HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-16, Page 61 1 r t • e 1 a a t 1 6 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY MAY 16. IAA. Chs Poet's Cotner. A IleNam Pa.. A worry taw teas in Seek plsasatioa tau Ai nobody 111 May old blot walsse be lea hal De b...st Uag le de sees you meditates •boat Not, Is to klader,aerter ..alkera.'. ) uu'u a.t *left yr Went Nm.' W'ea you try to'pruach dad mule from de free. endwise, He look as meek a. ,fuse., but bi. Iuok• w full eb Ilse; 11e du.t.it route a insole. Lc doesn't rim wish ; As' you say bis d..penittun'a bcttrr'n people t yak. t ile •tan' so 51111 ).,u .•• hr is s monument of grans ; Am' you Mame' see • l .ule',t ctprw.loa ea the face ; H ut dal 'seriatim cape setou :s de niesa dot's ellen worm ; For de debit it bedtu' :t )e t as sure se You u burn. Dein ; -, ,'....et bun n L1•.t.sa'roe pat Ns mbar red. An' yo_i hua r; .(.!arls., dal Lr Tai 4muel1 .our friend You has nsade a big mistake ; but before ds Lcnrt n•I.eu'r, You is Wa.ted wrrry .udden to de udder side de fence.: Well. ) us feel like you'd berm aandin' u.1 dr lucuututive taark An' de engine colo. an. 3d. yo . in de middle ur de back ; You duo' know w list liar happened. you kin ei nicely .oteh )our bred: Rut y t uik )uuv.• made dr'it uaintance oto ,. wi-ry . , 1..111 deg. /lilt ILL 111 .:1.1 DI:+. No- • :n in de rout is orecleely like de tuule; An' mites!)T. p!:as maid it usltus lie me a fuel. I1 look au mite) iunercanl; but bumpy. •t..,. 1r' were For sltbo i h d.• k., . bidden, de ki. i; .s all- eys there. 'Ef 1 !sib .y,nt, •o d.it eom:lusion twenty years ago 1 wouldn't a been Lame to -day. t Dat's sat 1 said, bet 1 bower better now. N went up •:hs . .r:een fret. ani win 1 landed 1 wassail tsa,:c p. 1 said suntan' to inyet!'bnut dat mule; but It wuu1d11't sound w II ill de poem, to l let it oat. 1 f ndept•ndent. D r. D.aald Marlred es Pedal hestaNlty. In c mliecti'nr with the series of ser• mon which hie bene; delivered to SL Giles' Cathedral by the Quern'• Chap imus f.•r Scetlatd, Dr. 'IMAM lfacle..d, 31aegow, preached est Monday forenoon un " Svc tal lur•luality. •' After denerib- tng the suurcw and (Ammeter of the social tette nen•emeut in Europe, he asserted that this widely spread re.tlessness and craving after a liberty, e.t,utl.ty and fro ternity to be estaolisbed nn the deatruz tion of s•,cicty were a warning and a re- buke elven by t!.0 stud of history to the Church, in tae widest sense of the term, i for its neglect of the true brutherh'nad which Christ ',reclaimed. He showed that there was :.n equality and an in- ' equality ordr.ined of God. inequality in the Divine sense was pruductiveof social benefit. But there was auto' her form of social inequality which a is of the 1 devil, and which it ought to :.e the aim` of the Cbrietian Church to ren, •. e. The I el tin reparations and the hatted• whicb I rat w prevailed were full of 'oral, and the cot mon of mases of the people who Mot, alienated fromall our churches I (nigh to arouse the meet serious anion1 tion o the Christian community. He denounced the hypocrisy of those who, indulged n seeming righteous indigna- tion agair Lorded proprietors, or be- , wailed the fferings of Highland croft• , en, while a their own dons, in every ; oily, were renal inequalities and social cruelties, hiddeie► in the streets of reeking tenements, t hat `wero *bad as the worst of the evils they',eondemned in others. i After touching mi what might be done to mitigate the curtsy uiences of the laws of supply and demand, end of heredity, Dr. Macleod declared th}t the Christian Church ought to be the true meeting ground between class and class, and end- ed by appealing to every individual to do their best to remove the spirit of alien- ation by endeavoring, each in their dif- ferent spheres of influence, to display the spirit of sympathy and kindness. He appealed especially to the employers of labor to become personally acquainted with their employees, and to c•ndo.tc.., to (dace society on a foundation of brother. t ly love and kindly consideration•, rather than on the basis of selfish class interests and seociel ostracisrn. The false cry f •r a fraternity to he gained by the runt o1 the social fabric ...mid be efficiently met t .only by a living exe,nplifiat' of the v t'hnstian conception ..f the brotherhood . f man through the knowledge of the (Inc Father. h A Rad •Srmity. 