HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-30, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY MAY 30, 1884.
was put not wok a peel or twu orf water
is a tow minutes. The prinespal damage
gore was to the carpet, which was a new
DImes em as
an rases or knees Weis me and expensive Dao. Daly put does this
sews aarisase. spring.
Gerrie i r The $ssls,th curie's dub totted build -
mks 2eth. tag anew flak, and they had • acetest/
The fall to esoa.tder tbe matter. The
Leek very D. Straebaa, of Brussels, is now the'
• ts boit� of two tine Michigan colts, one
It a on�Cls•e Gni dem red owe • Sorrel
vemti.0 ♦cow belonging t.. J. W. Martie,
e the 27th A ke towna►ip, recently dropped $
n stall whish we4thed rt birth 140 Ise
0 The friends of Rev. Mr. Taylor, Euu-
)tlrs. copal minister at Hayfield, will be glad
late, is is learn that his wife, who has been i11
danger. for some time, is again able to Le
W to. around.
r 100 acre Mr. Gray, government engineer, was
for $3, is Kincardine last week and inspected!
Mr. the karbur with a view to deciding what
r Towrt.h• improvements would be needs l for the
tripto °°ming year.
This beats Goder,ch township.
ii He will Neat week Va.istene Brea., of the N.-
ui grasp t tient"! Roller Mills, Brussels, shipped daughter of Prince Albert down to her
try. Int 1,000 sacks and ti:b barrels of flour end death by diphtheria contracted at the
tai daughter 2 oars of bran. The shipments were bedside of her children, the wurld is
out theti ehlefly to the eastern provinces. Neither. It can, however, dei no. one
An Irishman i awed Cassidy attempt any harm to reed again this story of the
t sod to commit suicide at Southampton t,.- life of • woman whu,although a princess,
rsaewaas Lip et Pveseee. Mks es
sera a Mee Lessers.
A book likely to be read fur its glimp-
liasp-}w int,, rho byways of European r.•yalky
is The Life dud Letters of Princess
Alie.. From the proud and rieh English
court t" the equally proud but parse --
Mocked palace at Darmstadt was a sea-
change indeed, and the letters of the
princess will do reed if only •huwtntr
how much better if an American busi-
ness man's wife is than was this daughter
of the richest kingdom in the world.
The letters ..f the pnrlcess to her fam-
ily w Euglaud, and particularly the
queen, • memoir translated free. the
Gorman and a preface by the Princess
Helena, make up the body of the book.
With the history of the princess from her
childhood and early life ea the favorite
♦ Bsweas -Of see damn "'ltisoa-
aT" to any ewe ttt+wdittgtb Mtom et tolire
rhyme ea ' maim err, the romarkakils
littleetm fur the '!heti and Pates Ask
year drugtest er address.
A M. t Lb renes report eye ; Aketlt I
two woes ages fan.i'y cf sic ehd&re e
were pMsened in the city by eating
rhabark, and esdered greatly. They
were all attacked at the same time, end
sneered extremely without being able to
geese the cause. Becoming no Mtge •
physician was Galled, when inquiry ted
to the discovery. For awn time two of
the older ores of this poieored fancily
were ire • critics! oueditiou. One of
them is still very in.
} wase some one called him a Scotchm•m. was as simple and homely in her daily
`t la He was rescued with difficulty and then !de as any burghers wife in • little Ger-
n P fined $2 and fit costs for hu failure.
Mtoi Rev. N. B. ('uyler, of the Methodist
yiaiteasd st church, Ilaytield circuit, has been traus-
abt'uta I ferrsd from the Iend.,n to the Toronto
Oonferenoe This is done in order that
he may be ordained at the next confer-
ence fur missionary work in the north-
Murdoch Morrison, who left Ktncar-
BARN dine only a few months ago, tearing a
moving wife and one child, was accidentally
orchard . drowned at New Westminster, B. C., last
soeeessft likturdsy. He was interred by the mem-
Laren, bon of the Ancient ( order of Foresters,
mavuyp , which he had j3intd in Kincardine.
been re -
lord eve(
for drift{
the past
top• 04 On Saturday week while Thos. Oke
mucal, 1 was working on a tarn near Itethsda, he
The 1••� met with a severe accident. It appals
who will he was r tllig the ground with ala riJ-
aboP list ler, on which ho was standing, when tbe
tongue broke, allowing the concern to fall
back upon him. He was found uncon-
wr scion by L. Waller, who immediately
h conveyed him to his residence. He is,
however, progressing favorably.
