HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-2, Page 8Al arra. the 1 basil rear �LL autl the The Sty ,Ti. Aal vie A. Kao He Awe WM Ar >ry The The The Tee Tim The The iter Ces J0.'. A And Say. Itul. An.l 11 Jur it ' dell s. 1 air. it Pout' A "Eh! sir v 11' Alda A TI .•s M Co own ..f 1a low t Mur, .las. road E.Iw B oto the May o'cle> Joke Ache tion poet nod. ed b two lo t, es easei Ai road drove also (r at foun bort rod. wen, isbtr Mn. dige EIS *esti wool oma oil 0 bad nuts inlet sole C, for end try Ile, ter foal stirs Ye' aloe tak stet tittook. 8 THE HURON' 3IGNAL. FRIDAY MAY 2, 1884. COUNTY OUBRaNCY. Nese. Item ail rest. *r Uar.a eel .s a beaus J. 1(.. Miller, of Herr is, has been ap printed Haemes inspect ,r for East Huron The Louden I istritt meeting of th Me.hottest Church will leo het.! an Fee ter, c..uuumethg May 20th sat. am- laumButtua. JDaaaks. Cedar Gilt, the meadow* of Coapt. D. The 1.11 wheat Looks hotter Moe than Bogie was stormed ea the alteration of at Leeburt► the !Jud alt., by • party of fourteen young mon aleading long sawn, huckster and aces, who cut up 21 roods tato stove vomit. Twiner -de wetting the fur .we of the region put .n an appeatanc., and • e ,oeu1 ureuing was spent. Leabara. The pasturage 01 the Clinton show ground for the araron was wild by ase tier,. uu aaturdayy to Mr. W. Crate, fur B68, wire lea re-Iet it to Mr. A. (Ouch o Alex. Carson, st•rekesper at (Jorre, feu in a well and was drowned Iaat reek. Duceee•d w.s b..rn it i'er,,oanash, Ire laud. in 183M. He war a member of the F. 0. C. Last Monuay evening the Borrie bran band, emoted by a half dozen members or the dammed' Indian Land, gave an open sir cosicert on Main street, so the Swan prise says. Dr. and Mr. (irallam, Brun els, re- turned last week from toted six m..nthe risit to England. Before settling uown to bootless lbe Dr. intends taking a two m oohs trip to the Pacific coast. and will leave the first of neat week. M. John Mason, late Reeve .•f Hul lett, called III ••i us this week : tits pr traded 1114,... foes told Ncerely uu him and the result is shown i, 1 i. api•ea ante ; he is however, in • fair way to to corer, and expects to recuperate rapidly as the weather gets warmer {N.w Era !tor Hots. Elston, of Exeter, has two of the tiuest thoro'bred heifers in that Koine of the culverts and small brigss on the Lake Shore toed between Dun- lop and Sheopardton need repainng bad- ly. The township council should see to them right away. The fanners an busily engaged in seeding, and the laud is getting in a first- class state for working on it. Some little boys opining to school sue day last week, Lound a young tux uu the rad. Sa7nalQ. The fis hertu.n lute commenced deep water fishing the lake being now clear of ice. Fall wheat will be rather under the average crop in this vicinity. Merin Thompson & Co , have repair- } ed the break in the twill dam, and the mill is in running order once more. r- On Tuesday of last week the Rev. Nathaniel Paterson, late of Bayfield, was inducted into the pastoral charge of Hanover and North Normandy, by the Prebytery of Bruce. see•ion. One of thaw will be three years ..1.1 in August, and it now weigh 1190 pounds. while the other, which wi be two yetis old it August, weighs 901) p ,u. d•. This is censiderrl to he �< w. i:ht 4..: heilets of their ago. Mr Quintal, ..f NIoutreal, was w Ex ter ou Tuesday last, and purchased ov a d.•zell horses. Price per head, avcrag ing 41)4,444 1113i0. Mr. Q has a large ' stable in `lunt--t1, nd s'upl,r.l 4 L.ad (rood Louoou ••u Saturday last. H Wart Wawanoah. 