HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-5-2, Page 4At se the bent seenW Ere autl the The Sty Tae •51 Wa' A5 The The The The The 1 The r Iter Vert A Jos M A Aral A ss). but. And 11 Just . 1% J S. Yinei Pone •A -Eh! Al 'Oleg l l' 11vrs A The. Jd pinta ..1 {a l w t Mor. .las. rad Edw BOAC the 1 May: o'clu. Jobe Ache 11(111 110a- nod. Mttied. db twee bees as ar road draw also, or su foun . bone rod. wort iehec indil Mrs. dlget $18 ✓ ecti work untie oils. the 2 PATI it uW toe live! edBite bills phys bowt l3( badll nine i nst. some Gs for a and try 1 *le, $ ter mod; e tre'. gond youl ta▪ ki4 11 Loci THE HURON SIGNAL FRIAY. MAY . 1$14. TH'E HURON SIGNAL L palnished every Friday illisaby Mc. OILt..VDDTs.Off � a airs lf�s st GOIDERICH, ONTARIO - And Aad ted to all pasts el ter trmwaad Ian country the earliest mails end �%miss. U•.moral . $bao a y oilier sr►s`kspperayla Mkpep retre e en the eecatry, d le o.o W the yea sse.e.mplest sad nese reliable Joaraale la Ontario /Borst. at. as It dove, Lbeisrermsbaiseessitials ..d below 1..d4lWD to the atom a ewe -else. ¢ally and arertde paper -lt t• thesdere • meet desirrsele ..deem/wire .relay. ✓ iu.-81J0la advance eoselyesum pSM Whyy eblialan disTlit It paid Laws elawwstlu two tt nut so pfd. This rale loth be Wetly eaf.seed. ItATee 01 ADvtnT,JNau.- O.e pa ise for int iseartlun , three e�s.ff Its. roc aseheuMr(tuentfuse::sus. T •ann serIy and saw telly contractoat res... JIM !MI ttfFf4a..- Ws bavealesa Orel<law Job department la osse..�etctla.. fandoacta .- ✓ �iat wart is Yad.ried►bears a srrd llitiee to • 1. that Iha at prioesLbL ca.sot be beaten. and of a quality dal easiest be nreassed. Tress CaaA FRIDAY, II1AY trio, 1884. !!b6 R.IILf1'.4 )' QCEYTIit P. Le. week we drew attention to the tact tau ! a number uf towns to too u..rth- ward or Gcderich were mvaao on the realenie question. and we atllcgested that the biie:neas men of this tOexa, -should also .Lectin them/edam in the .ratter. The large majority of our townspeople are fa ....dile t.. immediate action (wring taka,i. • :.ax there are a few who are averse :4..warking for the project, and who, altlongh willing that • competing line ahhuki crime this way, are not easter to put forth exertion so that the desired .end may he .cc,nnplialned. 'Teas ever thus. At all times and in all plaocs shore have been laggards, who, although tort retire in retarding progress, have, rexerth se, been a hindran.e by their shier iasttirity. This portion of the community needs sporting up, and the progressive element should see to it that the wheeled progress are not ei.,g- gd by the taassireness of any seethe). All taint .tie (tet ejty fur a conipot• iwg lane of militias , het ell will not admit that a way to secure such a teed is open, if pr .per action be. taken. Nevertheless the way is Ppm, and it devolves upon rnKY SPECIAL Pj.EADERu. There was .'Buying iaaasiftNay is the ruauster is whisk the Tug paws daily approached the. bribery question. During the test fee weeks of the case the pares of the Conservative diadem bare articles with statements setn*tbing atter this style . - Nonsi a Y Ni. attempt was trade to bey McKim and his comminutes. The money pro- duc.d must lure surae from Grit peckers. T( UIMY. McKim and bis fellow iatvrmern offer- ed themselves fur sale, and were taken at their own puce by the defendants. wsoNLtWAT. The Urit members who say they erre "approached.' wanted to desert Mowat, foreseeing 1;11 early defeat, het drew back in fear at the test moment TNnteir.a. Pardee and Fraser inrduced McKim, Dowling and the rest to offer themselves to the defendants She affair originated in t'ardee's office. rite t.A Y. The desire of some of the defendants to change the iniquito.s timber policy of the government led theintuinjudiciously approach government members. MATU lheli. The defendants never *ought to POW - once votes with roomy. They approach- ed no one. The charge is a trumped up affair. Gentle reader, which of these six stories, if any, wall you believe ? THE foolish young women of Long Island are carrying boa lusts to