HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-2, Page 66
"MT F. �- Bi E:,E,P',T. 4, R,
the Pet's Corner.
13ore of igiabom.
1111bs &Ad A light purse darheEe the bled,
tel, the said felt. lb amid Ml.
Are w earn dose the tine ;
Tail Nepe are pulls* slew sr ase.
Their bide are sane grey
rye weal they've wanted Weigh 11. past.
MY trials they bas t.&ss.
Aad user well mins Me der *aid f.lk
When hue us they Ma
l)1, the meld folk. the mild felt.
Wt' nsrkle tautly Else
Hae seta around their Dose Dearth
Their sin b,aira'• bslrsles wee.
'Dee v* sees theca dead' t.' e' Berth.
nerves/see them blesr'd wr was
Ai ay their bawls Imp ale vii J y
Tse her the trim at play.
tyle. theaoid folk. the aut.' folk.
WP heart sac warm sad true.
W►Ile we are wi' them here nurser.
We w leas Draw to lea a ]
Welt dee oor beet to cheer them my e
While trudged uwre life's road
WC kindly words an love' ami les
We'll make t hem few/ hi' seed.
tau, theauid folk. the auld tu!k.
When they are laid at rest
While. the *rave, will plant braw itow'r,,
Abuon ilk dear lo'ed beset.
An' far *boon yon toicht blue sky,
lu besv'aiy m.nsisns fair.
We 11 meet liar contain gruel auld folk
The pair' no, never mar.
!Bonder Advertiser.
Mee tatmatte. ey Travel.
Now that London has stretched itself
along the Riviera, Avignon has become
a (emib tr. roti•.i-place ; and the Hotel
de rEvrop., which has changed but lit-
tle, 1. brottght into difficult comparisons.
'Phare were • one of 1 trees in the court-
yard w:ticli lave Istely suffere"ls like the
trees in Kyn.ingtuu tiirdens, from the
improvement• of civil.ratfuu. 1.4.1er
them, nn 1 !tali out ..,!),Ted Insult -tropical
plants, there are pleas -int seats, which
invite the si liary Engglishm.+n abroad to
converse ttith h.. casual neighbor. But
it will rain croft iu the sunny S •utli,
and very see'.;, r , too. Thin you
are forced to culrtiuue your talk in the
only available place, the .cry diminutive
salon into w!iieIi the landlady's room has
been convu:ted. At such ch..) : quarters
intimacy is inevitable. There a gossip-
ing •n.1 sympathetic culouei has been
known to issue out his family troubles to
a young lady, and to coiitiJe in her so
fat este tell her Itis wife's u'dnious An
the difficulty of keeping muslin •:'lrtains
clean .n L)ndoo. Nett to eosin an
American was militia. friends with a
well-n,,ndel goslish matron, who had
become inti nate etsourt to show him a
photo: a alt of herse'f done several years
age. ' i guess, rnanu,' said the Yan-
kee, ' you were e .:i.iderably lets fleshy
when that was done" She took ne of-
feuco where none was meant, and only
voids of him as such an honest, nut -
spoken, clever inin. T., some women
every intim is clever.
An inn among the high Alps is an ex-
cellent place fur the Intimacies of travel
to spring forth and blossom. Proule who
:ire snowed up for a week tog •cher are
forced into friendliness by the .inm m
misadventure ; but such intim tel are
apt to be due to partisanship. .liliences
are formed fur self -it. servation. There
is a girl who will practise on the piano
for two li iura-w day in the only sitttnr-
r.om, and •curate who seises upon the
chance of sowing trio geed seed when
the soil has no '.ower of dipping away
from him. To put down these persons
one will readily become intimate with
anybody who is of one's own optnion and
seems likely to be braver than one's self.
lint the first tine day dissolves such inti-
macies along with the snow.
The intimacies of the railway carriage
are more accidental that. all, and per-
haps for that reason .11 the closer while
they last. A young Englishman one
found hirnsAf alone in the carriage with
en American our ung of about sixty.
They were at Paris, starting for Cannes
tins) Nice. In those days there was no
•uch rush for the South as now goes un
all thro•Igh the winter months, and it
took eighteen hours to go to Marseilles.
