HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-30, Page 7rm . HURON SIGN kL MAY 30, ISA Fashion's Fancies. The taste fur shut silks in tel the .t- omes. ( met beds fair to be alwai • faskiva• Archery is ua the decline. Pity, bot 'tie true. Levu teems n agaiu the peptide, out - dour ease. The gored skirt is asribuoti, but it will did hard. Shot velvet ouu,« up aasung other obaoatable draw stuffs, White velvet teats are worn at dress •fternuou parties. The newest fancy in printed lawns is for dotted effect. in the tissue. Hair powder is won in Pani by some ladies, but only for evening dress - Hien coiffures and the use ut hair pow- der to a limited extent prevails in Parise Pale gray buts bid fair to take the place of .cru and crawl for evening toilets. Feather borders and feather fringes appear au dressy .ilk and satin parasols. Redingotes with shirred backs fituu well in at the waist line aro muck wort'. The overdress is more and tears ftt- latently amide with downward pleats as the season advances. None but dander and peace women roan wear the high -shouldered shoulder elope to advantage. Etanine u t he fabric used it•stuad of turkey reed fur seaside parasols on the other aide of the water. Bands of ribbon terminating in flat bows form the vertical decorations of many printed lawn dresser. Lace parasols, lined with colored Su - rah, sad decorated with lluwers and bows of ribbon, appear on umbeslla counters. A nonce sets the fashtw ter little girls dresses on the :ether side, the 'American frock' being the first favorite for little women. I telt,. ems ie polonaise or redingotes or simula- tions of cases garments aro the popular style of dregs for street costumes this sea - sun. Sotne of the shit silks vie with the lustre and sheen of the wings of insects and tl a feathers of the most iridescent of birds. Geld braid, gold Inc.. gold beats. and a variety of yellow flowers, from daffo- dils and buttercups an dandelions and hoyellow asters. .occupy a large place in nest trimmings. The favorite form for the popular white lawn suit is this Mother Hubhard yoke and bated waist, with • tucked skirt, not gored, but gathered nr plated to the waist band. Sorrel green and rose and old gold and Pheasant blue er br,nae are favorite Dolor comhinauon in costumes, especially those /if shut taffeta glace trimmed with velvet and lace. Silk and Lale thread gloves and mitts with very bine wnsta, and in all the new shades •.f :fray, tart, brown, black, and ecru, are won en ?love c•,uwers and so'd at very I.•w price.. The blending of utany c.Ions in the rune fabric Cites an antique grace to many tato errs, and also permits latitude of taste in the selectee' of use Celan of the ribi. ins and other acceas.eries ..f the toilet- neeaaeb 5tassee'a itennay. 'Beautiful, beautiful mentally ejacu- lated Deacon Barnes et the ct•.se of a sermon about heaven. 'Those are my ideas exactly.' And se emelt was be with his thoughts as he passed out of church, he forgot to ask lame old Mrs. Howe to ride home .with him as was his usual custotn. 'Perhaps it is just as well,' heth„uitht, 'for she is a worldly uld woman and would probably have drawn my thoughts away from beaten.' At the dinner -table his son exclaimed 10, father, i have s situation at last.' 