The Huron Signal, 1884-6-6, Page 2• d ZLOOHANIOS ixvr4?D'17- ft. taanwel nevem . Whs. 110. durum me owns Tart THE HURON SIGNAL. FIIll LY JUNE 6, 1881. =reap the suavity tnmsurer. MDSD3ROUB MALIO1. gravel wee also delivered. J. Sterenaua peseented a claim ageism the Wwushtp, to the amount 05, his team of bones once baviag fallen through a defective bridge seer tlhephardtua. The orotund tender- ed him $lb as payment in tall, which he .4(► sosopled. The eass-r was paid part of salary. Thiele* ewas instructed t.. procure 1 copy Iflenieip•1 Councillor's Hand Hook for eaaaminatiss ; was furth- er instructed to meat y the following i to amply with the wire fence .law, via : --JesseSoyder. J. Snyder, J. Weiss, G. Mabel, H. Habel, P'. Ken- chinskie, J. Wilsust, M. Swamis, Sin. Alli&', C. Young, J. Million and A. Mil- lion. A by-law was pealed compelling pounditeepers to exact • tine on each sa animal imp ended, and to pay the me w over to the ttoorur of the municipality. Copies of the aforesaid by-law will be sent to each p.undkseper in the town- ship. The council then adjourned. J. A. McDOMAta, clerk. red. rid Mallotagh's .00enu,t her Yellowing is the annual report of the directors of the l:oderich Mechanic' isetitert•, *Rich was submitted and ap- proved of by the board oa Friday eves - lug last (23rd ult. ) The Beard of Directors have mach pleasure in Lying beton this meeting a full statement of the work lease of the Znstitete for the past year. The ao- counts have been audited and found cor- rect and .bow the Institute in a better condition financially than it even was before, the receipts being $1,106.160 which leaves • balance in baud .d $9I.11. The following is the librarian's report, showing the number of books in the library, with their Plami6cation ; the number of books added .ince the last annual mooting and the number issued from the library during the year Then are now 1,718 books an the library, le41 of which have been added during the past year. The classification of the books is as follows : - History, 212: biography, 176; fiction, 428; voyagers and travels, 133; miscellaneous, ISI; poetry and the drama, 63; religious, 65; science and art, 226; periodical literature, 89; books of reference, 24; literature, 121. There have been 3,l(04 books issued from the library during the year, and the taste, of the readers an be seen from the following classification :-His- As e ase teas se venue wtam a Fai u rr Trans. Troy. )N. Y., May 20. -Au unkuowo ppww�awom aMaeted • switch engine as the I)•Iaware t Hudson It R at Meehau- nevilb kat night, .w itched it nes the main track, lumped off sod sent the engine aP track at full The eta- and glue solltded with the Montreal •!caper and both saltines were wrecked. Ea- Qtwsmaa Ticknor was dangerously in- jured ; engineer Myon had a leg broken, sad others were bruised. Vila cULraiT Schenectady, N.Y., May 17. -Thomas Kilday, of Mechanicsville. • discharged switchman, was arrested in this city to- night, charged with running away with a locomotive from Mechanicsville this morning to send it &geoiat the Montreal sleeper. He admitted his guilt. Here and at Mechanicsville the (velitu is very bitter against Kilday. THR WORLD OVID. aireesvd an ear l'Measaa of eels OM - SW* Salt fNseesa»rartes An eight-year-old p•reist[ : -"Dude u a euomeo moue, neater (tender, because it's a thing." Mies Annie Lyaeh, the daughter of • farmer living shoat two miles front Dino was drewmed in the Grand River Natsrday night. She said elm was remit hewn to the bank to fish. Nothing furth- er is known, .. she was Neer seen alive afterward& On it becoming late and she did not return, search was made, and her body was found in shallow water, a little piers down the river. It is eup posed she bet her touting on V. It Moore's bridges, and leU into the water there. DYNAMITE IMPLOSIONS. f bottleie a a .ea Proton* in there should use. It is unequalled for Coughs Colds and unlade lead slag tM 11111161.311Ara 1e• Hoarseness is pleasant, equally safe for Nr^g' children. Prier 25 cents At all drug- gists. in New Y okK, May :;0. -A London cable letter of this wonting says dynamite is the sensation of the say. Egypt for a time is eclipsed and all local affairs are m thrown in the shade. A series of explew- tory, 