions have been i borne, that the mayor call an early meet-
(.ai.dlaa Canal Tails.
New You, May 31. -Referring to the
question of Csnadian canal toll, the
t ,,eam, nee/ l Rellai n says : -"The action
of the Canadian Guvrrnment is but par-
tial and probably experimental, that is
taken to guard barracks, monuments and ing of the citizens -Corned. to say, they have met the trade half way
public buildings in all the leading towns ! ay• Laws. and have agreed. in view of the promised
throughout England.By-les No. 0, to appoint health officer reducti. ns by the elevator companies
Leading Dublin paper', such 'as the i and sanitary inspector for the town of
Freeman's Journal, Irish Times and E.%- ! Gudench, was read a tint, second and
press, strongly denounce the outrages- third time an.
A profound sensation was caused in By-law No.
d 7,poutedproviding for the man -
Paris by the explusiona The inutility agement and improvement of the Court
of the English police to prevent outrages' House Square. in the town of Guderich,
is severely criticised. France will di. all was read a first, second and third time
in her power to assist in discovering if and passed,
the dynamllsi—iii Ied into
!Englandpn motion the euune;l adjourned.
from Femme by women.
London, June 1. --Sir Wm. Harcourt, ! insetsmesapher•
home secretary, on the dement' of the __
chief of police, has advised the govern- Once ui,on s time the (Aee6r declared
meet f.. place at the diapaal of the that certain politicians were •'b,.,se fish,-
chief • large sum of secret service money who were "aniline oats through the
with which to buy information regarding ! Ti ry ferret. " The idea ..l fish aniling
treasonable and other criminal projects t oats was not a bad one, and it shows('
withrut revealing the informer. Th. • Am the writer possessed a graphic imagi-
chiefs of police repent that certain c.on- Melons At 'nether tune it intimated
apireten reedy dy to "11 1•4."1"•.-"'• that its opponents in & ertain matter had
which they pampas provided names +tee ant left themselves a single peg to hang
mine.' with water; it requires spJes to be the C. p. fe was ample to secure the kept secret. a loop -hole on, although how the hang -
driven and tilled with stone. Some of (completion of the work it properly man- • ing Df loop helm on pegs is brwght
the planks ..n the leer are decayed and I srfed W'e further wish to place en • meow. Leap. &hoist •s not quite clear. In the Leal
it requires new one.. i inspected Hall's' reeDrl Dur disapproval of the wh'bemle -- Legislature it was once baldly declared
Isola* on first cencession of(kderich system of bribery recently inaugurates' New 1 ork, May `21. - -Freddy Gehhard by a meedeor thet " the priming knife
township. and find south apprach neves by the Government, under the guise of was the lion of the horse show Insley. , would hay, to he vigorously applied, no
to be rel aired. . it has Wlec swig very yens t» railways, by which (Mtario is His remarkable six-year„!d Kentucky ![matter taws, rax 555 gored.' a goring
much : anti it alsorequires some new ' rohhcol f• r the hene1t of smaller and , horse has earned off the special pita° ! of in og with a pruning knife would be
A.oenn r 1 also rta:nined the Gully i poorer Prot mess. for hunters in the afternoon, totally ' rather • tifticnu (.est. But the (J!„hr has
hedge non:, ••f Hall a and find the Aotob l Muted by (i«,rage Wait, seoendd by et ligrinv all precious performances in :h. dkirj,rer.-,i seer that would seem to be
jing requires to be renewed. Craig's O.ieye Heod, that we, the Reformer ..f high jumping line by carrying his 150 ; res nen edttticult. In speaking of Mayor
bridire nn Bayfield neer has sunk about West Huron in convention assembled, pound jockey, Peter Smith, over a sue i Beesoll :old the polies promotions, it in -
11 inches in centre, requiring mew hent, do hereto .m record our ht • 6 feet b inches high, utterly artnihilatine
ss it has w s7at1 .d 4(19 feet. 1 measured Ii plate Ch p 2 ti•aco that •' the Maws is ten he are
`,reeiatinn „f the *Inlet: shown by Mr. ,the English chau.piun leap of ti fret t , cover up his tracks, bat they are
the stone of Grtese s bndge, McKillop. Th „1A. (ii1vm,n as our rrpreesnutire in niche& As Mr. 'ster Smith is an Irish- alike toe tn,mparent to gat swallowed by
in acr•wdanve with rnwdi•n last January. the (Mian.. L..(islatnrr, and to et prem man, the show buildutg wasn't b1Y u►twlli;.mt Iee.,ple without •gemmae..
