The Huron Signal, 1884-5-16, Page 7y r71 1 ,e r 5i41. ii , 1r Wtu •l loiAj, FRIDAY, MAY iG. 18o4 Fun anO Fancy. An old hsdr hits filo nail vipers oe the bead whom, in writiatg epos the wuratt sellbage yysestws, she any, : -' • 1 • o. !nay look at She scatter in whatever light you will i bat simmer it down, and who' is *t bet a quarrel with Gig Almighty that we are nut all mem r Dr. (lathe's told a story of his going to preach fur a eteriotl (died in Rose shire. O. retiring to rest on Saturday Wit he asked his friemi if he euufd ret warm water in the wonting to shave with. 'Whist ! Whist " said the host, holding trip • warning hand, and them adding with a twinkle M his eye, "Speak ..f shaving uo the b.ed'a Aar w Rosa° shirr end you used never Pus.► bore any worv. In a parish pot a hundred melee from Dundee there lived, a good number of years ago, a minister of the nam. of Winebouse, who was gory ill -liked by the grottos portion of his congregation. One everieg he met doe of his dock who was pretty ,' and as he cants upou the minister he made an attempt to 'doff his hat,' bet failed. Then the minister said W him, 'Ah, John, I wish there was se public house in tbis parish.' Ab, ay. amid John, 'and I wish to go*dntas there was sae Win.borse either.' 'Count Vs.sili' has a story of German society. An English missionary was ih- vited to the house of a German professor and deputy. After dinner the host o es le- ppeio the naaunary ha the de•ullefe of the ladies. Dunt ia.ntiou it.' said the missionary; 'I have lived cur ten yearn among the ravages of Africa, and am quite accustomed to such sights.' Sosoe-A Scottish village pub. Two old cronies having their morning drink and a 'crack' together. Jock : 'Man, R.bbart. my gude wife an me wis un- commonly weal pleased in' your son's woenistrstious in the pulpit yesterday. He's very clever an na mistake. We were baith winnerin' whaur he bad got- ten this talent and abilitee.' Rubbart (father of the budding parsons : , Wee', Jock, I'm thinking my son Wutlam tak's a' lila Went and eddicyatiun fru. ins ; but i his oratory he tak's •ff his +wither, for' -shaking his head an sighing --'ahs'' bletheria auld tyke.' 1 1 f 1 Fashion's Fancies. Gloves are still worn long. Buttons still remain small and round. The size of bustler is on the increase. Feather trimmtug is worn on spring Some vests are covered with narrow Id braid. Cheoi is pelerines will be much u.sd r the spring. A new aprin,g material for suiting. ie\ e Juchesse. Striped silks promise to be largely worn t the house High colttnand high coiffures aro seen erywhere. The scotch fashion of large stones in buckles is in favor. The Bennetts cloth is still used for mourning c'etuwes. White dresses will be more worn than ever this summer. A new lace pin has a high hat, which la attached to • cane. Fedora ruching. are seen in bright, red orange silk mune. Callan slid cuffs of white pique are to be worn by the ladies. A great deal of jetted lace will be used on wraps and costumes. Berthas of fine, small flowers are ext en - soul worn with ball dresser. Flowers in the hair are almost exclus- ively restricted to full dress. Tamise cloth, made in tai ur style, is used much for tr•vellieg suite The tan -colored Swede glove will be the most popular this summer. Balaycu.ss, plastrons, stomachers and waistcoats are all the rage. Flower fans are used with ball toilets to match the (bursae. b,u•1uet. For seashore dresses get light cash• mere, nun's veiling and India silk. When a cuff is used un $ costume, it is narrow and of simple design. For ladies the Inc.. vest will be inure worn in the poluniase than barque. A new yellowish soft drnh