HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-9, Page 2awsaetrtxwteor si a. 4 bed raw auU eke The City ,Tie eat Wa e a !de Ar tub Ar bey The The The The The The The Iter !cr. J J.'s A 1 Itut. And li J 11 'Uel lou. R 1•..utl A ••Eh! A • Ole o 1t M le A TL:ea AI CA. auun ..f le Iw Ede Bent the May o'clo Joh, Ach. nun post ▪ d ed ttwet Est AS a' ✓ use drat also .r s foist .bon rod wes ids* Ind Mn digs SIB sed wow mar cil t the Pal 1 tt+snN litre Hit bili list rein las Sot for tier 4111 tie IM sir (] ab i nal TEM OOYING pS MI1la Ilea. aesre.r wise— nee .f a. Indeww• dead Per. Nu doubt the'ranalr that Mr. Wake °wim pales retiring from the lesdsw- i 1&i of the Reform party and saying $reeved to political Isle wee est wing SO ao east to the oft -repeated react that there are disagreements among Or J ups . eo3{w1tses sato w Bich of them shall mowed him whoa be is gong lir. Blake may dill be looking at [tie trea- sury benches through the wrung end of the telescope, but it is undeniable that he is the wining man, and that after Bit John Macdonald, Mr Blake will be the seat premier. The hope of the Gasser - vaunts lite in Ste Johu. 1f anything were to happen to him it would be a bad ttuag fur the partThis ie wap parent to all, and has �n said so often, that it is now accepted as a foregone con- ciliation oa:all hands. The speeches de- livered by the Reform leader last ses- sion rank •.nong the best that have ever been delivered in the national assembly. Sir Jo•hn's per.cral magnet - am end the hold he has upon the affec- tions ffecttions if his followers are the only things which prevent the tide of public opinion surging over te Mr. Blake's aide. But these things will go with Sir John, and then Mr. Blake's time will coma With such an assurance before him, it is absurd to speak of his retiring from politiowl life.—(Tu►ontu Telegram. tarceer eftrr. w. Walsh. Agatn we are called upon to record the death of one of our citizens, •gentle- man well known to irony of uur readers, and held in the highest esteem by all. 1Hr. Stephen Walsh has been a resident of Clinton fur the past nine years, but bas never enjoyed gond health for some time, being troubled with a chronic chest disease. Least week he undertook some church duties which uv-ertasked, his strength, and hie was confined to ked. No serious results were anticipated, but on Friday he began to fail, and on Thursday morning sh only before n•.on he passu away. • e decamped was horn in Westmeath County, Ireland, on Dec. 6th, 1818. He first settled upon his arrival in this coun- try in 1836, in the township of Cumber- land, O'Hana County, Quebec, where he owned a large fano. Selling out in 1854 he moved to Hensel'. on the Lon- don road, where lie again engaged in farming. Subsequently he kept a gen- eral More in Exeter, and for 20 years in the village r•f Berne. From there he removed to Ctint•m, where he las since lived retired. The deceased was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, honorable in all business transactions, and a steadfast member and local preacher of the Metho- dist church. in the .lays when settlers were few. and no such thing as regular pastors, Mr. Walsh d.d great service for the cause of christianity, end many can yet remember the ..rtgtnil,uaint, but earnest disceurees he preached. In him the church loses a valuable servant, and strong supporter. Ile has been a sufferer for a number of years, but through it ell he never coniplatued and patiently await- ed the hour of his release. His house has bests noted for its hospitality to all who would go there, f..r years, and no form will be more mimed from the ranks of his friends. Mn. Wallah has the symn- ppathy of the cnnimunity in her sad bereavement. - [New Era. Temperance Convention. The committee appointed to memo are rangemerts for holding a temperance eenrenlion in Clinton, to consider the propriety of submitting the Scott Act, have decided to call a meeting fee Tues- day, the 27th nut. It is expected that a very Targe number of delegates will be present, no restriction being placed on the number that may come from each ledge,atid all temperance workers,wheth- er •esovat d with soeiehte or not, are invited. Th. meeting will he held in the town hall, commencing its sittings at 10 a.m., holding a session in the afternoon, and a mats meeting iq the evening. Mr. F. S. Spence, of Toronto, the M.