Rugg, the negro murderer. It is • pity they did n..t snake the ac uai.tanee of Mr. Ku;pg, bef.re be was arrested, and when he was murderously inclined. A at AN named James Rickey,uf \1'iud- tar, while intoxicated hit Toesday last, attempted t..sir •wn himself by rushing Cato the river up to his chin. He was rescued 1. -!ore he 1. t I succeededin put. the people cf .fltrael-t dl to dreermitu ting too muchwater in his whisky. whether a r.yi a,,dl*1l ter .shall not to bright hither. TutOttawa Government, it is said. The Canada Pecitio Railway company'; ave- diw,:;owed the Ontario Att. passed Must have a port ..r. this side of Lake last .essi •n, ianp.ninr heavy fees sri the Huron. in the inter •st of their carry- holders •d l►omitaion (.i•tu(1r Licenses, in i.R trsde such a r,...i c a necessity, \\'e a4JNi.•o t.. the usual license fees. If have already p..:o•v, out that other 'the i)r:t.ri,o Government has not the worm:: • are ti e wafter. Kin- riztat to place the fey nn tate licences cardiae is jealously •hong the ch:u:ces emitted under theDominion Act, who of diveetagroadg •the rad Thither, and (river- has heron, back.oi by Walkerton, is tan- - - deevoricg to obtain the lake terminus ..;,1 le role koro charged with conspiracy Teem Ater. at Toronto are innocent why d.t they Thou why does G.•:erick runt upon its not seek the earliest date to prove their ars / e have the lest tartar on this inu•icatnce ? This hgbtmn • cer legalo\\: a,aat, *sat put* all ill a pont (,lace quibblre. ankh the idea of partpouing is the rase. We hate tete assurance tete *til day, is not gvuiq t(1 strengthen A DIABOLICAL PLOT. .ttatapt to Blow Up rho Lamle - 'otiose Bwldings at Kismet.w, April 28. '1''•e- 1 e.r'aiag Teront co Dr. E. G. boner. city�registrar, died at I the adraswd age of os. years. He was �t.e�u_•mrA•_lly considered the father of the hsa5 t eaeseedee. wasawverod CanadIan press. In 1894 be Weeded f1s..m uaasaea- harry./ mestere or sae" the Br+afish Whir, and in 1849 he began the publication o/ the LAaily Ll O th Whig, £ assts--lnsener aadseaaeme la Te- the tint daily iu the Dominion. time* rinse, twelve years ago he retired from jour- nalistic duties, the paper palming into the control of his grerdsoo, R J. B. Penes. Let Now Year's eve the paper celebrat- ed it. 60th •uuiv,rsary, and the 85th birthday of the veteran editor. The deceased was uu energetic worker, • vigorous writer, anti tine 441 those early editors who did much towards laying the foundation of our C.inadi*u oonstita- meat buildings. They were found by •'ttou. wn of one of the caretakers, about 2.30 erect Swire „muse l'eneesl.nee.en. this afire/moon. A thuraugh search Ain - thou made by the ufticia., and At the meeting of Ib..'*.ve Board Two Wow" ca5ralu.a11 held at the town of (Jodericb un the 17th wan found under the No ruachi and 18th u!t, applications for licenses W a PP ng were considered, and the following app.i the Speaker's chamber, Laving ales wire sante were greeted licensee. sod fuse attached. It was apparent that Gouastax.-Wren. Cos, British Ex - dynamite had been placed an pori- change; W. McBride, Albion; W. Craig, tion to -day, s. the cartridges cuuld nut Huron Hutel; J. A. Doyle, Park House; have failed to be dieccrered had they W. Babb, l)osan Hvuae; Jawes Bailey, Cnuo. Hotel ; Thus. Whitely, Western ; been there before. The officials state J. Brobmsn, Maitland : J. C. Martin, that nu ilapicioua looking persons were Colborne ; H. Tichburne, International, seen aruuud to -day or lately. The es. not granted, but extended three months. citemeut swum' the Parliae.nt build- Shope -H. Cooke, W. L. Hortou, Curry Btu. Inge reigns supreme. The cartridges aro CuxTox - Hotels -J. Moore, Com - about six inches long by an inch and a mercial ; 1. Ratteobury, Rattenbury half in dueeter, and are called THE PRIZES PION>lfti Ike Ndes neweayaprr •• 1 an ('.wads Mies ed Ltaaesea. from past years that a thriving trade ' an thcir Jx,rt dun iu the p eyes of honest e1 be clone by water with outeole points ply. They area either innocent or guilty. We hare also as an oacentiwe