'Have you forgotten that it is Sunday. John r asked his father sternly 'Don't let me hear any more such talk.' John ate his dinuer in silence. How could his situation be a wrong thing to speak of on Sunday. He was au thank- ful int it that it seemed to Dome from the hand of O.d. Gild knew all about the restless ntunths in which he had answer- ed anadvertisement a day. When the minister gave thinks in church for all the mercies of the past weak John'. heart eve a gratefui throb, aed be determined anew to acknewledgs (hod in all his way's. John ate his dinner in silence while his father thought about heaven. In the afternoon Mr. Banos' nephew, a stranger in the place, catue neer foam bis bubdine place opposite and sat on the pum talking with John 'I can't allow this, Tom, said )lr. Barnes, ..ming to the deer with the Bible in bin herds, 'you beast not sit here breaking the '(ablath. O. back to your hoarding house and reed some good hook.' Tom started up angrily, and spent the aiternoo.ii fishing and bathing with an old colored lean. his only other acquain- tance in the place. while Debate Barnes sat in a large rocker en the piaxsa with a handkerchiefs over hie fat* and (hoseht about heaven. Presently his two little gt•snddanghters came out on the plazas with a large picture book esti est down near him. There was a flutter cf leaves and a gees deal d Surfing se the little yellow needs bent over the book and finally they laughed outright. 'Children. where's your mother?' stern ly demanded Deacon Barnes, springing to his feet. 'Up -stair `putting halo to deep,' they atowered loth together Denton Banos strode into the hall. 'Ellen i Filen " he shouted, '1 should think you mightthee. children .?suet ns the Sabbath. won't allow me to think.' Ellen had been awake all night with a fretful baby. She hal hushed him. and had just fallen asleep when her father's Tow* gen seed hey and *woke the baby. 'Mean mad them n - airs.' she said ~And all the sentry afternoon she, amass .d the thew children in • close upper room,while her father reeked and fanned himself, and thought about heaven. ---- Advocaat* and fJ.ardi.n. VaallerMilre Tgsaa.su TN.Y. 1 steal the ether 4., ... tae vault et the flurend•Ne furtress of tens and Iasse.ry ea iurty-ssetwad street, where last year the richest nabob in the world looked up hal $200,000,000 In stooks, bonds, and ether securities. It is use of the wt redoubtable works of defuses us the Aucrioan ouuuueat, though you may out be entirely certain of that by wtewyina the building huts the uutaids Its fuuudatauw wore blasted out of the rock ; this front wall us fire feet iu thick• aims, sed the side and rear walls are three feet, the materials used being pressed hrtck with brown mese trim- mings. The beam., girders, end maim pillars are iron, incased in lireprouf material. The doers, window -frame*, and asiuor partitions are iron, utarbte and glass No w.s.d is to he f..uad in the structure: The greet vault is 39142 fest, ..f w ;the fret, at, -1, and Frank- lioite iron, is imp•emg in strength and pn.peen...is. mud issituated on the ymued door. It. f••ur Dater duan weigh 8,200 pounds each„ sad have every effective and kuuwn improvement lel defensive devices. A massive wall of tuaaon►ry surrounds the ironwork. The vault, w:iich is burglar, tiro, and water prof a.nstate« a distinct building in itself. The armed watchmen who' guard the building day end night are under the strictest discipline, their hourly move- ments being recorded by an electric duck 000nettiug with various p.itts un each fluor of the structure, and there are also wins running to police headquarters and the "Incas of the district telegraph. In one corner of this great vault, behind heavy inns bars, are the heavier iron doors of the works oontrcning the Van- derbilt securities, which can be opened only by skeleton -keys held by the owner alone. 