HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-9, Page 7Tr.'
No .s0t1
Tun end FInc{I.
sweeping •rgwaseot should altigy.
• beadle til, it.
who :Mods nut hi. own loridrta..a
t fit to be entrusted with other
hot am you duing with that e mole-
Jukney r 'Studying triMlerwoswi
It is strange that souse one did nut
ase the snub in Cincinnati by pro
ng to take op • ouuiotwu.
'Are these pure osaanoe r 'Yes, sir,'
tho dealer, 'I raised them ere birds
eaiary sed.'
The young fellow who prupoeed to •
and was refused, afterwards idled -
to it sa • matchless affair.
Before marriage • true lover when pee-
ks sweetheart with a luck ut hair ;
marriage she helps herself.
Remember, yuucg lame IBM IM bel: of sugar and tic. sic. of a lem-
yuu Tare rut on tiffs er iililki h BIS 0 g J
friend to Mutest( than he is to yaw Mt ; pour this frosting over the jolly aid
Whenever a was says he thanks the return t• the eves until • light be.own.
Lord that he has mot a wife, every woman To be eaten add with cream and .u'gae-
in the laved should raapuud with • hearty A writer in the Druggists' t i,wwlor
amen offers the following remedy fur earache,
'Yes,' amid a young lady. who lid been which, be says, atter repeated trials,
thmmpeng on a piano for 100 hoer., .that never falls to afiurd almost isistant relief :
baby in the nest house fairly eta me U11ee uiI, sine oono ; chl..rofurm, on.
wild with its tote.' dram. Mix and shake well together ;
won 4141,' then ,our 20 or 30 drops into the ear.
W. are told 'the evening said close it up with a piacs of raw cotton
but we are never told what the moiling to exclude the air and retain the mix -
wore on that occasion. Was It the clues tares."
of a summer's day 1 The ideal and almost unattainable ice-
' What kind of an 'weld* you think cream is made by following this recipe :-
I'd make r asked s largieeured fop eta Two quarts of cream (net milk), one
witty Young Lely, 811° Raked at iia end- •.1 pulverized sugar, two eggs
ears and stammered : 'I -I don't think Beat the ergs ; them beat the sugar with
once are busk to .&. gel. Your moi- then., then the creamy. Int this just
mem em to bs too hi..gh up.' come to • buil ; then remove 'from the
Curran, being angry in a debate one fire, flavor with vanilla, strain it through
day, put his hand on his heart, saying, a very fine sieve, or, if yon bare none, a
'I am the trusty guardian 4.1 my own clean, new piece of chess. -cloth will
honor.' 'Then,' replied Sir Boyt. Ruche: answer in place of ore. When Bowl,
'I congratulate my honorable friend on put it in the freezer and freeze, stirring
the snug sinecure to which he has •p- until it is too hard to turn any lunger.
pointed himself.' A very mics pudding is made of one
•What is • pharmaceutialassueistionl' quart of milk, three tablespoonful of
asked a little damsel who had carefulIy manioc, one tablespoonful of butter, a
spelled out the long name in the paper, little salt, with sugar and flavoring to
and the old gentleman aroused hum • suit the taste. Reserve • little milk to
perusal of the stock list, answered :- adz with the nunioca. Heat the rest,
'Farmers' Cuticle Association 1 Some and when almost boiling add the other
of t1:c.e fellows who go around skinning
the farrier, I suppers.'
!touseltola Mints.
(hlsraai Wintoirr Mites. -Add to
use pint e( water two he•piag spy uldvl
of lour, buil well, and when atW, add
use erg, piece et bunter half the sine ut
an eve use cup of sonar, salt to taste,
and Sartre with Weeps or vanilla.
Hiteoar sue MACAO - Maize
(.soling a tar take ; Mir is etwtylh sne•tWfOm fiat th a i tcbeet toilet..
ra kitillt4111IMt AL FR1bAI, M.1Y 9, 1864
Fashio'n's Fancies.
Igo. dreams, leek Week wad white,
will espial Le •wn-
Berthed of he. small lowers are some
with ball drwsws.
