HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-30, Page 6Mrs.
fate. ii
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the Poets t3rner.
WNW wesReee are Ihnug,
1 ham whet neither' are doles Wight.
Leel& mothers ali over the land :
1 a a see the children in spouses white.
ROOM essay a halter nr.s..te crawl.
Ms Saturday right, aad ropy and eweel.
Baeb from • bath lite a Sower from rata.
Passe lag awed with little bare feet.
And tratUag Might dresses free front main.
i knew what antihero are dein, to -night.
Nutting away a ley or • tool
Marled sews dear little scholar Mane
Loewe or teat from ciabbatb.r►eel.
Laying out ready wee ms:Li dland caps,
asdag that shoes a.d eeeklage are right.
(hoose and colla,, and eery wrap..
That's what rout hen are touter $o-abght.
PatioUy mending some little toes dress.
Nightie to think uo better is there :
Petting down needle mud thread. to caress
1d111e oma bending trade her in prayer.
Pra,Tieg herself. as she busily mats
Now • button. now a lear ;
It's on fiaturday 10111 a smother MON
The epewest die of a Mil heel etlpp.
Catai t.rdey ahem. when the children sleep.
AM tolheralts by the rare al re..t.
The swank gime ber a ttwujlu to keep.
And she feels that a mother'. lure is blest.
She tenderly talks of their future days.
Telling of al! they harm said and dome.
Till the father glows to her ptearan• {raise.
And b;essee los children. one by une.
And the yea,, will pees, and the children
]len and woa.e44nd wander away:
Bet deep in their Leans they will keep 1
A lore fur theirchildhoum. • holiday
That day %.bore they wandered far and wide.
That evt, when th-y said. in the waning
TheirSunday-achuol tasks at their another.
side :
Oh t ber ►.ss .at, ,.wert,'and the:r hearts
were light.
When the; went it bid on • Sattrdap night.
Li:.:,. h'. /:•„r.
Neu o: iii.itUiLowl Note Whose
Brains Were not Sound
the •• ( .awaW. the f Yllealkeepb.t Alrt•ader
ahampi tale threat kisg frederkh Yr. Jena.
the O sea- Tame and Other Leaswv,,
Goo; Uugoverna',le attack* of pgwiun, vim
wowed lent temper awl uuabeer1 cruelty are
who w the result of insanity far mere frequently
wicked than will probably be :..Twitted by those
'uncal who have not given aim subject close
that i and special attentluu. This class of
potoapl patients are all abet w, and are often -
seek pj times all the more disagreeable and dan-
Artj prows from the fact that in their calm
1 ents they can be perfectly sane, up-
rigbs and kindly. Their disease: has its
1- exseetbations, its paiox; alas of attack,
Tait, ; and during the Intervale their hearing
Imp* Slay be entirely courteous, mid their
int ac whole disposition sweet and tender.
They; Some of the greatest and noblest men of
log history have been the victim.- .,f thew
ob. wt paroxysmal attacks of isisaitt3 . and for
to; that reason have been eft rntiut. i terribly
i misjudged.
I Howard, the philanthr.oist, who
mussed seas and mountains to relieve the
jaidistrewd, wan a brute and a tyrant in
his own family. Dr. ty'inaluw says of
loB ►►him : "His cruel treatment caused the
of a
desalt of his wife. Ile was in the habit
for many years of doing penance before
Dt hot pictur. He had an only seu,whom
Wit for the slightest offers* he punished with
terrible severity, snaking him atan.l for
and T boars in a grotto in the stet -den. The
became a lunatic as the result of this
Wawa treatment." 1 am strongly anciin-
to the opinion that even the extraor-
of benevup.noe of Howard was one
the symptoms of the disease in his
• for insanity inay hove geed as well
evil manifeetat . and such, el-
icited self-sacritice a. his- So blind,
t, so life -en luring is just
. to proceed from a morbid state
the directly opposite qualities o1 un-
vernabl, rage, intense hate or cruel -
Alexander the !heat behaved like a
The • in the latter days of his reign,
esisimad the supposition is plausible that if
Babb. Md survived a few yawn Innger he
• have become a moat implacable
capricious tyrant. From Icing very
as be gave isirneelf up to diesi•
His list fur power became a
, and he strove for gigantic im-
Robespierre and some of
other leaden of Vie French revolution
ly made there or less insane
Ihs sReiting events in which they took
it is certain that Robeeplerre nets
kind-hearted and considerate,
began lite by endeavoring to pro -
the abolition e,f capital punishment.