end advanced the contractor Sere art ,,,n. contuwed dmfldolice in the nisi. wh,o enough to hold his enth.atasm. Leo w It is to Ise i.. peed that the May r s tracks,
1 d If bud feet 2 itch high, and h
payment. Mr. Hardy m mese .i has w• often and .e well earned taw Rat inches
reg • e tent at the i which the peepte are expected to awai-
place for abatements and the cont roc form standard on t.. a ictory cit East Pstl (meow, after Mr. Raymond H. Itel• Ih.w, A:o• not VI- lar¢* ones.--(Ter.ontu
tsont'e gelding bad ibm man hi. oder, ren IT ale:rans.
a way that nude the hair of the bast
ter i. goin¢ on with the work I w
to Mr Harh.Atle regarding Holmeseille H°1"3.
Mr. Benner. el the Port Eleoma Nee
Pots, purchased the Mount Forest Con-
federate newspaper basin esss. and took
p►awssi.on ,.n the lent of June
During the resent lhupriser Moral
lightning struck the stables of Goitres
Powell, 41 Bleabeles, killings sew and
three pip. awl damaging the guile M
the bears. heal W a .nem swap..
key in the place stand on end. i i
a singular fact that on the c..m,rratovw-'Crv.a, N 'v.T., on Tuesday evening, by
1y ewy leaps he often kneicked the liars a gamy of Indiana, while protecting his
endways in amusingly futile attempts to I �.ty warn., hon.e
ver them. Refers it sljourned at Brantford on
Col. Fred. (;rant has «,M his horses Frosty. the 1 Mlara Wenn omen passed
and carriages and dismissed all his err- resolutions in favor of the Scott AN. and
vents. Hu wife said she lived ars army in favor of teaching temperance principles
ration Does aid ase de it slim. ! im the pwblie sshoeh
i":• Seal P. Hock ass .lead at Maple
and the forwarders to take off one hal
of the tells. Having gone thus far, how-
ever, the can be no ,question that under
the mine pressure of public opinion,
which luta urged them t.e the prime
step, theGovernment will be obliged ul-
timately to abolish the toll is tote."
The sane pager, speaking of the reported
abetii/iwt a -•we Aaeriean mewls
paatag through tits Welland Canal, •a7s
It is to the credit of the Dominion Gov-
ernment that at the same terse reduces
canal tells on grain for the benefit of its
own people, it else r•eenovesa serious da
crimination against American vane'
owners, their c.mpetitors. It is a step
which will go a long way in disposing the
public mind in favor of renewing reci-
procal commerrial relations between the
awn countries on &liberal basis'
OtHrel.g (tie breasommes.
Joseph Atkinson. late treasurer of the
Western (Intarn• commercial traveller
assocutinn, Iwmdon. is • defaulter in
*31117. He falsified the hank book.
The association has still $7590 of ..seta•
In, referring to the missing treasurer, H.
D. Long, his anemone, maid he was •
person with whom he had been eat the
most intimate terms for over a quarter
of a century, sad was the last man be
would think guilty of a dishonorablesmt.
if he had only allowed his trisods to
know of his impecuniosity,then weeld
have been willing hanextended t"
help him. He regrettd exosdungL
that Mr. Atkinson had not stood Iws
ground and faced his difficulties like s
man. The guarantee company is
for $1001) The aseoeiatiem nom
K. King Dodds convened • Inmang et
the Halton liquor trade era &Iqbal, d
which it was decided to saboit a MU I"
the mind of the Montt flet is Nm_ltelellOW
imws.diately. Re .tgAsT•
d teat "--
in tater of the appal have &WI keen
signed W more ties ase• air lbs me
tared miters of the .sees/.