The Huron Signal, 1884-5-16, Page 3t7itio
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Ellstaco, tea Outcast
MI Paan Dann as wotwuvtttt
Tacit £$D WILLT CaatteD off.
All was dark and silent in the iodated
outage uooupied by Suaaoe and Willy,
as the prier -Raul approached with steal-
thy steps A man oma Marwood it each
window to prevent the *seat e of tame
within, and • group of six or eight t,.ok
up • position in trent of the doer.
The leader and sp.nkesmau of the party
gave • low but distinct tap with his hard
knuckle a quiet, deliberate kweek ,
whsch had nothing in it, mud
which as not cakulated to alarm the
In the quiet night stillueaktifS round
easily penetrated the small building, and
ceute at once be heard by any .one not
•Is that anybody rappin' et the dont f
sled a voice filen within, in a tone of
quiet eueuiry.
'Ay,' responded the leaders, lac..ui-
cally. s
'lent you, Joe 1' added Willy, who wee
the speaker.
ws the ready reply.
Willy said au more, but unsuspiciously
roe, drew on his drawers, and went and
opened the does. 1L as foment a strong
grasp was laid upon him ; he was dragged
over the thre.hhold, lifted in the ants of
several men, and brace rapidly away.
His seizure was w sudden and unex-
pected that in his bewilderment ho had
but time to utter one alarmed cry, when
a bead hand wee pressed up,•n his
mouth, and he was hurried forward over
the slope towards the beach. Willie was &
strong fellow, and struggled desperately;
and, despite the number of these who
cerried hint be freed his limbs and gain-
ed his feet when they hal neared the
water-.ide, at a spot to which the twat
had been brough round.
'What's the naeanin' o' this T' be roared.
r....., -••.ora.---- .
a Witted* as eammaadtag mid • Ald-
aat that so one ventured asci.
'Thio is a mastake, 1 tell you,' he con-
tinued •You nay be euramrsiuned by
Hie Government to force actual seaman
into the naval service ; but I am • lands-
men, and the tyrnsnuas pruvsetlttid cea-
aot b. applied'to ate, nor to my br$hsr-
b•Isw. If. therefore, you have taken
him away, lot bit be instantly released,
sad we Wall treat this intrusieu as a
-NIy eye, how he talks,' said the had -
a ..f the men, tuning to the rat ..f hie
P•",1 -
'Hai couldn't husk grander if he was oat
the quarter desk of • seventy four,' ob-
aarrid the torchbearer.
' 1'he i Mb/ ..d short of it is, that we
care sant here te proms you two and we
must do our *My,' said the loader to
':lent to prem tis.' Qlrrled Swtace,
turning pale. 'We 4111110 WVS authori-
ty to gave you such aa idsiaao a order.'
'Don't know, and don't caro Dothing
about that. We must leap to our in-
structions, and these are to bring you
aboard our cutter, whose light you may
sus out in the river. So come along, or
as my tame is Tum Putter, we must carry
you by the bard.'
'No, no,' screamed Lilies, 'you
nut take him sway.'
'sorry to disobey your orders, my
pretty lass, but go ho must. Cheer up
tbouith, he la conte hack ere lung with
plenty of prize money, and then he and
you will have • jolly cruise •shun.'
'I tell you this is and must be wine
prepoeteruus mistake,' exclaimed Eue-
tace. 'I ant by birth and education a
gentleman, though you find me in the
humble position. The instructions you
speak of cannot therefore include ire.'
'Shiver my timbers if 1 know any-
thing about birth or education,' rejoined
the leader. 'Kut you are the partsculer
craft we were sent out to capture, and
by the Lord Harry we mean to do it.'
'Ha' my seizure has been specially
•Iesignot,' exclaimed Euatace, as a ter
rible light suddenly broke iu upon him.
