HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-23, Page 7Housetiola Hints. Wsuotiru CALL -Oust and uw* half gonads dour, ono and one half butter, ewe sad utte-half peutlds sugar, midterm eggs, one halt (tunes of obese, Luse half ounce nutmeg, ore -half wince mace, one gill win, rile Pill brandy, .,use gill taloses., three pounds arr$uts, four mad ore -pounds raisons, one •al urns- half pound citron, ono teaspoonful soda Hake three hours. This makes three loves ; Lee pastry dour. DOLLY VAEDaw CAKE. --Oue half cup butter, ore cup 'lugger, beat t. • creast ; the whites of three eggs, beat to a stiff froth tai, w treat all G. enter. Three- fourths r ree- fourths cup of milk, nue anal one-half teaspoonful baking render i., two cups •cf flout ; dsv(t W tags. Femme'. - Bent I. yolks of two eggs, add tau teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar ; after friatiug the cake, set it in a tool, dark place to stiffen. STEwiw Baal wets V u TaaLa. - Wash and out the beef into moderato mead pieces ; put into a puroslaln kettle aad simmer fur throe hours, adding salt ; after it has been well skimmed, ono hour and a belt before dinner, put in your vegetables, onions, parsnips, potatoes, or any kind ; let thus Amok quietly until time to dish up ; dissolve one tablespoon- ful of flour in mild water ; add to the juice iu kettle for a rich gravy. Cold resat beef is delicious cuuked over in this way. LENox Pts -Two (lemons sliced thio and seeds taken out,twu cups (old water, two cups sugar, two tables,x,.,nfuls lieu wet and stirred anti: smooth, yolks o six rugs, bake. Frosting -Whites of the egg's [.eaten to a stiff froth. and a cup and a half white .ugar ; when the pis is neer'y or quite dune, put the frost- ing on tad return to the oven until it is lightly brown. This tunes four good- sized pies. Only .oneer'uet is used. Stoat Isleec auk Nem -Sift pul- verised sager, ,s,.d to the white of every egg add six taaai.uonfuls of sugar. if the cake is • white one, use lemon ex- tract ; best the egg to a sod froth before adding sugar ; this will harden in a 'bort time, turd Is very meet. Detre APPLE Prmt/x.I.-our teacup -took,( dried appl.•., ,.u.• ea;. .(asses, one at i ♦ quarter .ail.. ;•tarter sap looter, .•Irl' "g►, one Lt •••, .tttul of soda, • W NIM teropo.fol gnome.l..an,,.,- men, +a 11t.e grated muteire. Bake to . stun ••oval ; gene 11.4 wito SAW/ timid* of one ayp w_nar and 1. itf cup butter neaten sue..., and der lend with .grata! nutmeg. To TAKE ot'T tr i ,i.- To take out wherry, blackberry, raspberry tool cot- emit •.r.taint stains on white gouda, ;Jour b,.iliug water on the stains, and they will dis- .appear. Be sure the water is boiling, or it will only eery. to set the stein. Puata Hul'aE Rot t. -slits .,uart .•f jour, one cup milk, to '1*'.11cu: salt, tablespoonful sugar, two tabtesp.mnfuls yeast, one. taik.poouiul ahortentiig. Warts Fal rT CAEE.-One t.uund of butter, one and one-quarter ..f Hour, whites.a eighteen elffpb u:ie pound sugar sone teacupful of milk .tweet', .in. tea- spoonful Liking powder, two ounces aieonda, half pound citron, or the Alattouda, may be left out ii posferred. "Leave amt the fruit and this Is delicious white ask.. Correa Calm -Two teacups of brown eager, one of molasses, one of butter, one of NO. mike, four ..f flour, four egos, Nue teaspoonfuls eInuamon, two of spice. two of soda dissolved in the coffee, half pound pains well seeded, half pound citron weft cut up into small strips, half pound currants. I always brown toy flour for this. Coullev. L..ut-A rice supper -dish -Boil eggs until hard dune ; when pet- tedly add, peel ntf the shells, carefully cut them open with a sharp knife, take wt the yellows and mash them tine ; add grated or minced hart ibeilsel of etltsalse, beforehand) chopped oni..ns, Maraud, pepper, butter, or better still, sided oil, Woroeator sauce, salt and vinegar. Fill the whites with this dress- ing, then juin tagcther to resemble an unbroken egg. Place lettuce or parsley lessees in a amt dish and lay the eggs nicely and tastefully upon them. rHh HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, M.11 "3. 