HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-9, Page 1THIRTY -BIRTH TICAR. 1 WHOLK NVMUCH :Kt 1 GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1884. Yule ses IA A YSAYR IN A TA041 NCle new Adveretwmaares IMO WAS. No:.0 -Tp. of O•llesr.e. Boots aid rf►ee. P_ D.wa'ag. Rubber hoot Mats Joao A. Navel. Dry Goode -1t. Preened. Palating- Mrs Weathers/it. Dentistry NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A ohid'• torn( 7s. takla' ((toes Aa' faith .1I pees( t4 TOWN TOE#. AA for the 'Motld ComAtllff 41116esete O.derioh ota*r. ( FAaaots it... Tess. lt. w. ileKalel ng sa ea maulilading twine, plass we Deese sults, besieges sults. spo,Usg uni- forms. etc.. made up In the most apppprrooved fashion by F. A A. Prtd.au h. tee h.aleo•bte Ooderich tenors. Call snd smear style. W m. L 11011100oi Yrs J set he[ � le • Write stock of the finest goalitieS*MeewirMase liquors. The very large patrema(a weY has been his portion during the pest year. war- rants him In keeping the best stock 1. tos. w Loan ftuoU pes .zas.- Ao*. wan Yd rollers would do well to call tit A factory and examine their ma•emolh refkr fon purchasing elsewhere. Tereus tteer.L 1 Amro' AN ViciTutul.- 8tr$Wters nolo ni ore than ever to admire to O bumrr, and the photographs taken bySal- low*. will be tutee than rr@n. Views oreef- deuces. (meads, etc., taken with taste. ties Ballow.. NICHOLt3ON, L.D.I3, SURGEON Viii• Deal*. Oates and sldetwte. West Street terse item below Bonk of Mon Tri . (Juderiole She People's Column. GENT WANTED -BY A LEAD - INC Camediso Lib £ssara*es Co. Oesienusteattoes co.idis/YL Addison be: AM. Siratfeed. VOR SALE CHEAP -Whim Cattail JL' Retry, about Is tort long 1 pain ot oars. Apply to D. CLAM+, Beak of mluutreal. IMI -3 VOR SALE - A FEW A 1 LAND JU Killen and tree Marrows. wilt be sold w ap at the Oederich Foundry. The Beatty 'seer and all repairs for the same csa also procured from the Oodetich Youndr ores wpncrtios by mail to ILL SkP;UMILLICH. Godericb. Out. MOW NOTICE. Coe Court of Rev Woo for the township of Colborne. will held eta first gulag. os Mon- day. the tetb of Mai, In the township ball. ooe►r.encing at le u clock a. m. Al parties Iaserested are requested to attend. 1112.1* flRAWINGCLASS-MISS WEATH- • nnopening_ Drente. OodereaW bed In Mechanics' .titete. Instructloss will los given in (N1 sad Water ('.bring. Painting. and Pencilling and Crayon Work. Particulars as to hours, terms. etc.. sea lye had }J sptpii>ns beton TiwdwT sort. at ber residence. Brageld Road, Oed♦ rte►. IMOD BYES FOR SALE. The undarslea.d has sixty !imams of bees for sale in double or single bozes, also hires and smokers. together with a Melte quantity of honey b one pound bores. Time will be eri••en by terelshlag apppprrooved mete.. Please order ae once. CBARLCS McPREI:. Carley P.. h. ()ret. 1037-11si EDWARD SHARMAN, BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, EAST STREET. Is still ready to do any work in his line at mederae prices. Lime. /Hicks. Firebricks. and other Rulldln( Material kept on hand for tale. Dederick, March 1111ti. IOO/. 1106 -em For Sate or to Let. semi♦( cermet. bo the is d banes' toe's. STORE TO RENT OR SELL -BE - !Mien corner of good gravel road. Home Ii stories. L. good repair. Store 10x11. with goer rune,, wood abe4 melee and t acre laud. P.U. and*(A N ebemaiPPSrdton. _ 7 to F+ T NAYN �• t,HEPPARDTON FARM TO RENT A_ oR SELL. m acres. )0 acres cleared and fr a of .umpe : all well traced; two wells : p,.6 l barn aad shed and other buildings. la - vie nag brick cnttalre 1Sx3p, with miler full 5.: • Whoops. a splendid orchard : larse creek re, .. a. roes the lot Terme easy. Apply on members, Lot IL Lake Shute Read, township of a •olborne. It. T. HA Y N KS. Ise tp ar too. maw* Stk. nil. read Bond, atter s vert !pleasant visit I Ile Iwo that