HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-16, Page 2s, 2 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY MAY 16, 1684. •ItHB STATE OF FLORIDA 6 1 of the other two he knew ssiitsR, bet • believed that the W.I. washed awry when the went down. He did not Weave that marine W escaped Tha Rseou d Crew Arrive in in them. Uoweesr, if they hod, ke did Canada not watt to raise any false hopes, his opinion being that they never wesld be No a heard frees again. When Ku 2 boat was bang lowered the taok{s was est too bake rosy.wear eat et One a..sred awe quickly sad its woupents, who were all passengers, were upset into the sea. A number d them, iaclwdting Nenaett, d Luodun, Out , clung W the lust's bet• teen doting the remainder of the nigLt, and wen pacaed op in the morning by other boats. tin Sunday, after drifting thirty -tire hours, we were picked up by the eresa, and on the following Tues- day the party on board the Titania were transferred to the ban1ue Louisa, of Car- diff, while off Bird Rocks, but the latter beteg overcrowded, the party were again transferred to the Titania. Allan de- clined to give his opinion of the aox:i- lont. The members of the rewired party on bard the Titania prented a pitiable appprar.ncs. So sudden was the accident that many of them in their bunks at the time had to hurry on deck, and into the bits in tbeir night ch,thes. Most of them had but • very confused idea of what really transpire) and all that they ct,uld reuneunbtr was the crash and rush to the hats as the ship went down amid the shneks and lamentations of the pas- senger*. Those ..n duty at the time re - mender seeing • red light flash fur an instant, followed by an instantaneous crash, after which nothing but eonfu•ion followed. The steamship was beginning to sink, and hurried preparations were being made to launch the beats. The Maty-aevea Lave. asstd. Father ruin'," Que., May 7. —The etesusntp Titania, tram Glasgow, passed inward this morning. She has twenty-- four of the crew of the steamship State of Florida on board, the said steamer having gone to the bottom through • col- liaon with a barque in mid -ocean. Out of 1U7 persons only 44 were saved, and of the barque's crew only the captain and two men. One hundred and t wenty- three men went down with the steamer, and twelve with the barque, snaking the total lose of life 135. The survivors will probsely be landed at Quebec. The Titania remained here so short • time thst only brief particulars could be obtainel. The twenty other supposed survivors were in another boat supposed to have been picket up by some other weasel. 'The barque s name is unknown by any of those un tee Titania. The Ti- tania will arrive at Quebec about eight o'clock t • night, but only exchanges pie Ms there and proceeds un to Montreal. It is probable that the survivors will be sent ashore at t;uebec with a pilot boat, and put in charge ef the proper authori- ties. Quebec, May 7. —The painful sus- pense that prevailed here alt day with re- bark which collided with them went gard to survivors (df the disaster to the down instantaneously. The frightened ill-fated steamer Sate of Ftonda, was re- passengers rushed on deck in their night tiered to -night, by the arrival of the clothes and • scene of indescribable cun- Denaldson steamer Titania, McLean (mien ensued. Women went into master, from Glasgow for Mentreal,with hysterics. Men refused to move, and owls and general cargo, which was tole- women, especially, objected to leaving graphed this morning as on her way up the doomed vessel, some that oould have to Quebec with twenty-four of the saved been easily saved absolutely refusing to party. The Titinia reached this port •bout 8 85, and proceeded straight on to Montreal, the order to land her party o1 saved here, which the river police were prepared to execute, by taking them off in midstream as she slackened to ship her Montreal pilot, having been counter- nanded by the vessel s owners, and in- structions received to carry them through to Montreal. She was boarded, how- ever, by the prow representatives, who accompanied her for some distance up the river. and gleaned on the way the names of thesave.l auds.,tuethrilling par- ticulars of the disaster. Following is the report et the Titan- ia'Y captain : We left (.laseow on the 25th April. (in the'2eth and 29th en- countered stn.w; seuthwest to north- west gales and (nigh MM. on Inc 2nd and 3rd of May, a dense fog. on the 4th, clear weather. At 10 a. an. tamed Cape Race, and