1 suppose that 100 men in this building, with (lathing guns, could easily defend it against a mob of 100,000 assail- ant. ; it could be reduced by nothing else than the continued play of heavy artill- ery. It may be a year since Vanderbilt, then worth $200,000,000 put the larger part of his possessions iu the vault. He could not. perhaps, put more than $200,000,000 under guard here at that time, but he has added over $12,000,000 t.. his fortune within the year, though it has been a poor year. Thus rapidly does the etupentius volume of his unpnllell- ed pee enlarge. Nothing like such growth of any lean's wealth was ever before known in the world. Every year, is the nature of things, the growth in- eeaaea, go that the estimate t.f the best - informed men is that by the year 1900 he will be able to pile up not less than $300,000,000 in his great iron vault be- hind walls tiw•feet thick. -{John Swin- ton's paper. • airtime/ DMpbeed Cea&desee. The it.dividual who places trust in many of the claims of advertised reme- dies is often sadly disappointed, but the array of facts regarding the honest vir- tues of Burdock Blood Bitten ars iodio- put.•ble. It positively cures diseases of the blood, liver and kidney.. Investi- gate the prank and testimonials. 2 A lieweees Titeri lo,v. - For a Cough, Ctdil or any Brunchical affecion. ••Pe•eteria, ' in my opinion, is just the thing. I have nett it in my family for Cough. and Colds for the putt four years with the twist unvarietl 'mores. and to- day toy opinion aA it is that I coutinue to think wall more of that which 1 Lot,an thioktuir well of. Gan Kart, Manager Ontario Bank, Pickering. Prion lir Dents at all drugt'ists. nt These are mild /arts. The best bleed purifier and ays..ui re- gulator atter plaoed within the reach o' suffering( humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ten. 1ttseti';'v of the Liver, Biliousnes .'!aundice. Co,sstipateon, Weak Kidneys, or any disease '.f the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild atnsnlant, will always find Electric Bitten the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly. eters• bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction ..r money refun'ler.. field at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. [4] • /tarried Weese... Woes. Twu teeing women were talking • few days 'inns, .•els .•f whom was married last fall and the. ether was going t.. be roamed &inset line this summer. thing D would do, if 1 was in your place, be1.re the etlgat.ment went any further' said the married one, "and that is to find out if y'•ur intended keels • shot gun and liken t.. go shooting.' "What has that gat to it,, with it r' asked the girl. "Well, don't marry • (tan that keeps doge and guns, that is all, nr yon will 'lever know where anything is. My !maimed is real geed, but if he wants to clean his shotgve he will go right into my bureau and take the first white clothes he Enda He tore off one d«ve of one of my msdsrvesfa to nl«n his Run, and the black powder spoiled it, and only the ether day I found one of my silk stockings tied around the neck of his totter ao:f, because the dog had A sore threat, and i wouldn't be surprised any day 1e see my husband strap my bustle nr hoop skirt on for • game bag end go off sheeting. 0, it is awful. He breaks his pnpa to retrieve with my slippers. and he tures my hat with feath- er on. out on the lawn, to learn a pup to come to a point. 1 don't want to marry any more hunts." The poor girl who was going to be married has about enbeluded that there are tno many chances in matrimony.-- {Peck's Run. HINTS ON SHOPPING. Tt•t se ter Them es ISM &Mee .t the C.aa1 e tes.sewber. The subjoin is • seisms onto s, heist with triode and dilfi:ulues that it cmunut be approached without grave ref. ctiva, says Berry (.Mer Yufwn/uy. 'feta awn who thtaka tont, is furnishing the 'sin- ews el wet,' ht nae settled the subject, sad that the inure* that follows is over • smooth mod easy path--fucifia .k.