lir. Blakeeoutempfates vides that in the i see of write no }IiARINH NNW9 s around G.wu, loft last week i•r •trip to the Kurth -west t.. are the priority shall be given. A atentf m� �c.ue r . � pi, competed of Ur. Blake, Mr N. C. within a month from mesh meager* shall ('awtaro, of acxi+rich, lir. Jaime Tete, i have eq to daiut. At the and of the The s_h• oner Mary Gunton arrived Tuesday from }Curtail with a load lumber. pour 1o•rth west r r. a e to The each of whitefish and trout at prewar no.tiuwl t•. his r.e,:n. N e them ou pdittal rupia. who hiu a wtzure Outdo got everything, peewit during the past week hope to bear •.f hie tally retoyory. brakemen. or enough to seedy has (dams, and the The steamer Ontario, from Sarni. menu ♦enema are u .w heel/ corn. o the . to f home Nets er seteeeet In the "1110111. rNw a his home in Gala Fred Atka •s..t14.i t y A party will probably he made Nit* on one sent but ail others Wed MM more /iron tee ..editarsYW'SM_ In. sold lake town .4 Hurtle We regret to unhnnaue OW serttsrs 111 - may Stratford, and one or two other,. We (m"nth the assets are destnbuted, *oil DOM of A. Mel) Allan. He hs been in tray take it as granted that an oppor• anything left over is held for creditors r health fur smite tune neck tied i• trinity wilt be made bythe peop'e of the' fylinz writs during the second calendar f M Bl k Adana*I n►• nth Heretofore the tint creditor, M.)NTM Too oo:t -The sad c e.t teeters, and conductor. f remainder had te_ tr without, ur saki w ezp.$id hero me tfasurdg, • plated for a cr..•eit ander thu auspices < what was Irft. Quebec) (loser +�frfse it Mr on tli u( the Lade*. .fid S oci.,ty ..f t!►e r,.rth Trunk Rai:wsy have been othctally note- Nt ara lent• T llieraonspiT Crese'r.- day. street Methodist coo-rh, to hr, b.•Ll iu th. that the fire per cent. reduction th The twat meeting for tke eeelesteetial Ernest Maleaumen left oa Tuesday t the church, on Thursday, t2d of May. (Aver wales g.,as into effect for the month 1 of April and they feel rather • ra about year of the offiris here' of the above Port ('olborne to J.ria the Northern.. Th•re wen four rigs from Cliutun in ir, .t. (hay th .uaLt it w•onid mat M en- named church wee held un Mls were he having accepted a position un th town un Sundav last Tb.y wero sent + fumed till May. They lure uothin,•g a. The report of the various officials vera propellor with Capt. A. M. Shept erd marriage party, neither were they a do but accept, however, with the under mast enc.wragina. The funds were The schooner Garibaldi, Capt Pam ,. funeral prcessiva, but they appoearaci to standing that un October 1 the old rate largely to advance ,.1 Pre" 4' yawns, and is sunk in 13 feet of water at Bar Poen be having •little "time of their own.of paj will be restored the increase in membership was also near Amhersthur2. The schooner Heat "twee not the air. two not the words.tad Ines Bat the deep mate In the chords SraaauLou CoxTaulos. -- Dr. J. 11. marked. 136n received on pro- er Kelle.Capt. W. M&Kar, is ashore ne bati.m, 13 by letter. 44 had removed, Buz 4suble. Aad in the ips, at such Why do the glrb veil their pretty races so obesely loon rapbse taust wow t Hobson shey poD lar cad bluet style, and want to presery s their cumple irons. O•o. 8. Robson. the photographer. noted for well finished oabiaeta F. M. Williams, piano forte tuner. lwill be la Godes** their week. Parties will lave orders at Mr. twee* book store. or at Mr. D. (iordea's. Parties wl•hlag to get pian repaired. or exchange ter sew. will kindly gave their address a the above places. F. M. %viLLu►ae. Bstraordtasry value in wall paper at [aria's took store. Wall paper at Sc per roll. Wall paper at is per roll. Wall paper at lee per roll. Wall paper at lac per roll. Wall payer at lSc per roll. Wall paper sit 10c per roll. W alt