while preceelhng up the they were afloat they bad not a drop of hate bestowed on it all any might of care gulf and off ltir.l r. -kw, observed a ship water to drink, and were beginning to sail attention, w that I could t» a errs exhibiting two bright lights, and thynk- ( feel all the honors of extreme thirst when fainly have put my hand on it in the ing that he wished to communicate, bore 1 they •+rare rescued by the bark Therese, morning and saved that ten minutes' down Spill hint and took off twenty- four passengers and crew, rescued from the steamer State .f FI .rida,of liiaegow. We proceedel on our voyage. The ship Louisa. of ('ardifl, from which we took the shipwrecked crew, passel a large fleet of sailing vessels working up the gulf. The steamer City of Ronne passel thein while on board the ship Loam, or experienced. and answered their signals. but diol not .lames Steele, of Ayr, surgeon of the stop Florida, and formerly surgeon of the Following is the official retort .of the Geneva, was of opinion that the rtal in - third officer of the State of Florida ' — waviness of the accident would never be Trey left New York on April 12. with ascertained, as the whole thing was toxo about 167 psssengatssadd pew and a full I sudden. The rassengers were all in bed general rarg,. All we well until the I at the time, and so were the sailors off night of the 18tb when at 11.:to p.m., RELIGION IN OCR WORK things decently and is ostler.'' Nuw, / indeed, 1 know why I ars w "ehief amwtg eianers. " ['agoras MuLew ea An 'Inquiry Inthe Influenoss Jam, Swamp, Apel 2:1. whioh Portneate Our &01a. A ameba wls..as. Tobe slssel Wee and see labableess coq N 1 1i. N. Wheeler, a 1,er1on, speaks Bey Ilbe•ra•r R••M•r•s ibe highly ed Magyat+t's Paat.ral Balsam, stay seamen Tls1 ae. ; having seen its alma in his own case, a a I seven inflammation of the lungs and The obstacles 1 have to encounter in 1 distressing Dough, was getekli and iter. bedding and running my angio-gusat I fectly cu.wf, whisk had rusted other hotel are not w much 4 the ostaid. as I traattaoot. 2 in myself. I am generally in too great a a M/l.sNaal Meter. CQI EAT sARQAINA FOR 0 &8H 1 QCT"_ S_ RZDLEY",� Di TIRE PIMPLE'S VrORi, OOfDiU1C1, is sew . pas eea A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF NEW GOODS . READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, ♦ 7'1QLL LIl'T10 or i it P� iso DAY C}OODB, sable► s Is wowed to soli Cheaper tin the ahey's% Ian CAM. Good vales 1. every Ilse. GFRAND OLE A IN Q- SALE ! ---Thr subscriber is also clearing off •Us Remainder of His Winter Stock at H vy Discount Prices, hurry. I Mast Lau ohm s being dens be I OVItn(Y,AT8 wittiest! sold for ole and 110. can now be had or 11. the.,id tae respective!). lil'ITI\U ('I.UTHS wh�ch kuru Me to 1. have been reduced to from AOr. tuba-, and (sore they ars done. ) fix my time in other goods in ton. lad and inspect Ib, (;(ods and Pewee 'aerobes. 2'ou buy or not. wkick things be dune and an wry un- 1F 14111J WANT ItAItt1Al\8 CALL AT "THt 1 EOPLICM aTUHCe patient when the Almighty insists on his uodericbereb. la Ism. W- 8_ FtIler LJCY, Che. Ktogstos-ill. as I Sours time for doing them. Why should so many acts of any life be to me irksome and unoumfortable 1 Why is dressing when I arise at morn an unpleasant and hurried task ! Why 1 came scrum a predominated driuker the other night. YOU never heard of such a thing t Nur lid 1 till 1 had it pointed out to in. and explained. It was at the Liederkrana ulaeiuerads. The great bar -room of the Academy of Music was crowded, and it always is should I pitch ou my clothing as if •fin whoa the auditorium us in use for uota- were threatening my honest bl eae mooing. A man took • amt at one of the numerous tables, and ordered Why should stanng the fire iu my stove be such an irksome task I Why .nay I not arranges the kindling wood carefully, not to say reverentially, put some mind on it and dispose it in such fashion that when ignited it shall burn to best advantage ! May there not be • sinful way and righteous wee of making a fire ? Are not our faculties given us by the Creator to be used to best advan- tatg. in every act ! Does real religi m indorse carelessness 1 Should not reli- gion be a matter permeating imbuing aad influencing every act in life 1 Why de I bestow two or three tunes the Mrsstli lfi •IS U7 in pulling eta s.v quite able to hold a considerable quan- ghour' std i, wheeelt as much atie City without leeinc his gentlemanly bsr- howr's work, when • little