•cwsua --that there is but a sap between the filled puree and the fulfilled desire, u greatly in serer. All the endues/tie and lung -suffering, all the patentee and pee - severance, all the deeiea.n nod preis:ice of iniad of which the disciplined feminine orp.uisetion is capable, meet be br.u4ht to bear for the exigencies 01 s shopping expeditiue ; and theme qualities again aro equally in demand upuw the other side of the ceunter, where the strata upon gust temper end self a.nintaod is equally great. Let not, therefore, the frivolutu soman of (ashen' g.. tightly forth with a full purse, thinking sae has only te cnuoe, see end conquer ; our let her frivolous sister, who sands behind the counter in unexoeptienaae thick hair, think that her duty beaim and ends in standing there, without esrerting herself to nuke shopping easy instead of burdensome. In se grave a meager it is not without hesi- tation that we add *owe few maxims for both parties : Fra Tan creasing CN. 1. Know your own uituti. Have a plan. Don't make thou get out all the cashmeres, and then decide it is al•;•acs you want. 2. If you really mean t.. buy a gar - meet now is the time to buy it. I)u not try it on and try it on again, and turn it over and then leave it -that is so tire- some to the pleasant young woman who is watching over it and you. S. D.. got enter into a tong crnversio non with a friend while the patient aboli- tion stands holding up • fold of silk, drape.( for your inspection 1f your friend is persistant in inquuieg after all nine children, turn away with her and tell the nun he need not wait. 4. (To the friend. D e not. in the ardor of •hopping• stop to enquire •fter the name children. 5. Wait for your change without a murmur, to the end of time, even if your car passes, your carriage waits, and you are ready to deep with fatigue. 'No blame is attached to the driver ;' in other weeds., the clerk who has served y..0 has nothing to do with it, and is equally bored. regime. H.ten restage to Oreso innate- 3. ;.rr tomboy by *sot roam. flegWrat lea fee... Mowry wawa greuetd w all money order of- aoee 1a ('gases, ("elite 1 Stals*. lural Hesitate. Priam Edward Island. \eafeu udiend east la- ths td1a. Deposit' reenive.l an.:e Its ergala, loss of the past u(Hce save alfa' b.a.k heirless the new, of . a.Iu sad 4JIO p.m. Hegist.red letters tuns be po.t d IS lelaales totem the chew' el eat:, ma.1 (Mk o,- bus.1a.m. t.. 1:91 p.u._ tlaala)5 ex- oep,cd. •uaalwa Can, , Lar lag been admitted tom the ?sr MI 1....,,., then is • re-arraugeu.eel of postal rare.... rules w s : For •estrla, lkrynure. Ocuus.r... Leland, Sari W. ?reace, Algeria. Uerusau)....Lraltar. tires' Brines sad Ireland. Meer.-. hal), I.ux- .uberg, Malta. Pdunteuegtt.. N,I ,rr1.n.!. %car- way. Porges. ronu.lal. Aware , 1:..ul..su►L Kuria. %t. "'Nerve 8ervta. spew.. 1..e C'a. ary island.. Sweden. Switscrland and Turkey. ♦Lin vu United Slates: laenunda,'Rebamas, ('uta. laanhih 1'u1m,tes of Sl. Thouwa. St. Juba. to. Cruix, Jamaica. Japan. aunt Porto Hluo. !Newfoundland is now In the!Postal Calan. but the postal rates remain as beforei. Lettere 6 mints per 1 ounce. Postai cards 2 canniest*. Newspaper Y scuts fur 1 ounces. Honiara - tutu fee S cents. Fes Aden, Argus' is • ::....fedrratlot,. Brad'. British Uulasa. t'.- ..us. .,r.ralatid, retest a. Columes is Asia..Mr. -s. 1k -racks •ud .tit,. r- ka,excels M. I'lrrr• a..., Miquelon, Persia, vla Pones& Unit. Pon ug,. we Colonies la Asia, •fres. thxaniea. Tnuwtad. spaniel) l'otonies In A'rim. (,L.eaens and America. except (',.b. and Porto eke. Straits Settlements in Matta - pore. ?roasg and Malacca: -Letter l r, ppasrr i G5. Bouts. kc.. k. fur I as. Other +tsti.trs eke. ha• :alt. West India Islands vis Halifax. wise rate as formerly. Prepay meet by stamp in all canes. Australia. lexe. p, New Insults Wales.. Vic- toria/. and Quectulaud:-Letter 7c.. papers 4 assts. Australia. New ,:.ugh 'Wake Vittoria. Queensland Leila. I.kc.. tapirs 4e. New Zealand, she res, t raacis:o: Letter paper VIZ °THIN BIDE L It. not invariably say you have not a thing before you know what it is. 2. Do not try to persuade your cus- tomer that the nbbon matches. If she does net see it the match is in vain. 3. If you must give the