Costumes with Iwutit deouratioe are
the Wen Parisian mortar
IAde is, after a 1, the favorite urns -
pomaded kizkeq-aut meats • emit milled
to M
convconvenet'we favur-
grnu.d epics to taste, to maim conveneNwns redieet buds fur
ant to handle- Fleur the hands mid it• fabric fur ."wing wear.
form the mixture into little balls. Place rowers mitt feathers figure largely in
en buttered thin &Dowing room to -paved evwisg, dinner and ball twists
and take in a quick oven. leubruid.renl Swiss muslin drosses bid
Caere Pt'uetmer --flim pint of tins fair Is be the lavurites this summer.
bread crumbs. one greet ..f sweet rich Veleoteeie are mad. inure suit, silky,
milk, ow .up of sogprr, tic. yolks ut fuer velvet like and durable than ever.
eggs beaten, with • little Ieninu 4t Fe pisy ass imporust part it, the
flarut', and twu tabu stw'•ua u[ better. tKnamentati.a /1f t• • cloths and aap.-
Hake until dons, but uut eatery ; spread kin..
ever this a layer of jelly : whip the „ser and lea( tars are the correct
titrslt ut the ergs t, • [Toth, and add thing for bell toilets, when the 'garnitures
are of tluwere.
'How do you like the leaks of the var-
mint r asked an Arkansan of a Down
Baster, who was gazing with distended
eyes at an alligator with open jaws on
the bank of the Mississippi. 'Wis)'
responded the Yankee, recovering his
mental equipoise, 'he ain't what we'd call
a handsome critter, but bees a deal of
openness when he smiles.'
'Td like to stay here,' remarked the
office bray, as be approached the editor's
desk, 'but de job • too heavy for me.'
'H4,w tato heavy P 'Well. .1 tike d.
*envy into de reposing room and dem de-
positors bit Ise on de side of de head.
Dare's too much brainwork fur m..
Siong '1
Putti of wristlet. ut ribbon, t shot and
lace,with jet teickl.s and oruswowta, are
aiming lit rogue.
The finest budy linen is euibroid.red
more ..r lees, and made exquisite with
Valenciennes or costly imitation loon.
Advise QsmaN .
Always pass the fruit to everybody
.le before helping yourself. Common
politeness will induce your company to
Lave the choicest *pocimens upuu the
plate, when you can eat them with. ut
exalting remark.
Take ears of the pennies and the
pound. will take ,are of themselves.
Three Dents a day for a newspaper isn't
much, but in a year it amounts to over
19, in 100 years to over $900. You can
save this $900 by a sys4matie borrowing
of your neighbor's paper.
When looking over an album with s
lady never make fen of any of the pic-
tures. It may be a relative "r particu-
lar friend. Neither prate the beauty of
tam anknowa tou highly. She may be
the psis aversion of your fair companion.
Neer return a borrowed umbrella
Lightning seldom strike twins in the
seine place. Your friend, having ven-
tured one umbrella upon your honesty,
ingredients Int it cook until it thick- will be loth to repeat the risk.
ens about Dern -starch pudding. Fruit, Du not attempt to make yourself
either drier: or fresh, may be added to agreeable to the lediee whim your wife is
present. She will get the idea that you
dislike female company. Always make
your wife happy when you an. It is a
duty and should be a pleasure.
A pair of shears, which had long ooeu•
leied an editorial table, one day observed
a eockroacb going for the paste -pot, and
promptly called out : `How now, you
vagrant :''Who's • vagrant 1' 'Ycu
are, and I warn you to take yourself off''
'See here,' said the cockroach, as be
came to a sudden halt. 'I don't want to
crowd anybody off the editorial staff, but
I must warn you that while plenty of
editors never have any use for shears,
no newspaper in this country an be run
'without cockroaches :'
Two ventletnen while at a party were
eagerly watching a good-looking lady sit
commanding presence. 'is she married r
asked one. 'I don't know for certain,'
was the mettle, 'but I'll bet she is. I
overheardn a few
ago t14.p b otherin her. and no woman
would talk that way at a party to any
one except her husband.'
An Irtahman, recently brought before
a Boston justice tor being drunk, was
asked what excuse he -had for becumin_
e intoxicated. 'Saven excuses, your
honor,' replied the inebriate. 'Seven
excuses r 'Yes, judge, seven. Now, I
don't mind tellin' ye all 'bout it. Ye
see, I've Boot six boys in my family, and
last night -it's a girl, judge.' The ex -
cure was sufficient, and he was released.
learweewy 11 feeler.
this pudding. If raisins are used, cook
until tender in a little water. Serve
with sauce or with milt ami sugar.