Last Tuesday morning, May 13th. the
the "Clj
the (.
cat -di
sleek peel
Arran eels for the by-law
Blyth to were some six of thein who
titan of 4 voted for the by-law, and wit
lioense ft it would have been defeated, t
Tait, w
wagon, s
110 and
They ha,
$10 mor ohne on women, ala. Atrachan
one will 1 the honor of being the first lady to ro-
to get di cord her rote in Bru.sela ,
b W&LOOac Rows. —Our worthy towns-
man, Dr. MacCrirutnon. who has teen
e* absent in the Old Country during the
John 'past six or seven months, returned home
loagb's on Friday evening last, and was mat at
the station by a Large •umber of our citi-
zens all anxious to extend a hearty wel-
come to the noble Chief tan. The Doctor
ks exceedingly well after his trip and
NM Ma fps
"No ; .he Mord and sufisred aksng.
"pining all the time for years. the dew
"tom doing her nu geed , sad at last was
"eased by this Hop Batten the papers
'way so much abust. Indeed ! indeed'
'how thankful we should be for that
A friend of General tihersean says the
amoral Ilea written a letter to be read ea
pa.RagehlisanHammel Convention if
any mean are east fur him. It deolsns
Its is not a eandidats, and will sot swept
nomination if offered. He has ne de -
.ire to ester political life.
rlossaras tar M
T. W. Aitken., Girard, Kan., writes:
'I never hesitate to recommend your
Electric Bitters to say costumers, they
rive entire satisfaction and are rapid
sellers.' Electric Bitten are the purest
and best medicine known arta will posi-
tively cure Kidney and Liver couiplaints
Purify the blood and regulate the bowels
No familycan afford to be without them
They wil save hundreds of dollars in
doctor's bills every year. 'sold at 50ete.
a bottle by J. Wilson. [31
man town. Her haymow was one of the
fine kind that consists of passive, uncom•
plaguing endurance that. boars its sorrows
quietly while turning a brave face to the
Two portraits accompany this book,
one of the Princess Alice from • photo-
graph taken in 1860, twe year before
her marriage with Prince Louis of Hesse
Darmstadt, in which *be is represented
as a sweet, simple English girl, with her
hair siuouthly banded, as was then the
fashion.. The other forms the frontis-
piece, and is taken from aGerman photo-
graph dated 1878. In this the princess
appears as a stately and dignified lady of
a a.,mewhat German cast of countenance.
In fact, she looks like the wite of a Ger-
nun burgher, and this is about what she
was, for Prince Louis (if Heise, a entail -
eyed creature, who is talking of marry-
ing again, was impecunious—terribly eO,
and not all the guineas of his wife's
dowry and settlement sufficed to give the
Nrung couple a decent establishment. A
ew York girl would have turned up her
nose at the clothes Victoria's daughter
wife of Reeve Forsyth, of Morris, passed had to wear The royal family never
quietly over the river, at the age of 59 dressed well until the Princess Alezan-
years. Sb. was born in Canada and had do metrical into their set, but they pro-
be= a resident of this Locality fur over bably had enough to be comfortable en,
SO years. For the past 10 or 12 years whereas the princess of Hesse-Darmstadt
she has been alu net helpless with rheu- had to turn her clothes and patch and
saatisw, and the working of censump- rwend like any German hausfrau.
tion. She leaves *even children and a No wonder the princess said she look-
osrn.wiag husband to mourn her loss. ed back to her childhood and girlhood as
Th. promoters et the woolen mill by -
tlappnest time of her lite. She eci-
kw, have to thank the ladies of Rims• dei.tly luted her husband, bnt leve in a
r iag, as than small Getman palace with only a few
oat and servants, like love in a cottage, has to be
cot which, paid for s..i i.h.w ; and carking cares
how- crept into the princely household very
store progressive in
early in the wedded h1e of the young
ing that they were
their ideas than Gunge of the sterner sex, couple. They erre always hard up.
and fully convincing all that our Legit" -Besides the pnnceu was lonely and her
Were did right in conferring the ( children were eternally having coughs
and colds. She tells the queen of Eng-
land that • whooping cough is a nasty
The mats who built our house wants
mot-,ey and we can scarcely manage it."
'• We shall be beggars very soon if all
goes on as it penmen's to do."
" Times are hard ; it wants all a Chia( -
tiun's courage and patience to carry ons
through them."