color is call- ed the "champignon." or mushroom. When an evening toilette is elaborate- ly trimase 1 jewels are sparsely worn. P.lerines made of solid embroidery will be worn with white suits this sum- mer. BUSINESS THOU HUI3. Fater. M • rr•naarat sew lent Sitar .ie.er.l Meeat Revolved Naw Yukio May ti. The •Iispeunun el Ors.t & Ward kat been ssn.wuced. Ora. Gent, James 1) Fish. U. S. Grant, jr , and Feedlot/lad Ward com- pose the tire. The embarrassment of the firm is said eu reliable authority to be due to the &hsenoe of cos of the part- ners, who had not been at his place el business eine histurday. Various rumens are admit in financial circle., re- speKing which Grant, seats member of the firm, rays : " I cutout deuy ..r cor- roborate the moues current. We are nearly $500,000 short. Our safes are locked, and anti{ we can find Ward 1 can ieareely may bow we stand. Gen. Grant is inv..lred to the extent .A $950,- 000 in the failure of the firm of Grant it Ward •resserseing aches: Grenada. I1 is pleasant to read the warm words spoken by gum' and influential men in favor of planting school grounds mut only for odor nuimit and shelter, but for all the reasons f..r which pictures are put isle school books -to teach facia and to impress them by actual seeing, se that the lemons csuu.n he fur tetten. No pictures can be quite so true or s.. fully detailed as the living objects which are each • volume it' themselves,turning t'4 new view. to the observer continually. There is an increasing advocacy of this eacellert sort of school equipment ; and w• roust hope that there is increasing practice of *t, especially since aeversl leadiug fines bare published their readi- ness to supply seeds and plants for achoofyard planting at almcst no cost, eertei° conditions to secure them being observed. One speaker on this subject lately avid that the children must be de- pended upon for the ornamentation of the country. I1 is tune then to begin their lessons. Another writer says that sanitary improvement, especially all re - cesspools. sewers, et z , etc., shoul i ve its first patterns on the school grounds, whence it world spread through towns and homes. Every school board, wherever it is possible, should on that account include at least one capable, energetic, and publie-spirited physician. The children should by all means. have • share in the planting, naming and reg- istry of the trees, as well as in the are of them. -(New York Tribune. osiers/7 5.51.... Cana.Wn Methodist Magazine for May, IOW -Price $2• year ; $1 for six months : emits per number. For sale at all book - done. The most notable feature of this num- ber is the translation, with copious corn - trent, ..f the whole of the newly diaoov- Aired work, "The Teaching of the Apo.- thes," described by the New York Inde- pendent u "the moat important writing outside of the New Testament new in possession of the Chnatian world." This unique document is attracting the great - ..t attention. Hie Honor Judge Deese contributes en exosedingly trenchant re- view of Bishop Fuller's articles on Chris- tian Unity, which he controverts with the greatest rigor and ability. By a tooching coincidence this somber, which contains a notice of the death of the late Rev. W. W. Ross, contains also the last production of his pen, an able article on the reit Baptist preacher, Robert Hall_ There are also four admirably illustrated articles, viz.. Halifax, N,►i., Homes and Haunts of Luther, Lady Brasay'a Ad- ventures in Chili, and Britain's Oldest Codot,y. Kirby's 1'. E. Loyalists, and other papers, make up an excelleet num- ber. /leett reeves. iw,llar upon dollar Is'ventrally spent on the