HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-9, Page 4the I batt) ruse pro 111811 the The Sty Tle de We A. lie A. Wh A. My Thi The The Toe L 4 THE HURON SIGNAL MAY. NAT 9, 1884. FRE HURON SIGNAL s published error flab Ott 11M'tar. 1tLintvs.T of ti .5gme) OO>iitUCClllie ONTARIO. ..d is deepatobed to all parte of the s.rrened as country by t be eartlest .alis and trmles. By general admission It has • larger circuits baa tram say ether as le thio part o1 oo.atry. 4 taw j. the ram ter. newsiest lead mos raids in Ontario pessssiag .. does. the for.•plag emeoltals sad betas 1. addible& 'ebbe besideababove.the mcies. family and beside paper It be aper desirable eilvertishep nudism. Twigs fir• la advance. postage pre -pate a publishers. el IA if be will be month* ise paid• ra4 softwood. fusser or Aeeaweelee.-Zight cents toe for ant Insertion :three Mode per U 7rr fo r, oath subsoque.tleesrtMa Ysrrt7.haU- ore quarterly contracts at red rates. ass rar1Trea.--- We lave Moos arse -clam sobbing (lepers meat la con newt ion. and poseree- fag the most complete of fit and best facilities tw t uroioa out work le Aoderlch, are prepared to do business to that fine at prices that cannot M beaten, mad of • q t, that cannot be erosesse--Terese t /MAIL MAY gra. 1864. WEST !Witt1Y REP )8VERtr. A Reform convention under the ansa pices of the West Heron Reform Associa- tion will be held at Du.gasn... on Tees - Bruce, Huron and Perth. day, May 27th, beginaiug at 12 o'clock WAIL The object of the convention is Ara meeting of the Ontario Cabinet to perfect the organization in the differ it was decided to appoint Mr. Justis eat polling subdivisions of the Riding, Pruudfoot as president of the Royal and to arrange for the proper correction Commission on the conspiracy can, and of the cutup' fists ylowadays the apace Judge Scott, of Brampton, brother of tions are (ought, in • great measure, at the late member for West Peterborough, Thethe courts of revision and before the and Judge Sinkler, of St. Catharines, 'flue county judges, and it is of importance S1$ CM•11 110 T*rraa, after a0 hi• I FIENDISH OUTRAGE. whitewashing, has stepped down modest of the C.bui.'. The Macdonald Minia- try, sant present ousp need, m felling to pious from the weight of its own iM- 9tttty. mute p -a had irea. a •oduoroal R1 frepew semi for OM Qerb., the sum to be paid to blot whiten Owes menthei home one e►esld remind the false prophet of the well-known romps fur wallas a hare : "First e.teb your hare.' Gerdes a in • pretty tight plate jest mow, tet El Madltt's swarthy hand does sot yct gasp his coat Dollar. Tex twenty-eight counties in which the Scott Act will be voted on this year are to be grouped as follows :- -Nu. 1, Peel, Sweetie, York, Ontario, North- ombertaud and Durham ; Nu. 2, Frunte- Inac, Leeds, Grenville, Renfrew, Lanark, Carleton, Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Lennox and Prince Edward ; No. 3, Middlesex, Ivtbton, Norfolk, Elgin, Kent, Brent sad Essex ; No. 4, Grey, • Goderieh Girl Brutally As- saulted. s-s ulted. mg ire set you, sad PesMy has rusts." "eau au nor *OVL$s ' farther esq.ued Herbert. "Oh, he is ell right, posded Yule, suck satis- fied that be had so seely dia.cored the identity of the third party, wbo up to this tune was unknown to the law sae ss Turfed away Ores . eseassa Ittt...I. I odiuru. After placing Herbert is est*- aN smut eft sr Tema keeping, Yule inemediateIy proceeded .seodd Ttl.ori lesed. I the resndosos of Swim , whom he & est - ed, ceasing down stain, fully dressed and ready for Aught, some person •vt- No:hing that has occurred in this sec- dimly having informed hen of the ar- tion for years past has wooed such in- rest of his confederates. So well did tense excitement. as the news of the the officers manage the affair that all three of YRS rahwXRRs wgaR I$ CUSTODY by four o'clock in the afternoon. They wen et one. taken to Clinton and The 11er 1'c-. J o• -'a A .tad plot 11 Jud it .lel r lou'. It I',•utl A "Eli! A •Uir1 1c NI. fa A Ti: ra SI loon .