HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-9, Page 5T eek mato aIONAL FDIDAT, MAY ', ISM MRS. SALKELD Mas wee', pleasure to ea..sneto@ that her ThBDYN"'0'IFASHIONABLE CHECKED SILKS sf. 0410.81140 •�VIP aPrtrAP SA Foam M he auaeta-A mace 04eWM0.1 S.rI M S Thea errata se watt • The Tomato relsprwsi en Thenday W the fol ewhig Ia eu*veeedon with Hes. A. )1. Ren, Proviaaial Tteseater, thi • atter- aema tate )Bassler mid, " I real that tauw whether the pveruereem will oar s reward for the detection of these dyi a- taitua or toot r " What de y.iS came d nd 8 rt s C�a.�r �t Or: tee Iwnd's t oat lar smeek r woe sued. - Oh, dmply because the patios. berm* them parte a the Amalie. hap. paned tow lepton. Yne sae it was se tremble at ell to above these into the hole sod the form of the pewees Mth'iana ` s&tBet brim - tillers, aa1 the asheme was est sae sseful, se ...." emptiesb it M. s *Weak r1 k.« ' W I molly seek not •y. Bowe stats that it is the work of mem who ami aimless fur work .a watchmen to based against dynamiter,. I dont believe how- ever, that this is pamiMw It apply H. W. BRETHOUR & CO rrIlv'.1b 1�TTFORD Having assured a vegr Derided Barge fl in the eINUMINTIAST UM to al .aughtis a mew el this kind, and I hardly believe ane would tab* ..oh a risk for the male 01 a little twist • I .., pess@ this oeaarrencewwiill justify `m t ee guar the OMOODi in an r • '• yes, I moppets it will. Yee see we sweet aimed to risk the nese renes elan Wier of this kind. Geed *heroism." The cartridge@ are now in possaatioa of Vel. tiilmo1, Meek of the Home, who will sae that they are pet in s secure Mr. E. B. Sh.ttleworth. analytical ahamiet, hes jam osesplsted and banded ie to the Atturncy-Gemerd the report of tete as»isas at moot the cartndges fused ender the Parilseseut Buildings, and the toped is a@ follows :— Tosarrro, May 3, left. Hist, Miser Moser:, dllnwey-Overuse, fisc,—It. obdisa@U to year instruc- tions, I have examined the cartridge headed me by Detective Newhall, sad begTh <oe rtridsubmit me ge wee meritellowed it * • printed .Yara.lsr. "Allem Na. 2, annafeatored by the .Ease Powder Cmapsoy, Chicago, IU., 40 per omit.' It also bore, in thh. the initials " J. N.," and had mom markit.es us paadt that were illegible. The clef iridis was wrapped in Mout brown paper, ...ted with wain, and the intrde wee lightly peaked with s yel- lowish -brows empsud, through which projected at the spps ' end two copper detoadies tubes. The grins weight of the whets was seven cosies end three hundred and ..seat -ei*ht grains. Hay ins peeked out the detonators, I imp$ l.ZD TOB ir1TtI1 DOWTSWTs .d the cartridge, which weighed saves emmaes sad . handrail and twenty-eight gratin. ;shout 74.08) which oa pruxtwate anal) Os I Wand to be of tis toUuwiwi percentage composition :— Nitn.-ttlyosriDS 38. b0 Sakpetre and other matters sae -10 water 17.26 Vsea.ble fibre 100.00 This shows the osasWusod to be analo- gous to that knows as " detain," dicer - dg only from dynamite in amesinintt aortae* nitrates, as saltpetre..ad having for its basis an ab@.rbeet power, mem- dust, etw- >� dust, instead at intsussiel serge It is eoasider.d to be WOMB POw11MIUL TRAM eblAttlrl I tested sae of the datonaf blowing t it espl.dt ld with fere., large hole thecae& the Moat wigwagging out whist it mead, being Assaf tofu int{, asci[ moan fro gmsats that only ~small shred of the upper easing oosad be fem.d. Taking the relative *massive aerosol' ol rsopowdor eel aittoslyosries as be- ing 1 to 10, the cartridge woad equal Most 11 potted. of gunpowder, bot fn Range Cotentin* at, Lowest .