the fact that so long as we are at the mercy of the (;.T. R- whore whole efforts are di- rected to the diverting of the lake trade to Sarnia, un their stain line -just so long shall (:oderich suffer at the hands Tug f.rllowie1 is from the London of that corporation. .4d,vrtiarr,and is • good mode of settling Some effort must be trade toget out of the question : "There is a practical way the rut. Such bungthe case, let it be of testing whether there is an exodus done speedily. When others are bthemselves,tir- ring themselves, Wt Goderich not be in- active In the Wingiutu :.ewspapen of last week as published r. letter from Mr. E. 11. Osier to Mayor !Meyer, of that town, stating that a representation from the C. P. It. wall sh•rtly visit U Ingham, to view the land and take b.sringa. Dele- gati..us from other points will be present to meet the represeattoivw of the C. P. R. un that occaawm. In sash an event If - Keno why do they fear investiga- tionIf they are guilty the sooner they are placed behind iron bars the better at will be for the honor of the community at large. Toaorixu, April 30.-A prutouud see •tion was caused here through the dis- covery of two powerful dyuatnite vert - ridges with Isiah aNi, Fuss ArTAu'*EU,officio,uuder the Crown Lauds os, I'arlu• from Canada to the t'nited States : Let each person cant up the number of people who have been personal friend: and associates of himself who are new residing in the States, and then to bal- ance the account let bila take stuck of his present personal associates and ase how many of them were born in the United States." Tee Ottawa correspondent of the IL.utreal Star, an Independent paper, Otelerieln roust he represented. The Imprensa the following independent county town of Hurou can set of against opinion 111 has sessional letter on Stour - any competitor as Iargw a bonus, se good day last : -" Turning to view the orator- s aectom of country t . pias through, as W efforts of the session, the Opposition direct a route. anal a better barber cap. side of the Houtri stands in • much bet - able .1 them; a !argot trade. ter position, Mr Blake making four All the cants .are in our favor, if we magnificent three hour speeches, none of are ah;e a.ad wilhti, t • play them. which were al all approached by ane ef- forts iniad the G.vernseitt aids of the 7 tit' LATE Wt. BARKEIL House. while the rank and tile ..f the (ns. Sunday last Pr. B•rkrr, formerly party showed up to their opponents. Tho greatest speech of the session was edin•r and pn.prietor hf flu Ki.gat"" und..uhtudly the one delivered by Mr. It.,+..h Whip, podse i nw.y in bis eighty- make a,n the orange ysastiun." fiftl. jeaar. He w saw of the lied km wn newspaper inert in Canada, said Lusa Puler., who murdered his wife had always leets re-• ••trnia.l as the pis. by mho ,ting her on the ferry boat last neer editor 1.1 Onta, ''o tee tifry year' rummer, between Windsor and !hotrod, ago he eetablis'nw' r . il'' l.. /rnh4 and who escaped from Sandwich gaol ti'ni.•, and in 1R1'+ «.1 h. tire( last fall, but was moonily re captured in daily newspaper 1. 1 ret ('au . a. Chicago, has been found guilty of mur- 11e retired free the ".tis . 11"'"'"'• tier, and has been sentenced to he hang - paper life in 18:2. a ,; • all al•p..dnted '•d en the 17th of May. We read that city ata>tistr•r at Fingstou. He ••.• a .e ase ranch hr.•ken dawn when the hearty, whole -.ruled old man• •n•; .:.- vrirtnri .1 •ilful murder was brought in bigh4 ..tee metl 1•T .II • hit knew '.1,k,• Ad spurt sap,ee►ally ""ha• M -Id in nom- I.gains, Woo but Iia. now sufficiently re- Isevered lea r..t heartily gird betake hirs- eratioyt by hie former e:up! •yvrr, a ht.