160; biography, 2215; voyages and ions occurred last ev g which attract - travels, 322; fiction,2,196: miscellaneous. ad much attention. At 9:16 p. in. , an 321; books of reference, 6; science and explosion was heard in the vicinity of art, 180; poetry,GO; relitous literature, Scotland Yard. Traced to its source, it 188; periodical literature, 206. Readers was discovered that one of the police of fiction appear to be largely in the headquarters building, used as a lodging ascendent, with voyages and travels house by detectives, gad been demolish - coming in for second place, closely fol- ed and a e:umberof houses in the vicinity lowed by miscellaneous and biography. biddy damaged. The adjoining Clarence the might all the attertjnn of the meet- tavern was demolished. Several cabs ing to the condition of *ohm volumes of Were overturned, one wrecked altogeth- fiction now out of repair (►n the read- er, and some of the horses badly injured, ing room tables are to be found 2 daily and policemen on patrol seriously hurt. papers, 9 weeklies, 5 illustrated papers, .. Two xl!ILYia Laren 13 inagazines and 2 scientific papers. a second explosion occurred. this time in At the present time the membership a pall Mall. This shattered the windows 183, and the classification is as follows : of the Ctrlton Club, and«maiderably in - Mechanics, 42; ladies, 12; farmers, 9; jnr,ed other structures in that vicinity, youths 6; others, 124. tearing up the roadway so that it was im- The evening classes during the fall and passable The rumors because current :that Victoria Station was blown up, but taking it I was completely prostrated.winter were well attended : A drawing class of 31 pupilla, under the instruction investigation showed it to be unfounded. Max. MAKS( STU AItT. . of Mies Seegmiller ; also • class taught Three minutes after the Pall Mall ex- _ by Miss Lwes ; a brook-keepine class phriun, TlemawMs Ras se. 4 19, taught by W. It. Robertson, and Mr. .McGaw had a edges ..f 10 in arith- A THIRD Exrus:oN T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Kan., writes: metic. This is a larger number of pupils occurred in St. .lame. Square. a short 'I never hesitate to recommend your for classes than has Ioeeu shown for any distance fre.m the scene of the *wend I Electric Bitters to my c otomers, they iuT. This ase was the severest give entire satisfaction and are rapid Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap is highly recommended for the cure of Eruption. Chafes, Chapped Hands, Pimples, Tan, fin. lin Ne household should co een.idered complete without a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is ill the closet. It is the only remedy that will positively, perouauently and 1.rumptly cure all forms of kidney diseases. Sold by J Wilton 2m WAsrlmt:Tutt, D.C.. May lbth, 1886. GisTLrwEN-Having been • sufferer for • long time from nervous prostration and general debility, I was advised to try Hop Bitters. I have taken one bot- tle, and I have been rapidly getting bet- ter ever 'ince, and I think it the best medicine I ever used. I nm now gaining strength and appetite, which was all gone, and I was in despair until I tried your Bitters. I am now well, able to go about and do my own work. Before C3Rf3AT i+1 FOR 0.11131% 1 H_ RIDL�-Y Of THE PISOTLE'S WORE O0J)gtt1CU. le sow .peeing eat A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF NEW GOODS J•rse. Rr.yley. Hamilton. says: "I read the testimonial. fur ]lct)regot s speedy lure and found 1 had notate go to New York. Philadel- neLouisiana of lis value, a have plea ylofinperms* sss right here to prove its inertia 1 gut • bottle and Hl�liouua Flped ever ands ladi�ion as 1 thI was as ink and one am nearly well hare erect any knotse uof food without it hurting me. 1 may My Ism better than 1 ever expected to be. Free trial bottles at O. Rhymes. tin previous year. The attendance ass esti,:.