•f la 1,w Moe .fan, read Eder Bee the May Joht Ach. t ton post rued cit tpsou beat as a toss drat else ur s duai . bon rod wet ishe end Mn digs $18 sect woe um• flu the PA! - Das k 1y. ed Bit bili bot be. nit 1114 501 for tub try rte taw Ise etv Ira Ts ale mal G of v£ • 3 Is 44 1 11 therefore that good work be done in this direction. The meeting will be address- ed by Hon.. A. M. Rens, Provincial Treasurer, M. C. Cameron, M. P. for West Huron, and other prominent Re- formers. TiIE FALL WHEAT. An ezperieneed man who recently took a trip throngh the northern and central portent of the county, tells us that the fall wheat crop cannot safely be put at more thin one-half an average. in the southern part of the adjoining county of Bruce, fall wheat books splendid on light, gravelly sod, but un heavy clay soil it is hardly wurth saving. The sea- son so far has been favorable for spring sown grains, and to that class of cereals the farmers of Western ( Ontario, must look for a relief from the hard experi- ences of the past rearm. brutal u.trsge that was perpetrated upon a (iudench girl At Clinton, on Tuesday of last week, by three dimpled* yo.ng men from Seaforth. On the day men- tioned, 'sought before mayor Forrester, who. $Peer•*.'♦ RATES, after hearing the evidence of Herbert • respectable young woman aged about and Soule', remanded them to Goderich seventeen years of age, and daughter of for a further hearing of the Dace. The Mr. Thomas Hates, ..f this town. while prisoners were then escorted to the etc on her way to t*t. Theta's, became the ten to take the night train fur Gods - victim of • series of circumstances which rich. So intense was the feeling against culminated in $ terrih'e outrage. Site them, that a mob formed and followed them to the station, had beeo ratting relatives near Clinton, and was intemdiug to take the evening train for London, ru route fer lit. Thomas, where • couple of her beeches.* reside. Owing to a miscalculation abet cussed the train she intended to go on, bpd at ones determined to stay in Clic. tun over night, and take the early train for London in the morning. With this object in view she proceeded to the Grand l'uion hotel, and,after taking sup.experience u constable I never saw an 7 per, asked ter t e given a room for the pry nen so tumults to get to Godetich, night. so that they could get behind stone walls." Tiff .:lass sto$v eriellptiOn off Use Moment. w•ILLIAa OUSTER, MOM uensinegn. Oa the et..pgtb of the ovideoon ad- dtle•d W. Hunter was outwitted to Wand kis trial at the its* oespetewt noun 4 ).nedietiva for lek,nw y as- swlu0g mad .,ssittutg $ rape upon the penmen of Rebecca Bates, of the tulip of Gedertcb. uo the night of Tweeday,Aptil 29th, 1864. ...met errs aid sumo isesafMd- Charlee Herbert and:Frederick Moults were further remanded until Wednesday next, when their rase will again woe em for investigation before the magFistrwtes. It is expected that us that use See Miss Hates will be suf&ienuly recovered to give her testimony a•g1paluM the primmer+. It is also undiwtoed that Hunter has expressed a determination to shake • confession and own up to the whole affair. The magistrates court un Wed. ssds wilt be held with closed doors. The father of the prisoner Herbert, from St. Marys, is in tow., and is making efforts to have kis son tailed, but thus far he lyra been unsiooeesful, as the magistrates contend that no bail can be accepted until after the *widows is heard.. Taaa&TIOCOO TO LYNCH Ta[H, and breathing malda.'tions against them. A gentleman who arae up en the tame train with tie prisoners said he never sew feeling so intensely exhibited monist culprits as was that of the people of Clinton against the prisoners• On this point constable Yule esid, "Seared!— well I should say they were ; in all my were also appointed on the cowirnisten. is that the young man of the house, one It is not probable that the Commission Carson, told her to go up to the sitting will meet before the early part of July,room, and that he would arrange that aha would be furnished with a room. in order that there may be no interference She accordingly went to the sitting with the • rdinary work of the Judiciary. roem, and occupied it until late in the It was also felt that it would hardly bo avenin , when. about eleven o'clock, she right to attempt the cullection of fresh before the evidence while the case was courts. THE HATE." c)f-TI:AGE. Tux terrible outrage committed upon the girl, Rebecca Bates, near Clinton,has caused • feeling of the meet intense anger and indignation in this her native town. The girl's courageous but futile fight for her honor. has elicited