The Huron Signal, 1884-5-9, Page 3•
urtaco, Iko O1cas1.
,CHAPTSR VIL-(arse:-tit )
ultra sara4TIID TO ?iia Fart 0.• .
The alter was wallies tug him rider
ease of ties trees of the pack. The Teeth,
bee' to depart .s the marrow, had tab-
ulated to the apamskeepor that he meant
that eyeing to have • Baal tura through
the woods, and wished his atte.daase
Ralph ..spectlaj nuthiug, slung his
Fatneba('uver his shoulders, and sewer -
ed sates the park at the appuiated
boar. As Rehab was not yet in sight
between the spec and the wausion he
lighted his pipe, and leased himself in-
dolently against a tree to await his ar-
'How beautifully I tamed the young
sub,' he saettered to himself. 'Of ouuiss
I wasn't going to stand his Deke-my-
Lnrd airs --me that's his Lull nude, and
has toe power sot only to mewls
kim, but to draw his teeth. Nut one
bark or gruel has he given me since he
got Nel's breath on the matter. Upon
my soul its me that's master here mon
than tbew,and have 1 them at command.
I'm blessed but I've fallen on wy feet at
last, after all the ups and downs I had.
Hare I am snugly set down four life, with
just • little work to du as I chaos*, and
the easiest mind in all creation. It's
pleasant ; upon my soul It's first-rate.
Hen Domes the ywng'un now, and leeks
as civil as a man wanting a favor. 1'U
just finish Fly pipe.'
'Well, Ralph, i thiuk I shall have
good sport to -night,' exclaimed Ran-
dolph, as be drew near.
'Don't know that you will,' rejoined
Ralph. with all the coolness of m an
speaking to he equal. 'It's retting to
cold at nights now for the game to be
much about.'
'Ob, I am certain I shall have capital
,?ort,' retested Randulpb, hut we shall
'You've been • plaguey bile ties is
e `ming,' observed Ralph. 'I thought
that you bed:change( your mind.'
Randolph bit his lip and repressed tie
angry rebuke that leapt to labs tongue.
'No,' he simply returned. 'I was toe
...miaow for this night's turn to change
limy mind. I was talking with my moth-
aU., sr, and did not know it was so late.
r 'Havn't seen your weather fur ww
t, days,' observed Ralph as he continued to
walk abreast of Randolph instead of be-
hind him, as their ostensible positions
required. 'I used to have a confab with
her pretty oft•Il byiure you ams.'
'Bless you, yea. Yon see I knew what
she was up to, and got to be a Iuain spoke
is her wheeL It was me that gave her
t sd wink about Eestaoe awl the wench
down at the cottage 1 watched them
o. every day sad reported how the thing
want ou, and e:ao helped matters forward
be working the governor. I hadit
u Akin[ to oomptain of in Master Eur
efs tate. He dil always the handsome thing
by nor+, but blood is thicker than water,
and I thought, as now, I would like best
for my sieteri s son to get the estate. It
-t was natural, wasn't it i'
'Quite oatmeal,' responded ,Randolph
Ili hennWly.
'hi the same time,the young ct,►ap is a
real gent, end I can't help being
sorry at his being kicked out into the
world in such a cruel way. I've stood
and looked at him hauling that salmon
net till I hadn't the heart to look any
longer. Then he and Willy Sommer -
will• aro getting gamely on down at
Woodhaven, and I'm right glad of it, for
Zustace was a chap I couldn't help lik-
ing, though I did help to out him out.
Between you and me, it's my opinion
that you might copy his manner a bit.'
'You think so,' muterea Randolph
almost gnashing his teeth with fury.
'Fast,' continued Ralph, altogether
wnoosscioes of tin tenon[ that razed -in
the others breast.
'You ars too puppiah, sad too much
Wined to order people .hoot as if they
were dogs, or no better than the dirt un-
der your fest. .A real born gent doesn't
do that—he knows better. I'm your
uncle, you know, and have • right to
tell you thew things.'
Just then a hare bounded across the
path. Randolph raised his gun and
fired, but his hand trembled with the
pension of his heart, he lensed.
'Curse it " he vehemently hissed
through his clenched teeth.
'Ay, it arse • bad shot,' observed
Ralph, 'and you could wit have had •
better chance. Your hand dost sews so
steady to -night.'
Randolph made ne reply to this latter
remark, but walked on at • paw to.
