The Huron Signal, 1884-5-16, Page 8i 8 THE HURON SIGNAL.. FBIbAY NAY 16, MC WET HURON TRAOHHR8. to discuss theweetwd Chief hief ewperin- theyr r Araa•ss aa in hesveaes ..d Nae w I teudent n. M*as.i.t ci► Eduntiva at pr.ut, at that is th. Livorno. u1 this 1111ve.se Malagaer M lel aefaee w amtw:atiuu tt to desirable dust the Minis - tor should have • regularly constituted rices WAY- auatrls:, r1ee.IVg lads teary uuuueil, representative in char - Keener, May 8. Ilie regular sourannual aeettug of the West Huron Teachers' Association was held in the school house here, this otorniost as 9.30 Lei The president ue- I auto Sud partly eteative, with letintte powers toad deals fixed by elate • (.surfed. Moved by Mr. Gregory, esooloded by Mr. Ho►tuaa, that it is the opinion of A cupted the chair. this aril. IatIou that increased Legislative Mr. T. Gregory led in prayer. aid should be granted to putlic schox,ls, The minutes of last weettag were read and that increased aid should be by]]ir, S. P. Halls, seaetery pr, bra, dietributwd un the basin of salary pard to A and adopted. the teaches Carried. The ptewid.at explained the estwo of Moved by Mr. Holman, aec•ud.d by R the excutive ouwwitte* at (loderich, M a. Halle, that it u the optuion tet with reterwooe to flung the usury of the members of this institute that there be y secretary -treasurer at st6 per ahuuw, nu opti„naI subjects for the second clan and the appointment of Mr. ti. 1'. Halls candidates, but that they be repaired to to the pusitwn, instead of Mr. W. an exaluivatien ou the subjects pre - Leigh. .cubed on the programme to be taught Moved by Mr. Gregory, mounded by is Fut!" °aka'''. laid tsQulatwaa to Mr. A. Cr•ssweller, that the action of take effect iwmedistelY after the suns - the oommttta be cun6tmel. Carried, mer exawunations of 1886. Carried. Messrs. Gregory. Brown and Miss After some discussion un the advise - Dickson were appointee a *use s cum- bility ot appointing a delegate to the mittee. Provincial Association, Mr. (1. Baird", A communication faun the W. C. T. was appointed delegate. Union, with reference to scientific dew- The following resolution was then HS. pomace education being intruduoed into animously earned . That we, as an as - public •chaula, was read and referred to soeatioa, are of opinion that the present' the re.,.lutiou committee- system of compelling teachers to pay in - Moved by Mr. Brown, setex,uded by to the Sup. Teachers fund is felt t.. he Mr. 1'. Henderson, that S.wben of this arbitrary, and would therefore consider institute be =aided to receive any two that it should be optional of the following periodicals st institute rates ;talc each,) viz, Jour•n.d, Menthe, and Sup,'k..ert. Carried. The aasuciat.on adjourned to 1.30 p. m. lies £FTLII NOON el1aloL. On re-se.eml•ling, Mr. T. F. Young read an away (el " Teachers and Teach- ' ing," which was well received. Yea After some remarks by Messrs. T. .► Henderson, Br..wn, Gregory, Hulman :1 and Huestun, of was Ira. Moved by Mr. Gregory, seconded by '+m Mr. Brown, that the thanks of the nisti- wol tute be tendered to Mr. Young for his very sxcelleut paper. Carried. 0r, Miss Deleon then illustrated her methods of tuscluug an "Object Leeson" No An It sent tlhl lair :'a un fink hath t 11a era' ten tial hut. Chi for wht that eyu t he ben der el is new moo she (-mg tion den. holt tion wail oro, city, crus tone of tt Aft* mita& aMapdp Chur grou, ed b' their ati.