patience, a irrg then the liquor was brouvbt he little skill, a little mind thrown on the talked to the waiter again as to his strong adjustment of the foot to the whoa will preference of Torrido, which he declared make it slip en so much easier 1 1 arise to be the only whisky worth drinking. days • mea exhausted even at the fresh An hour later ho was eniphatially de - day s commencement from a lice min- mending Torrido at the bar, and again he de - utile' tundra with these Chore, all through held an arguments on the subject with a S herr through -this 1 have expended un clones acquaintance in the midst of an bodice an inch. Thole who clung to the than through this impatience • certain l bottom of the capsized boat all night, amount of strength which might, if care- overhearing hundred. 'There is noth- suBtri ered terribly from the icy _old of the fully used. have brouKlnt me pleasure. g that folks are so exacting about in water, though the sea was calm, never- 1s. O°t thus„ sin ' Who gave me this their ignorance,' said the friend who ex- theless they never lost heart. One of strength 1 Is the pulling on of shoes a pletned the professional drinker to ms, their number, a man named Donaldson, matter all outside the pale of religion 1 'than in the matter of drub. The was underneath the capsized beat allLuok at my clothes in this room. slightest thing will seta man to ordering night, until they wen packed up ty one Flung about wickedly - disposed est- a special brand. There is no telling how of the other boats in the morning. Whenrichteoudy—two places fir every one many fellows are now specifying Torrid° she capsized he kept his hold and wentarticle, and the only p'aca for it happens for no other reason than they heard this over with her, managing &secure a posi- naw to be. Is this religion ! 11'hy am man doubt it at the Liederkranz ball. tion above the bars, where lie remained i often se long dressing in the morning ! He altogetherno bt cust the haw ebb old t20 that hey talking to !teasel( and meaning until he Because i cannot find a sock 1 Nhere have done so much effective advertising fur the same money 1' But how much will it coat the professional drinker 1 Perhaps his death in an inebriate asylum? —{New York (.'or. Albany Evening Jour- nal. whisky. The waiter started away to fetch the drink. 'Say, here,' the ntaa called in a loud but not boisterous voice, 'let it he Tor- rid.) whisky, and nun« other.' Torrido was not the name, but that suggestion of fiery liquid is better to wnte than the one which he was adver- tising. Yea ; this was a professional drinker, in the employ of a leading whisky manufacturer. It was his busi- ness to order this particular brand of whisky in public paces. He was a well- dressed, middle-aged man, who lucked lite s competent judge of beverages, and swooned. His companions on the out- a it found after ten minutes search. Be- side were unable to assist hint. In the l hin l my trunk or behind my bed where, morning when they were picked up the , last night, 1 impiously flung it, dime - bottom of the butt had to be brokenwarding the injunction "What thou doest through to get hits out, when he present- I do with all thy might." But I flung it ed a horrible appearance Inns his long; with all my might—somewhere. Ie that exposure to the waves and lack of fresh' the application of the text 1 May it nut sir. In a few days afterwards, however, mean tea:.,. vellum/ off and disposing of he got all right. During the 35 hours that seek i should for ever so, little time A raleftnl bererrrare. Some of the most painful suffering that afflict mortals occur from rheumatism. Either the acute or chromic form may be eradicated frotn the blood by an early use of the grand purifying system raw - of the kindness of whose uthcers andstren,tth, used in looking after it, for eater, Burdock Blood Bitten 2 crew, as well as the officers and crews of other uses ' How vast is the aggregate the Louisa, of Cardiff, and of the Titania, la force I waste through these e, -called Row Tary be te they all spoke in the highest terms of trivial neglects. Worse still, the sloven- So-called respectable people wnuld gratitude and praisee ly act has become the fixed habit, the hesitate considerably before pilfering The crew all agreed that the case of second nature. I aur appalled in theour pockets in • crowded thoroughfare. the Florida was the quickest and most endeavor to reform to find that it ex- �t would he too too. The same dus- appallin•x disaster they had ever heard