faith of recommendations lovas-Heals entirely worthless. Not e. with M11t-0rewO s Speed ('ure : you are not asked to pureba•e it until Is merltsarr proven. Cellar G. Rh nal drug gore and get a free trial iMlle and If not con- vinced It will cure you of the wont forms of Uy.prrwia. Lit rr Complaint, etc„ SO matter of how 4ot•a standing. it mets you nothing. Sold in 50% and $1 bottles. Nee testtmnials from persons M your own town. !m Posnpsd.er Sowers she sewed all ore: -the material which covers some bonnets. Flowers and feathers figure lergely in the now evening, dinner, and ball t .dots. Stitching and the esutache braid re- mains as popular a. (ever for trimming stuff suits. Plaited jerseys. with halt. fastened with a buckle, are the newest things in jerseys. Embroidered Swiss muslin dresses will be the most p pular at the seaside this year. Many of the wraps have the front tabs panted tinishe 1 with jet and pasa.men feria fiza res. Acme velvet saits are seen, with a wrap of the same with gold braid on it put on in figures. The velveteens shown this season aro mors soft, silky, velvet-like, and durable than ever before. A largo proportittp of the loll dresses worn by young ladies are either made of or covered with tulle. Puffs or stria/Gets of nhhoa, velvet,snd is.. with jel Cockles and .ornaments are growing to popelanty mss w rs1 sl»vMa1 A morsel hong/ freight left Frans the other day. Haab year uoe of timei general nspeet.rg el prisons vimits the au otmlral penitentiaries where atomises °oaysot• are serving their time t.. eek for vulantesrs to go to New Caledonia as .*.res fur convicts serving out muteness. in that penal colony. Fifty w used whoa answered this appeal were shipped the ether deo from tiurd.aus, aol when they arrive hi N.. w Ciledueia they will be divided beta.eu the :ear religious establishments, one at Noumea and tom other k Botarall. The ety.viets of the first clam -that is, those who have dis- tinguoahed themselves by good conduct and who are acco.rdintly to be rewarded by lied mate --an intoruied of the ar- r.val tot timi women. Those who aro un- married, or who are widowers and desire to gest married, go to Noumea or to Bound!, where they are allowed to make their shotoe among the women. Of (bourse they aro not forced to hake a choice, nor are the women forged to marry if the men who select them do nut plater thorn. The authorities introduce the men and women to each other and allow them to act as they please. Dur- ing the haat century a more rapid and Note curious system was in f••r:e. Who., the women arrived they, with the men, were draw.* up in liner to fa_eeach other. The name of a man was called and then the name of a woman, and we the t had begirt called r when rho lar couples thus paired were at once mar- ried -[San Francine° Chrouicle, oh! how tired and weak I feel. 1 dot'! believe I will ever get through the Spriug housecleaning 1 Oh yes you will if you take a bette or two of Dr. Carson's Stom- ach Bitters to purify your blood and tone up the sy.tew. to large bottles 50 ctr, royalty 1a the lineserp. Nut long betture she died I saw the old white-haired nurse of Queen Victoria and she told me some interesting inci- dents connected with her long service, among them how bitterly the then young high-spirited queen wept when she found that state etiquette consigned her first- born to the tender mercies of a wet Lennie and how vividly the memory of that time was recalled to her !majesty when the tell rang out in celebration of the birth of her grandson, the future king of England. Then she and the fair young princess cried toge.her like any te;, simple women of wenn maternal hearts, and