7E1 of France was insane, both
se 'ru.,lty steel caprices. He
cop Y n•.n de 111 cages or 1 g
on the trete 4,I the forest. He
iw the constant fear of death, kept
seclusion in his cstle, was on irti-
tenne wkbIii. hangman, amused
by watching iattles between rats
eats, drank the blood of young
, and tried various and abtmin-
sompolnels in order to lengthen his
Frederick, of Prussia; -without
reason whatever, treateol hii win and
tar • Laser tiine with the mast un -
and brutal severity. He kicked
around thn room, pummeled their
with chairs, compelled thein to eat
per repulsive foots anti in every
thrtr I; yea wrcteicel. His
in Ifni respect, was absolute,
have sent lion to the mad -
1 Het his unnatural and whinai
- .gplSame of his family was only sues
liliptelptonrie of his msdnees. He
figgabetontly arm .ciuur', crutiniz-
fprtalebo ld expense with &heard
MMI lavishing fortunes on his
He would run through
illbwaB1RK the loungers and work
ir ll is hie w.y anti) they mar-
ina was hypnetondriaeal,
ways gaga evidence of a
1.jhleo of fir brain. At the
ISM be be ssir the victim of
'Jaime's's, and from that tie.
''eteek Gees-
os tsI
spasmodic, may signify but little ; but
vibes it is perewteat and lite -lug, it
.amt b t rewarded as the symptom of
• rebtnl dieser, that may and often dues
sidelines to absolute madmen The vio-
1 lest tep{h.etuoslty of Dr. Johnsen, his un-
rw.niable, alw..st furious prejudices,
,may be accounted for tete the same
theory. Pascal was one uI the must original
thinkers of France, hut no inmate of any
asylum ever preseutrd more indisputable
isireo a of mental demises than thew
which characterised his whole career.
All his life b. walked in darkueee, know
is; mot at what he stumbled, in constant
fear both of the present and the future.
He was the victim of absurd delusions.
was harassed by exo.wive nervousness,
and was the slate o1 uncontrollable ec-
oendneiti.s On uammnatiun after death
hie brain it.. found t.. be seuous'y dis-
s used.
The gifted poet Collins was at tiers a
sad and moaning lunatic. The eocuu-
tricities and uselencholy of Lord Byron
were probably the uu.outrollable mani-
festations of dtstiam, and during his
assort and brilliant career he gave sulll
cunt evidence of insanity. Nothing
seems clearer than that the irritability,
hyphchondria and meanness o1 Alexan-
der l ep u were the results of organic
cerebral conditions, which he could no
more control than lie could remissly his
physical deformity. "1 sha 1 die at the
top first," ejaculated Dean Swift, as he
sadly gazad at a tree whose We -twits
were decaying, and he realized his tern
ble prediction. He was more or lees in
Sane during all his active life.
Tastes was a positive maniac, and, like
many other unbalanced geniuses, believ-
ed that he was attended by a familiar
spirit. Madama do Stael had a wascu.
line and powerful iutellect, but she was
a slave to idle fears and silly eccentri-
cities that its oruinary persons wou d
certainly have hien regarded as erne --
tains of disease of the brain. Cardus..l
Richelieu was subject to maniacal attacks
durin; which he lost ail his self-cntrol
and behaved like a silly child. When
the attack was over he had no recolloc•
t- f whit had passed.--[SanFranciscan,
A Wide Range of 1 winters..