'Yu ho, ntertaate, your're going 'Tell me, is Randolph Galena your
aboard a Kings ship--tbet's all,' ex- instigator r
c!aitned one, by way of reply. 'Metter learn to call him Mister Gra-
'Yes,' cried another, 'you re to he pro- hanae afore you go aboard the Hector,'
muted to; the service. We want a stsart was the admonitory reply.
built craft like you to have a chance o' .1 have guessed &tight then, exclaim -
prize money. So heave ahead my ed Euatace warily and indignantly.
hearty, &ad your contort will be along- 'He is the author of this outrage. But
side in a jiffy.' men, you will not becutue the instr-
'Dae ye mean tae say we are tae he men:* •.f such a base, infamous project.
pressed?' shouted V%illy,in wrathful con- You are brave, generous free-souled
aternation, as the truth of the matter
rushed upon his mind.
'Oh, never mind paying out any more two of your follow -countrymen of their
jaw -tackle just now. Just stop aboard freedom ; you who hate tyranny will not
and wrap yourself ii. a eat cloak.' commit an act, w tyrannical.'
'I'll dae nae sic thing,' exclaimed •Blees'd if we ain't doing you a migh-
ty service. messwate,givtng you a clunes
of being & hero. If that's tyranny ac-
cording to your lingo, you've gut yut:r
larnin' out of a bad dictionary.'
THE HURON 8$ AL FRIAY• MAY 16, 1884.
He w, therebte, Ms*i«1 W main 'Tea,' ataewered Railph, with curage
fates btu the beet, which was hsteatly bitteruwe, 'and we hem ail to them' the
Moved off, end the deserted lilies was e gentleman for tier disagreeable w-
aft alone en the beasts. «catimon.' 1
' Eanwell, my Lilies,' salaamed Sae- 'Idly brother Randolph I' sad Ku• mss,
test age angry shadow derkeoinj hu eye.
•We *Wall meet attain ere hemYnur half -blether Randolph,' return -
'/arnw.U, Lilian,' attested the no Ice ed Ralph.
enraged Willy. 'Use the alai that's is 'True . and it is a c.,.a...Ltu,u to thank
the bus.*, and if we are cwt back when that we did not draw unlit from the some
it's wearis' dear, try ow tied out Coale breaks. But why bas he had you kid-
An ever broadening strip of water now 'Because 1 knew more than he dared
Row between than and tine shore, and trust me with,' replied the gamekeeper.
with bursting hearts did brother and 'I had his fortune in my hand. aid he
husband gaae en the white twittery ht ere was afraid I would betray hint And I
Oat stud with °lapel Wands upon the •hall,' continued Ralph, etrikwl; has
beach. Against the dark background clenched fist on the wooden wall of their
of the weeded slope the white -robed floating prison. 'I'll watch and wait for
Lilies stood, like a mute and m•otieuler revenge, and will have it if it should be
statute, looking throuvh the der,mess twenty years after this. He the toaster
spun the teat that carried from her all of Bengarry ! That he never shall be.
she held dear us the earth, and they in It will be yours yet, and I am the man
turn hent forward over the side of the
bort to gaze on the rigid solitary figure
tin darkness and distance reduced it to a
speck. Bet long after the sailors in that
boat boat sight of it, those two, having
their vision quickened by lore, maw it
still. W illy lost sight of it belong gui-
tar, for luring raved his hand to brush
the blinding team, the. speck of white
could not be discerned when he again
directed his eyes to the shore. But the
dry seared eye of Kuetace still dwelt
upon it. No tear had come to allay its
burning heat, no mist had gathered to
moisten its habitue brightness In
silent stern rage he sat, his sol a prey
to intense concentrated passion, and a
fierce desire ler retaliatory vengeance.
This last cruwnieg act of Randolph's
persecution had raised a Ieoniue wrath in
his bosom, which took the form of sine
rstribntine act. The sense of injustice
and wrong had burned w deep now into
his mature a te change it in a great
measure, by bringing uppermost them
passions ani feelings which formerly had
dutneered beneath. The experience of
Will, wee birtblsasd. Ye ltd mem Ay, ay, yet' Imam.' eagosded the
aromaseearomalike it, tad did ant under- aufur a bo had received the oonamslld,
stand that • great, strung, rale* nature, adem
Nec, and Willy were lel to that
whease overcome, r tame • tce moved part of the ship situated betimes the
far beyeOd elgl oumuaou unIteetattun of quarter deck and the forecastle.
