HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-23, Page 2-ANN A wen se. Re Osten Its to Vren He lo He t A n y .1 A :a ) Hat For t lIvra k ) •U•' I It to NOW An I it le Fort Or. t 1) m.#t 4.111 lain :Va • l/f1 tha era, ten tiot bul Chi for who tha th• e be. de. el leo COI sl 00 tio deo ini tin we ers cit cr. tel of Af 1111 • 11 gr tie MI fel ap la( 17 Sht an 5, th on (11. f Or 8 4,4 WES ine• A• rho the W. ▪ as snot ung cupied' Mr. The bylMe and soli The, the with secria and Long t Mot Mr A the en bler Dicke matte{ A 1' • persa the rod 1 M.1 oof rats, and The Oa red ing," Af} Heed and M". tut. very r mi meth math • • 11 141 Blow done Mr. tend, able. ...tg j • tide AJso ds Drip? 0 limbl th▪ e, cd t the; takl evet 114. t. 41411 Wel pre'.. 1454 t hie lef I.y •r. ra 111 cal 11 a THE HURON .31GNAL. FRIDAY MAY T3, 1884. 1 111$ MIMI HALL= ACT. ease, and WDOIDIffff neisences are found to exist the pimple may expect dud steel feessinehass yeses Me ineegisums and mitiloliyou• ea to their abosteamen will he Illmend ad Poreeinebile INOININIII. eufurced. In oddities to this, home - holders will be expected. along with the physicien, to not* the Board of may . a whoa. rtmeses ezeUisg_ in their families. We may same ilist . ben dee regdatious of the Act are not earned out by them, the Local Beard will 'eke sod amesures a• will prevent the disease from spreadiag. Rowedu of nosh cues belag kept, will onside cita- dels to view with Amnesiac satisfaction the growing healthtulness of tier town, and this will tend not only to give great- er pleasure and safety to those living here, but will &leo aid it in a bunion W$7 1,7 increasing its name for salubrity. It will likewise add to the value of pro- perty by moiling it • still more desirable place for residence than it is at present, superior though it is, in this respect, -to an, of the mu' rounding towns or villages. The et of the Prow:dud Legislature pawed fret meson Aid came in funs after the first meeting of Municipal Councils la May is • decided imp in the right direction, compekling Muuicipali- ties te attend to the public health odd 011ePowering sail onepolling strident allesaures to be taken to prevent the htlread el diadem hurtful to the communi- ey and the restriction ef offensive trades. When the treasendious inurtality duo to preventible disease di:tough defective sanitary arrarigemeuts and improper disarmed% of contagious disease is one mdered,this Act comes Oct a tut too soon, and its provisions should be understood by all intelligent householders end heads of families. Ainongst other iorovisions the Act directs that there shall be Local asseenve eras Resells, web Ileassess. Is the sender of 1867 M. Lisoula eade Ms first vt te Ciueionati. He was original dense fer deforadsat a patentresper suit pending Hs thell'inted Weft Circuit Court foe Notation:a Bli- n d& Thu unrament of the case was ad- joined to Citionuistethir held of Judge McLean, at hie maggestiou, and for his adeniniodation. Mr. Liacele came to the city a few days Wore the argument took place, sad remised daring his stay et the hoses d • friend. The case was one 'A large im- ported* pecuniarily, and in the law inestious involved. Iteverdy Jahns.° represented the pleintiff. Mr. Lincoln had prepared himself with the greatest �z.; his arlibition was up te speek in the ease, and to measure swords with the renowned lawyer from Baltimore It was understood between his client and him - himself before his coming that Mr. Hard - Mg of Philadelphia, was to be mediated Beards a Health established in each --jSarnia Observer. with him in the case, and to make the Muninpality ; iu 'head a towns of O'er I 'mechanical &reamed. Mr. Lusatia thousand inhabitanta to consist of the THE BRITISFI PREMIER. was a little surprised annoyed, sifter Mayor and eight ratepayers 10 14. appoint- ed annually by the Council. In case 4.t antertean *einem ot adeession reacalso associated here.. te learn that his client had with him Mr. Edwin failure to appoint, the Provincial Boarl 11r. tiladstene, *1 114. age of seventy- 11.8taut4m,of Pittsburgh and a lawyer 01 of Health may appunit the same. Two three, Prune -minister of Eugland, and our own bar.thereasouassignottbeingthat or more councils may finite aud fonn a the chief of English statesmen -Ile less the importance of the case requiteil a district instead of, and to take die place eminent for weight et personal character man of the experience and power ot Mr. of, Local Boards. and accomplished scholarship than for Stanton to meet Mr. Johnson. The To 'dont their authority, L..c.al his extraordinary mastery of public af- Cincinnati lawyer was appointed .f.or his Boards may.in default of noceesary action fairs and hie Parliamentary eloquence-- local influence.