11 John Rutherford is busy making pre- tentious for the erection of a new brick „d house this summer.. Mr. Ellen Duman, one of the oldest s- persons fn this township died recently at ee the residence of her son William, at the adcance.f age of 94 year. Deceased was eels a native of Ireland and emigrated to this cat country about 40 year ago. Her teen- s tal faculties have been failing for the past few years, living as it were a relict!? another Reiteration, seemingly uncon- scious of those around her. Her remains were interred in Dungannon cemetery. Our present dei,'t'y -reeve and treasurer art, two of ! r . ,n. says Huron County as the heat district hr ever struck fur • tits class ..1 ihureap, The t *j Iain of the '.tivatien array, 1.,1.. leo; at Seoforth. visited Clinton on lt•edneeda)•, to arrange for a carnt.aign in ilia t.rwu. Hating heard that the Saved truly were coming here, he said that noires they MIS, atpn4e, a detach- ment of the salvation aney would he a.on_, and they would stake the rvi doors of tine town tremble. .1 s. Oleo:Alfe, V. 8., of Clinton, ha secure.! a good position in amnectio with the etetablahmwnt of Mr. Henisnan a lar4e horse dealer of Mansfield, Ho is to attend to the ills and ailment (f that pereun s hereto, and receiv therefor the' sunt of $1,500, with th pri,'ilege of practising his profession, an enters upon his duties almost slat. ly. He has about sold out hie business to Mr. Kerr, of 'Wolohan. on the morning of the i'ttli inst., Peter Mitchell, a workman at Mr. Kiddy salt works in Seaford', met t oh a pretty severe accident while attemI: cog to put the chain on the bull wheel . ' a lou car- riage, his hand got aught and badly squeezed. fine of the Ionics of the hand was broken, wl.ile part of the hand was badly torn, the bones In some places be- ing laid bare. 1t will probably lay him up for six weeks. It was properly dressed and is doing as wee as could be expected. The report of the Provincial Secretary on the tavern and shop license act, for 1883, has been issued, from which we gather the following particulars Huron last year 163 bcenses were grant- ed against 159 in 1880. In 1872, 3)4 shop licenses were issued in this county, the number being reduced to 15 in 188.2. The fines collected in Iluron, for viola- tion of the law, amounted to $560, The number of prisiouen committed to the (ioderich jail for drunkenness an 1818:1, w -as 5 ; in 1877 the number was 29. Frio or) 1•r.tae.-The (:orris tolls. says : "Christian (;rsybal diel at the residence of his son, Edward (.raybiel on the 14th inst. He was horn in Penn- sylvania, U. S.. in the year 1802, conse. quently was 82 years of age,and hes been living in Ontario twenty-six years. G. Burney who diel a couple of weeks ago was in his eighty-third year, And Mrs. Elwood, who died at the residence of her won John Darcy and was earned to her grave by bar grand children about three weeks 'ago. was about the same an." An interesting public debate took plain in Wingham un Friday ,keening last between Messrs. D. E. Cameron and Charles Rutherford of Luckuow and fir Jas. Ferguson and Dr. McDonald. of Witrgkam The &abject being " ltesdr• ed that the probabilities are that Britian will decline." The affirmative was sus- tained by the Lucknowites and the negative by their opponent. Th. dis- cussion was a most interesting one, the speeches being all of a high. order. The Chairman, Mr. Alex. (Ohioan, of Wmxo- ter, Warden of the County of Huron, after a brief summing up unhesitatingly gar. his decision in favor of the affirma- tive, this giving the victory to Lucknew. On a former occasion the same gentle- men successfully sustained the (opposite sid• of the potation against two