HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-30, Page 3-b� rr {4 RAIIMAL FRLILY. MAY SO. 18S4. when b it themes to (..toed work like that. p Eastace, the 0111cst th� wind of my heartMows dead agiast it, aasd I'm sailing in rho Hloctor clow CHAPTER X. SCIIMITTIO0 TO DIJCIHLIKE. 'Willy,' said Zustace, when they could speak freely to each other without being heard, 'Willy, my lad, we must make up our minds to endure what cannot be avoided. We most do our beet to ..bey the orders of our captors.' 'I doot we wall.' returned though in • diseatiafied tote. 'Yes, we must,' repeated Eustae*, 'and 1 wilt tell vow why. Thr captain and his ofhese are invested with abs, - lute authonty and power. A refusal on oar part to du the word !bey force upon us would be termed disub.diei ee. mid would give thew the opportunity of sub • jectiug us to degrading puuishinent—a result which would be a thousand tunes worse than yielding obedience to their usurped authority ' 'An sae we mato e'en bucuw. Ytllute again eor wull ?' responded Nilly. 'For the present,' rejoined Eustvee. 'The than who yields to necessity pre- serves sell his self respect and indepen- dence. But mark me, the first oppor- tunity which presents itself for escape we shall embraus it. The vessel cannot remain at boa always ; we !oust Nolte time or other go into harbor, and you aid I will there seek the liberty of which we have been so infamously de- prived.' 'I am glad ye ho. trade up yer mind tie this,' said Willy. '[ was feary.i ye oxo would srnfully refuse tae deewhat Randolph orders, and that is just what he wants, that he may hae the pleasure wwy, reefed ready t. 'tout helot and sheer off the first chauo. I have, I expected to bolt when :he skip lay in the road, Int as bad luck would bans it, I was down in the sick lust all the tiwe, and oouW not crawl ..u. of my hammock. Se I'll have to lie to a bit longer ; and, as 1 said, we three might do worse than joie .0 posy, a. we mean to start ea the same cruise.' 'dive me your hand, my good fellow,' .•a.i Eust•o., warmly. 'I most cordially respond to your sentiments and feelings. 'And sae dee 1,' added Willy ; 'and its my candid opinion that it was Provi- dasea that u a le us forgaither inthisdark comer, that loo 'nicht become mamma. As ye mg, gay child, we'll sail in the same beat said rink our chanes on the (tame shot net.' 'Tip me your fin, my heart of oak,' said Joe, with enthuaisaut. 'Blue ate, if we don't get out .f the land of Egypt and house .f bondage afore long. From what I beefed you say, ant by the fine out of your lingo, the second Lieutenant meats revenge by your capture, and you're as good as any officer en the quar- ter deck.' 'That's as true as the gospel,' said Willie. 'Master Eustace is as rale a gentlemen as ever steppit in shoon, and the lieutenant, as you called him, is his sin halt -bother, that wants tae get his inheritance, and he has gotten him bruucht here that he may has the pleas- ure iusultin' him wi' a' safety.' 'then you'll be right not to give him the chance.' observed Joe, 'for the cat mewes for very little in the hector. The captain stands up for dis iplin. to the mast -head, and the lieutenant sails as smooth as a pinnace under his lee. But u' seeing you punished.' avast with our jaw tackle, for here Domes 'I know it is,' rejoined Eustace, his • shoal of our metsmates, and none i face darkening with an angry shaduw. theta as I knows on means to slip the 'That is the chief motive which prompt- service.' ed hitt to have us brought hither, that With the noisy entrance of a crawl of he might rent his revenge witty safety sailors the conversation between our to himself. Let us baulk bin by giving heroes and their new frierd ceased, but him ne chance of having his wish gratifi- the formation of a true and valued d,' friendship was laid. and Eustaco and 'It will be very hard, though, to suffer Willy had now got a practical councillor his jibes, and tae gang here and there as whose marine experience would be of a- hs orders It's no ss• atuckle for me tae Dentis! service to them. He was a friend dee it. but you, his sin brither. 