Berk to wit Ralph's !Sharpie tempera-
ment. He therefore fell a little behind,
and the eon venation weed —• result
which was precisely what Randolph had
in view, for Ralph'■ inswing familiarity
and isaslller•bly plain peaking cess be-
•ulei.g sere than be wild bear.
They wandered far bite the wooda,and
shako y se Ralph thought,fer Readelpb
did use appear to .sareh for gams He
W sot eves reloaded his piece, bat
sheds forward like ems bogy with his
awl t heaghta The ens west doem asd
the *vetting shadows baps to pier.
' nodal we batter Hans,' *u'
Ralph. 'It will be debt himissibildr,
and there's SO lows jest now.'
The reek paned sad tweed.
'Yue .re tight,' he observed, '1 shat
jaet take e look .t the river, sad the.
He tuned to the right, and Rohe
dill following, they merged is a little
while en the grew bask whle:h overlook-
ed the water. It was sew grey twilight,
an I darkness was jest sewing ea. The
river was almost doweled. Dews to-
wards Dundee ow eeaaU vessel lay in the
middle of the firth, whisk, with a single
best full of mon, pulling slowly slower
Shure nit far from where they stood, was
.L the Draft that could be diaeernd.
'Halls, duu't that kook like a Kings
ship 1' amid Ralph.
'A small corvette. 1 thiek,' replied
Ratadolph, carelsedy.
'Ain't that her bent, too, deeln in the
bay, there, as if it waslg40/1111iti Mat
can they want r
'Water meat likely.'
As be "poke the boat shot under the
bank, and so went out of that eight
'This is the bank where Meter Ewe
taco made love to Lili**,' remarked
Ralph. 'If yeas had heard how sweet
and tender they were with each other.
I used to lie under that bush and listen
to their soft words. It was real love and
n', mistake.'
'Ah, this was the place was it r
'The identical place.'
'And you were concealed in • bush
quite near T
'Nut two yards from where they let.'
'Show me the bush,' said Randolph.
Ralph turned and walked a few paces
up the -elope towards a thick clump of
hazel which grew at the verge of:the
wood. At the saute moment the heads
of several sailors appeared above the
bank, and Randolph made a rapid signal
W them to advance, pointing as he did so
to Ralph, whose hack was towards them.
'There* the very identical bash,'
Ralph went tale to observe 'It's suite
and %boll ma an Nr `slat's sig all. severe Dhpiwl *sorties. By the time,
re ramming what'
'la that ease I dish Bad them there
♦hes I r aboard at wawa,' said San
dulpb waving his hand aad dtappsti.=
from the hip .f the kaak.
'Give way, mos,' esiissed at the
same moesent, the Inas at the helm, asd
instantly s dem eon dipped into the
water, and the haat swept oat into the
Ralph's rage and despair knew me
Wanda. Betrayed, saoriBoed, viuleatly
deprived of his liberty, carried of to sea
wheys there were .tate daises of being
drowned or killed --sad all that he might
be gut rid of by a sister sad ' ephew—
produod the meet Basely pe.. 'nate
thoughts, and they were all the more
hitter bowie of the hopelessness of re-
setasee er straps. He felt savage meou`h
to leap ever the side, and swim for his
life in the gathering darkness, but he
had sufficient reflection to ase that such
an attempt would, in all likl huod Bost
him his life, and be was nut Iodised to
risk that even for the sake of freedom,
so he sat "ellen end silent between the
ten men wee, guarded him, nursing his
boiling wrath against Randolph and his
mother, rowing with a terrible oath that
he would yet make them pay very dear
fur their treachery. Ralph was one of
those who never forgot a wrong of the
kir[!—who would wait even for yuan
for revenge, and doggedly and persistent-
ly work it out.
The deep darkness of a moonless night
seen tell on land and sea, and ere they
had got far down the river the gloom
had swallowed up tee shore, whose
whereabouts could only be seen by lt*
glimmering light of a cottage window or
farmhouse. If the tido had not been
fall they would have had great difficulty
in guidiai the boat among the lend
beaks ; but these were .11 covered with
sufficient depth of water, and they swept
carelessly uu, keeping far enough from
land to be clear of advancing promon-
hollow d aha lett aid 1 W mob' a They rowed in silence, for their mer
yon was uol yvt ccs r.plishud, and t.
lilt'P ahN"..i-ieeap—Hsllsl4 RYR were careful not to betray their charact-
the deuce do you want i' or or errand to the people near the water
'You, nay hearty,' exclaimed one of side, who might give the alarm, and w it's shipped.' answered another. 'I'11
the brawny sailors who bad grasped him, frustrate their design. They alter rowed wager my 'bucca box the sra°o has got
'Me, what do you want with me r in a very leisurely manner, for they had under hatches there.'
