The Huron Signal, 1884-5-23, Page 6WNW
Chs .Pt+st i.orner.
M b MAIMeLw-law.
g Inst eta a ems means to . ut etas,
J\ req-ohs*N. metal lag girl ;
Mos were as height so at Issaaer.
The j Mer teeth went like pew I.. f ps.rt.
the W :he premeds were earl) l resent d.
waw het( As haadasllaa ail over l u,..
worm. L dsn%alto freyueutI whispered .
cup.ted ssa were W hour turbo, -lel -yea
M r. I ranted a ase story cottage.
Thu Just out ..f the ague of . he Iowa.
14 Mr And haps as weeks orated.
We .tatted oeateutcntly down
Asa somehow it preasatli happened
That bundles sod salaries 1 raw
Pass late the door u1 oar kitchen,
liweet lofts us a) tomtit:- in -Low.
so.t.uses when ay Noor was bearf.
Iwh Aad wage. exce.dingt) low,
1 soak w my pillow discouraged.
ruolf Iaswdll.g a)- trials gnu our.
Mr. S Bwttrouble was e..Adenly Idled.
the co Aug icy t::•hutatr wuu,t thaw,
M When ruus.4 rolling dulls: s noel•. nags
Dick Prom the hand of nay mother in-law.
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Bat one* .r, a cold winter of .rules.
When snow maitthd valley and hill.
TM wife 1 had ..It ri.►ed so fuodl)
Lay silent and .pecchlese and still,
And I with two wee little .-hildrrn.
Was leh le the wort 1 all aluue.
To lust fur a 'rule that had vanished.
To weep fur a face tilt had guile.
1 thought o; th.• .orrow. about the.
I thought of the varied past.
And wwdered what hand in the future
Would fond!. my Aarhus -4 at lana ;
And lo, I:ke as angel fr,.0 Ilrsysn.
Through torrents of tear -drupe 1 saw.
A form bet.dinz down to sit, ttabir i.
The forma of my mother .n -law.
tfer.mtrlrute, of the Ira Ker. r Rows-
4 misdate.
Many of 1Ir. Roherte,n's pulpit illus-
trations were truly eccentric. and In
many owes t•x'r, net)" Iutiierow, but full
of point and aigniavasoe. ]v lecturing
on that question ail the Shorter Cate-
chism, 'Is any than in this life able per-
fectly to keep the i'umnardmenta1' few,
surely, would be likely t.. forget how Mt-
imesibfe that was when Mr. Roberttson,
gravely and sol ly informed theta -
'Ye can matt dao t. tut (retold'. that.
a cot can climb up a treat.
As illustrations of his use o: the brow'
Buchan dialect the• follnwiug might be
given. Preichine on the const ret
the Israelites in Egypt and the all of
Mose., he said-- •Neel, sin, and far dae
le think he fain t:.,,d s chosen people.aud
et think ye were they drain' 1 He fan
them m the laud o' Goshen wi theirszrk
sleeves rowed up to the oaten, busy kir-
I1in' moo' clay, eu' inakin' bricks.'
On the Cummuni..n Sabbath he pre-
faced his sermon ---'Naos, ma (teens' this
is to be a groat feast day,and the Inuckle
broth pot's on the day, an' ye some get
speenli an' speenti, but nese get ladlefu'
an ladlefu'.'
Oa one occasion he threw the. old wo-
men eh., were in the habit ..f clustering
around the pulpit stair int.. a .cry per-
ceptible emotion by a sings. or direct
reference toll sub jest on which all women
are supposed to be sensitive by thus ad-
dressing them - 'Here ye'resittin' a' roun
nes wi' yer auld withered faces, that's
bonnier tae me than a lass in her teens,
for I ken that ilk ane o' ye has seen sixty
or seventy years ; ane yer suld upturned
faces says to Inc, 'We have aired our
Meister these three store years, and
we're nae tired o' airin' him yet.'