+.. good, and the classes continued the of all. The back wall of the Junior sellers. Electric Bitters are the purest greater part of the winter. Carlton Club building, which faces on and best medicine known and will peal - In accordance with a motion passed at Pall Mall. was blown in, and the splen- Lively cure Kidney and Liver complaints the last annual meeting catalogues of the did mansion of Sir Watkin William Purify the blood and regulate the bowels library were procured. Shortly after Wynn, M.P.. No. L8, St. James' Setuare, No family can ... •:1 to be without them that meeting ski offer was nude to the was partially wrecked. Two of Sir They win) save bundreds of dollars in board ft the rinting a the catalogues h talWatkin-s men servants received alight in- ducter's bills every year. :old at 50cts. or p free of charge, proded that advertise- I juries. The windows smashed and the a bottle by .1. \1'il dson. m rets would he allowed to be inserted gas extmifMalted. Eight maid servants in a certain way. The board felt sail. of the Junior Carlton Club were woond- 5ed that the catalogue being made an , ed by Hying debris. When the rear wall advertising medium would not detract I of that building caved in they were re - anything from its usefulness, and accept- moved to a hospital. ed the offer, giving the Institute a first At 9:30 p.u., eighteen dal catalogue and not meting a single ,tree OF Dc'Ate1TC, cent The amount wed by this trans- all connected with the slab which bad • action woula be at Sha least $oO. fuse attached, were found by the police We would call attention to the necc's- at the lease of the Nelson Monument in city of the books being called in shortly Tref•Igar•sgwre. They were conveyed after this meeting so that the librarians to Scotland yard and examined by Colette! Maiendie, inspector of explosives for the Board of Works, who pronounced te be nitro compound. Had an explos- ion occurred in Trafalgar -square, gest loos of life must have ensued, as at that hour the vicinity is crowded with pedes- trians and loungers. The explosions and the discovery of the evidence of a wide - book can be closed and new accounts opened for the year just commencing. There are new roll and record books sent from the aarwciatiou -.f Jlechatica In- stitutes. showing new mode of keeping record of books taken from the library, which it may be well for the new board to take into consideration. The towel hare caused a great saving bi the Insti- spread plan of destruction have caused tote by buying cheap editions of a large great consternation among all classes. number of books, aged binding them in The fact that such pliable coven, doing the work thein- taTtlnrgtvi uratunOsi Delves, thus giving • great amount of could be carried on successfully in the i - very heart of the city in spite of the rig lance of the police given rise to a feeling of insecuritity and dismay. The police think that se%eral dynamiter' must hive started out lust after dusk, each going directly to a previously elected spot and depositing the explosives in such • matter•.if-fact way as to. attract no atten- tion. The singling out Scotland Yard as one .4 the points of attack was, of course, a piece of bravado intended to show complete defiance and contempt of the authorities. The police are madden- ed by tonight's evidence of the incompe- tency, and are the subjects of ridicule at the clubs and other resorts where the matter is discussed. The number of reading matter for a very small amoun of money, and would advise the new board to still add to the library largely this class of books, as they stand more handling than cheap cloth binding, and are just as convenient for readers. The magazines and papers for 1884 hate been sold at auction, and realized therefor $$8.16. The memoership is I • ..w than at any time previous, but still far below the number it should be for a town of this sire, and no doubt could be consid- erably increesed by a little anvaesiiig lay the board or other members of the Insti- tute. The attendance at the readu.g room has been better this year than any year heretofore, which sh.•ws that then in the hospital offering from in- tima growing interest cat the usefulness cf persons tie rei -' _ ro•nt, and we trust that next juries caused by the explosions is twelve. year may shoe still greater advance- The Daily Te. -mph says :-"Who are *sent in this direction. The public can. the victims? They are harmless pedes - not fail to see that in no other way aur tries". Yet they are maimed at hap - there be had an much suadin - for so harard 111 bring joy to the souls and and bis to the shameless American mew. ere will --' Small an outlay' _ _ rrseriey po be a TBaaIRL6 DAT or R6r%031l?.: The C•,urt of Recision fo.r the t..wn lerstantheat • • dynamiters, and it is not far di ship of Colborne held its first sitting on Teas feel says :-"it is imperative that Monday, 29th May, 1884. The member England inset forthwith that America Larios taken the oath rewired, the fol I shall no longer harbor dyuautitrrsEcty lowing cases were disposed .d, viz : I land and America are happily at peace, D. i,FIGIlt.1.