for her ezprresions of the deepest sympathy, and the brutal treatment of the girl during and after ler defloration, has *erre,' up the st,.nuist feelings against the scoundrels who participated in the out- rage. During the week it wnuld hare been easy to have secured a large band of our best citizetisto personally chastise the lecherous lot as they were brought to or from the court r.rom. In Clinton, also, the heeling against the fellows after their examination before Mayor Ferrster was such that they were the most anxious men t, take the train for G,xlerich gaol that were ever in charge of Huron county constables. So high does indignation run here, that a popular expression will be given to it if the law dos not adequately punish all concerned in this terrible affair. was innormed that no room would be given to her, and thathshe would have the past four or five years. He has for who is apparently the leader of the gang is a young man, 22 years of age, of light complexion, large blue eyes, and steads 5 ft 11 inches in his stockings. His father is a very respectable resident of the village of Brussels, but the young man has been of dissolute habits for to find lodgings elsewhere. a accord- ingly went forth into the night, with the mals and fsinale,and the father was. out intention of seckin)r a place where she (emus s.s else Arebbeibep. could rest until morning. but a erespect Pcet for himself and the rest of the family, constrained to turn him away Besides the hope e[ drawing attention passed out she noticed a cnceyancr from hums Of late he has been em - reason the conspiracy, there is another 'standing in front of the hetet donor, the to ed m 'boa driver at he harm's for abusing Archbishop Lynch at' driver of which gave her to understand hotel, Sasf'bus the present time. `fir John has just sold that orth. caAaLEs Hca'exv the Orangemen again by refusing to say • 'rtr•IAL TRAIN is a {air complexioned young man, with or do anything except vote for their in- was fining to Lundin that eight, and else it ht blue eyes, aged about 21 years.eurperation bill, and it is hoped that his stated that if she would get into the NNt organ can du something in the way of . vehicle he would drive her to the station. I He is well -formed and tall, being Mt 11 putting them in geed humor by aousiug 1 Being $ voting, un.ophistiated girl, she inches in height. He is $ tinsmith by a CeWelie Archbishop every morning. be t trade and hails from St. Marys, but has That is parse a very small cutnplimeut to the Orangemen. —(Beacon. MAT DAT. ,--lemegn seem traisalsoss its Wogs .4111101411111a is ssisiews. 111 Tae t'efapdrseen. It is argued by good lawyers that the bribery conspirators are in a worse hoz now than they were before, and that it was a mistake to enter a demurrer, as was done. The entering of $ demurrer means that the facts are adniitted the legal offence u denied. In the sae is question the ground is taken that the bribery .rf a member is not an uBence known to the law. Should the demurrer be over -ruled 1. the Court of Queen's Bench the defendants will be in an awkward pPrediament, having, by ethter- ing the demurnr •drnittd the ed J facts charged against them in the indictment. The object seems to be to fight the case on legal technicalities rather than on the knocker( her down, and, despite her broad question as to whether bribes were struggles and cries • succeded in brutally given to members for the corrupt purp,ee ravishing her. The girl says she was of inducing them to vote against the urrRA,:Pn twits Government. No doubt so far as the Government is concerned 0 is net par- and that on each ocasiou two of her ticularly anxious to convict any of those assailants overpowered her. Finally she named in the indictment. The punish- became insensible. and when she again Grand Caion hotel, was called upon to ment lies in the exposure and the abject recovered consciousness the villains had Sure tstimony, but his principal efforts the Government has in view is rather to driven of . seemed to toe directed to endeavoring to show that he wa innocent of any con - I ed h self of the offer. No snorer had she got at Seat rth. into the vehicle than the driver was ' F8LUxalt•K SMILER joined by two associates, and at once I I $ resident ens of father S.anaf orthtw, where he Hives drove ilia instead. however