1)h, in that dosuag world where all was man, Eustace, it's dredfu'. strange and disagreeable ; where, in 'It will be galling enough,' returued their ease at least, night was right. and freedom and justice unknown. But the secret tie of sympathy and design also bound them to each other, and a c,aumon hope and purpose was cherished by them. Next morning Eustace and Willy were directed tc' go nn neck, and they went in the full expectation that their galling as an utter stranger—as oneI have never servitude was to begin—in the fall reso- before seen. Not by look or word do I lotion also to follow the rouse they had mean too show my consciousness of know- resolved on. log bin., but will act to hie precisely as Now, then, �.,u lazy vagabonds, why I will do the others. I would advise you, are you idling there ?' he shouted. 'The Willy, t•e purs•le the 'erne course.' 1 service is not intended to pamper land - 'I" 1 try,' re*pxonded Willy, ruefully. '1)u, for ,any sake, do. Don't gine him, :. chance of having you ill-used, for I could not stand by anti see you punish- ed. 'Che sight would madden me to the doing of that which would bring destruc- deck with water ; and you, Grahame I tion mi us both. And then it may help believe you call yourself, mop and sweep you t.. beat it tet silence, if ysu keep al- away —Quick, do you hear r Willy ways cheenag the hope of escape, fur es- snatched up the pail, tilled it at the tank, cape se will on the very first opp,rtun- and dashed the contents over the boards ity.' at their feet. In silence also, and with 'Better not let anybody but me hear it perfect outward calmness, Eustace lifted though.' said a voice clam to thein, and, the mop, and used it as if he had been to their consternation a man's head was raised over the aide et a hammock which was swung not three feet from where they sat, but which theylhad not seen, owing to the darkness. 'Who ..ars you r demanded &setae. fiercely. 'I'm Joe Murdoch,' was the'- -- 1 re - 'You have hard our c nrersation ?' pursued the youth. 'Every word on it,' answered the sailor. 'And you will report it r added Ems - taco. 'Well, if you axes me as a favor to wind it off the capstan o' my memory to the second Lieut., or any in the ship, in ooune i'll do it to oblige ;you. Bat No long as you wants me te keep quiet, Joe Murdoch ain't the chap to split.' Eustace ; 'but can be more easily born. than the degradation which he las the power to cause to be indicted in the way tet punishment for disobedience. I dare not answer for myself when nay blood boils under the influence of his rescan tyranny, but my intention is to treat him lubbers, but to make smart seamen of them ; so, if you don't want the taste of • ropes end, you'll bestir yourselves Here, you—Sommerville, I think your name is—tate that pail and slush the no stranger to the work. They were in the waist alone, the rest of the ship's company bein,p engaged away forward ; though quite within call if the bully Lound it necessary to seek protection. Randolph stood by the aide of Eustace, gloating his eyes on the spectacle of kis brother's humiliation, and shaking with the very excitement of his triumph. He looked for • glance of rage, or an out- burst of feeling, but to his surprise and secret dis•ppointeseat, Zinnias betrayed not the slightest consciousness of their relative position, but *crabbed the deck with the meet impenurable equanimity. 'I think we can trust you,' said Eus- taos, greatly relieved. 'I like the open, kosest tone of year v')ice.' 'And I like yours,' responded Jos 'I'd have fired off a signal to let you know i was alongside, but I got n Inter std in your disoeens that i didn't want to haul your wind till I found out if you were voiag to steer in my direction. And sow that I know you are m.umats, I propose that we join company, for i mean to leave the ship and the worries too at the very first chance.' 'You are tired et it ? You want to leave the .ee r 'Leave the sea'' escleimed Joe. 'Blew rem heart, no. I'd die in a moostk if i took to • land life. But I'm roto se Tikes to be fres 1 served my apprenticeship aboard a merchant ship, and sailed in a gttwehant ship till last year, when we MON sees. the Honor, and was hnsrd- .4 4 yoer friend the second lieutenant. mall a oboes bent's essepawy, who prime ell ri m - ell the peek tit us., gaud carried vas d r.te M is the Yeeter. N 4 'Where is your pride now ?' hissed Randolph in his ser. 'Who is triumph ing now ? Did 1 not tell yen I would have revenge ? and here, in this ship, you are my slave, forced to obey what- ever order 1 choose to gore you, and dare to give me rebellious looks, or utter one disrespectful word, and I order year dainty back to ba striped by the cat.' His fagoting words seemed to fall on a deaf ear. Eustace's color did not even rue, nor did the calm expression of his lace alteresthorough was his self-control —ao completely had he braced himself op for endurance. 