* These reasons did not beaux taken by the persons ordered, is a tine 140.. Engliah genius remove the slight conveyed in the mis- direct such 'natter or thing to be done at in sts mut characteristic form. There is ploymenewithout consultation with len", the expense ..f person in default and a certain sturdiness in Mr. Gladstune's of this additional counsel. He keenly may moo er expense thereof by action or nature showing itself in every way, ex- felt 11, but acquiesced. The trial of the distress, and in case of nun -payment cept him reputed sensitiveness '.° personal Lase came ou ; the counsel for defence may recover in like manner as jeueicipal criticism, which is IA singular centralist met each morning for *consultation On taxes. with the Oriental character of Lord Bea- one of these occasions one uf the counsel Nuisances may be vigorous!jr prozeed- consheld, so long his chief oppouent. It moved that only two of them should led against and expenses and costs ef pro - was the want of this quality quite as speak in the case. This motion was cedure recovered frem persons in do- mueh as an alien geuius which made the acquiesced in. It had always been un - auk. Contemplated systems of public water late minister .0 apparently gm -English. derstood that Mr. Herding was to speak No one, indeed, cultivated English ways to explain the mechanism of the reapers. supply, sewerage, drainage , must be more arsiduously, ior celebrated with So this motion excluded either Mr. Lin- anittrel to Provincial Ward of Health, more gusto the distinctive English life, coin or Mr. Stanton from speaking - sa that all sanitary requirements mayI be than Lord Besounstield, and he identi- which 1 Ly the custom of the bar, u be- ard, and nothing allowed prejudicial to tied hiniself with the bucolic party -the tween counsel of equal standing, and in the health of the inhabitants. .equire, the country gentlemati-and he the absence of any ludo. of the client, Provisions are also made for the in - seemed in every manner resolved, if the original counsel speaks. By this rule. ' petition, at all reasonable times, of meat, I resolution would accomplish it, to be an Mr. Lincoln had precedence. NI*. Stau- poultry. fish, fruit, vegetable*, in.Ik otc. Ea_lishassw. ton suggested to Mr. Lincoln to make But it is 111 the clauses affecting in - But the contrast between him ano Mr. the speech. Mr. Lincoln answered, fections diseases and provisions guarding ; 4 aidstwas was as appal...fit "No ; do you speak.' Mr. Stanton promptly replied, "I and, taking pep his hat, said be would go and make preparation. Mr. Lincoln acquiesced in this, but was deeply grieved and mord- the cleansing or disinfecting "f anY 11°13'e raeli was at the head the 'ministry, the tied ; he took but little more interest in or promisee or art;cles thereii. neces-lfreling was unav.oidable that it was an the caae, though remaining until the con - 61117 1" check "r Prsrent. 'Hied's' !accomplished foreign talent that was gov - elusion of the trial. He seemed to be diseases, notice is given t.# the owner or erning England. But with Gladstone, greatly depressed, and gave evidence ef occupant, whn default of doing such it is England ',covering herself. Much that tendency to melancholy which so within • specified time is liable to a tine more than in any chief minister the *lurked his character. His parting on of not more :lian $2 kr every day neglect- Englis'i censcience is telt in Gladstone. leaving the city cannot Le forgotten. e d. In Lord Sidmouth and Mr. Percival, the Cordiallyshaking die hand of hie hostess, In cases of poverty such shall be dene two most ordinary and cornmeal plani of he said : "Y. -3u have made my stay here at the expense of the Municipality. Prime -ministers, there was the conven- most .13.1 I am a theuesnd In case of small pox or other diseases titnal English respectability and month- times coat:gee' to you : but in reply Al/ disinter -opus to the publ.c health breaking .y. t nut in Gladstone it is the power of your request fur me to come agaiii.I must out. temporary hospitals shall he Oa - rectitude which io remukable. He be- say to you never expect to be in Cin- inediately pro.id..1 ouarantine es - heves in honest dealing, and ia subordi- einnati again. I have nothing against bl• I ed. tieing