HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-9, Page 6As
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the Poet's (Corner.
SsUlee•1 wr aa - •Id ■seer.
uses this std ad rimy mall
reel Mang ter many years .
A. met bet l weld tail a t.le
Ut piu.a r• lee amid team
Uwe amass a Mammas oor,ateaa - .
That la the dei• gone by
Cave mel Ib..IWok, •drtrlag abeam
New la the chow► .rd 11e 1
Wrinkles bass &wawa as tame fair,
Crieht eyes their 1..trs lust,
And es fair beads et glassy haw
Has falba • s. (rent ;
Tae soli tern. erect mad proud.
Una mast its Mately groat.
Aad Ray with years sad servew bowed
Now abeam my *retire' fano.
7th lad whit shaved fate Towey hp
Ity sy reelected art.
Aad made so many a creel slip
With keen -edited risco bads.
New bath s sun. who, 111, and thea.
W lth .tom,tal grmnate,
Apes wslI 11.n ways of older Inca
And serapes but beardl.ms face.
A maiden lady. told and spare.
W hu racoons Ler lonely stat•.
Comes bere.ud rondo her snarly hair
lar style long out of date
Then, with affected unoomcere.
She daubs her cheek. with red.
I. hopes that .be may someday lure
Some *oils codger's head.
f we lovers rater tu-day and peed
Together its guy fere
Ile with e..,tbuaiasu, praised
The beauty- of her lane ;
•'leaped in each other's Ito ing arras
Quite lung they gazed in in.-
.I„hn looked a. )11ary's buxom charms.
And Mary se did .he !
'1 here! Robbie wall !.ie dreadful ball.
Has en•i.l me.'1 kauw
%Iy frame hangs empty on the wall.
My fragments lie below.
.11,. well. 'lwuald du but little good
My feeling, to express --
Thr stony glances 1-d withstood
Had waskeasr ate. 1 Rena&
A Curious Story of an Uncanny
or as laastaat's low of time she darted
time, and with her sweet lams bout down
iesp.oau. ply said . 'I a. Pampa. I waist
w to some to .y theatre -.ss Inge !'-
!ties a end us whisk ahe berried -
the megis words which would
tdlait him 'And sow won't you let ins
touch you. They say 1t se stead luck.'
Qese-ged trees are behoved to be Mr-
ljasses of ill fortune. They are the
actors homer. To meet one is to ors -
foes' mutortune. To ride •n the ear
with ones equivaleut to courting ruin.
To see one in ill..whaiaos u 1. I..se self-
possession at ono.
Peacock feathers ere alto .idnttioant til
trouble. Even a painted or •mbrotder-
ed featt.w of Jun..'& wed is wppueed to
have the seeds of had look in it. 1f an
actress should wear peacock feathers in
her hat, ur have Mr dress etubruidered
in them, the outer momWrs of the
ooalpauy regard it as • sign of Imola'
houses and peasanto daaolutioa of the
c.rnbinatioe, ur oleo a terrific row.
Some managers have • dread of the
pictures of airfield. if they fiend one
ab tut the theater my where they expect
bad liminess. Auinotimes in the half-
grown towns wheel amateurs give a per,
formawoe 'My decorate the theater with
pictures of `Vashingteu, Lina In and
Garfield. mud not unfrequot'tly these
patriotic portraits are left kicking around
the property room, or hanging conspicu-
ously somewhere. Garfield is shown no
carter on account of his unlucky in-
tduence. No aueti superstition has ever
been entertained in regard to Liuo.lu'•
pictures, though lie suffered the same
fate that Garfield did.
The cat is invaribly regarded as a
bearer of good trews. She brings the
Mat of luck. When she enters a theatre
she is banqueted and flattered and in
every way urged to stay. As long Yobs
stays the gods smile. When she departs
they frown. She is as sacred from harm
in the profession as her prototypes were
in ancient Egypt.
Kewsr Kuper,.lrtea. and for People Nb•
Mold Taros.
Mow 11 1. Pia.Ied, etarvessed Asd timer
ed fir Market.
Surrounding Norfolk. Va., lies the
great peal' legion of the world, soil
Norfolk is the greatest export punt for
this product It has three large factor-
ise for cleaning t..e nuts and preparing
thein fur et..ttie•, and they handle year-
ly hundred of thousands of bushes of
nuts. A peanut fanuer tells me some-
thing about the cultivation of the crop.
