HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-2, Page 5I ti f it k H1YR011 SIGNAL FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1814 Isiosaesaalra.-Oa w•..rdeg eevw rig last about half past We u'dusk the old taeary Oft Dared street, formerly • weed Mr. George Omer, wee dueu.rd to by ee ase. Ar 11. brigade were quick- ly tit the marts. bet their roman ware are require* as the are was pot eat with a paw Pa .,f WIter. Io se hoar or 1 we afterwards they were sepia raked uet to th. memo , sad alter as how's hard wok setwesdsd w qus,ebing the alums. Oa $•.uday worming the ba *gala Woke ow Iw the third time iu dee mime ►.:Mugs:. Tie ager ...•o ssruel eat gtwiskly, and enem•ded 1.. IV 'Ally cum- q.ssisl it. la the s.1.1. o.'. t:. ..:area was again sounded, this time the tire be- ing at the residence ie the Rol. sr. Ila Q.anris Centra sir e1 '1.:.e ti►. 1.6:41 weaned to the dltrrayr, the dagger eves sows oyer. Oa Tepidity treeing about 930 o'clock the es h[iasie .k sear the railway , Utly oweeteal e.tcwpisd by Mr. ,ereadieoow- end on ars sod i a time was totally destroyed. We understand this hulfeltag mai lot had bees purchased by Mr. Threw (icy for 1100. sad the deed only given on Teasley shsrae0m. '!here is not the heat doubt but that thew un- occupied landings s have bees get on are and why destroyed. leeuodiori.r te a entire rrnse, and it is hoped the guilty Parties, whoever they ere sill be ca./ht and severely pesiehed At the council meeting cm Monday .nee* a reward of $100 eve fot sash information as will led � eoseidims of tb e.L prita.-{Tkaee.: ai tea. ., The somsell net .t mead home No. 9, en Saturday, the 19th April. The members nil present. The Wastes of last meattng were reed and Mimed. A Iatp aseabsr of petitions were pretested is refensee to building wire femme. Pe- tition ♦tition from M. Cosrtasy and others mil- t tog the attendee of the awned to the impassible sate of the dfviaas lies near Kerry creek. Ciwular from the clerk of the LegiIMtive Asessbly in ret«cess to the desirability of ser amending the municipal .et that the 1rem"ere in coun- ty oo.nt;e may he reduced. Laid ..ver until next meeting. litter front Thna W.sthsrnld, P.L14. Letter (nun the Dominion Barb Wire Fence Company. Letter frown the Ontario Wire Fsuc.-est, and tarot T. Iawrewes with of samples art et wire and prices. Account Ca, do W. Gotham, doe. Glazier. The clerk was instructed to notify the fuU{ow- iag peewee to Wild wire foams, seme- M-J. McKay, E} 4, eon. 12, L D.; H. cPhee, $4 3, ems. e, s. D. ; A. McKen- zie, W4 3, Leo. 14, KD.; N. McKeaaie, 24 3, eon. 11, K D. ; J. thenar, Ei 3. con. TscILA.; D. Olr.i. e1con: 2,D D. Marshissn. 11 1, nos. 13, W.D.; P. McKswie, W4 eon. 14, s.D. ; John Matheson, Wi of wi 4, eon 14, LD.; T. For& SI 1, non 10, W.D.; T. Pent- * Isad, 244 12. cos. 6, a D.; O. Twamdmy Ni of W } 6, ems. 8, W.D. ; S. Stiles, N4 7, ems. 8, W.D. ; M. Dalton, 8 pt 7, non. 8, W.D.; P. Reid. 84 6, as. 9, E.D. Moved by Whitley, seconded by Mal - lough, that J. Bern be refunded 0.60; en account of mistake in roll. Moved by IYbitiey. u.c.sdsd by Iiallougb. that the Reeve and Mr. Clara examine and let a contract for repsirinlroad at Kern. creek. Mufrat by Bough, ss- oonded by Whitley, that T. Beckett be d;rentod 110 se charity. Moved by Clare, N eoade,d Ivy Whitley, that the pstbmu- ten, fence viewers and pound keepers be appointed. and that the clerk prepare a4w. M..vad 1,v 1lisllough, second- ed Whitday, that a special grant of made f..r the purpose of repair- , GROCERIES somade nee between I. R bard 7 9 AND Ch 10 id 'M > D. Moved �Y CANNED GOODS. Clare,smoordal