1 The loss of the sense of hearing is Loth v annoying and dangerous. Those suffer• ill f'om deatneek should try Hagyara'a Yellow Oil according to direct' . This invaluable household remedy cured John Char#, ..f Millbridite, (het., restoring his d hearing ire one week. 2 a t SIODR*RI! BLUJIBZSABD. New as .s-Teaesee WaMse Perietased Me ANeersew ole Neis_.k Nauseas. Charles K Neville, a married loglieb• um..tl, formerly ewpluyed as a waiter at Thome'', Chop House seed the Turoetu Club, left the sty last fall for Detroit. There he secured • position as c,sichman iu the family of C. J. Whitney, a wealthy gentleman, well known in dramatic sad musical circles. The Whitney" are among the dile of the city c.1 the straits and the financial pr,epe)ts of the daugh- ters of the house materially euhauoa their natural charms in the minds c•f matrimonially imbued young men Some weeks ago Miss Lilian Whitney, a young lady who has just passed bee 21st yea-, displayed a "narked fondness for taking long drives in company with Ne- edle. This fast attracted the notion of her brother, Fred. Whitney, ntauager of the Detroit Gratin Opera House. The drives were discontinued by maternal u• nrmand, but as the lovers still continu- ed to meet under various pretexts, Nt- ville was discharged a few weeks later. Last Friday afternoon Miss Lillian drew h r 'monthly allowance of pin money and disappeared. Sespiciun was directed to Neville, who was also missing. Ihtec- uves traced the pair to Toledo where Neville who left • wife and child in De 'r ,it, was arrested on a charge .1 bi;amy Pape 11'hitney came en to Toledo in a special train, but his daughter defied the paternal authority ant! announced that she will never be parted from Ne.111e. The coachman claims that he is dlc„r std flint the wife he left. The statement had also been 111541e un the newspapers that lilies Whltney,wheu Neville was arrested in Toledo, bad re- fuse.' t.. g" holnu to her parents. This is lv.! true. Miss Whitney Is at presect S topping with her father in Detroit, and thinks that country will be the greatest says she is anxious that the man should place in the world for raising cattle. hate :. for teal. She :.ls, says that they General Spi))ner, who had one thou - were rr;ularty married at Toledo before sand women under hint as Berks and a jlotlee • f the ;team, and drolly believes - that her husband is au English noble- man Miss Whitney has s.1«, ezpresse.l a wish that her husband should have • fair trial, and if the proves his innocence - that 1:e is not a bigamist-- she will re- turn to him. it h.• sloes not, then she will renounce F::.•. TEIiI WORLD Ovrn As Metered Ir S. aelres .t ear s1- atde era-geewrW. F'ys • paper, speaking of the SINISMi.n of women : 'Part of the drill of every suheul *sight to be the reception, by a wife in an old dress, at adinner of boiled beef and carrots, of an unhooked ler guest, thoughtlessly brought buses by • recklcse husband.' Civil marriage in South Atria" is ant a lengthy rite. The Cdusies ,is a ttu-a that a happy par entered the Queen's town house ; the bredegrouw paid OM, signed a document, took bid spouse b the arm, and walked her oat of the bail .rag, s•yiag : 'How do you do, Mn.- -r The ceremony lasted two wmutes. .A schoolmaster in the school at L,ch- godhead, in the Highlands, has invented a new way of punishing unruly children. He has, it appears, kept a small bottle of orator -oil .