The great household remedy so popu-
lar with the people—Hagyard's Yellow
e )11. -in alike valuable for external and
interim' use, cit-':., rheumatism, colds,
sore throat. stoup, frost bites, burnt,
bruises, and all lateness and soreness of
the flesh. 2
The gospel mad the Siena • Nese. I.
New York, May 1R. --In the congre-
gation at Plymouth Church was Remenyi
the violinist. He had has violin with
him, and Mr. Beecher announced before
the sermon that. Reutenyt would play
some mitred airs after the servicea,a fare-
well to this country. "The true Wan-
deringg Jew," said Mr. Flees:her, "was
David. whose stringed iustrumeut had
played to the hearts and soul. of myrtatls
of peep's. If the stringed instrument
was good enough for tum it was good
enough for us, who praised God with the
voice and organ pipe. Those who de-
sired to.go after the Service were affec-
tionately invited to ge, and those who
wished to ata and hear the wandering
minstrel of Hungary were affectionately
requested to stay. After the benediction
almost the entire congregation remained.
Mr. Beecher tried to induce Remeuyi to
sit and play on the pulpit platform, but
the vilhnist,with characteristic modesty,
seated himself nn the steps. He played
a concerted piece first, and followed it
with an air on one string, closing with
the Hungarian national hymn. Mr.
Beecher rebuked the applause which fol-
lowed the tint piece, saying that he
would not think it • tribute if one of his
prayers was applauded, and many pieces
of sacred music were prayers without
After Remenyi hail finished, Mr.
Beecher wished for hint as hearty a wel-
come home as he had ever received in
mina... a Peer r She telmrtahs fuer.
It is .wising to Gad same of the Tory
Mrras attempting to I depreciate Mr.
. a ability as a pablie.pe.ker. There
are few men in any uuuutry who a.rpaw
the leader of the Canadian Ltbenb to
the beat elements of Psrliasaen:ary
speaking. In the Cumwons at Ottawa
it le a well reougnted fact tbat,aps.t from
purely party questions ou whsob utat's
N and* are pretty well made up, Mr.
Blake is the leader of the Houma, bring-
ing to the d ecumwu of has subjects a
knowledge that is unequalled stud apow-
er that is felt by every listener. Then
is no question as to his pre eminence in
the Hous. His pusitiou 1s uuriralled.
C.oseryattres as well as '.thesis recott-
n is.. ft, end only iu the baser journals of
the party opposed to him is any attempt
ever made Po depreciate him. A e'er
respondent of the Ton,nto Melte says of
There is not to -day in the British
House of Lords or in she British Horse
of Commons Mr. Blake's seism for
as a Parliamentary speaker, with the
•tcepttou of Mr. Gladstone and Mr.
Bright, and his equals are few in num-
•.er, including Sir William Harcourt, the
Marquis of Salisbury,and perhaps Jo-
seph Chamberlain. Then is not to -day
in either the Senate or the House of
flepreseuttatives of the United States a
single member who is Mr. Blake's equal
in capacity for masterly exposition of a
subject tett the deter r of Parliament. The
late President Garfield, Mr. Blaine, and
et Senator Conkling come the ueareet
to him, but in sums important respects
he surpasses them all, and for his peer
we hate to go further back to the list of
great statenlen alto thronged the Con-
gressional .rets before and during the
coil war. It mat nay f ertute on one
o.• •ariou t.. hear a public address fr
Mr. Blake on ethadiau ;mtlittcal ques-
tions in a framer Canadian town.
Amongst has audience there were many
persona from the neighboring State. and
after the meeting was over 1 asked an
eteeptionally intelligent American friend,
who had heard Mr. Blake fur the tint
time, what he thought of hon, and how
he amipared as a political speaker with
the forem• at public men of the Untied
States, most of whom we have heard.