Lecturing un Jacob's latier, and the
angels of God ascending and dssconding
it so easily, he contrasted this with the
futile attempts of the self-rivhte,us man
to enter heaven by his own merits or
good works, and he forcibly pictured this
as 'the awkward spawlings of the sinner
on the rungs of the ladder.' 'Ms freena,'
he said, 'hs may get up sae far. bit jiat
the farrer he thinks he is ahesn his fel-
low Men, and the nearer he thinks he is
to the yenta o. heaven. jilt the sairer will
be the clips he will get when he dos :a',
for fa' he will.
In lecturing ..n the characters of Mar•
the and Mary he (cry piths y described
Mary u 'a tine, Juste, dacent cretlir
but according to hien Martha 'w.s a
bickerin', bumptious, ungagin lody
and, like a' ither wammen, she had • grey
Wig tongue o' her sin, when she cud fa'
foul u' the very Saviour Hinuel'.'
In a merman on the crucifixion. In
which the hour and the. ►newer of dark-
ness were depicted with an eloquent t of
the highest order, Mr. Robertson had
stated that during our Saviour's minis-
trations on earth S.stin and hit angels
had collected their forces from the utter-
most ends of God's universe to frustrate,
if that were possible, Hifi beuitieenf pTaie
of salvation. •in our earth at that time,'
said he, 'the whole of the hellish host
were collected : and its Judea there were
i the bran deevils .. America, and a'
the black chortle Africa, and a' the
white clouds u• Europe, Insides those o'
Asia, a' gathered thegither against the
Lad and his Ann.inted.' Observing as
be ape ke one of his hearers aeratehin>; his
head with a doubting and incredulous
look en his face, of which the scratehine
was the outcome, Mr. Robertson stopped
suddenly and said 'i see some •o' yo are
duablm this : bat, ma Preens. fat d say
is gospeltruth,for is it no said that sot a
a. man a whole legion o' deerils am',
and that was in Jades.'
Preaching nn the temptation of nus
Saviour, and the firm sail determined re-
sistance which he have the waive of the
wicked ono, he said - 'It showed the no-
on stupidity o' the aol', dotted deevil that
he should have ever tried to fat the bet
tar o' the very Lord Him.&'. On good
authont he was reported to hare thus
sot, the pronunciation of a yseng
preacher who officiated for him in the
fnrwwo.en--'Ys gaud devil, but 1 ermine
Amyl that nay. I say deevil, it's mair
Nndly likes'
()n another oecannn, when preaching
on the parable of the wise and foolish vir-
g m when he caws to describe the fool -
4 ish. saying '(live um of your nil, /air our
lamps are Lone rent,' he broke oat upon
them 'The Itein' jaada, fhoe did they
ken that •hey never had ony oil t'
Wuhir., to sure his people of the had
hate of leering their seats during rhe
txnedeetisn, hs 1/eld up his hands at the
el..m* of ono .ergine for a little, with the
noosed street that same were making their'
-y to the door. 'Ma (roue, he broke
oat, 'ye fret tstnd uw u' /buaterbilI's
wwte, fan they're amain' c' their 5151
IMO .coos( ds the herd pat his has' a
Omer oollan than every head's turned tae
the doer.'
One of Mr. Robertson's hearers was a
fernier who was much addicted--esmany
farmers e..uiine lung distances and urian
oast.nn.d to tutting stiUU were -of sloop -
tug during the service, even in spite ail
Mr. 1G.bsrtaoe's vigor. One hot sus, -
user day this farmer had Dome to late,
and the church being fell he had to put
rep with a seat at the outmost edge of
the pew, and next to the peonage. Even
though uncomfortably seated, the hot
day, the long journey, the clew air of
the plat,., and the form of habit proved
toot touch for nim. Hs been to uud,&Ad
watlsooun asleep, and swaying to and fro,
he Lost his basauce and fell into the pea.
saga Looking over the pulpit at nim,
IN minister said, 'Ah, Tsmmas, Tain-
tless, my mean, the dosvil's been rocking
you fur mealy s day, but he has coupit
ye at last.
no Tart Pad- to flight the Nse Who Asked
A gentleman calling on the President
a few days ago said to him : "Mr. Presi-
dent, 1 understand you hate written a
letter announcing your determination is
withdraw from the list of Presidential
candidates !-
'1 hope it is not true,' continued the
Mr. Arthur still smiled.
'll you should withdraw now,' the
visitor rattled on, '1t would diar.R_nge
your fneuds and almost insure Mr.