'We wants you for His Majesty's ser- no wish to land at Wsodl.aven till near Ralph waited to hear no more ; but
rice. You'll have the honor of going to midnight, when their intended victims drawing beck, crept further over among
fight the frog -eating parleyviceu. t!o
come alubg.'
'Peewit' roared Ralph, in astonished
onnsternatien. 'Hands oft You have
gut out of your reckoning. I'm gamekeep
or on this estate : there's my masters's
son, Lieutenant Grahame, who will tell
you you tare made a mistake.'
mistake at all,' rejoined Randolph.
'That's your nun, my sada. So off with
'Ay, ay, yer honor, We'll take him,
sure enough. So come along, mate, and
don't go for to back water '
'Great heavens ' You have betrayed
me W this.' cried Ralph as he caught
sight of Randolph's 6tadiah expression
of countenance.
'No dallying, men. Away with him ;
dra; him to the boat.'
Two or three more of the group rushed
upon Ralph, who instinctively began to
make desperate struggles for liberty.
Rage gave him doable strength, and
like • lion in the toile, he made further
efforts with his huge arms to shake off
his captors.
'Knock him on the head acd that will
quiet him,' eried Randolph.
'It you don't want your figurehead
spoi:ed you had better weigh anchor
quietly,' counselled the spokesman of the
patty. 'You have no more chance of
escaping from us than • junk has in get-
ting away from • seventy-four. 8o I
advise you to strike your flag afore you
are dismantled.'
Ralph was convinced that what the
sailor said was trse. His power, render-
ed greater by desperation, was utterly
unequal t r that of his captors and teeth-
Hereto`se that he reeked the wood `i
liege brew was Sora like • pair of
bellows. He pawned far • monsesat to
listen, and heard the loutatepe of his
penmen at nu great 404.soa Be got
ahead of them a little, but very little ;
sad it was evident that if he was bot
•dully in their view, they knew pre-
eimely whereabouts he was.
Oa he went again, therefore, breasting
the emi.•see sad mashie* the vicinity
et homee. The lease where Eustaoe
and Wiuy resided stood farthest away,
and bis brat impulse w5. to rouse them
and give them warning of their designed
capture ; but the desire for his own
liberty conquered this friendly thought,
and he dashed pest, and out upon the
high reed.
The toll gate was closed, but he nett-
ed over it, dew peat the ion, and away
delve towards the little per, hoping to
elude pursuit and conceal himself some-
where among the rocks. Diving once
more oolong the trees, he threw himasll
seder the high wall of a granary which
stood on the verge of the harbor. One
of the windows on the lower door wa
open, and he sprang through it, alighting
among • heap of grain which sank down
under his weight.
Here he lay panting and draining his
ear to bear if his pursuers were at hard.
In a few momenta he heard their foot-
steps on the rough chaueel which funned
the beach, and, drawing himself cautious-
ly up, he peered through the open win-
dow, and saw their dark forms moving
eageraly here and there ahout'the har-
'Are you sure he's down here, Jack 1'
asked one.
'Certain of it,' was the reply. 'I
sighted his ugly figure head as he bore
up at the corner and then I heard him
force • passage down the creek. He's
skulking about hereaway as sore as my
names Jack Milton.'
'Find hien vut, thou. lads,' crhel the
other. 'We mns'bt lose him on no se
ouwot.' Avast there ; what great hulk
eke ethdr side of ibe lirbsek
with the tiers of portholes.'
'That's where they store the own afore
0,40711110,0111111111141 DILTIb1.
wessalebuiPtg tllmsetmse .r TIT•e imams
tamed by /.ape assay.
Illrt.m Melamine.
The werld se band ewosgh,t%ed ksiewsj
without one .hutting ens a awaith the
day It raise .ugafurta.
i'o • wo ivan's eyes then se slwys en
''1'kebmaet reessrksbb •vent in the stmusphere of youth left about a matt
history of the world was the death of who has once made love to her.