His answer was that lar regarded Mr.
Blake's style at perfect for parliamen-
tary speaking, and that for thorough,
-y.tcn...tic, amid u'art.•r.y treatment of
hs ,uhyect he as. unrivalled on this con-
tinent. My friend read frequently listen-
ed to Mr. Blaine, and I asked hon par-
ticularly for a comparison between him
and Mr, Blake. He then described to
me Mr. Blaine's mode of speaking, his
ability, his impulsiveness, Itis phenome-
nal commend of facts, and his success in
roueIu g the enthusiasm of the crowd:
'but,' he added. 'he could not make such
a speech as i have been listening to for
the past two hours, and, neither could
any other public man in the United
Scabies's*. asters Ito Use Semite.
I heard • fact or two about Judah P.
Benjamin's early life the other day,
whicla were new to nie. His father was
a small, dark-skinned Spanish Jew, who
kept a little fruit shop on Market street,
Charleston, 5. C. Benjarpin's early life
was spent in that shop. Fie was educat
en by the Hebrew Orphan society of
Charleston, graduating under their aro
at Charleston College. He was a grass
orphan by that time. His mother dis-
agreeing with hit father. had left her
home and gone to Beaufort, where she
opened a general country store. Forty
years ago she was conducttng it success-
fully. Both Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
were devoted adherents of the grand o'd
religion of their fathers, and Judah P.
Benjamin was educated en it. He 'has
always retained his respect for his race,
although he married a Gentile alio: has
never been identified with the Jewish
church. You remember his tine reply in
the senate, when he was teamed in a
hot debate with b.::,i; a Jew. ''"The
this country, where he had delighted so eenatur," he said, r.•t:iig ,gracefully, and
many thousands with his music. apeaknt, tet hie towel ,:;very nay. "will
please renie nber that wart, has half,-rvi-
t ratans, lemarreaee. lizs•l ancu.tors sere I:untinc the wild
Some of the most painful suffering that t boar in the forests of Sales:•, mine were
afflict mortals occur from rheumatism. the princes of the earth." The senate
Either the acute or chronic form may be was electrified and the carping senator
eradicated from the blood by an ettly was silenced.
use of the grand purifying system eon n _
vat or, Burdock Bluud flatten Ts the tledleal rreteers... sad sill whew
may orewee..
I hosp(hatme, or :Serve }rod, a Pima -
,hate Rlenient based upon $cientitie
•Wh ! What's the wafer!
lady frith fare enveloped in roll of not
cletlhst '•Oh' 1'in crazy with that Neurabgua
that continually tmubin use."
—"Nell. bow foolish' It'hT don't yon gra
to O, Rhyne.* Drug Wore and gt t a Mull.. of
India Lightning/ it cured MO in one min Ole.
1 always keep • bottle in the hon... 11 only
cans 11 rents bat
The new Orange hall is approaching
completion and presents a very neat
Freeman's Worm Powders fleetnty and
remotes worm% without injury to adult or
infant m
Mr.Mva)lSbs11 was surprised last week
icy reset a visit from his brother and
wife from the old country.
A Ned Idvwlty.
The loss of the canoe of hearing is tenth
annoying and dangerous. Those suffer-
ing from deafness ehneld try Beerier!**
fellow Oil according to directions. This
invaluable household remedy cured John
Clark, ..f 111illhridt•, Ont , restoring his
hearing in one week. 2
i• tt'/teeeh writs...
Theron 1'. Keattrr,editor of Ft W .yne
Ind., i:n clic, wtites : 'For the pest Bre
Tears i have always used Dr. King'. New
Dtac.tr"ry for coughs "f most severe
character, as well as for those ora milder
type. It never fails to effect a speedy
cure, My friends to whom i hare re.
commended it peak „1 it in sense high
terms. Haring been cured by it of every
cull 1 have had for live years, i cow
eider it the only reliable and sore cure
for coughs, odds, etc. Call .t Wilson's
i)rus Store and get a Free Trial Bottle.