^rwtary of the Dominion Alliance, and editor of the Canada ('$firm, and other prominent temperance workers, are expected robe present. The English Parra* rest. The parcels past system ecliptic' in Englands some eight menthe since, has not proved r retire, the receipts having only amounted to £155,0(}p, 1tg•tnat an estimated expenditure of £$40,000. it is rather to.. early tc infer from these figures that the syitem Is a failure. There are al ways mistakes made in illangnr.mtidg a dmmnge if this kind, which practicil experience enables the authorities to rectify. it would require a longer trial to ascertain folly whether the experiment is successful or not. Though ii has not paid for itself, the system has supplied a great want in Eng- land. It is Netter that it should he con - 'liaised and develnp..l by the government even at some 14 DSO of revenue, than that the &hose• sure t'• rrsu!t from the ser- vice ervice falling int.. the hands of pnratege..r- porstions should he•,Ih,we'i to take r'r4 Governments can condnct enterpnses of transportation end cciummnnicat far more eoonomiallyy and efficiently than [monopolies ---avoiding on the ane hand the waste of capital involved by c-mip.e- tition, and on the other the extortion el - ways practised by • private corporation where competition does tint exist. The tendency oil the times is to plant all quasi -public undertakings of this seri under government ownership ..r (-noire', and to aline private express companies too take the place of the Bnelish parcels port would be a retrograde step.. The Three The three ruling powers Press, Pul- pit and P,ttie..la -appear to to. ranged on the side of the Sc. it act to this est y and enema, N.p.deon once said he feared three newepsrers more than 10o,nim haynesets. and Wendell foul hpa is authority f..r the statement that {M "awap,p.r is parent. sehnel, pulpit, and o.wneel4.r, all in one it may torn out when the rote v amps that .h,.key ms mightier than the omen ae the pen ms .mightier than the gm, lit Thomas Tones. ?headline .ess. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY MAY 9, 1884. tsar Jetta klaedunald has vetoed the Oaten* Lissome Duties me peril last men" fixing the prise of known The names ter its iiieenasesi is 14 dismfim- keenee whisk tib .d very peeper ly made between Dominion mid provisael lees see. Axing lbws Waal wader the ewer ..rued by oke *Mewl pew+Mrat at shoat twin the police of Ontario Sienese. Mod of Ike ligusraelless, boding the, they had to pay so much extra fee int- im their adherence to the Duwintoo license system. naturally preferred to save exposes by taking out provincial lioe.ses. The dinghies**, comes jest in time to prevent Dominion license - holders from having to pay the double n lea It is as unwarrantable an interference with the nghts of Ontario as any that has yet been attempted. The act was clearly within the scope of the proal leg- islature, whose right to tea licenses is undoubted, whatever the decision may ultimately bs as to the nght of i.wing them. As to the discrimination oum- plained of, it was simply a measure of e lf -defence in the struggle for the rights el the province. The latest instance oil the insolent con- tempt of Sir John Macdonald fur the principle of provincial autuuowy should arouse the sternest spirit of resistance on the part of every patriotic citizen. if he Cali disallow a weasure like the Li - antes Duties act, there is nothing to pre- vent his vetoing any enactment of the provincial legislature, no matter how necessary 14. our well-being or how fully in accord with the wishes of the great maturity of the people of Ontario. If the people tamely submit to such a wanton defiance of right in infringement of their constitutional prerogatives, they will have proved their unhtnes fur pelt - tical freedom. The rule of the Cate of Russia would be better adapted to their stage of development than the liberties which they were too mean-spirited and servile to maintain. But we believe that Macdonaldam has about reached the end of its tether, and that the effect of this latest usurpation will be Stu intensify the growing senti- ment in favor of such a constitutional change as shall place our provincial rihta 1 beyond question or interference.