puolm policy to the moral lave% the city, but things have so happened Whenever any householder knows that , • He may not iike to be personally criticis- here as to make it undesirable for ine 7 1 7 ed, but he is not ashamed to. be called ever to return here.. against infection that niost benefit will I pect as it is in the remarkable caricatures likely accrue to the coinanunity,if prepe Pouch. in which, if Gladstone has ly carried out. , I sometimes the air of a prig, Disraeli haa Where it is 'howl' to be necessary that always the air (11 caeliestm when Dis. has th• sniall pox. diphtheria, scarlet sentimental in his regard for the moral fever, cholera or typhoid fever lie t " wen tur the „interest., of give notice within 24 hours to the looal Enownd. board of health. Nothing could be more distasteful to No householder shell permit any per - Mr. Gladstone than the Egyptian com- mon suffering freak these diseases or any plication. Nothing could Lave beein de- af their clothing to be removed without light ful to Lora Beaconsfield. The the consent of the Board. vagueness of the object to be attained by Every physician must report any case warlike operations, the difficulty of a ol smallfp ox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, , possible protectorate of the country, the tif(Ph`" fever 14"'-' in 24 h'"ur° lAlek' desire to respect the rights of a peoples° ..rd or Medical Health officer. Tomei° froni English sympathy and Nu person except the attending physi- habits. naturally oppress Mr. Gladstone, thin necessarily engaged in transactions in which hi.country should never have Leen involved. But they would have hem excititig chapters If romance to Lord Ileaormalield, and be would have enfficent time has elapsed to ere ant , enueavored to turn the situation to the spreading of the disease. most dazzling account. Proper means ehall be taken to client- Ccping at DOOM with the elusive anus- fect 511 bedding, clothes, rooms and lion in Egypt, with the franchise in Eng. furniture occupied by, 'r vehicle used in land, and with the discentent of Ireland, and tended by a Tory party net greatly led, but officered by a brilliant cynic. a worthy squire, and • nen-descripi mad- cap. only • chief of the sturdiest moral and mental quality could held at sew- et.ty• three • peeition which nobody else could till. It is, as we said, his character n.o less than hie genius which will give hint a great placs an English history. With the conquering Chatham and the accomplished Canning, with William Pitt and Sir ltobert Peel, Gladstone must always be mentioned as an English statesman and minister who showed in his puhlie and pnvate life, in his master - by grasp cf affairs, in his ascentiency over a great, intelligent, and progressive party, in his high moral tone and his im• menu accemplishnient, the power which any intelligent country *amid wish to see conducting its affairs. This is the year in which the other great English-speaking Reim) sails ions ed. The nitii.atlY011wdiwwhwit• ar. .4 its citizens to the Chief Executive ignorant of the eotirm and causes of magistracy. Happy that country if it diode°. Much ef the L ip.w ledge summon to that office a statesman se Ixosetbed 1. voitur c""loclure unt4w6w1 comnianding, conscientious, and courage - theory and baseless donates. And yet clan or clergyman shall he allowed to visit cases of small pox, scarlet fever, diphtherial, or cholera and no ..ne expos- ed to or having access to them shall mingle with the ozeneral ionblic until transporting • person suffering frinn any of these infectious diseases. A fine not exceeding twenty dollars and cries shall be inflicted fer violation a any of the above clauses. Such, in • general way, are the chief Dents of this Act, and by taking full advantage of the benefit to be derived much good will result. The old and world-wide belief, disease is due to special providence, er t.. the vengence of offended Deity, still .lotains Pi some ex- tent with regard to. great epidemioa which am thou& ht be either inevitable or only to be averted by prayer and fasting, instead which Heaven helps these who help themselves by prayer, proper attention to quarnntine. drainage, Sewerage heating and ven.ilation and cloanline, . geherally. By the adoption of peeper delve ..1 life on the part of individuals and coo llllllll 'ties. nearly ',0 hall of •xisting .Itsritsee could be abolish - Lataaar, Harper's Mayezau for June. begin - aims the aisty-Mian velem*, iodine, • foretold of adder is two papers -Abe one of Kampen and other of Americas tree. Mrs. Lillie will write of tb• bunoes Fresh watering-pleos, Berets, with ilisegations from Mr. Heiden's diner pencil, and Mr. John A. Bedard "The North Shore"' of Lake Sapericor, which Mr. Ches. Grahams illutrstes Iron sketches made lid sunder. Twu pa- pers, of much ounimervial and ludustrial interest, will be a careful and *dime honsive article on the organization and week a the New York Custom house, bp It. Viliesitley„ and de on Sheffield and its trades, by W. H. Ridging. buth illustrated. Col. Higginson's paper will describe "The Great Western bleach" of population during the administration of John Quincy Adams, and will have fine portraits of that president and tor John C. Calhouu. There will be more of Win Sharp's charming poems, "Transcripts from Nature," with Alfred Parson's illustrations, as well as further instal- ments of William Black's and E. P. Roe's novels, with pictures by Abbey, Dielman, and Gibed. The shert stories will be "The Dagger,' a tale of old Rouse, by John McMullen, with illus- trations by Fredericks, and "A Humble Romance," by Mary E. Wilkins. Among the miscellaneous papers will be an &c- ondi of Virginia's one witch, Grace Sherwood, and • reminiscence of Abra- ham Lincoln at Cincinnati, by W. M. Dickson. Thus untowardly !net the first time Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Stanton. Little did either then suspect that they were to meet again on a Lirger theatre, to be- come the chief actors in a great histori- cal epoch -(W. M. Dickson, in Harper's Magazine for June. What 4. teats WIll Do. A 10 cent bottle of Poison's Nerviline will cure neuralgia or headache. A 10 cent bottle ef Nerviline will cure tootle ache or faceache. .4 10 cent maniple bot- tle of Nervalans is sufficient to cure colds, diarrh.ea, spasms, d)sentery, kc. Ner- viline is just the thing to cdre all pains, whether internal or external. Buy at J. Wilson's a 10 cent sampleof Nerviline the gyeat 1111111 cure. Safe, prompt, and always effectual. Lirge bottles only 25 cents. A Cases tabinet. The same ship which will carry Sir Charles Tupper to England as High C missioner will also convey across the At- lentic Sir Leonard Tilley and I1"t D L McPherson. Of what use is it foo us to have a High C..minImi,mer tesident in London with a 1142,000 h.ouse, $10,000 a year salary, $4.4.00 or 105,000 a year in personae*. and several clerks, if thou 'ministerial trips across the Atlantic are to oontinue t Why have • High COM. missioner at all, if he cannot look after the interests of Canada 14. Enzland with- out having two or three members of the government 10 send every year to assist him ?-11.ittawa Free Press. As Itilliees.,Tribesie. Tberen P. Keetor,editor of Ft. W-.N•ne 0.nelle, writes.: 'Fur the past fire rears I have always used Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs of most severe character, as well sitar thoes eta milder type It never fails to effect A speedy cure, My friends to whom I have re- commended it speak of it in same high terms. Having been cured by it .1 *very po ess e English cough I have had for five years, I con - when heipelessly iniconsci. me of their own Prime niinister ' Looking at Gladstone, aider it the only reliable arid sure cure Ignorance, how promptly Alla confidently and then across the sea at our President- for coughs, co`ols, etc. Call at Wilson's people will Unmet tAk• 1#1 solves, what ial contest, the Englishman malty be par- Drug Store and wet a Fre.. Trial Bottle. should and should itot he done L., ere- (loaned it he is not quite ready to abandon Large size $1.00. 0 vent small -pox, or scarlet fever or typto • system which brings so great a uid fever, or any .4her disease what!nen as Gladstone into the direction of ever it is not 1.. loc wondered a! that the government, and even the American Puirthe si 14("* 1. ("quilled .14.may wonder sh.ther his spawn of select. itiohtrwilet"1.3. i'merti"ol Invi• t" and nig the Chief Ititagistrat• 4 surer than hesitates MI t -t what eltotibi 1.1 couh . be done in this niat.er. "The friends 14 the typhoid 1.4 et petieist, who will 001 fail to remember stel he grateful for the ere and assiduity with which • physi;ian nay have treats,' the diastase, would i.r.. bably have theaght him intrusive etel troublesome had he taken one half the same trouble v. sae that the cause or the fever was prevented... Sanitary ille111.