The American hal arrived at Liverpool
two days before, and was doing Europe
for the first time. In an hour there was
hardly a detail of his life which he load
not ouufide.l to his fellow -passenger.
Though he was a self-made man, he was
not one of those who had " relieved the
almighty of a grave re.pwn.ibility. It
was impossible net to like the quaint
mixture 01 kindliness, simplicity and
'cinemas He had begun by sweeping
out an architect's o(fi,e, and had coine at
last to build fur himself one of the finest
houses in Boston. 11e produced ph )to-
er.phs of it, The marble was the best
and most expensive that money could
buy, and the whole thing peat so many
dollars. " My wife," he said, "is re:k-
oala' to he the finest women that New
Ragland has yet resist. I have two
daughters ; the elder is modest and re-
tiring, but the younger tall and queenly,
and weighs l4$ pounds. I ■upp-tie
there will be fifty people at the depot to
meet me at Nice, and if you'll cone over
from Cannes 11I introduce you to twen-
ty-two of the Ioveliett girls you ever saw
in your life (St. .lant.s's Gazette.
1 areal etl.revery
That is deity liritting toy t.• the hnmes
of theusanets by ss.% meg many ..1 their
dear ones from an early grave. Truly 1.
Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump-
tion. ('.mghs, ('ohls. Asthma, hrnnchiti.,
Hay Fever, Loss of \-..ice. Tickling in
the Phr..st, fain in Side and eheet,or
any disease of the Threat and Lung., a
posieire cure. (iaranteed Trial liot
Iles free at .1. Wilsun's Drug Store. Large
size $1.00. (K)
Air wales sre built hoes tttrbeNlN.
Momentary joys coalmine 1.. •.take
years of happiness.
Eloquent prayers please tater fervent
muss delight Oud.
%. hen 'a besrt.tiner snaps, the report
reaches testes.
The titan who owes must dig until his
debt is spade.
Ideas are the soldiers and gguswl luJgg-
wout the emends.
Plaut seeds of idleness if you wish to
rotes giblet weber.
Characters are wreaked when oos-
esienbe tiecuma • careless and bad pilot.
To defend the seniles of your enemy,
you may low the smiles of your friends.
To cluub a hill tan must be wide
awake, but • dead wan can roll down a
As the gulden usumente gas over u.,
filly sprinkle the bait with silver and
till the mind with gold.
A cold that may be -ur•ed by a tea-
spoonful of Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cher-
ry tla:asm to day, may grow int• aon-
swtwpti..n before tweyears and defy the
highest medical skill. Why not cure tt,
thee. in the heeinninr by the te�poen
fel of Or Wilson'. Pulmonary ('harry
I3.tl.sre Rut even after the cold be
einoes ;ironic there is no better remedy
then this Mrs. F.lix lanctot, or 81.
Jiro', 1'. (1 , who wee a .uff rsr from •
ebr..nt add for over twenty 7esrs,whtch
war at.. "'ponied by the.pittiog of blood
atm ea 'oral weakness. was enmpletely
ce►e.l to it its n wonderfully short Hese.
ant.rn'. Went! Powders dt►vtroy avid
rem .r •....ems without inldry fn Melt or
infant ell
WDIf MOM Mees 1t1Iarata , o.., glans .eats.
- I NA* .wmetuw testitwrntale will ahem, 1
41k1/..ugh erre ptnatble prooaotsua is there is se rete reliable gore for deaf
•.aletnees taken to tusk• she bowleg! Ism, I ansa own negyard's ranee Osl It te
An elegant church may tickle the pim-
ple,even if God is not tickled by the
high steeple.
Sleep takes away the senses, yet we
would have non* to take away were it
not fur sleep.
if men knew as much about themselves
as they usually do about their neighh..r*,
they would hardly dare speak to them-
The woman suffered meat (non circuits-
stances, because she is not free to shite
fur their alteration.
One of the must narked and least
noticed changes in our modern world is
the ability to read and hoar detested
opinions with patience and equanimity.
Steadfastness it friendship is only for
the free, and women are len froe of the
tau sexes However that may be. wu.
•.ten are certainly a benefit by their
fnendehipe gunge than men.
