HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-23, Page 5I'Hh HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MAY 23, ISM BUBNBD TO DBATH. Te.Auie Medias era !Hatt et Revelry thie • Lab..e.r1 Hlta.e7. Geo. Peters. a labourer ut the t lumen, a Quebec Railroad, his wife, and family lived u, a tram• alien .1 • hues ea pompano and Averi.'s property, agar the Narrows. Four or v• el Patin' associates boarded with litter Iasi sighs 6waspeet ►. semidry. After midnight, Peters, va$T tierce hiss!*Tait, started for bed. He ptciod up a lamp and proceeded to olieb the stain, bet his aovententa were wavering and iffy- .:. sul•r. Whether he fen and kat his hold era the lamp, or whether he tltiew t1. light down stairs no ens can positively state. but the lamp as.. down the stau- wy and was sutasbed, and in an natant the oil wee steles*. John Peters, a sou of George Peters, jumped from bed on the first floor, and, pocking up a pail 011 water, dashed it upon the oil. This on- ly spread the flames. The fire now tar- ed and crackled as it crawled up the walla of the lower dat. The family were aroused. Most of them were on the up- per flat, and their steep, was apparently impossible. However, several of the daughters and the mother iCaYtp t'RWUuV TUB rLAUI& John Peters and the boarders also got out. Norse Peters was .titled by the smoke and perished. Maggio Peters, seed 20, mused the youngest of the fnmily. a little girl 8 year, of age, in the upper chamber. She dashed into the burning building and mounted the stair- way, but the sm•,ke overcame her, and she fell. The fin CAUGHT Eta LOSS, LOOaa BAxa and boned it off. The frantic mother ran into the building and dragged the daughter out of the flames. Roth are greatly injured. The daughter is now in a precarious condition. The little •irl was not seen again alive. Miss Brigden, the other victim of the terrible fire, was visiting the Peter'. She was sickly, and found it impossible to fly when alarmed. She is a resident of Ve- rona. When the villagers arrived the charred remains were found. OTTERVILLB'B SENSATION. !te Ease K Peless/.g Melee a Newly. Married ('eeple. Otterville is still in a ferment of ex- citement over the arrest of Rohe. Pearce and wife on a charge of poiaoniag. Their alleged victim was Henry Vataiokle,who kept • hotel hen. Vanaictle was 50 years of age and Mrs. Pearse was his wife. Her maiden name was Ivester, and bet family live in Woodstock. A year or so ago Vansickle married Miss Lester, who was much younger than ;Tx her husband and of an attractive appear- ance. Pearce was bartender in Van - sickle's hotel. In the course of time he aaluirel such intimacy with the young wife that they indulged in buggy rides and smiler amuseine•ata together. On one . ccas they were away f..r two days. Things went un this way until Novrnrber 19 last, when Vansickle was taken suddenly i11 and died. Then were suspicions st the tune that everything was not exactly right, but no evidence was forthcoming to substantiate theta. The young widow continued in the hotel business and Pearce kept his place as herteoder. She apparently found meth consolation for the loss of her husband in the young man's company. The winter passed in leve making, the result being that Mrs. Vansickle became Mae Pearce Wednesday of last week. In the meantime, Nathan Vansickle, brother of the deceased, had renewed his aspic as te the muss tit the hotel - keeper's death, which were strettetheeed by the statements (4 a young man named Janes Donaldson who boarded .t the holeL Donlldso n remembers hearing Potreo and his wife speak of the old man es a nonoses and Pearce had stated they wanted to Ret him out of the way. On the strength of Donaldson's statements Mr. and Mra Pearce were arrested Thursday Out jest as they were about to start on • honeymoon trip. The charge against them is poisoning Vanaiohls, or in other words, wilful murder. '1'bey are locked up in jail at Woodstock papd• ins a preliminary hearing Saturday tet In the interim an effort will be made to bare the retains exhumed and the stomach submitted to a chemical arF clysis. LORD 8T. LBONABDB. Vie Vele, afikaar Rsser1N by RIs des esstieeaeees. London, May I0.