1S.,4 • Talk Wan • 1a.s••se. 4 mewl mesh Mt*u tIeei nasally, vies at • small social eathertug, G, emelt • yowls Japauee.-rrideutyr fume[ the aper chilies u( •esiety it Me own emus- tte7He told use he was ►ere attendees: allege, awl at the [rase gess boarding with one of our cultivated Awerioan families, and (bus leer g wwething of oar home life, as well as cute readily perfectwx himself to our language. 'My ultimo in coming to your land,' said he, in hie peculiar, brisket' English, 'was G. fit myself to take • position under the Japanese government, where inure • ei more every year a knowledge •.f Hawk...ogled language is 1g. demand. r J. But I have clanged any wind abs et that,' continued he, a bright wattle light- ing up hu sombre features, I shall now go back as • wissiaaan'.' 'What about child life in Jaws!' ask- ed 1, as a little goldeu-haireed girl, daughter of our b.o'e.a, nestled at my aide with an ..rause.... wsx_guil 1u her arms, at th. same thus fixing her big blue eyes, with a r.wewtut metaled ex- priles.Ko, apwt the young Jap. '(M,' said he, drswiyug the little oo* gently toward him, 'you know we Japan .sr pride ourselves upon having the bast behaved children in the world. W. hold them as altw,st sacred, and yet allow them the utumus freetluat. Why, when I was a wee, little fellow I was taken everywhere -to the theatre, fes- tivals. and other places .of awueement.' 'Doy our little sisters have dollies T tintedly inquired Golden -hair, meanwhile easing with fund admiration upon the r wax beauty in her own arita. �'� • f 'Doilies,' exclaimed Le, playfully *inking the doll's golden curls, •well I should say they . had. have T Why, we every year what we all a feast of dolia This festival is held but once • year. for 'tae day, at which time all the dulls that have belonged to the family for years tad years, are brought out and laid upon Lung tables with many other kinds of playthings. Sometimes there are over a bemired dolls shown at this feast, teeny et which are at lomat two hundred years old. and. as you may supplies, nearly black with age, They dross the dollies in all sorts of curious wave, some like Mikados and Tycoons, as the old rulers of Japan were called, while others imi- tate the costutnes of the court ladies and gentlemen Though the feast of dolls lasts only one day, the toys are shown for several days, when they aro all put away until the next you; 'When I got to be a grown up lady 1 will visit your nice country whore horse girls have such a good time, and take my (t oilie with me,' said (holden -hair, forget- ' one; chit when that time came poor dol - 1 lie would have last her charms, and be ati muster of the res -bag. Durno the conversation quite a Humber of tie younger boys and gide bad gathered about andour J.t1..u,eee frtehd t.. tell then more of the Japan children and their playthings. •i fear,' Le a.ntinuwl, glancing toward the girl*. 'you would hardly like the style of dress our onto.• sisters have to war. They are cut much after the pat- tern"( the clown -up people's and made with numerous tucks, to ie let down as the child gnaws. As the material is us•ullt' of strong brocade or silk, and the fashions seldom change, a dress will last fr ten to twenty years. •Indeed we would wit pike that at ail!' chorused all the Rina. 'Perhaps y.e would pike better,' he added with a sly twinkle in his eye, 'to go out to play with a tsby fastened to goer hack. It would doubtless hm.k funny to you to see a dozen or more girls in the street playing I.attle dere, and the babies' heads bobbing up and down on their becks. It is rather amus- ing (. see the wee, tiny tots as loon as thry uegin t.. run along carrying their dulls our their locks- 'W ocks.'W hat would interest you boys west would be to gt. to one of the shops where the mechanics are employed and see them making use of their toes in their work. With us every toe is fully deve- loped, and never cramped and distorted with tight shoes. i see Prof. Mone pays us the compliment of saying that in Japan alone is the benne fo..: to be found in perfection. 