'You defy me, do you ?' added Ran- dolph, enraged by the other's immovable bearing. 'That game won't do ; I'll find means to make you speak and feel too. And as fon that inseleut vagebtwud, your brother-in-law, hell dearly pay for yen blow. 1 11 torture the lite ..t of him by rookies.' Foaming with passion he strode to whew Willy was working with the pail, sad ender pretence that he w watering the deck ie a wrong way, he bestowed upon him a volley of the ingot opprehriows epithet•, whisk Willy bets with the came social itsdifilsreaas than ZedgS had sadetaleed, sad tock ria anew relies e[ llinAl 4!( Uwe if be iced It's • 000spiwq is it 1 By Rio.es, I'll crash the sensed out of you.' A marling spike lay near the mast, sod he rushed serves the deck to emirs it. The deck was slippery oat foot slid beneath bit.- and he fell heavily aad all of a heap, his right leg being vt.leutly twisted under hies. There he lay groan- ing in agony and unable to move, and Willy, looking down on hint, smiled one grim tags and went ea with his work as though nothing had,kappetsord. A group of sailors wh.. saw him sprawling on the deck rushed aft to his assistance. He g round bis teeth with rage and pain, strove t res to. his feet, sunk helplessly back again aad fainted. He was carried below, and the ship's surgeon on examin- ing him found that his right ankle had sustained an injury which would keep him to his berth fur a long talo., proba- bly for many Willy this wee spite.. AlI this white the Hector was unfortu- nate in not falling iia with any of the enemy's ships. She had cruised about on the ground marked in the Admiralty's instructions without once sighting a French war reel—a circumstance at which every one in the ship -- both officers and men men were ehrfrined. It was now six weeks since they left Leith Roads, and they had encountered all kinds of weather, white squalls and tempests, soft winds and furious hurri- canes. Sometimes the frigate tore through the boiling surge with tiro poles, and at other times with every sail set she could not catch enough of the breeze to send her over the glassy water. But whatever the weather might be, whether calm or foul, the luck -out could never succeed in sighting the French Dag. Several vessels were passed and spoken with, but they invariably turned out to. be either British or neutral, till at length the sailors came to believe that they were destined to return' home with- out having one brush with the foe, or earning a shilling of prize money. But glad news reached them at length. One day an American trailer lay to in their neighborhood, and the Captain, with the usual Yankee eye to business, come aboard the Hector anxious to dis- posw of some wines. Captain Brent- wood's suoply of claret having run rather low he purehased a few cites from the American captain. 'Wall new,'r.marked the Yankee,when the transaction was concluded, 'That's what I call doing business in an original way. Yesterday that ere. claret. cap- tain, was bought from a French frigate, and today it's consigned to a British one. I calculate now that no one but a ralecuteAmeriaacouldturr the almighty see into a market place, and buy and sell aboard two ships that if they met would try to blow one another to the devil.' 'Whereabouts was thisFrench frigate ?' asked captain Brentwood eagerly 'Right away south. If you want to keep out of her way you are all safe to your present tack.' No sooner was the Yankee off in his boat than captain Brentwood communis dated tot his frit Lieutenant the infor- mation he had received, and the ship's course was changed. Soon 'the news spread that the enemy's frigate, with a Prize in tow, was in the neighborhood, and • universal exclamation ensued. Two out -looks were stationed un the top, and the captain intimated that the first who saw the vessel of which they were in search should receive a guinea. Every face was now full of animation, and many a look was sent across the watery waste, beth from quarter deck and rigging- But the afternoon passed, and the evet:ing darkened, and no sail was descried within the horizon. All through the night, however, the Hector was kept on the same course, and at day- break the two outlooks exclaimed in .0 breath—'Sail ho" 'What is she pike r shouted Saughton. 