lady the troub- le of going to "the next counter," do it with regret, and net apparently with a wiild:ioy of getting rid of her. 4. Do not expect ignorant shoppers to know the trade names of things, such as "Test Thumb fringe, "Excelsior' trimming, " Firs and Marine ' hose. 1 (send an attentive ear to their efforts at d.satiptien, and endeavor to hunt up the article, remembering that 'a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.' Aimee all, and in general, let each party i.utemher that the other is human, and that tooth are doubtless tired and hsmtgry and eress. Let them both lend a haa.l to vet thr.•.s:h with the dreadful thing stet home t» dinner, with buttons ttaetcusn, pins met fe.r utteu. bargaius achierett and the tingles atratght !M /Me of deigns. A elevates stroke of irony has gat ad the fate id the little town .d Sedan. It nuked kirk in tae lima of Franey' f••rti- tied pieces. The late Easpsiur week refuge within its walls as s stronghold that had the reputation ..f being enprog nable. A short time ago the 'Minister of War issued a Inst et all the fortresses and atr ngholds of the reentry, and from this catalogue Sedan was absent. The time was judged as ham of no ntititaly importance whatsoever. It was ansa even worth while to retitle' the detainee it (p.r.soused. Th- great keep, with its lofty walla and subterrancan presages, is in process of demolition, and such forti- fications as remain are spared. merely because they are not worth de•trasyingl The little.cuttage nn the wadi.. ltazeilles, where the Etnp.r.r had his memorable n and interview with Prince Bas rarca, where the four geld pieces which lie ;are to his hostess as he left her reef 1.ti11 hang framed over the cni'mney-piece, will survive One t.f the sj.•.t •ttattomal atrrngholds of France. Well Stewarded. A liberal reward will be pod to any party who will produce a rise d Liver, Kidney nr Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring them along, it will cat yen nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will he well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Relines - nags, .lanndie.. Cemtipation, sad gene- ral debility are quickly cured. istatisfac- tion guaranteed or money refunswed Price only fifty oasts per hotel. For sale by J. Wilson. [61 Fall wheat will be about half of an average crop. Why spleno from nervous prostration, when ynn esn hay • guaranteed one at Nilsen drug dote (1) Most of the farmers in this part hart. lirlisbcd seeding new a Lem Eat /mud a .vide. • aaatuea Itlasesony. Wm. .l.knsuse..1 Ilona), link., writes that his wife hat too. t;"%sued with. acute Bronchitis fur easy years, and that all remedies tried ire( .• o p^tmau:et t r lief, until he preirnrcd a bottle e1 Dr. Kings New Disosa'i -y fee C ,naulepttubt Coughs and Cuhds, which had a megits:l effect, and produced a Remittent cure. It le guaranteed to cow all disease. of Throat. Lubt's tr Itr•ei,hial T. Ise. Trial bottle* fro.' at J. Wiliam*. , ;:l store. Lorne Pier• ..;1(t td Sew Life for Fes artists •'.resistors! as 6•s ease. Debility as/ w+tyation. The Great Ile:mats Invig..ratar is tic. only specific f.•r jwi. t»icy, uncap)- '1 bility, universal Ioo.it•rle, f..no.ti..r •. pain in the beet or *idea. u•. 1/111.rt ;. ,•v shattered the spew.' n..'y he magi es - tosses of any kind, tise 1.it•»Pt •;a. • , kn Rented,. will reit•u ' ; .' et:: 1.... and secure health un.; 11 per 11..1, six tenon for $3.1X1. • r••:.l t., all drug;iets- Sent .•u r.•tet, t ..1 t.tice,- posta_e laid, l.y P .1. Cheney, T..leelo, Ohio, sale mount i.•: Incited State.. Cir- culars *nal testimonials sent free. Sold by (lee. Rayne', anile agent iter Guist - rich 3m : Al.... l e•-.ry poo a-. tall•ae•IuAel Mat other .o.1 cus-p sinus. Dr. Carson's Stomach H•ttel... pu.• , ••••:utal•le .ed takes Me piece ••i ell •••t K p•urgatiiw. 