The acts are shelled before planting, and
it regale's i bail Id a half t., plant
an acro. The ground is plowed lightly.
and the nuts are planted in hills some-
thing like corn ur potatoes. Seine farm -
ora merely drop the peanut, and cover it
by digging dirt over it with their foot.
The crop comes up in vines le Acing like
Volley few persons •tri w 1k1st1t super-
stitioa, Like Chevalier Bayard they
may be "without 'fear and without re -
preach," but mous aro- without supersti-
tion. Nearly every one who lives has
certain superstitions to make his life a
trouble to ham at times. 'They may be
entirely of his uwn construction, but they
are there. The mall wh.. ..cuffs at his
neighbors beause they credit Fnday
with malevolent intldences and stand in
awe of the mucus whiius, may hate con-
cealed superstitions f.tr more absurd.
The stauachest sneerer at signs and
omens is apt to turn pale when some-
thing uncanny or out of t to ordinary
happens. I heard a story t ,e other day
that is .quite outside ..f the ;entity ..f the
usual in ominous attributes . and it has
the met it of being true to add to its in-
terest ;
A woman and her daughter occupied a
house in a modest street in this city.
They had lived there several years, but
being home -keeping folk were unknown
to any save • small circle o1 old friends.
Uno morning after breakfast the mother
said to her daughter : 'I believe 1'11
have that uld sofa in the sitting room
removed. 'twice this morning when 1
hooked at it it seethed to be a coffin. I
never made that kind of a uistake with-
out having s.,uiethung unpleasant happen
soon after. Besides, it needs repairing.
I'll get 'tont of the way fur awhile."
She mentioned apulugetically, that she
wasn't very aul•eratitious,l.but that kind
of an optical illusion was not agreeable
to her. •'Something would happen."
And w it did, and something exceed-
ingly odd. The two women were sitting
in the same room an hour or sir later,
when the dour -bull rang. A man left a
package and speedily departed. The
bundle was nameless, and they opened
it, when lo, a shroud was unro!le4. ['hey'
' toed aghaat as its tont white (,olds
fluttered out and swept the floor.
Presently the belt rang again. and
when the door was opened) two men car-
ried in a c.,ftin. The horrified woman
prowledthat it did not belong there,
and ty would net permit it to be left.
The men insisted upon leaving it . said
that they had been told to leave it thorn
and they intended to obey orders. It
occurred to the distracted mother that it
aught be for her husband, who war ex-
pected h from Europe on a ship
.,,.rat daytoreedue. With that thoneht
in her mind she ceased to pretest. and
the coffin was left in the spot recently
occupied by the objectionable sofa.
It del nut belong there, as they dis•
covered Ist"r, neither did the shroud. of
course. The undertaker's 'nen had the
correct number but the wrong street :
and after a•ehile they came and removed
it but they could not r .ve the
ominous influence it had brough with rt.
The eh.ock, the suspense, the hideous-
ness of the epis.de were not easily for
gotten. With her mind still colored 1.y
the ghastly affair, the elder woman walk -
.d out in the afternrm, hoping fro wear
off her ?loom. As nosily another
person has done, she walked int,. the
fulfillment ni her (ears when fryu,g to
walk away from depress, . Her foot
slipped as she was going down the steps
of • fnattd's house, and although she fell
but two steps the accident caused her
death within throw days
The incident is without any tinge of
the nipernataral, std yet it was ominous,
and was followed by disaster.
T,ucl•lntf a hump -backed man for Intik
is • superstition which keeps an honored
Place .n the minds of many theatnal
people. They will g o to any amount of
trellble to sit neer one in • street car. or
pass one in a cn,wded thoroughfare and
nisei ago to trench hie poor crippled beak.
They ars emtident that 'virtue goes net
from him,' as is the days when t'hriet
was nn th• earth. Erse the great
Parepa-Nara wadi sot above this weak -
50 (I.,e of her Se.inainlane*, tell that
he was wel!'ina with hes on the street
wee.. when .he save a poor hunch iwek
on the onpo t. sole Without a word
gamma Orem IM dims
When the world was crested. mud .11
creatures assembled u, have' this lifetime
appointed, the ass first advanced sad
inked how long he wend have te 1....
'Thirty yes, replied Nature , 'will
that be agreeable to thee r
'Alas ' answered the a., 'it is • Meg
while ! Remember -hat s wearisome
' limens will be mine ; from morning
until night l .hall have to bear heavy
burdens, dragging Dura sacks to the mi
that others may est bread, while 1 lila
have ane encouragement nor be refreshed
by anything but Wows and kink& Give
but • poetise of that line I pray.'