gentle men of the Kincardine Literary Society. Reltnes9llia. 1. T. C. Pickard has commenced build- ing an addition to his store. Richard Docking has the job. n, Thomas Kelly, foreman on Holmes- ville section 0.T. R., 4 dangerously sick. He has been off work for several days. s Rev. Wm. Birks has purchased an In - as dian pony fruno Rev. A. Andrews, of e Kincardine. d Jay Durland died at his parents' home in Marie on Saturday last of consump- tion. This voung man had lived all his life, exempt the last three years, in Gerrie, and was a general favorite with the young people. Ile served anlice.bip at printing in this othoe, and was a i,N- dime workman, gaining a record in New York, a little over a year ago, of nearly 2,000 ems an hour. Last fall he return- ed to hie h in Dorris '1n very post health from 'he effects of a heavy cold he had contracted the previous $pritlltj hoping to recuperate to the braes. anadan climate, but that fatal di (: ss. o oonsamptxwt, had be/mew too deep - rout -cd, and in spite e1 the beat *Berta of physiesns and familyhe wasted *war until death relievehim In ell hes e vsw sufferings he was never known to ' murmur or ,vow.pla,n and his death ferniehisi • *h,ninv .:ample of how a' Chratun ran des The funeral neeueed on Sabbath afternoon and was attended by nearly UM ,coat ..l wh.eu were v..iieg people The It.v Mr Hough perked sdenoi and Impress'.e funeral defrost/Mk -t Ent sorts.. Amminow John 0. Pickard, from the vicinity of Whitby, and wife, are visiting at the residence of John Mentals. Mrs. Levis is visiting at Brussels at her daughter s, Mrs. J. W. Hill, who recently removed to that town. Oolboraa. Mia Sarah McCabe has gone to New York, where she has gut a good situ- ation. Miss Emma Baer is home again, after is four weeks' tisit to her friends is Waterloo. Farmers are very busy putting in their spring crop. Fall wheat looks rather slim N. Baer's house is n. w about finished, and is a fine building, and creditable to the architect. It is our painful duty to record the death of Miss Elizabeth Halliday on the loth inst., at the early age of 19 years, from consumption. Her brother .James was killed about two months ago. De- ceased was interred in the cemetery at Ball's church. Mrs. Halliday has the sympathy of the neighborhood in her sad bereavement. Dungannon. Mrs. Stewart, uE(,'ule�ch, is visiting at R. I'entland's. John McKay, who was some time prostrated by inflammation of the lungs, is rapidly recovering. We are pleased to state that J.,hn Mc- Kay is now recovering from a severe attack of inflammation. Rev. T. M. Campbell, of I;oderich, delivered an excellent lecture In the Methodist church on Friday, 16th April. The popular amusement with our young omit now is putting the shoulder stone. We have some very good ama- teurs in our midst. ='lli R. Metimgnur has .'6cupied the hulpit of tM Presbyterian congregation ere for the past two Sabla,lu am.l will occupy it next Sabbath. Fall wheat in this neighborhood Ones not present a very encouraging prospect, when the snow went of the plants were healthy and seemingly doing well, lout the late frusta greatly injured them. Auburn. Rev. A E Smith is suffering from an attack of iniamation of the lunge. His many friends hops for his speedy re covert'. The member. of MaitlandTemple,Nu. 304, I. It. O. T. elected the following as officers ter the ensuing:term, at the last regular meeting - W. l'. T , Hm. .1. Smith ; W. V T., sister, 1'. B. Smith ; W K., Iwo. 11. Sturdy ; N. F. K., sister M. Sturdy ; W. M., bro. 1. Mole ; W. 1. 