Brown bread, which may also be serv-
ed as a pudding, is made by taking one
cup of molasses, one teaspoonful of soda
di.olved in half a cup of baling water ;
stir this in the molasses until it is
thoroughly mixed with it ; then add
three parte of Graham flour to one of
corn meal in sufficient quantity to make
batter to thisadd a t• onful rot
If your friend meets with adversity do
not offend him hy eking into the par-
ticulars. His neighbor will be glad to
tell you all. Thus you not only avoid
offending your friend, but you give pleas-
ure to his neighbor.
a Never look over • person's shoulder
molted lard. Steam this four curs. 1.1 when he is writing. fie may be writing
you wish to eat it while hot. in place of what he think. 0f you.
bread, dry it in the oyen for fifteen min- Never smoke in the presence of ladier.
Few ladies appreciate the flavor of to-
bacco, and your reputation will be iniur-
ed by their reporting that you smoke
execrable cigars.
otos ; if fur pudding, serve it fresh from
steamer with • sour sauce.
The Chicago Herald says that old
leather articles, such as leather begs, the
leather .eats of dining -ream chain, the
leather cover of the library table, and
any other dingy hooking leather things
that you have become tired of beholding
in their rustiness, can be restored to
their pristine freshness by an application
of god blacking, • subsequent brushing,
a very slight oiling, and an after-dreas-
Inif of guns tragacanth. You will be sur-
pnsd and delighted with the result.
The same authonty declares that kid
shoes may be kept soft and free from
cracks by rubbing them once $ week
with a little pure glyc.iiue or ta.tnr oil.
" Hello' old man." said • gentleman
this morning to a friend, " what's that
you've got under your coat r'
" That," was the sad reply. as he
brought it forth, " is niy wife* little pug
d "Whet are you going to do with him 1
-21ollonintra somewhere and deatsa�.Liw 1,t"
"1 with I inieht," earnestly spond-
d the gentlemen, fetching • sigh.
"No, i am not going to dmwn him. My
wife is having • new spring suit made tei
hartmonize with Beauty, as she is pleased
to call the disgusting little brute, and I
041 my way to s dry goods stere to
match him for half a yard more of ma-
After drinking, do not attempt to dis-
guise your breath with • clove. True,
people will smell the liquor, but not
smelling the Clove also, they will think
you an unsophisticated amateur in the
tippling line.
Never speak ill of • man. He will be
ere to hear of it, and in his wrath he
will tell something twice as damaging
against you.
Do not judge from outside appear-
ances. The football looks plump and
fair proportioned, but there is nothing
in it but wind.
*OW, Abe Itwnlaaa
"I1 wan quite • br111ient .tsar, r.
Iwarked • Dull, Sickur.u.,t Thud. La burg
UM arm ut the (uII% ...,rt Murelacul, aa
they walked away from Ike bingeing t
which they had maimed.
"11 Das, it.deed. gratifying In e.uy
respect," replied the emituli•v. Wu, .•
metas, ••• - 1 did led under -'.id ah..
the Moto . . -uua Repartee ear.., 1 by los
remark. .b •u' the latest uo se l"
'I know,' mad the Thad) .1 11 •r.
while at that touwai.t pouted oho .. 1
baud him expiate, as 1 r.su :h.•.uzh the
crowd of Awe stricken Spe.:t..ter., . t
it wait only bis little chs'ke.'
'It wasn't hie, either,' replwel the
tlitkeni ig Thud, 'et was the wile pn.;.oi
ty of the imittletnan who went d•owts
through the trap with toe.
'You did very wed, too,' remarked
the Timid of Horror 'I stetted tbr. u.b
the trued se son as 1 ',tarsi you, .mid
had been around twice when the Con-
vulsive Movement came on fur a load
Part -
'1 Was , little l•t.e,' the Convulsive
Movement sip tendril, 'became I &kiwi
know positively that I was to go tris at
all Sow.tinies 1 do nut The Cliiqui-
tom Rep orter usually meutiums my name
and describes my appearance, but fru
quently All 'Vas Over mases on right
after my (rienal Thiel here, in which
ase 1 do not ap;lu r at all. 1 alwa)•
attend, however, us case 1 aui wanted to
Must at the operation.'
'There has never text' a citiiized hang-
ing without me since the invention ut
printing,' said the Sickentns Thud. Out
west, at some of the rule and unwire -
titin receptive* held by vigilant comm,t-
toes, my place is taken by a subordinate
named Strangling Gasp, but he is un
popular with the reporters, and has never
appeared on the hills with the old -tittle
favorite, D. S. Thud, of Thud county.'