Nater" was moved with oumpa.loa,
and presented but eighteen years. The
a. went away comforted, and the dug
came forward.
'How long duet thou require to lire Y
asked Nature. 'Thirty years were too
long for the aaa,but wilt thou becontent-
edwith them r'
'1g it thy ■ill that 1 should 1' replied
the dt,t. Think Mw much I .hall hers'
W run about ; sly feet will not last so
Isms • time, mud when 1 .Full has* host
my town for barking and my tenth for
biting, what else shall I be tit for but to
lie iu a corner and growl t'
Natue thought be was right, mud gave
him twelve year.. The ape then appear-
'Thou wilt, doubtless, willingly have
the thirty years,' said Nature ; `thca
wilt not have to ober as the ass and the
dog. Life will be pleasant to thee.'
'Ah, no !' cried he, 'so it may seems
to others, but it will not be. Should
puddings ever rain down I shall have no
spoon. I shall play merry trick., and
excite laughter by my grimaces,and then
be rewarded with a sour appple. How
often sorrow lien concealed bot.ind a jest!
1 shall not be able to endure fur thirty
Nature was gracious, and he received
but ten. At last came man, healthy
anud strung, and asked the measure of
his days.
'Will thirty years content thee r
'Haw short a tune' exclaimed
'VS'Iten I shall have built my home, and
kindled a fire on my own hearth ; when
the toe. 1 .hall hate planted are about
to bloom and bear fruit, when life will
seem t.. me most desirable, I shall die.
Oh, Nature. grant me a longer period !'
'Thou shalt have tho eighteen years of
the ass beside.'
'That is not enough,' replied man.
'Take .tkveise the twelve years tyf the
'It is not yet sufct.nt, reiterated [alta
-'give me more.
'I give then. the tett years of the ape ;
In rain wilt thou claim re.
Man departed dissatisfied. Thus man
small ttos& These s read them' lives seventy years. The tirat thirty ate
1 his human years, and pass swiftly by.
earns over the ground, and pearapretty He is then healthy and happy -he lab -
yellow blossom. When the peanuts are
ors cheerfully and rejoices in his exist -
ripe along in the latter pan of Septem .nee. The eighteen years of the ass
bar before the tint trust, the vines are
eome next, and burden upon hurden is
Pulled up and the peanuts are seen cling heaped upon him ; he carries the elm
i'cg to their runts. Thel are then stack- that is to teed others : blows and kicks
ed up in little socks like haycocks to are the wages of his faithful service. The
dry, and then pulled off and sold to the twelve years of the dog follow, and he
groceries. An acre planted with pea -
loses his tenth, and lies in a corner and
nub will produce from 40 to 101) bwhles, growls. When these aro agone. the apes
and as they are worth from $1 to 82 • ten years form the conclusion. Then
bushel it will beseen that the crop is a
gating one. When the factorise tiske man, weak and silly. becomes the sport
of children
the nuts there is much dirt clinging to
tall.. Sae .earsen
As ausannas testimonials will slew,
then u iso more rehab'e care fee deaf -
sees tbaa Hagyard's Yellow IM 1t is
also the best remedy for ear woke, sore
thrust, creep, rheumatism, and for pause
sad lauleasss general
sad .ateraally.
ate enes.sesas ossa• es.
Mrs. Herta Marvin, Na 331 Darn'
St., Chisag••, IA, is now in her slaty -
eighth year, and states that she lass suf-
fered with Consumption fur abort tea
years, was treated by nine physiciaru,all
el these prououncise bar case hopeless.
She had given up all hope of ever reeoe-
.ring. Seven bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption completely
cured bee. Doubting uses, please drop
Mr a petal and satisfy yourselves CJI
at J. Wlleen's dreg store sad get • free
trial bottle. (1)
Seeing is believing. Read the testi
mounds in the pamphlet en 1». Van
Buren. Kiley Cure, then buy a b.t.M
and relieve yourself of all these distress-
ing pains. Your can n tell ,you
all about it. Sold (H JDrug
Tb. um et ' 1s6sr Oil, As.
and other Mss griping Cath11die
is unneoemary, as a p'.a.ant submitted*
u found in Dr. Carson's Bitten, whisk
act as • Cathartic without Kelpie" or
causing names. All druggists sell it
50 cents • bottle.
then. This is all shaken off in cylinders
like those o1 a farmer's wind -mill or
other machines for the cleaning of grain,
and the nuts are sorted into four grades
fur the market. First, however, they
are picked over to get all imperfect nuts,
and this is done by a moving belt three
feet wide on which the nuts are carried
past a great number of colored women,
who pick out the bad ones as they go by.