'Fustic., he reoeat.rl euuthtugly, 'hu
nay sake dine& tat' on in that. Lilt is
to as ,bwnefaD.
a etre Manse ad Isenalaees.
The great household remedy so pupil
in the hands u • hither than tout, as' tar with toe people Hegeso 'e Yakut
sae are we for the part el that There Oil --s abke valuable foe external and
—there, dee try an' come to yersel'.' internal use, curing rheuteuism, colds,
TWs fist tierce trnonotrelLble were sure throat, croup, frum bites, burns.
bruises, sod all lemmas, and wrenem of
having spent itself, the emotion gradual- the flash. 2
ly subsided, till it reached a point
etas east.srttee.
when Eu•taty was "Rice mon "neater of Polsoa's Nerviline, the new and ono
hinself,and with • strung exercise of tun pain cure, is used with satisfaction
self-control he quiekty became calm and in every instance. There is abundant
Orin again. mason for this, for it performs all that is
'I •m glad you touched that chord, stained for it. Nervi one sa never-faii-
iag cure for cramps, pun. w the mde dR
Willie,' h. observed, 'for this Ica t belt, lumbsgu, s.,re thrust, chilblua.,
laved me of illy hunting agony. My toothache. Ner%'Isne is in fact a sun
brain has all the time felt a if os tin,end remedy fur all puna, both internal and
but for this escape of feeling through
that will brine baok your right. Yes. tears. I must have hem bereft of remise
both of them—and how have 1 been re- was 11 not eneugh make any 1111111.11
ilt1110d But their treschery shall „coet scut Mil with rage and anguish t.. be
them deer. Ralph B1°141° th• tont from the side of his nearest and
nyan to be sold like A slava'
'I understand nothing et lame you am
talking about, Ralph, observed guatace,
who had 'Mewled in great surprise te the
gain,- keeper's tierce but ineoutprehtinsi-
'Of course you don't, but I do ; and
when the time comes se shall you. But
1.11 tell you this much neor—Your step-
mother fanned the flame of your father's
anger, and laid her schema to get Ben -
tarry for her sen. She knew all about
your courtship, and employed me to
watch everything and report. I did
watch, and I did report , and things went
just as she wished. You married Lilies
Sommerville, and your 4ather turned
you off.'
'Well, ItaiphO rejoined Eustace, 'it
doesn't say much for you to have &raided
in such a vile and wicket' plot.'
'I had my remon for it: lie answered,
dearest, to leave her in despair, alone kiss oil Line often ruin. It is he who
and unprotected V‘illy, a Government 'should take time by the forelock. lie
should check disease at its first appear -
which acts so cruelly and tyrannically,
ance . Much dangerous *peptone as colds
and coughs &tomtit la destroyed at their
first appointees oy Dr. N'ilsoges Pul-
monary Cheer Balsam. This is the
tent us that it's liandolph's detail's t• beet remedy or these diseases known.
'It is done at his instigation,' returnee
that he had a cough for years which he
feared would end in consumption. Dr.
Wilatin's Pulite nary Cherry Balsam cur-
ed him perfectly.
is not the Government of a free ANout3-
'But,' suggeeted Willy, 'hasn't Ralph
the other; 'but ho has employed only the
insane the Government sanctioos and
pt....vides. If this degieut wrung is not
at once redreseed—if they refuse to re -
Wks. Ye no
lease us anti force us int., the naval leer- ir trouts!ed with an vinheeithy. atow-heellog
sore nes acttregor Parket' Carbolic cerate
vice -1 will not answer for the deed I You will find it invaluable fie healing. dean,
ins and eimimetely mooting your trouble.
nay be tempted to commit.'
If the Blood is out of order. take with It a few
'I wonder whore we are neo, said dotes of Met:regor's Speedy tore from,
Willy, putting his face ebbed te the little ith)na"rug aro
'By the pitchin• o' the
square of iglus. Waitateteriie. D.C..
