HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-25, Page 7rut HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 18:_k Fun ant) Fang'. If you have time don't wait for time. Try t.' ass yourself through the t-. es of Uro.s around you. A pawnbroker Is deseniug of sym- pathy. He is a lune creature. The horse population of the United States is now over 11,000,000, or one to piny five petrels. Because • woman ''tigers* in society" it u no riga that elle ln,owe the multipli- cation table. This being leap year, girls who take swimming leseoi)e nest summoner wilt be privileged to kick out like a uta ,. If there is any one thing mere . .Itrsry than an ubst net. w,uuatt, It is • right handed luck un a left banded deur. An austere prurerb rays : He is mis- erable once who menta with ill -fortune. but twice who fears it before It comes." She -"D•. you believe in lute at first ightHe--'•Certainly, my deer; I've uved mon than a hundred women at first right. "Is your mother in 1', asked • visitor of • hale Murmou bey who opened the oor. "No ma'am," the little bey lilt, lied, "but my brother's mother ion► its.' A pat sends a antribution entitled 'Why de 1 Live r' Thin is easy to en- vier. It is because he sends his contri- tion' to this office instead of temente hem in person. "Is any one wattind on you," said a ite .alesman to s ?stung lady trent the 'unary. "Ys* sir,' said the blushing anise', "that's my y.unK Iran outside ; e wouldn't come into the shop. "`Sd� A Forest girl's heart-Oooated or. the ght aide, end she says she cannot im- ine how it canoe so,unlw it was aquae ver then from her ycung mans habit f always bugging with the right arm. ••1"es," sighed Amelia, "before mar- e, George professed to be willing to e fur me, and now he won t even get is Me insured in my fever," and the or girl bunt auto • fashionable fico• of an. Househott) }tints. Curets do led an 1 thea browned u butter are an .j prtising dish at this seas.u. Oxalic sc .1 s 111 .Imola always nreuVS status left by mud which cannot lee is 'sieved by seep nod water. If A little ken seas lousiest w itb stove poliab, it wi I assist greatly in improving the leek of rusty stores. 11 baby r hoarse at night, take a small urea of oil silk, rub • little lard or animal so' . •, any kind ever it and taste.t it nest his skin, "ser the chlnt. it may be puttied 'v•th wise safely pin. to Ids wrapper. Spurges which are to be used lis Chu bath may he whetted by belling for a few minutes in Oiler eaters. Ater each tune of boning raise It in 1. •: - watereirad put on the store tom 111 a ...it u1 tc.•Id water. A (astidioue c••iivalescent may be de - laded into taking more nourishment them he kitties of .'r is willing to take, by having the yoke of an egg attired nue hu morning cup of coffee. Beat the e_g very light. Pieces of layer cake that have become too dry need net be thrown away. Steam them for five tea ; sed serve as des- sert with • nice pudding weer. The layer cake made with boiled frost ng and chopped rerun tilling mans* a delicious pudding,. ,Pr. ..=11-.••-'r., T.. purify the air of the cellar, and to destroy parasatical growth, a Gorman authority says . -Put (some null brim - •tune into • pair, set fire to It, clues the doors and wiuduws as tight ;as poemble fur two or three hours ; repeat this inex- pensive operation every tbree5muntha.`0 Fashion's Fancies. Feat! .-nes will be very little use i 'hie ear. A w•rj e.r • leta et Ter,v •i s.1 • Farm ant) Garden. The sugar ample, Omelet, the ask atsd the btokory are varieties of trees well adapted fur dewed panda. They are bard) and picturesque, and Ions good wits& broke", If 1»r lands aro gte.ms a seating of sand ue gravel in early sprang their pruduc titanium, be v.rycnasid.rably increased. it warns them up a . 1 makes more avail shirt to their supp.y td plant fwd. Thera should be good judgment used its the selection of breeding feels. 