Them women get 40 cents a day, and are
tined if they nuke any mistakes. After
picking and sorting, the nuts are put
into four bushel bags and shipped.
They are now selling to dealer.► from *2
a bushel upward. Few peanuts are
shipped abroad, and most of th oso s dd
in Europe come from Africa, where the
peanut grows wild. The African hues
are not so good a. the Aneerican ; are
smaller and more imperfect.
The peanut product of the [initrl
/gates is rapidly ittcreesuig, and in 1990
it amounted lm 82,150,00:1 During that
year Virginia s trade was worth 8L,(100.-
000, and last year it had grown to $1, •
500.000, or a Kai.) of 5) per cent iu
three years. North Caruhna in 1$$90
.produced 750,000 bushels .•f peanuts,
Tennease 120,000, and V .rgtnL. 1.31'),•
900. Some few nuts ars produced in
Kentucky and a few in lhwtrgta. Vir-
g in*, however, has a superior soil and
climate, and its product will puohably al-
ways be the largest and the best.
s.p.rtaat t'beaget.
Then are two periods in the life „1
every female whoa th• system under nee
great changes. First, the change from
childhood to womanhood , nett, that of
womanhood to old age. These are the
critical changes of life, and the system
should toe nourished and regulated by
that matchless tonic. Burdock Blood
Bitten. It is invaluable in all diseases
peculiar to females. 2
1.ldlas Ib. gave
Doctor -Have yen got the better of
the ague yet I
Patient -No, sor. Me sill me wife Is Soollh11loras had as icer, a yrThe Plow
Doctor -Did you get that whisky and
quinine 1 prescribed.
Patient Yee. err. but 1t did no good
a1 all, at all
Doctor That is strange You took
1t according to the directions. 1 suppose
Patient --Vis, s,r; ye know a loan sol
bis wife are one
Doctor ..What a that got b,• do with
it f
Patient Well, ye see, mar, hem as we
are one Nob, I tuk the whsle and gave
Biddy the quinines
woad ail pease.
"No titan,- said Oldboy, sternly,when
Young Hyson asked him for his daugh-
ter, "nu man, sir, should think of get-
ting married unless he has his life insur•
And if that Young Hyson didn't take
him up all wrong' and yell out that he
"was only joking and never meant a
word of it," and bolt ; and the .44 man
tried to call hien back and explain, but
he was seven blocks away by that time,
an l expLtininz to his friemi. that he was
mighty luckily out of that affair wttlll
Mita t)Idboy.
'•Why,' lie 1411, iu a arta of intense
excitement, "her own father says 'taint
este fur an unin•.ured nun to live with
And t Ndlr,y, wit , has been tryi . r to
get kis girl merited for twelve yeera,feels
that l o Ir -.t refit hopelessly co:rthitted
I hints.!
Crab Rise..
We have made arrangements to climb
Tae Swam. with city papers at the ratan
given below :-
Signal and Daily World 93.50
Weekly Globe. 2.26
Mail, 816
" Advertiser825
PITT ras toot DTartrrir.-Poverty
with perfect health is rather to be chosen
than riches and dyspepsia. Try the
magi_o effect of a dollar bottle of FOUNTAIN
For rough conditions of the Skin,
Shampooing the head, Pimples. Eruption
and skin disease., use Prof. Law's Sul-
phur Soap.
All Nervous Debility cured by the use
of Dr. E. C. West'. Nerve and Brain
Treatment. See advertuetnent elsewhere
Sold at Wilson's drug store. t2b)
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Gcderich ,y►h
A seed issoeta'* 11WMa/a& ice -resat. ala& ileum sad parte% Ven illwsw 11= as Ts
heMetreMetreesod weed wtedi cupboards, Bed assail& ]mattress..
Lammers. Sora., Mar,
YlmemsNets ss
Matin& Wawa
N. D. A oo.pkte saws moat ef Cuias sed Rhroads always ow bead also Hearn taw bis
at rw•rabl. rat. .