the latter dectered if she wasn't allowed to nurse her own baby nobody should prevent her washing him, and so she did, donning a flannel dress for the purpose and putting the tiny prince in his tub herself. -["Cress ' in the Chicago Inter -Ocean. In the history of medicines no prepa ration has received such universal cum- mendatiou for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kid; ney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by J. Wilson, 2m A BAlvtat'a TR*rtlloe*. - For a Cough, Cold or any Bronchial affecion. "Pectoris," in my opinion, is just the thing. I have used it in my family for Cough. and Colds for the past four years with the most unvariod success, and to- day my opinion of it is that I continue to think sell more of that which I began thinking well of. Gao. Katt, Manager Ontario Bank, Pickering. Price 2E cents at all druggists. m Dad ate tae T "No ; she lintored end suffered al(ntg, "pining all the time for years. the doe - "tors doing her no good ; and at last was "cared by this Ho, Butters the papers 'sae so much about Indeed '. indeed ' "how thankful we should be for that "medicine Froeman's Worm Powders require no other par alive. They are safe and sure to remove all rarietics of worm& m ile househoM should co e.nardered ecrnpie(e without a bottle of Dr. Van Buren'■ Kidney Cure is it. the closet. It is the only remedy that will positively, perannently and promptly cure all forme of kidney diseases. Snld bps J 'wi1ha11 2m The well known strengthening proper- ties of Iron, c,mbined with other tonics and a costo perfect nervine, are found in Carder'. Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body, and tmon,ve the blond and complexion. lm Not another Pill *hell ors dews lay throat again, mid • Mama, "when 1 can get sue% a prompt anti pleasant eons for my billows attacks, u Pr. ('arson. Btom- •eh Bitters. it renders the wind pure and pool and makes •ends spring medicine. Lege bottles Beats. A threat Mina. 1 easel a dinner party, and they were criticising Mr. Brown. "But, pa," maid little Johnny, "Mr. Brown hiss a great mind," "What makes you think so, son r ask- ed the father, looking around serenely at his guests. "Oh. I heard him say moo himself :' At this there was a general Laugh. "You heard him say so himself, eh 1 Come, tell us what 11e aid." 'He said he had a great mini to sue you if you didn't settle that bill you owe him." An Millesies Tribute. Theron P. Kentor,editor of Ft. W%yn. ind., a,r=rfle, writes : 'For the peat Eve years i have always owed Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs of most severe charectev, as well as tor those of a milder typo It never fails to effect a speedy cure, My friends to whom I have re- commended it .peak of it in same high terms. Haring been cured by *t .f every cough 1 have had for five years, 1 eon - seder it the only reliable and sere care for coughs, molds. et -e.' Call at Wilson's i Drug Store and get a Free Trial Bottle. Large lige $1.00. (2) Prof. Low'. Sulphur Strap is highly recommended for the cure of Erupting. Chafes, Chapped Mande Pimple., Tan, Ra lin A Rwsafss - Of nae glsess 'T.asum- sv" to any see wading the best fear lire rhyme tar. ' rasktaar, ' the nt11/bable IMtlo gem for tom Teeth sod esti Ask year Jrsggeat or address Seem/~ Trl.d9wery. Oseteral Ls. rt -1 . eel dirt r i is to the point terse, feai.k, ..1d4.1...r. H• r very diseritutw• 1. r un Is thanks, which Ise °utilities 4 w . t .+ odic. re rine M ,- .gwen, of whom ere atassy, ■Igo hair striven to Im peeve the u pprarance and do. idiom ili of a force. V., shall be Lied t.. learn succeeds he suoods *hemmer his d.