HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-25, Page 5rte HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 18M 5 EARTHQUAKE IN ENGLAND. ale.... linear, sed Tett afbl.a..,. ..d tyre. Lind .n, Aj•a! i'S. - At f1.30t' . mgan,srth.l,.akesho.ck •..f,. in the meteors roulettes .4 Rumbaed At I pa w ieh tho wall. of hawse were shake.., ulatoe were rattled. and hells runts. The peo- ple Wein tbrow r tutu such a state of outs atetrYatlon that bueitiess was suspended. The shook waa stall .wore w r. re at Col- chester. Tate e.•n; ori •n lasted half a asinine. The tiros symptom was • deur oa rtblinl I'll" 1 • r:u .tre•1' h' fe lowed by • yuekiul and Ot•kili•_ of all the Windings- Chimney *nicks of (ac tori•. le 1. and other i.,/ty - r •stir•/ mere dwn t.ted. Ti,e s,. t.- r of the I • ■ lamest church -s i'l the c;tv 1 •4 feet in height, fell wilt an r.;:! "'tail!. in oust part of the city a tire was caused by the shock. 'flit, dame to is groat. lo pri- t ate h•,use41 tables and chairs were ever- tunted, glassware was 'battered, and i.tctures and other ornaments fell to the flour. Men, woman and children rushed shrieking tut"' the struts. At Chelms- ford the shtick was s.. coven that the people were filled with terror. At South End the earth trembled for miles anoint] The windows of many dwellings were broken, and chimney's demolished. At Maldot. the town ball and priests houses were swayed The wave passed from the south to the north. 1n the Strand, London, business houses were p.er .t• ably rocked. The employes fled. The duration of the shock at Ispwich is esti- united at three seconds. The earth- quake has caused • general feeling of alarm. At Lpwich a mansion was shattered, and the railway depot was partially de- stroyed. Colchester was the center of disturb- ance. (/n some streets traffic has been FASHIONABLE CHECKED SILKS H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., BI TTFORD Having secured a very Decide.) tsar„ sin in the '•e •\' Fashionable Checked S..r.-., we are showing u Full Rang, ,•f Colouring ttt the Lowest Figures we have ever seen such g.x►d offered. ALL WARRANTED PURE SILK forbidden, as the buildings are in a dan- gerous condition. The side walls d houses near Colchester were shaken out. The damage at Colchester is estimated at £10,000. At Colchester a child was Lilted, ...d a woofs s skull was fractured. The woman is in a precarious condition. There were many narrow escapes. The old parish church at LLngenh..e was de- molish. 1, and the pace I.M•.ts as .i it had been '' interdict'. An .n.,'; 1 at 1Yivaro • a .t•ed fr,.ot tert••r. The datu- oge the:- ..' ,unto t • £J,(V►'t. At ('mt. paha), a n.twher of schn..l girls rushed panic Mimeos into the fit ent, tow wail of them were crushed. IRISH OPINION. son tae MrwaMseea amid 'Bete Peaky -after Itialertlr Caudrons the instate. London, April 21. —The Paris corres- pondent of the nate has been interview- ing Patrick Casey, of the Mutifewr t ai- fermi, Junes Stephens, John O'Leary, Father nape and other prominent Irishmen. Casey 'strongly favors the dynamite policy. He declares it will t pr.baPly be extended to blowing up Atlantic passenger steamers and after- wards merchantmen. James Stephens condemns the principles and practices of the dynsmiters, and advocates armed revolution. A continuance of the dyna- mite policy he thinks means the certain death of the revolutionary agitation dur- ing the present generation and perhaps (offerer. it may besides lead to the ex- pulsiott .4 Irshmen fr,•m England. O'Leary di.apl.r••vee ^f the dynamite policy ..n the ground. tits it is ineape- AND client and .•i . er:nunsl (l,.aact,-r. He favors open 1.i•.411.•11 t n. ,r hetweem England and 1t.►-., be thouks w.1I1.1 give the Irish a chance tr. strike an Ohecked Dress Silks EiOc. TH $, oo. 75C Checked Dress Silks 7'r �.oRTH g WORTH° $1.25. g WE WILL SEND SAMPLES ON APPLICATION, luta (Ioo.l•t b�' Mail or Express. Goodis to sent �l' have received this weeknot proving satisfactory may be returned and money refunded. ue Ladies' jerseys in all Colors. Ladies' jerseys Beautifully Braided. ALS•► The New Turkish Crape, in Stripes and Plain; Being th.