Meters F1aml•s a apeelalty: A toll ea eltrd.
AE *sewer Wassel.
Van any one brine us a case of Kidney
or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters
will not speedily cure f We ay they
cannot, as thousands of cases already
permanently cured and who are daily re
commending Electric Bitten, will prove.
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back,
or any urinary complaint quickly cured.
They purify the blood, regulate the bow-
els, and act directly on the diseased
parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For
sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. [1]:
Malt abeam Cured.
Are you troubled wild Salt Rheum,
Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ;
if so, go at once to Goo. Rhyme' Drug
Store and get a package ,t McGregor &
Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Plaice 25 cents.
It was never known t.o fail. b
Not another fill shall iso down my
throat again, said s co-zen. "when I can
get such a 1,n -wept end pleasant cure for
my h Gots Attacks, a. 1tr. t'arsou's$ton:•
soh Bitters It renders the blowd pure
and cool and makes a splendid spring
medicine. Large rottbes 50 t.•euta.
A »taints" Discovery.
Physcian's are often startled ti
ivarkable discoveries. The fact that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily
curing patients that they have given up
to die, is startling them to realize their
sense of duty, and examine into the
merits of this wonderful discovery, re -
suiting in hundreds of our beat 1'hp0i-
cians using it in their practice.
bottles free at J. Wilson s Drug Store.
Regular size $1.0) (4)
• TT
11111 RT 111/111111111.0 VMS Mss. TWAT 1141
being t!.o Crest Central Lin., acorns to travelers. ley Mies* d rte unrivaled n er-
graphlcal pe•Itlon. the shorteet and beet /cute betweaa the Set. Northeast arid
Southeast, and the west. Kw thereat Enid Southwest.
It Is literally and .trletty true, that 1te connections are as d tea penmen Sines
of road between tee Atlantic and the Ps rifle.
by Its main one and branches tt resonate Chicago. 'crop. Peoria. Ottawa.
4a Sails. Osnesao. Moine and Roetl (Nand. In il*e.s i O vemiert. Muaoattwo.
Washington. Keokuk. Knoav,lls, O,*Jboaa. Falrftel I. OEs Moines. West Llberti.
Iowa City. Atiantle. Avoca. Audubon, Nadas. Outhrle Center said Ooueo* Mune.
sn Iowa 1 OallatIn. Trenton. Cameron and tans Osty. m ilihneuri, and Leaven-
worth and Atchison In Kansas, and mo husdrods of .Illsts._.Mages and towns
Intwrwedlate. The
A• e1 is familiarly called. Where 10 travelers all the adermin..e and oMIalliIJe
maident to a entomb trach. sate .mdse.. Union Do0Ob K 111 eannsOtl.lg p01515.
Fast Repress Trains. oostpssad of 001011110000411. WILL VORTILA t'5D. WILL
NIATWD, tINELT 11PNOLRT1t*g0 sd ILIOANT OAT OOf11H1* I a une of the
MOST 1111*dNIf10SMT *1001011 RICLJNINO CHAIR OARS aver bunt i PUt1MAN•S
latest desisn•d and haadeorluet rusts SLLi1P/100 0*11, art 101100 sass
that are acknowledged by Mess one peons to be the PI M01T 0011 IPPON ANT
ROAD 1111 TNI COUNTRT. and In wash superior neige are served to tvavel.r.
the low rate M SIVENTT•IVI LINTS 1A0L.
TREE TRA:NS .ase way between 0*110A00 and the SUCCOURS SIV:R.
TWO TRAMS .art wlaF be ttasM O*1*OA00 and MINNIAPOLIS art ST. PAUL.
eta the famous
A New and Myatt Lbw. vis S.*.ca and Kankakee. has reenatty been opened.
between M.wp.et Mows. Richmond, Cincinnati. MOtanapolle and La Fayette,
eras OoewieNMIid. Minneapolis and Intermediate points.
1* T.�PsPasMnser. carried on Ps51 Ispreae Trains.
For more detailed information, sea Maps and Folders. which may be obtained, ae
well as Tweets. mail ninotpal Ticket Cellos* in the United States and Canada. or of
Vlee-Pree't a Oo'I Manager, O.n'I T'k't L Peee'r Aij'%
Birk Aeadseh, *ad relieve all the troublet inci-
dent co • bilious alae of the lMastrwma.� seep ae Dee
sines". Nass, Promisees, Distress a l.r psis&.