� Now Fashionable (flecked Silk*, we are showing a Full Figures we have ever seen waeh good offered. ALL WARRANTED PURE SILg. stln, Checked Dress Silks mitIJb Checked Dress Silks 2 Stook of Spring asid Summer Millinery Is saw eewptete. GO comprises eat the Latest Novelties in Hata, Flouters, Feathers aasd all kinds of Fancy Goods Prices Low and Work Guaranteed to Please. MRS. W. SALKELD, term -tut eoreeot r to MNS Josie W Ws. •8 1 uu WORTH $1.96. , WE WILL SEND SAYPLBS ON APPLICATION, and Goods by Nail or Eipre s. Goods so ,teat not proving satisfactory may be returned and money refunded. We have received tine week : Ladies' jerseys ix all Colors. Ladies' jerseys Beautifully Braided AI/O The New Turkish Crape, in Stripes and Plain, Being the Latest thing out for Sumner Costumes. Hae W- $RETHO'LTie az CO., Brentford, April 17, 1884. $RANTFORD. 1 0070 KNIGHT'S !Foil A SHAVE, HAI UT, HP00, OR DYE. TWO DOOR! MAT OF P.0 0N1y iGoderich Foundry SEEDS A sboioe assortment al Fresh Field Seeds on hand. ler 8.l. at Reao.aable Priem AT THE ---- CAS13T ORE. THERE IS CHEAP A CALL IOLICITID. Vsh� p.ohowl the O.a.evh Fooat say earn >w+� 1 sal havae ellarteird.oed r•Mer. west Who ee.te.ets ate Flouring Mills, Steam Engines, Boilers, Aad other M.rNmery weated. Uodstteh. Ala W 110. MITINERY ! MILLINERY! W• have note pi....te t• soo anebeg to the White of 9elteteh sod 'Wally. that Our Stork o/ Spring and Summer Millinery V NOW COMMUTE, AND trlMPRIASS A ?ARMY OT Beautifully Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, Comprising all the New- est Shapes. All are Cordially Invited to Examine our Goods. Feathers,athersy Flowersao�ers and Trimming 'THE TORONTO HOUSE." atWeat ride 51 ttyosre nest Our w Bi,grhaa%: Fruit Store. Odertah. April G. Mt. All nail of Castings Matte to Orley. Marta Lb ONO to tko Irani Moth, .t Roller Systom. wm keep •t rtestantil Imelmmate se ►sa& ant lea* REPAIRe se sheet seder. J. B. RUIICIMAN. R. W. RIIIIC1MAN. Crockery Glassware, Lamps, &c. err the rapidity of exptssion of nUt.0 1lycer- ittg. and the fact this It does ad require to be oeo/.ed, the east oedeeed WOULD MB WIOCM saw= than that resents( from this amount of gunpowder. ' I have the honor to be, sir, . t itesient servant. 1111k.t B. elated lieVellt ' Pres& Chap. fail dila tem nm te.la. t"' n ,ineee1.n .aims. p T. OV'R eft 21.4X3BAiT•._ EATS It.usA V ewe, Oridertee. ars 11. OMIT AFULL LINE OF GROCERIES AN D CANNED GOODS. Cheap and Good. Give Him a Call ! OCR. OLD THE GROCER, The Square, - Godeneh J... S. Int. 10. JOflI IacTkWkRT Verlenlla Mas.p.asd out a tell 11.e et GROCS AID CROCIIRI. Lowrey. )pay 5. —(loam, Mt 1eley has submitted to the governamnit w plan fee the relief of Khartoum, which he ) 1 ' is feasible in epiteef climaticdll6- 1 OOLBORNZ BROS. have Jost received a WIPP ovv•.t.aa M Cetto.e. wue.alee. Dacha boot Mkt. teas sad Tweed. at lower peters Goa ever. (sail sad se. thea A - ilei emeer..te.a of PRINTS sew W. asst Ile Sew Patterns to demos from Ile ewe sad we their IAntn! dews beim haying. ' 9.lerash. Felt. nth. MIL �y STOCS OF MILLINERY! ,, .0 cowpte10. att 1 11 be Nub ,., t-4.1111 A a I. Latest Styles anti the Best Finished Work at the Most Moderate Prices. Call MISS 0-P., _.5.