'Yes,' I int.rrtrptertl, 'I, to... bat. read extracts from Prof. Morse* travels in Japan, aud one thing 1 :totem he dwells upon particularly is. the care that is tak- en to teach the [ways and girls pditenees and etiquette. He says that if you give a child a penny he not only thanks you at the time, but again whenever he meets yt.0 on the street. 'Joseph Cook 4.arye us a very interest- ing lecture last winter on China and Japan. He spoke enthusiastically of the reverence and affection displayed in China for the aged people and gave Con- fucius, heathen though he was, credit for the disaeinination of many adinirahle prewar is I think, though,on the whole, he admits that the Japanese are, as a nation, built somewhat after a finer type, and have more gentle, if not superior, manners than the Chinese.' Yen can not judge of either country by the miserable smscimens you see over hen,' answered tlt. young Jap, almost contemptuously. 'They are nothing but the scum of the iand,.ur poorest classes; they have no education,' hying great stress upon the last word. •Bldt, he remarked as we rose to go to mapper, 'I hope I have not tired you i talking se much rat my own country ; 'tea not often i so indulge, i assure you.' 'Indeeo, we have enjoyed your tittle talk exceedingly,' 1 answered. 'and rawly hope Mat Toe may favor me another time. TsIIWas noses. Net many years ago the bone of ani- mals had no money value and sere con- sidered useless rubbish. Later they OM* into use for ranking buttons, knife - common piano keys, etc ; theft to supply ph.oeph.oruos for friction match- es and other purpesee, the demand for them increasing very rapidly. Soon their value as fertilisers was recognized, and now the farmer who does not save and make good use of all the bones he tan find nn his place is behind the times. In the twee -eases where large quantities d bones are Used, they emptily a velvebde by-product in the way of fats or fatty �s which are extensively wad in the nulmsfsrtore of soaps and other articles esenmerce. Two prominent bone products enter largely into daily use, viz., glue and .ni- ■ld charcoal The value of thene two j. ducts aggregates millions of dollars annually. Hach facts show the value of things too often overlooked, or en little esteem- ed as to be permitted to go to waste. Farmers generally understand that the chief fertilizing property 1.f bones is the phosphate of lime they contain, amount- ing to half their dry weight. The or- ganic part, that which can he burned oat, or will delay out in time, contains ouch nitrogen, carbon, hydtocen, and sulphur, the nitrogen being valuable as a fertiliser. The reduction of hones goes on rapidly in contact with fermenting matters. They should be broken op and placed is • onmpact compost hap with "ohm, then covered with • thiek layer ••t earth and the masa kept moist. it is better if moistened with liquid manure. --(Prairie Farmer. • nem* Nsesvery That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by taring many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King'. now Discovery for Conaump- tion, Coughs, fl•lds. Asthma, Bronchitis Hay Fever. Lees of Voice, Tickling m the Threes, Psi. ia Side and Chest,or- aoy dimes* of the Threat and Lone, a positive ewe. fnafentowd. Trial Bot Yee free se J. Wil.w•a Dieng neon. Leg" Mil SLIM (6) steers M ess4ASlews. • Gap Civil, N.C., May 1G Willie Hen - demon, sped 5, while playing with his little sister in the wonehs was seized by a huge black bar and carred up int^ the mountains. The little girl gave the •Ir.m. and • pureeing party was eremite el The tracks of the bear were follow- ed to a cava, and when the punters en- tered they foetid the little boy, nestled down between two of the old bar's enb•2 Monn.I asleep. The bear had married Willie by hie clothes, and he hu nal Ise en a scratch to show for hie remarkahle ad vent ere. • Benin was rote when the ex Omens eau toyed the ave, and on her return she woes killed. She weighed *00 pounds, dressed. The mho are in Willie's pee • suint., and look leech lilt• Nswfo.nttd hued pope. �arwl saaeelati tones. Resilient I•wsewhe fres Vera wets s..