As a family the Hee-Darn etadts
were always •ilumg. Swelled necks,
rashes scarlet fever and similar trials
were se many thorns :n the flesh to
then►. Perp.tuei croup' When they
went to Scheveninger they found the
place no expensive that they had to move
to ltlankeuburtrh for economy.
Some pretty bits of Jonuietic life ere
wurked in amda.g the cares and trials.
The mother a fondness for her children,
as shown in the letters, is very Webbing
and natural. The death of little Prince
Fritz who fe:1 from a window eineost
under his mother's eyes, begins the
fly resisted them. and un \Vednesilay chapter of me•erits which ended in the
them su.nnsuned before Justices death of the youngest child and that of
ventock and Murchie to gnawer to a the good, charitable, unselfish princess
„e of assault. They acknowleged whose name is associated with all the
offence and were each tined ane dol. virtues of the royal family of England
and coats, am••untine to all to $19.50. and none of their foibles.
ved theta right. [eau's temptations Here is a passage which ilustrates the
thatdir.cticns are strong enous;h with- princess' relations with her royal mother:
B. J.
of a the
ing the ks highly of the inedisal institutions
res nrioot ie Old Lsnd. He has not as yet de-
eided where he shall locate his practice,
Mrs• Itut we sincerely hope it will be in this
friends *village. —I Lucknow Sentinel.
Browa1As D. Moran, 41 Winthrop, was on his
of his fey Seaforth to attend a funeral on
Mrs - 10 ay last, three young men fn m the
ing her pity of Walton attempted by force to
Place 1$4d him into a tavern for a drink, so, as
Mr. (*key put it be "could speak the tetter
new suit the Army meeting." Moran success -
The bit
be jeeeeiiii� Rev.
to:nk fou
for the P
The as
e '
M Sabbath
b" let Jost being forcibly entreated. 'The christening went o very well.
bi Fisher Itaby booked really] pretty for se young
mill, abj. The Adsance Lits : --A youtllt man Ian man -ideal. Marie [duchess of Eden -
Ashfield ,od Wm. McCutch.on, clerk in the ; burgh], quite in pink, held her god-
with the
band, •
There wen ter a physician to say what was
church Itrong. A shirt time duel INN of hie
audiometeP began to swell, and to. Sunday last it
good those lanced. A large quantity ..f matter
ty, and ince from it, in which was a.mething
thf to a worm, four ,.r tire inches long,
a snake -like head on it. Dr.
undo has the "+oniwal'• in preserve -
We understand Mr. Mcl'i;tche.•n
now 0n a fair way of recovering.
filttonee DRATII Anthony Taylor. of
11th coo. of Hellen. died very mel-
on Friday moiling of last err':
working iis the t,rlen the .rev•
day with one of hu • ono. h.•...tit
John M being ill, and fell over n1 a
of Listo Assistance was im.ae.liately pro.cur
pointed and he was carried int•, the h vase and
church Medical aid was summoned. After name
On \\•ala. he returned to oon•riousne••. :'nil
wa), fat
was at fi
ta) lel died, without Ming able to con- the entre house at least every spring and
'N He w's an std set ' fall. (Mr systems often need renovating
Ctsoat.raa. —A name well known in
onnectiun with the Hair Renewer,which
'stores grey hair to is natural color by
a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per
bottle by James Wilson. 2m
The wife of Fred. Hamilton, a well-
known peanut vendor, of St. Therms,
has eloped, it is supposed, with her
bruther•in-law. She left a note behind
her addressed to her husband, advising
hint not to follow her, and threatening if
he did to shoot him at sight.
of Mr. John Hanna, •Vinghaw,eas ! child, an.l my mother-in-law, with her
en sick about two months ago. It was best love, bens me to tell you it had
rted that he haul typhoid fever, but pleased her se much duo you had asked
synit.oms chan_e.l, and i
t was hard her to represent you. My three older
girls Looked very nice, 1 thought, in
lavender sill. your Christmas p tesent,.
1 had the same color, and " Sunny.' one
of the younger children, was immensely
Very sweetly does the princes& speak
of ail those left behind in England, and
particularly in Scotland. In one place
she says :
"I shall get a rnnferter done for Mn.
lM•wIi, kind std woman. \VIII you tell
her the plaid she made me still goes
everywhere with Inc."