Large use $1.00. (21
ir, the history of medicines as peps
ration has rewired such universal eow-
mendattnu for the entreaties it atm*,
and the perwtwlest eared sleets is kit
Rey diseases, as Dr. Vats Bona's Kimsey
Case ter .wires.
As aewwess teitiwoltes will elbow,
these is no same reliable can for deaf-
ens thea Hapard's Yellow AIL It is
Amu the hest remedy far ear .she, sere
threat, wimp, rhasmatisetend ter patsy
sed hawses* ne
. gerally. UUsed interaslly
sad eueraaU,. 2
I. Piet._.. Sete...
Mrs Helsa Pbsrvia, Na 331 D.,taa
Bt., Chicago, 111., is aim in her gutty -
eighth year, a.d states that she has suf-
fered with Consumption for about ten
years, was treated by nine pby.iriao.,ell
of thew proaou.ciag her ease hopeless.
Sloe had gives up all hope of ever recov-
ering. Seven bottle, of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Coaesutptina completely
cured bet, Doubting owe, please drop
her a postal sad satisfy yourselves. Can
at J. W iI.en'. drug store;and get a free
trial bottle. (1)
Seeing is believing. Hard the testi
mwuals in the pamphlet en Dr. VM
Buren'. Kidney Cur., then buy a bite,
and relieve yourself of all thaws dtwtlyp
ung pains. Your Drugge.t can tell you
'all about it. Sold by J Wilson (ietieric,!
Tine use of Pills, Salts,Castor Oil, tic.
and uther nauseous, griping Cstharti:•s
is unueoewry, as a pleasant sutststute
s found in Dr. Canon's Bitten, which
act as a Cathartic without griping or
causing nausea All druggists sell. it
50 cents a bottle.
t'Ieb t.Mrs.
We have made arrangements to club
Tata Sluxat with city papers at the rates
given below :—
Signal and Daily World 13.50
" Weekly Globe. 2.25
Mail 2 '.b
• Advertiser. , . 125
PITY Tog CMOS Dvxrirtwr.—Poverty
with perfect health is rather to be chosen
than riches and dyspepsia. Try the
magic effect of a dollar bottle of Focrtra1,1
of Heat.Tu.
For rough c.nditiors ut the Skin
Shampooing the head, Pimples, Eruption
and skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Sul-
phur Soap. m
All Nervous Debility cured by the use
of Dr. E. C. Vest's Nerve and Brain
Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere
Sold at Wilson's drug st..re. t2b)-
'41a Answer wanted.
Can any one bung us a case o1 Kidney
or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitten
will not speedily cure 1 We coy they
cannot, as thousands of cases already
permanently cured and who are daily re-
commending Electric Bitten, will prove.
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back,
,.r any urinary complaint quickly cured.
They purify the blood, regulate the bow-
els. and act directly ren the dismissal
part. Every bottle guaranteed. For
sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. 111:
nista Shrew tiered.
Aro you troubled vino Salt Rh_ e
Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ;
if so, go at once to Geon. Rhyrsai Drug
Store and get a package of McGregor &
Puke's Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents.
It was never known to fail. d,
A Starlit egdNarerery.
Physician's are often startled b: re-
markable discoveries. 'The fact that L'r.
Kings New Discovery ter Consumptions
and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily
curing patients that they Pave given up
to die, is startling thew to realize their
sense of duty, anti examine unto time
merits of tht% wonderful discotvery, re-
sulting in huntin•.ls of our best Phial -
cisme using it in their 4nactice. Trial
'bottles free at .1. i1'i:son s Drug, Store.
