HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-6-6, Page 1.4*4k
}}D I`R TY-SIXTH 1' KA R. i
W HO1.i NUMBER :91a f
11.30 A VICAR IN ADVAIINgarlie
Sow AdveAMemeata This Wert.
mead-TMts Odua.
std --This (Imes.
Paris Green -44w %V ilaoa.
abin hates H. Armstrong.
House tar Salo -Mia. tv'ilsui.
Fountain for `sale E. Bingham.
The P'eople's !Store W. H. Ridley.
Judicial Malo -Carrow ! ITuudfoot.
Dent ist ry.
JL. dentist. share and residence. West
three .!sono below Hank of Montreal.
She people's Qolulnn.
Meat be • good washer and ironer.
Apply at this oA e
l instruments. on Vtctorl•-eat. Oodericb.
loser dloaae's grain store. The owner can
have It byproving prooeerty. and paying
anemia pp
pply at tale ince. 1944-
r on Key* -.t. opposite Dr. Holmes. • story
and • half high. with rat a rooms. and wood-
shed. Gooch cellar and 4iatern. One-fifth of
as acre of landtt•Ili be sold at • bargain
Apply to MRS. M..RY Wit -SON. on tar
premises. I146It
WOOD WARM/D.-200 To 300. owe
et weed, Ise whisk cash will bo paid on
delivery.Inly to NORTH AMERICA
Gederich. May 18th. 1864. 1945-34
is pr..p•red to pasture stock at the Fats
hserve. There are nearly a thousand acres
of good pasture land. !'rice for yearlings :5c
per mouth : I year olds and upwards. i1 per
month. Apply to MANTEL PLATE. Gode-
rich. 1315 -it
•.t ckiei'a sussing ya taklri notes
Aa' faith he'll pleat 1L" •
Ask for the "Mohd Comfort" er "OHvette"
Oederlch clear.
Jobs A. Nate' Is daily expecting an assort -
meat of Adana' 4 %%•setlaki w Chicago coal
sit Moves. the bet on the continent. Waii
sad ase them.
Strawberries will soon be in season. but
Robson, the photographer. oan always furnish
choles pictures. 1a all styles. call at studio
and see samples.
Yos may ba sure of • good photo at Mallows.
from the fact that his censors stood the *train
of the whole comity council on the square on
Wednesday last, without bunting a snap.
Tens to life. is the style of his pictures.
Oil window shades. decorated and plain.
coal oil stoves. Vic cry. Imperial. Economist.
sad other stove. made in Canada. at lowest
prices. picture and roost moulding a special.
Ity. Maunders t tion give right value for
your mosey. Tbe cheapest house under the
Sometime ago it seaf said mat a Pennsyl-
vanian had discovered a method of congeal-
ing whisky. to that in it weld he sold by the
plug. This may or may not be so. Hut you
can feel asured that the best liquors in Gode-
rich are sold by W. I.. Horton.
Strangers comma to Ootterieb wonder
where the young men of the tows stet their
fashionably nada apparel. and think taut
they patronise city tailors. In this they are
mistaken. for the stylish suite are the handi-
work of F. & A. i7Ttdham. the fashionable
Keep off the grass.
John Ogilvie was in town last week.
George B. Robson is visiting friends
in :lie east.
Mrs. Ridley has gone to visit her rela-
( .a at Paris.
Mrs. and Miss Radcliffe are visiting
fnends in the East.
Mr. and Mrs. Sandford have returned
from their holiday trip.
George Cathcart has been paying a
The undersigned has Lean appointed agent
for placing young K.ugliahniru. who wish to
Iran farming. in the hands of good farmers.
in the county of Huron. for one year at nomi-
nal wages. The young turn are brought here
as emigrants, are from seventeen so twenty-
five years of age. Parties omit Mg such can
get all information from JOHN BUTLER.
ageat of Dominionnion Line of Steamships. Gude-
Rollers and Iron !farrows. will be sold
creep at the Golders. h Foundry. The Beatty
Keaper and all repairs fur the army can
be ►pluiiion Ay comp doll Goderich
Ei MI ILLFif~t.
Cnderteh. Ont. 191h-tf
TTbe undersigned has sixty '.warns of bees
for male in doable or single buses. also hires
and smokers. together with ■ large quantity
of honey in one pound heirs. Time will be
given by furnishi h approved notes. Please
order at once. l•ei.t ItLIO4 Mo 1'H EE. ('anew
P.O. Ont. I11W-2in
• is still ready to do any work in Isis line at
moderate prices.