1' w• •rias (mules, as well u trawl* sh•.uld ba .elected. We mean by this dust the ,luluur u( plufuage, symmetry, and the carriage that d.0"tes good health, should tea runsidered Ude 1.1 the moat valuable of the ate dawn+ e( auooees in fruit culture is bei tire Ir meaty. The man who girl* short measure, or who do'• not deliver a quali- ty equal to sample, don't Jewry* success, and kis sins are sure to find hi.n out. It is not yet too late lis warts fernier. to procure retable con' -seat buf"re plate nag time. The safest way 1s. to teat stand see that it pusseeses vtialay. The ctofr was w generally injured by tut fell s frost, that s,ue 1 seal lin, .prim( may be regarded as the escape .•1 r :her than the rule. in many cases "like mistress, like maid" could be emphasized with ¢Sud effect. Where the lady of the house - and, by the trapp isn't this a queer old phrase t --as indtffersut, idle, or ill, very few girls have the capacity to go un and till her place and do their own duties welt also. A pretty cover ter the table its your ',citreous is made by using one of the large lace tidies en pillow coven that ua.'v be ought for • very small sum. It w:!' for i, j r.n ed by lining. it colts less theta a it towel and will keep clean homer, IPA he dist may be shaken fioni it. is sum err. Kid re with ivory baud;ea, which have lurmcnmr suet diminutite a •I rs are la ea,,ie loosened or have fallen out ike faabienahk. w,t,rwy• cam hr cemented at home. and +i)`h small clover. by tsar. thiscement: The faille, noble toracelet l.as more _-Take four parts of nein urs part of ngles tlau a dude has neckties. l•ersw.x, orae part of plaater of Paris : The jersey bodice and the Jer•ey tett fill the bele in the handle with the III be as popular as ever this ieas•ai and p,,.. .t t! e 11 heat the steel of the hand's • next. and eras, it firmly into the cement. The way to a c olt's heart is tl'n.uvlt his mouth, and it soon learns to obey the hand tlwt feeds it. Kulduess, patleu'e, MO firmness will .cable a bey to Level, a colt anything ; and nothing so much its terests a boy in farm work es to be Niven a young colt to care for as his own pro ,loons is like a ere, of water tlor:u; h l- party den underrrottnd, aeerstly uaskittl( 1 w There appears t., be only one success- .0 end ,ns •i . ful treatment of the grape mildew, and g' that is the burning of all affected leaves There aro two varieties of mitluo•, eau '•f 1 The hectic flush. pale h.dtow amyl.* which attacks the upper and tis.• other and precerieus appetite indicate Wernr. the lower surface of tite leaves. The Freeman's Worm Powders will (intckly latter is much fres injurious than the and ,•Yectuatly remove them. Inn former, and usually yields to a treatment of sulphur duct. $ors of 'Wtsbom. OuutwiteNnt gives a cretin •t. •rs ('r- tuue luta denied u. The readiest and surest way to get rid of censure is to correct ourselves. Proles- kneeled** to wealth ; fur the one is transitory, the other perpetual. The tine rofiaSotant that brings us now plesaeres .apnoea us to testi hiss. Lowlier,. es the bio .1 every virtue ; and ba wise goes the lowest builds the .•feat. Ills ought out to judge •.1 mens merits by their •lualilwtieue, but by the use of thecal, No settee will be cuetsilereJ as blame - lees unties the will was so, for by the will the act was dictated. Gold can buy nearly ever) thing in this world, mato that which a mau wants un At rix , hapl.inees. Any town oma pick up courses enwit:h to be heroic fur an hour ; to be patiently heruiit daily is the teat of character. The Matta welts their records on !W- otan hoarts as they du un trees, n1 hid- den inner circles of growth which no eye Can see. A teed of kindness is seldom spoken u1 t alt ; while witty "apnea are as easi- ly lust as the pearls dipping trams a broken string. Reflect upon year present blowlamp, of w:tich every man has many ; not on your past mt.( •rtunes, of which ami et•.