pew at Mc per ren. Dadece, Mears. MitaiA. (orders. corners and e:ts'nstesa to math all papers. Mousy saved every time by buying your wall paper ►t ba- rites. No trouble to show the sample.. wheth- er you buy or net. John Doyle left fur his vessel last week. E. N. Lewis is off un a few vi teas' holidays. Charles N. Danis left for the far west last week. The improvements un the s ;uare are fast assuming shape. Miss Lilly Wbitely was visiting friends at Brantford this week. Miss McMicken has returned to town, after a four months' absence. Mn. Neil McKinnon, ..f Lucknow, visiting her 'mother, H. Hale James S ruierville. M. P. fur South Bruce, was in town yesterday. Mrs. Capt. Robertson, of Sarnia, was in town visiting fiends last week. Mrs. Brown, wile of .1. Brown, of the Inland Revenue Depart rneat, has arrived in town. ACRE LOT IN ASHFIELD FOR e) l f SA Lei -Oa Ord Cos.. 1R D. 30 acme clear- ed. Lebec. good hardwood. A hood or. bard se tier house. Fields slope to a creek running scram til@ 1M, and are esell drained. Tures Cam Apply to It. T. HAYNES, ebeppar�on. March la tell. Jlebtcal. r- E. CASE, M.D., C.M. , M.C. P. S, , r. Ont. 3'd inn. Santee♦, Acconcheer, etc. formerly occupied by Dr. Heechimmed Diapason. Night u(tke- Mar tis's heal. 1151- r B. WHITELY, M.D., C.M., PHY• • . SICIA`( Surgeon. A000eoherr, etc.. M. Ost$ris. Omen -Tyre Square. 1 doers Kid et Wllsoa's Drag More. up st.era. lent R. MCDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC- l�. LAN. SUROLON, tc.. Graduate ot Ter- mite or onto university. Licectiate et tee Royal Col- lage e4 Iese of Physicgas. Loudon. Englsad, Ste.. to-. H. t'. P. t4 Ontario. (Mice and realdeaos Opposite rsUey s Hotel. Mini Ras s m& Dad - vetch power wer Whitely, of Uudori.•,h, arid Dr. Thutuas and 1 death had occurred, leaving •net That memo knew not all that hour. Rave, of Canter, appeared ,w Tue.day, inc se of 123. The pastor Rev. T. P. The steam barge Fortune, loaded wit At once a hundred voices said "It is the masked Arabian meld r b-lare a Landon Magtstrete to answer Castphell line been very diligent m an ties for the G. T. R., arrived on Isumta -{tog Itoukh his stirs and the c. being the first arrival of the sown. i The "Sanford Prize" at the Wesleyan Monday she left for Georgian Bay e u Theological College, Montreal, was car- bl coli to {Ir@at dander d salt from the Interrrtiutul. ried off by Mr. J. S. Cock, well•known The ('nite.i Empire ogled hen in this section ..f the country u • gond discharged, a imposing gape tfenday, and t .ok passengers and fretgl preacher and a most promising young y 1 y dd 1 ,p t f ,r the North-west. Then was a b MAR. ' turn out t.. see her, ahe being the fi A Buffs'.. depttch stiles that Joshua Ti passenger le at of the season. Phillips, G. T. R. cashier at Fort Erie, on, + 11' 'peg. May O. - ► dispatch fr. al:d funnetly of reelei ch, has ab,coad- Dur r g f P.ot Arthur announces that the i*' el, leaving a deficit of some =2,000. blown Item Thunder Ray into into t Mrs. Phillipe is confined to bed by the pp rete y lake. The steamer Quebec, of the hast' sleek. T esd Wednesday y and Thursday of Line, arrived. thea afteruo•.n. Nati ;atte Ray. A. B. MELuut'a. - Among these each week, and his class will meet in the as zealous and energetic in floe r w ork as nu the upper lakes has new common who vraduate.l at the S.in Francisco large r.,,m utter Tee StuNAL otlice. He ever. If the Aray dues um pr ever r 0 e e l)o . ur COPY. It I. hlosri.,usl:p Theological Familiarity last month was peeraesee inning twenty lessons bete♦'* it will no; be f..r lack '.f z al an 1 I c'. •r captain Robert 1. Jlbntao,uary, u..an our farmer townsln in Aselrew D. Mel- new and the 1st of June. Mr. Crockett oa their part. Tee Sun ter pared.