by ,tcMerdly, that lir. Thomas be agitated ib so chanty. Mov- edbyMttess h,he who! by ,t``` Cheap and Good. . eomemittsm of the whole council meet at 1M pMos knows as Pritimrd tbsb adge for the papers of o uoidsrise ,ososoo at repairing said bridge. _Moved fry Whitley, best Give Him a Cfrll! Yaat the ..4. st ed t• the same rule es in the jeer 1800. Moved by mesed.11 Me- Mt�y, that b. on�eon. !red pi for oddities to road allows's* testae3, sad Mr. Whitley !maypoles'& out the same. by lldlo.Rb. �by Clare, w� Cesar he paid The fel- Iowiag amo.ats were peeled :--Henle Pritchard, dumber, $4.03; J. Burn, re- pairing culvert L.R., 'huddle' Mdla p sysl sl; J. Webster, on. 1f spgwsin., 113.60; O. Dampbald, 76 loads 1, $300; 0. Ohuder, repair isg bride* es Maar& river, ova. 9, 111.30; Bart t Oa, aseessesest &edars- time. 11.0?;1r.'n blanks, 75 mate ; T. Weallerms .see on serve7, $14; 1.i:. McLess, psiehl advert, 8. R 9 and 10, 00 eh. ; J. Brown, 734 rods wire twee, L 11.. ,fi2.. The ooa.oil *dimmed j to meet j mita at same place uo sudsy, tee !Nide -sayi, sad that the wart of tevillos be Meta at ! o'clock maw Omni, • siert. FASHIONABLE CHECKED SILKS H. W. BRETHOUR & CO •' NIMPIPeranellO BRA1-TFOP•D, . Having .enured a very Decided Bargain in the New Fashionable Checked Silks, we are Awing a Full Rungs of Colouring at the Lowest Figures we have ever Been such good offered. ALL WARRANTED PURE SILK. BorChecked Dress Silks6 ne e WORTH $1.00. U U e 1 7gp Checked Dress Silks e WORTH $1.86. WE WILL SEND SAMPLES ON APPLICATN►N, and Goods by Maii or Express. (foods so seat not proving satisfactory may be returned and money refunded. We have received this week : Ladies' jerseys in all Colors. Ladies' jerseys Beautifully Braided. —ALBO 5c. The New Turkish Crape, in Stripes and Plain, r Being the Latest thing out for Summer Costumes. MIL W. $1 ETIMIC C.TR CO., Brantford, April 17, 1884. BRANTFORD. e So TO KNIGHT'S ,POR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR I)YE. TWO DOORS =AIT OP P.0 1 SEEDS A choles amortnest of Fresh Field Seeds es hand, ter Bale at Reamsable Priers AT TH '— CASH STORE. THERE IS CHEAP Crockery & Glasmre, Lamps, $&C. A FULL LINE OF Goderich Foundry. 5 MRS. SALKELD .as neeti tde••+re to .aseaae' ae that her Stook of Spring and SummorMi zy Is .ow esemsle1e• sea ces.penes all Ms Latest Novelties in Hats, Flowers, Feathers and all kinds of Fancy Goods. Prices Low and Work Guaranteed to Please. pat tee ease i. t oaf Kf 1.r. w1. othe Osis Iry Irt y spa ]1.n eb& Shope, sad hsvi6. Flouring Mills, Stearns Engines, Boilers, And other Itarblrery wattled. All Kinds of Oastings Made to Order. noel* Els Wept to the lulu! Nutlet ere Roller fes. W m keep Hades aimed Impieme.te es hood. sad do gill REPAIRS es sheet sutler. J. B. RUNCIMAN. R. W. RUNCIMAX. Osderie!. Apr1114, W4. ttln.ty G.H.OLD THE GROCER, The Square. Uotlerich Jas- A IAL 1111• J[iacTkLtkRT Then .re lots of pimple guinil erd lraaibliug.ad half side at the 7to11taeh all the bone ; Mho might be well and happy, if they evilly .sed Dr. (knows Stomal Bitters oeeesio.ar It is a *outdid blood purifier. AN druggists 60 mats. VICTORIA mem Ilse *weed nets tett Sae et GI= 1D CUICY. Fresh. Cbasp.ands/ the heel brads. FI.OVI% dz The Boo O. W. Rem, Minister of Ideation, will attend a series of Umb- ers' Aamnciatiuss thio spring and nam. neer. He has wisely dstermised to ex- tend his already large a.gwintatam of ..r seho..l system, to semb.tes the epe- eist tequiseo.euts of the difiereut {its .t the Prnvine& Ndoweea mares. Oeomoes. 11.1 41114. Wheat. InTia• VOL.......... iia 91 Mr res. ...... .................. eM q n.stey, s bsv .. » : •sea. �t. ,� 00 M • .p..k.dt.... : .cwt... .....eget— en ere..