'I inlet r great mmy of those wet:.
affairs myself,' remarked the Tu.al: .f
Horror. '1 find it very hard w"r:, In-
deed, to run through • creed of new,
boys, at the suspension of • horse thief,
and when I try it. I am crowded clear
tack in the wiugs by a Pitiless Gleam of
Satisfaction that •wailk amend and Set-
tles down on the Lowering Brows of the
Detre:m wl Vagi antes. There are in rr.
Lower:;; Brows as the frontier exieei-
tiuna than you ever notice in the older
i .
'Yes,' said a 1
brazenrokin rt
K perry.
whom ethers addressed as Averted F,ces,
'I ani always on hand at the cirihzed
*Hairs. I come In just •s the drop is
sprung, and stay until Dull Thud goes
ids I always avert the faces of the Awe-
stricken Spectators fnnu the rear .f the
jail yard, and turn them toward the plat-
form. But the Ubiquitous reporter
never explains that '11.11.. he ex-
claimed, as a lusty individual, with a
case of inrtrumeata in his hand, hurried
by them, 'when ars you going 1'
'Up te the jail,' replied the Autopsy.
'I didn't know you fell.ews would be
through so soon. Whore aneyou going/'
'Down to the newspaper office, said
the Sickening Thud, 'to make up a re-
port of the hanging. Get dcwn before
press time, wont you r
And by three o'clock in tate morning
they were all in their appointed p-aceslin
the head lines, suh-heads. and b rely of
the article, and the hanging was over. -
(Bob Burdett.
Nobody know why it is so, unless
thmugh the "total depravity of inani-
mate things,' yet when a goblet it brok-
en, the foot and bowl generally part
company, leaving the latter intact, te
tantalize the housekeeper by its possibili-
ties of usefulness. These f.xotlw glass-
es snake gine jelly cups, if only they
world stand upright, which they can he
'wade to de by boring holes item piece of
board, the holes te be large enough to
rosette sufficient of the shaft of this glass
to bold it steady.
A correspondent sof the (..w,.fre Geo -
denims reonumends water lime as most
excellent for bemiring tinware, and tells
how it is to be used- "Ruh with a
damp cloth dipped in the cement, then
wash .41 with ..nap and water and dry
thorouvhly ; then with a dry woolen
cloth polish with the cement and rob oil
all adhering particles with another cloth.
This method is much more satisfactory
than if the ware is merely scoured with
mat polishing, while it is really very lit-
tle work to one who knows exactly how
to dee 1t, sAd instead 'rat cunning about
to hunt up clothes, has them hung up in
a convenient plume reedy for ase."
The taws Wslben-
It is said there is a nettling thorn in
every heart, and yet that none would
exchange their own for that of another.
Be that as it may, the sting arising from
the heart of a corn is real enough, and in
this land of tight hoots a very amnrweri
complaints alae. Putnam s Painless
Corn Extractor is • never failing remedy
for this kind of heartache, as you an
easilyprove if afflicted. Cheap. sure.
painless. Try the genuine and use nil
Send lkadrwws s. Sive Away.
A hny who had ►e.. Dont to marry •
silver card basket to a roans laelr as a
iridal present was asked upon hie return
to the chime it he had found the right
" See the girl herself r
"Did she amen mush surprised r'
"Veer emelt so. •
" Ray anything r'
" Why, yea ; aha told her mother shit
presumed it wag plated, but would be
gond e•liwgh for bier aunt is the sew -
toy. "-- f DsIreit *es Pres.
Never say to an ohjectiona'.le ac-
quaintance, [sane and see Inc some
time." Some time means any time. and
he may mine when you least expert hi...
It is better to name seine apecldc time,
then you can tees the precaution `to be
out when he calls.
Be kind to the aged. They are no
to Marne iter being mkt. They would be
as young as you, probably, if they could
hare their way.
Do not stare at the ladies in the
street. You may cause them to think
that you are admiring them, and them
fors make them rain. --[Boston Tran
ltrgre. of WIldolltoy.
TIke effects n( whiskey are always evil,
and three who fed upon alcoholic Mime -
lasts, vsisly endeavoring to core coughs
•ed consumption, but nurse • viper.
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is a remedy
that is always reliable for all throat,
bronchial and lung troubles, and never
does harm to any one. 2
De Law's Wore fl hos arms ed
lags venue from 111 to f0 fest is length
It also destroys all kind) of worms. m
.laid Uesaa/ag.