-- self to religious preparation. it will be like the writer -learned their nehmen- lin order now for the good people of t.ry laiwttsas the "art ps- eerrNiv*' l Wredeov, Sandwich and rieinity to till I John Protin, c• u'. •.f than steams Cheboygan, Much., April 18. -Simon And Judge Hagerty would hare Koren in the office .f the Kingston If 70. the local psp.rs with columns ..f min- ! Magnet, has Iw,'n was- ug sone. Thur- M"erre' 140.1 2:e- yeah, • mute, of Dublin, a1 such a nice trial-- All Fuer. Tia. news that 'the read do .Koro" as he .lay April 24th, whets he disappeared trent was .track by a Chicago & Grand Th„ wh ferreting gush .basin M►. Phipps' ripen Trunk engine while walking os. lb* track 1 did you have it pot .,fi from tie Amer rwu hotel. o /wen Sound, was familiarly celled Las passe° away once of pewee of mind, as he approaches' where he was Mwln•g. Al the tame of here yesterday and instantly killed. I �* PsMic. wall cruse deep feelings of r*gnt iii the the sesffuld. The stupid sentimentality I ha departure hs was apparently in road After the inquest the remains will he It was nor wicked counsel --The Font hearts of many of the "Moyer who .isdu health. As he was not will ac uitiot«d en to 1'sisada [Toronto World of wee pe.•plo on s.eeh uccamaaa a sick 1 acted under his au.tn..en, and many w I Ming to thinking prrsnns. Wath the town it is feared that he may A Teas Tale. hos wntp will drop .hie n, and newt. _ have fallen days the river and perished. _ it/mesn t the Canadian Pacific Railway a c.n.prlttar will erase .ticket the i --- Toe es w WNW. Tho. Ino of the Daniel Sten mann, and 11a1.Laa, Tea., April 29. t water ' compensate the laborers tak- l type, aro that the wind m travel trek The T.or,,Me .Mail ifs in „yin_ 124 hare, a attributed by the report of alwut buret over HatcMu's Station, Con ora t" Algoama last fall aw,l m.4mm.n work �/ I'na the .ficial investigator, Captsisa Ncall, toile" and years tot a place and time that the arrest of Wilkinson and Kirk R N to the negl*et of tN Captain to when he fine knew and learned Ihomugh- land was the result of " a (irit awapir- haul of 6-.4""1.,•:- ll he eoteld Japta his Ip 10 esteem the venerable "guide. phil lacy. ' The rail., l,.fnwd, in its •este. ,tion anr a esophrr and friend ' who has now passed of April h. deverities this raptate .d two I p"s p to ha rest. in the fullgl*y of yuan and Idrnamiten et Livevpo..l ss. "a polies "on. Mc(..ahe, of Lindon geleth, fe a the j. yfn nese of bop.: , pad (Winnipeg Run. charged with potwonang his wife. .itis, NO. 2, manufactured by the :Etua Powder Company, Chicago. The *belle appear- ed O. be newly -oiled to keep out mois- ture. One of the cartridgers would hate been sufficient to lig THE CONSPIRATORS. O Posh is Co. in 3urt-Great , a Array of Couaol. T e tries Reade ed 1. the revs of Buse'. s Toronto, April 29. • The def.odaute ss. the Tory conspiracy ease were arraigned Criminal the Cminal Amines this moruang before Chief Jostles Hagerty. A for- midable amy of *outwit were present. For the Crown, Irving, S. H. Wake and Bethune, Q. C.'s ; for Bunting, Dalton McCarthy and D. McMaster, Q. C.'s, and W. A.. Fester ; for Wilkinson N. Murphy ; for Kirkland, Dr. McMichael, Q. C., A. Cameron and W. Ctawell ; for Meek, Hector Cameron, Q. C., and Dr. McMichael. On defeudants being called onto plead, counsel for Kirkland submitted that their client was not called upon to answer the indictment. because the charge therein as to altering the timber policy of the Government was not the one upon which he had beau committed. He therefor* moved to quash the third count. The Crown ountended that by aunend- inog1 the act thty were at liberty to put in aer iferat counts, if such were supported by evidence. After argument, in which the counsel fur the other defendants took part, His Lordship said he would note the objec- tion. Mr. McCarthy then. on behalf of lir. House ; S. Morley, Grated Union ; G. Buutiug, demurred to the whole; indict- Theob•ld, Prinz* of Wales; A. Kennedy, tent, and the other defendants joined i Royal ; Mrs. McLaren, Queen's ; M.