' 1.lmt Bricks. Firebricks, and other Building
Material kept on hand tor sale.
Gederieh. March i8th. 1454. Ilege im
visit to relatives in town.
Mrs. Smooth has returned from her was the big event of the county, and
visit to her aster, Mrs. Hick.
ever) should attend the meeting this I
Rev. Mr. Parke, of Blyth Episcopal evening with the intention ..f hmvtiit the
church, spent Sunday in Gooerich. record ..f the previous year.
Mrs. T. Robinson, hair dealer, is At the oungregational mooting ..f KIN.'
seriously ill AVM an attack of intlamma altorc h h 11 W d esd td e
' J. M. Beat, we understand, intends to! tsined in the artronm fur halt an hour. IMOCKDl ' D . CRIMINAL NOTES
begin the practice of law at Lucknuw. The half hour was put in and he lefcourtroom,H. was • steady and painstaking student, the courtroom, taking the first train to ri -TiP"iiiira WileDaa
Wile eassteee Aawi.• allaio
and hives promise of being • careful sad 1 Woodstock. a. 1 screen and itedM.
reliable lawyer.
Fifty French crows, awnedasa fw
by H. Y. 1 s earatleaertwa.
Aural ill be ac Id b suctian at Toronto ! -
soon. Mr. Attrill is going out of the I
dairy line, and int.. breeding short-
horna fur beef only.
Messrs. Quick, Willis and Rankin, of ;
Kana organ factory, Woodstock, spent
• few days in town last week, partaking
of the piscatorial pleasures of our town.
They were the guests of Mr. aid Mrs.
Gavin Struthers.
John Durnbn,, while assisting in the
unloading ofa vessel at the harbor on
Monday, was struck on the head with a
coal bucket, which inflicted a wound
about tive inches in !worth. oh. Nu serious
result is anticipated.
James Bailey has accepted the chal-
lenge given him last week by Georgei
Whitely, of Sealer! h, and arrangements
have been made for the rue to come off
at Seafurth en the loth of Septeniber,
The Right Rev. Dr. Walsh, Bishop of
L,nidoi, will hold • continuation service
at St. Peter's church this 'Friday) mono
ing, commencing at 111:30 o'clock. About
52 candidates have been prepared, and
will accept of the sacraaient. The Bis-
hop will be assisted by Rev. Dr. Kilroy,
Rev. Chancellor Turner, Rev... 11'Cunnor,
It. J. Wetter*. (Y$hea, Bsbeau, and El.
1In Wednesday Right Her. Bishop
Walsh administered the sacrament of
conhrmatic.n at the Ashtield mission,
Kit:gsbrid re, to 123 candidates, who had
been fully prepared hy Rev. Mr. B'.asang,
parish priest.
The bishop will be at Irishtown on
Sunday, and at Seaforth un Tuesday. to
administer sacrament to candidates at
these points.
the same day that the Rsnoreutetibury-Ward snore times.
race takes lace
P -
Rev. Mr. West will preach in the
North street Methodist church on Sun-
day morning, and Mr. Thos. McMurray,
of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit in the
evening. Mr. McMurray will also
lecture on temperance in the lecture
room of the church on Monday evening.
He comes well recommended as an able
and eloquent advocate of total abstin-
Doythclo Dtr CELIBEATI, N. --The
public meeting billet f ir Wednesday
evening, to devise ways and moans for
suitably celebrating the 1st of July was
adjourn...1 nihil this Friday evening at
R o'clock, whet, a good turnout is called
for. Last year the Gu.lerich celebration
y • on e n a ecantn
tion fliilowimotion was carried 111 ed
Campbell Rev. T. M. left s n Monday by Mr. K ay, seconded b Sheriff
y ib
for the Landon Conference, held at bons, that in the elating circuinstaicee
Guelph this year. at this congregation it is inexpedient to
J. R. Miller attended the tneeting of call another minister to succeed Mr.
the Grand Lodge of United Work/you at Turnbull u colleague to Dr. Ure, and
Toronto thin weak. tTiat a committee be appointed to lay this
resolution before the ether congregations
concerned, and nlsa before the Presby-
Mrs. Geo. Howell, and child, of Dee-
moanes, Iowa, is visiting fne•.:ds in and
around Goderich.