Wows( I eetoleetfew that bare serer merete'd
p5fa from Toothache.
Neuralgia. or like nesse salmold i. Tnogt them sock
an tweet told blessing hin Ileneailoftrsenbk'l No elegies
lag,lag. oilwn.ire medicines to be taken for dare
One application of Pleld Lightning cur .
sold at til. ithynui .
The areret •al.
The secret .4 beauty has been at last
revealed. Without stood health, pure
blood and a fair clear skirl none can pos-
sess good Larks. R'hat is more repulsive
than pimples, blotches and a sallow or
peaty complexion t gunlock Bled Hit-
ters reveal the fad that all can gain pure
blood and tamika t- snow Uri
diorites at the sftih OM /Melt ltsill
'Why should a man whose blood is wenn
Bit k• hisgr.nd.ive cut in alaheater
Or dot hie hair ams rusty, sant and thin
Whew "CrltoeLnaraletrwas .1)1make
g. row the faster. For sale by J. Wil-
son 3m
Pain from indigestcsn, dyspepsia, and
too hearty eating is relieved at onee by
taking amts ref flirter'. little liver Pills
immediately after dieser i)ea't forge
tbs. 1m
Ctwostaw. - A Masse well known in
oanection with the Hair Ren.weeLwhich
snares grey hair to i4 natural eider hy
a few wears .e►. Rotel at III coot. pm
*Deli. he James tiriknei. tees
At this omen of tee year there she. le
be a nettle .,t Peentnns lr weary hoots.
it is unequalled few One r..• 1 s.ehl• wind
Hoarseness is pieeen il, ' c eie lefe fame
ebildrmt Price 1?, nam,.. . d 4
nota as ciliG,st
Wrawdwleat Traasset/ass-
There are many frauds perpetrated in
medicine, and many advertised remedies
worse than melees. Not au waft Hag -
yard's Yellow Oil. It remains as ever
the best internal end external mdiciue
for all pain, .orenem and injuries with
which human tiesh is afflicted. 2
Tars soy •.std rens.
The beat bine• p..nt -r •..t.I *poem re
guise... etc, pla.• l wuhi.. tl$, rru;k .1
maw toe (r,••Waulty 1.411 a Kfeatrto 1SIt
ten. Imacts. tjy ut tb. L. •.r, lishoenow
JsuuJIsm, Groat pal 1.u.. Wes► Kulueye,
or any drama. e1 the urlitat), orgasm, or
whoever rroq.n - 5e. .. vs. Mer, tonic to
reset stimulant, will always bud Electric
Bitten the beat mud euly cerium cure
kouwi. They aet surely and quickly,
every 6.411. go...wutaed to grail entire
satistact;ule or ttwwey refuu*emu. Sold at
fifty nom's s bottle by J. Wilson. til]
A s4 5a1r.w. .rearm.
Mr. 11 K .t. . ..it 1 ulol.ulw.u, Kap ,
sated til. :Ito toy • .imip.° trial Bottle .4
Kurt'. New Ili. ,.tet), fear l•'..n
emptiuu, which caused lutes to pr.a'ure
largo teeth., that completely cured bins,
e hon Doctors, clever. of climate and
..erythit. clam haul fain. .lathes,
Itr,nchuw, H.wr.w1 '.a, a4.v.r111 Coughs,
and a)) Throat and Luuz diners, n is
puaranteml to cure- Trial Bottle§ at J.
%\'ole -le'. drug atone. Larne Mae alt. (1;.
9 anti mg
C.1 Pt r AL. - - •tr,oeo,tese.
SURPLUS. - - - - ps,wro.(.It.
Goderich Branch.
L. GL -1' - - • - - Moatwer.
'lbws Mater's; ea deposits. Drafts. trite.
el credit and circular soles issued. p.)ab
1111111 .,arts of the world.
Thousands bear witness to the posi-
tive curative powers of the Gager Gra-
WAN Ixviooa•roa, the only remedy that
has proved dee!' a specific for general
derhility, sentinel wwt'snees, im1noteuey,
etc., and all distemo Hurt arise from .elf -
abuse or overtaxed brae', fi:hall) .•n ii•
in consumption, intt•rit jt •n'1 a p'1'.•.t1
tore grave 8-.13 1.y all ,iru,4 gi.ts, or
will Is sent fro° 0:1 re.xeipt of 91.00 per
box, .r six hnxes for 95• '.dbress F. J.