1:.:;uia- size $1.00. (4)
'.o.tional• Pulls act promptly mien the
river, regulate the bowels and as a pur-
ca.: a are mild .{int 1lt..r.ugh. est
There ate juts o f I w psis going around
genniblin„ and "nit sick at the 'et outach
e:l the tient ; who ought toe well and
ha;oy, if they truly used Dr. Carom's
it.,uts:1i ifillet' occasionally. It is a
splendid blood purifier-. All druggists
.1 IIlen.I.g to all 11aak/.d,
1e these times when our newspapers
aro :,,,oal•.1 with patent medicine adeer-
:Asc•molts, it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will. certainly cure you!
if you are bilious, 'aloud out of order,
liver inactive, er .eneral debilitated,
Facto, Formulated b Professor the,hs,y there is nothing in. tie world that will
of Soieti,b;'1 , cures Ptlittitrri. Itttire }•tso quickly as Zlectnc Bitten.
say Uorautnpteon, Sick Headache. Ner- I They ate • blessing L. ail nsankind, and
woes 'Attacks. Vertigo. and Neuralgis an toe haul f..r sent' iihy cents • bsettle
and all waatin•r ,lisesses of the !tauten 11( Jant. Wilson, (2i)
System. Phoap.hetine is not a `tetlecmte,
lou. a Nutriineut, Nictitate it cant/eine no
Ve:otatdr .,r 'dotterel Poisons, t Ipriates
Nira.,ttcn, :tin! no Stimulants, hut Until
ly the Ph,aapliatie and (:artric Elements
found in our daily food. A 'tingle bottle
is suet:hint to coonvutre. All Druggists
sell It. 11 00 per bottle. ',otwlets &
soda agents for the D..a.ttne ,
SS Front Street Bast Toronto
SUM glits•1111441111t
Ask the moat continent physician
111 env school, what is the hest thing
in the world for 1u1ttng and allaying alt
rrritatton of the nerve, and elating all
(orr..s of nervous e.•ttmlaints, giving ca.
torsi . childlike refreshing sleep always 1
And they will t..l- iota unhreitatingly
•'S.m:e form of il• W '
i-aar'rxt 1
%trek :thy or all of the must eminent
W. is the hest and only remedy
that can be relied on Vicars all diseases of
the kidneys and urinary organs ; such as
Bright's disease, diabetes, retention or
inalulity to retain brine, and all the dis-
misses and ailments peculiar to Women." —
"And they will tell you explicitly and
emphatically '•Hoehn.
Ask the tams i.hyei.iane.
"What is the most reliable and eaewt
core for all liver diseases or d
tenets pet ion. pdipstiwn,
mriblIbs- ,
alaal fever, ages. Ate," sad eby will
tell you .
' Mssdrab. 1 or De.delles r
Hease, whoa time uwsflies ere sew
• Mo RF
c.t.; EF. -RT
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
CPEO. nA.r tlEtY
Hamilton Street, Ooderich
A good amoetaseet of Neches. tied -room, Dialog Room sad Parlor F.r.Nars, sae► as'b
Me. Chairs ((hair, case sad weed ..sled1. Cupboard. Sed-ote.d., Mattresses. W
Reeser. dela*, What -Nets. 1aebt.g Mase.
N. R - A complete snot *meat of reales sad Shrouds always ea haat .Ye Beam* ear Mr
ar raesoeabte rate .
Miura Framing • soselalty.— A calf solicit. d 1151
N____ammemairrue ani TNR o&OORA.NV o1 Tia, COUNTRY. VOW
%a✓s -` r " tee,__
r"'. ..+ i s .r "5 M stlki tlil 1 r
B eing the treat Central Lin.., affords to travelers. by mason a1 Is. uerlvaI.a sew-
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It la literally and etrloty true. that Its oanneetaone are an o1 the prteetp.l lines
of road between the Atlantic and thn Pa' tile.
Sy its male ane and branches It reaches Owego. Joliet, Peoria. Ottawa.