There was no case of much importance
at the Division Cvurt held here before
Judge Toms en Monday.
James Addison was taking soundings
at Hayfield harbor last week for the D.. -
minion Government.
Miss Linda Creasman, who has teen
residing at Galt for some time past, re-
turned home la.t week.
The Foresters' picnic at Auburn it day
SODA WATER FOUNTAIN will likely attract a ,arge launder of the
brethren from this place.
The Goderich Board of Health will
A t1 -bite Marble Fountain, head ily silver
plated. with two mitre cylinder'.. syrup raps.
pipes and every requisite complete for the
ranulae of the same. 11111 be tarred ar d bar -
Foe further particulars call a! E. RING.
HAM,I. where it can be seen, and every in-
formation given.
Goderich. time Ind. 1741. 191ti-it
. th
1.1 e Cwaay of Hares. Sales attended
in say part of County. Address ogre to
!,TIONY.KR and Land Valuator. Ooderlch,
plot. Having had ronsMerable experience to
the sort lenrerl qgtrnee r le Ina punnet
discharge with thorned* * *11etas-
' m(ass.((ons entrusted to him t ('rdcr all
Mart in'• Hotel. or sent by mall to my gto
ltnderich P. tm . eatrrtullj &needed to JOHs
ii.`OX. County Auctloseer. 1111174f
For Sate or to Let.
IMO no corner of good gravel road. Howse
II stories In gond raair. Store 9Dr!t. with
steer room, wood shed. 'usable and i a• re land..
P.O. and dolly mail. Term. easy. Apply to
R. T. HAY?CEA dheppard,on. ittlk.
OR BELL. Sib acres. 30 Beres cleared sad
free of stomps: all well frnred: two wells:
cluding brick renege tisbarn aad shed and k), with cellar full
Mae of house: s 'Mend id orchard : large erect
rens across the iot. Term. easy- Apply on
;montane. Lot le. lake Shore (toad. township
of Colborne. R. T. Ii A Y KIK meepparritee.
March Slth. IMI. leri-
SALE (ln Sed 1'on.. LB. Ilk acre* clear -
cd. balance synod hard mond. A gond orrhard
an nog house. Fields slope tea creek running
wells the lot. sed are esee0l drained. Terms
e"'M_ Ab trim T. IIAYYFY, Sheppa .
fits_ £70iiy we la passer.
Wats Rama. .1 nne 2. Yesterday at
Chefelow, near here, Henry Me- slip,
20 lis of w, was serinualy stabbed by
Frank Siemer. a youth recent) from
Osmisay, stmbie to speak English.
Niwaev quarrelled with ome Fleming nn
whom he drew a knife. The blade glanc-
ed eftThionnntp's rile jest over the heart.
McNabb interfered to make puss ; he
in torn was assaulted M Rimier, who
boned the knife in him body immediately
under the ribs. Whilst the people were
engaged in sttenelitsg to McNabb, Nieuwe
got ewe, McNabb is dankewuall
wounded. Newest ie A - •- •- -
__.a. r. -
mat at the Town Hall on Monday at
PANORAMA.- Verey.epanorama sh..wed
here on Tuesday and Wednesday. Some
of the scenes were remarkably tine,
although others looked the worse of age
and handling. The views of Canadian
scenery were attractive, and the Franca -
German war scenes were stirring. Mr.
V erey is full of information owing to his
Tung travels. The entertainment was its
aid of Knox church S. S., but owing to
he mea attendance on a arasd1
t meagre y sum
was cleared.
The Clinton .Veil, Er., says ; --"We
understand that the Ontario Temperan n
Alli h k i t h til \I !I
ante ave as •e. . o n e. t .n, ex
4 p.m. for the purpo ao of 1 rganizfug. M.P., !Were of Hullett,to speak through-..
out the County in the interest of the !
The Misses Minnie and Lizzie Fraser Scutt A. and this gentleivan has cm -
left last week on a months visit to wonted to do an. He will prove to be an
friends in Hamilton and other points. excellent advocate ..f the temperance
The t nlunteers were drilled by Capt. cause, as he is well informed on the ,
Miller on $aturlay,in order to get teem subject. and one of the best platform
in trill) for brigade camp at London.
speakers in Ontario. "John" will rials
it warn for any .f the speakers on the I
F. S. Hicks is now manager of the other side." We endorse the above from
watch and jewelry est•bliahment 441 .1. nor esteemed contemporary.