0., sister, R. Beadle ; W. (t. (1., bro. J. Murray. Rev A. E. Smith gave a von earnest sermon nn temperance in the Me hcds11 church last Sabbath evening, taking as his text the words "This Jour son is a drunkard " Donne his discourse he r•terred to the IN• Scott Act contest in Orford, and strongly criticised the press of that county in selling th.rnsel'ss to the liquor party, dating that only one (f the papers in that rocnty fairly supp-- ratml the het. and that a. minister wish- ing t.. insert • communication in favor of the act was informed by the editors Oust it could he ins•rtel only as an ad• rert,wment, at • enet of something lik• e241 We feel confident that the papers of Huron will take a deferent stand on the f•Ii.,ats..n, when the Aet comes up f.'r consideration in our county. Jamas Otruutt, of the C:ummercul rued is now studying the actatroe 01 building under our esteemed architect. Th. Black Sheep welcouse Jolly Jim to ler thnving hamlet, as he is a good (tato len. araallarJL Fall wheat does out give good prem- ise, but the soil was newer th better man - dittos for spring work. Pcursa, Last week our Dunlop CO( hors was duly interrogated by Weller Martin, of (h.derich. The junior part per gave Joe some pleaaant Information. ELt'CATIOeaL. --Ort Fndaylast In- spector Miller visited S. S. o. 5. and met with ready answers from the pupils. The examination resulted in 30 promo- tions. Webster Brown, of this place, writes to Tor,nte Truth ouoeerntug the pro- gress of the temperance cause in his sec- tion, as follows . Our Lodge was font- •1 onte1 iu January 1878, and is located on the Like Shore road, Colborne township. After meeting a time io the Presbyte- rian church, the members united with the congregation and built a hall in the rear, which was burned in December '79, It was then resolved to build anoth- er hall, and that was completed in 1879. The work has gone steadily on *IOC!. The hall is well painted and pains are being taken to embellish it with pictures and other ornaments, so as to make it as attractive as possible. We have had sores successful public demonstrations, and several friendly contests among the members to make our regular meetings as attractive and as interesting as possi- ble. The lodge has also taken steps fur a county convention to promote tlht adoption ..f the Soot Act in Huron county. We are now hawing a coarse of lectures, given by the members at the r'egnlar meetings. on temperance quits- `! One lecture has been given by Bro. John 0. Clutton, on "A Good Templar's Duty," which was practical and to the point. Others are to follow. A BAD ASSESSOR. s Telt*, TM oaten* and Fined - aesenly the Reit !Wiry. The Chatham lieruper gives a report ..f the trial of she Tory aaseas.r of Camden. who tampered with the rolls in order t.. defeat Hon. D. Mall. The Tory asses- sors of Huron should take warning. Be- low is a synopsis of the case : - tit'sxa ra, c5ae1(. This was the case of the Camden as- sessor esessor who was so anxious to defeat Mr. Mills that he ret about manufacturing votes. He was charged with putting three persons on the roll in order to make them voters knowing that he was violating his duty. The evidence war conclusive, and in charging the jury the Judge animadverted severely on the grossness ..f the offence. The jury re- turned a verdict of guilty in all three charges, recommending hien to the mercy of the Court, His Lordship scathingly commented (n the,,risuner's lack of prin- ciple and violation of duty. He could see no extenuation in the plea that he was ignorant that each an act was crmi- naL His own sense of right would tell hint so,and he had the statute to guide hint. If he did n.,t wish to take the, trouble to inform himself as to