of tends do the trying a my shoestrings. crimination is not indicated by the so- t find it cropping out when I put cal called respectable druggist when that in the stove or water in the tea kettle. I wonderful corn cure, Putuam's Corn Ex - pour the coal in irreverentially and care- tractor, is asked fur. He will pilfer leesly. Some goes ,into the stove, some your pockets in the most genteel manner on it, s..me over it on the floor. So with by substituting cheap and dangerous the tea kettle, I pour some water in the substitutes for the genuine Putnam's vessel and more or lees out, because I Corn Extractor. Watch for these gen- Insist on regarding it as an irksome act. tlemen. and take none other than Put - duty. He 'art..** officer*,.seed, land It is oar 1 wish to be through with as they collided nidi the Poueuua, passenger all seemed to havlast their quickly as possible, I snake it $ sin, be - of Chatham, N. ft, °opt. Hetburn. heads. cause I refuse to bestow on the pouring Both ships went down alm..st instantly, James Bennett, of the Bennett Furn- erre and attention, The sin brings its and out of the ste:uner'a passengers and fishing Company, of London, Ont., who punishment in they doing. The punish - crew only 44, including the stewardess, was tee only first-class passenger Ravel, ni.nt in the very doing. The punish - managed to serape in heats, and out of sail that when the order was given a ment is the sense of pain through impa- the bark's crew "1 10, only the captain I ruah was made for the boats, and a tierce 7 I is punishment, too, with and two seamen were saved. The next I number with him got into No. 2. The c enpcund interest, for I must be at the morning the hark was observed b ttontpanic on board the doomed ship was additional labor of picking up my need - up. The survivors, after being thirty- frightful. The lady pawngers, of whom lowly scattered crl or wiping up the five hours in the boats without fnod or there were only three or four, positively tea kettle's slop over. More strength is water, were rescued by the Norwegian remind to go in the boats, and only one I wasted. What though I "protea ten bark Theresa, of Christina, from that woman, the stewardess, Jane McFarlane tht wands religions shall I ever he happy port, bound fur Quebec. On the 22nd was, to his knowledge at the time, saved if I keep on in this way 1 What says twenty•fourof them were transferred on from the terrible fate impending by the the apostle "Let all things be d me board the ship Louisa from Cardiff for self•sacrifi a and eallantryof Jsmw Bain, decently and in order." is the filling of Quebec, whets they remained until the the chief engineer, who lust his own life stoves with coal, ..r' tea kettles with 5th of May, when they were taken on in covin` hers. He had to use all his water outside the bounds of "all things board the Titania for Quebec. It is be- strength in tearing her from the deck of to be done decently and in order (' Is lieved 13:. lives were bet. The same I the vessel and forcing her into the boat• is not the Creator's coal ? Is it not his officer Jame. Allan) on Toeing interview- Just at this moment the ship careened water 1 Is it not in a sense the Creator's ed added that the night on which the neer to the starboard and went down tea kettle 1 Is the earth the Lord's and dewier occurred was clear, though with a heavy list, carrying with her the the fullness thereof 1 How am i using mo.nlew, and the sea as smooth as elms. brave engineer and all remaining on all thew gifts of the Ford's 1 Do I yet He retired to hie bunk about R o'clock, board. Bennett complains that the boats know how to use them' (saving Chief 4 lfficer Thempso,u in charge were badly found, that they had no What am i after en this planet ? Hap - of the deck. 'tlieut 11.:t0 he heard the water casks containing water, and he pines& Very well. How is it proinis. signal suddenly given to stop the stoma- says that Allan aliens 4 all the officers ed i ley owning the Lord.' May not er a engines, followed by a fearful crash. showed all through any self -p ssemion the Lord he served in the performance He rushed tmniadiateIy on deck, and the Mad presence of mind. He arid. _I that of the so called trivial acts ..f life ! Yon - first thing he teemed was a red light the City of IL,me ignored all the Theresa's der on my table are dray few unwashed pretty el ,se un their st,srboard bow. At signals, though they were seen quite dishes. Shall i allow them to remain in the saute moment lie heard