Blaine's nominalion.'
Mr. Arthur looked bored. He took
out a peieil and began to sharpen it.
'Isn't that a lovely view,' he said, point-
ing to a window. 'Sprang seems to be
really here at last. Luk, you can see
the church steeples of Alexandria in the
distance. A friend told me the other
day that one could make out the steeple
of Washington's old church with a good
glass. i tried it and found it to be true,'
continued the President taking up a
glass and adjusting the focus. 'There is
the little red -shaper tower and theorem.
How it glutens in the sunlight. Try
for yourself, sir
Th visit••i- placed his eye to the tele-
scope 1
'They say, continued Mr. Arthur, in
reply to another leading question, 'that
Washington was very regular iu his at-
tendance at church. I have visited the
place ; the seats are hacks.* a shocking
manner, the work of relic -hunters, 1
I believe.'
' Mr. Arthur smiled.
'And really you must call again,' said
Mr. Arthur. as the gentleman rose to go.
}'1 shall be delighted to see you.
After his visitor had departed Mr.
Arthur resumed the sharpening of his
pencil. The faint shad. f a smile was
lurking around hismout! T- Washington
Letter to the Courier -Journal.
*Mag rtesstw
Even g.e.d housewife will renovate
the entire house at least every spring and
fall. Our systems often need renovating
also, sod there is nothing better t.. make
pure blood and cleanse and regulate all
the secretions than Burdock Blood Bit-
ten, preventing diseases incidental to
the season's changes. 2
The Fate of laleemers.
Sonne very interesting letters are at
present appearing in the Pall Mall
I:azette un Fenianiam. They purport to
14 written by one on the "inside track,'
and in his last he professes t o give the
history of the deaths of several ..f the
moat notorious informers. He asserts.
also, that of the whole number be only
!knows of two, namely : C'orydon, who
was the met famous of thaw all, and
Major Massey, escaping the vengeance
of the "Invtucildes. The saddest
idling in connection. with Corydon was
Out a young man tanned MoDrwtsld,whe
here a striking resemblance t.. the in-
. former. whose fate has beets a mystery,
.said whos.• grave, like M. a.,, no man
know,. of to :het day. wasaurdatvrt and
• then .:ut up into little pieties.
- I
some of the most painful suffer;ug that
afflict ruortals occur from rheumatism.
Either the acute or chronic form may be
eradiated from the blood by an early,
use of the grand purifying system reno-
vator, Burdock Wool Bitten 2
Lima a r 1' of a Lassa.. -A Oaten at
the yellow label ,.0 this paper will et
once tell you the date up to whish you
are paid. If you owe anything uu smk•-
screpttun ur osberw we, immediate m-
a t is requested Submcriptiuu so-
ewuu sant out after twat May 31st w ill
he charged and tullected at the rate u(
*1 per annual.
A Wade Rams .11 .s1.45.
The great household remedy sepopu-
lar with the people-Hagyard'. Yellow
Oil -is auks rateable fur external and
internal use, cunng rheumatism, colds,
surra theme. croup, frost bites, burns,
bruises, and all lameness and sureness of
the flesh. 2
Masonic Perils. -'Nu,' said Fitakins,
'I don't thine. I shall over try to join
the Masons. It's tow danreroua' •Dan
mous ! How r 'Oh, you see, we bear
about se many Murders in the first, es -
mind, sod third degrees that I don t rete
to try it
At Iha tlear,a of one year there should
be • bottle of Pecturia in every honed.
It is unequalled for Coughs Colds and
Hoarseness ia pleasant, equally safe for
children. Price 25 cents at all drug-
gists. m
There are several cases of sinallpoi in
Millbank, about seventeen miles from
Stratford. Twosous of Peter Livingston,
brother of James Livingston, M. P., of
Baden, have been carried off by it.
There are other cases, and immediate
steps will be taken to prevent the surest
of the scourge.
What T. Det
If troubled with as unhealthyy.. slow -healing
sore gas k 'aetsaJic Cerate
Nun will dad it invaluable I
g, clamm-
ing and completely remit )our trouble.
1f the blood to out of order. to e with it a few
donee of McGregors Speedy t•ure from U.