- are', te be effective, shotild he carnal nut at thou times when moat people see no special saute for anxiety, and they often theref. r< appear to impels.. ,inc usury worry and expense. When such innoures are mut successful their value may be least apparent .#1 eppreciated. If the exposited disease hoes not appearahe warnings are considered to have been false alarms and the precautions taken to bars bee sicessire. With • view of carrying out the provi• arms of the n•w Act III, town cenneil spuointed a local Board of Health, Whieh has under its costudoration *be heel m. tatels for socomplishing the mod sonata. 1 'nder its direction monkery j.e.ries may he shortly especed to frip a thorough gemination 14 .11 pm - the Enelish method to bring the real "cured by this Hop linters the papers chief of a party to the executive 1.1;ferge William Curtis, in Harpeei 'say s. much reboot leoteed "hew thankful we sleould he for that Magazine for June. "melleine • - DAD Me Mr ! she lingere.1 Red suffered skeet, "pining all the time for years. the doc- "tors deine her no eoloel : and at last was etensL14s. - A name well known in emenokoo with the Hair Renewer,which Freeman's Worm Powders neitiire no whores cloy hair I., u• natural color by other /mt.:motive They are Nap and sure a few weeks use. $old at 110 cents per 11" rtinelt" 01 11"rmr• brittle he James Wilson. 2m I The well knewn stremothening prover - Freeman's Werm Powders died roy end at ineed o4 f mo.1 r in . combined with .oher tomes perfect !terrine, ere found in worms without injury to adult er cp,.,pfp . sr.ntth. remove infant Tbiewell. 9.. T. W. Alan's, Hirer& K•n . writes : 1 moor hesitate to recommenol your Electric Bitters to my onetomers, they eve entire salidectinn and are rapid trailers.' Electric Bitters are the purest and hest medicine known and will posi tinily ears Kidney end Liver complaints Parity the blond and regulate the bowels No family ean afford t.. be withent them They will save ihnndreds ist dollars in deter's hills ii;vixar. Wel at &Oats. t1.t*bslJ. r none, and bedy. and 'ninon, the lolowool and c orre.lexion. lin %%Tortellini will not celebrate the 24t14 this veer I.ucknow offers inducements ,,n the 2t;th. and it is .inote likely that a number of Winehamites will s,te id the Nth in that town. Not another Pill shall ro down my throat ausiii, saki a citizen. "when I can get sue% • prompt sad pleasant care for my Istleme attack.. as Dr. (Ninon's Steen. sell Bitters. It renders the bhiod pure and oronl and makes a splendid see. nedieiwa Large bottles 60 cent& 4.4 eels. .m- 11 Were Ward Indeed. There are se many things that appear unnecessary, and which for the life of us oe can see neither purpose nor end. It may be curnsare just one of those thorns in the flesh the why and the wherefore of which we cannot see. Nevertheless they are of the kind tf at are easily re- moved. Putnam's Painless I ,,ros Extrac- tor niakes short work of them. Try it and see hew nicely it ceaxes them out. Cie none ether than Putnam s Corn Ex- tractor. Sold by druggists. 6.liadasese Sustained. caartmAkrr 131E-RGIKA-INPI Fon csAiLamt1. Of TIM PIttileeris non& titnisitles, is sow deed sot A LARUE AND WKL.I, ASbORTEI) STOCK OF NEW GOODS • _oust READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS A. Jr-ar..x.. raiz- csoca38, Wkich 14.4. Wrested 10..0 Menem thous She suseese ter CAM Seed Tillie la imerg Am. Ch -Ft• A. 1\T r) OLE .41% Ci* B.A.LIC - -The sothearflier to oleo clearing the --- LONDON, May 13. --Hicks-Beach's mo- tion ..1 censure on the Government for its Egyptian policy was rejected by a vote of 303 to 276, notwithstanding that the Parnellites voted with the Tories. !sever Vise fp. If you are suffering with low and de - premed spirits, loos <1 appetite. general debility, diaortlered blood, weak consti- tution, headache, or any disease of a bil- ious nature, by all means procure a bot- tle of Electric Bitters. You will be sur- prised to see the rapid iniprovement that will follow ; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return ; pain and misery will cease, and hence- forth you will rejoice in the praise .1 Electric Iti.ters, Sold at fifty cents* bottle by .1„ Wilson. (6 I Remainder of His Winter Stock at Heav Discout Pricw ovr.