'A frigate with yellow sides,' and with a brig in tow,' was the answer. That's nor gentlemen,' exclaimed the lieutenant cheerily, and the announce ment was followed with three tremend- ous cheers from the forecastle. (To se t'otrr!tt an.) weeks. For Eustace and w aho-rt Providential re - t euMs dense. (,Late Garden is use of the moot beae- Gosat institutions in the world, and owes its present uses largely to Dr. Fredrick Kapp, now a member of the Imperial Gorman Reichseath, bat f.nusrly a rea- dout of New York. It is under the con- trail of nine commissioners of emigration, appointed for the term of six years by the governor, and euafiruted by the Senate of the state of New York. Thither lot us follow a portion of the 6731) imutistrants who arrived by ween different steamers on the 15th of May, 1800. The mance of each, the date of his arrival, place of departure, number of ►is family (if any whither bound, his business, and other particulate, aro all registerud. This record, together with that of the cabin passengers, is compared with the manifest of each captain, which manifest ought to exhibit the names of all t!is persons he had on board. It thus becomes • check on the greed of Home who has, brought mere passengers than the law permits, or then were named in the manifests. Not only do the Commissioners of Emigration protect their often helpless charges against the extortions, robberies, and unspeakable villainies of the human harpies who formerly infested the deck., and preyed upon the luckless incomers— not only do they supply interpreters, maintain an employment bureau. *mist in the exchange of funds, purchase of tickets, forwarding of iatmigrants and baggage—but they AIM, Iicense the boarding-house runners, and subject them to rigid supervision. .They further provide for the sick and disabled, the lunatics, and the pregnant womeu whore husbands, if sick, are sent to the hospital on Wards Island, furnish medicine to the ailing and trusses to the ruptured, and preserve recorded particulars of all thus ;.oming under their special are by which they may be found and identified in the future. Near the lnfrrmation Bureau from 2000 to 2500 people, waiting inquiringly for their friends, have sometimes been congregated et one tone. The grandly beneficent work of the Emigration Comnissi,uen deserves bet- tor medical facilities than the miserably ioadeqoat e hospital atrommouatiuns at their unmediate command in Castle Gar- den. New York doss the worksaud bean the expense connected with foreign immigrativo, but the whole coantry shares in its benefits. The railroads especially profit by it. The ash value of tickets purchased by inward -hound more than fire The taco. The Deily News punishes an interest- ing letter from its special correspondent in the Soudan, dated IA,ugola, April 2, giving an wows( of the Mandi and hie me°ooenta The correspundeut thinks that beyondqueetiun Mohammed Ahmed is a man e( ounaider•ble intelligence and extraordinary force of character In baron discussion as to the nature or authority of his mission he loses no tante. If any nun be bold enough to challenge hie divitso origin or express his disbelief he u permitted to choose between sub- mission, open acknowledgment, and de capitation. On the other band, he pro- tects and snouur•ges those who volun- tarily accept him as the true Mandi— the num sent by Allah to reform man- kind. He besets Nome education, as it is uuder food in the East ; that is, he reeds and writes, and is well versed in the Koren and the commentators He speaks teeth the Bersbari and Arabic languages. His life is simple in the eatreme. He indulps in non. of the luxuries or vani- ties of Itfe,except perhaps a weakness for a large number of wives. He is criditd with the possession of thirty-nine of ('nes. aids to happitsess, though the orthodox number ellowod by the Koran is only four. By a system of temporuy divorce, he keeps within the letter of the Mohamedan law ; the ladies tak- ing their turn to bo divorced and taken on again. The Mandl, the correspond- ent also says, u • fighting prophet. His tikes part in all the battles, and doss not spare his own person. There u • report current that in the fight with Hicks' army he received a sword cut serum the forehead which divided the brass cap which he wears under his turban, and in- flicted an ugly wound. For some time after the battle he did not appear inpublic,and he wound w ha it is suspectsd that t y ve had roaething to do with the extraordi- nary inaction of the Ztandt's forces since the defeat of Gen. Hicks. Mohammed Ahnt.d is "a total abstinence man of the purest water." Not alone are wine and all sjrts of spirituons liquors forbidden, but even the more harmless