- n the demurrer K y, Railway ; C. Spooner, Farmer'. Tho Crown coutendd the indictment three months' eztensten, license 10 be was as Lo ent. then iesud if the re -building as complet- Hu Lordship, on Ming asked to make d, S. Pik*, not granted. Shop -1p, a suggestion as to chat should be dont said, '\Nll, I should not somest, fo R+bso,a r W►N(1xaar-Hotels -C. Sc!imidr W. everybody knows a ledge u Delbsh enough *wive t r ora w iso F Dula to be glad to get rid of theca*. by having age. 11. Hewau, M. it carried into a higher court by a writ of tf the beild tips. The miscreants must Merrifield, John Drnaley. Y P. Son- owcertiorari. For the purpose of this sue, ns, not granted. Nhupa-ti. McCue haws 'S tem disturh*d, ter rue attacbmeu( if I were Tread W ■ decision on this 1 dy, Mtnllen. point, I should, as mere nisi prim' ruling we. fuuatJ lying a short distant* from Bt.Ltrx -- Hotel.. - J. H. \\'ehetrr, the cartridges Pwbt, Milne, J. Emigh, R. •Ilroweles. give the saute ruling as indicated in a:y I K. J. Poll•,ck, n.,t amused. shop-- directions to the grand jury... I John A. 11cI�,:lald. After further argument the Crown THE HAVANA az.PLOBION. + Hi -lacer -John (sell, l.an.des,or•.. ; J. sed that the case should be removed 11'. Fish -r, Manchester. • to the Queens Bench division by writ of cartiorati, to be taken out by defendants, Terrible fam•«-Fan Ipatetl►.a••1au-' ft'aseo,uir- Rielard C. Furter. w that bail might remain, which was ed sus kv irN d. E►.T \CA**ttwce - Wiftiam Wi sy, Whitechurch, agreed to by defendauts' counsel. Havana, April 30. -TM effects of the j \\'E.T \\'Aw & oit.0 - 3.01111L+u thed. explosion yesterday were terrible. b'p, Belfast ; .1. N11.11. Dote*. S .ok to the present tinge the .lead number 21 I►c.•.Ar.ox -Thomas Smelly, John and the wounded 79. The latter are lfartut. saatet,d a!! .A1:1 ti:u town, wuunded by 1`tlnsuo-Alex Yours James 1(0- (alltit{ any debris. Mare serious)y in- Donald, Kiutail ; H. .Torun, Fort dm Mowat administration have succeed- jural. Of the detachment of 'soldiers AlbGert. •LsoaNs-HenryMartul,W Lanham, ed, lawyer -like, in delaying proceedings ro the magazines at the tone of the ex- F Horton, .law. McDonagh, J. Hortou, ter a couple of months. If the accused pl•ni•.n eight escaped unhurt. The in tea - J. Miller, J. J. Wight, six months. ere guilty this ii a point gained for them, zinc contained 1,000,1100 cartridges, ZOO,- Total number ..f licenses granted this if not it Is a misstate. Time and chance 000 kilugnu,oues of pa,wdrr said .arse year 52. last year XI. The statutory tight on the side of the guilty, as a rule. barrel of dynasuite. Phe- longer the period which elapses be - fees for license under the Crooks act ore iteveral churches and 111.amy house+ are twin the perpetration of an offence and seriously danaged. The second shock tdis ileo, , sactowk in townships, tZw0, s , $72. was strur.ger titan this lint. It was not d villages, J1110 in al o;n.p., ffo ` . caused by an expi..si.n of ;pas, but an A. WuleHc.%oN. rus, Chairman. explosion of a magazine. The first shuck i JOHN At itug*. PETER FL*xstr was caused by powder which was drying' Curmnieeiva*ta innocent tan procrastination. Inno- in the open air S. Y wyw., Buud Secretary. mom is impatient of delay, and anxious 1"' for its own speedy vindication. The l•ete.pts.ry rase - As will be learned from our news i el.snau, counsel for the alleged conspire - ten against the peace and integrity of THIS 'R)31..13 OVIIq. liarrw'ed to ter tdsmaas W.wise Ms .sde Ceoa•esp•rar••• One thousand tight hundred Chugs carpenters will strike nest Woodsy. un- less wages ars ineeawwed. The sherd 01 8nndwiek fail is nlrwdy receiving app1toatinos from people who want to see Luke lytipps Wowed. The peach prospects on Pelee Island have net been datea/ad by Umiak. frosts. (drape vines, partiaalarly the catswba variety, were seriously hurt. The ubjcctioe of Philips, the wife mur- darer, to being tried in Canada was not witho.nt reason. Hu hits been fcun-1 guilty si.d erntenced to die oa the 17th of June at ten o'clock. News has been received that Jerrard, who was extradited from Toronto • cou- ple of mouths ago, was convicted to for- gery o n Saturday at New Brunswick, in the Stats of New Jersey. The Indians who have been encamped around Gorrte the past month or so have all loft for their reservation near South- amidou this week. They appear to be •u industrious, intelligent people. It is proposed by the authorities of Richmoad, V., to