his duty' he should nut hold the (,lice. His Lordship felt satisfied that he had been fully aware of his duty ; had token a solemn oath to do it,and then had knots- , ing and wilfully violated it flagrantly. He referred to the shameful nature of I the crime and the necessity for the en- foreement of the law calculated to secure honesty an matters relating to the fran- chise, and said, had it net been for the recomusndatwn of the jury he would! DANIEL GORDON, have imposed the severest sentence. It 1 CABINETMAKER 11a1tewd. James McLean her purebred the hottest and lot known as the Campaign property. 1e Oodertch. on the APO Marvk, that, the wife a Hr. W. ti. Websterof a dauabter 11111111.1111. la Termite, on Wednesday. April 3$k. al the reale once (f tie brides father l'ksrcb- wtwet. r. !t the Rev. Warigs_. Dr. J. T. Dog- ma. to Alice, r,deet daughter of N'r. Lukes. Emit. Legal. SEAOER t LEWIS, BARRISTERS, ('. 8loJ J. A. MowroX. It. N. lawns. 1101 Pt C. H!1 YES, 8OLICITUR Ate., Air Uaee corner of tae square and West suet. O,Iarieb. over Butter's bookstore. aaesoy tetrad at lowest remise( interest. el ARROW & PROUDFO~)T, BAR • MISTERS, Attorney. &dw:iters. etc Dederick. J. T. Darrow. W. Proadfoot. 1744 CAMERON, H )LT & CAMERON, barristere, 8dCh icltore in aacery, kc. "Jderlek and Wtnghanl. M. C. Cameron. {1 o� P. olt. M.G. Cameron, Ouderich. W. MacauHWtnnttam. 1741. .Auctioneering • HW, BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the Cetttlty of Huron. Sales attended in may part of the County. Address orders to Goderieb 1'. O. lists. JOHN KNOX, GENERAL APC- • TIONEKR and Land Valuator. Goderich. Ont. 1iallag had oonuidemWr experience In the anctloneering trade. he is in a position to d techante with thorough satisfaction all com- missions entrusted to him. Order's left at Martin's Hotel. or lent by mail to my address, Ooder(e h P. 0.. artfully attended to. JOHN KNOX. County Auctioneer. IdP•tt GODERICH AUCTION MART *Xn C'OMMI'SION Rooms. insetted door South of Tw1 Slo1aL Odice. Loans ane insurance. piau OUR N111W STORY, "M- X lb ien Isle, fall off vivid � pb,ta Iwai ani to is. W E ARE LENDING MONEY AT 444 'tog 6 Polio per seat. Prolate fwaida. 14 Oederich. April 171b� e,1R a 4YNail COUNTY OF HURON. ne1ulNwMPODL.G.TOIlillEXAIINATIONSMalk t(ONEY Tt) LEND. - PR11 ATE 171 toads -on freehold eeettruy. Apply to High Sweaauu. Dederick. UMW. 'C ONEY ToLEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for Intssimeut u lows.. model Plntctam blertgagm. Apply I0UAKRow a PROUDFOOT. Lane) Bunyhhf and S„1d .,h I'..ratnt.son. *01(1 Solt THE HAMILTON LOAN SOCIETY.! Nearer Lent u! Lowest Kate o� 10,000 PRIVATE PUN DF TO LEND V on Farm and Tows Property at lowest la - Serest. Mortgages purchased. se Uvatmieeloa charged l'uulrlasctas Ent• reasonable. N. Y. Burrowers car uktais money nu ung da u tliae 1. satisfactory.-DAVISON & JOHN /TON Barristers. tc.. (Iederict. 1141 R1:ADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Life and Aocldeat Insurance Agent. R -presenting tlretciassCempanies. Alma/oaf for the C•.so• Lira Nroct lvecaancl CO. Money w Tend on Mortgage. either In Tows a Yana Property . os any way to malt the borrow er. 011uc- uo-stai»1 Ear'* block Goderick 4 Ora TO 0.N.DAVIS' •.i' ..ar 1444. NEW COAL OIL (RED ROSE_) A 4 Gallon Can and 4 Gallons of Oil for $L25. We are u, %u u (... in I•Ir a Tin Boiler that w ill COOK by STS •r, f sh., filar patent Elk Cans with Skimmers. Guderich..'s ,r t 14th, 1 4. 