enjoyments of tobacco and coffee are anathema, :tt.d serer. penalties are inflicted on any one discovered using the forbidden luxuries. One of -he refugee merchants now at Dongola relates that, having been caught by some of the Mandt s soldiersrl.tgnsa;e '1,1 ;et,. smoking a cigarette. he was seiz- ed, brought before the prophet and sen- tenced to receive ens hundred and tifty lashes, which were duly administered. Under these circumstances, it can well be imagined, life in Obeid in net gay. A Reliable IV stoma. R. N. Wheeler, of Everton, speaks highly of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, having soon its effects in his own case, a severe inflammation of the lungs and distressing cough, was quickly and per- fectly cured, which hod resisted other treatment. 2 it von should he so unfortunate as to Burn. Scald or Wound yourself in any way the pro- per thing to keep clean and heal it is Mc re - k Parke's Carbolic Conte. Insist on bav- Ing. and be sure you get. MKirrgwr & Parke's immigrants in 1881 carbolic Grate. Pr TS crate. 0. Ithynaas, million dollars. Moneys to the value of druggist, has the genuine. sm eleven millions were exchanged in Castle nth: how tired and weak I feel. I don't Garden, and the estimated amount of the believe I will ever get through the Spring !rafts, bonds, and other representatives house-cleaning 1 Oh yes you will if you of specie value brought in during the take a lootte or tan. of Dr. Carson's fitum- sams year was no lees than ono hundred ach Bitters to purify your blood and tone million dollars. Castle Garden ought to be a national institution. - -(R. ��'heatley, in Harper's Magazine for June. WAS Many Sean, hie• Cutting were very plain -and burial cas- kets were unknown. Tombstones had larger tepitaphs and more verbosity engraved upon them. Eggs worm • shilling a dozen and but- ter was considered high at eighteen cents per pound. The country retail trade was touch better, as people could not so easily run to the city by rail. Business letters were niers volumin- ous and formal, and were written in a precise. round hand. The diet was mere surcharged w ith grease, the winter breakfast usually hie- ing made of malted ham and but cakes. Dinner was simply a hasty lunch at neon, and little importance was attached to the necessity fur good digestion or a period of rest after eating. New ()retains and Muscovade molasses very black and thin, was the common sweetening for buckwheat cakes. Refin- ed molasses was almost unknown. Bread was home made. Coffee was freshly ground every morning, and the grinding of the family coffee mill was a familiar sound hours before the children Negro ministreloy was just cropping out in the travelling circus. There were generally bat two performers, who as- sume' male and female characters. The popular melody was "Jump Jim Crow." People did not lire as bong as they now do, nor was the avenge health as good as at present. Tne y ate more meet. more grease, more hot bread, and more heavy dishes, and drank more at meals. Hcaav HOT D iavartot. —There is much truth to the following, from the Herald of Hs/tA: The hustling, hurrying man, as a matter of fact. is • poor worker. Too much of his .team power u expend- ed in kieking up dust. The habit of hurrying, and being in • hurry, is fatal to do• good work, and diminishes the amount of work • good man run do. The men who s000mpli.h most never *sem in • hurry, no matter how mach they have to do. They are not troubled for leek of time, for the make the most of the minutes by working in • coil, methodi- cal manner, finishing moth job properly, and not expending their mores force in bustle up the system. In large bottles 50 cts. Prof. Low's Sulphur Steep is highly recommended for the cure of Eruption. Chafes, Chapped Hands, Pimples, Tan, kc. Im et Saves Sly waw'. Liss. This is the report of a Princess street geaapewtan whim had the �tpt��rtunity a few nights sine of testing Poison's Nai- ler any b having • batt of Nerviline at hand �t only awes 10 eta to test it, as you an hey toot bottle at J W ileon'a Get • 10 or 25 cent bottle today. Son in rhoematiem, neuralgia, erasers. hsadalha Nervilino, the sere pop Mire. At all dnlggits 25 omits • Meda James Rnyley. Homilton. s•TA: "1 read obs teelltnenials for uearego-i v y rime sad found 1 ►ad motto go to New York- Phllad.l. pita. Louisiana or Teras to and living wlt- aesees of 11. value, we have plenty of persons right hen to prove Its ferrite. 