Rhyme' draw store. Sul
A,•.leaNT. -Edward Daly, while work-
ing at a "sharing" machine in the Doh-
erty Organ factory, Clinton, got his hand
caught in it. Tho thumb was crashed to
a jelly and a large slice from the knuckle
to the first joint of the forefinger taken
off. .k subscription was raised by the em-
ployes :,f the factory, which amounted
to $10, for the injured matt, who has a
wife and fancily. Daly had only been
working in the factory a couple of days,
and this mark of liberality is indeed
pnisewot thy.
W-A*NINoro.. D. C..
May 15th, 1880.
GENTLEMEN -Haricot been a sufferer
for a Tong time from nervous prostration
and general debility, I IMO advised to
try Hop Bitter.. I have taken one Tut-
tle, an. I have been rapidly getting bet-
ter ever since, and I think it the best
medicine I ever used. I ant now gaining
strength and appetite, which was all
gone, and 1 was in despair until I tried
your Bitten. I ant new well, able to g..
about and do my own worn. Before
taking it I was completely prostrated.
MRS. Metal' STI AET. .
Robt. Forbes, a pioneer settler of the
3rd con., Morris, who removed to Bel-
fast about a year ago, died on Friday,and
was buried Sunday, under the auspices
of the Orangemen of the neighborhood,
the Rev. Mr. Parke, of Blyth, officiat-
ing. Deceased was a ran of many good
qualities. He was a native of Tyrone,
Ireland. Before settling in Morris he
resided in Vaughan township. Two
daughters in Michigan, two sons on the
Morris hnmestal, and an aged widow
and many sympathising friends mourn
his loss.
A Reliable Wham*.
R. N. Wheeler, of Everton, steaks
highly of Hagyart's Peetorll,
having ,een its effects ni his . wn carr, a
severe inflammation •.1 the lungs and
distressing cough, was •.sickly anol per-
fectly cured, waich h t i r•esiste.l other
treatment. 2
T ..• giddy waltz will have t.. go. A
young man was found lying ..n n steep
in New York and taken to the police
station ..n a charge ..f drunkenness.
Before the magistrate he said, "I was
not drunk. I went t.. a party moll be-
came dizzy from dancing. There were
ton zirlo to one fellow• and you can
an.._•r.r :liar toy Li 004 nut a hapuy
nn.. it. !.•.•• he x •e., iortt:er, and
declare i he .•.i•1 ,; •- w..l' .1 worse fate
for Ins gretates' •'nrmti t'iv, no have him
2, to a party where titer, were ten girl'
t.. one maim "Why, thr.y',i tear him
am i.t t . Mitis.,•.'" Yue poor dudes will
her -after have.!.. terry a bottle of sails.
Dore Dr Mere■ is.
As neneeless testimonials will show,
there 1s so mote reliable sure ler deaf -
aims theta Hogyard's Yellow tltiL It is
also the best remedy fur ear ache, sate
thrust, croup, rheumatism and fur pains
and lan..,ess Ijonarally. Card Intervally
and *eternally. 11
Mae PysMhns omed*11.
Mrs. Helen Pharvia, No. 331 Dmytes
St., Chicago, Ill., is sow in ler sixty-
eighth year, and states that she has suf-
fered with Cosesmpti.n fur about tea
years, was treated by sone physieians,all
of them prusouaciag her csau hopeless.
She had given up all hope of ever recov-
ering. Seven tattles ..f Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption completely
cured her. Doubting ones, pleader dtnp
her a postal and setts', yourselves. LSaU
at J. Wilson's drug stultl_aod get a free
trial bottle. (1)
Seeing is believing. Read the testi
muuials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
Burins Kidney Cure, thou buy a bottle
and relieve yourself of all those distress-
ing pains. Your Druggest can toll you
all about it. Sold by J Nilson Uodericltb
The use of Pills, Salts,Castor Oil, de.
and other nauseous, griping Cathartics
is unnecessary, as • pleasant substitute
is found in Dr. Carson's Bitten. which
act as a Cathartic without griping or
causing nausea All druggists sell it
50 cents a bottle.
flab Reim.