of going to the station, he to to the Huron *.rel, carpenter by trade and has hit one the murder of )andlorl/ and others. and it dawned upon the poor borne a good character. He is light- Thomas Moran, •friend of Sheridan,o girl that misrepresentations had been j complezioted,brown hair and blue eyes, made to her. She then endeavored t,r and is 5ft 81 inclies tall, acid about 20 testified that when he joined the Invin- gst from her captors, biting the hands of years of age_ciblw he was sworn .on • knife. and the driver several time, and after Tee gvlde rot aaat.a tae r►wnrn. pledged himself to secrecy ; to implicit On Wednesdaylast the prisoners were obedience to hie leaden ; to act when A TERRIBLE aTRCr:uLa, called upon bythem, and to deal death succeeded in leaping from the convey- brought up on remand fore mayor p° I B J- Horton, of lioderi.h, and mayor Fortes- to all tyrants. auce, while it was in iou. On alight- ter, of Clinton. Then was • large at- The pr secutors for the crown stated upshe fell ddrwn, but quickly scrambling tendance of spectators. The amended up again, she started to Ti*, towards r Clinton. ed er, uuju read over to thein and duly signed by of abductors, immediately jumped from the vehicle, and running after the now almost frantic girl, caught u with her, be iev t e store, mR anxious o i for the put eight months been employed get to the stattt•n,Tal once availed her. . The following .elastins from authori- ties on the seibleet was Med at the Kay Day comoertr by S. P. Halls :— The outbreak fat. basely whisk na- ture maks .t the end of April std be - geminate of Key, exists so joyful a feel- ing in the human breast that there s so wonder that the event should have at all tiates been celebrated in some way. The first emotion M a desire to sae some pet of that prolimiou of dower and Memo* which spreads around w, to est it op iu decorative fasbiw,, pry it a sort of homage, and let the plummet* exomtes End expression a rwmsuest $std some. A frantic happier.. goes abrusd .o er the earth, that nature, Wog dead and wed, lives and snubs again. Doubtless there is mingled with this, too, ib Deems of any reti.atiest, • grateful 'ease of the Div in. goodness, which makes the promlaa of seasons so stable and so sure. Among the Humans, the feeling of the time f•,und vent in their Fluralia, which began on the 28th of April aged luted a few days. Virgil says that the Rumania used to go Tutu the fields on the 1st Mayand sing iu honor of Floe, goddess of fruit and dower. Nations taking swore or les their origin from Roane have settled upwoU the 1st May for pleasures of the mute kind. Li England we have to go back several countries to find the observances of May in their fullest de veloplaent. In the 16th centtary it was customary to go forth at an early hour in the morning to gather flowers and haw- thorn branches which they brought bone about sunrise with accompaniments of horn and tabor, and all posible signs of joy and merriment. Every door and window would be decorated. They gave to the nawtborn bloom the name of "May"-- they spoke of the expedition to the wools as "goring-a-Maying." The fairest young lady in the village was crowned with flowers u Quem of May. Even the king and queen condescended to mingle with their subjects un this occasion. Not content with • garland- ing of their brows, doors and windows, these merry people had in every village and t..wn • fixed pole as high as the mast of a vessel, on which, each May morning they suspended wreaths of bowers and round which they dental in Hums nearly the whole day. The May pule, as it wu milled tad, its place equal- ly with the parish church—and 0 one any where was wanting, the people A /ria? of S miss llwar ll lgp rat en selected a suitable tree, hewed it to the __-. _1__ proper sire, brought it in triumphantly, and erected it in the proper place, there to temain front to year. The Puritans caused the May -poles to be uprooted as there was, as they said, too much mirth and jollityround them. A famines May- pole 134 eet high which formerly stood in the strand. London was taken d n in the time of Cromwell as "a last nant of vile heathenism, an idol of people," it was re -erected with wren ceremony under Charles II., and finally 1 taken down in 1717 and presented too , / Sir I. Newton to support the largest that Jam Lyon and Pat Reynolds, now telee•ope at that time in Europe. It in Atneria, wero the local leaden i,f the had twu gilt balls and a vale on its society cf the Invincible.. Moran further summit, and on holidays was decorated d oesd that P. J. 8I-.ndan had visited with flags and garlands. After the 11.