E. Sco ones. Winnipeg, at a gond salary.
T 1C Tl 1
R.r ..+Arr.T gats. - ie assault
Mr. Kirkpatrick, von of the late J. C. case Tat he v& McCullagh was again be-
Kirkpatrick, and brother of Mrs. M. O. fore his worship mayor Horten, last
Cameron, was revisiting boyhood's Monday, and on Dr. Taylor's evidence
scenes. last week. that the plaintiff. Itobt. Taylor, would
The her company hail the engine out I not be able to give evidence for eight or
on Tuesday evening, and played on the . ten days. was further adjourned for one
Court House Square. The ground hook- week. Mr McCullough asks a suspen-
ed •ll the better for it since. I sion of public opinion on the case until •
Mr. Fields, who is runnmg the water- ; he can .'Ner in evidence hie aide of the
ing cart just now, is giving much satin- case, which, lie avers, will prove Taylor
faction. He does his work early in the to be at fault. oto far only the other
day, and he does it well. aide has been heard, and McCulbugh
John Pa ne add his hoose and port on has not had a chance to put in his wit -
John messes nor give any evidence of his own.
Elgin street to Mr. Trey for 11S00 lash.
The house is a neat looking one,and Sir. THE Loan's Aawy.--The meetings
Troy has got the worth of his money. continue to be largely attended. The
The Seaforth Erp .eifur allude. t.. a lieutenant's badge, and in bnghtly
trimmed uniform, did harm here, as
advent of Wm. Grey, of Clinton, wearug
iuhnny McCullough as a "bacyh at of
soma note.' The Ooderich man ought
to lift his hat and bow acknowledgment.
After paying off all debts, new and old,
the Huron Lacrosse club hart some $73,
and a silver cup to the good. A nice
little nest egg t.. begin the season ,with.
Rebecca hates, the victim of the Clin-
1on outrage. was on Saturday last com-
mitted to jail as a danerero ns lunatic, the
poor girl having become violently insane.
Grey is very unpopular in (:.wlerich,
owing to his manner at the Bates' out- I
rage tnrestigation it turns -tut that he,
is not a lieutenant in the Army, and was
not sent here by the authorities to help
in the work. !'apt. Hambly, of Clinton,
ordered Grey to take off his ladye .,n hie
return to Clinton. on Wednesday. The
Gnderich people °wincst he persua.le.l of
the genuineness of his eon version ,unless
le makes a clean breast of the outrage
The county eouncill,rs were photo- slur Meanwhile the work goes ..n at
wraphed by Sallow. sm Widneaday. the Temperance Hall every night, and
There were 52 figures in the group, and mach good is being done, both directly
the plate was a successful one. Copies and indirectly.
will be ready to -day.
William Wallace and his daughter, Dr. Waitely and John Little were
Mrs. Hastings. of Iowa, were the guests tried before Jody" Elliott al L,nd.y nn
.d James Reid during their stay in town,
having just returned from a trip to Scot-
land. They left for 1"011 thie week.
James A. McKay', was in town last
week. He is now doing • bits business
in shipping fish, etc., from Weirton to
Amerman cities. He keeps posted ne
Ood rieh matters by • weekly perusal
of the Tea gayest..
The managers of Knot ehereh purpose
holding an organ recital sad easssert OH
Toaetay 24AAA Jose. The eehnit of the
eheteh aged iuesl talewt, samirted b a
--bar of sieve* from a distaste
Wednesday, charged with conspiring to
send Little from London to Goderich
while sick with small -pox. The jar) re-
turned a venliet of guilty against MIh
defendants. in passing sentence on Dr.
Whitely, the .fudge said the object e4
the reiteration was not to. prosecute the
defendants, hot to make it known that
such cameos. efodangenng the health
std lives of the e'ommemity at Sara.
taws not to lee perpetrated with im-
He was tined $20 in refers..
to 141*1e. who made his .own defeeee it a
pitiful strain, His Honer said he had
etsRered emelt already in oonneetise with i •e
• Sunda/joss LI, cars hi.h day with
the Methadhele of the Dbtstuion. The
Unwiring of the four bodies int., one
fori.aily tank place on that day, and in
the towns and cities the vices were of
t a siignal nature.
Methodism has made great progress in
Canada. It is about 100 years since
(Rvriara Heck and her companions left
the United States in their two small boats
'and sailed up Lake Chaniplain ter Mon-
treal, finally settling further up the St.