1. Salle. Oeaseso. Norms and Roots Island. In 1111 sots y Seeenport. Nwo.tlae,
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In Iowa; Gallatin. Trenton. Osnteron and Kansas City, In Mlaeouri, and Ltallreet.
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Fast tapreee Trains. composed of COMNOOIOUS, WELL V&NTILAT*S. WILL
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em tee ramous
A New and Direct 14.e. via Sonoma and Kankabeei h.11 reasate been eases .
between Newport News. Itlohmond, Cosotrhnati. Isedaanapoae and La Fayette,
and Cowmen SI&R.. St. Paul. Nlnneapolls and Iwgrmetnat. pante.
AN Through Passengers carred on Fart &sprees Train..
For more detailed inaermation. see Maps and Folders, *Isiah may ate obaatnede as
wee as'rioto s. at aN miasmal Timms Owloes in tee United States and CesMOs, er d
Vlos'Pree't • G..'I Manager, Clang T'u't t PNa.•r A&•a
itch Audseh, sad relieve .11 Use troshtez mel-
d -t t to s babans1111. .. o' f U 101yemra, a u
o, serDin-
a'no Nations. Drowsiness. MOM afiT eating,
Pain in the wade, die. While their worst tem -ore
abbe raccess bad beet shown la caring
Itradseb,yet Comicial-kite Liver rills are resift
taiesuie la roweipstj., arias sad prerroueg
this aaneylag complain. while iliwy .leo coarct
all disorient of the Item eh, sttwet.N the liver
sad ovulate the beviel. Ryer it they oily cored
Artie t:tey would boatmeet minder le thew who
ager tram for aismeams ems,km t • bs&fens.
safely their end bera,snd those
who once try thew will sad chess little Wile reli-
able la se my wave that they will wet be willing
be do wtthoet alae.. Nat atter all Net bad
is tis base of es mew &yes net hew .11 yrberets
take eta great Wow Our puts cam o r ge
others de set.
cameo Little 14'.. to Wm. tiee Pc01. re very,- .311
They afire v,,estue sad two pills want aL.:n et
Meat by timer gentle anise please .moi%.` e
pl'' vele at et ewe: ere ter jL Boat
everywhere, w seat by snit
Nsw Twit ii1eaaaelesat
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bdo1TgaT, V:arEk t- et!
1 n •' line to Pt
taladoa.all t. Iowa, 'ntsT T.'p'k. Wri
aebra*k..0N.nart.gtm- ba. Dst.a,t
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tau ted Twin. Z I J ; `
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b M setopnor ft t5.
Lea. M sne n led w. hot
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1 : a by tax
Tickets via
Gtebreted Use
Thi Seeiniller P1
lefern.ail •r.
about I:st.. ..f
Tare. weep...
eta . vb.*?re .7 • . e F
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:tett 7, testes+
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T. 1. POTTS,. . EY.t ltywttL
• y yaw J►ef14 Rent )es.,ee cr♦ ,•••e 1,
a ao.111. aat-.o-
%iIto I. COLDS. L'.
! BCBITIS and all 141/14
jMPLAiINTS.and fol*
' M ahO iRS 1 e s i ll
Canadian Pass. Ag t,
Gin Toroso, Ont
;B. Jnstraroe,
Ticks' Arent, Godenh
lord sett .meta for peatag.m.
Dedrs.s vault aln•Ial 110 WS 01 the stucco goods cob ynpg bile ya
wlekewake. mitt the ft III se sa d ft sew be fen * a l*7t•1wg elsepnh w meaty At away
b •ga.aflaw to lie teMN nelwm E,•v
Poaabry. Qodesioh.
lEalae. Al..ee ■ t o.,
Moire etas shirr Ann as also he .b
s1 i a tbM`e sI.wa s.., + Sys Uyldaa :
"Elbe haws bee auk i fit ill!Y Ian you i .weer ~ efla7M vial
Ot es Mos t111.e,
_tat M► soil ir. w n