the chief well. She went im her way unconcern- that fashion, offending my eye through officer's voice cry " collision,' and per- ally, offering no assistance. their uncleanliness ' 1a ni t cleanliness ceicef the bark, which hail run into Quebec, May 7. --Bethune, of Toren next to godliness' But in what fashion them, go down. This lark, as he after- to, is among the lost and frame of mind shall i chase them 1 wanes kernel fro.n its cy,teiti and two The Titania, the rescuing vessel, is a Shall i hurry and *emitter through the of its crew, who were pinked 4p and Clyde -built vessel of 2.200 tons register, performance f Shall i make it a "duty" serail, wag the ['enema, o1 (Thath,aiu, and ie .A 1 in every particular. She is or a pleatitre ! Shall 1 cleanse that pato bound fr•.:ii L:v-ri..e,l t.. Miramiuhi. one of the elylellsit of the Donaldson with she mine carea attention 1 :you'd be- etunnine ae the a le of his own vessel he a'•reher,' xtcergert, stow ,.n painting a picture, and 1 able to endeavored to saeenes,.. the (I*'n age that se a paint 1 Nhall I fell a certain sense . f was eerie, an 1 i'dr.:ai.1e";iii ,,I I1 u.w — gratification when, thr atyh m rlfor(a, fetal Queen's. 1 gaping hot int . air:a tree vee was asst wt l g.t.g es.las- it appears once inure a clean plate 1 is Ask the moat eminent physician pournng, met feelia„ is he said himself, Every good housewife will renovate not this worship' Ts worship pain or (lf any wchow.l, what is the best thing that the sre.uu•-r e- iv a ,Greer, h« at once the entire Neuse at least every spring and {erasure ' What ways the meow le' "Re- in the world for quieting and allaying all hurrieeMe the capt..in• who immediately fall. Our systems often newt renovating pier et.rnaore'" Why netrrjoice, then, irritation of the nerves and curing all gave orders t.. get out the bats, four of ads., aril there is nothing 'better to make in making a plate cleen 1 Or shall i wash ferr. s of nervous complaints, giving na- whie i were down in fifteen t.., pure blood and cleanse and regulate all it with fretting, hurry. tint,.tietiee and offal. childlike refreshing deep always 1 when the State of Merida post keeled the seorwtions then Burdock Blood Bit- SUMS, serving the de%il while 1 wash And they will tell you unhesitatingly over to port and went down acorn fore ten, preventing diseases incidental to leaving dal. and specks '4 dried egg "Same form of Haps' ' most. As far as he could calculate the the se mama changes. 2 rile on the n:a., and finally wiping it rwarrtn 1 disaster "mitered in latitude 49 north. _ half washed and selling nnno cesearly my Ask any or all of the most eminent and Iongitu.le 3ti. 12 west, or about T. ib. Ae•dteet re.ee..te., a.d all wimp wiping towel, all serving as the little ways physicians 1,200 miles off the Irish coast, as when a may M.M.. Sal means to contribute further to my '•What is the twee and only remedy their last Ireennire were taken that dayeahappiness 1 that can he gibed <onfoeurs •Il diseases of they were shout 47.50 teeth. and 3S 35 Phesphatine, or Nerve teem, a Phos- Why Inane l ne appointee place f..r my the kidneys and urinary .mane ; each as west. As the reset went down, all on ghats Klement laased up.n ttcienlife wash ra; ' Why does that Ione Ione lost Rright's dins., diabetes, retettli•.n or deck, including the captain were washed Fact., Fornnl•to.l by 1'r,h.ee,r Austin. wash ra;( always ivieg *Sent, aleayt in inabiliey to main urine. and all the din - off by the sac. Allan further state:l that M. D. of It.atou. Masa, curie Pulm.en- the way, always to he put ...ntnwhere ort ranks and ailments peculiar 14. Womeo"— the captain was exceedingly eel, toe Cry Censumptien, Rick H.wlache, Ns -r- a( the way ..f wm.thing else and whose "And they will tell you .zplicitly and cool in tact. a. h. did not seem to look vows Attacks. Vertigo and Neuralgia it .1 eg'nt belong, why has it beteen,e an emphatically "Bache. ' arm the danger ma sono(§ ..r pressing, and all wasting diseases of the human eye .ore 1 W1'hy each time that 1 reran! I Ask the same p.hyrivans, and this, together with the feet that he system Phosphatine is not a Meditates. Nd.... it gave me pain t Why don it het "What is the meat reliable end surest smeared in no hurry to save himeoll bui a Nutriment, because it contains so s weight nn net hr tin 1 Reesua.i i am a Icure ler all liver diseases or dyspepsia i woe psaibly the .sues why more o1 the Vesetable er Mineral Poisons, Opiates, sjsner. Because 1 saw t.wo lacy t.' set