Lawrence in Upper Canada. They farm-
ed the nucleus .1 the Methodist body of
I the Canadian provinces, and the pause
' pr,ved to be a fruitful one. Accenting
to the last census, there are 4.324,410
people in the Dominion at large. Of
I these 742,091, or a little more than one -
math, are Methodist& There are
520 ireople in !Re Province of Ontario.
lif these 391,503, or not much lees than
one-third, are Methodist& In the
I Province of Ontario there are 5,073
i churches. Of these 2 375 or nearly one-
half, are Methodist churches.
In Goderich the services were of an
unusual yet very interesting chattecter.
At 9.30 a.m. a love feast wee participated
in by the members of both churches, in
the M. E. church un Victoria street, and
at 11 soul. a platform meeting was held
in the same place. b- Yates opetted
With prayer, and tau addresses which
folio,eed worn all ;given by layman.
deinr to the number of speaker, we are
unable -to give even a synopsis of their
a.1.1reaties. onus ..f which were very
Intereatitig. Ile speakers and suLijects
were : -
J. C. Nate, "The origin of 5Iethod-
R. W. McKenzie, "The Growth of
David Fisher, "Characteriatics ..f
Early Methodist Preaching."
George Cox, "Diarinctive Features of
George Acheson, "The Adaptability
of Methodism,"
In the afternoon the union of the two
Sunday schools took !:lace i. the North
street church, whensddiessts were given
by R:cliard Parker ms "The Iinp.,rtance
of S. S. work in Methodisun, ' and by W.
Swattield on "How to Make the 1"uion
a Success." T. McGillicuddy. on invite -
rein, spoke on soma eharacterisetes of
Metl:oriism admired by him, although
not a Methodist.
In the evening the North street church
was tilled, when the pastors addressed
the congregation. kov. T. M. Campbell
spoke on the dangers and duties of the
hour. He said the basis of union had
been accepted and all should endeavour
to faithfully carry 'It out. The new
position of the church should not be one
of ease, but one uf increasing activity.
Res Mr. West dwelt on the past achieve-
ments of Methouism and predicted con-
i timed success in the future. A union
prayer meeting closed the exercises.
The Union has !teen accomplished in
Goderich without any frictioi .. far, and
the fraternat spirit exhibited by the
members of both churches augurs well
for the future of the fusi..n.
To the } resod popularity. tact and
energy of Rev T. M. Campbell, pastor
of the larger congregation on North
street. can be attributed in a great n:eas-
ure tilts pleasing condition of straits.
Deputy Reeve M. G. Cameros in the I
only county councillor who can ride •
The Forest City Bicycle c'uh has+
"bust." Tbe final ineeting ..n Tuesday I
was a stormy one. Alas for London :
J. Platt s new bugle is a great im-
provement on the .our first purchased,
Jack can now blow a blast booth "loud!
and shrill-"
'" by are the spokes of a Work like
the leak. '
1. t;u
euse titer are attached at-
2. They cling to the fel7oe..
:; There are so musty tine ones about
the Hub. --Boston ip ieke..
A Orme tiro. --D E. Cameron, han-
ker, of this place, made the run from I
Lhcknow to Goderich, 22 miles on Tues- '
day evening last on his bicycle in exactly
twu hours and • half. The wind was
somewhat in his favor. -I,Luckn-,w Sen.
J. P. Keenleyside, of the Atiel four-
ityp club, London. came into town nu
Monday astride Lie wheel. He tomtit n
number of rune around town with our'
local bicyclists, and north to the Point
Farni ..n Wednesday. He left yesterday
for London, r't Bayfield.
A simony subscriber want: to know how
cycling matches are nude We would
prescribe the following, it doses accord
ing t:s the strength and age of the indi-
vidual :-" The fellee gets his girl. and
the girl gets her felloe. Then . she
reaches out toward him, and thee he
spoke, and axle she wheel into his tot,
ani let him he a hub, and she takes the
step and comes at him with a dash, and
they are both like a little wheel and she
calls him a creek, till he gets tired of her
tongue, and thinks she spoke too much.
and then he is on a hard seat, and then
the devil gets into theta lmth. takes off
the varnish, puts on the brimstone at
the end and that completes the notch. -
Larb►yme.r Larrw..'sr..
The Wingham l a ttc is its a brad way
about the wresting of the silver cup from
its boys by the Choleric!' lacy sae player,.