- T bbe in the b n[ a teat •u ratinn they wereeverywhere reerect- 41 1111 4A0IRTRAT6A' a over, Hunter was not represented by Connell. Mr. Holt, of Cameron, Holt d Came roe, watched the rasa for Herbert and Books.: Mr. Prebdfoot, of Darrow & Proud - foot, condsctd the examination of wit- nesses in the interest of Miss hetes ; and Mr. Ira Lewis, county attorney, guard- ed the tights of the crown. In the foregoing we have endeavored to give the facts of the ase u they hate been brought to our knowledge. We have refrained from giving the evidence in full, nut because we wished to suppress anything, but simply because some of it was unfit for publication, and other por- tae were irrelevant. It will be (uund by thou who rad our :sport that we have given • full and free statement of the case, although we have studiously refrained from using the indelicate refer- ences that had of necessity to be made use of by some of the witnesses, and which some "lewd fellows of the hatter sort" delight to roll under their tongues like a "sweet morsel." SWORN ON A KNIFE. Strum, May b.—Fitzgerald and ten other Fenians were arraigned to -day, charged with being invincible. and with information against the prisoners was 'Wm.Hunter, f the party Constable Yule. 1.60. SILL w r urry Kar pr •d and the to rite recent - testified had, during his visit, busied himself apPro farts that Ole was the farmer at whoa in forming the "inner circle." maned—but in the course of the mere ht.use the girl had obtained sumer. He gradual change of manners the May - relate'. in detail the circumstances of the COLLIDED IN A FOG. pole has again vanished. They must be ease which we have already given. pretty old people who remember ever SSUIOS J. C•ARNON, &seine one. em► of Mrs. Morley, the owner of the In London there are, and have long been, a few forme Orf Maydayfestivity in a measure peculiar. eis still marked by $ celebration in which the chimney sweeps plays the sole part. What we usually see is a small band of two or three men in fantastic dresses, erne smartly dressed female glittering with 'wangles and • strange figure called Jack -in -the -green, being a man concealed within • tall frame •f herbs and flowers decorated with a leg at top. They stop Imre ■red then, and dance to the music of drum and fife, expecting, of coarse, te be remunerated by the lookerson. / Within the present century there was a somewhat similar demonstration from the milk-malde. in the course of the morning the eyes of the householders would be greeted with the sight of a stanch sow, all garlanded with Gowen, Id along by $ email group of dairy women who -in light end fantastic dreeaes, an 1 with heads wreathed in flowers would dance round the animal to the sound of the violin or clarionet. At an earlier pet iod there was an addition to this ehonl troop, in the form of a man bear- ing a frame which covered the upper half of his perms, and on which was hung • cluster of silver flagons and dishes each set in a bed *1 flowers. With this ex- traordinary burden. the legs, whish alone were seen, .mull join in the danee,mush to the merriment of the spectators while the Orange pale aborts floated and flaunt- ed about with an air of heavy decorum that added not s little to the general amusement. Carols were sung to the most exhilarating music. After ranyhling all night in smirch .•t flowers the follew- ittg wrrl not rem$rk$h1• for its ewrrect poetic structuresou often heard :— • Remember os poor Mowers .lt. and thus we do begun retake political capital than to send any A.ot r rev E u t Lux x I bodyto i1—(Toronto Telegram. on Wednesday morning a farmer names entrance in the nutter. He admitted George Hill, who licca on the boundary having seen the girl about supper time. T.ppee's *eltea reene. line between Guderich township and and that she had been refused $ room, Hallett, and about 6 mile. from the and had left the hotel after eleven o'clock. That this will be the last chaotic iu theat night ; that she had been Invited to Ministry is not for •moment to