-7-t --A.-M Tent sett; A RF ..uttEt;irlt. The ChicagoHouse, Spz 3.115.:.m e� sr. ezi11.i�.Ery- One of the Most Complete Stocks in (1oder,ch. LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. Miss 'Wilkinson's, C ;ago House. Oelerieh. April 1,.1ML. • Spmeth3.2=6. Wasted .- WALL TINTS. - - KALSOMIME COLORS. la E s•.ie. p Mlaod PsIMr Pwetn.l Cettaep of acMas• searli d 1�1tes a.l ethers esw het tie soler the! *e�me q M Ftret<Slseo 1. every r sr .M is rtes 'h• �aN et John A. Naftel's Hardware 8mporium -r-Lew'1C 1 r= _ .& FEW PIDCEeI— FOVLE WOOL, Ioffer a 25 Inches Wide, at 25 Cents—SPECIAL VALt1E. THERE OF FAMILIES 1 . Or ire. Children's Dresses, at 10c., 124c.. 15c., 20e. per yard. TAILORING. J. C. DETLOR & CO. We base resolved oar Spring Tweeds anI Worsted Castings, Series sad Fancy gti rsaeriap in all abodes, whist' ere wake up in ftupetior style with the very best trimmings as cheap se any house in the trade. few piety of DRESS GOODB,.aattabie f W and c arses • "Miesharelsoos 1 L estwoentsj lasrt Peet• sac.. t webs' melted* a ' each to Evelyn A h .d1Ned. from Donlon, dated Khatt.wer, April 111, in whisk he says : "As far as I sodentead tis eiteetios, you stets than is no agouties of .angina relief here sr to Berber. I e.e.ider isyiM free to set .000rdint to dresantenres. I .hall hold on hen.. bug as I eon, mud if I cru suppress the rebellion, I shall d.• @o. Otherwise i shall %Mire to the egsa- ter, ad leave yes tis indelible diagram el Mamboing the garri.oss of flennear. Kassala. Berber, sod Doeg'taa, with the ametaiety that you will eveetsdly be forced to smash up )labii under peat d desltIss, if yes would retake peas. in Oaa.gMMaeeel. •-- M.i Il ism et! *ea • • • osier,`"""'11 I - a.l.a .:..... • .+t ...�.......111 flat "::". N�•N V •••...Y•...Y-Y JOHN ltacTAOHART. etea.rf.h Mee! Mb. PM OWN Qedsetsh. leave Mh. teas. 1111141a' Fall D11DI'1OS. RUBBER DOOR MATS 1 A OROICE AIMORTMSST. ALIO �- 2.X.acC 120.1 r... 1.0 Cutter. J. C. DETLOR & CO. ' 's Upon Us ! Spring AND NOW lei THS TIME TO BUY YOUR Vegetabl Flower & Field Seeds. F. JORDAN, at the Medical Hall, has just opened out w fresh seedy of Seeds of all Kinds, FRESH, RELFRBLE fiENsr D$WML ASSORTED. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Dru,ggist, pr-Cuurt douse Square. G•dericb. 1938 - ISE- iSE LARGEST 11 TME 0011111611. PITCHMR JUST aED AT John A. Naftel'sHzctiVardware Emporium SALESMEN WANTED To hese" whN �sl �/ a avail dtM°1j t wale W 1Ti'•■: •asswllthts te Mat alert tit Iea Rai SOO .1.01l31118 - Seed save cow Mete pe pa r�y,aas,tel milli flew AMMO, f!'I"O$* dto, ' O.L tela tt. 1 as I tom eat bast 1. :artsee s..r The =re pipets 0 *VOW book Iw Ata.elo► to • Am IataSleei y IL Amylase. eA lligt' '41 . DON'T READ THIS 1 MCCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO, lsa.rtataore ell tads .i Illeehlweity sae et the how orally. Alar Bolt OuttiDg, Wool and Ctyliatter Oita. RDINE ...A..- sa Z l'F a 01X. dale's Malls loom* nos. all a. W. op legp sr e/ awereD. R. W. McKENZ1E (SIG -1•T OF TII E P.A.D..00K_) Q —Itt IIKADQUARTESS FOR. -- STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE With Barbs Either roar or Six Inches .?part. M'VLL x izq a ON' Spates, Shovels awl eartlening Tools. --AUK) A rum. arum or- — - GENERAL HARDWARE! BM'7OI * YrLVsI tie Pain/t" Oils. Glass and Painters' Ma4erialse f3 IEI_eD CUTLICRY. R. W. 1