Tho following shows how bully they
feel over the natter in the junction
town : -immediately after defeating the
Sepoys, the Immo club played the Code -
rich team and would have heen victorious
again had not the "big fellows," of the
Goderich team unmercifully belabored
some of our boys. it was quite clear to
every spectator that the Goderich team
had no chance of winninz the cup from
our boys, had they not betide ed them
s.. unmercifully that some of them were
obliged tot leave the field. Our club is
quite confident lit their ability to defeat
the county town elute awl have therefore
aur orized us to challenge them to a
t.: be played here any time during
two weeks for $26 a si.le. We hope the
Oodesriclt team will "toe the mark,'
The above whine is characteristic of
the average defeated club. The 1'..f'tt''a
statement is very misleading, ''Imme-
diately," for instance, was three hours
after the first match, in the aft 'moon.
The )match played in the morning was
practically a practice, the games being
played in an hour. The "big fellows'
pf Goderich, it a mewl way of frighten -
in_ the little boys of Hingham. The
teams were fairly of a sire on the
average, and when the tVinghams play
again the Hur ens are willing to have
the teams weighed, and if cur boys who
are i.. splay are not as light or lighter rhe
Winghams can claire the game. The
!i•2:o a side challenge is merely bluff if
not, then the igne'rance of the tt'inghan
sports must be dense. A game f..r a
stake would shut ont the Huron. from
playing with Association cluha, as such
• match would make them rank with
professionals. The Wingham boys
should take their defeat like little men,
if the Wtngham min want to try for
the cup they have a chance hy playing
for it nn the champions' ground .,a the
lith Inst., u already .offered by the
Wien of the trophy. This is the usual
way tea de the little business
PeMIe aclseel Board tsertlata.
The Board met un Monday evening.
Present -Mr C. Crabb in the chair,
and Messrs. Butler, Swanson, Ball,
Nicholani, McGillicuddy and Morton.
The minutes cf previous tweeting were
read sod confirmed.
The Principal's P,rt
ra show
e.t the
}vemge sttentlaisce at ib.. RltlirjiS.JIttlils,
Nay, to be 524. an avalnge of 74 per
Mia. Henderson sent in her rekig-
eati as teacher ..f St. Andrew's ward
school, to take place on 1st September
The estimates for 1494 were then sumo
milted : -
On Friday Iasis constable Davis, of
Bluth brought t , jail Henry J. sad
Thomas M. Beamish, '.1 Wawanosh,
chargeol with the killing of Wm. Maines,
of the same township.
• James fHsamish, the father of the Imp
young men c,mmitted for the killing of
Maine.,W,nMaine.,u , sobrought to jail ea
I M.uday past, charged with the sea
Charles Herbert charged in connection
with the Bates outrage, found bonds is
the sum of $1,000, and was admitted to
Ibail on Thursday.
Fred Scopes' bail has beam fixed at
*2,000. The bonds have not yet bees
Dat. Irani 1701 .7 1110.70
(:oto Onset . 31:.06
It Med. ticboalt)rat 1:N.110
County do do..., .t 1Aa.0o
Pipe ModnIIte Fs 13000
Rebate from toasty 11.00
St minim! Grant. .. Immo
Fos MA•ry Yeas& --Mr. and Mrs. W.
tonne, of Hay, were marrirl on the 24th
elf May, 1510, and consequently have
fired together OR years. He is in his
Met sad she in her 117th year. They I
bare 90 great grand children tiring :
in the haat et health, and ap I
.. L
--a U7 ..
$1EI4 9t
tX esx isITr at
Teachers' dataries ..... .....
Eats ....... . ...
Oitrer,. l'arrtaker*, Js
Woo.i and ('uttinw ... „
It pvaalrit. Furnl.hinga, ♦le... ,....:
I'rinting, Advrrtisteg
Arai innery MIS
l'nferwvn Expenditure 24.111
liens et Interest 4e She Seri was t'lew Use
Th.t steam barge Ireland left on Tues-
day with salt consigned by Wit. Cusp -
tell to river porta.
The sch•woher Ariel arrived on Tues-
day from the Severn with lumber tor
1': illiams
& Murray.
The propeller United Empire passed
up on Sunday. and the Quebec an Wed-
nesday. Both were heavily laden with
passengera and freight.
The statement published last week
Ova the Garibaldi had been laid op for
season. was incorrect. She is still
t• . the fore for lake trade.