nuke tramps and others who, fur violations of the law, aro imprisoned is the "luck -up," pay for their board and lodging by working on the town highways. toll" hue tired and weak I feel. 1 dox't believe I will ever get throngh the Spring house cleaning 1 Oh )es you will if you take • bette or two Of Dr. Canon'. Stom- ach Bitten to punfy your Wood and tone up the system. in large Mottles 50 ct.. the trial of the offenders the lees intense becomes public feeling, and the teas ur- gent the detnand for their punishment ; hut nothin is more annoying to the Fre new users a.... The policy to be pursued by the Mini- ster of Eduction in regard to the school readers as W appoint a committee to ge over the three aeries sent in tor comp.iti- parties in the district of South Huron interest at well es an the interest of t' by the respective publishers, and tavern and shop li:enaes justice that they should have a speedy make one composite series of them. The ScAroaTa - Taverns - James Weir, trial. But soon or late, • full and fair five (woks comprising this composite John Campbell, Wm. Hawsshaw, trial they must hare, if they aro to en - Jones ct Son, May Kennedy, Donnie Brothers and J, W. Carroll. Shap s- Wiunifred Killoran and Louis Thorne. Kit -Tea -Taverns -John Hawkshaw, N. White, Mary E. tike, L V. Ludwig and Wm. Reynolds. Shope- -S. C. Hersey and Farmer Bow. STEN:CN-Tarerns-. J. Moffatt, third. By adopting the best features of Thomas Hudgins, Clarke Bros., Grant his guilt by enduring such a penalty as each of the three series there should 1* Bre., \\ m. Holt, Wm. Cunningham, his judge may award him. But the stun no doubt about securing one t•.00d ser- John Whelan, J. H. Ityau, Hartleib who has been arraigned upon strong in. -[Toronto Telegram. 'Aare Urease. Id aorta frau. We are constrained to assume the alleged conspirators innocent until the The License Commissioners under the courts decide otherwise, and upon that Ontario Act hate granted the following aaauwptat.n we assert it to be in their aeries are then to be put in type and electroplates made in Canada. It will be remembered that only two of the three series submitted to the Central Committee were authorised, but it was pretty generally understood that what amounted to a promise of authorization was held out to the compilers of the joy the respect of honest men. Nothing could ie more unfortunate than their liberation upon a technicality. Many *ileums are committed under palliating circumstances, and tMre all honest, sympathetic hearts are willing to make allowance for after the offender has stood his trial and, if found guilty, expiated Tbs Danger `■tire. The now experience, which the late session of the Federal Parliament has furnished, is net measuring. The loan to the Canadian Pacific Railway was an e vent which, till the opening speeeh was made, no one anticitsated. It truved that a commercial combination strong enough to carry out the contract to build and work the road without new appals to parliament had not been formed. The unwelcome fact came as • surprise, but for surprise there was really nu ground. In contracts of this magnitude, to which the government is a party, unpleasant afterclaps are sure to .occur ; and at will be Iueky for the orator,/ if no Nether demand ter a eood►ticatioa of the contract be saute. What is to be feared in future is a claire to have the property released without repayment of the loan. [ Mone- tary Times. seal he LabeOsbert*. A Waterton, N. Y., dispatch of the 241h, says • tine seal, weigbang something neer 100 pounds, was caught in • uet by fishermen in Henderson harbor on Wed. ueaday afternoon. Seals in Like Onts- rio are a rarity, though they hare hearer caught in its waters before, and ate now frequently seen. 1/no was ase:• on the 1t. Lawrence near its head the past win ler, and wnr• le...pie an (Owego th•.ught they discovems.l one in the harbor of that place about the atone time, which is not nupr,bable. The nue caught at Hen- derson was about four feet long and gray, wneewhat sp•.ete.l, with • color a shade lighter. Cook