The princess evident! spoke and striae
German as Muently as English. and the
letters were written in that language,
loving translated by the Princess Chris-
The chs;•ter entitled " The End," so
*entitle se its pathos, can hardly or read
versed with members of his ha -oily, dry tyaa'i.
sag to be in • tair way of rev'r — —
Shortly after the doctor left he ! ''m cranium.
,-",notions. and s, ,n i Every y;,....1 housewife will re -ate
Mho sec'
Miss An
. and
' sake bas
d hese s.
The e
QTth in
ed. Mt
matter t.
be the
wt anyone,
in tali township. a member of the els"• nrd there is nothing better to make
flldite Church, and had urge fame !punt Moot and cleanse and regulate all
pearl all of whom are married. the secretion% than Itunlock Mewl Bit-
ters, t.rev,nhug tl.sea.es incidental to
bo Exchange hotel, Wingham, cam.' the ara..ai'. c-has:es. 2
book the scene c.1 a digest nem tire 'Whyshooed •man renew held*w u wenn
nday last. It tiewrnG some prrties—..a.,..
hold in been oar for a drive, and on their Sit ke his rvr•Lire rut in alabaster 1
hoes beeline they were add. They could netg
pies, are .ythi•g to wares them inwardly, as Or let his hair grew rusty, saint and thin.
t• — .r is very particular about When "Clio; crastax KwKR will make
it . tho,ugh
nese of
psrpwrr contrary too states, en they g ruw the faster For sale by J. Wil-
• big fire in the sittmit-town. I tun 'int
ng • supply of wood near the
In • short time wine eletkine
near the stovepipe up -.fairs
fire, and the sparks falling to tM
artist the carpet Writing, bat all
Pain fsom indigeal.on, dyspepsia, and
too hearty eating is relieved at one. by
taking one ..f Carters Little Liver Pills
immediately after dieser D.ei't fnrget
Ot VEIL PBOPLi s /TOLL. UODEHICU, r sow meats. eat
The wen known streagthswing proper-
ties of Iron, oombired with ..cher tonin
and • moat perigee taervine, are found in
Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen tke
nerves and body, and tutpr.ve the blued
and complexion. lo.
Charles Taylor, colored brakeman ou
the Houston, Texas Central mined, was
shot and killed near Hempstead. Tay-
lor has been conspicuous in placing
negro.* in brat -clays coaches. His sad-
den taking elf is attributed to this.
Freeman a Worm Powders require no
other purgative. They are sateen.' sure
iln.sir ore all varieties of worms. m
At the season of int year there should
be a bottle of Pectoris in •very house.
It is unequalled for Coughs Colds and
Hearst/Mtge is pleasant, equally safe Inc
children. Price 25 cents et all drug-
gists. in
anektea's Arnica sake.
The greatest medical wonder o, the
world. Warranted to speedily cure
Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains)
Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all
Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in
every instance, or money refunded 25c.
per box. For sale by J. Wilson. ly.
A.Rldse Awake weast.t•
J. Wilson is always alive to his busi-
ness, and spares nu patina to secure the
best of every article in his line. He has
fur thetxlet edD
secured the agency r
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Sever Save cp.
the only certain cure known for Con-
sumption, Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness If you are suffering with low and de -
Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any ! Pre"ed spirits, has cf appetite, general
affection :,f the Thrust and Lungs. Scold I debility, disordered blood, weak conati-
on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles tution, headache, or any disease of a bil-
free. Regular size $1.00. (3) inns nature, by all means procure a me -
tie of Electric Bitters. You will to sur-
prised to see the rapid improvement that
will follow ; you will be inspired with new
life; strength and activity will return ;
pain and misery will cease, and hence-
ach Bitten It renders the blood pure orth you will rejoice in the praise of
and cool and makes s splendid spring Electric Bitten Sold at fifty Dents a
medicine. Large bottles 60 cents. bottle by J. Wi.oa. [fi 1
A. PULL LZNic OF 8T La Dai TQ D . ties
Irlaith he k prepared to sod Cheaper thea the cheapest forCA$U.
Thr subscriber Is also clouded et thin—
erRemainder of His Winter Stock at Hein Dieeount Prices,
O V KKtJATl wevioadj sold fur is and p0. cul now Or had for i14t/ and $S respectively.
SUITING M.OMUS. which ran from enc to el. have been red to from 3Oe. to tate. sod
ether goods la p ep,�rtlon. Cal and Ireprcl the Goode and 1'rI we whether you bat or sol
Oodertc-h, Feb. st, ikI. W- S_ Cur. Kingston -M. sad :tonere
11e homehold should co considered
complete without a bottle of Dr. Van
Burma's Kidney Cure is ink the closet.