—[To- ronto News , Ind. The Two Latium Laws. whams tae Net.... Mr. Matthew.' lad $10,000 when 15. bribe* was working, Balfour got Velum $1.000, 41111,0110 was port 1st the rtasslem 94000 swift boll me J tali. Whore then is the iliac WOOS Dor. W ilhine°. asps h. * eat le partite es wham bele busied tet le pea. . This erylemstine is sota$tiitl ether weir factory to thew who suppliedthe mosey. ,fee tar..sl wow J miasmal was delivered Ttisdny by lir. Altos, Q.C. , at O illewb onetime raised as te No right .1 Stewart sk Mcl'►.rsos, of Hamilton, to the 01,000 bribery mosey paid by McKim to the Speaker. His Lordship expeaesed a d roog ilea, in favor of the creditors' right to the money, bio in view of the fast that an appeal would be taker from lis decision in any event, be refrained from making any order so M 1.. save ousts. Proceedings will now be tikes to bring the case before the court next month. J. O. Scat, Q.C., appeared for the speaker, and Mr. Clement for the claimants. The Dominion liquor act is !mire gene- rally acre;,ted in Montreal than it is in Tunmtu. Montreal three hundred Dominion -licenses hare neon taken out, while in Toronto there will only he a few. The t tntario Government has pledged itself to stand by all who take out Ontario licenses, but the Dominion Government has given nu assurance that it sill stand by those who take out Do- minion li.•,ensea. Th. result is that all who mould secure Ontario licenses have taken thous Those who sell under Do- minion licenses here will only be those who could not secure lioenses from Oti- tario. It is intimated that the Ontario Government will proceed against all who sell under a Dominion license. The !penalties under the McCarthy act have been suspended, but the penalties under the Crooke' act are still in force.--lTor- onto Telegram. realIleal MerMMy. The I.idepe.a $cat has made BobsiMeon famous. The philosophic editor, from his quiet retreat, takes a leisurely sur- vey .f men and things, and gives expres- sion to views, wise and otherwise, on current events. Mr,ralizing on the con- spiracy case he says :- -"The trial will won commence—we shall in due time learn the result. In the meantime we may repeat what we have often said be- fore, that in this eminently Christian colony which contains ad• many churches, clergymen, bishops, it is not possible for a man to commit any crime which can injuriously affect hu social standing, or which will lead to hie expulsion from the -'best satiety.' Will drunkenness t Ask at I lttawa Will bribery 1 Ask at To- ronto. Will stealing letters 1 Ask at Montreal. Will dishonesty and dis- honor f Ask anywhere." Why should there be so much ground fur queries like three f Canty affairs. Rideau Hall, at Ottawa, the residence of the Govemur-General, is rather • costly affair. Those who have seen the homely edifice would scarcely suppose that it hes Dost the Dominion of Canada, i for purchase money, tent. repairs and 0 maintenance, no les than $701,670. This corers the coat since C..nfederstiou, to the end of last June. For half a million of money we etteht to have had quite • palsies for ou.- Viceroy. For nearly three-quarters of a million we have only got Rideau Hall. The building, how- ever, is not any moire expensive than the occupants. For fire years --frons 1878 to 1883—we have paid for salaries to Governor and officials, 0945.390 ; for traveling ezpenses, *72,441, and for contingencies, $99,1162 -making in all a mwlerste outlay of $1,217,433. The United States ran run the President's office for • fifth of what our 'Viceregal establiehment nets us. it is no wonder that while the debt of the l'.ited States to decreasing rapidly every year Our debt Is increasing with railroad spent --(Ad- vertiser. rr.hlb/ties be 6- reMag Oa. He must he blind who cannot perceive that the tenmp.ranc. sentiment is making gigantic strides in ('auada. There are sererel distinct clamant of people behind it. There is the teetotaller or probtbi- ti.•cist, wh . hats strong drink for its d whe t with a ,ven Sakti, zeal hat mmoe..P.ste a denounces i ting. ' religions fanaticism There is the moderate drink .r, who will not npp.s, temperance assures bewails* they are w re.p.eetahle or lemons, drink is injuring h,s sen nr gone other rag tire. And there is the weak vessel who hides drink and despises honed( for yielding to it, het with whom dunking has become a disease. H. would fain Ire e...tenet •,hind himsolf, and hundreds of such woad rode for a Low to put drink ono of their nwn reach. A sign of the tire,• was the pareage last week by the ltl•nmt.'hs legislature .4 • complimentary reenlntinn In favor of prohibition. D eihtleas the gust ttia 1•wity of those who voted for that MMus ion are drink/in themselves, hist behind therm there asset be a large nem bet ..1 constituents who are not. An old and skilled New York physi- cian, when interviewed on the hot water craze, said :—"It has sung been used. It is an internal wash ; nothing mon ear lees. As such it is excellent. An old trainer of pries fighters used to tell et. about it before I had wen heard of it elsewhere, He mid he bed cured every- thing, from toothache to rheumatism, with it. My lady patients often beg me to proscribe it for them, and 1 very often do so ; sometimes because I think it like- ly to de good, and sometimes bemuse. 