*t) calls hire - (ktuutrssl Witieso d /Mhlsa ns rsseessry, Wm. J•.hnn.n, of Huron, "Oak., writ.* that his wife had barn troubled with acute Bronchitis for many years, mud glut •{i rewwiros tried rare no pertta.e.t re 1ief, until he procured a bottle of 1)r. Kings New Demmer, fur Cuusuutl,uon, u CuuXhs and Colds, which had a .agloal effect, and produced a per.neneit curt. It is ituersnteed 10 cure all abbesses of Thnrt, Lungs or Bronchial Tubes. Trial bottles free at .1. Wilson's drug store. Large sirs $l (40. 15) .th The .en day three ruuebn kidnapped • young girl at Clinton, and taking her outside the village hrutally outraged her and left hof in a dying condtti.d.. In London the other afternoon ayoung Nan named 'L.rrison, hearing screams near the Victoria bridge, hastened to the spot and found three young men dragging a sixteen -year -(.Id girl, who called piteo'uely fur assistance He struck tine of then* on the head with a femme picket, knock- ing him down, and the .then trade ref. No arrests have been made. These out- rages aro becoming altogether t.'" com- mon in Ontario. and if the hrutes can he ideatiitel they shunld he moat severely punished. The police should not let the motor rest.-[Tur,mto News. A Unrests/eeevery That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by seeing many of their dear ones from au early grave. Truly is Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss .f Voice, Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Sio1e and Chest,or- arty disease of the Timid and Lungs, • positive cure. (1. earl tinsel. Trial Bot ties free at J. W ilann' a Druyt Store. Large size $1.00. (6) 410 Thousands bear witness to the posi- tive ccrative powers of the GREAT GMM- NAr1 1¢vluoltATtra, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general debility, se • 1 weakness, imp.•teI*4 V. etc., and all diseases that arise fro:u ...li- mbos. or overtaxed brain, finally ending in consumption, insanity and a prema- ture grave Sold by all druggist., ..r will be sent free on receipt ..f 81.00 Irmo box, .r six Imamfor $5. Address F. .1, Cimino-. , Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States. e:end for tiredaland testimonials .of genuine curie (leo Rhynas. G ,derich. Sm Donald Smith. Wooditock's new c'rirf of Police, was horn, we believe, hear Lucknow, where his people reside. He is twenty-eight years .tf age, 'tions 6 It 3in. in his stocking., and weighs over 200 IM. A few years ago he made unite a reputation for himself as an athlete, having heater Dineen C. Rtes mud others. He has been .n the Hamilton Police farce fer two years, and comes here recommended as a thoroughly com- petent officer and a man i.f stnct habits. -(Woodstock Et'entinel Re view. These are *NM rasa. Th. beat blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly- is Electric Bit- ters. Inactivity of the liver, Biliou•oes Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, oar say disease of the firinari organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or wild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitten the beat and only certain cure knows). They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire .atiefaction or money refondea. 5.dd at fifty mints a bottle by J. Wilson. `t] weeer She I's. 1f you are milierfng with low and de- preseed sprits, leas . f appetite. gooseddebility, di•..eAee'sdkww hl, weak ennsti- tntnnn, hwadeehe, Of tiny dogmas of aprosier*bil- tova nature, by all means prosier* a bot- tle of Elertrie Bitters. Yon will lie ger- prised to see the v*pid improvement that will follow ; res •111 he inspired with !sew life; streingeb evil activity will rico ; pain and misery will erase, and I* ee- fnvtk you will repose in the praise el Elsetrie Ritter. Snit a1 ilty calif* * ld ho• by J. Wilsoi. NI ry Da. Low'* Ptaa*a,Woaw ST agreeable. - An agrehle. safe and effectual remedy to reweve all kinds of worms. m Alm.. t .eery' pill contain• eal..mel as.e oiler ueinwa{ c..rt•pusI.Js by. lisswu's Stoutech Inter. is purely vegetable and , takes the I.latra of all oilier 4wrgatrves. 