•n the utautrlpieeol of his.choel with which he occasionally anointed the face/tit unsat.Iactory pupils, and s'nn- tin is toured it down their throat.. Mrs. Jennie Moore, the waged • pour wood chopper in the village of Wood- bine, N. J., is said to be a rival of Frank rayne, Dr. Carver and Ira Pune. bite peFrforms all Frayne'a feats, ineludine his backward shot at an apple, and recently she shivered a walnut on her husband s head at the first attempt. Her favorite trick is to light • pari.or match with a rifle ball at 20 yards. Lord Moyle told • Winnipeg Tinea te- porter Tuesday that in the district when his rancho is there are 150,000 head of cattle all to excellent condition. The average loss during the winter was only 2 per eerit. Large numbers of cattle are continually arriving at Fort Macleod to aback new ranches, as 1 Lord Hoyle rui:MKR vILLAI!tlas. ace. %intents in the 1'. S. Treasury,leaves upon rec..rd the testimuuiel that they counted more accurately and rapidly than men ; that their ability to detect counterfeits proved to be superior in almost every test, that they were with- out an exception honest, and were in- variably mere careful and painstaking in the work, Det riot , 'May 8.—Yesterday a cont- The d.sth rate of Russia is the highest wuuication was received by C. J. Whit- 'int Enr, pe. This isattributed tothe tau uey from tae Superintendent of Police ! arty of medial .nen, and the habits of in forenio, saying that Neville had sere- ; the rural population. According to late MI a tern In prison at Toronto for a returns the average duration of life is crime similar t•• his recent affair in this only 2i years, and the mortality ainone city, and that he is now wanted by the infants as trightfut. More than GO per Canadian anth,.rities on a like charge. cent. of infants die before they reach Another letter has been received from their fifth year, and nearly '2,000,000 the prosecuting attorney at Newark, N. children perish ever) year. J., *ying that Neville had a wife in that Titers is no likelihood that a railway city, and that he, the prosecuting attar- tunnel will ever be run under the At- ney, would come on whenever Neville'"' lantic ocean if the 'Kean steamers con - trial souk •place, and brine the victim tiaue to increase'their speed as they hire and the certificate of marritge for use as evidence against him. THE TE[TH ABOUT THE MAN. Hamilton, May tl.—fie'.. S. Newbold, the party whose name at pears aarociated with that of Miss Whitney, of Detroit, in the recent elopement, wise some years Awerican squatters are making a raid ago a resident Hamilton. /Its father on the Indian territory. United States was an officer in the British army, and troop», assisted by the Indians, are try- oaue with his family to Canada and ' ing to keep them out, and trouble may started in business as a hutchtr on James b. expected. When all tho free grant street, in this city. Newbold being a lands in the other territories are taken done of late. A short tame ago the Alas- ka ast',nished everybody by crossing the great divide in 6 days, 15 huure, 11 min. On Saturday the Oregon arrived in New York, from Liverpool, hating beaten the Alaska's time by 1 ht ur and -Ni minutes. man of rather prepossessing appearance, fair education, of some ability as a speak- er, and any amount of cheek, worked hilself into the good graces ..f some in- fluential parties of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, for a time acted as Leal preacher at what is known as the Stoney Creek and Barton churches. He awn got into trouble through his dis- honest acts, and on one occasion gut into a pugilistic encounter. In the tatter it is stated he excelled. He was of course expelled from the church. This occur- red about ten years ago. He then went int., the faking business, running it fora he suffered, is now rr e 1 in the r n- short time he has been heard from seve- ral times, and is known to have p,lssed [11Mia1 task of ridiculing thy personal ap- himself off under some three er four pearawce of Hua T. %%. Anglin different name. In due time he turned Nodr., n;elodie,are childlike, planutr up in the Toronto Courts, charged 