1 got • bottle and It helped Inc richt away. i was u had with Bilious Fever and iadiaeotioe u 1 thlak any roe meld be. i have t three bottles and am nearly well and can sat any kl.et of food whitest it hurting arta. i way say lust enter than i ever imported to be. i w,. trial bottles at O. Ranee'. tum (!File. His MONO ew. H lqa '1s. 110s4Rys amiss tr it eeeralt, ban tba niti ima.... Dr.:aw's Reeve wr -- ,leperptat sl_ -"�v r '•I ._.,. .., .;it. MOs w'ortrrsl; _ _ JUI Is 111 est la Corms 1 room roomt Discovered at last, a r,n.dy that is GROCERIES re, .aro and painless. Patrenn's Pain les. Corn Extractor never fails, never AND comfo pain.Buy .ren the slightest xtr lis- CANNED GOODS. dis- comfort. Rny Pntnam'e Coir' Extractor and beware of the many cheap, danger- ous and flesh -eating substitutes is the marks(. See that i1 is mode by Polson • Co., Kingston. 00 TO KNIGHT'S WOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT. SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS LAST OF P.O 151017 JAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, Ac. V office. t'rabb's Block. Blsg.ton st.. tinder rich. !lase and sppeecciflcattona drawn correct ly Carpenter's' Is,tarer'�und mason's work esseenred sad valued. EEDS Canned Goods. WARRANTED. Chicken 2 M Ting, Piga Feet " " Corn Beef " " Tongue " " Mackerel (in Tuntatoe sauce.) Salmon (extra quality,) Lobster, Mackerel, Sardines (French), Peaches (American), Blueberries.- Tomatoes, 3 Ms tins, Green Peas (French), Green Beans, " Green Win (American), French Mushrooms, Potted Chichen. Ham & Tongue. Mustard and Ginger in 1 lb jars CHAS A. NAIRN. Square, Godench, Jan. 23, 1884. DANIEL GORDON, CABINETMAKER 8.'401 Loadflig Ulldertator, Has on Land now the LARGEST $1,011. � First - Class Furniture In the County. and as I now purchase for calk will not be undersold by any one. I oCer Tapestry carpet Lounges. from SI. upwards. Whatnots. Rood. from $ .3e elk Bow Back Chain, from =!e. up, and every- thing else in the acme proportion. AT THE OLD STAND Between the Pest 0 ce k Bank of Montreal QODERZCB- Oct. ism. 11x1. 1111 C-ODERZCB PLANING MILL ICiTABLI7•HED 111.6. Buchanan, Lawson : Robinson 0Art'r•&TVl:0a,t OF Sash, Doors & Blind. • DIALERS IN •LL RINDS O/ 'Lumber, Lath, Shinjkes atad budder's motorial of every descriitlae. • SCHOOL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. irAll Orders promptly attended to. tloderl:b. Aug. 2. 19111 1170!-ly GODBRICH BOILIB !ORg3 A choice assortment of Fresh Field Beale on hand, for Sale at Reasonable Priest AT THE ilare Just receive.1 a large stock of BRASS & IRON STEAM FITTINGS —roe -- BORERS & EIItIINESI eW Salt Pans and Buil�e Built on Shortest Noti, Mail orders for new work sad' rcpalm los { r-r,'ive prompt attention. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, Works near O. T. It. &lotion. ilea:rich. Feb. I& last. Uq aiitod to he Kilowil THAT Teo CLN own CHOIOB COIFBCTIO IR CANNED FRUITS AND FISH. TOBACCO, CIGa4 RS, Domestic and More�rudts. I of the Beat Fresh and Smoked 1 (Vater Fish is A full assortment of all kinds of Nuts pietas aoeved In livery Nyle dog lf?s CREAMY IN NEAsoN. now Designs. Wreaths Trusses, Boma eta. made to order. Illimpeilleg names 1 tiepsaYsa 10 —ao— RESTAV R.ANT coat Heuer Square, Ood.rlek. Dec. W. 1Aq. Fish. CASE STORE. D. K. STRACHAl PRAcrloAL MACHINIST, Beeps in hand a ,upp'y of ,ria rrlal for $ repairing ..f is THERE IS CHEAP Crockery do a�W�' dowers and Roe� Limps, &o. A FULL LINE OF ss. pa area's Sewed s.ySobsee is the only ,notentanoo ns. relief f..r Neu- ralgia., Headache, Toothache, etc. Rob- bing • few drops briskly is all that i. needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, bet one minute's appliestins ttgeovw all pain and will prove the gretat Velem of Rnnn's Fluid Waning. 13 Malta per bottle at George Rhynas' drug Cheap and Good. Give Him a Call/ G. TH& GROOM, The Square, - Qoderich Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows M Agricultural Implements and Machinery Generally! ALL WORN THOROUGHLY DOA D. K. STRACHAN. GODERICH MACHINE SHE Ooderich. Marc , 2Th. 11'%. risorii for {wges. ,he workrata Bead) fort oil we will rte pe relsit a royal. valsats ,. . I reeds that wall pet ye a: way of miaow more mo.wey In s IOW/ ...:4 e ae.11.e at saybe �� rrtaegrequired. We will siert 7e work an th" time w b spar" thew wort isuniversally edaf te'l to to rigs . old. Yee '1 easily M w •v avMtaiu- . wea!note ow sort�ti a ttuwlw_ess.J, �X Ieled ear . all he min, . k4... .0 Mga �t 4Mntif•lee .olowadie will M saad_w M ' tie« to i Melt' w ...IL �.la A