Cusxea, Toledo, °Ilio. wile *gest fur
the Unite Skates. Send for ci:cslar
and testimonials 4.1 genuine cares (leo
Rhyne', G aderich. ata
A Beteesz'11 Te.Tlwoty. - For a
Cough, Cold Ir any Bronohlcal afecion.
"Pectoria," in my opinion, Its just the
thing. i have used it in my family for
Coughs and Cdde for the put four years
with the moat upvaried emcee*, and to-
day my opinion of it is that i continue
to think still more of that which 1 beesin
thinking well of.
Geo. Kava, Manager Onta"in Beek.
Price 29 ants at all drugpri.ta. in
Ir. the history of medicines tie preps
ration has received such minim's( ann-
mendation for the alk viahin it affords,
and the permanent cum it effects in kid-
ney disease, as Ihr Van Buren's Kinney
Cure. its action in these di.tres tog
ewaplainta s amply wonderful. Sbld
by J. Wilmot 3m
Pail rap Capita., - 96,000,000.
Ke.(, - - *1,400,000.
Ars(.tr.a - Lt..: 11'M McMwsrt't:
eireerul .U.le.per, - W. A. -..... ••• o
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - Mewaaait.
Interest albwed on deposits. Drafts on a
the principal Town. and Cities in commis
lir.-at itritain and tic. r'nited "tate.. bough
an 1 sold.
.t.lta.ieesto Fenner,"n Nott.. will, ecru
more cur:orsens. without mortgage. 1:31
2 t week . tide .t ..nee : 7 Ill- 1.
141wrlut:. !std t mina
,t. L. w 11
orttie, 1:.!!,. capita I t tetd
.- t. We re ..1 start Tit.. Mrs. v.(
too. 1.0; sled 10'1 tn5Iitt t ;-ry
slicer t . . r ( far no. Now ?a ole that. Tot
min w..- : , -quire tins• or Are your who!.
tete. y,' , business. No et r 1...ein a. u i1:
pay tow ...arty •e wrtl. No "n.- van fail to
mak. c-norw .uw pay by engajing at .0 cc.
: , to Pneit and Scrum fere. Mowry tun:.
, tat. a i -i' :. znd b.w.•eaWy. Adds a Tur-r. 4
C..... Al. u- ra. Ka:.t+
D►L Low's Pt.tasagr WostX 1jrsQL-
An agreeable, safe and effectual remedy
to remove all kinds of wows. at
(Yaw. J.N1er.
Medici.re Ledge, Kansas, May 2. -
When the moi had b.utetod dews 111*
dears of Now Fail r
its sill 4 -Ma *ester, dr Uttar
a revoirer out ed his Meat god fines la
ten see•md• he was riddled with bullet.
Ropes were then placed stout tho necks
of the remaining three r,.bbees, who were
dragged to a ire. eighty rods from the
jail. Two of the mon hogged t.. he shot
but the request aas refused, and only
five minute* allowed for prayer& Ex-
.,arshil Breen he•tsged for life, staying he
had nothing to d" with Ilse killing of the
hank officers, but eke crowd would not
listen to hint. The tragedy h.0 caused
intense excitement.
N3' I:.%N('Y CARL). f
0ItlTlrll Atom. CO'T, Toewaeo fitaMtNa
PH(iYNIIX Intl. Cant,sf Lem sox &midi d)-
rataMlebet 1781
HARTFORD INN. ('O'T, of Haavro5e Cosa.
Rias taboo Moo obs •b+e ar stmlaas Odice at
the lowest moil M !WRACK HORTlIN.
Tho etiraw/ V also Apunitire .f the
Mosey 4 Less M (net. -lam .sono.. mil
t4tpee Coat. --Maroon ..4 a �oaTON.
•.der h ttopt. �
M 1•
Tae People's Livery
Thom and • of gra vim
Ir 11y rubbed
� O ,•1 f...•Ir t n ti opts hi
,•e "l., -*r' haus, *5.5
.d h,•.1U, reetured
I.y tui e u.e of the great
which positively 5541 permanent y curve ha -
peer -ore caused by earn ee 'o of ea, kind,'
aesalaal MesYwees, and all dbl.-awes that fol
low as • w'qurnre of t•.11-Abelie, as loss of en
erey. Lea of lnemlo), nasrersal Iamttudc,
pain b. the hack, dimness of vision. peruse -
tuns old age, and many other diorama that
4/54 le 11110111111y er e-unretnpti0n Sad • prema-
ture greet.