•+ ,,'ie sea ••F the White Star Arse bt aeawlx �t d 111 wail a- ion :is ii p*.ico on can accorumodate a few more pupals. still continued. however. althouah eat diem nut fil••nday, Sa .of April, at I. trait, •ge•l ti:, years. When 18 year* aze he was sent from his home in 1)h to sail on the lakes during the minim months. In 1848 Montgomery ente the enip'.•v • f the late Capt. Eber (Ward as 0 porter on one of his .tea boats. Thro,h strict uitrgnty and a tention to business he was steadily warmed until he was made the Rene steward of all the vessels of the o Ward Line. He filled his position un 184.0, when his embarked in business f hirttself, purchasing t1.e dock at the f of Shelby aria Griswold street.. I afterward leught interests in the S and White Star Lines. The Milton Wards flags were at half mast dui the day, out of respect for rhe dra,l. LSarnia Ubasrver. the charge 01 abetting to Baan Little, an d 1 I church is t.. be c .n - alleged small pox patient, to travel iw gratulated on laving so, t1ay.'t,rt a than public eunveyan tot it mist. of infecting her Mai y's subjects with thedisease. Dr. Wave ve was Dr. White) was canmittal 3.•r true at a court of *impotent jurisdiction. Root. Cr,ekett. the an et, has just r lar aced a class for the second term. During the psst term considerable satis- faction was expressed by pupils at the regress made. He will be 111 town on Tuesday, •et s '1 he Sea forth Salvation Arany non nike an i•u in • armee Th.•v have recent) added sever, a ••., ins r - ments or torture 1.. their band ,n i molly of the members appear to unif.'rm to ranks are being continually enlaread auil new converts tiro made :duvet lata .t y. The week night meetings, however, are notso la a t •.41.1 se they were at first but the officer* :n charge continue Bishop (Walsh, of London, is expeeted in Goderich in June to administer con- firmation. Mus Carne Hale, who has been on the sick list for the past three weeks, is &Rain able to be ab. oat. Dr. Rosebrugh the solea.. will be at the residence of .LR. ifl3 o.. P.S.I., on Saturday, May 17th. The new paster of the M. E. churclh was tendered a reception at the church en Friday evening last. DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - .ICON, Coroner etc. Oaoe sad residence Bruce (inset, mooed deer west of Victoria i7 Street. HO. MACKID, M. D., MIMI• . elan. lergeoa sed Aceember. Oradi ate ot Termite University. Oelceopposite Career -ea it Camereat Bank. Loeksow. if not de race. esquire at the Bask. 111110-y. j QRS. SHANNON it HAMILTON, iJ Payelegru. Ber(0ess. *coenobites, ire, once at Dr. M ieenes'S reside.oe. mar the Keel federteb. O. C. 2Rawwow, J. C. Hann. 105 L'IYE, EAR AND THROAT. Ii 1JR. RYERNO.1, !Lot r.. Lecturer on the Rye. Ear a.4 Throat. Trii!tty Medical Cdlne Toronto, aanSd 8 sew he Mercer Rye and Rar iulnnar7. Orme( awd Aurlat to the Hospital Inr sick children, late Clinical AssgMant Royal Ipadon Ophthalmic Hospital. Mo,w*eM.. and Central lander Threat and gar Hosplta1. *11('♦once S Thee& TOMOS To. t� Morel 17ti. 11Mt. Sunday, April 27th. Butchers', bakers' and grocers' boys. The Sunday achoul Institute exercises and all ethers interested would do eel will he held here a week from Muudayto bear in mind that there is a town by - next. On the Sunday before a mesa( law previdinz imitable punishment for meeting of children will he held to be these who wilfully or through careless- addtess by the c..nductor of the institute, nem permit t their e tleases nws noto the k an d Rev. J. En 1r of the Tinhe metier of a horse was tined four A member *(the Salrati..n army, in dollar+ in C int pre the other day. because new and well -tie -me uniform, was ine'en en the animal Aad Leen permitted t.. ►up on * furlough'awl He wasevidently not vieexhort or the bark off a shade tree. and there neva give expression to any opinion as to abe some similar cases hen before