• A chorine' EATS _ C enei >K+( rysk eta. -y sassed. JOHN MAcTAOOAi T ttederleh Marek 1/gb. I/I. 1?lIllthJll IIITSM'lOs. sa• A.071111101111. COLBORNE BROS. Save Just received .lavas emelpa eat et Caters. Ceetenedes. Docks. Cheek Met - lens sad Tweeds at lower prtoer flea ever. Cell .ad see Otos. A.pl..ald anertmert sl PRINTS sow Is Steak. In Now Patters. to rinses tram. De sloe and sen their hetero (*rtes iteeen tseytrg. O.Nrleb, Feb. leek. Irl. A CALL SOLICITZD. 0.4srfeh. April M tit. MRS. W. SALKELD seeceemer to Mho M• hers. MILT ,TNERY ! MILLINERY 1 I ()Ur. Stock of Spring and Summer Millinery i Wo hew* veeh pleser e r eas...ei.r to the Ladles of uvdarich ..d vicinity. that le NOW COMPLETE, AND C0NPR5$Yli A VARIETY or Ili Beautifully Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, Comprising all 'he New. •s est Shapes. All are Cordially Invited to Examine our Goods. Feathers, Flowers and Trimming Goods "THE TORONTO HOUSE. eirN'ee side et Square- age.' .I...r to Inv.+v.i r I r.0 4tors, Ooderkk. April to ta+4. MY ST= OMI MILLINERY! 1. s,w complete. and o it. Latest Styles and the Best Finisi:' ,•: , : ; a% fie Most Moderate Prices. A 09H, .- MISS Gi=t—s..Ti ..: THE SQUARE. - • I:ODERICit. The Chicago House, Spx x .g M3.11isies57'- Slaxxxamer One of the Most Complete S!ccks in l.odertch. LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. Xis "Wilkinson's, Ohit ago House. Oodericb. April WWI. 110 So=met. 11=te Wm./ate WALL TINTS. - - KALSOM I M E COLORS. p�� I[iad Ps*ML Peseta's te.i et Cessna Rad (Teem tee ladlis a e.. set /M osM1 Lief ,Nene wpbeet rb t,NkM ere mistra. to be Met -Cleo to every revert. sad to eve setYfaetbr. re r vele et John A. Naftel's Hardware Emporium tltr�----•° 17•CEC-CT= —A FEW PISC — S'= L 'POOL, 25 Inches Wide, at 13 Cents -SPECIAL VALUE. TO MOTHERS OF FAMILIES 1 TAILORING. J. C. DETLOR & CO. We have received our Spring Tweeds end Wonted Coatis.*', Borges and Nosy Troy/wings in all shades, which we make up i.. `tupetior row• with the very hest trimmings as cheap res any house in the trade. I offer a few pieces of DRESS (100D8, suitable for Wrappers and Children's Dresses, at 10c., 1!}G. 15e., I. per yard. 0.1irtsl March Mk iML. 1111i4410. MacCO C, Cutter. J. C. DETLOR & CO. Spring is Upon Us 1 AND NOW IS Tilt TIM& TO KU YOUR Vegetable, Flower & Field Seeds. F. JORDAN, at the Medical Hall. has jaM opened nut a fresh supply of Seeds of all Kinds, • FROM THE BEST SEEDSfiEN. FRESH, RELIABLE AND WELL ) ' 73. F. JORDAN', Chemist and Druggist, ; .�_..;.. ASS - ... t/i�s coal of%sTovE ,atom Shoe Shop. TILE LAe� N Tia 00�{NIS�QtT. �>:RD a>tCY wit=•SALESMEN WANTJohn A. Naftel's Hardware Em pore u m ustom PIauM cwt Otur tial C C and wolf emaw 4tvM � opr abey. ~ f>• missesdeeolle b . AMMO: woo. ne rw1�s1 fir trh eemeso et e.Mlrk sad vhtrltf, *bet b,M pe...L. to slut suMa-1*0 la Made to Order, both Stylish and De rabl.. also r wlee our Mee- to .V 7r,A�•M.► �ieeesww{..,tl�t � Agilow�. i R. W. McKENZIE (SIGN OF ThiEl PADIOO$.) RRADQti ARTIOnt MR STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE 1 SOLSEWED WORK A SPECIALTY .r �111itt Best Value int Kip and Calf Soots for Country Wear. Staeod beet leve omitVAN•� over firlwersemkie the sebum : HENRY1 H. RINESIneolle• mak 1 A02 111. 1. ;✓ aa�q R, 1 With Barbs Either Four or $& t• Turhos .1part. V X L. LITC IDA OT Spades, Shovels and tea • ling Tools. -.--AIAO A rt ht. 41'1„•S alp GENERAL HAR )WARE ATMICTIALL v.i►Z.v) e 1 Paints, Oils, Glass and Par .r' 11I'riierials. eHEFFI6LD Ct SRN Lai' R. W. M.CKE .r ElS 4