Ito the only remedy that will positively,
permanently and promptly cure all forms
of kidney diatoms. Sold by J Wilsey
onabl� Tailor,'
Has the Finest Assortnient of Goods for Fal! Wear to Choose From.
1F VOt' W.1N'I
A Nobby Suit at a Reasonable Price,('.(LL d•\
WAsetsoroa, D.C.,
May 15th, 1886.
Gz1tTLzlse —Having been a sufferer
for a long time from nervous prostration
and general debility, I was advised to
try Hop Bitters. I have taken one hot -
tie, and 1 have been rapidly getting bet-
ter ever since, and I think it tite best
medicine I ever used. I am now gaining
strength and appetite, which was all
gone, and I was in despair until 1 tried
your Bitters. I ant now well, able to go
sent and do my own work. Before
taking it I was completely prostrated.
Max. MARY $T1"LRT. .
Not another Pill shall le, down wy
throat again, said a citizen. "when I can
get such a ,.couipt and pleasant cure for
my bilious attacks, as Dr.Carsotn'aStom-
First Prise at last Preselects' Show for quality of the Win
Washburn & Moen
atuwwex PATK. T
T\'PoeI11 Fiiig
JOHN A. NAFTEL'S Cheap Hardware Emporium.
IvEW c -0013S_
I Have
he Largest Stock,
test Stylest
Th Most Reliable , Goods,
And the - Lowest Prices,
Please Call at E irie_
Crabb's Block, Corner East street and Square.
G.derich, May 8th, 1884.
=to :' Wecti.cltZp
Iteg I. announce t.. the Public that they have opened hnainee in the above &nr.
in the store 1•'ely occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased • large and
well assorted stock of Spring and Rummer Goods at close figures, we are determine
to girt. the PeNie the benefit.
Jif Please call and examine our goads befurepurehesiag elsewhere.
lttt"Remember the place, nett dont to J. Wilson's Drug 8tof-..
ore-('uMom work will receive our special @nesting.
aeFNene hot the hest of material used and first -claw wnrkiem employed.
air Repairing neatly dowse on the shortest notice
Goderirk. March A 18112. DOWNING & W E D D U F
A full line of all the l.eadlini4 Patent y.l.'.licine'+ n!way d kept on hand
(Physicians Prescriptions a Stecialty.)
The Canadian Pacific Railway Co.
The Company offer ands within the Railway (WI along The main line, and fa Beutiern
Manitoba. at prices ranging; from
$2_60 PER ACRE
upwards. with conditions regnmrie cultivation.
A rebate far cultivation of from 01.25 re 114-30 per srrr. seeordtag to price paid ter the
land. allowed on certain conditior.e. the Cornirny ales otter lands witt.out cooditioae of
settlement or cultivation.
along the Main Liao i.e.- the odd numbered Section. within ooe mile or the Railway, are now
offered for sate on airantageeus terms. to parties pretared to undertake their iastaediate cul-
Purchasers may pay one-sixth In cash, and she balance in Eve anneal instalments. with Ut-
tered at SIX PLR ('KN r. per annum. payable in edrari e.
Parties purchasing without conditions of cultivation, •• Ill revise • Deed of Conveyance at
time of purchase. if payment ie made in telt.
I'aymentsmay be made in LAN!) GRANT BONDS. which will be accepted at ten per
cent. premium an their par value and accrued ineterst. 'hese ponds can be obtained on ap-
plicauos at the Bank or Montreal. Montrret : or at anyof its agencies.
FOR PRICES and CONDITIONS OF KALE: avid alinformation with respect to the par -
chase of lands, apply to JOHN 11. M-TAVI' li. tared ('.•n'miwtoner. Winnipeg. By order et
the Board CHAiRLES Iolt!X1:\WATER, secretary.
tml jHj
� y
Ni 0
a v 4 t
v, v
AN Dea!glls Wall Pa�per.�
Row I. the tivne.. r Tor wish erre or two nies Peewee at Uses, to ase Paused► room mer
He has ever
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
Beetifal colors and at free. • leu• than seer, mach Wert.. F....'.. Call and see them
are 11.e brat raise la town. said mut ie sobs
The 1test SIirint
Pilii�sed 1� asi�ov 1