be sup- scene ..f the outra¢e, was induced to Rat into the buggy by sane person, he pored. It has been an incompatibility of npen his door by a baud rapping thereon. could not tell who; that thorn were only temperament among the Ministers that ! Upon opening it, he discovered a young Herbert and himself present when the dared cohesion ire "esible. The co- woman, of dishevelled appearancr and irl sou invited to et into the rig ; he MILLI) WHISKY. A YAR**SR named M. O. Peterman, living in the suburbs of Pittsburg, Penn. , has discovered a way of manufacturing solidified whisky, making it into pocket plugs like tobacco, The new process will revolutionize the whisky business t.e a consiuisrable extent. When the plug system comes into ordinary use it will not be an uncommon sight to see the i k h d 1' d t 1 re n ¢ K hesive power of plunder might keep then] Incoherent speech who asked for adults- dide't think he 'Carate eked her (" together for roue time, but cordial re- sin. She looked as if she had been tin, but would not state positively. batons were out o1 the question. There subjected t•. hard usage, and spoke like s was not sure that the hour the Rir. were t.uo many incongruous dements and •me demented. Her tint question was, lett the hotel was not between 12 and 1 tow little love of principle for the Minis- "Will you let an Irishinan in 1- and this o'clock,1,. a.m., and yet he allowed tee— ters to be united, and the process of due was followed by. "I will be the Hon. a stranger- to gu torah at that hour. integration has begun. When it has Mclean," "You are l:viug in y' ur Shan• There wen few present at Oke ex - ended, Sir John will have found his ty, but i will h$re $ castle, ' "John A. amination who did not dispise the man - "last ditch." I Manlonald is the man to menage the ver in which Carson wave his evidence. The people of Canada are net yet, 1 business of Ontario,- and other rambling it looked me if he were intent upon cow - however, done with Sir Charles Tupper. expressions. She complained .4 being ering up uncles A sumptuous residence has been provide 1 c'•Id, and was invited into the house by Mr. Hill,and aked to stn for breakfast. Jewett WALKER, sed for him, and here he will reside at S the expense of the Dominion till there 1 After breakfast the farmer and his wife an hostler at Kennedys livery stable A grand Trunk lagt.e rraebee tote a Carload er r.ese.aers. Chicago, May 6.-- A Chicele & Illi• twin Central trait. with p.esogers Dom- ing into the city this morning fres Auburn, during a daps fog, stepped at South Engleswood, and just as it was pulling out from then a heavy loeomo.- tive of the Grand Trunk mad, which enters the city over the same trek. plunged into the rear of the train, arLITTIjI(, THE LAST CAI and telescepiug Ai other 'two, pinning the pesmgers amongst the bn.ken tim- bers, and flooding the interior with steam from the boiler. Two persons were killed and about twenty others seriously injured. Wilson, engineer .d the pessenyer train, was cut about the breast and face, and two rebs broken. W. Cochlen, of Englewood, had both legs broken and one eye destroyed. It n thought he will die Engineer Ter- williger, of the 3rand Trunk train, was arrested, but released on bond. He claims the accident was de to the f.g. regular whisky rte • inviter "lin 1O "' is souther change in tM wheel. That :the her t.. ho disown and rest, which had teen the pnsmen when they dere THE C. P. R. DIBUCTORATI. pistol -pockets and tailing out is u ,jec o ;she did after tui ulatin that they, would in from t+eatorth midi had seen the Rrrl their h 1 t (sitting m Parlament whale P g their refreshments and nibbling ort a ha scat i9 legally cae.nt wa merely too I all her m time for the li.(R, tem. m their conveyance just be/ore they awperte.t I P..41shs Ciminero. Tute Per corner, as u now done in the rose of prime the I'.u•ihc Rsilway loan is now When the girl was disrobing Mrs. Hill drove ort. He was acquainted with ao.ael *tribe new Mooed. tobaoe.,. The intentiission between the quite evident. Should he at rime tinsI nts•ovaaen HIR TITIAN tomer, Hunter, but out with any of the rest of th Weak tlNirre aee.tit • bleat ier tbsi .e1fp ler t crver.i with t•, atrttr, { b'll: first end ..coed part .1 a programme can 1 iso e y sou o. a directorate of the Canadian Pacific Rail- fere din { th and her hat jammed aY1CSir, now be dispensed with, as it will ;not be way o e read, ) his action will be more fully under- I telt of shape, but her undergarments et (helerich, had been called in to see necessary for the gentleman to go out , stood, and feasibly more generally eon- 1 wen torn to shred+. awl her limbs cov- plias fugues at 2. lei p. m., on Friday last, ( eted withw,•unds. bruises and blood, and found that she was bruised about mad see w nano ' a. was the custom derailed.