1l�Y Interest. MONEY TH MAIIT FONO bSALK3E\T TO,jUS• Sanders S011 THE MART FUN SALE. S. POLLOCK. Real Estate and Financial Agtnt Dederick. lap;-ly April 18th. 1184. �aOU,UI'l' TO `LOAN AT a PER THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS C(YY are prepared to loan money- at 6 per cent.. pay- able half yearly on TERMS TO SLIT BORROWERS. en first -claw farm security. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT k CAMERON. Barristers. Goderich. Agents for the Toronto Ucncral Trusts Coy. Messrs. t *skeins. Hutt' a t'Aarknos have alma e amount of privetr funds to loan O M Arai: lass two ..amity. Godericb. Oat 4. 1883. 1011-1f rite D. K. STRACHAN,k) PRACTICAL MACHINIST, 0 a a w ICeep3 on hand a supply of materia? for the O repairing of Moeiuii Reapers Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows and I Agricultural Implements and Machinery Generally. ALL WORK THOROUGHLY DONE. D. K. STRACHAN GODERICH MACHINE SHOP Goderit•h. March 27th. 1.•4. Ir ia•2n, was distinctly understood that he exer- cised the clemency he did in the present case solely on account of the recommend- ation of the jury. He then sentenced Cragg to tee weeks in jail, and imposed a fine of $200. Cragg to remain an jail until the tine is paid. EI•Riw COCOA. (MATEY! I. ASI) Coll/OKI- !NG. "Ay • thorough knowledge of the natu- ral lawn which got ens the operations of litestion and nutrition. ami h a careful appli.anion of the ane proprrie. of well - selected (bevy. Mr. Epp* has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured het creme which may sate us many heavy doctors' bill& 1t so by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a con*titut- may he gradually built up molt wrong enough to resist every tendency to d►awas, hundreds or subtle maladies are floating around os ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many s fatal shah by keeping ourselves well feed with rfondledfondledblood And • properly nopri*hed frame.' tri/ Werk• ffealfltr. Mader affinity iriih boiling water or milk. WPM only in Parke.. aced Tins Gib. and 14.4. by lingers. Iah. tlsl-- J•111 Errs a l'o.. Homrropatbi• I'hemt_t. .London Ent." Canned Goods. WARRANTED. ('litci:en 2 11. Tina, Pigs Feet ., .. ( 'urn Beef " " Tongue " " Mackerel (in Tomatoe sauce,) Salmon (extra quality.) (Aster, Mackerel, Sardines (French), Peaches (American), Bluel,erries. Tomatoes. :3 Mw tins, (ireen Pea. (French), Green Beans, (Green ('orn (American), French Mushrooms, Potted ('hichen, Han) A Tongue. Mnwtanl 4111) Ginger in 1 Mier*. CHAS A. NAIRN. Square, Goderfek, Jan. 23, iNK t\1' Loathxi lllldoilaor, Has on Land now the L1a6EaT *TNA of First - Class rur,ziture in th 1'taunt). and a. 1 now purchase for • ash. w 1I1 not he undersold by any one. i I MN.- Tannery ayat Carpet Lounges. from $.;.50 D nein, wood. from $2.50 up. Dew Back ('hairs. from Tie. rap. and every - hang else in the same proportion, AT THE OLD STAND Between the Poet otocc a Bank of Montreal CA013ERIC33_ Ort. 18th. 1113. 11111 New Clover _$eed -11117311117 SEED, SEED WHEAT, • SEED PEAS, OATS AND BARII Y, BUCKWHEAT, FLAX SEED, GROUND OIL CAKE, ONION SETS. ONION SEED. SEED POTATOES (all varieties). A Quantity�of GOOD FLOUR. MANGOLD k TITRN IP SEED GARDEN SEEDS OF EVERY VARIETY, FOR SAi.F. AT SAMUEL SLOANE'S SEED STORE, FieJdi cJTds, The subscriber in now prepared to furnish all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds of the BEST VARIETIES at rates that cannot be beaten in Ooderich Call and examine samples be- fore purchasing elsewhere REES PRICE ISaat Street Drain Depot. Opposite Town Hall, Ooderich. March ISM. Iglu. t GFO DERICH_ Ce 1884. 