1.• torn. 1. dile, at :Ala:•, t w Thousands bear witncn. tar the punt the curative pewees of the Onset O•a- HAr Intate iIIATIH1, the only remedy that has pn.ted itself a apectic f..r general debility, seminal weakness, i1..1wtrncy, etc.. and all diseases that erne (r..tn self- abuse or overtaxed brain, orally welding im a.nwrnptioas, inearity and a ptele s- tere ,rate S•.'d by all oruuttiats, err will In- emit (nee on terrgrt '•1 PLM per bra, .o six boatel for $5. '•ddluas F..1. Csia toy, Tasted••, Ohio, sole a_tne for the I'nit.'.1 Mmes. Send for tire.tlar atld testim.•nlals of genuine cures (leo Rhyne', 0,derich. Eau Da. Low's YLaA..A'T %YOatt Sl a' r. - Au agreeable, safe and effectual remedy to remove all kinds of we•rnla m .+ems• -- A IO % devise Pr'eral. -lir. M. E. Allison, Hutehmein, Kant saved his life by a simple Trial kettle el( Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con- sumption, which caused him to protobe a large bottle. thatcnuplrtely cured him, when Doctors, charge of cliivate and every;hit:: *Ito !i..•i lir.reh,tte- Hier,.- ti.,,. Severe Amelia, and all Threat and Lunt diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial Battlee at J. tails-•t'a drum store. large liar 81- (1). • tha.sslkaMs iia )lr. Nary A. Dsiley,ot Tuskkan.00rk, Pa.,was •.Muted for six years with Asth- ma .not Ftrnnehitis• during which time the beet physicians a.uld rive no relief. Her !+i- was despaired of, until in last Oet,L•er she pr•etiral a barite e•f Dee. K ,.;• a New Decertify, elle., -a•w•.t:s'r reset waw 1.11, M,•1 by c•oatitie'i.•. •• .•r 1 far n she•rt time she woe •s.tn .'e40 y cur- i.'i, veining in flesh :eft :1a. in a few i ue'mtha Free Trial Bottle. t,f this contain core 1 ..f all Throat and Lintz Die. -.ors ;.t Jas. ils.n's Drug `tor.. l..', a 11.•ttles Cl.(10 at, New Clover Seed TIMOTHY SEED, SEED WHEAT, ' SEED PEAS, (PATS AND BARLEY, BUCKWHEAT, FLAX SEED, GROUND OIL CAKE, ONION SETS. . ONl(,\ ter.►:I). SEED POT:. . ,. ' .S (all varieties). A Quantity (3UOD FLOUR. MANGOL1) k TURNIP SEED GARDEN SEEDS OF EVERY VARIETY, rust SALE AT SAMUEL • SLOANE'S SEED STORE, Oue day last week a gentleman iivit% at Qu'Appelle received • tek.tram jnun the y.ar.g lady who m he intended to 1 nuke his wife in a few days, statins• that 1 she was at the (:rand Central hotel mid to come 1,15. The lady had been living in one of the Nottliwestern States ..f the adjoining Union and had obligingly c un- seated to meet her affianced half way in ,oder to e.stnplete their own union. The happy and excited hridegr.wun trek it for [ranted that the brand Contra! was in 1t innipeg, and hastily preparing for the journey hoarded the first train fo • that city. When nearing I randen, and thinking probably ..f dinner, which even the eateries of love could not obliterate, be put his head out of the window to take • survey of the situation. The wind blew his hat f.if, and lie landed at the stat inn bate -headed (if o,urse, his first ears was to rush up teen to buy a new hat, but he had net goon far before he came face to face with his intended Nide She had telegraphed from the Grand Central, itrandon Explanations quickly fellnwe.l, and soon after they found themes' yes in let. Matthew's church where Rev Mr. Heyde!' duly midi, thein man and wile. --(Brandon, Man., San. • Meet Nseeverp That is daily bringing joy 1.. the hones nl thousands by saving many of tot • dear .,nes from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's nnw Discovery for Consom➢- in1 (`..ughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hey Fever. toss d Voice, Tickling in the Threat. Pon in gide arid Chast,nr- say dieser of 'he Threat and Lual a p.otire enrw. (Inar.tnteed. Trial Rot • «ft•e. at .1 Wilei►n's Drug Store. ;.gage etas $ 1.00 fin) TORY OVER DIPH1101A week • lade a: •ansa 1•y 11 t' in dme' r r,.t.. 4•. 