1 don't think it will do any hare. Masontoro. D.C. , I�sy ilio►, l8g0. (inert oras—Wei* (tar. a wisK for • len time hem Nervosa prostration and newmd bWi4, I was advised to try Hop Sitters. I leve taken we bat- tle, and I bare bee. rapidly ruin Me- ter ever awe, and I think st the bast Illtedf.i.e I ever ted. 1 am now atre.Btk std appetite, which wee tarns, anti I was- in despair until I triad goer Mem I am now well, able top 1 sheet and do soy owe work. Before taking it I w .ompistely prostrated. Mss. MAST HTcaar. • Ne household should a eenudered complete without • bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Ours is in the closet. It is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly cure all fonts of kidney diseases. Sold by J Wilco. 2m How I. BUY C*itxaD F.tR.—Dr. Johnson, of Brooklyn, im a paper on p.iwning by canned fruits and meats, gires the following directions as to select- ing canned fruits : Reject every can that doe• not show the golden line of rosin around the edge of the solder of the cap, the same as is seen on the seam of the side of the can. All others, the doctor claimed, were sealed with murtatic acid. Reject any and every can that shows any rust around the cap on the inside of the head of the can. Rust proves that there was air inside, and consequently fermen• talion. Reject any can that dote not bear the manufacturer's panne. Before buying press the bottom of the can up, and if the contents aro decomposed the tin will rattle Ti.:the bottom of the oiler of your sewing -machine. If the contents are sound, the b..ttutn will be solid and impossible to push uta. The well known strengthening primer. ties of Iron, combined with other tonics and a most perfect n.rrine, are found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the bloat and complexion. 1m CIREAT 313.44-1R.C11..416.41sT,P1 FOR OA 1 Whet Te note u lwsblsd with asMir-keenest sere use �ropor vWOirbolic Censer. You wet uIaves bealtatp. closes iaer sad eeopietety rooming near amebic. time Mama is out of order. make with it a few deem et Mdiregor. speedy Cum hest U. Ruses drew store. >••• Weal Iliewaseied. A liberal reward will be paid to any party who will produce • case of Liver, Kidney or Sdrnach complaint that Mee- tric hitters will Iso[ speedily Bare. Bring them along, it will net you nothing for the medicine if it fails to core, sad you wilt be well rewarded for your trouble besides. All Blood disarms, Biliou.- nees, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene- ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money relund.d Price only fifty cents per bottle. For sale by J. Wilson. [5] National Pills art promptly upon the liver, regulate the bowels and as a pur- gative are mild and thorough. ..ekles•a Ararea aster. The greatest medical warder u. the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Cloers, Salt Rheum, eum Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblaimii Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance, Or money refunded 25c. per box. For sale by J. Wilson. ly. vital l..Mlea. Ask the most eminent physician Of any school, what is the beat thing in the world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the nerves and curing all forr-..s of nervous complaints, giving na- tural. childlike refreshing sleep always? And they will tell you unhesitatingly "Some form of Hips !" C.APT6a I. Ask any or all of the most eminent physicians : •What is the hest and only remedy that can be relied ontocure all diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs ; such as Bright's disesse, diabetes, retention or inabili'q to retain urine, and all the dis- eases and ailments peculiar to Women -- "and they will tell You explicitly and emphatically " •Buchu. " Ask the same p,hycisians, "What is the most reliable and surest cure for all liver diseases or dyspepsia ; c.mstif.ation, indigestion, biliousness. -malarial fever, ague, &c.," and they will tell you . "Mandrake ! or Dandelion ' Hence, when these remedies are com- bined with others equally valuable And compounded into Hop Bitters,such (Cu.cl.ded next week.) ua H_ RIDDITY', at TM! ruori.r. MAL oor t g. is sew go/ag eel A LA1O6 AND WELL ABSORTID STOCK OF NEW OOODS First !'rise again at haat Prev:scial Show. Prise awarded for Wire as sold on the Spool—sot for the fence. Very largely used en .11 the mischief railway linea of the Itondales. Per