4 111, ('LAPPS Peon-protesetonall AND INTER IIKIIIATX will he held a the 111gk &hoses of the county. hppaaing at p am., Monday, i tic July. 11. CLAM totes-pmte.toaido at the Htgb selrools. bog►nitng et 11 am., Wednesday, 9111 July. 1. CLAIM GRADE C. moroptofeoste.al4, M the Normal Rebook. beginning egg p.m Tuesday, 15th July. PRUF�IUNAL ExsamATI()r, s3fonday, ,?1st July. 1. CL.tSo4, Ot(ADI.J4 A AND II, Wednesday, :..*3rd July. ALL CAKDILAT'Ert now forward to the Secretary, on or before JUNE Iet, setloe •( the school where and the claws of ~Wicks fur whkh he desires to writ. rizoo itis nose hitt the options he within N take, rad tba eec- titkata Os y holds, If any. This settee rl OT also be aoiwsipanied by • certificate of eharaeeer and • Vas of a.. dollar. or two Rol - Into of the candidate ap4le. for second as wen as 'bird chim essm/ttAlloa. Nu sante will be fureartad to the 1►epsnmeot anises he tall accompany It. lents of email •attea nay be had from Pte $suretary, Third-class Teacher* dNehe July 1.Ll1ring an extension xamination. other - 1 wiss write at ise Use Minute. a Education will retirees- . senator. emote to eaceptiocal case. P ADAMSON, secreJ. R. MILLER, �y (Residing Examiner and Chairman of Board. Godertce..1 pot) 1st• Not. ALLAN LINE or iRO1'AL MAIL STEAMSHIP- t 1.1vERn,snr Lt.YD(1NDERaT-tiLASOOw PiEvery Thursday Prom Portland. Every Saturday from Halifax Tat S110itT6sr SEA Roi- l, To *Nu Faun WENI;A. ;SPEED, COMFORT ANND DSAFETY 1'! RI•RPAMl2ED. 1 1 Winter drrangements. 1 SAILINGS --MAIL LINE - ILONDONDERRY & LIVERPOOL i i SARDINIAN. from 1'orTLANn. Ap.0 ISM. I HALIFAX. April 12th. PARly1.k from I'otrtLexo• April ITU.HALIFAX. April lath. 1 (IRCASSIAN. i•o reLago, April Stub. k. I POLti HALIFAX. from April WoRTLAXn. May let. pilSailings HALIFAX. Nay 3rd. (lfrons. Quebec. <4PERUVIAN ............... .. SMlout May i 'ARATLI.N , PARISIAN ...,........... Seth .. SARDINIAN .... . Slot t'IRI'A3rt1AN . 7th June I rIl'POLYNES AN Iltb ' ?PERUVIAN ........... . !1st• PARISIAN . Tlkb 1'ai.eusers wishing to embark at Portland 0.1, will lest e Dederick. on to:ender', at 12o'clock. The Isar train via Halifax with the Mair land Pamenateni leaves Uuderich every Wed . tiesday. at 12 ..look. Prepaid certificate [tuned ar greatly reduced 0t Rte, In persons wishing to bring their Meads i oar from the Old t'ountry. Fur 11 . Lets and all information. apply to H. ARMSTRONG Ticket Agent. Oodertch. tioderith. April tad. 1511. Wes: stave:, net, door to ti,,: fust OS,,e. 'The Cheapest House t n Ira the Ana." April /•t. 1801. 1.916 6 APPRENTICES WAFTED 2 -FOR MILLINERY -2 2 -FOR DRESSMAKING -2 2 -FOR STRAW WORK -2 None but First Class Sewers Taken. MRS:-=RV=N_ PRESSURE OF BUSIAFSS---HO TIME TO ADVERTISE. A, 1 am too busy just l.uw to advertise my well -assorted stock of goals, I will invite the ladies to call and inspect the quality and price, as well as the style aril finish, feeling assured that yon will be fully recoin penned in witnessing the handsome display. J[r. OtRviN is manufacturing a very handsome, as well ais use- ful, article in the furniture line. It is called the Erre-max CABINET, and is patented in the United States and Canada. It is about the size of an ordinary sideboard. and is undoubtedly one of the moot use- ful pieces of furniture ever manufactured for the Kitchen. Mr. G. will have the Kr-rrunn CABINET on exhibition in the store, and invites the public to call and inspect it. N. H. DOLSRN. Paleetee. Patented in Canada, 1 Marsh. litre; sad is the United Stare. Dee. telt, 1 O. Ig- 434Z1‘17:1237 aauMfotewer DON'T READ THIS 1 McCOLL BROS. et Co., TORONTO, Masehdure all kinds of Machinery (ria of the bee euality. Ale Bolt Cutting, Wool awl Oyliattor Oils. 1 -rwasa - LARDINE JML .► O S1[ x It!Q ID OIL N4411r canna be beams 15r Wooled Wialki roe ems by all losshes. 1