The wily chivalry that womeu can .f•
ford to receive from tarn, in work,wages,
and general conduct, is fair play, equal
advauta;es, and equal wages. No women
will ever ask of nom other than to treat
her always as they treat each other.
We leave the p••• r out of our copula -
lions until all Lours have been provided
for, and aha result is ton often, u your
ease, that they must go empty-kande•'.
What a mockery it it to say. "God pity
the poor, ' as I have heard it said, eh. n
as c.mforiable w p,ssib e, the eggs dies,
(ail to hetet'. The ditltowltis aro .4 a
character that cannot nut be discovered
but much dr1witd. •es t'i. e.,udttiva 1111-
g.rdime the rawu.geutwtt .1 the laying
hens. if a hes se wary fat she will lay
leer seA s and the +mo a ill often tail to f k1rs. Helen
hatch. When o.icka re allowed to rsepp I 81. Chiusg••, 111., i. Now in her s
many • tun any ham the vitality at ten I eighth year, avid states that aka has sof- RauliltcL Ltt tti, Ct Et tit h
die is tb weak C.•wuw ass fur about ten I
...rte. I., ! , , -•'•• Matte. em e. Wee ate avilm
ale, the best remedy for star ache, sore
throat, stoup, r seutuatisla, and fur pains
bud lameness roww'ally. IJsed tutgrtially rillCI
Extensive Premises and r erdid New Stack.
aad saternally. 2
113 rt V'
new ; air NilliM' 331 D. toe ('.113INE'1• - MAKL1► A D UNDERTAKER
ohieks is lessened, and they (ersd Pta
ae.erttrneat of Kik►en, Iit.t-r.r,ts, 1'i'..
rstheir, rase sad wood anal• -•I', 1'i.l I
Sorsa. N'hst•Nola Look :tie t•I.w.•,.
comply". seem's,es, o: l'elrt • .0 d W
.t.1. rete .
•boll. Fuwls /ha. are led under a tura- years, wee treated by nine physictatta,aa "A stilt
uqg pnwess pruduca wssk offsprttsgs, wed .4 them pronouncing her case hopeless,. Luusif.a.
those that bare been bred in -and -in are She had gt.eu up all ho of over recov.
5. IL -
at resew
(. .•ca: . at or -urn err. ,s. b MTs
nut to "had .Putt to sire au.d grin•• &Wea bottles Dr. King's Nye
hatches or Pnd• a•health chicks. The Discovery for Cons.wptioe completely
hen that steals her neat ie generally sus -
awful, but why thus is so is the puzzle,
u se unly to the farmers but to scientific
men as wall. One thing; we ktww s
that her eggs am never di t.rbed, and
they are surrounded uuly by the pure
cured her. Doubting ones, pl.aw dr.',
her a portal and &sttsty'ware,. es. Cali
at J. Wilsey s dreg mese and Ret a free
trial bottle. llt
S.eiag i. believing(. Read the testi
and uncootamwated atmuphers. muui•is to the pamphlet nu I►r. Nan
When we place eggs under a hen wet lluren's Kidney Cute, then buy a bast.•
know nothing of them, as a rule, mid if aril relieve yourself of ell those distress -
they contain fertile germs it is only a Ins painsYour Druggeat can tell you
matter of goese with us in selecting lbs tall about it. Sold by J Wilson (lotierict:,
best, bet the hidden hint's eggs are al- 2m
ways impregnated. The nests s:auvld The use ..f Pills, Salts,Castor Oil, (c.
bac weludetl, and in • place wh►ch will be and other gtausnuua, griping Catharti••.
'secure from the approach or intrusion of
man .:r fowl. with the surMUndiugs fen
from all impurities or odors, aad every
oudvenienoe afforded in the way of dust-
ing,food and water. We handle eggs
tax, freely, appruech the nest to often,
and disturb the sitting hen when she - -- -
shuu'd be easy sud quiet. club tele`•
There are birds that abandon nests
after the eg:'p have been disturbed, and
this may partly teach us to place the
sitting hen alt,ue by herself, with free-
dom of %coo.t., tie more being from good
strong hens, of which only a few hare
been mated with a vigs•r•,u. cook Avoid
sitting hetes if they are heroi•'us or uuer-
r,lsoute. Such bras are never careful
and break their eggs, as well as tramping
the )•uung chicks to death. • A medium-
sized ben is the best, and of different
breeds the Drabness and C•tchins ate the
tut st persistent sitters.
is unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute ,
is Lend in Dr. Carson's hitters. which'
act as a Cathartic without griping or ,
cauaimg nausea All druggists sell it
30 cents a bottle.
reship Massa.