1% Alt and entoti•ewl. •'If we _could divest bigamy, fur which offence he was sett-- uur.elves'.1 prejudice," sail a friend of t)nced t , ft :e years in tate Kingston Stephen Foster, •'the old emits that once Penitentiary. He was then lost sight floated ?II the Ohio an' one in feeling ,f, and nothin, in.'sre was heard of him and du:..:tet sjb the "sags of the ill he dewed up in Detroit. Hebrew .'i.tis.s by the waters of Baby 411 ALA,/ Lty[a AT rTTERtn)aot'.eH. dun. Pte dud is theta the satin :ale ur up there will nct be much chance for the Iudians unlit* the squatter. tuns their attention to the vast areas of land in the west and southwest, monopolized by wealthy Englishmen, and forcibly take pwseastun of them. The refined and gentlemanly editor of the Mod, who was once obliged to have a hurried departure from Ottawa to es- espe beim brought before the'bar..f the House of Commons for having made an eutrageons and lo.,rtle•s attack on a member of patll.autent, in sraich he ridi- culed a physical deformity from which Another despatch from Prterho,oug!i be"mvnl:ant and separation, the same says : —J. Newbold. the celel,rat.d rid- faitpa nsi c sorrow, the same simple venturer and most indefatigable prspec• lath and childlian torsi'ins, the same or m search of domestic happiness, in. maid to -element ernes" sn'1 pts5ionstesweetuem eking the commission of bigamy with like metal in the night." Mormon frailties, has his "home- in Peterborough. He as popularly credited ere with having mute up t.. Blue ieard'• ►matrimonial standard of . :nue wives. He is • deep at.d dangerous illain. Luke I'lupps. t1,• condemned (murder- er in tae Kinds ic'i j ti', has absudoned all hope ..1 esc-..ii', the [allow., and is n ow .-rely anxious that the fatal .lay "hal come. Hu rid to .ane .4 the jail attend- ants • Inc dap ago that lie thought J Juattcc Burton (l.abt hire Axed the day A TMttm.f lkpIar d t'eald,aer. ' 1 ctecuts-on loris,•. s., that he would to The it.divi.lttal who places trust in out of suspense. His lawyer wrote to many of the claims of advertised rem.- Washington, entreating the Secretary of ion is often sadly disappointed, but the State to ask the D•'minion government tray of facts regarding the honest vie- fee a commutation • 1 sentence from nes of Burdock Blood Bitters are nulls- hanging to impris.•nment for life. An nteb's. It powsitit sly runes disci**of answer has been received, and it is said he blood, liter and kidneys. Investi• the cue is "not one that alta fur inter - a cprelme■ .f lab/Is.. Clitoral The ivory o1 the 1.,y who took the broken wheelbarrow home and *seed that at he mended, as hia father wanted t.. le rrow it again, is generally supposed a to ire • fiction, invented to improlle upon dull intellects the sublime impudence of some people who borrow. But as sure as truth is stranger than fiction here we have an 'meaner of it that goes the wheel• b Olow story **Vera! ;mints better. .t Caicage roan, McFarland 1•y name, hat ing a lit.'s j. b of painting, as many W people have at this warm of the year, borrowed a stepladder from his neigh- I ' dor, James Burns W▪ ht l h it the step -ladder stave way and KeFar- p gate the proofs and testimontala. 2 f'tt•ice- Mr. Gladstone is tiro in his 'etermi- nati•.n t.. let Ireland share in the ellen- Mon of the franchise. He says in reply to those who attack him for giving the franchise to the Irish peasants who do not now enjoy it Chit it would be impos- sible to maintain the union between. Rnglan.i and Ireland except by giving equal rights to both countries. i1. has Why suffer fr u. net -tons pr. 'orations no fears for the future as regards Ireland, hen you can but a g,wrantee.l cure at , although there are those even in the ikons drug store .1'- ranks of his own succimer" who enter - Why should amen whose blia od us warm ti tarn grave apprehensions, believing that to enfranchise people who will . sure is use their franchise asa weapon for the platy e.tbin stag. There are but few that have Nes swNered Immo intolerable pain from Teethanhe. Veurelgia. or 11 a acute pains. Te them sack n Instant r'elie as Fluid Llg.talag ts an am Almelog le tier of treads. 