constipation. indieertien, h,i ,.usnese, passange•es wets n •t *area. They Mimeses, and no Stimulants, but limp, apart • few minutes time, and appoint it I •ial•rial torsi, ague, &a, and they will would not take In the hosts, as they s•ep- ly the Phoaphstie and Garter Elements one certain, d.4nel, e'.nvonieet lvhaeo tell n psd, ewhen they saw him so a ni, that found in our tinily frieet A sity[le !Nettie Iterauw 1 refuse to allow way religion to 1 ellifeadmIte ! or Dandelion r' the danger wee net e' greet, and. move, is suh%ei.Mt to marine*. An iMtgi is(s 'mewl, that wwshrsg. Recanee 1 •m I Renes, when these rem.dies are mem- ever the w was so ealen (N the night sell it. SI 00 per battle. i.nwuav & ode pisine the day of small things." 1 brined with others equallyvaluable hosts carried. four were safely) launched. Om, sole agents for the Dominion, Reeause 1 win sin and fall frees grace I And eeatpounded into ..p Ritterkseish Tire were aremehe.l by the eolliaron, geed M P,nnt atm.' Resat Totttists. I flatly in nut, by that wash ret• dense ,('..osioutoi *ext work.) w nana's Corn Extractor. Sold t.y druygista everywhere. N.C. Pelson at Co., King- ston, proprs. A Wide Awake 1114,11.1 0101. J. Wilann is always alive to his busi- ness, and spares no pains to secure the best of every article in his line. He has secured the agency for theoelebratedDr King's New Discovery for Consumption, the only certain cure known for Con- sumption, Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, .r any affectio.n •,f the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free. Retrnlar size 41.00. (3) Well Rewarded. A liberal reward will to paid to any party who will produce a case of Liver, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitten will not speedily cure. Bring them along, it will art you nothing fox the medicine if it fails to cure, and yod will he well rewarded for your trouble{ besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious• ne .,Jaundice, Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly curod. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money refunded Pries only fifty sena per beetle. For sale by J. Wilson. [51 Rsekte.'. Armies move. The greatest medical wonder o. the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sures, Cancers, Piles, Chilblain. Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance. or money refunded 25e. per box. For sale by J. Wils..n. ly. i '! HUGH DUNLOP,„ Fashionable Tailor, I25.7" EST' STREET, • Has the Finest Asst rtnient of foods for Fall Wear to Chown From. 1F YOU WANT Ae Nobby Suit ata Reasonable Price, CALL uv HTTGH DU NOP_ CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTAIE,NT IN TOWN A full line of all the Let.Iing Patent Medicin(•s always kept on hanti (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) GEORGE RSTNAS, BLAKES I?l.t►t'h, THE SQUARE BOOTS&SHOES =ovrnis We ddup Beg t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Stor in the store lately occupied by Horace Newten. Hating put clamed a large sed well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at dem figures, we are determe to gine the Public the bene£:. QUICK SALES & SACC PROFITS WILL BE OUR ICTTO Penellease call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. eseetternember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. af'Cwtom work will receive our special attention. 'None but the best of material used and hint -claps co,-kmen employed. 11f "Repairing neatly done nn the shortest notice Goderich, March 9, R82. DOWNING & W E D D U F First Prise again at hast I'rov.nciel !chow. Prize awarded for Wire as ..old on the Spool --no• ter the fence. Very tar*ely mind o• all Ibe `prla. ippaatI railway lines 01 the Ibmt.ton. For sale bv J HN A..`, Ji FTli., Cheap Hardware Kmpurism, (Maderlc 1 11 n 37 00 00 ins (i 0 r 0 00 2 m 2 0 m r m td aw H 0 IP 14O ti Q MM ` N co pj 0v o 0 Q �yz mir s.0 zo 14 O f1� v g AN Design Ill Wall Papper. wow is the time. It you wish me or iwo n (e rooms at home. to ore Petters ream earn N.•1 ihe er 20,000 Rolls of Latest De w Rsamtthlede.-..awd.t;ewes ler. iban tort mink latei•-r gond.. ('.11 eve see il:,.e .-e eke host •.;t. iii tow,. end mors to ieM The Li-kl PaUis aid Fsioos, A'1Et 't ligNiktignitAMEtt7WWWWWWW mil,. • a tl si a a e h at c!. m br Pr he si( pr ate re jai an, WI Fe in to hal h u lift Ill. the wb, the of l 1� ep Yo gee hat fur eny C1117 1 Ml, for opt hes roe lb. ter ono trek of Lal kir ty. the for 'A fit mr Ki the m' lie tit d( all al t. l+v 9