Postage to Great Britain Se. per ( ounce by
each route. Registration tee. 5e.
Money orders gra•.tede all nosey order of-
fices is g'anada, t' wits 1 States, Groat Britain.
Prince Edward Island. Newfoundland and lu-
l,epnsita received ender the regulations of
the poet office esvinene hunk between the hours
of s a.m. and d]D p.m.
Registered letters must be posted 13 tuiuutrs
spirit burntd within me to retaliate before iht close of each mail.w
y p , (ice hour a a.m. to 6:s. p.m.. Sundays es-
Uod pity thew yourself." ceptcd.
The simple truth is that Judge Lynch rnybse IKnT►oa
is not, after all • reformer. He a not i Union there
i been arras el into of peostalrue, Union re -arrangement
even a revolutionist,any note than he is rtes. as tolbws
a house•hreaker or hi fees r.bber. He For Austria, Ilehrium. Denmark. Iceland,
g y Est pt. France. Atria. Gertnanj,,Gibraltar.
u a lawless murderer, pure and simple ; Great Britain and rrland. Greece, Italy, Lux-
. enter Jtal'a Jtuntra o, Netherland. Nor -
and he confesses the fact by usually seek- tit aR
ing the night season fur his crime, and �•y, f wrote. 1'ortuaal. A Roumania.•
ussia. St. Pierre. tre .a eakry
lased* Sweden. t ppain.
And via United Stales: Bermuda, Bahamas.
Cuba Danish colonies of St. Thomas, St. John.
St. Croix. Jamaica. Japan. and Porto Rico.
lNewfoundland is now iu theWPuial Union.
et the postal rates remain as before'. Letters
6 ants per t ounce. Postal cants cents each.
Newspapers 2 cents for t ounces. Itegristra-
tio. fee Scents.
For .idea, Arjeatine Confederation. Brasil.
British Guinea. Ceylon. Greenland. French
Colonies in Asia. Arica Oceanic* and Amer-
ico. except 51. Pierre and Miquelon. Persia.
via Persian Gulf. Portutrueee Colonies in Alga.
Africa. tkranica. Trinidad. Spanish Colonies
1. Arcs. Oceanic* and America. except ('obs
aad Porto Mico. Straits Settlements in Signe-
pore. Pena* and Malacca : - Letters lee. per
as, Books, hc., 4c. for 1 oz. Other tuatara.
ABM gees lee.
West India Islands vie Halifax. same rateaa
formerly. Prepayment by stamp In all cane..
Australia •except New South Wales, Vic-
torian. and Queensland : -Letters ;e.. papers
1 Dents.
concealing his identity under a disguise.
A certain clang of men who engage in
liminess see only the mainchances. They
do not consider it neosusaryingood times
to prepare for poorer ones. They make
no preparations for bridging over from
one prosperous period to auothnr. The
consequence is that they gut mired. In-
stead of laying a good road over which
to travel, they trust to a feeling that lets
them in.
Thi hardest fight awaiting any man
is, as the Ruasi*us call it, to "go back of
his jaw," to conquer the legacy of evil
tendencies left high by his fathers. Every
boy ought to be Lander enough to read
his own face as a title -page to these ten-
denci5s. Ersry weather ought to be
able to define to her boy this work,which
lies, before kiln, and to 'hew hint where
to begin. The harder the struggle, the
, mere charitable he will be to other boys
whose task is heavier.
So far from being injured by Severe
I labor, carried on under normal condi-
tions, the brain is improved by it. Mon-
ttel activity, like muscular exercise.keepe
the brain in a healthy state. When,
I therefore, a man says he is sullenug from
the effects .a mental ovetwork, I want to
knew what his views are, Worry may
be one of these ; worry is exhausting.
The worries of life do mfinitel more
harm than' the work of like life, bow
canorous *beret it may be.
Auserans, New South Wales, Victoria.
: Letters Lic., ropers tc.