• apraeible foetal many jukes that he re- mitsds use .4 • outset Irish w it, nob haysig hese rusted by 'educated the imam of has friend•, mewl t.. curse dm day when he lewrtt.d to write hu name, as he hod obtained such a reputation for w!Uingate.s to oblige [lust he amid aid refuse Mr. Ltrtoulu might well Imre regretted ever having used* a joke, fur he was sepscwu le my something twiny on all eseasi. • t.. , and Inas been swede amewessbie for all wanner .of jests,sturies fwd rspa as if he had ,bused all the eiewrenu amof buwor, t.,musoapiater hew.,a t rtlesuior and t cwt res Native's(' with • passion for reviving the likes of Joe Miller and the circus clewna. Yet he did ay many seediest thongs-tn else ***salon whom Senator Wadi' came to him and said "I tell you Mr. President, that unless a prupnsitiuu for emancipation i. adopt- ed �y the tlovennueat wa will all go to the daril. At this very moment we are Dot .icer one mile from hell.' Perhaps meat," said Mr. I.wa.lu, "me I believe that is just about the distance from here to the Capitol, where you gentlemen are in eiNt.it." (ts, idle occasion, at • reception, when the crowd of citizens and soldiers were surging through the saloons of the White House, evidently cuutrulled by thewme- what brusque Western element, a gentle - lean said to hum : •'Mr. Preuident,uu meet diminish the number of your friends, or Congress must enlarge this edifice." "Well," promptly replied Mr. Lin- coln, '1 have no ides .of diminishing the number of my friends ; but the only question with me now is whether it will be best to have the betiding stretched or split." At one of three receptions, where a paymaster in hill major's uniform was introduced. he said : "Being here Mr. Lincoln, I thought I would call and pay 'ivy respects." "From the oumplaiuts made by the soldiers,' responded the President, "I guess that is all any of you d. pay. Ward Lemon, when Lincoln had ap- pointed him Marshal of the district of Columbia, accidently found himself in a street fight, and in restoring peace, he struck ene of the belligerents with his fat, a weapon with which he was not.ri• unsay familiar. The blow was a harder one than Lamm intruded, for the feiluw was knocked senseless, taken up enc..u- cious, and lay for sumo hours on the border of life and death. Lemon was alarmed, and next morning reported the affair to the President. "I am astonished at you, Ward," said Mr. Lincoln ; "you ought to have known better. Hereafter, when you have to hit a span talk a club and not your fist. - ( Ben Parley Poore in Boston Budget. • •newt yellers --Tau, atrlklag plc*■eels. Two brothers in Vermont, of strong and rigorous stack, and siring equal promise of a long and active life, married wives corresponding in promise of future activity. They had both chosen the healthiest of all callings -farming. One of the brothers built his house in an open and sunny spot where the nil and subeil were dry ; skade trees and em- bowering planta had a hard time of it, but the cellar wasdry enough for a pow- der ntagazwe. The house in all its parts was free front every trace of dampness and mold ; there wasa crisp and elastic feel iu the air ..f the dwelling ; the farm- er and his family haat that vigorous elasticity that reminds one of the spring and strength of aleci; hra'th and spright- ly rigor were the uuic and sickness the rare exception. The farmer and his wife, though past i l ret-ac,.tr, have yet the look and vigor of mid&te life. The other brother built his house iu at beau- tiful shady nook where the trees seemed to stretch their protecting aims in bene- diction over the modest home. Springs fed by the neighboring hills bunt forth near his house and ..thus 'ty his loess ; his yard was always green even in dryuat time, for the life blood