nal, by J HN A. NAPTICL. Cheap Hardware lmporfant. Godeetc h Ta 0 —40 6 0 fA m c) READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, ♦ 7'QLL L=iR or Z tea 7zibZ 0-003:041. whish be le pr.pavd s. ash Ck••sa• ass the teeepe R ttf'VAfi• tined ` else harm* um. C+RAND OLE. INCIF BALE ! Tow subscriber is also elssriag oti the Remainder of His Winter Stock at Head Himont Purees OV stlx)ATti prey buggy mid n,r to Ire and Mess sow a ha or H. M mea M reQsetivel SUITING CLOTHS, which ceased from Mc to $1, harm bees reduced to from 4.c. le Ilea esker seeds te loe. t' sad i.sp.ct the Heeds and Prones veli ki w N set es sat 17 YOU WANT HA ROA INS CALL AT •'THII PEOPLE'S amok! osdsriehjTu. w ISIS. W. H_ RZIDLRT, (br. llapree•.L W Moan HUGH DUNLOP, Fashionable Tailor, W ES'I' STREET, Hatt the Finest Assortment of Goods for Fall Wear to Choose From. IT YOt' WANT . Nobby Snit at a Reasonable Price, CALL OV HIGH D TJ NLOP.. BOOTS AND SHOES At the ,))deet Established:Shue Store in Town, In Endless varietyo tc suit the most fastidious and th most economic bays MY WINTER STOCK Is now complete, and I take pleasure in infvneing my customers that at as vioue time have I bad such • Large & Varied 8*I As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Ynumwd Abe Wen it is a positive fact that no such ralue in foot weer ase 1l•amneinerlheen CUSTOM WORK of every/grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be made.. in the most approved styles by Bret-claes workmen, end of the very bed matefial obtainable. R -- E_ DO ccrN2wG--' CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full line of all the Leading Patent 3ledieinen always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) . GEORGE R$7NN0, BLAKES BLOCK, THE SQCAREj BOOTS&SHOES =o Weci.dtup 411 Big t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Sloe' in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summar Goods at awe figures, we are determine to give the Pnblic the benefit. QUICK SALES & BULL PROFITS WILL BE 01111 I6T'f0, ii /►1'leue ell and eauoioe our RuaL before elsewhere. jar the place, mit door to J. W iM�/� Drug Store. )!f'uw�m work .ill peon or special attention. Air but the best of material used and first -clam �m�y �yW. Please tall and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. jar Remember the next J. Wilsow's Store. jtrCustom will receive our special attention. Air None best material used tint -clam wovktiss.gllmy d, pm -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice march 9 ,gm. DOWNING -& WEDDUF • The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. LAND RECIULA TIONB_ The t'orap•nt n1Fv Ian,1. .chitin :to t:0i1'rat 11e11 aloe/ the ms!n line. and In Aoetbere Manitoba, at prices ranting from 12.50 PER ACRE upwards. with condition. rrgn.ring . tri,. i, ,.', A rebate for rnttlratten rel freeen Il ea 1. tans se per sere. aerording to pet, gem fee the land. allowed on ernes,.. n'ditinns The corn oft.r lands oimhont conditions settlement or talof, Minn 7'111' 11 'l ;R i'L' S1sCTIONS along the Main Line. i. e.. therv14l none'“ nett o.ieRrl for sal. ..n nirantawr.w. •et-..,..:. ate cullratan, RE M OTE D P H I I.I O MERCHANT TAILOR, Has Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the Square, Godeerioh --mAVU N%11.t. Fi'RNIS11 OR MAKE UPI -- Bents' Clothing in Fashionable 8t,1:'; at Lowest Prices. MI TSAR% r LTHISI sews. w.-r..tli A W*1ALTT. r nrser [Pig NMie r.N/TLt ATTtrtttn. TS. 5 I Tn ASINIIMMIt PHIIA NOBLI. HAMIL,rQN-BTBUr, OODBRICH. Ari Wall Papper. New utast this or nee wish ensue two ante enema at terve, t. ase Duller. teem Iger Ile e ►N ere within nn.mIlw WIIway.atenow per .. s in—enured to eedenake thole 20 Boons of LL Utast TERMS OF PAYMENT e I'urrha.en mat pa) .neairth In cal.. and ,e,. Milner. Is awe sa.sal leM.mm..ta, with arses at MIN VICR CENT. per semen. ea- ad. u, a I. an. -e. Parties pereleasiug AMMAN nsadlie.w+ .4 . tat irel1..n. .III meet.. a IMad of Peavell- an.n at t i,ne of perches. If pa)e.ent H movie in toll Tetramer• may he rasa. is LAND 1111 a N r 114. Int. whMh will be se.pt.d at lee pas .•.w. pee via. oe their par rater and arr.ed entree.. Thaw Haas men he obtained en me plkalMm st the hawk d Stosivsl. Montreal w sI say of tr• age.et rum PPSMft a.4 t`0704TN/!ftt tie SA .sa all aferie ie. with memo' le the a char. of 1.... apply t. JOHN H McTA{V,�RH. bead 1',wsi Wheats/qt.by. st the Ilsard.ad HA imam DRIN[Wa Demos Dsautitai sauce. and .t peiwlasa then very mash Intortor geeda, Call aN pts Ilam are the bora rales la tows. awl meat bees* The Latest Spring Baaar Pars and F&shs, AT IIU r1 E W!3