• Latest thing out for Sun in. -r ('ostuui, - I3_ W_ . 3:3RETI CZTR dz CO., I ' Brantfor.l, April 17, 1884. OOTO KNIGHT'S WOR A SHAVE, HAIR('I'T, SHAMP(lt ), OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAST Ot' 1'.0 AT THE CASH STORE. THERE IS CHEAP Crockery 8& Glassware, Lamps, BSC. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES ' Flouring Mills gbaeged to the gradual Reduction or Roller System. Will kcrp Agricultural Imptetnents on han•1. and do all REPAIRS on shun notice. .J. B. Rt'NCIMAN. R K. RU'NCIMAN i IRA N TFORD. Goderich Foundry. The undersigned. having pun hared the Cotlericb PLrndry and kiacLine Shope. and having put the same in good repair, will take contracts for Flouring .'hills, Steam Engines, Boilers, And other Machinery wan,.-'. All Kinds of Castings Made to Order. l:oderich, April u, deal. I■ G-ly COLBORNE BROS. narcissi received a large consignment of Cottons. Cortoeedea Deeks. ('heck Shirt - IOW and Tweeds at lower prices than ever. Call and see them. A splendid assortment of PRINTS now in Rock. RIO New Patterns to choose from. MRS. SALKELD Ua. u., ci pleasure .n a..ntosse tut that Inv Stock of Spring and Summer Millinery 1. no., oo-pasta and c.a•pri-.e aU the Latest Novelties in flats, Flower.(, Feathers and all kinds of Fancy Goods. Prices Low and 'Work Guaranteed to Please. A CALL SOLICITED. MRS. W. SALKELD Utstrrieb. April It lett, I1017•1ei Nucor/ear to miss Jean* N ilea. MILLINERY! MILLINERY ! hav• touch pleasure is a sesse.g to lb. La besot liedericb aad ricialty. that Our Stock I)/ .S,4rtng and Surnmer Mllltnery Id NOW t'OMPI.ETY. AXO COMPRIPEa A VARIETY tW Beautifully Trimmed Hats and BowMts, Comprising all the New- est Shapes. All are Cordia?ly Invited to Examine our Goods. feathers, Flowers and Trimming Goods "THE TORONTO HOUSE." t•!\\'r+t ,.Ida or t+.t,tar.• 'telt door to Rin.rh+•.i * Fruit Stu,. O.ateri. h. April 16, Itis 4 1\2Y STOCK or MILLI N ERVI I.nowc p:o., and 0.0 l.. t,•,e.•1:u. Latest Stvies and the Moderate Price MIS S G - t Finished Work al the Most A Cal' Solicited. THF: -ail \t 1 ATS-TA:E The Chicago ou se, Sr2'1.xig 77- s- imrrier Zti2i1i5. i 7 - One oft Most Corr filets .Slcx'ks .'/i ;,i(47-1(-11. LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. Miss 'Wilkinson's, - Chicago House. 6udcrich. April 16.111151. Ind TAILORING. J. C. DETLOR & CO. CANNED GOODS. IRe sure and set their Factory <'otton. We Tuve received our Sprig¢ Tweeds and Worsted Coatings, Serge' and Fancy Tr' userings in ail shades, which we stake up in Superior style -- i before buying. tire tk.w. Hogan declares that the Cheap and Good. tion of the dynamiter, is morally acrime, ac- politicallya blunder, and *wildly a ds- - aster. If the Irish tart fair play. Ireland in a few years will he one,./ the nt,.st prosperous countries_ in Europe. THE LICENSE QUESTION. eeev sea.tted t. take s.tle• I t.e tier- ll - Wawa the Weer. headers Goderieb. Feb. lath. Mt. MacCORMAC, Gl ire JI.:a aCall ! Cutter. withtate very lest trimmings as cheap as any house is ltsltrdo. G. H. �t■OLD J. C. DETLOR & CO. TIitak .f she Mesita. Th Ottawa, April 21.—On Friday the Government brought down copies of the correspondence between the Dominion ! Government and Local Legislatures re- 'peeting the McCarthy Act. The ate - respondence was'eked for on the 3rd of ! March and was in preparation until t Friday, when it was presented to the House in proper sheppee. The opinion of Attorney•Oeoer.l Mowat is that the power of regulating the matter dealt with by the License Act I,.Iongs ex - elusively to the Provincial Legislatures, I and he claims thea the right of the Pro- rinctal Legislatures, .4s --regulate the liquor traffic is incident to their power to make laws relating to municipal institut- i n.! this trot rennet be a nrarrenk He argues that the supposed expediency THE GROCER, e S,juan - Gotlerich Jan 1. rim. lit- AND NOW 1S THE 'FOIE To BUT VoUIt Spring is Upon Us 09N MacTAGGART Sozriet .ti .g Wanted_ WALL TINTS. - - KALSOMIME COLORS e'ISTe+ais 1tTaELT. In Every Shade. Ready /Hiked Paints. Penchen'. Cottage Colors. lied Cross grand. Ilea open,•.1 out a full line or Ladles and others can get the color they o require without a trout l al f mixing. Warranted to be Float -Claes in every resp•. . and ROCERIES AND CROCKERY. John A. Naftel's Hardware Emporium Fresh. f'Reep, and of the best bend.. -Chemist Ygat' YF:\t' I'IMl'P:S ?, Court ttuWS 8gere, (%•••ler ch` ._ : , ift1l�- FOVILE SEIME---BLL 'WOOL - Vegetable, Flower & Field Seeds. F. .14 at!ttN. at the Medical 11.' . 