of the hills seem- ed to bunt out all almmt him in *privies and tiny rivulets. But the Freund was always wet, the ce:lar never dry, the walls of the taunt often had a clammy feel, the clothes uuiltfeweri in the closets and the bread molded in the pantry. For a time their vigor enabled them to hear up against these depressing influences ; children were burn .of appmtrett vigor and promise, but these, one by one, sank in- to the anus of the dreamless twin -broth- er of sleep under the touch of Diphtheria, croup and pneumonia ; the mother went into • decline and diad of consumption before her fiftieth birthday, and the Isli•- er, tortured and crippled by rheumatism childless and wbeautifullitary in that beautiful home which elicits the praises of every passer-by, wait. and hopes for the dawn - mg of that day which shall give him back. wife and children, an unbriiken family' and an eternal h . -{ Prairie Fanner. new Tern Csal•e-koww fight I..peet•es. The night inspectors aro appointed to prevent smuggling, are uniformed and armed, and are authorized to step and aearc'.t reasonably suspeet.ed persona who may go ..n board or cone from the ves- sel. rbau' office is by no means • sine- cure. it involves ruching, exposure, and fatigue. The Cuban steamers have been wont to bring men who inclosed cigars in rubber [tags and threw then) int.. the waters of the lower hay. Con- f$prites in Grata then picked thews up, �ppl�hbe.�d them to expiresl wagnns waiting un the shore, and then drove rapidly away. There is something e.ntogiow in the glee of wide-awake office's u tl ey relate how they had watched nnawn the whole operation until the wagon was ready to start, when they seized the nine, and landed the spoils at the Keir are Rouen. 1)n. French steamer, notor- ious for smuggling by drilihleta, when aesrehiwl by tans force. was found to con. tarn thirteen hundred bottles of spirits, which it was intended to seed ashore bottle by bottle. Tress shoot an inch deep, and fittel to the b.wfv ander the armpits, have been taken from the bod- ies of mea who were thus stealthily twinging in valuable hay ed. Oise dealer in human hair, who died is possession of about $900,000, was detected in illicit importation* under the shirts of his agents Another vivacious fellow, be- longing to • French eleabser, rejoiced in • prenitahie teed* in kid Orem *emoted by the demon in his humeses est flailing vowels are mese`& by epeeist assets, thuse duties ere irka.us.esiengh 10 rear'. r special supereie supuri- use a matter d fwien l re n.. • • tty. Deal- ers t.. ay,tltrebtn,t •_o est s... le who love b� their wit., and uu..•rupu', :u traders e� teeny ku/J• tax the to...users of bewa ingenuity s...1 •raft r•• flit 'attri- tional. Logs . f forei>;i worm, cunuiusgly eanavat•d and pocked with cigars .•r aptrita;cases ad 1...15 .mol .':••e•, iu the heels .4 which •atet,er and ).eatery ate biddy•: mirw-ul•w. trunk.. (.lar a. Macho viii, beaus thlule b it.....n ride and t ...s. top and bolting.), e..uewaliwg tact., hair, is silken, etc.. etc.. are art'lig the colewrst dot ices of ing.ni. •n free- booters. Keen, honest, true noun -such as may be sere un any tour of night iu- spection, like mastiffs at their posts, and especially if visituts 1,. expected --are needed to battle the plots of the morels. Political affiliations constitute no guaran- tee of efficiency- Thu best attainable is t'lurugh urged adherent* G. the rules of the civil a.rv,ce reform. -fit. W-Iteatley, in Harper's Magazine for June. s Teems Irl.. • Seesd.Naktrg. \lire Mary Wallowa, of Kane County 11I , hewing read with irterest what Fan- ny /Odd lately said in this eurusl about bread -making desires to toll her and the rest of the lady readers of this paper how she does the work. Mies V.'albaunt. though quite young, has had chane o the family baking for four years. About '' o'clock in the afternoon she takes a cake and • half ..f yeast and places it in a bwowl, and pours Di unlit -eta eater to saturate it. Int.. • small jar eh* places two. cups ..f