1.. Iirvte bottles/at 50 omit me A ore saving Perkin. Mr. M_ E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kap , saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con- sumption, which caused him to procure a largo bottle. thetc onipletely cured trim, when Doctors, change of climate and everything else had failed. .tatIrtoa, Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, It is guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J Wilson's drug storm. Large size $1. (1.. A ttlem.r table escape. Mrs Mary A. Dailey,of Tunkhasnock, Pa.,was afflicted for six years with Asth- ma and Bronchitis, during which time the best physicians could give no relief. Her life was despaired of, until in last October she procured • bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, when immediate relict was felt. and by continuing its use for * short time she was completely cur- ed, 'minim; in tleah 50 Ila, in • few months Free Trial Hoicks of this certain cure IT IS ` * i HU NB171i, LCT REALITY. That I)iphth.eria n tie of the nor danger - oar donee.. aid annually sweeps awe) thou. mai, of etillA.ea, is • fact which no one can deny. and that Ala tun in navy cases are pr wrrl... against it is just as true A node :bo• that' is • tert.ln and sure sure for ilii- dangerous and ,- ntaglou' disease should be haileol witbloy and warmly welt otn.•rt by es cry fam`ty, for u.r to tine of treed. A con- flagration is nrnch mom easily choked et the beginning than after II lira gained headway. Su it M ■ irh this dowse•. Keen medleiuc on Mind and do no' %afetal it Is tom late. Such a on gas is ,trrr..l the public in 1*11:1t- L.t?:U't GII'Ii r't.!t1A aid ('Itot't ACV, We ere t', -,ni<hIr eor,s'need dbal it will answer its pia, , • 1. 1' re. patent 1„t‘ e '., ea taken out for s tri• l•"nsit.i..r, of 4 .1.. and pnrs.tioaa ant taken that uuvue ., ill .n11- 1..'. it. We kind's- s.k uodlal men v.., give 1.:. n•niedy a trial. Testimonial.. circulars and trial bottle+ sent on apply ing for. Address Kee, K. I*:I:ItLI,tSC Zurich P.O. Onuarlo. Fee gale at si i.0. RMl s m*' Meng Meer. e:atl -rich, rmt. July IS 1 410. 1711-( Itruglriate, • oar• ..r egtaet:eO'► _----_ -- _ - -_-.. ----- tion.. The ice u!nr muenuly ,rid cnly b1 A week . imide at home ry the in J( and C. Ki,.WET k .CO.. "T1.. '1 ill lset. ." PI and RT King set. ting., Toro ■n) ' dustr.o.' Bret busiue•.* now be trial package runt by n '.'. 1 n 1 „td or n tripe •i fort• t 1 , ,..rd:, .. r rg•o, a taut t..rd of a 3 hent 7Aj ! r i. of c .. S;en. %u Ferriage sr Hrtr.e\'a ss/ t. *Teti. '!men, bar - .nJ t; t w/to lt el . cry where, • t'orkfo•o•. Nov. isll,lintr. You can work In spa r• lino% cr rive your wh.lo time to the buslne-s. Nu usher busier.s will payma you nearly s a well. Noone can frit e• Health B LL make cornrow pate• s. free. rot at ou,a•.•. is 1Tf Costly ,,richt and terns. /sec. tion - •nadc fast, easily. and hon ,-.Air. Address Tot' a at Co.. .k crusta. /Wee N3L'I:ANCE CAIN. •NITI.11 ANL CO'T. lioro*Tt g.t.111•at. PII(KRIIX INK. t'O'V,N L•nt•tn F:•ehtad: Kmabtls►od ITd. ■AKTYOkh INN. ('(YY. of HAaisuun 4',.' rst•Itl.lwal lila Rist takes to the stove eget-erase (le a' (..lowest nit.• by IIORAC►. Nail T( N Tito untlerslipe.t is ale i1 e.. -t.• i h, CAN A!' PIER. LA/AN ..1.1AV INCL. (0, or Toucan von Mosey to I.