•a have NMI 3. The work au unknown g'o l Stam lila We aro te have another ors of pwdun- see, at which owners id num-rues .:ins ill rejoice. Long overskirts wi;l be fashionable on i spring guwus. The majority of them 11 he without trimming. A hat that is entirely new is the hel- , the high erowls of which as exactly he shn1e «1 the he.deserrriaswfa$Cieat. anion. -{: - -_ The fency for low coneys continues increase. but there is iffttf_prUTulon o preserve the wearer truss the eamp7itiun .1 immodesty. so, far there is wahine new in eles.* ut the gauntlet, which is stiff at* mere 1 celluloid. anti laced .41 the Mese side tithe wrist with metallic coed,. Otte of the only children's fists yet shown is truly extraordinary, being Inure like the m••f def a (tinsels pagoda than ■nytheig cls". Heenver, they will probably leer: very when quite tin. lie u'urethe meat to r het In the old eerie' Niry are ragin{ on trimmed prlatr, .a.1d s Wile water and w lump of improved pntateee. Therre as here, they butter, wah pepper Graleo•alt thickt't are fend of lectin; for speakers (us great with tAlf .- Ver. When almost stewavl peas. whim m occasions some great num whose chief add h if a e:•, f claim as an orator for the occasion is the titer ate Bath:tidily heated Pour with rear ignorance he exhibits e( the subject t!.r _ratY e•.•rthe meat. Waalstashed that he talks al.nut. cin wee 01 those la. are.'•., slaast•. and currant jelly this pntat., eecrsions the great speaker delittl.t. 1u,.krs 't respectable dinner ed hi,s auditors by expressing his «pinto„ 1 the t the renis would yet c"•,• when a Te gete the full death or et a toed peaches theyy shoohl'rst le ,t!I• •• petaru would he ran -.•.1 snotty • 1 the ed to soak leer et least three hoar,. the., human race ' if lie had sp0ekeu thus of .•t pretty sty ti, vary the baseetamade The Early Reese variety of potato in this Province hu had its day, and fano- en who continue to grow it are almost Banding • SANK OFY MON *eve, Mae 1 p. if you ars suffering with low sad J se- peeed spirits, boss t1 appetite, general debility, disordered blond, week aVaunt,•ns't Vaunt, headache, 05' any dowse of .4 led bola Waite,me- lte by all meats procure • l- tl. of Electric Bitters. Yoe wtU be sur- prised to see the turdtntq.roveaei.t that will hdlow ; you wilbe inspired with uew life; str.tl;ttb loud activity will return ; pan and misery wdl oraaeriskier, and hence- forth you will riskier in the praise of Electric Bitters. Bold at Shy twits a mottle by J, 161 • steams isg Maseoseey. Wm..fuhnron, of Huron, D,k., writes t hat his wife had been ttuuultel wit?,a cute Bronchitis for many yours, and that certain to be losers. Not only is the au teuterltes tried save no perss-artNlt ru- quality bad. but the yield is small. lief, until he pnaure.l • Lett!, o1 Dr. Thos, who hare imp .rtal ls.tatous for King's New Diseevery for Consmnption, seal from the Maritime Pr,iincei. and Cuuxhs and Odds, whi.,•it had a ma;icd 1N-8 11 ►'•••'h. CARP. 1111111.If Ar. CO'T. Toaoans jgjtaablW. 1.1!/t:\11111. trl�X�t17t1�1. NIaYY . of loMao� la ta[ael lettahl$..K iGtWUIU i'tY1.dHaaTrou Ciao. u11OW* at i.M►* takes i tl .t nee first-daM the lose..* rota• b HtlltA('Y NIlHTVN. The1,•. ages. -e ' is • a Ivo Atten, t' AN A UA PER. I OAS AND SAVINGS co. of T.wa arum ]bay t. Loin out deer -"loos oneunl7. ear t to b per Cont. Coarses moderate. oult•ee HORTON. unh•r'cb Sept. se 1111. sew Ltfe_be metria. Wnabenid •1' pi tame, DeMislr mad MM.Ipatlsa• The Great German luviguratur is time only speciti.; for uuputeuey, net vow, de bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness. pain in the lack ur side, n , matter how shattered the system may he (rem ex eeeu» of any kind, the Urea. IirrnIAn Itemwly will resters the ` •.t fancied .% and secure health and Imp iou•s. 1,1 pv`k pm ti •x, six lazes ler 1u1.00 `. all .lruese 1 ter. lent ots rwry•t •• I•1 te Iaosta1e paid. 1,v h' .1. et..., 7..I, -l'., Ohio, s.1.- rr rat for 1'lilted '1..t ''. t'mr cuter. and testiutoui.tls rent 1..