dour and one tabtesp••uuful rat salt, stirring together with warm wat- er. The yeast is then aJde•I,and the jar art In a w t trot • lace •tau. un { l ail eight o'clock in the evening. She then take• as much flour a. is ue•,ted and "ret." the breed. Six large potatoes are select- ed, peeled, placed in • quart of water, set in the oven and boiled thoroughly, then mashed and put bask int•, the wat- er in which they were boded She now slakes the dough with milk -wenn warsr, and kneads it half an hour, or until it '• sufficiently etiffto turn in the pan, cov- ers it warmly, and Iris it "ries' until morning, when it u again kneaded. Af- ter standing an hour, it is kneaded into pans, left to rise half an hour, placed in the •':•u. and baked an hour. MIM Mary would like to have the young girls who rani this paper relate their merbo•ts of bread -making. --j Prairie Fernier. Alawe.t revery pill toadies ulosne' ate other mineral emnpe .r -ds. Dr. Carwm's grouted[ H&Men is partly .egatabl• wed takes the piece of • 1 t ,er ',urgent re in Targe I .atlesat SO ort t o• Tho.eands herr wttuc.s to the twat• ties ot:rative powers of the Ulmer GER - 1AN Ilcvu.uaAToa, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general debility, seminal weakliest", imp..tonty, etc , and all theatres that arise front self- abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending Ili eorau lnitit.N1, 111aa1111y and a 1.1Oseta - ture grave Sold by all urugiira, or will be soot free tut receipt of $1.00 Ito. tarp, or sit Irma' for $b. !.dilates F. J. CN•etav, Toledo, Ohio, role agent for the Untied titans.. Setts for cirr.11ar and testimonials of genuine cures (leo Rhynes. G adsrish. Stu f 1t V*AMCII CAMS. BRITISH Asa 001T, 1' I,?w•-lertabliel Isis 1'It(ENIX INN. OO'l , N Lumooa Raslad ksaWiehed ITt, RA I�l PORD INN. CO'Y, et Hutroa• Cos Yatabltaked Ips Ito►s takeu la (la &Lose Arai class OMee the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The nnderiddsied 1. also Appraises .•( tI ('AN.l1DA PHIL WAN AND sAVINOBCO. Toro,. D. Merely to Loam se lust-. lar .searity. tris 1 to E per Cert. - Cheeses tasdrsta teuk.t'E HOGTON. (;eder'os sept. le. Its, IIOBEEE --Theesaadsof grave ar*. aaaaell> rob►•m r their rlctwts,llre prolonged. bappio.s s...1 health raetoro b, .be use ofikegre. GERMAN INVIGORATOR' obi. h posit awl permnneat y euro. Iwo pantry weaned by rat..s.re of aay klad, aeelnal Weekrr.a, and a1: disease that fol 1ht 1,.ow's i'Li/ WA NT WORIM Si et leo - low .. a sequence of self -Abuse, as less of ea An agreeable, safe and effectual remedy erre•. low of ineaw,r). urItcreel Welted. to remove all kinds of worms. in pato in the luck, din,nur of vision, prima sure flirt age, and many other disease's (ha lead to ii nanit) or a Leung [Dun and a prima lure grate. Shod for • uvulars w iih 1: stinwnfals free bl mail. 1Y.e1\�/a.w [teen is sold at 11 pet box. air six Iwa.•a for E.S. t, all druestets, a w1N he want fuer m? rival, vcnrety sea' d, of trend of poi..•. b. addres.l.s • Lit* m•vlaa moon[. _ Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan ectal his life by a simple Trial Botts, of Dr. King's New D iscovety, Ger Com - Gumption, which caused hint to procure F. J. ('liKNK\', I,rt a large bottle, thatconpletely cured him, ({nn. Riivta,, when Doctorss tr , chue of climate and hole Attest for Goderieb y�W itT Muut,nfl rt.• -''ohmic, ()hit everything else had fail.!. Asthma, Brnchtti,. Il.srwvnwa, Severe Cot::ha. and all Throat mud Lung diseaaee, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial 'turtles at J. Wila.n's drur store. Lime eine >zl. ( i ieautm. Result .f a Nrwnken naarret. New York. May Ili. -Michael Walsh, second mate of the bark Myrtle, aich..r- ed off Whitest.n, L. I , while crazed with liquor this morning, engaged in a fight with Jas. Williams, sailor, who had attacked him with a knife. W'ale's struck Williams with an ase, breskiett his spinal column aunt knocking him dad on the deck. Walsh thin attacked the other sailors, who took to the rigging fur safety. He went tack to