- London Advertiser. !rpm awaking. the poor girl was fora the lower part of the neck ; also that her ad toy the statement of that gentle - under the old system. The plug in the' teymemue limbs and the lower portion of her body man himself. Mr. Turnbull has been pistol -pocket will obviate the out-g'rinq, 'bete time safliciently retinal ho relate W J Scienter no dnaist did the world a gond the circumstances of the case in conmee. were badly bruised. The injuries could intimately acquatntea with the affairs ret and . after the owner Ire the plug has' turn when it gave it dynamite. but it u tion with her ill-treatment at the hotel be caused by an attempt to outrage her. the company since its inception, and is nibbled.lte art Nook around conrplavently + possible that if science could have fore- in Clinton, and the subsequent debauch- Some one . r more had recently had in many matters the confidential repre- to se. if any of his .-hums hive forgotten ' seen the wicked uses to which dynamite ing (1 her by the ,nen who hal inveigled eon1ecuon with the girl. sentatire of Mr. Stephen. He sou uk- their p'.ngs, and are sxhibding signs n would be pet it *night have hesitated at her into the conveyance : after which wit. ugly en to accept the appointment with a view To lead ear liven in rlshteonorwa er elite we making us invention pnblie. There a she again relapse" into •state of •hems was the next traumata He drive a 'bas of maintaining a quorum oar this side of die In eon. distress he crss i•,g two hngo•u ..f the not a civilized conutry o" the trice ^t the tion. Mr. Hill kept the girlat his house for the (:ran' union hotel,Cltntrm, and, the Atlantic whilst so many ret the Mon- we have been rumbling all this eight am] right hand situ,h.•rutly over their r- earth o . which the new explosive has until ThursdAy monung, when he drove like young Carson, is •M Meted with un- trail directors were away in Europe and And snow rrinrr*IH.d to k • to lis her• taches, it will b,• him! on the hotel- but been emp'uyed for improper par- her into Clinton. and nude known the retent.ve memory. He attended bar at until Oho •nntalgeneral meeting • few b ought IMn s tonnah red *ay. ,ere. in one dwys despetehes then fact that the marl fiendish entre a that the Grand ('pion duringt week. hence, when a ren niastnm .41 A brsi.ch of May we have brought you. .ad keepers, end will rrnlaato. more ayaib'1 w he evening, at conn dinner a summa were Accounts of dynamite outrages lxin jlgd purr dueracod the e'en tr of Hurn and ):rani the pna.nen and others talk- the board will he made. Mr. Turnbull:It I+ b mt a eprront, hut 15, well Mdded oat, by their fusee than • prnohn.uory b „oma If cementite! in Oennany, Spain. Inland had been perpetnted lust ontsi,le the ing shout the girl up III the parlor, Jinn ho for the last the y years leen tl.r I The bleo bit wort of our Ins w ll headed the pings can bre manta op s" a9 to +e11 at An 1 Canada. ohl!e then have been re. eerier -aeon limits of that town. The mntimatmg that she was ..f 1,roee char- herd man in Geo Semite, & Cr.'s buss res and rnw .hey .re se Steen. u wrern as •soy lack two for a quarter, there will le • ready `ette,l outrairrs in ltuasia, Austria and ,girl was at &nee kindly oared for. and atter. He could not remember what Inas, and is widely known and respected our ir...,eels Father he watered them with sale (..r the commodity. There have It. nil i d So far the Tinted States has 'sent en t.• 47..nerich I,v the evening ansa said, and could only • k warmlyI in business circlet. At this meeting the1„,,, hearroly dew si •welt• fared well, tut If ro .