Jesus Chest," sad Re. Dr. Themes A. The chestnut is for the leas wbo takes
Hoyt, peter ut the Chambers Presby Its shell sof ` .
wee Church of Philadelphia, recently, If bad temper were • fever then
in hertinntnY • special •ermua tar th. wouldn't be ho•ptteb enough to bold se
medial mediate Its hidden mese- all.
loge, ' be continued, "are trsn.e.odant Another saga's admiration is a back-
end it was, without parallel, the moat ground a/•east which Elan' •u urdiasq.
sublhame tragedy ever a seed." The woman has shone, clad in uuaocustosa.d
speaker had chosen his teat from Se. graces to tier lover's eyes.
John sale•. 19. John, he said, stood It is • poor meet of busmen u, waste
only • few feet from the ?Saviour, and yo ur breath whistling fur yesterday's
sueselueotly related what he saw The beweaa
subject declassed by the speaker was, He is one el tbo»s mei in whore neoss-
"Whatcess the physical cause of Christ's sat u the mother of virtue.
death r Several ewluent physicians had It is only a fool who would expect the
devoted years to the study of the quo. wind to be always blowing from the same
tea arid • book on the subject had [teen point of oompsee And a nal sorrow •
published by Dr. Stroud, of Edinburgh an old sorrow—I've known it to set like
about thirty -live years ago., in which h. • ballast It's heavy, aye, aye, but it
ascribed Cbriat's death to rupture of the true the boat. There* malty a man
beset. During a convention of physi- wouldn't sail au straight if there wasn't
sena in Sauteed several years ago tine some dead weight o that eat at his
deductions arrived at in this book wesg,heart t.1 steady him.
presented fur their consideration, and
they were confirmed. There are, the
minister said, many duce ort resold
where death has resulted from violent
pesetas of joy or grief Pliny tells us
of a Laodamontian who fell dead from
joy at hearing that has son bad wen a
prise at the Olympian games. The
speaker read sone[! opinions on the
subject of hoart rupture, and eontinud :
"There is no pretense that the spear
thrust into the Saviour's side caused
death. I11 fact, he was dead before the
wound was received. Christ was cruci-
fied et 9 u'clock in the morning, and ono
pined at 3 :,'cluck in the afternoon, or
two hours before the centurion dealt tie
blow with his spear. The crumbed gen-
erally lived from two to three days, and
sometimes as lung as live days en the
cross. There is no evidence that (le-
ssee might have caused His death, -mud
no reason to believe that he was not of
perfectly sound health. Some le 11
thought tat He might have diel from
exhaustion, but we are told that He was
miraculously sustained during His trials.
It was nut weakness. Some declare that
He vrluntuarily gave up life, but He did
not take His life ; He simply submitted
to the conditions under which He
died. The answer to the questions,
"What was the physical cause of
Christ's death t i., 'Rupture of the I sett
turnout by mental aeonv.' Literally, He
died ..f a broken heart." The speaker
read extracts from many Jotters frit
eminent physicians giving tlieir opinions
on Dr. Str,ud's book, and on his deduc-
tion as to the death of the Saviour. They
d1 cenciued that Christ hal diel . f a
ruptured heart.
'John says," continued the speaker
would be in bed and inca,eble of either the grain, sod wrought himself down in ' "that when the spear was thrust into the
Saviour's aide 'fort!. lith came thew out
resistance or/flight. the centre of it, till his head euly re- blood and water.' " Dr. Hoyt then pro -
But, daily as they would, the regular mained unenrered. ceded to explain thio from a medical
sweep of •dozen oars produced an iuevit- Scarcely had he dune so when his pure I poet of view. He said that when the
able progress through the water, and it suers haring found the open window, I tip=
and sap rum from the ruicoaturKf heart C}ODERICS
wanted yet a good hour of midnight came swarming throu,h, and rolled over I escaped. He said that ell this esu serol.-
when they glided along close by the the grain heap. ly a fulfillment 4'1 • acrip-ural prelic• PI ,4 TI VrG MILLI
lofty banks immediately shore Wood- 'We'll want a light atween decks here,' teen, a. was the parting of His raunent
haven. shouted Jack, as he sprawled about close I and the ctiog u[ lots sn un g rhe wldiers ESTABLISHED laic.
for we aesturn.