•n toren the sl lboer with ,lace ly luv than . and g frat the at only t th oat •f ma One / The annoy: leg he Vellus t ii vat w ('lark, Joann; t The broken that it to In rr to lie a dull int S OT! pr *a troll have ae b 'mow Chicago ins a 1 people 1 borrows bor, Jatt�� it theaq land ►elII stead of the 1addi Charging by lendy trein. ,600. C:itA onnect i4 'stores R few wet tie his Moved by Mr. dolivan, seconded by Mr. W. R. Miller, that Messrs. J. R. Miller, S. 1'. Hills and H. E. Hueeton, be a committee to confer with a similar committer to be appointed from North Huau11, with regard to a union ,neetmg of both institutes. '1'otee of thanks were passed to the Sons of Temperance for use of their (organ, to the trustees for use of school bowie, and to the press kr insertion of notices .1 meeting The in•etini then adjourned t•. meet in Goderich at the call of the Executite. Oslberae. John Snyder has got the best piece of s class, taking for an objett fall wheat in this section of the county. "wheat." After remarks Ly Messrs David Cunningham, who is working Brown, Gregor), !leased* and W. Hen- for Mr. Habel,got his leg broken one day derson, it was last week by a horse falling on it. Moved by S. 1'. Ha1:s, :aa'nded by - _ Mr. Brown, that a ve to of thanks be Igjhat, tendered to Miss Dickwn, fur the very able manner in which mho illustrated her I Gardening operaticus are r'ow eum- tuethod of teaching the lesson. Car- plete. reed- I Most .4 the fernier' in this siciuity Mesas T. Henderson and Cram/mei- have finished seeding. ler and Miss Haile were appoiuted • Geo. Irwin Las returned home after resolution committee. about three years absence in the North. Mise A. Heudcrson them tool up west. Ho bought a farad in the tioinity " Primary Drawing," using illustra- of Brandon and has rented it out. He tions. looks hearty. After ea emulated discussiaa is which several members took part, it was JI Dred and seconded that a cordial �IIg'aIILOII. vete of thanks be tendered to Mise Hen- B. J. Crstlf. rd is having a nes- stable demon for her able effort. Carried. erecte on his promises The meeting adjounled to meet at A social will be held in the Methodist Drew's hall, at :, p. m, church next Friday evening. r*1 iINo mLEr7c..- Miss McDonald, of Ingersoll, is rwit- Un re -assembling in Dres a hall, a dr- A ing her sister, Mrs. J. Al. Roberts Pres - lighted audience listened etch marked byterian church was meld n the the Orange attention to Prof. Chaprna..'a excellent b i i.r. church held in (Irange rendering of the various selections on hall hoe pulpitlast Monday Presbyterian the ptogranuuu, and to the music fur- The u ie then next Sabath churcht nished by the local talent, after which it will be occupied atel Sabbath by ot- wL}a,..j2 , Hee. Mr. Lowe, lately tent from Scot- Muved by Mr. W. R. MiITer axon - land. cd by Mr. 'r. Henderson, that s vote of Ret' Mr. Forbes, of tic school Minneapolis, who thanks be tendered to those who had formerly taught the public ach.,..l •-ere, taken part in the proceedings of the tutted some of his friends in th.s n••i�h- evening. Carried. borhood lately. Meeting adjourned to meet at 9.30 a. BrainsJ. m. in the morning. Carried. _ a6eo$t, 1'AY--M01tala,, agwtloN. The association met at 9.30 am„ the president in the chair. Mr. .Brown led hu ;•-ager. The minutes of yesterday's sessions were read and coulhrmed. Messrs. G. Baird, jr., and Harrison were appointed reporters for the local press. The chairman .'f the text book com- mittee repotted that they had no report prepared, .n amount of the member" not having met to consult, and front sense of thu members .of the committee haring telt the profession. it wan ed by Mr. Thrown, seconded by Mr. Itegau, that Mears. 