P.n i. the Side. Le. While their moa remark=
able semen hes bees.howe la caries
Readacbe,yet Carter'.Lhtle Liver I'll!. are clearly
valuable is C certssd prer,stn"
the aaseysag ems t. while also cornet
all decoders of the stomach. s11s ate the here
and n:nlate the bowels. Elia it 117 only viral
#' -`' • --1 . ry�y
5 t4
;l_; ..f PEFSONSis
41*. !led.taggs of
e' COI1suMpTION.
Ache they westd boatman pricti.ss to those who
safer pros this dber.edag complaint; bet form
satey theirsodaseedese set sad herr, and three
who one* try them will Sad 1..ee Milo yin' ale•
able ie N mss ways that they will Dot be willies
to do without lbs. Eat after all alk heed
lathe base of ,. here 't wherein
fete oar great • pais cur_ it wait
.nets do sot
Carter's IAD* Lvw _ ar. eery mull Mud
very soy to take_ Ono Wane pill. rn . • dam.
They ave Mildly taisad d., r .7npe or
hat y Chit grew semen i i all ohs
r■ri•IaetfsMl*: lar lur$1, SDid
everywhere, or Mal by wail.
New York Olttp.
. 1
A.d 1tt +.;
mos to les., ** p ,
■ +r..1a7Wm.,t Kae . 11''
55, Ntw *1ealc•, Artisans, )♦u 4'1
teas .aTessa.
.doltTi. 1. wt.... i.,L r .red
HEST 1:a., no M. Jeri*.
!chime. Tsarka. ilea:•
son Da.. as-
boat* bat soaattetlor roe Ailb•ars
Les. Ntst.p.lb art at. IY.L
Natlsseny repute Mss
Chdversu •
he the best d togtalresd tie'rfor1..1
▪ area M t...i.
An eoswrrttoes mads
Ia C
Tickets ria
CsNbeted Use
G M" st Si sites1
tha L'. s. awl
'there are lots t f people going areund
grovelling, and half sick at the Stomach
all the time , who might be well and
happy, if tally Duly used Dr. Carson's
Stotna,h Bitters occasionally. It is a
splendid blood purifier All druggists
00 .seta
Prof. l.o. s Sulphur Soap is highly
,eonm,.nded for the c.ra of Eruption.
Chafes, Chapped Hands, Pimples, Tan,
Ste. 1m
Desiree* of IL
lions of the aboveItemsmake, Itet Nee. Ili. s 44 and 11. ram be her -
embed with the same b.ppinatios to the
Foundry, Goderich.
Repair. of all the above plows can Mao be ob-
wined a the tame place.
1 Redaction of 25 Per Cent,
O& *w I laws alsae.
Apply to C. , /.-HG'AfBE_R�
htan.glwg ARest. pidpol.a
Oaierleh. Meech rhtql try
8OAP. 80AP. 80AP. 80AP.
Q No. 1.
No. S.
No. S.
Saone as mawethot.nd by the great
!G-onomy nosy ('.eawpay. of
whew trade ettoads largely thmtlg15
out England. Plane.. (lerm•sy,
Austria. Onwv sad Italy.
1Waafartered i. ('awada only M
The Huron Soo Co'y
t)fpD>OPZ _
'OAP. 80AP. 80AP. SOAP.
0.4.1151 OM& Is 111. IND
hew m.tine
•boat tor• a ..f
Feer. Steeping ' a1.
err . rer•erfy r I.
T. 1 Ponta. PSIcETSL LOwgu.
Y rlw /vert e e r.'t likwar. r. Ora flaw. Awa.
cblease. 111. t:Ueetze.II1
Canadian Pass. AK!.
Torono, Ont,
tier. 'B. Jonaileron ,
Tick.' Agent, Godsreh
1,.d 511 taints for poesy..
roost ve free, a costly keg
geeds which will help yea
's .-gal is mere esosey rtg�hft away
than aaytbl eke 1.1151. world. A1Cet either
.ea starved hew Intr. The Wood read
to fortune opens 0.4..e workers. aheesaso-
Ili swrw At once address. prt Oa, A .fat•.
Says ll)rydwn
"Slee knows her Mea, Mil AMR ye. rant
and swear.
Can Ilm
ane you to her with a .ilei. her.'
it most b. beautiful hair to haus
i swish ewer ; and beautiful hair tion be
1 by the orae of erwoai . Has
tis Sohl at 50 en. by J. !WHIM.