'This, I take it, u the place when to where Ralph lay. The dud he raised "Bid what was this mental angntsh
Coster was W meet us,' said the man at entered Ralph's nostrils, and de whet that broke our Sasiour s heart r' asked
the belga, 5. he Bare the order to ship he could he was unable to suppress al the speaker. "It was not fear of death,
What'. IS a tame?
Heretitl• is so called from the Lstui
'crofts, a pig, from the supposition that
the disease came from eating swine's
ffesb. It is often inherited from parents,
and leads to •bcesaes, ulcerous sons,
debility, king's evil and consumption.
The caw of the Rev. Wm. Stout, of
Wharton, who suffered 23 years Iron
scrofulous abscesses, is one of the meat
remarkable on record. Burdock Blood
Bitters cured him after the best medical
skill had failed. 2
Old *be lee T
"No ; she lingered and suffered ahrog,
"pining all the throe for year.. the deo-
"ton doing her no gond ; and at last was
"cured by this Hop Betters the papers
'say so much about. Indeed ' indeed
"how thankful we should be for that
"medicine ".
Preoman's Worm Powder require no
other pure-ativ... They are safe and sure
to remove a't varieties of worms. m
t eh: how tired and weak li feet. 1 dot
believe I will ever get through the Spring
house-eleaning 1 Oh yes you will if you
take a botte or two of Dr. Carson's Stom-
ach Pit ers M purify your blood and tone
up the syetem.. In large bottles 30 eta.
Myer else l'p.
It yea are attfier;ny with low and _ ft/ -
pressed spirits, less r f_
debility, disordered b k •`esti
tuttnn, headache, or any disease of a bil-
ious nature, by all means procure a bot-
tle of Electric Bitters. You will be sure
prised to we the rapid improvement thee
will follow ; you will be inspired with new
life ; strength aro[ activity will return ;
pain and misery will cease, and hence-
forth you will rejoice in the praise of
Electric Rimers. Setd at fifty cents a
bottle by J. Wiled.. 161
oars, and ran the boat at a spot where
the rockssarreunded them un all sides.
'Ay, ay, hero I am, alt_right enough,'
loud and vehement sneeze. In a me. j for He booked toward that with longing.
If I be lifted up,' He said, 'I will draw
meet a broad, hard, tarry hand was laidall men to Me.' anticipated death
on his head, and Jack roared out in i anticipated
as the consummation of His labors.
answered a voice above them and s man's triumph that the prize was won. Repro ch hath broken My heart.' He
Gum stood out upon the ledge. Ralph was roughly and unceremon- 'a'd, aiel then died. He died for eta
•What cheer T demanded the slipper. iouslydugout of his lair, bundled ,The waight .of human guilt broke His
PlK ; heart,-
eart. ''They are snug aboard the old cottage, through a window, and marched orf to
but haven't turned into their bertha yet, the boat, where, in addition to a guard A Rawa*D—Of one de.atu "Tgasca-
for a light still shows in the larboard being set over him, his arms was bound WY" to any gee aendingf the heat four line
window aft.' with s strong curd. rhyme on ' rsasaaav, the remarkable
'Blessed if we need to cars,' observed Just then Jon returned with intent -;little gem for the Teeth and Pat:. Ask
your drugeest or address.
one. ' Ne can take them whether they 1 Bence that the light in the cottage
was!,/eat aye..
have turned in or not. If they show extinguished, and _ - left .he 1 `,.,ter epee dol._.._ r_..,,,__.._ ....,..,,.., the
fight a knock on the Beal will settle
'We keep to the orders, Jack,'
returnedit skipper. 'Away back again
"But whetheron ter scaffold high.
Jim, and keep s lookout till they donee Or la the battle's
the glint then hail us.' I The attest Mace where man can die
is where he dies for Mao"
The min on the ledge disappeared,
and the boat's anchor was run out and
fixed in the channel, Suddenly Ralph,
who had kept perfectly quiet up to this
moment, threw out both arms with a
desperate strength, capsizing both the
men whc guarded nim, and ere his as-
tonished guard could recover themselves
he had leapt over the side and clamber-
er resistance was whoa weak/ up the rough fare el the piaci..