New Zealand, ria Pan Francisco: -Letters
►tc. Sc.. gapers - t
St. Thomas Jo•trtri 1 Father Flannery
at the R. C. church yesterday morning,
gave it as his opinion that the emigrants
sent here were a disgrace u;on the Irish
We have made srrangrments to club
Ter. SIGNAL with city papers at the rotes !
given below :-
Signal ani Daily World . . .10.50
' " Weekly Globe 2.23
Mail.... 2.25
" Advertiser 2.251
Piro TU* rtx)R Dt' neral.'. -Poverty
with perfect health is rather to becho.eu
than riches and despepsis. Try the
magic effect of a dullir bt elle of Fut STAIN
F.•r rough eunditious ••t the Skin, i
Shampooing the head, Pimples, Eruption
and skin diseases, vs* Prof. Low's Sul-
phur Soap. m
All Nervous Debility cured by the use
of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and lirain
Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere
Sold at W'ilsen's drug st'•re. 2b)
A. answer essalyd.
I Can any nue bring us a case of Kidney
or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters
i will nut speedily cure ' We say they
i cauni•t, as thousands of cases already
1 permanently cured and who are daily re
1 commending Electric Bitters. will prove
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back.
or a.ny urinary complaint quickly cured.
They purify the blood, regulate the bow -
1 et., and act directly on the disease.!
• parts. Every Lisette guaranteed. For
sale at 50c. a bottle by J Wilson. 11f -
Yell abeam Cared.
Are you troubled vino Salt Rheum, I
hough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; I
if so, go at pace to Ge... Rheims' Drug
Store and get a package ,t !Ic(;resgor fi I
• Parkes Carbolic Cerate. Price 2:1 cents.
It was never known to fail. b g
ANs/OIIIS 5..e .
kitten. Frontlet; a .Ort lab) - .5.. I -• t . •
g,,, d... ■: • . 1 514 •Le H. arm kg be
tan/o y UNAOQUAIMTEo 11/MI $J' T T Teas
tpiE SY E><As
3eina 11., Creat Central LM.. affords to travelers, by reason of its unrivaled gap-
grapbl:al position. the short.,t and best moot. between the East, Northeast sari
Southeast, and the West. Morthwelt and southwest.
1t is literally and strictly true. th'• is c .eneotions are an o1 the principal 11.555
01 read between the Atlantic' end the Pae,MO.
Sy Its main one and branches It reaones China/go, Joliet. Peoria, Ottawa.
is Sans), 0ene.eo, Monet" and Rock Island. In Malone t Davenport, Mmeeattlete.
Wa.hineton, Keokuk. keo.vite. Oskaloosa, Falrfel 1, Des Mol nes. West Lmwep.
Iowa City, Atlanto, Avoca. Audubon, Harlan, Oothaie Renter and Oeowall SIVRtr,
In Iowa h Calletln, Trenton. Cameron and Kansas Ogle, In Miseourt. and t.sas.n-
worth and Atchison in Ifamisees and thq hurldre4 01 dtlp, einem= ata Mom
intermediate. The
As it t• familiarly .5054. otters to travelers all the edeMwtases sad Npwta1ratrte
Incident to a u.eoo/et Mask. aa* bridges. Union Depots et ellds.se.54
Fast Express Trains. oOmpOs.d of 00111100010011. WILL 1KMTSLATtlff,
latest desl,ned and hendsan••t PALACE SLEEPING GAON. and DINING GASS
that are acknowledged tar Swede are: people to be the i111EET SYN UPON AMY
ROAD 1N TUE OOUMTRY, and hi wh'0h superb► Mena are riS rid In eaealses M
the low rate of SEVEMTY-Ft%I LENTS EACH.
TIMMS TRAINS mon way between Olt10A00 and the MISSOURI MYER.
mew the famous
A New and Direct Lave, via Seneca and Kankakee. has rementy been flashed.
between Newport News, Richmond. c,nNnnats, Indianapolis and La Fayette,
and Council Slue.. Rt. Paul, M1nneepoIIs and intermediate point..
A11 Through Paseengrs carried on Fast Uprose Trams.