1!s lmigas tag. olMm slre edletnes to be takes for da hie happlication .' Pion! Lightning cnrr. it ! nt ti. !Rhyne.' Cot e e was Hang land fell, broking one of his rine. In• steed of Ming grateful for the loan of the ladder he brings s;,it against Burns, charging him with reusing the ancident by lending an lintr,atwor.hy article, and Oaring the damage done ti. hia rib at $2,500. Cestistaen. - A nam • well known in ! sanction with the (lair ftenewer,which estates grey hair to ..s natural color by e few weeks use. Rodd at lie yenta per bottle by James Wilson. lei sna, P Ns'• Warm Powders - dsstr.', and worms withi.ut in Seeory tri eel haat m � Vit Ire hisgrandaire cut in alabaster! Or lett his hair grow rusty, scant and thin Whoa "Crew AL[as aawwwse t will make g.row the faster. For sale by J. Wil- son 2m T&ea.weda Say M. T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Kan., writes: '1 never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitten to my mstomers, they rive entree satisfaction and w rapid sellersElectric Bitters are the purest and beet medicine known and will posi cicely cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purity the blood and lees the bowels Pio family ting afford to without theta They will Gave sundered* of dollen in dnrt'•ra hills every year ;old at 50 eta a bottle by J. Wags, [3] destruction of the union• is a mistake. But on the broad ground of equal rights Ito English, bush and Scotch it would be impwrsble for Mr. Oladstorne to take and other course than that which he has marked out. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup has removed tape worms from 15 to 30 feet in length. it else destroys all kinds of worms. m Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating is 'shored at once b) rattlepil taking one of Carter's fie Liver Ms immediately immediately after dinner it..n't forget this lm nitend- are Me Nes... As sionwategs teratimatials will skew, there is no "sone reliable core for deaf- ness thee Howard's Yellow Oil. 1t is also the best remedy for ear robe, sets threat, creep, rheumatism and be pains and lame — ',sweetly. Used internally and externally. 1 Shoe v*b•k+•es Saddens. Mrs. Helen Pharvia, Nu. 331 Dayton N., Mimeo, 111, is now in her sixty- eighth year, and states that she has suf- fered with Consumption fur abut ten years, was treated by nine phys.ttatts,all of thorn pronouncing her ase hopeless. tibe had given up all hope of ever recov- eries. kleveu bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption completely cured her. Doubting ones, please drop her • ppotrtal and satisfy yourselves Call at J. Wilton s drug store and get a free trial bottle. (1' Swing is believing. head the testi muuials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy • b.t.le and relieve yourself of all those distress- ing pains. Your Druggeet can tell you all about it. Sold by J Wilson Gudencl.4 2m The use of Pills, Salts,Castor Oil, .(e. and .ether nauseous, griping Catbarties a unnearsary, as a pleasant substitute is found in 1)r. Cameo's Bitten, which act as a Cathartic without gripine er causing nausea All druggists sell it 50 cents a bottle. t'Iwb mases. We have made arrangements to club THE SIGNAL with city papers at the rates given below: -- Signal and Daily World ---------3.5O " Weekly (:lobe 3.25 " Mail ...... 