best W affect the capture of Eustace end faith of mutantmendattose for •riblet entirely
p oKhles. Not hili id •(i ripord
- w ria, w ., •
Willy. 1 Care ; you aro not asked to pure It unt 1
IIs menu are proven. Calls[ G. Rhymes' drug
store and get • (ren trial enticed if not con-
vinced it will cure you of Ike worst forma of
1 Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, etc.. no tali (r
bow long standing, It coats you nothing. Sold
Di:4'. and 11 bottles. flax testimnW. from
Dersons la your own town. Ym
And the ward place where man can If a wan wants peaoe W rewn in the
die u where he dies through carelessly
i h"ureheld he should rnunt ten of his
permitting his health to be undermined j • kine .t times when he fest as if his
through a cough or cold until he is en- l o `Rhes don't fit. And on days whet. the
twined in the •oils of consumption—aid en -
kitchen store doesn't draw be should
all this while • certain cure is to be found meant /fit.
in Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Bal-
sam. R. J. Titus, of Albertan, P. E. I.,
was confined W his ream for three years
through lung disease, and became se
weak that he couldn't stand. Dr. Wil-
lem s Paiasomsvy Cherry Baleen healed
To ret: CONT1Nt-iD.
'By the Lord, but this night's In a moment the cry wet nisei and
will Dost you dear,' he hoarsely exci .
d, addressing himself to Randolph.
You've played a deep game, bat you will
find it a minae one. Sooner or later I
will return, and—'
'Off with you,' 'honed Randolph,
stamping impatiently with his feet.
They dragged him with rettgh haste
across the grassy slope to the winding
footpath which led to the beach. The
tide was nearly full and the boat lay
close under the bank. Ralph wsa lifted
into it, and placed in the stern -sheets,
with • man at gash side as guards.
'You'll not fail of your mission at
Woodhaven,' cried Randolph from above,
when all bad got into the boat, and the
oars were dipped.
'No, yer honor. We put Jim Coater
ashore as we wase up to cruise about and
lake .Mervstiena Bi U be on the out-
look to lead es to the cottage.'
'That's eight. Send up • good foes,
for they are both strong lees, and w111
make a desperate resiitsitm. '
'Lord, yer honor, they sent well de
that, for they'll be in their hassmsoska
wbeerw. beard Owe And sere they
ssa't slew week Bght when they're set
at quarters.'
'lfevsrthelo s, Dake sere of yew,
'Aye, ere, well take than asst asal;,k
half • down of the sailors were after him
It was very dark, but he knew the
place well, and if he could possibly dis-
tance his pursuers he hoped to escape in
the darkest*.
A narrow path ran along the top of
the rocks close to the beach. but Ralph
quitted that and rushed up the steep
slope, tearing his way through the whine
and thorn bushes. He heard his pur-
suers close behind him, and as it was
impassible to conceal himself in the
nateew strip of plantation which crown-
ed the height, he vaulted over the hedge
into • turnip field, threw off the game
hag whish was dill strapped on his
shoulders, and aiso lits heavy velveteen
coat and started for clear run.
He had not cleared twenty paw when
be heard the Whew burst over the hedge
behind him, .ed give • half -suppressed
cheer. Away hounded Ralph like the
wind, straining every never, like one
who folly felt what depended on his ex•
erten*. The field eoraisted of • broad,
deep dope, byeed whish was the high-
way, bet Ralph kept in the hollow, esak-
hog his way eastward towards • email
wood whisk .•troweled the few strew -
big hanew of the hamht. The short ren
ewer the soft ground teak the wind set
of bim terribly, for he waa of a heavy
Enka, sad bad an of lea .sdesgese
ANC` ACTVaame or
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tram'. need Usage's&
Is the only instantaneous relief foe Nee-
nah/1a, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub-
bing a few drops briskly is all that is
needed Nn taking neuiewes madirrnos
him, and now he is quite we11. for weeks, but one minutes application
removes all pain and will prove the great
sere res• value of Krsm's Fluid Lightning. Yeo
Poison's Norville*, the great pain cure, spite per bottle at George Rhyne drug
is rune pop every time. No need to mom
spend a large aura to get prompt relief
from every kind of pain, for intents will
parttime* a trial bottle. Go to Wilson's
drug store for it. Large bottles only 23
emits. Norville*, the pain king, cures
cramps, headache, neuralgia. An aching
te,nth, filled with letting saturated with
Nerviline, will cess aching within five
minutes. Try Nervilen* (sr all kinds of
pain. Ten and 26 Dents a bottle.
*. Yater'. Tribal..