May 15th, IMO.
ship I jalouse we are in St. Aruirt•w's
Ozert.zstee—Having been a sufferer
for a long time front nervous prostration
Suddenly the outside bdt of their pr: -
and velment' debility, I was advised to
son door was drawn, and two milors
try Her Bitters. I have taken one bot-
tle') past few months had wrought an 'and you'll know some tone. I can keep tete& tle, and I have been rapidly getting bet -
utter revo'ution in his being. That my own council new.anil I mean to do it. 'Hiroo heai ties '' exc'aimell the ter ever since. end I think it the best
medicine I ever used. I am now mining
beine had been auddeulv quickened, in- But I tell pie, Master Graltome, 1 hare feretweit. 'Arts vio.i keeping the morn-
teositied and developed, by lute on the
one hand and wrong en the other. The
On• had awoke int lively vehemence the
the power to pin Itendolph Grahaine,and tag watch below ,,
gone, and I WW1 111 tletp.111* Until I tried
I'll do it. Bengarry shall be yours yet,
In stiswer to the reugh shake, Ralph your Bitters. I am now well. able to go
and I am the man that will ,tet it for
(Tenet' his eyes and started a moment or ifttw`'t ',rot do re7 own work• Before
teoder, generous, noble qualities of his you ; but don't thank me 1 ir it, for it's
two in utter betelderment, hut alueot in- taking it I wa. completely prostrated.
heart, vihile the other had called into not fer your sake I'll let the secret out—
stantly he remembered where and what I -----m.mitio-6-41111.*--.
action the sterner tributes tif s. nature it's for revenge.' he was. and with an ill-nnturel growl At t toe seas•ai of tne year there should
which wan strong and self-reliant through. , `1th,' said Eustace with a sneer, AI can
out. He stood now on the basis of his ; quite understand that neither regret,
manly independence, and circumstances nor reiuortc, nor sense of justice, will in -
had fortified him with the resolution to !Nonce you. But doee it not strike you
ii.....t as well sa to think for himself. that you may never be able to &mom -
rem and shook hinisel:.
•Now, then, say fait:well to your com•
rade', am" heave ahead.'
'Seems your destination is different
. from ours. Ralph,' said Kustace, holding
British tars, and yeu, the defenders of His capture, rough and ruthless though pleat this revenge which is to secure. jus- his hand. 0-012aCIRIOISL
our nation's liberty. weuld not deprive their treatment hail been, were not tice for you Your netzure tienignt at
ty, I remember he said so,' muttered •
wholly unfeeling, fur one hed thrown a Randolph s instance, is clearly for the neigh. P A NIATG 111ILL
be a battle of Pectoria in every house.
It is unequalled for Coughs Colds and
hInereenese ia pleasant. equally safe for
children. Price 2:5 cents at all drug-
gists. in
Willy. 'Ye hae ;me richt tee press Ine.
tin a sailer, and I'll no gang.'
'lls'ay there, my lad. We've got you
in t• w, and we re not :genie to allow you
cloak around the halt -naked form of wpm of preveuting you from betray- ,
My ship is the Falcon. Yours is tee
&ammo, as he sat heedless of everything ing the secret, and doubtless he will take Hector..
but the fading speck of the receding gtod Cara to prevent your return. •The Hector—his owo ship ! exclaim- Buchanan Lawson :4 Robinson
shore. 'IR baffle him,' said Ralph, viith fierce ea Euatace.
It vanished at last even from his pierc- determination.
'C e along; said the sailor. 'The
Ing gaze of love, and when he could no 'Then the best way wad be tae tell us
Sash, Doors t„c?
longer diaern aught but the black itregu- the secret noo,' suggested WillY, 'end bmit is over the aide by this onus..
cried the gainekeeper. •We'll meet
again in happier circumataucea. Don't
foryget what I've said. You'll get Ben -
to tut the cable. es to the right we 'Belay there with your jaw -tackle, lar shoreline between sky and water he nae dote Meister Grahame will um it
hat. , our stretigth is our right. Bear a Toni, or well lose the tide,' said tote of dree heck int. his west, and eupereated ivi' as good effect an ye could dat,'
the groan which struggled to escape from 'And so lose my revenge I exclaimed
And in a twinkling Willy was again •ey, ay. We'll have him presently, hia anguished heart. Ralph. 'Not likely. And who knows
garry yet, and I hope to nee niy fine gen-
lifted trim his feet, and eanied etrug- only I want to tionuetle hini to strike Propelled by the steady, vigorous .mr- ton I may return betore you, I take it
Ionian an 1 his mother too turned out
gling into the boot. afore wv board hint. He's • trim craft strokes of the well -manned Imat. they hell be as anxioen to get rid of you Ila t ' .