Renu for circulars with tertimontate tree by
mall. The 1tvla•RATfIPi Is sold at gl par
hoz, or Ms boars for 93. by all druggists, or
w111 be sent free my mail. frrurel) sealed, on
receipt of price. b Nir!ressing.
Y. J. CHBA KY. Druggist,
lir; Summit yt.. Toledo. 011ie
Gan- ILII%NA*.
Sole Sarin for llnderich
Ifa.'`r.: •• .rcheeed the Livery benne,. of .tee.
E. scar z. foreserty owned by 1: ,t.t Kerr.
ev.h. o :, .ban• of pnl.lir pat 1.1)0010. 'rhrf
{•dtiran r .aI.e atien to all, and offer
Phe Finest Rigs
tT itgA40N-1HLF I':::''M:-
CAlt. ANI) SEE Us-0.epui4'e :Tiley'.
Hotel. Uodericb.
Goderich, Feb. Jltb, IAM. 11e041m
•1"t, life is fewer p by,
and dare I elan a onto di
something mighty and sub
lime leave behind to remoter
time. $aw•week layeti awn
town 83 outfit free. No risk. Eyerythlag
new. (':.total not required- We will In•iltsa
you 1•v.•rnthlne. )tany.rr making fortune.
Ladle. make as rnorb as omen, and boys and
girls evoke greet lea)'. Header, if you wast
twsince, at which you can make "great pay all
the time. write for particular to H. H Au-t7T
.f t:.. Portion Mai
people .t a al w a) wee the look
out for chances In inenisae
theft caniinga,5nd u. fire be
come w,•alih) : those who do
no mprutc their opportnn
Itjs• remain in poverty. We offer • grew
ebaece to snake Imosei. tee want men, wo-
eweloedflfrs- stn) cram .nnAotheworktpro-
perly trom the first start. The u..i..M., w111
pmore ore than ten 1un twordinary wages. El
t m
dace.. tails tomake ... sIN nil. roti iT.w .an
gerote )our 111 hole 1,1... "• 11 r viva. or only
your spare moments. 1'•'1 dire,. Idiot. and
e ll 'lee i. h..,.unre 101 * . '•e, Address s rex
a..N .t- Co l'o.l land. 3.... is.
$600.00 n ege rd.
We ...11 pa) the abuts reward tor at) tame
Liver t'umplaiat, 10) epeeist.. Mirk Heedaebe.
Indigestion, t'on•tipaokn, or a uGttarer We
eamiet , ur.• .15! Wtsl's fcgetahle Liver 1111..
slue• i1.dire. ..n.are aft+Il1.1mptirdwlth.
They arc pore.) Veg.I1.•. aro never fail to
Kite.afiwlarUuu. erwarfoaled. Lanai Boleti,
cufltaintI.g :1) I"I4. ?!..• rt )-ur rale by all
IhugaA•tcts. Il•w•lre of rnuntcrfells and imtta-
t!. sic. The ggrrneine manufactured only
J(111% C. WIF.T a ('U.. "The Pill Makers.'
S i
and 61 Klnet
F Toronto. tint. lies
trial package sent by mat prepaid on receipt
of a 3 rent stamp.
For Sale al WILMN\'s ono n siT•\F.
Eealth is Weals'
Da. E. ('. Wares Ntcxvg .xn BSCN TPA*?
.seer, a guaranteed specific for 1*),terla, 1M.
Meese, Cootohbrr. Mita. Nett cur NeuraYita
Headache, Nen ou. Pro.tratief tsurtd le
use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefnlnrr.. lien.
MI Depression. Softening of the grata. teadt
Leg in Insanity and lectin{ t.. n ". r). deny
and death. Premature ()M Age. I'arrrnaNe,
gena or Power In eit her se x. Int odor tory Lowey
and ttpermalurrbrre•. caused by oter-exerelem
of the brain. setf-ahnw• nr over-irdub-tore.