For more detailed information, see Maps and Fontana. which may be obtained. as
well as Tickets. at all principal Ticket Office* in the United 5455.5 and Canada, or ce
R. Rt CARL', E. 8T. JOHN,
Vas-Pres't d► Oen'I Menge,, Oeis't Tek't a tal5s'r Al's
Physician's are often startled to rc-
inarkable discoveries. The fact that Dr. CHICAGO.
Kings New Discovery ions Consumption
and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily
curing patients that they hare given up
to die, is startling them to realize their
sense of duty, and examine into the
merits of this wonderful discovery, re-
editing in hundreds of our best I'hpsi-
cmans using ft in their practice. Trial
bottles free at .1. Wilson s Drur Store.
Regular size !1 0 h. (4)
A plaid dress to be a success requires
much care in the making. You can tell
a plaid drew made by an artist et a
Glance. Give a true hand a fabric of
this pattern to make up, and you will
ve it sent home w judiciously mingled
with • plain silk natclhing one of the
ink colors of the plaid that you would
never take it for the sante dress made
Household }tints. by an !Dart Little person S, eats of the
most stylish check' are mix -plaited from
t'sts or Bo.ax. -A ,half teaspoon of
borax dissolved in a tableepoun of boil-
ing water and added to a quart of milk
or cram will keep it from turning sour.
If meat is to lie for several hours be-
fore using, it may be kept from spoiling
by alight sprinkling of borax water.
Wash in borax water before c•r•kiig.
Chat 'I to Prnntvi. -Three crackers
rolled fine, a pint of milk, ,y.Pfks of
wgga bake half .n hour.t
whites of the eggs to a sttflfinth,
one cup of sugar and a pinch . f salt.
Elayer with heroin, pour over rho pud-
ding and set in the oven till del ialtely
Potions Pvr,. -Take add east meat
-beet, mutton, veal or ham - clean from
the gristle, cut small) and seamen with
pepper and salt, boil and mash some pi
tatues and make them into • paste, with
one egg, and roll out, dredging with
dour Cut several with • saucer, put
some of the seasoned meat with one half
and fold it over like a puff, pinch ..r nick
it neatly round, and fry it a nice brown.
AttiCL Cagt This cake we believe
originated in lteston, at all events it is
immensely popular in that city. New
Yorkers are lust beginning t.. maketheir
appearance. Thinking, perhaps, some of ,
our readers would like to make this 1e- ,
Beat. and delicious sake fcr themselrea, ;
we give Miss Parton'• recipe for the j
same • One cup and a half of reordered 1
sugar, one cup of four, after sifting ; one
teaspoonful of cream of -tartar ; the whites
of eleven ages. Sift the flour and cream `
of tartar four times : best the wigs to • .
stiff froth ; haat in the sugar and • tea- I
spoonful of vanilla ; add the flour, which I
beat in lightly but thoroughly hake'
slowly, forty minutes in an ungrsased
pan The pan should have • tin strip i
prnjesting abuee each corner, in order
that when it is turned over to cool the •
ass may eireulate freely under it. Cet
it oat when eenl.
the waist d. wit, etety three plaits er so
having fan -Outlier satin tpsertes around
the !ewer Wits! the skirt. These plaits
are a.,:netlmes made of velvet or woolen
_.--• .s _•r 'Y.h
'•t(' ' fl • M „ t.
ttotlii 491 rev"' free m''' M
. we ..V to�a�,!� ,... N,
'...„`",,',14,":....-:;1,-,._....„7.4.dril", •»a1,,,,3;;;:yt ,+.
ihe'e,wedt,bnl _,�•e..Cala.
a�.t ytl'r•� fns i.„, -•t
•e+ri.ed r
6Eos. tt
-ill NN
os. TAE C&°'
,;moo eels. COLD$. A>��
C°MF Amis mac
R feel snot tao� a of
i CoN3uM ION.
,,V :Ell.