'Ye use showing tight,' said a voice in as I would uot like to damage in the top were soon abreest of the straggling village me.' to starve.'
of Newport --a very different place from 'Ye wunna tel us tifen i' 'Shiver my timbers, bUt you ere be',
the boat, whic.h Willy recognized, and gear. Look ye now, meamate,' continued in4 out the bilge water now,' laughed the
wheeling round, he saw Ralph Bluxam. the 'Weaker. addressing Bustace- -"you what it is now—and a little lower down 'Nu ; not till the right times comes.
sailor, as he pulled Rzlph out, and (as
the gamekeeper, sitting within tiro feet are just one against eight, and let you the river ran allocevoide the cutter to And now 1•11 have • sleep. I wisb Iliad
of him. do your best you can't get of. Once 1 which the boat belonged, the captain of , a glass or twn of brandy.' timed the deur as before.
hip ' repeated Et:A
'Curse you, Retell, this ie Yror wc'rk r Ore the word You'll be hoarded by the which was impatiently waiting their ar- so saying Ralph stretched henself on 'HI' °lin 8 ' " tact. .11
this be true. it points to yet greater in- I BRASS & IRON STEAM FITTINGS
roared Willy, in awful fury, 'Yours ate whole fleet and one broadeido will be all rival. the floor and in a few minutes certain A;
yor interval blackguard o• a ataista ... you can give ; who knows what damage The three prisoners silently suffered vigorous nasal sounds gave token that he I "'Pit' •
•lanA at tow; BelPb• Tam tied may be done to you and the pretty con.
up hem like a calf going to the alisinblea. eon under your lee 1 So take my advice;
Yee are no worse than me. Bat your put down that marling spike, and let its
guess is not far wide of the mark. We tak• you quietly in tow.'
have both Randolph Grahame to thank 'Lilias, he speaks the truth,' said Eus
for our seizure.' tam. 'I cannot cope with se many.
Meanwhile the rat of the party ware Willy is already captured. It is in rain
engaged at the cottage in effecting the to make any appeal. I niust go.'
capture of Euatace. 'And leave me alone ? Oh, Eustace, I
Willy having been niarched sir, eh. shall die of grief.'
allots crowded into the house, and a •Nay, we shall seen rcturn. Such a
fia,pint outrage cannot he auctioned by
Lumber, La th , Shingles
and builder's material of ...ter). des, optics'.
term' Orders pronipt at eatte 10.
Holerich. Ana. 2. 1883. 1162-ty
torch waa lit, which cast • flaring light
kia VMS the scene. Eustace, who had
000llegard Willy's cry, eame from the inner
Mom partially dressed, and, at sight of
the wild form, he started back and dis-
The num burst into the apertment af-
ar him, and the torchbearer being fore-
most,. homes men standingin trent of the
bed, grasping with his hands the barrel
of an unleaded fowling -plan, Whii•
Lillie*, also partially dressed, stood be-
hind hina overcome with terror.
'What means this intrusion ?' he state-
ly demanded.
'No use standing to quarters,' said
the leader, 'so down with your flag be-
fore damage is dons t• spars of rigging.'
'What want you ?' said goatee' again.
'Are you rebbers, or is this • midnight
'We've come for you and your mese-
mate, that's all,' was the answer. 'The
King want& men, and you two &re juat
the build for the service.'
'This a a mistake; said goatees quiet-
ly, 'I am not • seaman, anti neither ie
wiy minipanson. We am not, therefor*,
liable to he pressed.'