1:, Baird, sr., a".1 Holman fill the ta.atncies in the committee on text b....k► caused by the removal of Maar*. P. Strang and Duff from the profession ; that the chairman all the committee together proir to the next meeting or the institute, and her Jas. Stretron, jr.. left Bruvels fur Clinton on Wednesday where he will take tide position of tar -tender at the Shand Union hotel. The probability is that Ethel will be /.waB•ilep ( 'Waves. lan,(try and other Waves. the had of a circuit in connection with s. he.. when I will' a ;ea ed to of all kinds, he.. when 1 will 'be ;leased to the Methodist Church. After next con- have the ladies call add ezarnine 1lrles and Perone* it is expected that Roe's, Whit- be promptly at tended tu.t at chute howl wnl field's and the 1Gth con. churches will. with Ethel formthe char, e. .1 parson- 1'. J. MILLER. age will be the next thin;. L: D11a,las toren. Loadaa. Osrr,--It is with no small feeling of regret that we are called upon to chroni- cle the death of Lizzie, youngest laugh- ter of the lets Donald Scott, who died on Tneiday afternoon, at the early apt ef 17 years and 8 montns. The cause of her death was consumption, with which she has been affected for the past year. Lizzie was of a light -hated, joyous dos M AaarNNIS. At the rssldesse e/ the Whirs t tk.r. es ✓ icktkA., ft) by Dllvb J. f 4.- of the stars place. of S A. aMoOaw, /At the reetdesp of the bs'td. tlar. 3-1 the Yea. Archdeacon wucu, aby the Itev'd John w 17 Rason/, fourth dI►t.r of John Writs w n. Ear.. beth of tee town of ttoderict. In (htdertch. on boaday, May Iltb, Ufa Amnia. beeaved wife of J. A. Moon. ILA.. or God `rt b 100 school. aged M years and 7 mea THE HURON HOTSL. Ca41a d- SL ULT$ PROPRIETORS ' The Ilurun wow "late the -Woodbine 8Se resettlr bean reload la every broach. sadparticular bleto 1 of I tr�wr�lgs . every stablelamre..ties has buss stied u) for the faruteee ppeavealseee, Is 1. oa•tae of s not -clam senator. Rates far trait - d ent traveller. 112 per day : Weeks' huts.. fur weekly hoarders. tun Auctioneering W. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the County of Haan. pales attended le say part of the County. Address order* to Oodericb P. 0. lady_ OLIN KNOX, GENERAL Al'C- T)0'.XSR and Land Valuator. Goderich. Having had considerable experience is asalaseeriu( trade. he is in a medusa to change with thorough aansfactlua all com- alsatoas entrusted to him. (leder', let at Maria's Hotel. or sent by mall to my addre.a UOderich P. 0.. carefully attended t0. JOH\ i N0X. County Auctleaeer. Ittlq-tt lexical. 'II E. CASE. M.D., C.M., M.C.P.S., . Ont. Pbysician. Surgeon, AeoettcJam, ire. ()dice -inlet forme/11occupied by Dr. eel llutchinn. Denotation. ight ofaoe-]lar tin's hotel. 1031- B. WHITELY, M.D., C.M., PHY- • • SICIAN, Sur r. Acoucbeur, etc.. M. ('.P.M., °mark.. (lace- The r•quare, 2 doors East of Wilsca's Drug Store. up stairs. 1*41 V R. Mclx)NAGH, M.D., PHYSIC- . IAN, SLROEON, ke., Graduate of Tor- onto University. I.ieeetiate of the Royal ('01 Legal. I DANIEL GORDQN, CAIMIETIAIER &RA(imm ♦ LEWIB, BARRIBTKR$, ('. caress a. Jp,A„ 1toirreo. IL N. Lewis. 1 ISMI. u C. HA YES, SOLICITOR se., 1 Oita comer of to. aware sad West suss. Uodorlob, over B.Wr•s bookstore. rtes._' 1. lead at lowest rates el taterest. CIARROv1- & PROUDPOOT, BAR MSTERS. Attor..sa asllottawe. ate Oalerloh. J. T. °arrow, w. Premien". lit CIAM N, HJLT tNei CA OF, f1ae*tstaelaori�ohtataore V C7tsQaaei�r>. aatta R 1! 0. CSsaarwa COodeeleh w. M. us1. fODERICH AUCTION MART GODERICH ROOMS, aleesesd doer heath Of Tan Menai O... LeadLdd Bun* aoteI .S.4d on /Arasausst.,w. AO/LaT IVR Tea HAMILTON LOAN SOCIETY. Meant Leat at Ursa. /late . MONEY ADVANCED ON GOODS MIT TO THE MART FOR SALE. S. POLLOCK, Real Estate and F °inaancial Agent April lath. ltet. • 11107.1y $50,000 Ti) LTOAN AT a PER THE TORONTO GENERAL TRYSTS 00'Y are prepared to loan money ate per cent.. pay- able half yearly, on TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, 0o Sretclase farm sectuity. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT t CAMERON. BrerYMee. Oodertcb, Agents for the Tweet* Gemara Trusts Coy. Masers. email/as, HOLT t Ca*amio, have also a large amount of private hada to loan on dot-cIiae farm security. Goderich. Oct. 4, 1981 1811-tf I of Pirociaas, London, KnBtnd. New Clover Seed M C P S Oat N0. OtDce and resldcnty� opposite Bailey .a xotel Hamilton un s richipo ttreet. (iod- 17a6•sat DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- OEON, Coroner he. Unice and residence . Bruce Street, second dour west of Victoria Street. 1757. HG. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- . ciao. eurgeoa and Accoucber, Graduate of Toronto University. Unice opposite ('aver -on At Cameron's Bank, Lucknuw, if not to olhoe. esquire at the Bank. 1744-y. DR - .4. SHANNON�t& HAMILTON, alloe wt ter• tsaa'sott a eateatden ro nectar tc. he gaol Uodericb. • G.', SHAN:Cont, J. C. HAattt. 'O'( 2752. EYE' EAR AND THROAT. DR. RYEJc.rrA. Lecturer on the Eye, Fart nd Throat, Trinity • Medical College. 7 eruntu, red turgeoo to the Aluris, 10 18. 1loepitalltorr,ickychll reo. late (finical Assistant Royal London U htbalmic Iluepfal. Metol rlJs and Central Condom. Thrus and Earifespital.311l'ucwt °STncL-r, TuRnetTa March 2728, 1804. 2*4. F. J. MILLER,1 of Miller's hair Store. London, will be a: tie British Hotel Goderioht Oa T11ur..lac ani until Friday at noon. May 22n(1 & 23rd,. h a full stock of R GOODS A I.1 A N LINE position and possessed of • very pleasing or appearance, she won • large circle .4 R O Y .t, L MAIL $ T E A M S H I P P friends who greatly regret her decease. a report ready for the fall meetin , I The fur.eral on Thursday' ahern.on was - elVEHPOOL-LONDe,NDERRi--OLA*lO� g : largely attended. Mrs. Scott, who has that the exp,eoscs of the committee iN from tho funds of the institute. aar tied. Mr. (hon. Holman then gate a very humorous and instructive addresa nn "Whither are we drifting!" coupled with " What can be done to give grater per- manency and stability t" After eenaiderable lively oro*-fithig, • hearty tete tet thanks was given to Mr. Holman f' -r hi. able paper. had a large share .1 trouble as this i, the, THE SU 'IT RAT lin* Hiirl'r TO AND fourth member of the family w hu has ' ENGLAND. died during the past six years, has the `SPEED, COMFORT AND 11111.111111111heart felt sympathy of the community.+ UNSURPASSED. aDun.10p. EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC. S. Rye enjoyed a trip to fti.nds in i Sailings fro"' Quebec. Clinton last week. SARMATiAN Our Iris:,ratan has parted with Royal PARII+IAN The insii:nte aljuurned to 1.30p. m. n1 _ taring him upon the hat e, and tnew ownerlafortttspeed AITL1,tOON asetlo!( l at the Clinton race. 011 re aaseaablung, Mw Oliver read an l Is 1111 1Vaoa1 BAo.--tlwing t.. an ezesllent paler on "Temperance In error in the post *thee at Goderich Tint schools," tor which a hearty tot. of SIGNAL parcel got in the wrong bag, end thanks was triton her. did not Ret here until 10.30 on Satur- day. Many who made their weekly rust for your popular paper en Friday were badly disappointed The jovial reeve was in our burgh the ether day, and called for deputy -reeve Allen to take a drive with with him in his easy carriage, being the first out- ing for Mr. Allen since his accident, Both gentlemen hada pleasant time with mitre host of the Point Fara. Before The fohawing resolution from the real. lotion committee was moved by Mr. Gregory, seconded by Mus (►liter, and unat.irnnwrly tarried . That we, as en association, are strong- ly of opinion that a diffusion of scientific knowledge with reference to the edicts of strong drink is greatly in the interest of morality ; that it can be well imagist in a public school ; and, therefore we me- morialise the Hos. Minister of iiducatien laving Dunlop, reeve Young tasted a to in:orp•rate !croutons on the scientific u- draught of our renowned ince committee poets of the effects of ale.bolic drinks in tunic, which he pronounced an excellent the eerie. of readers about to he peeper. thing for colds and other ills to which al ; and to soaks the teaching of such the gosh is heir. leew.as awupul.o v. M, v.'d 1,y Mr. Brown, seconded by Knees ("moa. Gimaten Aen tens we Mr. Holman, the. tho thanks of the in- stitute he ien.lererl to Miss HeIyar for the eery old. manner in whole she with her class has enl.rtein.d the institute with choice • hem antra. Carried. Tiro.s.r.4ry read a paper iran H. I. Bland, R. A., (who wsa unable to be pr •'..t,) de, "Speller g Rofortn. The .Ica nus,, n nn this paper was poet - ported, ki wan. of tient. A vide of eletot s wa. ,coven In Mr. *mai. Oe. the .toesCon Minister rex Chief Sap rintea.leut of Ediires*.sw, it was owed .. Mr. .4. 1'. Hal's, .eeonded by Me. 0t gosy, that it is inespwdient .a. _ .awtss.•.•r.• ... ire• -"Ry a therougk ksowa elge of 1M nate- rut laws which govern the operations of Aieeselos and amettiea. and by • careful lyleatlos of the gee pawperitct. or well °neo•, Mr. Epps has provided our tables with • delicately ately savoured beverage whisk sere m appy heavy hears hills it is tr. JMieNa tea of boo aridly if Ain t t • cooe/ I tan. stao be aridly ballt uprisen woe/ to everrya. op to disease. Hundreds of sok . •tsMdmen wh�v �j� avowed as ■t. We stay escape maw a orale �•a1epM-taw et.aselves wehl f y pl sad • Preimettertsbed hew: Nee Nbr pore water ec tank. eeM al Icy 1"� bo0.'4 TiRa ns fella wad tuna. .. O , Is Leaden Mtit Co.. FrektingipehM (tt.at.t, SARIIINIAN .... ......, ('illCASSIAN POlLYNESIAN. PARISIAN SARMATIAN °Cittasteps awsi..8018i SARRDiNIANry 28Sith th July VlRtMtit(IAN• POLYNESIAN tW -. PERUVIAN• Pasraeren rronire to leave °.alerich on Thursdays, at 12 o'cl...•kmaking direct ems - se -1ion with steamers at Quebec. 1feo ar T are rending four Mende. , ou can obtain Prepaid Peaagr Tickets at lowest rates at this (Race, allable from England hefted !Scotland. vrance. Germany. Sweden an 1 Norway. ror '1 lease and .11 infnrmatioe. apply to H.ARMOTRONG Ticket Ares., Ooderlcb. May 15th. 1441. OodeHch. 1718 May 2418 Met •• 7th June lith Let .. R. PROUDFOOT Has Jot received his Sprier Steck of flu►. Goods and Groceries. All aro Now amid o all 8oketad which be of- ten at the Lowest Peer) Prime. urn Haa��s. Breen ('kWhe Roller hrlawr-- at. dee /I shorts. a r riseranambeawl Oat& Illaakeba r Wade et heal. Iraraeee Predate wakes ha Etr1sage. sad e de dvered free Is say part of tie Iowa Salt R. PROt'DFO fl, teaser victoria and Norma streets. opposite rale Greases. Goderleb. May etb. 1441. tells TIMOTHY SEED, SEED WHEAT, SEED PEAS, OATS AND BARLEY, BUCKWHEAT, FLAX SEED, GROUND OIL CAKE, ONION SETS. ONION SEED. SEED POTATOES (ail varieties). A Quantity of GOOD FLOUR. MANGOLD & TURNIP SEED GARDEN SEEDS OF EVERY VARIETY, FOR SALE AT SAMUEL SLOANE'S SEED STORE, Canned Goods. WARRANTED. Ch;:ken 2 th Tins, Pigs Feet " " l'orn Beef " " Tongue ' Mackerel (in Tomato() mance,) Salmon (extra (quality-,) Lobster, Mackerel, Sardines (Fr., ch), Poaches (Am "an). Blueberries. Tomatoes, 3 t3-, tins, Green Peas (Fronch), Breen Berens. '• (;reen Corn (American ), French Mushroons, Potted Chichen, Ham at Tongue. Mustard and Ginger in 1 th jars. CHAS A. NAIRN. liaeare, Gr.dench, Jan. 23, 1884, Jas. SilwliJ.ors tie eteay-ccrii. W C6 LU Es erg W.Im..a w CC all o 03 U p.i 14'510E10e C0.11 at =mcasznazub.. 