! t
lurk Mader/iv sad relieve all the troubles incl.
dent to a ail Iowa scam of theick ,pr
et' as Li
versa, Kae... Drowsiness. Oletrtw after vs.:1�,
Pain i■ Iie side, die. While DOS meet
sae neeoeee hos been shown Ie oaring
R.ydmk,yetCarter'eLIttI.Liver Pillow, • ;early
valuable in Constipation. carte/ eat prtneet.ea
this any lag coopWat, whilehey .t Olt rorr,. t
MI disorders of the stomach. stimulate the lies
mod midst* the bowels. Even It they only cured
Attie they .enld bealmnst prleel'..e to those vibe
e.L'r frost this dolmesis( complaint , but fewte-
betely their sondeansloes trot end hems/4 Mom
who once try them,Ul lad these little pills valu-
able la ote ens y ways that they wall set be w1Ueg
to do without teem Bet cher all sick heal
le the Mae of .n 'rimy lives tot leve i. w here we
take our goes beast. Oar pills cut it vial'.^•
other* do not
Carter's Leine L*sr rnis are heystd
very easy to aka One or two rolls tie'. me.
They err strictly vegetable and do a.•• g• ;• • or
purge but by their 11eeth, att.on 1.1ee.r • Om
ens flea. Is vials at O erste: ave for $1. Skid
by druggists everywhere, or wt by mil.
Now York Oltp.
Desires. el eM$ie� Plewa of the above
realer, henig os. 1A In and 14, .as b fter-
nl.h.d wttl .asse by app IeatlN to tb
Foundry, Goderich.
Ropain of W oke *150.• plows Dan also be ob
tainted at th• .am• piano.
1 Reduction of 25 Per Cent.
Off ea Mew. aeae.
Da Low's i'LEsaalry Wo.. Stain. - APsIv fe C..9. H i T It l3F. N
An agreeable, safe sod effete ual remedy I lta
to retrieve all kinds of worms m reggae Agent. God.rirb-
aodrlch, Marsh «h tlSt till
QQ No. 1.
No. 3.
$ The Huron SoatiCo y
0/40133110 0
wiatlph, 84r4 13, WI UR
Rase as manufactured M the great
Keonnmy neap ('ospany. of
alter trade missile Ier5Rlrtth n.E►
eat Arare'e., Perssawy.
A54,$a. reeanl hely.
Ma*el.et.rsd la (•aaada woks 4
►-, etltttcTEaT, y.'I. 5.1.51 ..d
AM all •.•*..+ BEST 1'tr .n rt Jots gilt,
toe Da: aa.Gal
paWts ha Inn ickte.a Teprk► LA al
Uekt..ka, Mom.
ms, New Meilen,
teen sol Teem
1 t..s !trots. has an rap n•.. runs \Ik►rt
L.., Nt.tn.-.grnl. .c4 At. r.al.
ibDtlde. to Seitena•Ir w•pw.d M
bet ■ tee Weal
>w the
tsar �ltipse�
Ola ad a eke 1is for
SiV clews of tray.,
A:I ene
saR Mss rats
040,T, t•.hl.ti
TerainaT7 h,
Trek t. , to t h �� _ •s..1 y wIR
0.lebroree Line `i' hen r -seethes •
Meat sledge* erry. Nsrsea
the r. a. and 1. M
6 or dew
'� �w\ V All ee • •,garael
.beet w.i.. nr
`v]► war.. .t..
«. rliKrtu?ty 1r.. a I.
fns glee Peered Ilea': /.vet, (..w Our Ig..
Cb leap. alt. l'hbeezo Ila
Canadian Pais. Ag t,
Toratto, Ont,
'lp• 11 Joawarow,
Tick.. Agent, (Ioierek
A �,� , ./ , • S}./ eg gents it 17b.i
jL{,E,ata/Ja■,yN'*•Isseeaarsesvee.ts.t rosily i..
{eels ebb► wit. M15 y.5
Mean _ ka molm ssooeesr�r!Witt
worteAll.ef either
s.. A t sennas. fair 05 . .Rw.d
tm ertw epees w Na
arm. At mine acs �
Says Dryden
"Ake knows hoe meet, seta triton you rant
and swear.
Can draw yogi to bey with • .ine1. hair �
Fd it mad be beautiful hair to here >1
an., r,.. +,gel ,,,M .0 such power ; and basetifsl hair
maimamaimse eon effected. perOsmondteensy eel Osmod ky fila use of (NIP"r.ww rr
be esrweded p
Pere ea R twuww. Sold w Web
. M J.1,11"J.1,11"6'•Sete by