• aaaerantcnt was reduced 41I Iwo; i and INA wren friendly Salem certain 4, }ii•.ett'• tis•e••no• ret nn let 1, 4th con. , obligations exist which it is impossible to was reduned (1_hRS; .I its:sones ala► plated ignore without seriously endangering the roll as owm•r I, it h t t.•ek I t.; R 11.M'Shu nrunteranoe of 'it,' ,\ - orris was peroses l ton the roll as fernier a I The IAor.r.. say :--"The explo- .D •nn. The roll ala+ t!n•n exammwl Lythe adore■ show that the purpose and methods court, when it was Sot ed. by J. Beck. of the dynamiter' ere not been checked. seconded by C. MrIlanly, that it les sc I Tttg MI n'tBAvlr ♦RF..'LBt gR, opted as correct. l'se RII. The rt then arose and the council well eh..wrn, and well disciplined." READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS AL V U I L. I.I1Q' 10 the chespsnLeLr L) lied Talmo DevA... !tae Which M r prepared to sell Cheaper than GRAND CLE A INC - SALE ! The wbseribrr is also clearing off il► - Remainder of His Winter Stock at Heavy Discount Prices. Oh' how tired and weak I feel. 1 dot: "t believe I will ever get through the Spring house-cleaning 1 Oh yea you will if you take • butte or two of Dr. Carson's Stom- ach Bitters to purify your blood and tone up the system. In large bottles 150 tela. Why suffer from nervous prostration. when you can buy a guir&nteed cure at Wilsons drug store (1) OV IgH('OATS perilously sold for ib aao 4110. can now bs Lad for H.14 aad NIa rvwpestively. SUITING CLOTHS. which rs Iron' c6.• to $1. have been reduced to trans Ne. Wen. and alter Boedsin IF IOU N ANT IlAludlAINS CALLt the AT�,TIIE PEOPLE'S STORK. or (lecternh. Feb. LS. ltd. W. I. RIDLII:Y, Cor. Kinaslon-at. sad Severe HUGH DUNLOP FashiOflable Tailor [Continued.] t'BAPTBR 11. wonderful and mysterious curative rower is developed which is .o varied in its operations that no disease er i11 health can possibly exist or resist its power.and yet it is Harmleese for the most frail woman, weakest invalid or smallest child to use. "Patients "Almost dead or nearly (13 Ina" For years, and given up by physicians of Bright's and other kidney diseases, liver complaints, severe coughs called coosutnption, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy ' From agony of neuralgia, nervousness, wakefulness and carious diseases peculiar to women. ="a People drawn out of shape from excru- ciating pangs of Rheumatism. Inflammatory and chronic, or'suffer- ing front scrofula Erysipelas Salt rlieutn,bl.00d peisoning,dypepaia, indigestion, and in fact almost all du leases frail ; Nature is heir to Hare been cured by Hop Bitters,prco,f Iof borhuodhncm be the known ndwi rldvery neigh. , WEST STREET,,, Has the Finset Assortment of (�oo'ts for Fa:l Wear to Choate Froin. WANT . Nobby Suit at a. Reasonable Price, ('.SLS. t.\ ii u G -g D tJ 1\T DO P. CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC t THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full line of all the L('a•lin'.• Patent `•Se.lieinen always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) GEORGE R$YNBS, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE: The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. LAND rtEGULATIONS. The company offer Imola within the iia::way Nee along the main line, aid is 8otat Manitoba. at prices ranging from $2_50 PER ACRE upwards. rebate with or conditions rs.ffrornng "11th at,o* per aere..ceordtig to jrtes 1>Yd ter the A rebate for raltivat3on et from 1111.1L to RLt.ge Sao t�%iti•ia land. allowed on certain conditions. The c..u.ren;: alto offer Lands wt ut of First Prize at last Prov;ncial Show for quality of the Wire. settlement or cultivation. FOUR -POINT SARI WIRE FENCING. SMOOTH TWISTED WINE. LIMAM WCITNORN 2011. Washburn & Moen s&aBs ?AMR Two -Point 1Virc Fencin JOHN A. NAFTEL'S Cheap Hardware Emporium. BOOTS AND SHOES REMEMBER I Have the Largest Stock, The Latest Stylest The Most Reliable Goods, And -the:- Loweel- s, THE RESER I ED SECTIONS along the Main Line, i.e.. the odd .uiabentt flieettmms wli one mite of the Railway. are sow offered for nate on a ivantageous tarts& -to p�tfss to undertake their immediate cul- tivation. TERMS OF PAYMENT:-- PArebasere may pay one -Sixth in cash. ag.d the balance in five annual instalments. with in- terest at SIX I'Ett CEN T. per annum. p.