New Salt Pao and Boiler
'Will on rihe,rtest Nut ice.
Mali orders for new work nodi repair*
receive prompt attention.
Works wear t). T. R. Station.
Uulerieh. reit. M. tall. 17,1
Wanted to be Kiiou
11117 TO, ('AN nK
newt P. Kest er,ditor of Ft. Wye*CANNED FRUITS AND FISH,
Ind, Ilnxfb, writes : 'For the past five
years i have always used Dr's New
Di.d.vtry for coughs .'f meet seven
character, as well ss tor those of • milder
typo. it netnr fees in effect • speedy
cure, My friends to wheel' i have re-
oommeiedel d speak of it in same high
arms Having been cured by it eif every
TO B. -1 CCO, ClatRS,
liere,stl, and reeelge Fruits.
Oysters of the heat Bra
rr'eh and "moke.l +wit tvst.-r rich 1n esu
.t full a.n,rtmrnt of ell kind. of Sots.
tlyetaes ..yv.d la Every bate ■er..1
(TRAMS /A' :+B./,V/►A'
Floral Designs. Wreaths. Crosses. lions
et:.. made to order.
ahertd.dty 1. tie Dark. oough i hate had for fire years, i con Fseweytsg 114°esa 4 trwaattw Is
oder it the omni) reliable and sure sun Cr
Tun gentlemen meet at the elope, in for o,ughs, colds, etc. Call at Wilson's
Austin. and engage in cenversasinn Drug Store and get a Free Trial Bottle.
"1 have seen you somewhere, but I herge sine $1.00. (2) 1:11E8TAV1,1.J1NTT
mm in the dark as W where it was.'• Ceehtlli orae Sq ore. Oederlch.
The sur fork swindlers aro dill nowt- rata fen Isel. 111111 -ba
Ing in the county of Hastings +
• e Ogee. t'rahh's Bleck. K lardy, et.. .
rhk. PMaeaml.pinIih*iIon.drtwaes
ty teas' plaaterer'ra•d masa'.
SSA rained.
• BIN0HAd'
"Well, i have a dim recollection of
having seen yod, too, somewhere.
"if one of yea was in the dark, and
the other has only a dim recollection, i
think, perhaps, you must have passel ' 'sew tire M testa... W.akes.d by at,
each other in the ears, in a railroad tun rams. MNrtir and ae..IMa1.n.
nel, seine years ago," observed a third The (treat German Inttgorator IS tate
party who was present only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bilit', universal faesitlde, forgetfulness,
UMW sleibbibr paten in the hack or sides, no matter how
That Is daily bringing joy to the homes Buttered the system may he from ex -
of thousands by manly many of their ceases of any kind, the (/rest 1l•rrrtaa
dost onus frees .a early Bova. Truly is Remedy will resters' the ' oat funetinas
Dr. King's new Discovery fin Consuntp ' end secure health and happens... 111 00
tin., Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Bronchitis, par Mos, ex wows fee 106 00 Hood by
Hay Fever, Losa of Yoke, Tickling in ( all druggists. Sent on receipt of pries,
lis* warke` • lam. tend
lir postage. sad we will emit
ala. a royal. rateable bee of
M roast. that w111 put you 1
way ce nail wwoe, 1a • law dew
yea ever the t possible a1 any Weltse.
weed required. we will Mart vee. Y
work s1l the time ne 1s 'ear. Um* osly.
work u nalverally •elapid to beta the
young sad old. Yee tam easily tars
se ga every ovulsg. Twat all subs warn'
stay 11* Msalness. we nobs this
the Theriot. Pain in Nide and Cheet,or- 1 pestis` paid, by F J. Chssy, Toledo. owe egg`• to 6H WW1 U V eat well
slay disease ret the Throat and Lungs, • Ohm, sole `Rent for fleeted Staten Cir rw`�'d di M par for ilia treeWT
five cure Guaranteed. Trial Rol cedars aced testimonials wet free Said renew e pwill be vo dl W ewe ate .sass
peal � will be vow by [baso who ye
ties hes at J. Wilco.'. Drug Store. lags by Gen Rayne, sols spat for (ledo "Ueda Au" t'Llke eat. Urea I _ --
nim 111.010. (tf) I rich Sts : wen maw M.'1 delay. Stasi ilii`.
*Tunny a Co..Wttlead. Mlslts►