and Joseph Brenner. prima facie evidence. and who makes I-teoaia --Taverns - Thomas Stacey his way out of court through a legal Imp- end John Lankin. hole, i• ever after an object of the sus - HAT -Taverns -Wm. Baker, Grape& Meirm and a subject for the taunts of his Smith, Nicholas Deichart, W. R. H.dg- fellow men. inc, Richard Reynolds and Jas. Cox- 1f the accused in this c are are well ad- wunh. :lied they will take the courageous coarse STANLIY-Taverns-Wilson Cook, R and invite the most searching investiga- J. Turner, Henry Shaffer and John , tion. Success by any other means will Brewton. cost their characters too dearly. The SOCTH Got.ENIrx - Taverns -Arthur masses of the purple of Ontario, irrespec• Knox. tie. of party, desire an authoritative pro- Boretttn - Taverns -- John Morgan aouncement upon this caw. They are u•.t content to accept tha judgment of the party newspapers upon it, nor .10 they wish to hare it cast back undecided Knox Shop -H. R Jack.on. into the political arena, as a hone of cententinn among the special pleaders of Rust t -r, Ire- jtete stump. No technically, no .pri.tasa- ' I tonal whitewash brush, an rehabilitate The East Hama Society held their1the men who hare, either rightly or spring show at Wrmeter. There was a wrongly, been accused of an outrage fair attendance and it gutwl slice. The I up.n the liberties of the people and an following is the prize list :-- 5 assault upon the virtue of the peoples' Snooper. -Imported hoary draught I reprwentatiesa. No greater misfortune - Int. Robert alcLaughlin's Count anald bef.tll the honest rank and ti'e of ('hariee ; 2nd. Jail Tippling's Garnet : the conservatire party than the success 3rd. Thomas I►uatow'e Tupgpallant,- of the attempt of counsel to quash the General purpose -1st, Geo. Ehy's Tom indictment against Messrs. Bunting, Denny. Road ter carriage -1st, Joseph I Wilkie/am, Meek and I irkIatri -"Tv- itarier's Wilder* i 2nd, Thomas M..e- , room World (Ind.) `yore's Yonne- Sir Tatton. Canadian draught - 1st. John A. Foutunes Ponce I Royal. Duncan McPherson's heavy Tie nesse./ Illeanetie. draught colt, Smitegler, was award -d a These delay. are very }mirroring tc my sp-•,•dal prize. I feelings Chris. Renting. Br iris-I).rha,ne, over '2 years-- let. ' And Um anxious .quite to clear my David Milne ; 2eid, Geo. H. Moffett & 1 reputation. --Josh Wilkinson. Noon; 3rd, Rohl Yen. Mulleins, under I We do not wish to rem,in a moment 2 years -1st, Wel. Yen. Ayrshire, "ren Langer under the imputation -Edward 5 years -1st, Stephen Brown. Meek. sawssely WHIN. .ted 1 want to get home for the One.. - dentaal campaign --Mr. Kirkland sod Joh, Pollock. Shop -T. J. Marks Ti u gR•it/rte-Tavern,-Wm. Dixon, Win. Ky'e, John Daly and Catherine 7 P p yl fret Railway The castor is ry reeeNed r a owl. A bout 60O olio** were I 4o have bean ten feet deep on the level QQuebec in the marts •t M., Th. 5.l grennd. Farm amplemoota, fences and a usitbec vitriol the c•w.ch cl T4s .weer crops were destroyed. Net a building $ g m•in.lu tea with each neth.aat tae esenauie The de.trcetiun •,f iota )i*vl costa Amviits Idol oaf I a prroparty claimants have just Qtsred Seita against• marshes theth•.as*•nolo. I theo.mprny I Jas. Hickey, of Windsor, tried to put an end to his existence Monday by rush• ing into the river. He had been drinking during the day and was intoxicated at the time. Before he was rescued he had waded in:o the water nearly up to his neck. A New Haven, Conn., despatch says : Twenty telegraph linemen hustled Thos. Wood onegr.i; nut of a hotel near the Rhode Island line on Saturday. Wood slashed one of them with • razor and fol. While being pursued the negro dropped dead from (relit. P. Sterne. of Kingston, lately pur- chased a silver grey fan skin, an arti- cle Its has not hail in I is p ,*session fur two ystrs. it came from Pembroke and is valued at 8100 Mr.Stearne received, direct from the trappers on the Ridasu Canal and other places, 5,445 muskrat skiva Mr. Beecher is an adapt at quaint and ' original c..saparis..na. "It is .me of the seven wonders of the world