We have made srrangetnents to club
THE SIONAL with city ;apes at the rates
given below :-
Signal and Daily World. 111L50
' " Weekly Globs. 1.28
Pere ins roue Dvsrtrrre•. -Poverty
with perfect health is rather to he chosen
than riches and dyspepsia. Try the
magic effect of a dollar bottle of FOUNTAIN
For rough condition ut the Skin,
Shampooing the head, Pimples, Eruption
and skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Sul-
phur Soap. m
All Nervous 1)ehiliey cured by the use
of Dr. E. C. %Vest's Nerve and limit
Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere
Sold at Wilson's drug c2bj
An Asower Wasted.
Can any one bring us a telae ..f Kidney
or Liter Complaint that Electric Batten
will not speedily cure f We say they
cannet, as th..uauais of cases already
permanently cured and who are daily re-
commending Electric Bitters, will prove.
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back,
or i.ny urinary complaint quickly cured.
They purify the bland. regulate the bow-
els, and act directly en the diseased
parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For
sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Nilson. [1]:
nett Rheum tared.
Are you troubled end Salt Rheutn,
Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sorest ;
if so, go at once to Goo. Rhynes' Drug
Store and get a package of McGregor S
1'arke's Carbolic Cerate. Price _'i cents
It was never known t., fail, V.
A startling Dl revery.
Physician's are often startled 1...e -
markable discoveries. The fact that Dr.
King's New Discovery ior Consumption
and all Throat and Lung diseases tidally
curing patients that they have gi.•en up
to die, is startling them to realize their
sense of duty. and examine into the
merits of this wonderful discovery, re.
suiting in hundreds"( our best Phpsi-
cians using it in their prettier. Trial
bottles free at J. Wilson s I)ruv Store.
Re,iular size $1.00. 4)
National i'ilis act promptly upon the
liver, regulate the l.oeels and at a pur-
gative are mild .n.l thorough. ri
There are lots e f p.••.pie going around
grumbling• and hs;f sick at the ...mach
all the time ; who nrzht be well and
hippy, if they Duly used Dr. Carson's
Semish Bitten occasional! )•. It is a
ap!eidid blood punier. All druggists
50 cents '
A n,sestsg 1• all Naaklad,
1.; these times whet. our newspapers
are ib'oded with patent medicine adver-
tisements, it is gratifying to know what
SA •
pr WSW that will certainly cure yon;
• gee Tbey Re 11.
i So-called respectable peepie w.u1.1
hesitate considerably Wore piifernls;
your pockets in a crowded That would be too too. The sand dis
Brim itati on is fief ideated by the so-
called respectable druggist when that
wonderful corn curs, Puttiai s Corn Ex- I
tractor, is asked for. He will pilfer
Tour pocketa'n the 'woo t•enteel in:.nner
by substitutes; cheap and dangerous
substitutes for the genuine Putnam'.
Corn Extractor. Watch for these gen•
Omen, and take noise other than l'ut-
nanm's Corn Extractor. Sold by druyglsts
everywhere. N.C. Polson & Co., King
ston, proprs. tArl/asal.
' Then are bat trw that have never snit re 1
Vaunt Intolerable yarn from Toothache.
Neeralgia, rot like tents pains. To them 5m h
a1 lnstant relief am Fluid Lirhtsingg is an un-
told blooming lntam, of tunable. No deigns
Ing, °Rendre ntettrines In be taken fur dans.
nae application of Fluid Lightning cures
3, Mold at &. Rhyme. '.!red
alb tae Nedoest Prwse.aos. sad all whom
It allay 0.0,.'..
Ph..s,hatine, or Nerve ?non,a Mog-
ijthane Klement bused upon $cientifie
Facts, Formulate) by Profeasnr Austin,
M il. of BeMass.. Boston. Ma, cute Pnlmen-
ary C.otuiumption, Mick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Ph..sphatine is not a Medenne.
hut a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable ..r Mineral Poisons, l)piates
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but amp,
ly the Phosphatic and Ciartric Elements
found to our daily food. A single tsnttle
is sufieint to convince. Allgglats
sell it. 11 00" per bottle. i,oweaw
Cc. sole agents for the Dominion,
151 Front Street Bast Toronto
Why suffer from nervous prostration@
when yogi ass bey a g1arantesd eters at
Wilsons Eft adore (1) } I
•Wer sh.nitd 5,1 al w 3..•e b:,.o. 1a wart
Sit ke his erandsire cut in alabaster?