-utnge* have leen 'train. I On Friday of the import . it. He sen letter tvaeaucy on the board ewwed b the re- . TDere s her. ehelren Wasetae le seam w{Ae. ons path eiignatxon of J. J. Hill 1,1 the ot. ram I Ant. If ■ men he nee (00 fu gone, he .ear re, Mt{STRa4L, MayA. — The statement that John Turnbull Orf this eity has been appointed a member of the Canadian Perifre railway board of directors. vies John Kennedy .1 New York, ie confirm - been many who doubter l t story t tae omelette! within the borders of that „N+rtai.r .uox•r Ort►, Hunter on Wednesday ..r Thursday, ffro-zee whisky dunng the Muskeke earn- u`aruntrv, it is pretty generally indents„d i stating that the outragewas do the girl paign, but these sceptical Pers ne will that mart of the dyuanute which had ^(1"'-iench. !eft for ('beton on the pane have t.. take back their previ .us opinion been etiip!oved in England an,J Ireland and bring it, of •to ferret d ul`ell. t the going to create tmui,. flu e',uld not •tall who told him the girl had been abus- oes men laiet.,ir l n, the Ittatw end ed It lira Nelson Canton who trope him new that 0 is demonstrated that absei- 1 ahipp. d mor .•+flu• gra The a t of ton t.. )a+now (n- n aunt m it Cita- the Smut lute driven off with the Sesform and rye can be solidified. The topers u,Isrhi.d which r•,, ,I 1•r .1• ,rc Ivy the t. n he Imnred'ate'y ,,•.-,reed th. -ening rhyme will henoetnrth be, was of 'Jtamtte tannage. .or lo•nile both "( oa.natab e Paisley. of that town, bbd I party. tI at .rice ►et .ret to maks eoquiriee if (Trey sill only tell the truth, the Wag • Wald atrpeere A pocket tall of rye TMs Toronto Nems. a,. Independent je.rn.l, views the matter this w+ . - ”&r Clary Tupper has rearmed hie seat i. Parliament. 1f he had '•.,•.r si a year ago he wuo!.i have saved himself sad hie party a great deal 01 Whurt was the us of Sir John soiling hi rythee with whitewash if Tepper intend t., resign s. *en ' ed nplav a few dt r erne ,nd Ice1 uaI s u si, .li whole tenth and nothing lint the truth leralculalle. it is tele that not n, many *Its 1 t f dl+n r ring the villains g and Minneapolis railway, owe of tee tarn Awa,n. The IIN ..f maw i• bus $span, It /lowr{ahss Imo original directors of the oxnpany, ani 1 . to.aer also have 14. he filled, es well as the first We are haute -day awl gowe te.meerew, and vies presidency now filled by D. Mein . Tuve r &pane 4 .nevi. b:" bt srhd^tile tare hive w tyro,when it is thought General Manager ' t•pat. • little bJeire It le day, Van Morale will assume the voce -brut, `t" (:"'t Meir+ 705.41 50th id 11.4 9,11.11. .lid seed you • Joyful ]fay. deny. The other raeancj will. it is; thought, be filled by Hon. J. J. C. Ab 1 II • • c . Y • 'bolt' 61- P. P hu had committed the crime Finally the nuntlxr of prisoners will be ,nlr,•.e- e•.,;ririem foe •h -•i.• rncn rummy to rake elicit ani, ...re in their hands as the icy .s. . 1• 0 .l sol n•d the ,more , f "tt'm. cd it is really • pity his memory is so MedN &ones Nihilists .111 et Ven they threw the bombs Hunter and "Charlet Herbert. „t defective. whi,-h sure+iuoed the. death of the 0 u Keefer h, on ti to. register of the Gnhd stun Emperor nut it is not a pleasantI pion hotel, and immediately hired a feet to contem;,r'e that .ane loan armed aroreyanee and aurora to that sown. 12 •nth •few dynamite h espy er eartndRet i whoa distant Hunter was arrested by • doing'be w•rrk in merd, r more danger- Paiatey and Herbert 11 Ynle t1 hen - I ours In the *overfly of the o ntmmety at m• ethert was arrwte,l• hr agleam, '•Hale p+rs• than • regi,netrt ••f 'need r, ldiera i Jou 4e4 the others f'; to whit h Yale re ,..e ..tar.•.• 1\n WR,L4t M 111e examination held hofere mayor Forrester at Clinton on Friday Iwai, testified that Hunter had ravished the girl, deeprte her struggles and scraps, het denied that they limn been guilty orf la like offence. The arerwge coot of • gallon ovf .Maley, mach as le usually sold over Peoria h■n, i9 Il22. it makes sixty -fire drink*, whseb costa the enesumer Q6.641 flow, aa a Woke 4.'ono,11y, why not holy • gannet and give it to pour wife, het her sell pie the drinks and pocket the mete?— VesselsFreeman Athan, Gerngia, dors not rein to he el. Intent -4 • place se the anoinot Athena, but they charge fer what they de know moan there. An Athens lawyer wee re ta,n.wI recently by a narrnwRtaage rail rnwn erxnpany to detewd • sail against them. Ile took the read ss a retaining tee and the e.wipany agreed to issue broads to pay the amount of his elaim when the ease was .bad. Very few people in to law is the* Ilbsd.'n Athero.