The schooner H. Dudley with coal
.lust for the Montreal salt worke, arriv-
ed on Saturday eteuing, and unloaded
on Monday and Tuesday.
The schooner Garibaldi took on pert
of her cargo of silt in harbor un Friday,
and completed loading on Saturday est
the Dutterin pier, after which she sailed
fur Midland.
Ten snacks left this harbor for the
South Manitoulin on .fcnday batt, in
tow of the tug Clarke. A number of the
fishermen took their families with thea,
as they calculate to be absent until late
ir the fall.
The tug James Clarke reached port at
noon last Sunday with 24 packages,
aggregating 34,000 pounds, of fish on
board. The cargo was shopped is two
cart on Monday morning and despatch-
ed to Buffalo the same day.
We learn that the propeller Manitoba,
which went ashore on Chantry Inland
Last fall, was taken off on Tuesday last,
and proceeded in tow uf the tug Belle
isle, t., the dry dock at Detro!t, to be
, refitted for her former route.
A modem was made betting the 241b
nt .luso and the 12th of December, as
the dates for the begtnmmn! .4 the half-
Tearly examinations.
The meeting then adjourned.
The L•scknow t ined in itsrt of
the concert hell in the Sepoy village
s en
Monday. the 20th tilt., thus refers to
Goderich talent "Miss (flan Rerry,
of Iloderieh, an old favorite, rendered) in
wool voice "Beautiful Days .,f the Past,-
and by eperial request "The Lover and
the Lair' Meters Thomas and Lut-
trell, of llndeekh. were very good in
their sang snot dance and ehallwnge
statue pig. The ehatr wait n espiel by
Jarnea t4..morvills. M. P , who made a
few well eh..asn remarks at the does is
presenting the Larreese ('ep to the
e vcontu a runningweekly exoue-
*ions front East Saginaw to C evels i
and return leu Goderich for $12, megjg
spot staterooms included. Goderich sed
return is put at the low sum ..f $7 frees
Saginaw. The C)conto deserves success.
• Tidal Wave en sake Mersa.
The special dispatch from Duluth stat-
ed that the promenade deck of the pro-
peller Quebec had been broken down by
heavy waves, but gave no particular .
The circumstances was looked on as very
peeeliar by vessel sten in Detroit, as the
promenade deck seldom receives much
damage from heavy aeaa. Capt. Robert
Rhyne, of the propellor Arctic, abated
that on the late trip down he met the
Quebec at Sault Ste. Marie, and Capt.
myrtles, of the Quebec, showed him the
damage and explained how it happened.
Capt. Rhynes found that all the pro-
menade deck of the Quebec from just
forward of the cabin to the stern had
been crushe.l doom to the main desk.
A stranger, ten by eight inches, and slip
the deck beams were bndten off at awe
end. Capt. Spines stated that while
coming up Lake Huron with a bead wind
blowing about ten miles per hour mid
the Quebec moving at about the am*
speed, he suddenly n,tice.l what leaked
like a hank uf fog eatertime along th*
Lake as far as he could see. It was lying
in a north-west and mouth -eget direction
and running west n.uth-west. The ap-
pearance of it alarmed hen greatly and
be rushed into the pilot- house andsasiet-
ed the wlaelaman to haul the- tjisehee
into the hank, which. as it approached,
tank the shape of • wall of water as high
as the promenade deck of the propeller.
The ware was so steep that the Quebec
had no time t.. ride it. and as she streak
it huge volumes of water poured over
each iw.w and cnishen the (leek clown he -
'teeth its tremeaetous weight. Captain
Myrna' hits no tlooht but that the qOe-
boc s cabin would have Leen swept orf if
the deck had not given away, but as it
was the force of water expended Mimel
withon' doing any- further damage The
wave was moving forward in s straight
plow and was not capped with spray. is
wee not reused by the wind, as the water
Istih lief we and after it was tee
Mrmv•rh Tite only explanation offered is
that it was • tidil wave. Oaptain Rye
placed a few planks aeeeea wbave tie
deet hoed Iwen, teetered it with esnvaas
and in this way pnseseded to port.
A etty item in the Toronto Vee rase
as follows -" Xsllaess Mclndo, whoops
he now,ot from Wingham, has been teal-
dering ar,.und the streets in • dated owe
dktion and without fond for the poi*
these days. ('nnatable A. NAM these
the man was an einot, and when he r
him en York street Ica *41st, bpi