Una hot -A ill cure recent earrw Foch Mex eon
tains une month'. treatnw•nt (Inc doltar a box
or six boxes for fire dollars : sent h) mall pre
paid e5 receipt of prier. We guarantee az
bozew to cure any ease. With each order re-
ceived by us for six boxes. arrompar.led with
eve dollars, we will send the purchaser oar
written fni•raatss 4 refund the u.oney if the
treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantee
issued only by denote Weir % .o1r author
Pard agent ?Or0oderieh, Ont. JOHN (' W'TAT
It CO.. sole proprietors. Toronto one
tl ' ,,;11.4• or; • 4.I, , • r in Its super
I .rue o•-er all •' her-. • rad atter ti outmode of
te.t• of 11 a nowt .-on,pl!.at.•d and ..Peroe
cases w.... s'.' find. we feel) ..t:l.••4 •n "Kat -
Int to !, t t I1nr Thousand dollar (or an}
masa nI role •• .raids, sorra Da rt, : i:�•ocnn
bos-w1..0. ' on, 4,44.. ,nr..•nli.,r u. 11.
ear's• .tn ..•.",,.aping (•nugtt, and all e::ree.e
.,t 01 ihrvse' end luny.. rivept a•tl.ata. for
w : w.• "rah • as;m c.•;.•,!. that o 1 , MO run•
e si b itis'• ('n.grh `'..errs, when taken e••. ..rd
nig to directions. simple t..tlit.,::..t S.
-.•:,rr : Maty.. Panties one Aodhr. (i.hnise
ire i^••", only in Mnr. 5add hr net Arngarads.
nr•":t hr.rn.rr.nn rri-•I4N 04 pmts- J(►IIN
WE -(T .P o'er., 41 and s1 King sierras East.
Toronto rant. He'd at J A u. ihng
Store Oodertch 191:.-
FR:aP: MA -W'S
Are pl.+a•nt h. t :kr- t retain their COWS
Purgative. Is a ante, sure, an.1 era
iDoeranor N w.rserr in Ctdldre. or
Almost every pill e.sntainscalnmel ase
other mineral teimpoende fir (:arson's
Stomach Ratters is pnn+i] v.gu4nhle and
take. the place of all ether purgatives.
In larva hid ties at tIOcent . en
. 51arN1t• (eeseest ere
We. •1••hwe.n of Hums, I►ak., write•
that hie wife had hent tri .uMed with
omit. Brenehitio for stat y years, and that
.I; remedies tried rave no perwsaaent re
lief, iI he procured a !nettle of 1)v,
1 -(inn • New 1)ierinvery -or Onneumption,
..eh. .14 (1014., wl•'eh had a magical
e!1ect, and t.rat.eerd• pantomime' eerie
1e - .olr•nmed to et"-, all diseases of
1' • • ' •..mils or Rrnorhial rubles.
',Wee free at 1. Mikww. dntg
',gree •ion $1.01 (I)
Why suffer from. aurins• prostration•
when you can bee s\ renteed sun at
Wilsons drug store
Freeman's Worm Powders destnty and
remove worms withoot injury to adult or
infant m
• '�!' =, OF THE HEAR/,
t Rt(£:'. -4 1 -NE STOMACH,
! !T. tAtlf, OR W'SS
/ 4 etery.pebs er die tow arising *eel
. ..teisees4 LIVER, KiCHEYS, armlet"
$0wete pea stoop.
To ta. Hsdtest lerimeamas, and all whom
Y mm11050gr-
1'. MILBURN & cP., °rp''''r"'w1�lmrtli
l'h.mphatine, ..r Nerve Linn, a Phos-
phate Element hoaeil arm Aeientifw
Fasts, Formulated by Profesesur Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Masa., curse Palm eri-
ary Clops reports, Riek Headache, Nov-
enas Attar; .s, Vortigg.. and Neuralgia
5001 all wasting diseases of the human
system. Phosphene* is not • Mdecine,
bet a Nutriment, berms. it contains no
oegMahI. nr Mineral Poisons, Opiates
N arenties, •d no Rtimla
wnta, but simi',
ly the PltnepIis*ie snd Gari ie 51.uawnts
konnd in Dar daily food. A iwgi§ brill,.
s sntlini.wt to .emviwss. AU �gjptg
sell it $1 00 per bottle. igewsew &
M. erne agents fee the Dresinmw,
56 Freed Rereet Es.s Toronto
Having bees appeteled meat 04 Ike ahrim
ss•e•htne. hem tiiselieit the uveal peddle pat -
renege asst wilt ttapplr ,w..hiw.e eon tlh..l
Try the Uenuine Binger.
laooliwea street. weer the 11 t
(!bamvk. ts.d.rit\.
Zoe .;.:. dr
Lgaetl.6.wrsaswe.52faemdar!.a5rt 5arst.eas
4�R6•at wokw, .e*
wart. with
Write t,w /eQ
swore l
Co., ttia