long. future visit from his comrades on active ( The tt Ingham Tun's sa7.: "On Tuee- service. day eventag last a social was he'd in the On Saturday last, J.,hn Johnston, of Mas'laic Hall the occasion being the Goderich township, in turning towsharp- preeentatiou of jewels to Past Masters ly in front of Whiteley's vote, wag J• Ritchie, K. Wilr,n, 'l•. Bell, J. A. thrown to the ground, alighting on hu Morton and W. Elle tt. Mr. Radcliffe. head. Although a heavy man and old, of (io3erich, D. D. O. M1., occupied the solo, her ''('wing evidently hien; some - he escaped further injury than a Cowl chair. and ut a:.tu Ileo• pgratm ue of thing new to concert u"ors Mise Cooke vocal and ins rumental music was given Fresrdr'1 at the piano and Miss Andrews bruises *boast the head. b� Mn. Smith, Mines Patturs.m, and at the organ. Mr. Foot deserves credit John Stewart, of the Benmiller Nur-I ..ughton, and Messrs B. Park, R. for his admirable handling ..3 the chorus. eery, bee shipped by express during, OrrK Smith, J A. Cline, J. Croydon Au interesting reading os May Day, the peat week or two some choice select and J.Pticroll There was a .nod >►t given by S. P. Halls, appears elsewhere. ions of plants and flowers. The buyers tendance and a pleasant time enjoyed by The Choral Fnein, after •paying all the have been chiefly in Clinton and Seaford). Ih The plants were much admired as they Passed through the express office here. GOOD DAY'S WORK. -One day Inst month or two over the unusual number week a Snoreg lady of nch township of twin in unoccupied buildings. Last accnnpluhed an unusuaall aniount of worn weak some arrests were made, but the in ..lar day, which was the making of two prisoners escaped from the lock-up. A men's shirts, two children's dresses, milk- ing tine cows, night and morning, alad tamed Bell, empluted u newaix,y onandthe railway, turned Queen's *lenience. The Choral Union are requested to meet at St. Georges Sunday school loons on Monday evening neat. Harry Vidal. of the Bank of Com- merce, has returned frim his holidays, loukiug as fresh as a daisy. R. W. McKenzie returned from Mani- toba un Monday, *.ter • two month. w- jnurn in the prairie province. Mist Jeanie Gilboa'', daughter of Capt. Gibson,will leave this week for Manitoba, where she will join her brother and sister. Messrs. Montgomery anti Wuth•rald left for the Northwest where they will be quite so offensively as at Ss'. Mar DAY Cost -ART. -This entertain• ment, although held upon a rainy even• ing, was • success. The attendance was large. ami the audience appreciative. The glees. etc., have never been better rendered in Oodeneh. The instrutnon• tan ducat of Misses t:•wde and McMick- ing was capitally c 'veal. Miss Wynn and Mr. Foot spina The Fisherman" with feeling. and the sweetly renderel (Nett of Mussts Cox,k and Smooth well merited the recall i. evoked. We have heard Mr. Rothwell in better voice than he appeared with in the pretty duett with Mrs. R•,dawetl, and the "Pilot ' with R. S. ttllliauas. Miss Skase A. Satmrnut,ta was doubly '..enrol in her Auctioneering alt.' Fres Bron. -Great excitement has prevailed in W inghun during the past cooking for seven persons. Who can and confessed to setting the house et F. beat this 3 --(New Era S. Tnx,mM, on tire, nn the 30th of Ap. il, denary Dick is hooking out for his "rue rot @d machine. LscaoansCoptaat.-Alivecomu,ittee and irplioiting James Johnston, who P for the Lacrosse Goo -The Wanderers, of Toronto, are pro- w now arranging gives his age at 17 f3•.th youths an jecting a big tour this summer, and will cert, to be held in Victoria hall on the now in tioderich gaol, and the case will robably take in thin direction. evening of the 24th of May. Every en- come up Ioef..ra Judge Toms on Satur- puma Coleman, of odeaforth was io town deavor will be trade to stamp it as the day, on his bicycle nn Monday last. The entertainment pee ♦rod/euce of the season. 