to me," he `says, "how she Damocreta stick to I Tilden. He is ne more to be compared I to a full grown, able bodied man than a ' flitch of bacon in • smoke house to an active young pig in the woods." A Pott Dalhousie ship carpenter named Jas. Perry, an cld resident, jumped off the Welland railway train as at was passing the station Saturday after- noon, and was thrown under the can, which paved over him. cutting off his right arm and badly crushing hie leg pear the thigh. His injuries are fatal. A prominent timber dealer of Essex eoanty says that there cannot be found a derivad of square oak timber in the coun- ty for sale. He also says that the elm, et which the county a few years ago had' abundance, is Ming rapidly menu/meter- Aid into staves, and in the course of two or three years will be as hard to get as the hardwood now is. W. 0., April -Lac Tin and a. Spiels Tuve been arrest- ed on a charge of being engaged in a duel. Both are prominent colored poli- ticians. The trouble grow out of a dis- pute as to whether Blaine or Grant should be nominated. When Li,tin was ar- rested he had on two overcoats and a sheet Arun plate as • chest protector.; A man named John Kenyon and his son, both of whom were arrested recent- ly on suspicion of haying hail something to do with the disappearance of one Dea- con, of Wuodslee, last summer, have bean discharged ..n ezamartation A skeleton found near Woodelee several weeks ago, with a bullet hole in the skull, is supposed to he the remains uf Deacon. Frederick Wagner, of Wilkesbarro. Pa., on going into an outhouse on Satur- day morning, struck a match to light his pipe, when there was • terrific explosion .•f gas, demolishing the house and blow- ing him several feet from the spot and buraing his body in • frightful manner. He will probably die. The cause of the explosion was • crack in the earth lead- ing down to gas depn.its in mine work- ings -ha a.m. The Fort McLeod (lerr•fte denies that the price of cattle has fallen 30 per Dent. in that country. Owing to the preva- lence 4.1 manse, the Garotte advise, peo- ple to enforce the Northwest ordinance on th it subject. it is reported th it oat tie on Pincher Crank suffered severer this winter. Tho great majority of the cattle, however, are fat and the lose has been slight. Th. irregular issue of Canada Pacific Railroad construction employees' pass.. to ordinary passengers has been going on for some time in the Northwest. A train was stopped the- Over day at • way sta- tion and a!1 traveling on these p.ases who were not entitled to them were made to pay full fart. Amongst theta wears several leading citizens. The Celina Pacitic Railroad has tont hearaly on them passes, which here been sold at a nosrti- nrl figure. Saturday afternoon a yeawg man named 11 -.bent, erspleyd at Nteveni wast, Wa:karrville, was making an effort t • (.,,t a dolt over a pulley. A portion •,1 hi. clothing gait enogkt in the pulley, good quick as lightning the untortenate roan wan thrown nvoraiwd over the wheel his heed striking the timbers shove the mac inery with injured man Owed each o rehelm Re The abort 18 Jar•s .4I and was the •ort of A'fre•d Robert. oho lives near the we$erwurks at Windsor. Not another Pill shall go down my throat terns, swirl a esti..., "whw I ran Ret each a prompt sod pleasant ears for my leli..es attache, se Dr.Olireen'e Shen- ek Ritreee 1t rwed.rs the Need pure 0.1 ro..l and nakw • splendid swung wedn.'tne, tarp Nelle* fes e. i., 1' I1 twit 55111 toy1 be a ly .•t t.ot I a fee .fret lh. hard Ilam .Rau .nest yaie IOW was int Qum sod eoww !► 90 nem .a cu ora d 5..•151 buil* Mr. only ,s n1 uocu and a en 1 anti sod uteri $100 will prlu 7t 15, o mem Iasi large rte re tit is 4 flog t Ken of th to tl mut ty a unti', to"es Ikon Lett and w Ira Co., clerk ID1 Mcl ride, L}: COD. E. 1 D. 1 Mcl Mat T. 1 4 land NA a -, o St + Mov k.u1 ins Fy1 the and Ker 0011; Lnr seas tors bete a b' edl 1111 and Clad The ed l • co at t for by that edf Ma Ma add 3, s out . new lost Pri Pu gra on los l,eg In. iia bit an 11'2 Ma he Re all hs St ap 513 B et m is oi ei