—Lord St. Leonards, whet is still w Breathed jail awaiting trial fur his criminal assault on Mees Emma Cole, becomes daily more obstre- perous. He has up to date been unable to raise money enough to pay for the prison luxuries which he has ordered and consumed, and his friends are fast de- viating him as they become convinced of the profound rascality of his sot. The eminent solicitors who went (rem Lon- don to his assistance when he was first anested have been unable to soften the committing magistrates into accepting tail, and the friends who at first rushed to his rescue with offers of bonds have withdrawn all interest in the mar. It is geesti.mable if the noble lord could t. - day secure bondsmen if hail were allow- ed. St. Leonards sews absolutely de- serted by all his friends, and he new thneatee to revenge himself urn the nobility for his outcast state. His Latest threat was made to -day. He declares that unless he is rescued from his pressed disgraceful position he will claim his pnrilege as a Laren to he tried by kis peen. This is • potent threat. If tslT- risd out s.oci af.11y in this ease it wool certainly remelt in a popolar ..eatery whish uaignt prove irresietiMy for the abolition of ell such remaining antiquated privi- leges of the lords. The last time this pertioshr privilege was claimed was by lord Oervhgan, the here of ltalaklava, when he was arraigned for a+ae•laoghtur. for amain., the death el kis opponent in he celebrated duel. The tapers of the Hiritah aristocracy is suA*eiently frail without ting fattier jeopardised by t►is threatened attest, and it is rerstit- ed that efforts will he male to sham. the determination of the &nntfeed wimilal FASHIONABLE CHECKED SILKS MRS. SALKELD H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., PI 1 TFORID Having secure(' a very Decided Bargain in the Nota Fashionable Checked Silk., we are showing a Full Range of Colouring at the Lowest Figures we have ever seen such good utterer!. ALL WARRANTED PURE SILK. fi Oc. Checked Dress .milks BOc. woperx ...00. 750. Checked Dress Silks 750.a WE WILL SEND SAMPLES 0.N APPLICATION, and Goode byMall or Express. Goods so sent not proving satisfactory may be returned and money refunded. We ave received this week : Ladies' Jerseys in all Colors. Ladies' Jerseys Beautrf ally Braided. Ai *i The New Turkish Crape, in Stripes and Plain, Being the Latest thing out for Sutnttter Costumes II_ W_ MiZET=07.71Z sSz CO., Brantford, April 17, 1884. BRANTFORD. GO TO KNIGHT'S IIOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS KART OF P.0 11110.1y SEEDS A choice a.orttaent of Fresh Field Seeds on hand, her Bale at Reasonable Prices AT THE CASE STORE. THERE IS CIIEAP Orockery it7fl Glassware, Lamps, &c. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS. Cheap and Good. Give Him a Call ! G.H.OLD THE GI;OCER, The Square, - Goderich Jen. X. MN. Mt - JOB IacTA GART VICTORIA STRRRT. Has ope.ed oat a full line of GROCERIES IND CROCKERY. Fresh. (leap, and of the best brands. FI.OVR 8z MEAL_ A tbereughly. equipped Botcher Shop in Salad Cured Meet. pork. etc.. air= , ofAy=tally sol {cited. JOHN MseTAGUART . Goderieh March letb. IMI. 111115-3tn Follthill Nurcenes. 