•an a fire(-. teas w.. oar.! y , sem 7 to a per ('eat, - Charge !moderate. ',atom Hot YON. Udder` -h Stet. 1e. ISM. ROBEBE Thour.wesol Oared, are as*tia.1 hiked .t their eN'llor,l4 ,s prok.nped. happiness .,d health restored ny the use oftkcrrreat GERMAN INVIGORATOR! %h,. L 11,1,1.5 ei) and peratal ria ) eurol fr- Mtrae, n-au.ed by carcases of any kled.t arw*I.N Wire ann. sad all der ares I Mt fol. low a- a .rqu', ,' of &elf..tbme, ■• loss cal ga- me}. hos of u,emory, wehereal lassitude. Iain h1 the Ir. k, dimr.•.• of vision. pr. wa- Iurr"la ago• and reran) other diwa.rs that ted to insanity or tonsumrtton esti • ma Ma- i e.• toga. e. S.•ud for ulcer, with ti elimralal+ In a by nail. The 111 11114.411111 %T•M i. room as $1 per hos. or at: tunes tur 15. by all druaai rami oar will 1..• omit free u.y Mail, r•curely real. d. oti recto.; t of price. ter &Adenosine Y. J. CUENKY, ItruirM e. In Summit lel.. Toledo. 01.lo rx Aa, Kate Accent for Goderich Is people are al way s oft the Zook out for chancre to int•Mse i hose earning•.and it. time ha ,one wealthy ; chore who do ..o 'uprose their opportuu airs remain u, Ia,s erty rye offer • grata chatter to 'mike intoner. We want mea. wo- men. taut. and girls to ark for us in the,r own I.w'alnico. Anyone can do the work pro- perly (nun the *ret start. The buainr.s 5144 pay more than ton time. ordinary wages. Ks- prrli r outfit funi.hed fret. No one wbo en dear'.• falls to make money rapidly . You can gerv.lc your whole time to the work. or only your nd all that information ne,'ewary sent freeAthinma ttt. win t ('u Portland. Maine $6N-00 Am we u& We will pay the above reward for task *0; cone Liver (bmphair.t, !q'sp'pela Iadtg.MMa, Coast limit it•n or t'cstiv.nits we when thedinrtitonsare•tri.11 eb melted efb. They are purely V egelahle, ar.0 serer fall to gt. a ,al iafat•tion. wager 'nal rd. I:arlro Puree contnining 3* 4Nlt..:•• rru r. rear sale by all The People's Livery, J. P. FI3}8 & JOHN HAOIi Having purchased the U. erg bo-ines. of .Ino, 0. Swartz. formerly owned by Rotw•rt Kerr, solicit n share of public patronage. They guarani. a satisfaction to all. ant offer The Finest Rigs .tT RKA•'(ONAI4I K l'Itl('I:S. ('AI•I. AND 4.00 1'--U,.pndtc ik.ile)'. Neel. (;odericb. 0uderteb, reb, lith, Isla 1 4m •int. Ilfe is ,swccpi , t by. rad dare bcfoct• yin di somethiag nighty and gab lime leave b.•hind to conquer time. *Oa week in you own town LS outfit free. No rink. Everything new. capital not requirjd. We w111 furnish you everything. Many an• nuking fortewe. i.adies make as touch a. men. and boys tad girls make great pay. Reader. if you watt Currie...at which you ran make groat pay an the time, write for particulars to 11. Ha4.LIT-r &Co. Portion Mal $1000 FORFEIT .f all Throat and Lung Diseases at Jas. I Moine the utmost ronfklrncr in it. super Wilson's ltrug Store. Large Bottles (Drily over all others, and after thousands of $L 00 4) tests of the moat n,mpltcated and severe' ca.r. we rnn1d find. we fret )uarideal in ..filt- ing to foe fell One Thousand Pollan for sive case 0' a •uyr s, colds, sore flee at. intw•nra hoaraet., -u. bronchitis. consumption in it. early ..ni-t+, whooping cough. and all diereses of rhe three and lungs. except a•thnw. for 54 1, h w,• ;.r'. claim relief. thnl ar rent run with West'. I'rough Syrup. when taken atvoed ing to directions. Sample bottle., .2.5 and 'a rents; large bottle. one dollar. u• imine wrappers only In bine. Suss to allIrutg hate= s nr oot by ex receipt ceipt of prier. .1'*HN C'. w KNT d` ("0..ll and Id King erre: Fiat, Toronto, Ont. teed at JA4. R -1I SON'S !wag !Pore 0°derieh 1915 - view Wb Pee V..r/1•■. Wsakesed sy IN. ease. Debility .ir N'aspsstas. 