2.25 " Advertiser 2.25 Pier THR rook DTN•RPTte. -Poverty with perfect health is rather to be chosen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the magic effect of a dollar bottle of Fut NTAiN or HEALTH. For rough conditions of the Skin, Shampooing the heed, Pimples, Eruption and skin disuses, use Prof. Low's Sul- phur Soap. m All Nervous Debility cured by the use of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and lirain Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere s:.ld at t1'ilson's ,lrug st'•re. (2b) .an .ta.wer it sated. Can any one bring us a ase ..f Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure 1 We say they cannot, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are de:iy re c.aumendiug Electric Bitten, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or t.ny urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the kne- els, and act directly ..n the diseased parts. Every b..ttle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a b'ttle by J. Wilson. [1[: %alt abeam tared. Are you troubled wire Salt !thrum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; if so, 'go at once to Ge... Ithyttas' Drug fitore and get a package of McGregor .t Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. It was never known to fail. b A mantles bSseesery. Physician's are often startled 1,• •e- nurkable discoveries. The fact that 1». Kimg'. New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, 'and examine into the merits of this wonderful discover} re- sulting in hundreds '•f ..ur best Phpsi- ciana using it in their ['ractic.. Trial bottles free at .1. Wis.,n a Drug Store. Regular size 31.00. . , t) National Pills act promptly upon the liver, regulate the beetle and us a pur- 1 native are mild ..rad thorough. - ►ti There are Lees • fpr"pie going around .rurtthhng, and half sick at the 44tomaclt all the time ; who uu.ht be well and happy, if they only used Dr. Carson's Stoi na:h Bitten occasionally. It is a splendid blond pnr,fier. All druggists 30 cents a Strwlsg 1. all Maekted. 10 these times when our newspapers are hooded with patent medicine adver- 'tiselnents, it is gratifying to know what , to procure that will certainly cure you Is, you are biln.ue, b1.ww1 out ..f carter, liver limonite, -r _eneral debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure you s'.quickly as Electric Bitten. They a -e a Messing t.. all mankind, and can be had for only fifty cents a bottle ' of Jam •s 11:IIwu.. (2c [ treAS COLDS. A. aDDNCfiITN And all LUNr' RFL ECNPF of RS NS* the advanced Star. of CONSUMPTIOI• J' W. B R AYLEY PROPRIETOR• MONTREAL. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. GE 0. BatxruRY CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Gcdorich A good asaortssest .f Kitchen. Hed-roes, Dialog Room and Parlor r'.raltare sash se Ts Yes, Chats (hair. ease •ad wood sset.dt l'upbonrda Bed .14041. ItaUr.wr. Weehpge. Lomge.. della. WIND beta Looking Utsesrs. N. R. --A osmpleteasem'isSM of Collins sad Shrouds always re bared ales Hearses fwr►4 at rtaiareasi le rate . Pieter, gramme • specialty - A call •otc.tt.' l:al MAN 111111M111111111MplmisiTiti W1T1a Tela OEGORAPHY Of TH14 COUNTRY. Wm, KR NY NRA—O TINS NAP, THAT TN1 CHICA(<;O, ROCK ISLAND da PACIFIC R'Y 1 B eing the Creat Central Line, affords to travelers, by reason of Its unrivaled geo- graphical pcsitian, the shortest and beat route between the Nast, Northeast a.W Southeast, and the West, N,tt'atee ft and 'Southwest. It Is lit3,aly and strictly true, that Its cdeneotlon• are all of the principal unite Of road between the Atlantic end the Paniflo. Sy its main line and branches It machos Chinago, Joliet, Peoria, Ottawa, La Sall., Genesee, Moline rind Roca Island, In 11.. lois 1 Davenport, Muscatine. Washington, Keokuk. Kno.r.11e, Osk.sloosa, Fairflel I, ON Moines, West Liberty, Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca. Audubon, Harlan, O-,thrie Conte, and Council. Bluffs. In Iowa g Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven- worth and Atchison In Kansas. and the hundreds of Woes. 