1 1 1 • •. 11114 t'r fn:r 1'. ,• 1 •. -.1 1.1 r.'ie; ed. t, .• .:e a ! aiPL, wa• rats. iwo - sad g . 1 cant( C. eery wt.. n- t . ,-ark for n.. Nov: is ;fie Buse. You ren wore to spare tint,. or etre your whole time to the bn.ine-s. No es't.. r business w111 Pay yon nearly s. well. ::o one ran fail to make enormous put. by engaging at once lL a lT. leu„: h- coital and tents free. Money made 031 r1 is Weare test. ossify. sad bon •r....ly. Address Twain Q' Y N�ii. Yii Co_ .5 eines. Helot. N:•L11.141:1 CALL. NL'lTlr•ll Atm. MT. Teles»,.. k.tabtl.►e 1•i. PU/Y.y INS. ('U'Y.el Wawa' Kagla4- ►asshiwhed 1782. MIA H'I W 1.1) 1,11M. UO i 111 Harreonia Cosa. 1'.. at.W1. •• 1r1rt H .k. • ken to the al oar Ars( clams (:Sc. at ate Insert rates br IlttliArk 1101t1t N. The unel to ala.. Appraises of the CANAOA I'k;fi. u1.1N AwuSAVINGaCO. et Tom,. to. Money to Loam en Iest+ lass .ectwlt 7. fele T to to per Cent. Charges moderato. HuttAI'K HOFTON. seder tk Mol. 111. 1515. II S .,rTe.l.lwoanto.gsuaeuwi.llof rgorbabi happlaeas and baslth rotate L) the use of Ukases' GERMAN /NVIGORATORi wish b pasta%ely and pernuaent 7 tune Star ,Hoary trausod by raceway of any kink) nresisal'.•vattae.a, and all diem -saes , hal fol- k* as a sequence of Self -Abuse. as loss of sm- eary. loss ed memory. uri%'nal iwl utile, path in the 1st., dimness 04 tuiuc. Prema- ture" old age. avid man) other dl.ease. (tel Lead to larru.tty ur consumption and • 1•ra•rea- ture genre. Send for circulars with testimonials erre h7 mall. The la s i •2•Ttat is sold at $1 per Mx. orals base* for t{S, be all druggists. or will be sent tree us) mail, securely seakd, ss receipt of pries. by addressing E. J. l'HENNItY 1 un 8*., Tole 57 *masa to, Ogle Olin. Reye AP, Sole Arent for Ooderich I preek.ere at* ayson 'betook tat ter chances to increase then earein,rs.end ti. tune be ttwne wealthy ; those who do no rwpmo..• their opportua Wes remain in Puy ell). We offer a ttr'ea chance to make mores. We want mss, wo- men. buys and girls to work for us in Cheer e we localities. Any one ran do the work pro- perly from the first start. The business will pay morn than ten tiutes ordinary' wages. Ka- pensia r outfit fm ni.d,ed ane. No one who ea- diores fails to make mon.. rapidly. You can gerote your a hole ileac 10 , he Murk. or may your spare moment*. Full ititoi !Iwo anti all that is no es sorry west fres. Adele. ss STIP •o se ('0 l'crtland. ?'t . e 0.00 Reward. We w111 pay 11 a aim.%* reward f..r mo tame Liv'erl'umpla,Lt• Uy.pepaia. tick lit *dark's Indigestion, (' .i * ipetivi, • r 1 es t a cares neo cannon cure with W.•st'a a rani..,',. Liver P1W, whenn odirect :ego ore nen ih.talon( dwith. Th• r era put• Wool ahie. end tomer fail to to.. ., j. , :• .. 'i.,:tr1'ttart; .latgeHese* r e1 •.n 1 :. ••• 11';;!...ant•. Pt'r .ale by all 1 •1 un-rof..•wvtrtrtl toed emits - ti •r .X18' corsetmn s ana." reed GOT o7 ►1N'!: 1', t"i.$T L- (`ti„ '"the 1.111 Makers, 61 ., ' +• Kteg sit. Ear., Tort 1 t,,. (set, ere tr'nl MI. kape.rant 1y mai pet; -:.i.? rel receipt of • 3 cent ramp. MrleM.1 WIL.rS'a oPIC *TUBI. The People's Livery J. P. FMB ti JOHN KNOI Having purchased the Livery h:tsiaf•s. of Jso. E. Swartz. formerly owned by ItoMrt Kerr. solicit a share of public )wtronsl;r. They guarantee satisfaction to all. sad otter The Finest Rigs AT REASONABLE. i".T('1: (ALL. AND KBE C -$-O iputice :eater's Hotel. Ooderioh. o i od a ric►, Tete. 14th. 1654. 1:1130-6m RES int. life is 'sweep i 1 ► by. and dare beluie you di something mighty and sub lime leave behind to .•onquer time. 5416 a week in you own town 55 outfit free. No risk. Ktrrythin4 new. Capital not regoired. 