„(vAwprr,,...1,..t.:vii,.,. and 1110, ean DOW he had or IL eased iltruspectIvelg., SVITINO (writs. which Crow have Sic to el, been reduced to trann 11111•0441 ether atoods In pisportlon. Call and Imperil the Goods and Prima whet her Lou uz Of OIL lauderich4IFY'elh'est: 11484VAVT HAHHAIN8 CALL AT "THF: IPV0PLIE'S STORE W. 11xtInx..m-r-, cm. odwiels•IL nod steers HUGH DUNLOP, Fashionable Tailor, Nis household should oe oensidered complete without a bottle of Dr. Van Burea's Kidney eure is in the closet. It is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly cure all forma of kidney disease,. Sold by J Wilson Oh! how tired and weak I feel. I doc't 'believe I will ever get through the Spring house-cleauing 1 Oh yea vou will if you take a bette or two of De Carson's Stom- ach Bitters to purify your blood and tone I up the system. In large bottles 50 cts. Prof. Lows Sulphur Soap is highly recommended for the cure of Eruption. Chafes, Chapped Hands, Pimples, Tan, dc. lm A Wide Awake Illeingest- nee, and spares no pains to secure the .1. Wilson is always alive to his btun- llso Washburn &Nam Two Point Steel Barb Wire Fencing best every article in his line. lie has For s dr b. JOHN A. N A FTEL. Cheap Hardware Emporium, Godetieh 7.7VEST EYTRMET, liftal the Finest Assortment of Goods for Fall Wear to Choose From. IF YOU 'A$.\ 1' Nobby Suit at a Reasonable Price, CALL oN HTTG-IEE D TJ NLOP. CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC '* THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN': A full line of all the Le -tiling Molieines always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) , GEORGE RIIT1A52, BLA KE S BLOCK, THE SQUARE B OTS&SHOE Beg t. announce t.. the Public that they have opened businees in the above Ste. in the store lately occupied by Horace 'Newten. Hai ing purchased a large and well mooted stock Id Spring and Summer Goods at etose tgmes, we are determine to give the Public the bene. QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS WILL BE 01111 ICTTO Aree-Please call and examine our gs10411 before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. )1111111 -Custom work will receive our special anew it'll. Atier-None but the best of material used and tiro -dams wool/leen employed. Ade -Repairing neatly done em the shortest notice Goderich. March 9 1882. DOWNING 8c, WEDDUF -- A "LYMAN" B1RB WIRE FENCING. secured the agency for the celehratedDr King's New Discovery for Consumption, the only certain cure known tor Con- sumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness Asthma, Hay Fever Bronchitis, or any affectien -.1 the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles tree. Regular size /1.00. (3? - - - - - Well Stewarded. A liberal reward will he paid to any party who will produce a case of Liver, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitters will net speedily cure. Bring them along, it will cost yon nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you wili be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious- ness. Jaundice, Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money refunded Print only fifty cents per bottle. For ede by J. Wilson. [5l _ Deeliines Aniles Salve. The greatest medical wonder o, the w.orld. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts, Ulcers, SaJt Rheum, Fever Peones, Cancers, Piles, Chilblaind Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, gimianteed to cure in every innance, or money refunded 26c. per box. For mle by J. Wilsenly. stoat Ilioseolloons Ask the must eminent physician Of any acheol, what is the beet thing in the world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the nerves and curing all forms of nervous complaints, giving na- tural. childlike refreshing sleep always ? And they will tell you unhesitatingly "Some form Of H. ps ' • unerree t Ask any or all of the molt eminent . physician.: "What is the hest and only remedy that con be relied on tocure ell diseases the kidneys and urinary organs : such as Bright's iiiewase, 'hotlines, retentien er e. retain urine, and all the die - moss and ailments peculiar to Women"- " And they will toll you emplintly and emphatinilly "Boehm Ask the same iltyrtioans, "What is thy. mot reliseleared surest care for all liver diseases isr dyspepsia' ; constipatiola. indiesetien, biliousness, 'diarist fewer, ague. kn.,- and they will tell you . "Mandrake or Dandelion 1 - Unice. wheo those remedies ars com- bined with ethers «pally valuable Aarl ersipornelool into Hoe Bitters,anets (00selsolled nett week ) 10 ft DMus ill li1111 Now is the time. it vow wish ohe or Iwo nice retires at bowie. ID itee Pollees roofs Pair He has over ,000 Rolis of the Latest De anantihal colors. and at tocices less than very much interim gireits. i and .4.* t I # am the beat value In town. wad must breed Pio 12.1s1 Spring Bum Palms and Fashion, '0.^.° 7w' Alr 13U 7EILIE3IEL'IS