325 AORB;B_ TIIE UNGEST IN THE DOMINION. SALESMEN WANTED To hien work at one, on Fall Pates. Steady amploymeet at axed ardarlea to all wlllle. t0 work. Ulla and watvt11 ere have Pt ataei Wort tie Year Rend. Mend agents are venting freta ser to a%S a month and i mp.esis m,. A"14res sad outfit free. Address: STONE a WELLINGTON, t11Mbl•• Tenuate. Oat, Goderich Foundry. The undersigaed. having pondered the Goderich Foundry awe Machine put the sante at e in soca repair. will tate asetracts for /amps and baring Flouring Mi11t, ' Steam Engines, Boilers -,-- Aad ether Machinery wanted. All Minds of Castings made to Order. Flouring pills Chewed to tits gradual Reduction or Roller Systelp. will keep Agrleulturat Implements on hand, and do all REPAIRS on short notice. J. B. RUNCIMAN. R. W. RUNCiMAN. Goderich, April 24, 1884. 1e1e•ly • COLBORNE BROS, Have Just received • tame emniapleat of Cettses.Ostemedss. Hoes. Peak Shirt- , lass and Tweeds at lower prices tbia ever. Call and see them. A splendid assortrnest of PRIK•ry sow In Stock. 1011 New Patterns to choose trove. Ile tore and see their Factory Cotton before buying. Godench. Feb. lith. Int. Somethizag Wanted_ WALL TINTS. - - KALSOMIME COLORS. In Every Shade. Read Mixed Paints. Peneben'. Cottage Colors. Ret ('roan Wand. Ladies and stases can get the color tbey require without the trouble of mixed. W arrested to be F1rve-Claes la every respe.-t. and to give satisfaction. For sale at John A. Naftel's Hardware Emporium --A FEW PIRCRtt 21072LE SERGE ---BLL WOOL, - Sit babes Wide, at 25 Cents—SPECIAL VALUE. TO MOTHERS OF FAMILIES 1 I offer a few pieces of DRESS GOODS, suitable for Wrappers and Children's Dresses, at 10c., Mc.. 15c., 20e. per yard. Oode ieh. March Mb. 1i/. RUBBER DOOR MATS A CHOICE A45IuI TMENT. ALPO PITCHER SATS, JI'ST RF.r'K1V O AT John A. Naftel's Hardware Emporium DON'T READ THIS I McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO, Maawfaet.re .11 binds o,f Meebtsery OIY of the ban enallty. Alan Bolt Cutting, Wool and Oyl ncle Qlle. LARDINE 1L * O=XN' OIL 11111.Ma Om. w li11ph for peps eel Taw _ tar fleas leg esu I calms Has Rises piastre is aaao•aetsyl that h.r Stock of Spring and Bummer Millinery Is sow tosspts s, sad cotnprt.•es all ti e Latest Novelties in Hats, Flowers, Feathers and all !kinds of Fancy Goods. Prices Low and Work Guaranteed "o Please, A CALL SOLICITED. ttedench, April 14. Idle. MRS. W. SALKFLO, rxr lot nu,. veer toy s Jeanie w ;lass. MILLINERY! MILLI „Y 1 We bays much plessor, la taasusetaef le the Lei ire of (:.d.rteh earl Tutt ty. vee Our Stock of Spring and Summer -' atassy IS NOW COMPLETE, ANI) l oall'nlsFs .1 VARIETY Or' Beautifully Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, Comrrisinr wit The New. est Shapes. All are Cordially Invited to Ex..mine 'ur good'. Feathers, Flowers and Trier. goo's "THE TORONTO Holt f E. to £I11'est aide of .r tone next olisir to : •t;toot. '. ,:, :•.ear, Goderich, April ter. 1811. ivrY ST OC3C Cr''" MILLI.N EPY! le now complete. and w:ll br fs..p..l to coshes. t tie • Latest Styles and the Best Finished -$'irk c.. 1: e Nest Moderate Prices. A Call Sclicifee MISS. G-PLAII_A. THE SQUARE /:OU$L.Cd. The Chicago Tioi so,. Sprir g Milliizer usx .mer 1 .2h lir_ sae es One of theMost Complete .S tock.c ir.' r • . «' serif r . LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICE.. Miss Wilkinson's, Ch=':atgo Goderich. April 141MI. lief; Ou TAILORING J. C. DETLOR & CO e W. have received our Spring Tweeds and Worsted C. •s, Ssa..•- sad F••.e, Trwserings in all shades, which we make up it..'otn.,iur . with the very best trimmings as chew, e. any Mouse in the trade. MacCOR'AG, Cutter. J. C. DETLOR & CO. Spring is Upon AND NOW 1S THE •rII1F. TO En YOUR Vegetable, Flower & F eld F.JORDAN, at the Medial Hall, bas just opened . fres Seeds of all 1 FROM TN E BEST a}.EU»i11 FRESH, RELIABLE AND WEl F. JORDAN, Chemist a' "Z'arert Bocce Squ r, Orterich. R. W. MAKE (BICEN OF THE PA —1a HRAi1QrARTE/TM FOR STEEL BARB FEN UsI Seeds. It .supply of ), -- • 1_ 1. 7a ., e With Barbs Either Four or S FtTLL Z,1" HIS OJB • 1p frt. Spades, Shovels and Gal 4.3l Tools. AI*) A 21'1.1, STOCK GENERAL HAR A R E I. . terials. i SPEOZAL. V.A. LV] Paints, Oils, Glass and Pal SII F`F`I iLD CU R. W. McKEA ZI li .14 ti.