8aitener's LoitieLtrrrei MAeartt•. - (iuderich club turned out in the evening, The best local talent will grist, and a Our togressIveha tier. will be glee to and had a spin with him. .dries of "lacrosse tableau:." new and barn that s seccessful lord -lifting tea Tint Mazy Waist. -W+Iost@rand 11ic- strikiug, will be given. chane is now available. nt's Rride of Turontu bicycle club will make Pst•t'Ltaa Ai -closer. house belong- machine is capable of lifting whole ads a run on their machines from N'..dstuek ing to A. M Pulley got loose on the of hay or grain, and more can be housed to (hderich next week, says the Totunto daily with two or three less hands than World. expenses connected with • affair. Band- ed over the balance, $13, to the mayor 1 yr the pour "f the town. ndryrlle Notes. TheChi.agoClub's run this yyearisfrom Niagara vu Toronto and Montreal to Boston. M. 0. Canteron now rides an Xtraor- street no Monday, and in its "cavort - The new uniforms are to be out short- ly -in time for the 24th May. Myrtle green jacket and knee bres:hes. maroon stockings, Akita flannel shirt. Few clubs will then look nattier than (looench. The K jwterti 'Cyclist, edited by Will C. Marvin. of Ovid, Mich., "the man with the sunny smile," has been so secoes•ful that it witl ire hereafter issued fort• can r, u a P nightly) instead of monthly as formerly. and the ale will doubtless be large in i Furrow by E. R. Wstsoe, of thus toss alleged that a Mr. PsltridEe. a former Mr. Marvin gets up an excellent lour - town. , Mr. Watson's artistic taste and deft es:- resident of Clinton, now of (alt, wrath* nal. Mrs. Smeath, who is quite an invalid. ecution lout trade a eombination of colors I victim of a merciless boas the other day Geo. Cox has now • cyclometer &ttaoh- �as blest visiting at the home of her . that for harmony and Remind arrange- i at Lucknow. He advertised in the Nlohe ed to his wheel. and is able to tell the eistsr,Mrs. Hick, Huron road, for change 'I meat it would be impoesible to surpass. for lady correspondence, with a view t" number.* f honest miles the club travels e6 sir. . Tut Keratosis Sraaaow -Great cum- tnatrtm.my. A lady correspondent m ace tri[,. The instrument u a nest J. L. Sturdy and tamily, formerly of plaint is made bt the citizens of Hatmd• voted him to Lecknow. Arriving there I little •fair about the size of a ladies' God.rich. left Winrham on Monday for I ton and tee surrounding district &gains(( he was driven all over the village with watah, niekle plated, and u a't.. ;bed to out getting • glimpse of his charmer. tin ' one of the right hand spokes. It is an lags' rail against • now belonging to J. I by the old method. Farmers throughout H. Williams, sending the horned beast, the prorinoe endorse it, and declare that spinet a tree with such force as to cause they would not be without it for twice its death. The matter was quietly ad- 1 the chat. It took lat prize at the To - engaged during the summer surveying. I noted b Mr. Polley paging Mr. Vial- runts exhibition last tear, and a dipin- Miss Blair WAS iuldiapoeetl last week, dams $35 for the loose, via now. i ma at the Provincial at Guelph. For and her class in tho Central school were riven • week's holidays in consequence. The aliments nor buok, now being eased f n interesting work, Asnwnc. -The blot thing we have yet • particulars address W m. Morris. Lrrn- moft in town in the way of piper hang- desbaeough, Oat., agent for Mullett, lag fwd wall decoration, is that just onto- McKillop .ad (1.derieh townships leted in the drawing room of J. T. A Waartto TO Wire Sssxas.. --It is ABOUT PROHIBITION A Lively areas, resweea t•pteseMast of t:edrrlrb .d 4 bates. flu the teaming 03 Tuesday