11a. Great (b.nuen Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nervous de bility, universal Written., forgetfulness, pain in the hack or sides, no matter hew shattered the system may is from ex- amen of any kind, the (creat German R. Oily will restore the ',at functions sod secure health and happpiness. $1.00 per box, six hates for $5 00. Sold by all druggists- Bent oe receipt of pt's, poafale pail, by F J. Cheney, Town,Hein, tole meat for Ueited Staten. Cir osiersand te.timoni•ha sent free. Roll by Gen. Rnyuaa, solo agent for fiode- aish lbs ar.r's plaid tiattl.tstae 1. ami only 'ostentationns relief foe New TOW Hoadaeh.. Towthaeb, etc. Rule Shaga few drips trrtakly is all that is na.dstt. N.. taking mammas mediairis. Ise wools, bat on. nrhwese's apptiestioe .,Mees• all pain and will prow the great drive el Lrans's Plead LKitrw4 • arts per beetle at Gems,Rhyesi drug star. Int. 0. C. tVcs'rg N0wvs Asp I1tAlo TREAT rt NT, a guarantied specific for Hysteria, 1)1: rima-.*. Convulsion.. Fits, Nevous Neuralgia H. ad., he. Nervous Prostration canard by the use of ah,-uhut or tobacco. Wekehulneu, en- tal I*•prre.i.n, Softening of the !train. result *nig u. Insanity and leading to misery, decay N and death. Premature Old Age. arre.nseas. L so of Power In either lies. Involuntary lose. .o • ' '. nwtorrlo-a. crowd by over-exertion o1 :he brain, self -above or over -Indulgence. (Mme Max .111 erre recent cases. Foch hoz con tali. (w*t month's treatment. One ilullar a box r six boxes for five dollars : sent by mall pre laid on receipt of price. We guarantee six oxes to care any came. With each order re- . ed e..Iced by us for six boxes. to compacted with ...' o dollars. we will send the purchaser sur w ritten guarantee to refund the money if the eatmcr.t dors not effect a cure. Gi.arantee sued only by JAMEa WILSON mole author i ed agent lnrOoderieh. (Ont. Jolt (' W KM. * CO- sole proprietors, Toronto Ont. HAGYAR O.S YELLOW 011 CURES :R:13EUMAT tSM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Ase plraetat to take. Contain their ova Purgative. Ib a oak, sure, and milt dsstr. ee .1 ~me in CLtldres or ,_ 'rl -mJ tNNE SOT AiAIAAN LINE WILL CUM OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS MII/NESS, DYSPEPSIA, IROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART ACIDITY OF FHE BTOMAd DRi *EGO OF THE SKU INDIGESTION, J 4 JND/CE. EPYBIPUTAS, 8ALT RHEUM, HE -ANTRUM, HEADAOHE, And entry species of Memos arising M roserderedllLIVER, tatr< p tarsA001 ROYAL MAIL STEAMSH1PF LIVER Phot: LOwDONDKARY-f1LAfirMlt T. ■ILBURN 10., °" II1l Tse Auoaellise SRA Wxtta To A!fO nova EN(1LAND. SPEED, OOMFORT AND SAFETY UNSURPASSED. RAILINGS MAIL LiNK. Sailings from Quebec. RA M • XA>t . 1 May IAN Nth R NA141)1XIAN CIIt( ;' 0I*11*0 POI.1 PK1tt'r1AS P♦ RINIAN Jinn let filth 11lassers w M eMkark et Portland Iw*la*"ea ys,.t lit e•cleek . est ltesla .la Hsllfar with the Malia awl PasemiR.r. Ieay.. O°derlrh every W ad fgsiay. •1 IT were*. rlsaaY eeet(asate timid M gr+atly redeem! relit o p'r•ese wk*lag Ie 4(ag their M►nda IR 'Muds and alINIredertiailew. apply to H. A R1ilTRONO Tleket Agent, Kroleelah. GelmllM Awning. Ill. gp ' :k4; r GENUINE INGER sEIVING CHAS. PRETTY, Ha.ha hoc. me' agewtlite.. .d Itsn lr ataaT? .rsehtno, bee. t. the trial pnhtle pate renege. sad sty renr•e Trj the 8enaine Singer, R td.ase t V kkee street, moor t t, r M li s (knee. IMMISIMM Dee. 11. ism 45.1 11a weal at t:am . akeldelw Ave m••1, .err. Norisk CAS. horrid Reader.If •..alae• his at whisk grpennon of either ws,or mid. Ilwa wart Mtn N. Ilrertalrmat dw;ti (p rise t s t. auJri? .e c o.. P r.