•e. Sold by Gen. Rnynas, sole agent ;•.r l:ode- rich Sat : To Ilse 1Ntittal trvetrr.ser. sad .11 oboes 14 melt f woes.. Piso..hatinr. er Nerve to ,.t. * firs {{,hate Eletuuut trawl upu:m acleiltitie Fact., For mulate:l by Profwssw Austin, M. D. of Boston. Maas., euros 1'ultueu- ary Consumption, lick Headache, Ser- vo/es Attacks, Vertigt• atmd Neuralgia and all wasting theeaaes of the human system. Phtrldwtile u n .t a 4edeeine, bita Nutriiueit, Ioa-camut it c,ttttaius to Vegetable er Mineral P.oisms, t)i,u►t. s N ircotics, and uo Stimulant., but amp! ly the Ph•sphatic •ltd Gertric Elements f.,nnd i:: •ur daily f...d. .1 single I+'atlr ia silw.C• •to cons bier. All Dru•. iets tell .t. el t$) p r 'settle. I. •w; t• Cm. ,,..1.1 .,Groot. f .r t!: • Ss. r, •rat ....tr.•e' F.ut Toronto especially frets' that pertwn of New Brunswick adjoining Mame, report the results to be very satisfactory. The Copper variety is one of the best. Good work may be done by farmers in the first days of spring by tran,plantine handsome young maples, beeches, baet- woods, etc., from their woods to suitable ap .ts in their clearings -in the neighbor- hood of the house or harn,along the law the line fou;cea or the street. A farm jndicie.usly planted with shads trees 4 to t only more attractive than one that is effect, and ',reduced a purinaneut{{carr. It 4 ettar.uteml t., cute :111 dise.ties of Throat, Lures or Ihr.ecl,sal Tullis. Trial mottle. free at .1. Wilson s drug store. Large size 51.00. (5 A $leasing Nan asekine. 1PI7AL - -. .i'url.ut2 • . r...u.. d. ofgni%es 111 I' .r t • t•"'sally robbed •..rir. .-n o..•.I.' re 46. ,.• uoe'if sheerest GEtiMAN INVIGORATOR! w lug ', 1.•"" + • f' a g,rrluaelt 1.t ) cares IOh` p.•ira. l • , ,+,'A 1) .• u1 it 11) a11,11.1 aredad McAbeeet n 4 , tl .i.M-t w4 that 1,1 - leu ,ta a eastern. r of a.. If • hu.c. a. It 1 • n "M•: ham of iarmor). tit 1 ' 1•.2 1..r•; r•4. pt,u in lite tar k, dine •.• of • ••• r. Lrrn.a- •t,r....•1.1 age. see inane 'Niro .i. wart. ,6wt Lie: lap prawn 1 or rut,sumh tint 01,41 a 11. 1a- ttire Kra%,•. Skint for circulars with hit imonial• fr. e by nail. The IktNKAset1 is sold at el ta'r bus. or rix hoar* for fp- h)- all drntttrest•• or will 1t arnt free tr.% call, at -rarely oral. it. uft trc,•y.' of '•tier. by addressing v. J. t'huENF,Y. 1••, 'a ' PiT Sumac. „ Tel, • : tin •; e•• MI..,A.. ...lr .tgrut for Godrrl. h s'3 • nide ire ale. • on 111e look "••t for rhams'es lo its. r. use I I, ..t .•;ire:lyts.and it. tune las .. •taro • altby : the..: :slit. do f.' nn w.pr••e their oppnrttm air. ..u•aw in 1.'e4tt), We .miler a errs rh.... 1.. Irak.. 1•w.wrl - N a• natal un u. a.0 - neat.. Iwo). end w rt, to w..1k ter ns ,o thea •.wul,.al.l,. .tu)wn yell. .1..the watt pro• twee Iron. the arst .,.rt. Time heti, . •. ...tit pa) lucre than ton lin'r. ooail.,r: «ea.. t.l- yrn•tt....flat 1twin. 1,e•' ft, r. e. • ..' . • • • 1,- .1191•' lis.:- to meko n.ntor% rapid!). .a eon it.• itla 1 • or were. live 1.. ft r 111e11 . • r . ray d lune -.pair.. iiuntrlllf. Fu•1 • '' d c all 11.. w . nrc..ro.••`• r f• • et..r• t' ' _'. . e- W.3%..G•W eViaxde N'• .. .. .,• 1 ..:o. 1• r 0,; rate Liver .• '1 1.. ,.. • I• ; I Pathe, Iudig•,.ln i , , :. . r e • '.OW We ee, run.. ill tt, • 1 . t•,• 1 • j.•wbro,i..• -.�1•1. Il.d wit . Thr) a.. p'nr! - :-. t: l.'• • . 1 i 1 ♦.T 1111tt1e ; get,• •..r • a.•1., 1 1'1••'t.:.t.t.•t,gars!rl• lt as ` nu,4t. 441 nod; ttuu.: t:•'• . W.14K'mn. rt i:.s'.1'.t,f:'...fief. lrty� tNal t+e int' •' 1.1 1 ' n.r! pn pare! c' r. i sept (3oder,ch, ch. eJ a 3...0 •Iall. 1•. u..,..• •i. t ref aa(vaiVi1104091'h MI. ti 141 eft F. D. UL 1`4`( Allows Interest on deposits. :-ra(i..lctte. 1 e' .t and circtear note. "'este. payb '. or..Wit World. - 1.'1. Eealtb ie Irealir Its these times when our *reals: en are doutiet1 with patent medicine miter- -IANADIAN BANK OFCtONIMEdie, ti•emen/a, it is gratifying to knew what to procure that will certainly cure you] If you are bilious, blood ,.;it o1 under, Paid of <'dpife., - SO,000,000. of Seine toms is to cr••chet them in net, but it is worth more for erasing and liver inactive, er t"neral debilitated, ICref #I,T(N),001?. 1i the(lilies, s. that ribbons Yraitegn,win.' •.replies end i.,inrarubly there is nothing in the world that will P rn l of Gtr loss like 1 - T( h the haslet faun saleable. �^�=..� 'cure you w e�uickly as Electric Kitten. to poArticu Ar y cream u - 't thea reef chamber take three round rendered nap errant service to the farm- can he had for only fifty cents a bottle •i can he run tn. you wish r . e Irv::. 1t',1/ .rdeMAISTKif y I 11'. ....... e.anuv , M I 1 ental and to put TheC mmiaiouor of Atlrisuiture. has ;They are a h easing to all mankind, and General Ma an per, v them .law of James \Nilson. (21 together at the top with ril''a•ns, end which ciao with the subject of next.'us bang the hn•k•t within after the fashin weed,.. Hith.•1 to Canada thistles were A Wide Awake teras[»t• of a gypsy kettle. ahem ,.n the proscribed list, but new a J. WiA always •live li his buil- and excellent rule for nrtkin2 rut aa- number e,t "then an sided and prove- I tress and sparse no pains to secure the dy is to tape two profs ,.i ntap'e .'tzar, sen is matte for puttinc tho law in force "beet se' every arttc'e to his line. He has hall a pito ed water, er m.imo i It to die- by otN ofhaer appointed f•.r each inmate i secured the .Ye.try cur theLine. 1. has isles the tit['.r awl no more Gtr this �prality. The wppuatment of such an ctrl• j Newili e every for Consumption, la,il until it l.e reels. battle, when *little oar is optbenal with the commit, hut its the smile cowman cure known ter Con- King'sA 'tsiei' un c,d'I roster. flue.- •. 1.e the cane o1 a pet lit. by acettain nnrnber lair. .rties.".•ver with n,:: uw.t'.. and of pr••1e•rty h"Iden it a noand.h.ri'. The .empties• Ceuths. i• .1 •., Hlare.. anyn pont. tee rend ever then Hickory Act also deals its the saute w ii- with the: Adh•sw. llav Fever rembites, ..r po y tees er ,b:rternnts am niter irilh this darwsesaa� black -k tInif feet trr«s km.wn r1 than amends er 1 ranutr. yellows 1 In '. pt$.s Will t!sm ur 11 '- them, tie them ors of the Pn•vince h• giving Variety may t.r tear by c.,•king some tberetemor rotate. .nth ch.•i•. mutt 'n chap, until it r Unless all stuns fail there is to be • regular "boom' in dotted must.ns, check- ed and plain gingharns, ttnt-ed lawns, muslin• sprigged with small Newer", and gaily colored cotton reptiles and sum- mer silk. The spring hats that have made theif appearance are straws, the crowns of which are generally very high and the brims narrow, and the shades so stnking a• tee be obtrusive, and to many undesir- abbe The neer sal Tame eebrees. We are pmne to think that the sttrug- gle for bread hardens the heart std dries up the fountain of sympathy and helpfulness in the human breast. When it A a. ue.tion from dayto day whethty there shall be any breat all, a refusal "f alins to our more needy might be re- garded almost in the light of a virtue ft would merit the approval of the social scientists who find the source of euverty mainly in iinprnvidenee. A poor won:an who was employed to de the teogh weak abut • house failed to make her appear- ance nne day, and the work was given to another applicant. Sereral weeks passed and she reappeared. and was informed that the work had been given to anth- er. 'It's Mrs. Omen, a neighbor, who's been keeping the 'lace fur me, because i've been sick,' the woman explained. Inquiry developed the fact that Mn. Bruen, who supported her family by waahiug, had contrived to do the work of her neighbor so that ►he might keep the plana, and had in additieu given 1" the sick woman the money s. earnest. 'Why, Bridget,' Said her employer, '.t is a grand thing t•. have such • friend as that. 1 d.•n't believe there's a iters.' in the w.al.l who would do loo mach for ire.' 'sure, said Bridget, 'I dont know what sould Moven" of us poor f••lk% if we wasn't geed 5.. one another.' •Mrs. Brown mud be an excellent woman.' 'ft., she ts,' Said Bridget, heartily. 'Che nursed . baby last summer ale -ng with her own, because the peer little thing's mother ,hied, and I t•r'k rnee e.1' Itit we. peel and ceroldn t eat, but it's a brave lad now.' 'When is it now 1' the lair asked. with interest. 'I've get him,' seed Brid:et, genteel 1ionaly 'Why. Mew in isle world:can you Afford to keep hit. r 'it's little ha oasts,' said the good soul, 'arid i r..eldn't send him to the poor hoes., with his party ways.' This poor w•rmaa, with a drunken husband and bre children of her awn, Mase • prettier! answer to the geedinn 'Wile 4 my tteighh•'r i' cook them Ate!V : when they nee almost tisane a41 the stit--ar, then set them away and let then: stet perfeltly add. If nett ee„d ttAtil the second day they will be N ellh a. t`'.r ails al,s,rfi the aortae awl be to h tither apparently. if leer u se t" feel. ns- treat in this way also, as It will weeps? y',a f .r raking thought. l;se the juice in the pudding sauce. A ,...re! way t.o serve mange neves- lade ribs lade is t" cut a third off the top of ••ram." ; rein-tr. the fruit carefully so es t.• ..teak '!.e skig• if necessary ei keep them in chi ase them with cotton pressed n1 quite hard. - l'bi top "f the peel may he tilt in points : the .mailer and mese perfect the preetim% Just be- fore 4 is time to sere the marmalade remove the cotton ; leave space enough at the top s, the inermalede will not spill ever. Orange je'I may be nerved in thio way also. 1 hot 'ween why so many yteng moth- er'1e not look se rely awl attractive ea it is the bounden -iuty of all women to ha,k, A that they du not accept the in- evitable with the props wort, and then adapt themselves to it ; for instance, tt is impossible to can for • baby as it should be carol for, and yet to wear as g.a•d a drone as you weight if you were 'limply sitting down to do fancy work. The usual dress when engaged in this occupation should be of some material that will bear sponging : then, a *pour and a bottle of diluted •mrnonia should he kept near at hand. Of aprons then should he an unfailing suplt�ly•of nof differ- ent sizes and degna e fail to have at least two of the Same length as your deem, and of two full breadths. A white one el this styls,trimmd all around with scarlet imachine eat womensry, is sr - ,and will taslly beaming to Ohre its coat many times orer by pesters- ing the dress beneath. Clothe reveal suitably. and then enjoy rocking your baby ' All other plowsures yon rorty hope to hare repeated, but the joy of being • mother of a tally u one which may he yours but once. and that for se sheet • time that it will seam timed dreamlike in • very few mare the coming Gook it would have bin very to mmendabk. Not cue in * hundred of the c•u.ks of our day knees hew to cook- s pot -stn, and thus it is that the tame. water st;tted tlttttgs aro not worthy of the human rice. With a little salt and cold water. and the petite brought to • boil. then the water poured off, and the tont kept keated for a few minutes to drive off the earplug steam. the potato may be made to rank ,closely with an orchard fruit. • !apse angors. The idea of a city sugar bush may ap- pear paradoxical to many of our readers. Such, tweeter, is said to exist to the'' city of Brantford. In the spring of the years 1$4R and 1849 one K. 41. Tisdale set out • number 1111 maple trees about his handsome property, and this spring had the p.Noceof eating sugar manu- factured front trees growing as them de in the very heart of the city. Mr. Tis- dale tapped this year 24 tree." and ha* a number of others that will he sufficiently large to tap in a few years. Hun. H. (1 Joly, ex -Premier of Quebec, in a recent lecture on forestry, un which he is ant excellent authority, speaking on thus pint, says : It you wish to tarso a maple augury with the smallest amount of trou- ble • oil wiper e, Rn to an old maps grove in the fill when the ground A a:rer- .d with a thick carpet id seedlings. After rain vou ran pull them up by Mand with• out breaking( any of the smaller route if yon are careful. Plant them at once in year g.nten about lee feet apart ; weed durint the fin t two summers with a bee. After four years the tree will be fit far transplant tree The dangers (mon trans- planting are lam than when you seek maples in the wneeis. in his own experi- rnci Hon Mr. ,1edy never found ilia. small tress to fail. Maples will begin to yield a reasonable quantity of sap 1, r sugar when twenty to, twenty -See years old. Maple uskesone of the very best of .hide trees -cheap. clean, handsome and endunnQQ and although the onion of (nderieh have net a few of them • large additional planting would he meet de- sirable. aliecti• n •f the Throat and Lnugs• S•dd en a 1,••..itiee guarantee Trier bottles tree. Regular site 81.00. Tk •se are 4.114 parts. The best el•.rd purifier en I system rc" gulat+•r ever placed within the roach 4.1 i suffering huntmatte, truly is Electric Bit- tern. Inactivity of the jiver. Kilinusnes Jaundice, Ginstipetion. Weak Kidney -le or any disease of the urinary '•rlau.. et whoever requires 1n app•tivar, tonic or uril'd stuuulalit, will always find Electric Bitters the best and curly certain clime known- They act surds awl m si�kly, every mottle guaruiti•wil t.. give entire satisfaction er money refuel le,. fedi :at Shy rents a bottle by J. Wileet. t&j - ---- Ladte sameale es=tit. Mr. M. IE Allis.n, HotcbItsa.01. fi.e , saved hit life k+ysmintier Tnettlerial .ttle 4 Dr. King's New, Discovery. for Con. sumption, which listed hive to procure a large teethe thatomielete'y cured him, when Dieters, change of (-bursts and everything else had felled. .tathma, Bm,tcbttta, H'arseeett, Severe Ceughs, and all Throat mull Lung d•a.ase., It 4 guaranteed to cure. Trial B ttles at J: Wile-n'a dreg store. [sane size SI. (1) Goderich Branch. A. 1l. ROSS, - - - - At AN At. Zit. Interest allowed on dere.... IIraf to 1111 it the principal 'fowl,. and t Otos i'•* in Canada . (beat Britain and the United States. bough ' and told. Advanreeto Farmers on Notct, with on. more endorsers. without wortgocr. 17:1 Front the Liter and Kidneys arse ful- ly half the sickness. Dr. Camera's Stom- ach Kitten stimulates both Liver and Kidneys and insures one •eesust dioses; it is not an &h oh' fe stttawknt. In large mottles •t AO emit& se emanates. -A mune well known in nanection with the Hair Renewer which mines grey heir to eta natural color by a few weeks ams. Sold al SO cents par b title by James Wilco. Is GENUINE A week . rade at iteme ey the its f re t).• push kat 1 i-itats: o1 i..1 d ..4. We 5111 start )un. 11rc, e« „M n. boo and girl Want td crry w',• -re a. wsrk for wt. 4uw• is the time. Ton , ,,. wor. in sloe tilue,or mire rm,r whop I n.n to 1i n business. Ne .•t her i,im,tr:.-.,. will oat sou heart) w well. No e: a two fail'to u.ayr enormous pal. by esigavrlug b' ante. Cos,ly 1 el m and tempt free. \toner made fast. e:t4lt). Aft I tr,worably. Addres Tara et 1'... t 1:' •.-tam The Pepple's Livery • Irrt. 0. t'• tt EI T'l4 NLtsvl. Asp ftw.tlg 7*UT Ds...T. a 1.•erno,t••.4 .) rrifli ter H) stens. Dia ausett, e'to' ul''oua. 4.1.. Nil 114 r ler Neeral�L Heedarve. \• r.r.•"• IT• meal;. n, it t ',Id 1y�t�re we oil A...11,..1 ,.r net;,r.v.. N at Outwore. >A!b ftad fk•prosaien. t!0tening of the 1 rain. pewit lag in Inewutty le el lead:ng to mle.ry, decay awl .1. ai:., Permitter.- Old .ter. Parr., nem. Lks Mtl*awertr Miter ars. iacobitn,sry Loney sod op•rnnalorrl to a.. awed by . t ro section cf the Lorin. eclf-atume or ores. -.140a. Otte box tin cure recent reset. teed I.t i con tains one nui.th'r treatment. Oilcan/kr a bos or six Lox. a for fire dollar. • tent by n at: pre ppaid an rere.p rat Lr'• .. Itram 10 rare say retie With ' eth carer re - relrrd M as ler cis beac•,.actrm(•$t.fed with Are dollars, we will stead the pnrl•r•.r our written ceareetee in refund the-mowe•y if the 4 treatment dens not ellbet a ewe. tli.arantee issued only by JAVES WII..AIf. got* author lifted agent farGoderech. teat. JuN\ /' R"RST 14 R ('(1„ sole ereerletort. Toronto Out. gig J. P. FISHER k J011 Ila..cg purcha.i 1 the Livery hwe'.r•' 1•:;loet� . ut's. fn•.n•lir owned try i, • • ...licit -a case• of puree trite" •1r' Irna.mat. ' .al le art a n 10 a11. an 1 • '' • 'WOs11t pa�r�s&L 'Ase Obsess% 5,, sake. Cesielat111f•US Eureati . S. • sows. etre. eel sib dlosiliwor of weer la t18i11iRL. The Finest Riga tY IE3::tUiNAIILE PRL1•S`'. lett.!. t' t, 'AP.i' t'.(-Op(rnsi ,•11,15 7'. I • I I'h, 155.4. Ler fm •1 Iiia is •v ••i. • . 1 ! .:art hong night, •...•s ..4 y. line leave b •hind to , enyuer limo.. dfliaweek ln:nu owe rI ton 1 tit "nen, free. No risk. Et er)thi not.p+►alrst- 1t.,etn-Jl:f(ui 1,u;. retry t e n •. tiare n:a rax ^none. LSI;rt make a* m.uche) •t moo..1A kala sail irlake groat pay. 1teider. 11 )tu wart business at which von ran make great ref all the 1 retie. write for part ie w' a rs to N. •11 *Li w1T ,( r... Portion 1161 $1000' FORINT ItA• int( the utmost ronfd.•nee In it.. •up•r iority at er others. and after fl.nu..nds of teem of the most rnent•lr.mt.•1 and se% ores eaves we .01101 And. we fe •t to, ifkd in offer• lag to forfeit rine Tboa.nnd It.11.:r• for an7 rase of rough., 'raid., pnrc flint tt. I r f nems a boacenese. bronchitis. • commis... o in 115 earl stage". whooping (Pugh. and all diseases of the throat and tunics. rower asthma. for INGER SEWING MACHINE. CHAS. PRETTY which we nnli claim re lef,tb• weren't rase with hest a (onith err p when taken ereord Mg '...-.17).4„, a g to ditecttona. !i.mp+ie beerier' and ro T. /jj(NliRH di CO , rents: large bottle. ewe A.dlar. (t.onln• wrappers only in Moe. Mold hr all druggists. or sent h7•e on receipt of preen•. J •HN t•. N'II;ST,(- CO.. 1,1 and Rt King stre.t l':ast. T„,,,,,,,,. on. 'o.d N' 1 .t J A!'. ,PON'P Oros store ltodertrb 1115• WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF rHE STOMACH, ON Yf88 OF THE SKIN, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS'. SALT RMEU1f, HE ART BURN, HEADACHE, And every species of &Mass arising from d tiwder.d 1 win, KrdtEHS• STMAAC1t. 111OW[L5 On 5(000 Havlsl bees .ppninled agent of the above esenedee. Saw to sniirtt the Moil polair pat. r'eange. turd will .apply machine. on littoral tasrSla Try the Genuine Singer. llsata--.r Victoria street, 'seer the M. T. i'hwrrh. Nadrrkh. Odarteb. i roe 1 t lir. I n Ise Vick's Floral C1iide Ear 111+41. ass t'Aegaet 51.1.1 of tie Pages. 3 Telmer. riates of Flow•". sol V. peIables, awd mare 'boa bass ulwsresftS. of ft.. r Met••rr• Flowers. 1'111•1' ODA VerrIft, tattle., end I lion tors for growing. It is hand • rens rn..wgh her ,t,, 1 rntrr redo or a Hnlldar Present. !end on ...er nim# and Pest 5)0,.- .d4tw e. with toe '-"1115, sad 1 w i11 send you a coin. postal, paid. Th,• is ore (mart.r of its en44. It la peen .d In Saab Kogllah and 1:e -n.' n. If roe afterwards castor •••.1. dad v. 1 • h• 10 • to UAW* steels owe tier Mat la Ilse Wield 1 The gloat, term- win tell how to art and Menti them. iiek's Viewer stn/ to vendable Manly It[ Pogo.. s Colonial Plates Kowa, Mgr. err M rents In paper rowers: 111.0 in .hresnt .-t.M. In (Merman or 1teglio11. Vide. lltwaraW'd 1[earbI, ilssatww• P.gr... cat...A Hate in Peery nnenhcr anti many Ano Rog•arings Orbs. 11 >A s rear rive contra. Int SW. i'preimen x oral er seal for 1, n rent. - 11 ,real r• otos In- ft aorta.' JALM IMA '572ibn.s uwme. M Y $66.1.0sch t wink a' • nmc }.t 0 nnt4t frac, by tOrli ••ire. No risk. 4t tree, opital ay required header. if yrs• waits mimeses perones of either ret. yells( er e,M. ran maks great pay an the Ire Mei warp. wtth shaolate rrrtalMy VI rite for MP p•rtiralare to 11, platten A't'n_teethe▪ d. Naiet.