last, good) number of ladies roti gentlem attended at the temperance hall t.. h the debate between representatives 3 the mock parliaments of Gu.lerich a Clinton. Clinton had the choice of s jects, and as a amseyuence, placed th opponents in the position of advocates ititetnpwranee, by giving them the a null;• on the question, " Resolved t prohibition would not be.in the ipte o3 Canada. God•rieh was represented by Mees Jos. Kidd, Wm. Proudfoet and Al Embury, and the Clinton men w Meagre Sharman, Fester and E. Holm The judges were : ForGuderich, Ma Horton; Inc Clinton, Mr. Bailey : refer lir Armstrong, of Minton. The debate was ,p•ueel by Mr. Ki eh.) in a forcible manner, went on to.h that prohibition would not he in the rarest ret Canada, as it was an unw able scheme, and had Men • woeful f urs in Vermont and other Statue. i was followed by Mr. Sharman, who cal batted as best he could the argument• tlr. Kidd, and who endeavored toclel his own statements with scripture. 1 Proudfoot was the next (leder speaker. and scored point after pa wain( the efficacy of prohibition u practical ',chime in • ertisont. 1351 Michigan and elsewhere Mr. Foster, reply, claimed that the vested rim qa stton was not • factor in the amtt u mets were licensed too sell liquor the year, and cold claim no right to liquor, after that time had expired. made a very good speech from his fid the question(. Mr. Embury was the speaker en the Gtderich mote, and dead statistics to prove that prof H•rrist•n, when Air. Sturdy has leased ' the English sparrow. Frust ttwa w lion was an impracticable measure. a hotel urehards and gardens aro being badly in. pans, cow bells, and horns making neat- accurate measurer •.f distance. tors leasant and enthlinv him t . bear The Detroit bicycle club has planed • I Med the idea of men bring abl. The advertisement of R. Prpudf•ot Pored from the birds pickio; thebuffs. pleasant The ".xors wanted' Canadian trip. and will (occupy a week in I drive a' out of 'sister ra by h his dtsapp 11A. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR, . the Comity of Heron. Pales attended Is any part et ata• (7Mty. *edam orders a underfelt P.06 .1O1IN KNOX. t3ENU.AL AUC. V TIONEER sea Lead V eNator. Mt. newton Md •menlieakte ezeintemeti tbe •ustleametar (soda be is 1s s pedtioe t@ dlaeharwe vettb th oen.rgh',atWartMn all corse namioas trussee to hue. frde's MK et lliaetlwl ps@M, er emit by midi to e7 addrph 041411oX Comity tr Aertwrt P.ell ateeded to. JOHN *IIO THR HURON NOM. CR/IG ! SAULT&. PaOrantroas. ' TM Rates Reed' We the "w bee e rwmarbler of �trf.g reamed ev- try a perterwlr to row tray saable In oesmortlea toe up ter sow farmer* Met j irerr'ep ► ester foe tr.f5, • ser ll l should be read by all who would like *ere try damagtnit good value in dry !picas, groceries and fainly injuring this sesso0 s erop. The$10 to cease their attentions, which they I going win- (h. gruun.f. Thu ' wikat age oil July provisions. !English sparrow mesa go -If you can get !didn't get. hut reel will 1.11 the ill its with any- I (D (reit o.� July 17 Ith, The oat •f the Roland P'apet, Abe. Smith and Flank him to go. week's triw place.' •t CB -decidedly Simmons have gone to Port Colhnrneln' lfxtroartare a. -Some four mouths i About 4.44 p.m . on Monday, a ',alert i cheap Invellina We hope the boys seek* Harry Climes in painting one of ago W. 8. Hart, lermerly of this town. ' piece of (maritime which had been u..d will turn 'e on time, s••und in wind and the C. P. R. newels. sustained a seven heal hi tin since he. an. propping np+ ..ie of the windows in 1 limb (43 the Rev. coming resident of John A. Ril1 ay last, in iso. Zealand.. Deng the •hssneedof Mr. t the tifth fern its plane and fell to the earthbor mill, . In ' ytiWte +rN.t Mans wratas. acidOotse's chuing. on Sunday th lgue mt 4 