Or let his iiair.row rusty, scant and thin.
When "fleet/Araeamrtwsa will Make
g. row th t faster. For ale by J. Wil-
ton 2m
Dr. Low's Worm Syrup Inas removed
tale worms fr la t o :It) feet in length.
It also destroys all kinds of worms. m
Pain from indigesti , dyspepsia, and
too hearty eating is relie•:e•1 at once b
taking one .1 Carter's Little Liver Pills
immediately after dmtwr Don's forgot
Kram'. 11.1d LMhtatas
is the .only instantaneous relief b..- Neu-
ralgia. Headache. Toothache, etc. Rub-
bing a few drops briskly is all that is
needed. No taking nause.•us medicines
' for weeks, hut one minutes application
remotes all pain and will rove thereon
value of Km's Fluid htning. 25
cents per bottle at 1:e'rge hynas' drug
Stott. b
3.0,1 ass biliota, 14..4 out of order,
liver inactive, or • rrmetal debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
cunt you s • uickly as Electric Bitten.
They are a to essintg,� t.. ail mankind, and
can be had for fluty fifty cents a bottle
of Jam's Wtlsun. tee)
" TIDE cuUU Or
reRS, coins, �s'r
C$mS aid aII LUN
C"IPLAINTR.and f"tas
b0 a n ; ed St�taaoi�Naa PERSONS
PitopR upTOR•
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
�• 113.A.FURAr
Hamilton Street, Goderich
A good aaaortaiont of Ktteltea. fled -roost, Dialog Room tad t'arlur Furniture such MTs
bled. Chairs thalr caw and wuud matedl, cupboards. Hod -steads. Itaunessr.. Wash -Meads
Least'„•. Sorsa. Whet -Nuts. Looking Gleams.
N. B. A oaaplets mem 'meat of Coigns and Shrouds always tea band aloe Heves tae 5lr
at rassoaable rate .
Ptotwro Pleatsi a speclaiy.-- A.all sdlsited I:sl
To a:
red i
tieing the °rut Central Line, aforls to traverses, br reason of its unrivaled geo-
graphical position, the shortest and best routs between the Moat. Noetneast ate
Southeast, and tae West, 110'tnwest end Southwest.
It Is literally and etrictty true. that its c•)nneeti0ns are all of the principal lines
of rood between the Atlantic and the Pacific.
Sy Its main line and branches it remises C't:nag•), Peoria. Ottawa.
1.a Sane, 0 neseo, Mol;no and Rook N:anc, in 1'ti lotsI Davenport, Muscatine.
Washington, Keokuk, Knoar,IN, Oskaloosa, Palette: t, Oes Moines, West Liberty,
Iowa Ohty. Atlantic.. Amos. Audubon. Harlan, Oethrte Center and Council Stuffs.
in lows 1 Callatln. Trenton, Cam.ron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven•
worth and Atchison in Kansas, and the hundreds Of eines, •Inanes and town•
latermedate. The
As It Is familiarly Gaged. O1Nre to traveiere an the advantages ■nd comforts
Incident to a smooth trent. este brldges. NniOw 14ep0ta at all connecting points,
Fast empress Trains. nom osed of OGMMOOIOUS. WELL VENTi .ATED. WELL
HEATED. 111111.7 UPHOLST4RED .nd 1LECANT DAT CU,,CHES 1 a Ilse or ins
latest designed and henespw'et PttLACI SLEEPING CARO, and 01541110 CAM
that are acknowledged by press ant: people to be the FINEST DOM UPON ANT
ROAD IN mit COUNTRY. and M wh'oh superior site ass are carved to ate ors at
fee low rams of saw:wTY-ma AMIT$ 1AON.
TNRaa TRAINS aeon was between 05001100 ane•! tine MISSOURI RIVER.
TWO TRAINS each way between CHICA00 and MINNIAPOLUI and ST. PAW.
ors tae famous
A New and Direct Line, MB Seneca and Kankakee, has reoentiy been evasion.,
between Newport News. Richmond. Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Fayette,
end OOunce' Rlutta. St. Paul. ElAnnespot1s and Intermediate poets.