'Imelres, my hearty. Wive got so
timm to wait, foe the cotter moot drop
down lbe river with the tide. So mem
along. We have got the other on* song
aboard Um boat and we may want jam
le shove of.'
'Aland book,. Mooted Sestets, brand -
idling the toeliestiesto eseemaing
themselves Pa be put up the side, but no WM in a leep slumber.
sooner had Eustace eat his foot on deck The cutter was now sathne fast before
than he confronted the captain whe stood • light wind ; hut though there wax one
sear the gangway, and firmly addressed
'Is it by your authority, sir, that I and
my brother-in-law have been dragged Willy and Eustaee errayed themselves
front our home in the dead of nighenear- ; m silence in the garments provided for
ly naked, and brought hither I. them, which was the dress of common
'Hilloa, you Nelson of course. They I peewee. _They did this only bemuse
all do at first. but 7°1111 e°1'1 down w'nn. !, they could not (I„ better— their „wn
small window in the aide of their pillion,
it was too dark for them to see in what
and e"n" W like th° °°r•tcv• Her•• clothes having been left behind. The
thole in authority, and I ant convinced Swanson, store them away in the atter- articles had all been made for a full -
that I him. but to represent the truth to
have inimedieto justice and redress.'
While *Peaking thus to Lilies. his at-
tention was taken minewhat off the in-
truders, who, at a signal from their
leader, threw themselves upon him,
wrenehed the fowling piece froin hie
hand, drageed Lilies from hit side, end
forced him from the cottage
He mad* no resistance, for he saw
how futile it would be, and they hurried
him at great speed down the elope to
the beach. and had almost platted him
in the boat, when at that nioment his
1 nature seeks to triumph by having the
power to tyrannize 1,rier us, to gall ua
by the exercise and abuse of an author-
ity which he pommels as a imval officer.
Willy, the prospect of this is dreadful.
Of course I will never submit to it. I
attire -room, &nil give each a ng nut
laved man, and fitted thee] uncommonly'
'This is monstreus, sir,' exclaimed : well.
goatees, •I am not a common seaman to , •Well,' remarked Eustae, when their
he kidnapped in this fashion I am a 'toilet 5" coati:J."1d. 'here we are chid
gentleman by birth and breeding, and 1 in the beery of bondage.'
my seizure is • gross outrage, which—. 1 'Poor Lilies ! I was thinkin• o' CANNED FRUITS AND FISH.
'Away with them,' roared the caetain. sighed Willy. het'. "It might be so hour atter Ralph's de- .
'I have no time to waste in listening to I 'Hush, Willy; for my sake. hush,. ex- I parture that their prison was agtI• •pen- e to a o p / r e e _ , l ,
*the Heat nra
heroics.' I claimed Eustace, hastily and siiheinent- ed,and they were ordered to go en deck. Domeinie and Yoreillreorrult;
When they eeeentiol the companion way Freilh ahd eingeme :Lit waiter Flab In a,astos. ,
'This way, niessinate,' said a hearty . y .
New Salt Pans and Boilers
will die firee' tette on Shortest Nate!.
'Maybe that s what he wants,' observ. hail orders for new work and:maitre ws
•11 Wale ; 'but ye'll no be rash. I Hi, receiv, Prompt attentive.
dear, yell no be rash, baith for yet sin CHRYSTAL iir BLACK, I
lake and the sake of Lilies ' Work. near a. T. B. nation.
'you have spoken the word that restrains
me eate brother ; for her &eke, and the wanted to be Known i
hope of speedy deliverance, I shall wee%
my temper, and do my beet te submit to
the tyranny, if the commander absolute-
ly refuses to do us both justice by *MP CHOICE CONFECTIONERY
A full anenirtment of al! kinds of Note.
the morning sun shone bright opao the et,
dere SFIP•ed *very 'style limeelleedb
voice, and a firm hand wee ail on the oven think of tt. It I think of it I shall
arm of gestacii, and he was drawn away ' go mad . noble Frith. and the grand and beautiful /cif eligAMS Ng A Sco,V
Mores on either aide. They were in Moral Dealsort...Wmrezsitet tri;r•rect •.