'magas and towns Intermediate. The "CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE 93 as It Is familiarly caned, offers to traeeters as the advantages and comforts Incident to a smooth triton, sate bridges, Union Depots at all connecting points, Fast [sores" Trains, composed of COMMOOI01l$, WILL VWTILATVt?, WILL HEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTtR[D and ELIOANT DAT C0/414E111 ; s one of the MOST MAGNIFICENT HORTOK LBCLININC CHAIR CAR$ ave r built 1 PULLMAN'S latest deel•:ned and handaomvt PALAOE SLIIPHIIO CARR. end AMINO CARS that ore acknowledged by Snead ant: people to bs the F1M[ST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY. and In what's superior mesa are reeved to travelers .t the low rate of SEVENTY-PI%1 LENTS EACH. TNRn. TRANS each way between CHICAGO any the MtSSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MINN[APOL1s and ST. PAUL, Ma the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A Mew sod Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankakee, nae recent:y been opened, bet wows Newport News, Richmond, C-ncinn.tt, Indianapolis and La Fayette, end Council Ntirffm St. Paul, Minneapolis and Into -mediate counts. All Through Passengers carried on Fast [sprees Trains. For mors, detailed information, see Maps and Folders. which may be obtained, as ell as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada. Or 0 R. R. CABLE, R. 8T, .IOHIIC, Vltyer►ree't a Oen•1 Manager, Osn'I T•r't a re ' wise Art CHICAGO. LE IPILu. R U RE Sick Rsarinrhr and relieve all Or :ru,h}y -r'i dent to • tritium .ate of the system. ,urh as 3> a- em5.., Nature. Dvewsa.es, Dames aft • r . a:,,[, Pain i■ the Side, 1e. While their moot r'-, , rk• able success has brew shown in rewire SICK Read rb.,yet Carter's Little Warr PiIle arc e. pally valuable in CoesttpaVsa, miring and prerenone this annoying eimar gat, while tar, also corn, t all disorders of the esgaaeb, eiimalate the h.rr mid ',salute the beweta Sven if t 4,-y only nerd e ar Ache t:.ey would be almost prie.iem to then. who Meer from 11ts distressing complaint; but forte - timely their goodness does act tied kers, and times who onee try them will Rad them Ma pine 'alt - able la se sts y wsye Met .bey MS set be wiUies to du without than. Dat after all sick head ACHE Is the bane of se moor be.. that her - . -. ere teake oar greet besaL•Oar pets cur . ,YE: etbere do sot - Carter'. Litt. Lime Pills are very ewe ear very easy to take. One pr two pins make' dose. '157 are strictly vegdable W do sot gripe or purge. het by then guano miles plese all she see them. 1s., rule at m eats: eve for 111. Sold by dregglsbi everywhere, or seat by nerd. CARTER MEDtCINE CO., Now York City. Tlie Se8ii!iller P1o. FARMERS a.. of Meantime, Plows of the above being Nom It te •.4 te, oma be tor 1111/,the .am. by appuleatinn to the Fonadry, Goderich. Rapaln of s!1 t1.. aM„• plows an also he ob- tained et the seine ptaee. 1 Reductioe of 46 Per Cot. Ot es Plewa e'en. Aepfy to C..4. HUMBER, Managreg Age,., Ooderleh, Mare *hi 111.4 O MSS.eb CREAT �URIItiGTON IRO UTE• „,„ ti PRINCIPAL.+LINE The eHOttTl ser att:IcK[AT sad BUT mm to e. Sow" whites. T..}•ka. 0. 1- soa tea.:.., Gal• 3535., Aad sit pews in Iwa, ■el.r"0*. Miss». rI, Ea. me, New Neese, Armies. flu Was sod Tessa Ci GI- c '. WHO.. has n., .np.rw,r rex ttlrrt I.S.. MInn..p ids and Sre /sat 3 1'ionary repined es het. Else Caceres. ly conceded to lt. She Mlle/ eRailroad le the r -.r mi closeout irate: KANSAS CITY An c n er,ious sae* ie 1' Through Tickets rya th Cei.hntnI Line f West el oaken • tie t' 5. and Came& Tnh and yon .111 Sae trsvr:lne IatJn. assert f a din . ,a.hrt AS Intnnn u i.,.a sheet Italr...4 Far-. W....pin: • m.o. ?Tr , r11•"'riu It aijr.l 1 T 1 Pont'. PIBC[YAL LOMELL Y Nor /Nate ("WI Yeeneor. G.t r... set tr,eas.. lis. rates: r. Ili. Canadian Paas. Ag t, Torono, Ont 14. NSTOx, Tick,' - Agent, Godes\ Arad sit emits fee postage. and receive Ace, a petty bot f rn'db wide& will to sey Mee a ret eel f omeAr lhle arwt knee read »s. so.weA from Ant hoer. Tee to fortune epee before the ty sere. At oars addr.s.,Tatia t )(alae. yes way Days Uvyds : "Rhe knows her man, and when you rant and swear. Can Araw you to her with a single hair." Bet it meet he beentiful hair to have such pr;wer ; anti beautiful hair aaa be ensured by the nes of Cinnabars Rani Raiawaa. Vold at Noss. by .1. Wilson. Ills V