the dead body of Williams, bat it to a jelly and retired to his cabin with a bottle of whiskey he- kuging to the murdered man. The first mate had great difficulty in preventing the crew from lynching the murderer, who was finally arrested, offering no re- sistance. Dew Ltre roe iwsall..s Weakened by SI. ease, NeMllty and fMwlpatloe. The Greet German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides, nn matter how shuttered the system may he from ex- ,• •1.!. AND REE 1:? -l+ • "'trod by us for six boxes, sceom bled with emotes of any kind. the I:reat betters Motet, (talent -h. Nislrc 't"ilc '.' foe dollars. we will tend the purchaser our Remedy will restore the 1 •at functions I written guarantee to refund the mosey ff the Golerich, Feb. 11th, :'.�1. 1Rt:4ui ' Uestenebt does not effect a Lure. Guarantee and secure ealth and happiness. $1.00' 1 it sued only by JANFM WUIJNlt. rote motley per box, aid holes for $5.00. Sold by !bed age at fnrOt.deMcb (drat. JOHN C WEST all druggists. Sent en receipt ..f price, Rn,‚ life is !swvrp f 1 t hyo I & ('tl "Ole proprietors. Toronto Gat. pivotal:, paid, by F. J. Cheney, Toledo, mind dare torture you di I something mighty and sub Oitio. a .le rent 1•t- United States. Cir- ' lime leave behind to ronqurr eulogy's ,u..1 testimonials sent free. Sold I time. *Ma week's yon own by Geo. Rnyn, wiei s;;ent for Gode-'town- .115 out*t free. No risk, Krerything 1 new. ('apical not argu{rrd. \\'o will furnfah r2211111u:tm : you cterythine. Many •are making fortune. , - . ladies make as much se men, and boys and •irla mike t A Reewrkabse drape, Mr. Mary A. Dailey,of Tunkhannock, Pa,was afflicted for .ix }tars with Asth- ma and Bronchitis, during which liner the best physicians c•.uld give no relief. Her life was d.rlsirt•d of, until in last October she procured a iottle of lir. King • Nrte Discovery, w hen in.nledlan. relief was telt, owl Int continuing iia Jure fist a st.,rt tone• .he esu completely cur• mel, ;•aiot:tg rat flesh Ido 11.. ,u, a low ni •ntha. Fres Trial Mottle. of this certain eon" of all Throat and Lung D' emst•e at t\ ilso•n a lirug Stott.. large bi,.Itles $1.00 (d) .t week .la.le at home toy the la lustrluur. !test business cow be torr the Public. Capita nut need •.f. '1'e .v31 mart you. ]ten. wo n.on. tr...:.0! g;r; 4114 41 very ober, • • [cork for .i._ Now 1., the time. Yum can ,s .rk In spare time. or wive your whole Ume to the buaine•s. No other buslnw• wilt pay you nearly so well. NO tow emu fail 1.• make enormous pay. by rwgagtag at •s, -,• Costly outfit and terns free. Mon.•t w,sue tat:. redly and bowies Addr.s. Tkrs:.1- ('o. ,t tagtsua, RlaL.e The People's Livery oirmurfts I . •d.• N o ere nl a art 1 p e M oink �.. ail tour . hwn••es to recreate :l..• u earuinge.end It. tint*. be •.•,. a Neal,!.} ; thous who do mprut e their upportsa 1111, releasin In ta•tertY. \\'e .•litrr a Eves .ham'.• to make n,eoct. We want sten, woo men. laps and girl. to w,•rk for tie in Ova own 1.4 al,ti.•s. An.ene . an do the wart pre Iv • per f om the ant sten. The business will las mune Than ten tam, uralittarl wagon. Ex• ►,1 iios nuont furnished fr.,•. No one who ea• daises fail. to [rake manes rapidly. You taw get into our whole time to tl.e work, air oats }our span owns, rIs. Fra .ntenttiatles, aad all that is reverser).reel h•, Adds/WI OTOS attx d (•o Portiere. lame. $600.00• .?twe x�w We will pay 1.144. ala s. r. at:7d fir any tae Liver (•sleptu•s t. 5 , . p . p s:e. eke 1 .seethe beitssuvth•n.-l'u• to j of s.., or 1 .i.'• . t.. se wi eawwot cline nos t. ti ..i's \•. tt'ttt.. 1 .tat POLL Iwilco the dire. ....i..• t re stet t', .•topikd with. They an' purr[. \'rgrtabh.., : moor 1.11 to wits sat boa. t. e.. i a.:rt'.a.t. 'Mgr 1'ux onw•ala'hti 'e• . '.t., ' ,lots. !'.: sale I. all 1t a.gin'- : ar.•• , i,.,mN.1.1 • and Imlta• tiuw•. Yue ie. • 'n•• t• .., sta. - ea e -.i .N tr by JON -; .. t":: Ire k (r ,. -4) . !'til ):.hers SI and fl Kint. M. i...s. 1,...