peremptorily, but not roughly, towards;
And suedenly the great strong heart
Leit'i Roads, where many •eseels lay at eirweeing remote Tegissatille• In apneas.
stair which conducted below. The of Fustem broke down, and he laid hin
eye and ear were caught lay the white captainhavingunceresn. . slygoneaway arms against the aide ef theater), pressed anchor, and very near to theal was a
form end piercing shrieks .if Lilies se to another part af the vessel,Eustace was his face against them, and wept with a
she dew wildly down behind them. This too peen to ma •
sight roused gestate, to fury, and with • 507 auh°rdlnate'• but all ent Y °°°°°°Pqr' 'Dine& greet like that, mid Willy, •
sudden outburst of mastless strenioh, Meal the sailor who had taken him in crying himself lam a tery child. ,Dinne !
he freed himself front their grasp and charge, ahoking down as hest he could gusts.. ; dines, like • man. Um sure, 1
springing forward caught her in his arrna. the insults and indignities to which he had I trimmed, I wad never has mentoin. 1
Ile hold ha them °sly for a mo.nent, wee being subjected. ed the pair Isaias name.' I
for the band threw themselves agaiii Willie and Ralph followed close be- For some moments the emotien of I
open bits and ruthlessly severed the hind, and the three captives were shown &atm* was smart him, ternIde—like the
grasp with which the poor girl clung to into • small angular Pia", frala th• r("'d horning fmth of a pent -nn flood —as in ''
the form of him ahem devotedly loved, of which • thawing "II /IMP was aua- very truth it was ; for all the time. leen {
and who was about to be torn from her. elnewded• B•r° tb•Y Will" 14'it al"n• 1.°T • the moment of his seizure, he had in -
'Costae. was now mad with that furl- saimite, whim the earn* sailor returned • „rgiy etrvisied vith big feelings, ggrig,
ass peahen which surfed threueh his and loam"' in three binidinn ne einth". ing not to manifest thesis in the sight at
soul, sad had the stirsmith „prpsssa to telltng them to 'rig thenuielvee nut, and I hi, eityt„ra. Bet tbg very
Ida boon leis overwhelming, he would turn is foe a sneeze on the 0-mr.. I strain sad conceal them, made them the
here unie a terrible readanCti. Bit Tbwn ii ww• twr ths ir•t tiw" gw•t•r• ; mire ileums.) ; mid the ememiserating ut-
what *raid hie single MIS — IfOrte4 TINIORMSed the RumoilloPar. Wanes of the name of Lilies broke down
though A ma by horning peenen—what g' Whet RelPh '. h• •Telaia‘lbd. 'are MI the herder in a ownwino, and the unlit g
large man-of-war, with its mast. arid rig- E
ging towering ht4h &lime the loser craft
k further tom taint to hkb hlf
which surrounded it.
Eustace at oncie %messed this to be the
Hector, bet ere he had time to convey
the" impression to Willy they wore con-
ducted to the ganevay and the same
boat and crow which had ciirrite! thee
from Woodhaven rowed them alon4 the
war ship, and in a few m merits they had
ascended its huge side and 'teed upon
he white well-seeoured .
I .1 —ant to sew Captain Brentwood int -
mediate y eau h
man he mot.
I ' nis captain hasn't come aboaird yet.'
; arse anawer 'Ho and Lieutenant
Grahame are *sported at Nur hells.
lior• Cos, slow the heir ahem kite the
Cron t Houle S tare. lloderieh. 0111
Dee. la. tett 11102 -bit
etch. Pleas awl stseetiletition• d elms correct
ly carpeatees• la•trter'sjar et mason's vox!
movasered Yea valued.
tee sostaire, and we will mail yeas
tato. • royal •alttabIF box of ma
pie gond• that will pet ton In tie
war of mak in. 1190f. mosey in • few &Leashes
pima and old. You an easily earti from me.
tees *very erenleolg. flat all wit° west Week
may owl Ike Inoilmeeit. make tile atameiel-
toted edger to all who sr. ant wiereassia 'we
lievilet Si to pay fur the tetra et wettlag
Olive will he ernade• to thaw whell
time hi the wiwit. Ureiet