11'e w ill furnish you everything.. Many are ,taking t••rtune. Ladies make as much as men. and boys and ggirls make great try. Header. if you waist uineas at which you can nuke great pay all the time, write for particulars to H. H AiurrT & r°. Persian Hai $1000 FORFEIT :tn. r g the utmost confidence in its super lore% over sll others. and after thousands of tests e / Coe "mat eomppl1k•ate•d and severe* eases r •• • m'., Arul we feel justified in offrt- ang to f.,r• •1t tine Thona.nd Itollars for any Car nr •x' IEI .• colds• e..re throat, influenza hones. •v., ronei.ie, .onsulnptk•n in its tura 1.4 « •o• Tins; cough. and ail meteors of toe, throw! ..11.1 ient^. except asthma, for su'e't' {;. ode .'!1;n, re•'ief. that we can't CUM w4:8 Wes's ('.nehrh r' -rut,. alien taken accord Ma to directions. a .mode t./'ilea. 2. gad le •'en'P; Iarg" bn1Ile• retie dollar. O.t,nitla %emitteer,. only in bine. Sold by aye druggists, or •••it '•r express or. re,ripf of pr.ce. J0H-. 07. wwi. r oc Ft t ..1 3•w1 41 K!rg snr 1 Enna, 'f.r.iri(n. Ont. ):,r.,: at J 1.1': AV11.$*N '* tirst' tt:ore tlewpenth 1315 - IT Ill N0 HUMBIJG, BUT REALITY. That Diphtheria nesse of the omit danger one dlsea.es and annually sweeps•way theur ands of ehlMr.n, is a tact which no one can deny. and that dn.-tors In many easee are pywinless against it i. Jost as trete A meds .1se that is • (ertaln .nd ante cure for this da and .v ni.slotis dt.Paes should b. hal withjnc need l.rmly wen -amid toy evert family, no no .n tin,. of need A mw lasratlon Is meds more rsaily checked at the ►eeaet�ioiiaw tow after it has gained headway Amit 1s with this disease. Keep medicine en lsanttatsd 4o sot welt 1111 It Is tow. late. Such t medk'ljte Is offered the public Is Oi1tR- LAIiII M i)1Mini Kitt A and CIU)( ' Heise EIDY. W. are thewrrnrhIy rnnrinMd that It will answer It. pwrpoes. Learn patent have been taken net for the Dominion .f (a oda. and premoallena are taken that mese will imi- tate It. We kindly elk medical man to giro this remedy a trial. Tewlmnnlals, eirulari e nd trW triune rest on applying tor. Address Rev If. MRRI•A • tach P.O Ontario. M gate M SSW IttgttT•a' hews Were. Yedrvte►, *us. July 11 til 1t1M•4 1 i)n. K. e. Wart's NaNTa Alan RYA1N Tessat atiaT, a guu.rantred apecier for Hysteria, Ins :Ingo. ('on. uheioti. Efts. Nervous Nene. Heads, Nees tots I'rust rat ion cnc.ed byy•the use of alcohol or tobacco. AVakefulneat. iles- tal ineprcukm.:bften(ng of the Braes. result in it tn'nnily .t..1 leading o n:kfry. decay and d.atl.. Premature told Arr. Barrenness, LOAM of Power la ei: bcr sex. Env nluutary Losses and spernsatuertt ra. rauaed by ever -exertion of the brain. self-abuse or over induI.eaee. One box 'AM cum recent rises. Each buxom tains one month's treatment. Ore dollar• hoz or six boxes for Are dollar • sent by mall pre paid on recsip' of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any time. With each order re- ceived by ns for six boxes, a:comparled with Ave dollar, we will send the purchaser ear M ritten guarantee to refund the nwuey If the treatment does not effect • cure. Ot.arantee Issued only by •t•11/S1 11,11.140%,sok author tl (zed agent for Ooerich, i Mt. J0HN C: W EST k CO., sole proprietors. Toronto Ont. l�E Are .l T._.y. LOW 01 i�*PIE i'MA-H"ht FILET'MAN'S WORM POWDERS. Ase pleasant to take. Cossets their trig PargsU... Is a safe, sass, and *115 .114erre,er as worm, in Cblldng or AG Or 105 WILL CURE rfL'OJSNE38 I, •).E 1 - ; l'''TION, ( "'t'PLLA3, rR.'ff:/U, ,tl` iVRN, 4DACHEE, OR REUEVE DIZZINESS, DROPS r, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF EHE BTOrAW/, DRi NESS OF THE 8K1N,' 1.11 mea y spec.• of lessees artehalktree des*rdar.d 1tWitt, KiOsltV ST !meat* On M.000, T. MILBURN & C?.,'"e"4=wrai GENUINE INGER SEWING MACHINE. CHAS. PRETTY, Hoeft' been appointed well of the above saahis.. begs to silk it the toned matte pat - re ms- and will supply machines" nn littoral trellea Try the Genuine Singer. ttaydosoe - Vtetoria street, near the )t V. (lurch. 144M.rieh. Osde ieb. Dto. 113. Hint. ten los