-w---(Fs,1. i res trial kern sett hl. no. parr. rd rill r. earl of a ....et Seimp. fee m.aras itttueitli bet t.'wTOIE. Health is Wea lt' Dm. E. C. W naT'n NEatc urn Minix Ttws Iscum. a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Ins eines". ('ono minions, its. Nervous S Headache. Nervus Prostration unsed use of nl.'.1 .1 or tobacco. Waketttlnesa, eD cal tlnpn•a111on. Salcuing of the Brain, result Iinsist Insanity and leading to salary, decay and demo,. Premature OM Age. Rarr nnes, 1 Ltwofrower Ineither sex. Involuntary Loeser, ibw.ez purchases/ the Livery business or Jnn. and Ups rn•atorrl.Qa. roused by user -exertion R. Swartz, formerly owned by Robert Kerr. ! of the brain. self-abunr nr over-Indulse.nce, solicit • share of public patronage. They ' One box w.v111 inn- recent eases. Tech box con guarantee sat istact len to all, and offer tett tun• 1ne *h'r treatment. One dollars box The Finest 1-.:g•$ ' tr ai t ox nnrt.v lts pr i Ilofe rh' -. : seat by *sato pro u P • Drlcr. We guatge•tee six AT REASONAIRIA.: PRI('ES, • Loxes to cure any case. With each order re - New Clover Seed I I''uinrss ■t whi•It you can mak: gyral la. all the torso•, w•rtie fair tartlenlan to 11. If u.1.s:TT .t`.Co. 1'ortlan Mai TIMOTHY SEED, SEED WHEAT, SEED PEAR, OATS AND BARLEY, BUCKWHEAT, FLAX SEED, GROUND OIL CAKE, ONION SETS. ONION SEED. GEED POTATOES (all nrietiturt A Quantity of 000D FLOUR. MANO0LI) & TUI NIP �¢ED SEEDS OF EVER VARIETY, P..it SALE AT �_UEL SLOANE' • SEED STORE, .000 • POBJe,riqyN IT Ifir; i 11,,- 'it i,)ot contldrt.c,- in its super 1•ority over w11 others. and alter 11 ..ownda of 1 tests of the mtrml eon.pliteteld aril seteres ua.e. we Donk! dad. we feel iice DNA Ir. °Wel- 1 .: to forfeit (tile Thousand 1Dollen. for site teas.• n/ rn•Igi s. entda, sore thrust. it'uenrn interum . ea , 1 runrhltia. eonaun.pt'...e N. its .,rlr e':yyti. s, ,. hooping cough. and all rlleras,s of the thus• and lumps, rxrep, aathna, for whi.1. w•• ••-' "swim r self. that we easel cure wbfb West's o .•n,rh'snip. when taken areorl z, If ••..1tr•.•t:..u. Kainplc ts,(ti. , _' and rq ,•e•: t•+: !am • tattles one do^aro Genuine wr.ppers only in binc. `told In a:1 dnuui•t., t-'-'0 01 hr express on receipt of pried. JOHN , WV -at .F ('O., AI and N Moor areas RM. Tnt•oe►n. Ont. Se.d at JAN. WILSON'S lung Store Ooderich 11113 - WORX POWDERS. Las plasma' to take. ('uetain their ora >resgative. Is • sate, .un, and ea';, dierrsrn •t mama In CbU.irestor Al.. 0 ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STE•tM$HI1'8 LI VERPutI.-LONDON DERRY-fiLAW10111 T1s 1310aTaaT SSA ROUTE T•, AND Faoa ENGLAN1). SPEED, COMFORT AND HAFET) 1-NMI'RPASSF.io EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC. Sa.iliugs from Quebec. !SARMATIAN PARISIAN SARDINIAN CikeASSIAN POLY NESI N P1tRUVIApf .. PA 14181 AN SARMATIAN /EN..Si N Omit 1\ARIMNIA (lR('AMOIA ........... WLYNritIAX. M. tt'VIA 'no tae x/tb .... Slat " 7th June tk flat •• Wee !b 'WY Mh " Seth • Psalengrrs MINIM le Neve (tad.rie$ ea Tlt.rsdars. al if o'oleek. taakiwg dlrr.•1 eon. se dim self! eteeleu- N tlaeber. 111 alga, 1 wailed _es h.rWhe Meats. yrs cars lorsMere Whets r lower rates et MR •vsma frees nagtand Ireland Se ntlwwd« Trissoc tions say. Swede's an 1 Nor wy Yrs 7 tete% tad all Iaformat tnw. apply to f. •stoorritolto TNtkN Agpatt d.derteb. Hay tett. reel. WILL CURE OR REUEVE 1I110USNESS, DIZZINESS, D7":P_PSIA, DROPSY, 1!IOI12EST/ON, FLUTTERING JIiltiDICE. OF THE HEART, EF,YSIPELA,Z ACIDITY OF SALT RIiFL' if, rim STOMACH, h'FART BURN, DRI WES h'LIDACHE, OF TME MN, Aed more specie. of 41.ssss (rens d.sosd•red LIVER, tattle f, eT lOWata OR etotsp. T. IILBORN & CO., ^e ,CI' GENUINE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. CJIA.S. PRETTY, Harleg been .ppr,lwteet agent orf ih. above wtarbine, begs to aolleit the vial pulite pot. mgswa. and will supply marhlnnn lifters, rat Try the Genuine Singer. R.aAeaee Vkioris, sirooi near Ili•• tt R. t :bomb. tenderer!. Oederkh. Der. 11. INK Intl 7m $66 eqenhaewe�ellk• 4wlk lh• r• wombat beim red kerlerNyea ireutTlis at which prrwe. 4112 es t. '- or .4d. cats time jlirNem.lwiww