re -g - ar►d e+enirhR. He was the Rust r.f re- Hart the dwelling house took Err, result -'its descent it *track one of the eropl '►•a• ' The alar meeting of the tabard was M. named filbert Folioed, who was stand red natives while in town ing in its total destruction, and MHart and the family barely @seeping with ung at the f•x•t of the hoet,and inflicted s 1 haat on Mnnda]. Mrs. Alfred Ortieth, who has spoon( the their lives ; Mrs. H. was burnt about severe wound nn the back .4 the head. present �f errs. Cnhh, Butler, winter in town with friends. left for her the home snit steamer The Bash was fully five inches long. acrd Swanton, Ka 1, Merton, Nicholson.n, and tea Dakota on Monday Inst, 1 K A Goon Genres. -(A►r readers will 1 fracturedw the skull was fractured sers.aly. The Me(tillicuddy or ilnited Empire 1 with the Orellh Mercury, which I taltired mast was at ODOR oenvoyed to his The minutes of past meeting were fwd Wes. Craig has rotorwed to (4 derich,says ' . At the request ..f the lint/gee after a lengthy visit to the old country. O„v„ynsewt, Mr. John M (3*. n, ex -M. Ile moos hat ha at he d •moat enjoyable 1 P. for Rooth Huron, her consented to time during hr stay (hone. T. agive Meters. to the students of the Agri- Tsnrealrr-s 8111.1108111.1101t.r.tt. -- Tile Rev. 'attend Cellar., Guelph, on Practical M. amplell wan give a diseourse es "tom peraeo•" in the North 4t Meths. diet tthareh nett Sunday evening. Mrs. Alio. McGillivray, of the Raney Medias' College, Kinfetnilaimpluiela� MI)She read 'try. stream Agriculture dunng the sheep '•( Pro(. Brown in England antalkaline stook foe th. Experimental Farm. Mr. McMillan is efts of he meet advanced and intelli- oat hymen in Ontario, end is wail to Rive a course of Ioetetes ata an resolved • echo's/ship of 100, whish she s.hyeet. The Government eoend presenlei afterward to the cottages Mrs.. Re I t bees eelee1N s better man to 011 Mr. 111e0iLome*ivray is s nines of Mrs Lol*s p*aM10Ri/seseu7 .. Atiettal, t3� iG residence and medical owl sumroeed. I.d c„nfirm.d. Under careful medical treatment he is 1 Th@ principal's report was read, .how- .nr'ieg as wall u aruld he wxp.ct.d, and ing the number on roll 713: s.s*' at - hopes are entertained of hu recovery, al- `t,.ndance 684: percentage A2. though he is in a very low ♦tate. Miss Lawrence's resignation was Teri The Creditor's Relief Act was and received, and Miss S. Gordon was passed by the Onein., Legislature in i chosen to take her plsc•. the year 1t1A0, het as there was . A o,mmenioation from 11leioe A. seem d• ebt existing u to whether it' Skimmings r' music in the public wheels. did not infringe os matters o..ntine with- Filed it prerino• of the Dominion it w rot A number of bonkur modelresolves heel ie erste into force until en predrined by esterase* were repoet•l rom the Lieutenant Governor. That pr.ele- the Edueetion Department sestior las recently been (mise It rte- The meeting theta a 'pursed, lata on. Hua peroration eased a part larl fine nature. The debate wci. by Mwas Mr Holmes of '' talon, who troth cepdu•n to a nuu.l.er of the promises down by Mr. 8tubttry late Iiia smock Mr, Bailey. of Clinton, summer the p,inb made in the discussion, ears decision in fetor "f Clinton. The debate was well condi manner in the d&Rareat speakers han•11ed the jest, Koos far to show that the @alai met.( 4 meek 'embonpoint in Clint." (i..lerieh ha' been a boon l.. the ) men who are iv' .:..luslly inclined A return dehate with Clinton s early day u spoken of. These Pt-■sh•es. Stretford, May 6. -Hwte day man named William Henry, • de', old iron and nags, and his tem George Sent*, were arrested by the charged with heeoltiag into and de ing type m the Stratford Times The naei las been .eery elsvMiy e .p by the d.i. tive% sled it is or that further erred. wiU N Nat. 44: