The Huron Signal, 1884-4-25, Page 61 At pl.xe the l bank new pro. Del such the The thy .y'la e ♦al Was As ?Rae Res Irk Ani The Thi The The TI.e The 7 The 1 A e )ler 1' Vert. A Jor•'. A And A say. But . Awl . ' 1f Joe IV ' '' llell 0144 it Poeta A "tli! A: .coos K' alt fa Ar Then `M Co juurr of IA low 1 Mort .lac ,read Ede. 183•C the May: n emu Jobe Ache tioi put n od cd 1. tweet ,l utti bore, es ar road draw* ales, or eu soman . bony mel. were Woe mild Mrs. algal 818 ; sect) work unite ail Y the 2 1'AT1 it um toe liver edy, Bilte bili.' phys bowl' (,f for e and try 1 ole, l ter • meth strew gone your ab..0 calor '11 Loci of 11 vi1P. .ad 6 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY APII1L 25. 1-14. - Lha l 'CI tinr'1 1 Ntligte..ad Rieelrilae. He Mood twfur, the rrabr4nul. The scowling n bide goad • lei He n•rhed not o• ,beer prat..• n Wain, Thera was IN/ t,ar, then' sea. 110.1,110?. Fur one upon w l..,.. •' w le..► r) . The ,. hole world poured Its ..art eurprw• The open Len. ru was far tun 0. --, His amu da)'. I.,rht tea sea eel and , leer, To lel :.,w .v.ar,- hos sew-delt.e•1 ken. On the hitt , 10.. 1... iter of inei.. Hut still they yore o.o..r•! 111 u. •rl llwn f Whet hart :1,0. u.. n, N'lui .rt .0 .0 now Thou art nu' e.. , , saer.l.v $.1 Imre .ad 1. w. : hueide 1... way, Fur he was Ll.., 1 . And I u.:Ir Fur 1 we. W... '. bas' we 1 tine : He told (he slur) Ju. and mer, 1t we. his fru aear:'e only k .. A pio,tel rte 5141 lcleblm,la dna Hr'1 tuurbtd his sigbal•sa etre .i:1. And ni*ile tau +.r .....114611 44... "dint'. Their win'- ►.xes••d b) hum G. • 0' w.., , \VhLeh teem aim RSV m humtaaawt..b.. t 'I L b uirdr.d ,eV.ntu-f.wte.1 .., ., . Th.-, three• and iury rel! writ wide, T c3 could wit touch hu rtrfwr ... elide Their *1,14,41* Jeans stet lit. tri..•. Ne.1el. r an.4 hu umess UI .t.e I. .1. T►sei, .•..u:. of :1:44,44. aid Ls Iw.rd. A111 ruuld not "helots 1,1141 41. one wird. I km ,w not w i.a I1,'.. 11a.' me/ ''••• MInaer y: e,l,•t, but .. 1,,r One thing 1 know, trust l am ht. Whn isr•e-wan In Mimed C..r . The) .,err all di••tore or ret. •tr. Tbe u.'.•a' man of* ;amnia town. Wash •..-.-p ,rvwx, urns:ay.!, l.nw,.1 and vs .se Hrifrytb t1,, tr w1 it ph)lr trio-. • The wisdom of toe F.w,t 44.44 th.. re. ' Aad bViwuccrew aril their alter? hairs. The mall they !?orad sed Ian .ii -J Ii atv.np Was unlearned, pars?. and lowly ly,rn.; Hut he kb••w Letter far th:.n tins, What came t., him that S•..btwrh day. Awl whet its t 'brie 1.4.1 d..u" for him. He hake%as! Me the rat, edritp: stter*M. ry ft :dor vela letters troy/ o anti• tut yuuusj_ nem :n arid _ eel -las .king v, ring sten tuyuiruw boa t...) wool got ltd ..f freckles Or.nranly •tlu g*,.d- hearted er ad%tees his y..uu. friends to rot:, their Laces wrath Imagist j..ice and Wt. He odors this advice ..s .► imitator f convenience, u. t as a matte' of er,n- •iditln. -ft is the easiest this. to 'AO. Mariam Hue occuwulat.wl hr 47. more . f letters t• aching on this ruspwd colic. at.ls- ject.__reie rrr,.v...l { truth. Our adt•toe to all who wish to � get rul.ef freckles is -dol't The thing to get red of is the wholly ern-*P.us notion that freckles are uric ...•ely and tormeiniaus. Ti, 14 popular Moven Inas held sway mug enough. Freckles ate caused by the snn acting upon the color- ing matter of tlfe epidermis. Without sunshine there would be no freckle., The mare *41141,iue the la..re freckles. To the fact must ise added the other equally imt.•.rtast nue, that the sum is the sole source of lite and health "and beauty ou tlia planet, atr.I 1b. .ere sun- shine the in pre health and life a...1 beauty --among which must be place.; freckles. The chief iniquity of our go. i looking }..wig hien and women is their mortal fear of sunshine. 1 hie sex shut it off on every occasion, lie &bill till it is half spent, expend most of their energies by gas -light, carry silk shields to keep it off, cover their faces with enamel to exclude it. Freckles are therefore • badge and pledge of a certain normal healthfulness of action. When you see a gni with freckles your heart knows that she was never enamelled- She has Leen with the sunshine, and ten to one her blood is pure and her pulse high. she may not be able t" clay Canaille, but glib will dance under* Maypole and escape the neuralgia. Properly viewed, freckles are beauti- ful. Ten to one Helen, of Troy had them, and Hebe stat ,futto, for they lived in the awn, and lemons sol salt were not thought ,.f. Whist Nobody •oar SAW. A white elephant. A wuluau climb • tees. A gas meter look tired. A modest Chicago drummer t...,.d butter in New York city. All uutitled Kentucky gentleman .4 policeman when one was wanted. A true Tete when h• was late hiuwlf. A spnug puuru that warm t "daahod off 111 A Lorry. A 44 woman fall on the street and hurt herself any. A dog ruuutng backward with a tin kettle tied to his tall. A ten dollar Li 1 lying on the street without picking it up. A female book agent who caul d take •'Ne'' for an answer. A baby on a railroad tram that didn't make Here mise than the engine. The legend •'pauat" upon a door with- out testing the natter with his finger. •A minister who couldn't go tc Europe Ger "e brief rest ' Hi hie congregation in- sisted upsin it. A husband . ut shopping with his Info who dadu't wear a tired and disgusted look up- •n his face, Two young women lar each other on the street, both weanng new spring e w.•, who didn't turn their heads to 1 a,k at r*, h other Tbe "Greet Paper.` Many pieces of old paper are worth their weight in gold. 1 well tell you of our t1,At you could not buy for even w high a once as that. It as now in the Bons!, Museum in Loudon. It is old • l worn. It is more than 668 years old. It is not easy to realize how old that is Kings have hien born aid diad, cations have grown up and have d arted away during that long time. There sea. uu America, so far as the people who lived at that time knew, when th„ old paper was written upon ; Amer we was not dac•rered fur hearty 300 toms after it. .4 king wrote his name .•n this old taper, and though lie had written his (same "u luauy other pieces of paler and tb.y etre lust, this one was very .Irefully kept f.ow harm, though o•leo it fell i:.' the hands of a tailor, wii., was about to cut it u , for patterns, attd at another time it S31 almost de- mtreyoJ by lire. Visitors go to look at it with great iuterett. They And t a shrivelled piece of Impar, with the king s nava* and the great seal of Snpland en it ; but they know that it stands for English liberty, and means that-- as the poet Th son wrote in the sole "Rule Itrita,,nia"-"Britons never shall be slaves.- It is called the •'Magda Chante' which semis simply the "Great Paper.' There have been other great papers, and other papers that have been coiled "charters," but this unto is known the world over as the "Great Paper." Pressure. We do not sufficiently appreciate the value ..1 pressure in the formation of character. ''A child left to himself bringeth hu mother to shame," says the inspired proverb. And alt of us are, in a 110115e, children all our lives through. The beat qualities which any of us pos- sess have been given t.. us, or hate been made effective in us, through some such outside and inside pressure as a child must have brought to bear on him to keep him from growing to worthlessness or going ti. ruin. There is nothing that shy ..f us can do exceptionally well that we were nut sonic how forced into,or train- ed into by severe pressure. A11 our powers of endurance also came 10 us in that way We learned to endure by having to endure --whether we wanted to or not if we had been left to ourselves, we alao should have brought our mothers, or our mother's children, to shame. There is nothing. we have more re:as..n to be grate - ITeesye Masse, Paslap to Urea* Rascals Sc. per 1 mem by ere8 route. Pte rleset ioa fee hr. Sie- ge* r �f lintel orders Unite 1 Mtates, r�(e, see• 1. IIL, :1.1 de aei le• Prisms ward filmed, Newflseedl ad dia. Ilepe.il• received ureter the temstatleasse tae past saes Naviegla' lank between the hems of II a.m. ..4 014 pow. It.Rfateeed letters meal toe pealed Li minutes before the elves of each awl. 0111ce bows a a.m. to a31 p.... Su.day• •g- oepted. ►ua4ION PONT WR Caused. having been admitted Into the Pow W Union then Ica re-arrea eseeat of postal rates. as talkies: Yoe Almeria. )Belgium. Denmark, Iceland, Egypt. Esau., Aypria, Uerutsey. Gibraltar. Ureal Britain arid Ireland. theeoe, Italy. Luz - embers. Halm. Mo.teaswro• Netherl•sd. Nor. way, Perna. Portugal. Agates, Roumania. Kumla. M. !'term, :+atria, Viola. the (':nary Wands. Mweden. Mwit*.rl.ad and Turkey. Awl. via Unwed States: Bermuda. Bahamas. Cala. I s.l.h {'oloales of fit. Teta. St. John, tic ('role. Jamaica. Japan, nod Porto Ilk.... (Newfoundland is now in the Wound Union. bet the postal rates remelts as before). Letters 5 cents per on.(1 . Foetal cards treats each. Newspapers 1 cents fur a ounces. itcgiar.- laoa fee Scents. ref Ades, AryeeUne Confederation. *basil. Womb Guinea. Ceylon. Greenland. /ranch Colonies in Asia. Angier, Oceanic* and Amer- ica, except tit. Pierre and MI.11uelea. Persia. via Penton Gulf. Port ugueseColonies f. Ada. Africa. (Meanies'. Trinidad. Spanish Colonies In A!rlea, Dominica and Americo.. exertN ('uba and Perm ltico. Stfelts Settlements in Signa - pre, Peaaag and Malacca : Letters Me. per Ins. Books. lite., ie. for tea. Other registra- tion fees Pec. West India Islands via Halifax. some fetes.. formerly. Prepayment by stamp In all case.. Australia. )except New South Wales, Vic- toria), and Queensland : Letters 7.., papers I rent•. .luslr.11a, New South Waldo, Victoria. Queensland: letters 15.•., papers k•. New Zeslasd, via San Francisco: -Letters Sc., papers The well known strengthening proper- ties of Iron, combined with other tonics and a most perfect nerrine, are found in Carters Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood and canplexion. lus lt. the history n( medicines no pupa ration has received such universal com- unendatiou for the alleviation it affords, and the perwaneest cure it effects in kid- ney diseases, as Dr Van Buren's Kianey Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by J. Wilson. 2m Politeness anal ('..Mur. "How uo you like our mutual friend, Snooks "I like him very much. He has two qualities that we seldom find united in one and the same man. ile is very polite and courteous, and at the sante time lir is very candid." "I have only a brief acquaintance with Sim, and 1 must confess that I did nM observe that he was particularly candid." "I am n.4 serpnsed at that, if you have only known him a short time. 1'ou me he is Hut polite and candid at .one and the tame time. He is polite to you when you are present, and only candid about you when you are absent." goes Tlies.t. This eommoo and painful affection may be readily cured by the application al Hagyard'. Yellow Ohl, takttt« it internal- ly at the sante time acardia to diree- ti.'na Iu croup, asthma. molls, swollen � 1awd� rbesuutisnt sod other paiu(ul diseas.. it is equally efficacious. '' Nese Pwysses.es 14wsdle.e. Mn. Helen Ptarvia, No. 391 Dayton St., Chicago, III., is now ias her sixty- eighth year, and states that she has suf- fered with Consutmpti"n for ati..ut tett years, was treated by Mum physnci ua,411 of them prunouneimg her cam h.•peles•. She had given up all hope of ever rscev- erina. Seven 4,o*tles of Dr. King's New Disouvery for C..nsewption completely cured her. 1)uubting ones, please dol. her • postal and satisfy yourselves. (':111 at J. Wilsons • drug store end get a free trial bottle. (I' Seeing is believing. Read the testi eau ials in the pamphlet ors Ur. Van Huron's Kidney Cute. then buy a 1..4.1e and relieve yourself of all those dl.tre, Ing pains. Your 1 ruggesl catt 1.11 ),•.. all about it Sold by J Wilson I;u,icr i- ' 2m The due of lilts, S.elts,Castor nil, A... and other nauseous, griping Cathart. is unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute a found in Dr. Carson's, Bitten. which act as • Cathartic without gripine • r causing nurses All .lru,�i.ts sell it 50 cents.. bottle. ' A Remarkable Escape. Mrs Mary A. Dailey,of Tunkhannock, Ia,was of tcted for ate years with Asth- ma and Bronchitis, during which time, the best physicians could give no relief. Her life seas despaired of, until in last October she procured a bottle of Dr. i King s New Discover', when immediate relief was felt. and by continuing its use for a short time aha was completely cur- - ed, gaining in flesh 30 41... in a few months. Free Trial Bottles of this certain cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases at .las. Wilson's Drug Store. Large Betties *1.00 4) No household should ate eens,derell complete without a tekt.tte rf Dr. \-a11 Bureas Kidney Cure Is in the closet. It is the only remedy that will positively, per.n:mently and imam tly cure all forms of kidney dieeasee. S..ld by J Wilson 2na 0.431:)11:11tICEI PLAN- ful for than the pressure which in one �� ` �� 11/1.11t wsanothery or has liven brought to bear Slab Rate.. We dare made srrangemetts to club Tug Sk14AL with city papers at the rates siren bilin :- Signal and Daily World .. . ... 41:3.:r0 ' Weekly (Hobe 2.23 •2.25 Advertiser 12 I'rTr TIIE r11111: Dosrern . -Poverty with perfect Le.,ith is rather to be chosen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the mate effect of a dollar bottle of Fin -None 0r HttALTH. For reu>;h conditions ot. th.. Skin, Shampooing the head, Pimples, Erupts, n and skin dimmers, s'se I'ruf. Low's Nasi phur Soap, in All Nervous Debility cured by the use i of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. Sce advcrtueuneit elsewhere I Sold at 11'ilsons drug store. _'1: As Mayer, Ylaulyd. CAn any one bring us in case ..f Kidney or Liver Complaint that 'Electric Bitters : will not speedily cure ? We say they cannel, as thousands of caeca elmasy permanently cured Ana who aft da. commending Electric Bitte•n,. will prove Bright's Disease, Diabetes., W. _1, 1'.n k,, or They purify tt theit blind:r.',ll!t ate he toes - els, and act dirt-ct:y • tt clic ...r.a•ht, parts Every b..tt!e •ear, uttrti. F. . sale at 50c. a &.ttte Ly J. 11'ilsori. �l most Nor um testa d. Are you troubled silo. Salt Rheum. Rough Skin. I'a ste es or (poker Sores : If M,, ge at "11('44 •r. l;et.. Wipe.' 'Doe Store and get a package 1 Mct:res,'•,. A Parke. Carbolic )'crate. 1': res; •. tela.. It was uever known to f.d. L A Maritima tel.a misery. 'Playsieiall's a sifter' tt::r'i.:: 1: Y• markable disceser The teat that th- Kinds IKing's New Diac..very 1.;1 1-.'1.s00114'. . and all Throat and L .g. dialers ado: curing patients that t$ have ei:eII to die, istarthn. thee % tto realize tier.: sense ofl,,aluty. *4111 exal,4I:e inte the1 merits of this wotelerful disc..rery, tc- suiting its hundreds .4 our Jest Thio•?- 1 cians using it in their p.,actice. Trial bottles free at .1. N'ila,i s Drug Store. - i Regular sire $1.0J. 4) 1 ESTABLISHEi► i•.. )upon us the compacting awl right hard- • _ Mw M Encourage Yree.Mlrntbt. emdln'l i.1 our characters. Why, *i.,,.,- Mr. Dempsey. ea-prealdots of thetM- tario Fruit Growers Asa.:,. two, in of frisking h nuc attrac ire and t 1y the. plaiting of , rs mental tines and shrubs, said : -"Can ws not encourage a trate 1.•r arboriculture l,y introducing the study of Iaotauy into slur public schools ' Could not our teachers make the study interesting by showing. the children how plants grow, what the compone:It parts of a tree are, the differ - atm, -between the formation of wool and bark, and how to recognize the different species of trees and flowers by their foal. ageand otherwiseAlso by encsiung- ing them to plant each a tree within the school grounds, each to care tar his or her tree Or plant 1 Could mat. these* tem be on introduced among our people that the love and respect for tree culture w•itl become so In.uleattd in their minds that they will look upon any person that will .1.face •n daat'.y- guy oruainen• cal *r •bade tree .0 upon one that wood rob them of their existence '.r lest friend f Could not our children be se taught that the next ,enerat would hold our forests as sacred, and preserve thein as an• '•1 (;oars blessings t Alrea- dy ss me of our best teachers hesedirect- edtheir attention to this subject with a vices to Nuc ,uragnig tree culture and floriculture. Were teachers m a whole to giee a little !wt.,. attention 111 this sub)•,t they w oul,1 n't "slit' Int,re.t and edify th.ir srh"Ian, bol they w. old give walldeff'il 1.111'*(ti* t.. the Milliard tvnrnt , ( 411 branch , f r.! u.•.tt 1..n rot ud f<- I a sad troth that fashion 1,amprere•d sea days they are actually making railway - car wheels out of paper : pressing pulp mato a strength ..f resistance slid .asiur ancr that even iron itself cannot tspral. But for that pressure the pnlp wou'd hate remained pulp, userem, uuattrac- lie ananl, sou; BoOmoon lla4CirArTt',klte or .S(1sl, Doors- Blinds! rite pulp. Because ..f that pressure. 1!( /11.1.Kiximi-or the canq,aaed and seliditcu ( pulp has I.11111 "'VT'. bassi.• 'With (fte4 I become a power, and ubtailied a mission, and tin tl.lrr'4 u,- ,lariat of .very description. in the world Many a strong character tine oilyy pulp to begin with,: and hnt for •'pruvido"1 i a upouIt_1L_lueuld have remain pulp to this day. And there a still a great deal of character - pulp which will never amount to any- thing unless it conies under a stronger pressure than has ever been brought to hear upon it thus far. Pressure urn us is the last Thing int the world ere ought ' to think ..f regretting unless, inols'e.i, . we want t.. remain pulp. re.bie.able Women II Fashion kills more than 4..11 or.orrow. Obedience tt. fashion is a greater trans- E leeslou of the laws of winaaa a nature, a greater injury t.. her physical and men- tal constitute than the hs,dships of poverty and neglect. The shave woman at her task still Ines and grows old and ION two or three generations of her mrs- tteassa pass away. The washerwoman, with scarcely a ray of hope t.. cheer her in her Nils, will live t.. see her fashion• able sisters all extinct. The kitchen maid is hearty and strong, when her lady has t,. ore nursed likes a sick baby. It a 1110%1 FYMITWI d.fettIM.TI.. SwF All Orden promptly &Readied to. li.wlcrich• Aug. 2. IND. Idabel, woe aU Witt K O knONTI�N T tMwt1K„N, te. 4 tww tone _,0lmer te yt•a'Lire"''vAls' wess tfe eyI etlM lkogi s Vy tern x! ewe Vit t1• lbs wfl..atldow °it i'ntt'w Invir i"..1i''•tl ana~w y11 sea 1tA Tbe Soenii!!er Plov. lye c ,ninq slit.. Lton.inrnc,• and of vital lur.•rest. ends in life , they have but little force o.( 1 character , they hare still less power of A hleral reward will be u1 M as 1 11 t! t little 1 . lm y I wlergy. They live for no great ends. parry who sill pralucn a case of Liter, The an dais Loaned w the hands of Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elm- milliners anal sert•auts,to 1.e fed in nnler. tnc flitter, will not speedily cure. IImne ' If they raise children, servants and num. them along, Ht will cost you nothing for es do &1I nave t.. 4• ricers.. and gine them the medicine if it fads to cure, and you birth . and when neared what ah they will he well rewarded for your trouble What do they amount t., but weak scions men are always worthless for all goal Nell Newsmred. ( mora will, an quite as i e physical besides. All Blood dieraees, Bilious. !of the old mock \Cha ewer hosed of bees, Jaundice. Constipation, and prone faehi,nahle woman s child etthibitiag any tion guarantee. or money retureled bo.uime eminent t Road the bto'fephtes' ail debility are r uickly coned. Satiefac- Price only fifty sale by J. Wt s o hne Almost eye X AI other mineral Htomach Ihttr I 11 takes the Llano 1n tatlig Ir•ttles virtue and power of nun d (or which it cents per bottle. 1F or ,d „sir gaud men and women None of ' on. pill certainscab,mel *1.n I cat. (5) them ha! a fashionable mother - ( Lan- pnwnde. I)r. Canon's purely veritable and National Pills are sugar coated. mild of ell other purgatives. ; but thorough, and are the beet St 'mach at :0 cont, as hand Maar Pall in ass Int , r.,, FARMERS ry� r ..1•.l.'. nreW' N, 1°ULMOI3ARY CUERR 4 si t9x TIig OVRE of Cm's• COLDS, A�Nd BRONf'H1T13 cad all ['lout UNG Q�LI F of PERSONS 1" the adaaticeSta�e of «ONSUMPTION. J' w BRAYLE1 PROPRIETOR• MONTREfr.I• :ULF!! SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SWISS SOAP 8 2 , BWISS SOAP Desirous of n11ai0i0g I'I.iw. of the abnte take, beim Vne. aha a. i•, and I* ran b• fur .laked with the vote by application to the Foundry, Goderich. ,Q� W Repair% of all ter slave plows can also he rib tainrd a' the Mme pls.v. 1 Reduction of 25 Per Cent, Int en Plow. Wee:. A pp's t o C../. HUMBER, Managing Admit, Oedsricb. Ooderlch, Mare% ser, HW Mp • 2 No. 2. SWISS SOAP No. 3. same se rn.nwfset .rrd In th. great Femora) Seep 4'nmpsn), of ZURICH. SWITZERUIID, .8..4 reale stench. largely thro ?h- eat I•:ngland. Fromm. (knnaa). Austria. 0,.,.. and Italy Mannfaetnrtd In ('anal• only by The Huron SoaP Coy 8 S SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. Uoderkk, 81111. l:. IIi♦1. ON - Extensive Premises and Sp'endid New Stock. t Eta E3ft. IR. EtY CABINET - II.%KE1; :4ND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Ccderich A 0uud assortment of 'Citation, 1kd-n,i.tar. INa i*g Itlaws and Parlor Furniture, •.c0 u T'a bee, Chats hair. cane sad wood sralnll, Cupboards, lied steady. 1lattreset., Weahetaad. Laundry', timbre What -Nuts. Lucking (Hareem N. B. - A eompiele swot •meal of Collins and Shrouds els ay a on Land •Iso Ht arse* fc r kir at re.aotabl• ret• . Picture Ebonies a specishy - A cal: sot • 1.4 1,-51 1 MAN WINO IS UNACQ `IN S� WITH TH1G0MAP. N THIS COUNTRY, WU. THIS PTHAT CH1CA O, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y f Se.'+a rho Croat Central Lin., affords to trainee's, by reason of Its unrivaled Soo- gr.IJh.c ll pOeltlan, the ehort•st any best 1orate between the East. Northea.: ate Southatasr. and the West. Northwest end Southwest. It 13 literalty and strictly true, that Rs eannection• are an of the principal linea of roa. brween the Atlantic and the resift*. By its ma.e line and branches it reaches Chinago, 4011rt, Peoria. Ottawa, (.a Salto, Geneses. Moyne and Rook leant', In 11J loos I Davenport. Muscatine, Washington, Keokuk. enor•.lI., oakalo0ea, Fair/lei 1, Des Moines. West Liberty, Iowa City, Atlant•c, Avoca, AoyubOn. Harlan, Outhrie Center and Council Elutes, In Iowa) Gallatin, Trenton, Camerae and Kansas City, In Mleaeurl, and Lenten - worth and Aseentoon In Kansas. and toe ht:nerema ti/ einem village. aid 0541115 lnterrneel*w►1 T)4... - -- "CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," M .t Is familiarly called. offers t0 travelers all the advantages and comfort• Inc.dent to a smooth track, safe bridges. Un;on Depots at all oon.teOtrn$ points. Fast Empress Trains. composed of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATED. WELL HEATED. FINELY UPHOLSTMRTO ♦nd ELEGANT DAY C0:.CHEE; a line re the MOST MAGNIFICENT NORTON IcECLININC CHAIR CARS ave r twIK ► PUI LMAN'l latest der:sed and handsont'et PALACE ELEEPINO CARP. and DI t.NG RAtss that are acknowledged by pre.e an.: people to be the FINEST RUiN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and in w1, ch suwerloa melts ate rewired to traveten at rhe low rate of SEVENTY -Pct i LENTS EACH. THREE TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and the MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS seen w:y between CNICAOG and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, via the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A Hew and Direct Line, •.a Senses and Kankakee. nag recently been opened. between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati. Indianapolis and La Fayette. end Council Blotto. St. Paul. Minneapolis and Intermediate points. Ail Through P- Refs carried on Past [sprees Train*. For mo►s detailed information, see Maps and Folders, which may be obtained. se will as Tioltet., at all pnnc,pal T.c.et Office' In the United States and Canada, or dl R. R. CABLE, R. 81*. JOHN, Vtoe>-Pree't A Con', Manages. Can't T'i't & Pag'r AS't CHICACO. CART(asI ITTLER PILLS. MONS CURE 44 4 41. a'+':, t sed relieve ell th c - .' d- t:o•b.r..w.wage oflbeoyatya,enraoyU.r- 1 -••, Naar.; Dtowbwo * DlRwtie sf,.c "e: tqr, 1.1 :1 1-, t1,?Sade, ass. whale th--r mast r•_.,.Jr igareuccaec has ben shown it. co:.n; SICK n-adarbe.yet resit...1.1ttle Liver to:. sr, m, tally ssluede la t'orwtlp.tloe, cn :ng s:.d pretel.t.ng this anent lig tom pleat, wh,.e they shoo tern rt all do..re. ea of the iroaarll. 111 .:r.• • 14 • ! ,.♦ ao.d r :uLt. the trowels. Et. ■ :f tS. y ,.rel; t'.r A HEA Ark• dryers.::d bea:mn.tt•r:' I'sstothrewwhn enR.r tr .m this d,urwing complaint; im' forts palmy their go dnee.do.s sot WW1 hrt....sod those who ogee try them w111 Ind thew little pp l.* %ale - stn• aww many -ways that they w4Heetb.wyiir lode without thee But aft.r all rlrk bead PRINCIPAL.+ONE fir• soot:noir. QUI( [Ear and Pi ,• wT ton,o tt. J.. ell. 45'Mlare,Tlp-ka. : and hisR«▪ *rooks tl,r.wtrt [w- t i. r u 4... - •: d ▪ \«w H. u.•u. Arians, tau.* T. saw ' sr..... hes mews- r,,. fon \,b rt CaH•«rs.l lee. blame. u ma it ,'cul. y 1, N., ions.� r p.l•..a ass Railroad Is t0c �•r v.e tMm. Is soils at t) rem.. er, for jj11 ;irsegt:a:n ?tors?. of Int, •Toth..bane erof re many lives thith.• wlwwhelp.wemakeeweey at 005. Gatp'"'lyLe°44ccKw,.".KANSAS CT ('erter's Little L!r.'r Pitts are vr.y, • sal very easy b fake. Ott. or tyro s o pills tae' • & -t 1 Tbry are rtnetly veRable an4 do *Li gr • ' or .'. . parer. bat b thew riot." sal on I Leare a.. eke mad,. .1 O/� thrid by druggists everywhere. oe cwt Ly .d.' CARTER MEDiCI`(E CO.. . Tweets .la Now York City. cetehrat.•.l Lr f.. In, a, •tet♦•«el w`� tae; S odd `In I tend, (�\,• •.w Lwn.4Il �, an.ru non. • .d Len, n,?»pea. pal I .• ,-Ir.t a i• .. I. roof: mer• owl roe uta Ned tie -:lee a .ua:y, te5eed -1 s dna 1 1 1 3*1111E. Pit ;111.4 t0WELL tNIleoHai toe r.•• 1, •any.? 1.rw nsr Alt. i Cbl.•e�u.ltl• s'blsso.ltb Canadian Paas. A11 t, Torono, Ont, (;, . B. Joo,wrox, Ticker' Agent, (ioderch AP Mend sit cents for pe telt . and r erel vee fro.. • real y bay .f goods which sew help son to mon stoney right sway than anything ebbs 4n this world. AIL of either sex. •ncrrett fro., arse boor. Tile broad read - to fortune opens before the workers, she:date IJ sure. At once add nm.T5ca it Co.. AwRaita, 1taln.. ISO Hays I)rydw) "She knows her mon, end when yew rant and swear. Can draw you to her with a mnvle hair. • Bet it must he beautiful hair to have Irch power a : and beautiful hair n be etimmured by the use of• CIWQALM* HA)a Rix swau. Sold at /30 eta. by J.IWibos. 111E