1.d. Inst opened out a fresh supply of Seeds, of all Kinds Fel. THE i:P,�t FRESH, RELIABLE AND WELL ORTED. FLOt7 E Z4r ons,' e� `sOCMcKENZIE of heeler uniform through -out the . 25 Laches Wide, at ?:, ('ant"—SPECIAL VALUE. roug with- I ♦ tbursngblr Tipped, Hatcher sloop in ^oa Dominion a law which it otherwise section. :q.iery and ('snot Me.t, pork, etc - create exclusive jurisdiction of the Po- or ever)s ,.ri.�, ITO ]MOTHERS OF FAMILIES 1 R. W. vincial Legislatures does not glee the , A caU re+pts • tfrlty solicited. Dwniniou Parliament say authority to JOHN l►1arTAGI:AR. (BICEN OF THE PADLOCK-) erseta unttermity. In a despatch the WdFenieb March alb. INC Ies'a" I offer a few pieces of DRESS GODS, suitable for Wrappers and — !j 1St:.\!►(Pt"AttTl:Rets F(►tt-- Outario Government expressed their mediate hen agree with 1. . uses ie in.- I ('bil•lren•.. Drosses, a1, ink., 12}c., ihe.. 20e. per ,'aril. STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE mediate hearing. respect to the cur.- I stituttc•na ity of TML 1.OMtittnil %T$TtTE, and requested that the Ontario Act should be allowed to operate aline until a decielon iiri,n the conetit'dismal ques- tion uer tion had been reached. The D.monion Government have a letter addressed by the Hon. .duh•, Norqusy, Premier el Manitoba, 1„ Sir Alexander Campbell on the 30th January last. in that com- munication Mr. Ns.rgwy said he tumid many nnwnrkable features in the Do- minion License Act, end that in his npintnn the subject nes oto that ahcu d he left to L••csl jurisdiction. Her►id:—' "1\e have in Manitoba a troy rtrin,tewt License Art . which hes been in operation for some years, end Is mnuch mom suita- ble to the . trc•,mstanees and r,.nditiow of our p.e••ple then is the lbnmin'ert License Act The adoption ••f the D.- ►utnee, Act, in Manitoba would be • i'r tr..gvade rather than a pr..ltessice move, et eT therefore 1 week' etnmlly urge n o interfere, co with Pooracial Irk slatieA, which has hesqq ae setiefeetory, by im- posing :nem \ranttohe a lir not suited t.. her I•.cs! r.goiretnents.' T. A 'iau.ltn and fanti:y left Lack new o.. Tuesday, for their Loma in Da- kota. a- kofa. outliill Nursenes.1 , Cotton Seed Fertilizer) 326 A.0141./3013_ TNE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION. Roderirh. Matreh Mb. 1161. - lie' _ SALESMEN WANTED To begin work at mire en Fall gales- :stead etnploymef.t at filed ..tarts to alt willing to work. RIM amid WSW tan have Plasm! ifirk tie Year Road. a teal ila..ee Sae Merely • N5.NMNe. applied. and F to a seeds sotweeds. It i. therefore very suiti able for wherry feed. aa nd towns. r seises John A. Naftel's Hardware Emporium With th Barbs Either Four or Six In rhes .l part. FtJ1.1... Lard' ICS Oa' Shovels and Gard Spades,Gardening Tools. Good ag.nt.are earsfag foto tlt0 to Y'• W' Oustom Shoe Shop.d03 B ---V -rrnth and .ep...e•a Al wt A Ft 1.1. ^Io..�K 11►' //T.rt-saad outfit fres. Address: I TONE .L WELLINGTON, The nn.irrstg stmt) las- Terumo Oat. eed wi.hM to remind the inlab11an1. rd (i..derltb and vicinity. that he 1. A L HARDWARE1 Prepared DEAD OUR NSW f3ThRY, "sus.- i TACE THE OtrTCARr." 11 is a thrill ing tate, tell of vivid Iael este and at.erbing Meta Dew'f tact to iwea It. Lw*atnii for The Ger. eif el Pre kisses1th.r. 11te t*es•et, Itandarsseat beat Welt ever meld Inc The .red rolling t cries.empire.blared profits to siesta AM Itieent♦e•sj lease went Itarm.. ran h. same • Surat. Teeing free. Address Hai.urr iktne en. Portland. Main.. IINE to gi.r-t{I.ferf dor, In xl-cis of Feet Wear, Made to Order, both Stylish and Durable. SEWED WORK A SPECIALTY Best Value in Kip and Calf Boots for Country Wear. 'tt.meinher the ad.tre,. Iril 1 - HENRY H. RINES, April tat. ISM. Itl.tpton at rest. Ooderich. S>r>10ciA. . VALV1� ZN Paints, Oils, /ass and Painters. Materials. SHEFFIELD 0TJ rLER'Y . R. eMCKENZ1E'S