All Through Passengers carried on Fait £sprees Trains.
For more detailed Information, see Maps and Folders, whion may be obtained, set
well as Tickets. at at principal Ticket Offices in the 1nited States and Canada. or a1
VlerPres't • Omni Manager. 0en'l T'k•t a Punier airs
$Iek R fadaehe sal Wieve WI the te,r.hlez iacl-
dent to a nations 5 M.of tie= sorb u Dia-
t.aes., N DMus Moveable.
Pain In the Saida se. 1N their most macre.
Mk success tea boa /news 1a caring
R••adae se,yet Catteeselt*s Liver Pills aro• Neatly'
tslaable Is C'. ',.lp's._sssEEEtbandepreen:ting
this all d.nrdns£off the liletsW.- 1 5110 athecomet
and r.gulate the bowels. Even it they wily ea:.d
deb, they would beelines( priceless to those who
sorer from UM ddtmestal e.0plaiat; hat feria -
steel y their tooemsss este set red hews, sed those
who ones try theta will Sad thaw little ppii111 mis-
sals 1a se way atm gut they wall sae 5. MEM(
to do without thee. But after all utak heed
1sthettsaeof its many Lees Mather i. w' •`•tee
Doke ear gest betels Oto pt11e cm: .pita
ethers de set
Carter•. Little LITIO Pan. are orf . animal
wary sway to take. Omer two pills askea est
They tr. strictly tameable sad do sot grope or
perms hot b t►rir gentle *mice plasm all who
mem. is rust ss tests are for {t. Sold Threask
srdrug its eterywhere, or seat by ea1L Talmo tla th
Mow York Oltp. ane ei 414186.1
IMO t: a
�,E EAT wi
rt. �.
URtit .
n_SMt;TOM v
f?• Ti,e S41ORTL1r, yVICligST and
Aad 511 •. WETIone to at. Jeanie.FW W5 Ia Iowa, ' >> whim . Tecta Lost. ut..a..rt..t..- d?'l,14 ea. mime. 051
aH, ..w oaten• Anrols, 11. I' r• eat.
t5sr aa.l Texas �"
MXIC1A.c c
hiBatt to
Ilultms0 IH Itatt arorid f„
ell date. M trate.
kis Some has so 5eserler red -latae
Nra-pew sum. Pan hen reputed
OrSe m
A.1 mere-tle.s ,mads
em t
Te Seeiiiifler Plan.
Desiree, of obtaining PIews of the above
nate, betitg Nom M sit M mad 1d ma be fur-
nished with the same by applleatioa to the
Foundry, Goderich.
Repairs al all "Mabee. steers os..two be ob-
tained at the same pyre.
1, &eduction of 25 Per Cent.
„sat nein .Iona
ail*" C. A. F#U.AfBER,
t_, Mare% ttlx MU IIsi
sad fed els
sad traveled a
lusty, deed
of a dor
Camas. w\ )V All ��L ennead.
internist inn
Hoot Ru.. of _
Far., mean
.1e . eMerf•r Il Kt•, H 1.•
4 P07111. PG:Evsl tAN[U..
s/ row herr d n..,',, Gas Pte
Ch Lep. 111. 4'5h:taus.Iib
Canadian Peas. Ag t,
Torono, Ont
Ore- B. JosxtRax,
Ticks' Agent, Goder•ch
Send at rents rotpsahbgis,
and rarely, tem., a •ss@ly icu
elf pats whish win heir tea
to more sneer right awe?
than soy chip' .•1.e in this en,ld. Att, of eit5sr
ma. •nr.• irnm MIA hoar. The bread ,oma
to tartan* epee. before the wnrhere- ahoN
lr ser. At none addrass,Tsos t fb.. A
Nip t)rydea :
"Bhe knows her than. sad whoa you rant
and swear.
Can draw pct tot her with a single lair."
Bet it must he beautiful hair to hale
such power ; and beautiful hair esu ise
ensured by the tea of Clwnstsa Hatt
Ratrswta Sold st 80 eta. by J. Wilson,