111 O:ED Aao1 Loading fffigortaoy, Hae ea head sew tie WONT 0Tee'a et First - Claus Furniture In the wCatttal alo. as Isom mainmast*. orb. 1 ewr i W1141� a I4ll Say [QSul apwerds� ^ bMrosr , awed. liwbt A# /20. Sew Book Chahw, dews AjC sp wed etrary- Utas Nes la Saar prepoatien. AT THE OLD STAND Between the Poet OMee it Bank of Montreal C30D>1RZOH- Oct. Ieth, Ieig. 2713- D. K. STRAOHAN, PB.AOI'IO. L MAOHINIST, Rome ea hard arspaesppIa ofVtu•te.•taI fur the ]tr(tt Mowers and Reapers I y Hay Rakes, Plows and Agricultural Implements and Machinery Generally. ALL WORT THOROUGHLY DONE. D. K. STRACHAN, GODERICH MACHINE SHOP Goderich. March 27a, 1844. 1836.2m Field sad Garden 11.1.1 The subscriber is no* to furnish Ali ]dads of Plaid sad Garden Heeds W the BEST VARIETIES at rates that cannot be beaten In Oederich. Call and examine ,syttples be- fore purchasing elsewhere. REES PRICE, East Street Grain Depot, Oppoeiti't Town Hall, Goderich. Mesh MN. IMI. uns- GO TO G.N.DAVIS' Ale ear Tee NEW COAL OIL (RI3D ROS33-) A 4 Gallon Can and 4 Gallons of Oil for :1.25. w..s. aaaueactarhtg a Tia Butter that will 0001C by STEAM and ale, the stent Milk Cans with Skimmers. Godencch. April tette left. 1930 NOTHINGSO NICE AS 1 A FINE HEAD OF HAIR, Rereeaber that you all will hate a chum-, to make yourselves look young and pretty. Amides these Mr. have with 88. s tie GOLDEN which. when applied that beautiful Monde mired by the ladies. 11r. L)0kEN WKNI). of th. Pane Hair Works, 106 Yaaae street. Toronto, will be at the British Elcbslge Hotel, 600EtN'a. tt-ith. • Targe and fashionable stock of Hair Geode, sus* se L.diei Wigs, Water Waves Langtry tures and Brags, Saratoga wares, Opera Waves and Bangs, coquettes, Myles Perfection. Letts -Haired rant. chat. Also Gentlemen's Wigs er and Toupees• in all she and sires. of the eery finest pia J` tQU Before. Afar. EUREKA.- -ne latae: inrentlua i, BURBM; • preparation lately disfi. .-overrd by qtr. D. alt. -e bran of esperiaterl'tiog. to remove bar trout lea' (aces or arms without pain or disfigurement, the hair Dever to return. Hundreds ot ladles have beta relieved of this. to lady unnatural growth, and airyh' wonderful remover. This arti.•le is not for sale. but tt tit 1w applied by Di. D. hit msell is t er sty praise this der to give perfect satisfaction. 1f you are bald, or if your hair le thin. I ,an restore It. Ifou have swperlluous bier on your face or arms. I can remote V. Nu money asked if not satisfactory. K 111 be at BRITISH EXCHANc E HOT�T •, C30TZ) ERZCH, ON 197edne34:19/7 and Thursday, May 21 & 22 SIP, 8. -All tran aetione strictly ,-onrderi al. DOR ENWEND will supply or HAIR WASH, to tar hair, pseM_, shade. so auc* ad - GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Hav1n; retired front the Liquor htedssee, i now devote my attention 1. GROCER•iEs Which I win 018r lower than any hour, ,n the county. My facilities for handling svG.� Defy Competition. 1 purchase direct from the hennery in car Ind lots. i also make r Speclatly of curing Sugar -Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon. t i1.44 the followT- R'D BOLD BY T MMj STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR. Wilts for $1.00. COFFEE SUGAR, 12 the for 100 BRIGHT YELLOW, 14 the for 100 worst 81de Court House Noire, Godetieb. MONT L "larblAn 33.6.11B WIRE FENCING. the Washburn & ton Two Point Steel Barb Wire hal*For Sale ay JOHN �. X-111/ 'Ei., (' hap Itaadwaa. Eaporlatn, Ooderteh. BOOTS AND SHOES NEW QOODS- REMEMB ER I Have the Largest Stock, The Latest Stylest The Most Reliable Goods, And the LoWest Price NO TROUBLE WATEVRR TO SHOW GOODS west meat. •est doer to ibe Past tile.. 'The MOONS Maw Vader the Ilea." Aped to IR& OWN1r-o, Crabb s Mock, Corset Bast street and wg0.r. Godorn& May IIb Imo. WI u M° Oa. 0