}aL:r in adran-r. Parties purchasing without conditions of . uairat on, n,:l receive a [ked of Conveyance at time of purchase. 1f payment is made in full. Payments tray i e made in LAND tiitANT BONDS, which will be accepted at ten per cent. premium en their par value sad accrut.i intent. These Mads can be obtained os ap- plication at the Rank of Montreal. Montreal: or at any of its aseecies. FOR PRICES and CONDITIONS OF MALI. wee•! w:1 information with respect to the pur- chase of lands, apply to JOHN Il. )Ir•TA V [MP. Land ('ommiaeioner, Winnipeg. By order* the Board HAULtS- tt1:IN1e:WATE1t,Secretary. 31I8OddO-'-: MIOlOVd m fM �1 M'lease Call Ex��e_ Z m e coo formed. Minutes of lent meeting n -ed The while belittling SM I adopted. The clerk cs.planetl to the elferta of the dynamiter., wane theft i 000neil that ne had proceeded to London that tie, -ere rte • a fearful risk. es directed, and interviewed the hospital Even a a..cni wilt turn, and it will be a authorities in regard to tho patient, Lter+,hle day for the dynamiter+ when the Sharp,and they -the hospital staff hair -I people .4 London make their minds t'. ing decided ton to keep hiu, any longer, being therm to that point. he had him placed umber the are of the A>. ExrU••lor As !CRIED. Misters of Charity in the Mount Hope Search resole, it, the dian.t.ry that Orphan Asylum, atthe sem .4 $l1.' per another explosion was averted in Scot - year. .Recon; •saving to the township land Yard by the failure .1 • fuse to of about CO per year. A letter was re- prom. tievurat cake• o1 dynamite hate ..iv.d from the secretary of the eIe.ve been found in the ticivay, and a (an of iestitutDro wishing the crooned to pay unexploded dytunute half yearly in advance. The courted - decided to pay the 12th June and 12th Deeember in inch year, Anil hoped tion wowht he satisfactory. The claim of Mr di a. ben the council came to the N(► TROUBLE WATEVER TO SHOW GOODS. _ D O VCT N T N G-, Crabb's Block, Corner Baal ellten sad Square. Gtdarich, May 8th. 1884. OTS&SHOES �o c3t We ddLzep iteg t announce to the Public that they hat• opened intuit...:n iii.• above Ktor• in the store Neely occnpaed by Horace Newton. Having purchased • large and well ae..rted stork of Spring and Kummer Goads at doe. figures. we are determine to give the Pnhlic the benefit. QUICK SALES ti SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR MC "TO I O m r k u h'. z a H rpt g 0 JO Q1 Ile' - � f'7 0 a �"j'j L/ x FL3�r a 0 ' 4 ,y O 4 �H Art Destiu Ill Wall Dapper S Now is the time, it you wish ole or t"• r. re rooms at Demo is Rae Pet*" mai VW? 11• ' r ever 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beautiful colon, and at pet..• Ism lima 1.1 mast ie:.riasgoods. Call sad see this A REWARD . (K .ret. tit Well "T�r liui are 'Lebow •Mine a 1, 5 *.. and moat lie sold ay" to any .me sending the beat four lite ' Jr'Pleoase call aril examin. our goods before purchasing elsewhere. rhyme salt ' rAAAA r.AY.:. the retsarkab le l �ftwmenih pr rho plan.. next door 10 3. Wilson's Drug Stores little re, ort • wet ands k 11 v our' special attentioe. • Turn' den Set ser •eldrem. Ser-Nnn. but the Leat of material need and first clam wnvkmen employed. 1low,ia i, fat I.... s4 herr was again in p h Teeth P t' 1.k I >�( irtom not will rec.t • pec ousss w yuw d6 .s tb.irp that Shore was Slip negligence JawR.lainng neatly done m the shorted notese em their ptart. 'sad lamee a. ledrihty. Freemen s Worm Powders require no (� Motions. .4 R tlbwatt, Inc statute Weir I other purgative. They atm safe and sere i .rich. Msreb 9 les4. DOWN 1 N G & W E D D U F pirfotra•i M him, .lrtim1 that he bed to geese..e all middies of worms es w r> Tho Latest �I�rio� �,���;�i� �'alc�los aid Fashions i 0 �1i1 ♦ -1 [3UTL�R•'P