HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-25, Page 3TETE HUROLI SIGNAL. FRIDAY APRIL 25, 1884.
Kllstaco, tho Oulcast
8)atal * aeeollia a &Lords tunas—Tea
lsaOT111110 tJlu aatu-- .A IIOL?M }rutins
Vsrf.saaaIT urrOatlanue Rob *ALM,
TI111 tiAnnaaarn.
'Oh, Kuataoe, what is the matter 1'
cried Lilias, as to great ataraw she started
up when the youth entered the ',Lateen.
'The matter,' he anew ere.' with a
smile ; 'why de you ask f fl.. 1 kook
queer 1'
den 1 imam you In that work r •eked
Sustaoe, eagerly.
"Assist me ' Ded I mould catch twee
all iuuuy tieli It 1 had • hauler. Be runts
there ud be aye ewe at satchin' Ashman,
but ye see this is a status up hen by
its ted', end I didua want t« bring •
neighbor fur Lilies' sake, though 1 ham
emir felt the want u' ane. '
"I will be yoor assistant for the pre-
sent,' cried Essteos. 'I cannot too
moue accept the reality of my new pesi-
te.or. All awful work is ruble, and this
Mee .. to be, the tint that Dome' to my
bawl . •
'Then that's settled,' • eclaiwel Wilt,
'Oh, I an sure see sthiug dreadful has iu n
a fetes of hove satisfeetiun. 'And my
happened,' said the fair girl anxiously, I faith, as happy we'll be the Other as the
'fur your eye is tn.ubled and the esprus I Jry is !aig.'
mhos of jour face is altered.' Suellen and uupremudrtated as this
'leagues, Mr. Grahame, Lilies is right.
Ye are cheyn;;ed,' observe l Willy, as he,
reseluuen was on the pan of Eustaa,he
stuck to it ; and on the following day se-
ttee anii..usly 'cretinism! the young cuwpauied N iily to the secluded bay be-
wast's face. low the cottage, end took his share in
'What Jul h„.k Els at all f asked the work of salmon fishing. It deemed
Eustaoe, foreiug another smile. 'Surely t„ be a favorable day for the pur},.,e',
you don't notice the Cain mark un say and they were pretty constantly engaged
bruw, for, though I ase au outcast, all 111 •bo t e% aid landing the net. Te
outcasts are not Caiis.'
Kustace the labor was Ix,th new and
And as he spoke the sluice merged ,oto arduous and in a few beers his soft white
an expression ..f ghastly hitterneee. Ilut hands grew sore and *oiled. At this,
that vanished in a ent, an.' was sue however, lie "illy laughed, and said that
seeded by a 10ok of fendeat tenderness they would semis Iwrdsu to the work.
when he caught sight . f the white face Days pained on and Eustace became as
and trembling furls of Lillie', wheel' he expert as Wily. Despite the immense
caught in his supporting arms.
'Nay, dearest, he fondly munuutod,
'do not let fear overtake you. The whole
usatter is, that my father, instead of be-
iag brought to resent, as we expected,
has cast me etf, f.. ' . i sin never
again to enter his presence, and all that
is his goes to my brother Randolph. He
bas this night expelled me fr..ni his
house, and all 1 have brought with uta is
the clothes i wear and—'
'(/h, Eustace, Eustace, exclaimed
Lilies, in a voice ,f agony, 'it is I who
have brought ynu to this. 1 am the sole
cause, and the thought will make ate for-
ever wretched.'
change it lits position Eustace was very
happy, for the love of Lilies lighted his
life with radiant sunshine. The exis-
tence they were spending was indeed •
very quiet aad secluded one. No nae
lived near therm "u the iter side, and
their fishing station was several miles
distant from any ether. A rnan :ane at
stated times with a cart to take away the
fish they caught,and he at the same time
brought their provismna, so that they
lived altogether apart front society, and
in the uninterrupted enjoyment of their
awn deep affection. Eustace did net
care to inquire how lung this pleasant
life was likely to last, or if it was to be -
darling. you have brought "Ie culue permanent for hue. There was a
is this ; but why should it make you certain independence in it which pleased
wretched 1 it is true i am disinherited, him. He and Willy were earnine more
but have I not gamed ten thousand times
than sufficient for the wants of the little
more than I have list 1 I have brought h. useh.ld, and he had never before
away with me that which far transcends known the satisfaction of eating the
my father's estate — my honor, and a bread and wearing the clothes whi h his
heart that has kept iia integrity. These
thanes my father would hays taken from
me, and because he couldn't, het has re-
venged himself by depriving me of a
mere earthly possession. No, my Lilies,
distress not yourself so. I hare brought
away from Bengarry infinitely more than 56s darted aside to ate hih. ( u the threat ,
ion. In the smile tit Irlus, li the over p y ed his mother, trennldmg violently. Yea
I have left behind -ea good conscience, a dewing of his gushing lore he ha 1 a rushed from the room. but he caught her Tee unparalleled audaaty 'tuck Ran -
lest heart and • breve spirit. I hhave round the waist and tried to bring his I d„Iph d•tllb. He stared at the speaker would not—would net weed(' nut—eosn-
satufacuon mud delgtht which the fes- mit s—a
tars. a .,r sever treses coun-
undress navel uniform, with a r,tae t:,
his has 1, she wee tor a ,n•,weut tt,r•,wn
into euafust..a, but ueg.ulIly re. +re e
horsed and MOO quietly las Let teat.
'Will you have the guuduwu o gree
me • drink of water, say pretty lass •
said Handel h surprised by her unsl-
peeled beauty and 'neaten m.,tueu. direettou.
Liliaa, who by uo means relished the 'Waiting an you, was Ralph's unmet!
freedom of the latter verde went with- rad rept,•
out a word Inc a glass of water, and in 'llet up and follow me then, and do
silence presented it. Randolph drunk it *emotion* for your wages,' rejoined the
off, Woking her steadily in ohs face all young boar, ea he walked hastily fur-
ther whtls. ward,
•What 1 he ubeerved, as hes banded Ralph silently roes, adjusted the half-
back the empty glass, 'hale you a..t nue tilled 2smu• bag rad fullowed at his own
wore for sore, my pretty fair nae' 1 am moderate pace, not deeming it -worth
not accustomed to sae such lovely lips while to earn himself to keep close in
sealed by edema ' Randotph's footsteps. The consequence pals.
'i ant not acoust.'.ed, sir, to hare was that the latter was soon a cutuidrr- 't1 by elem.,' you bare Ralph diachar•g-
He shook kis clenched hand in thesir,
bent •"t Ensta.-e owe (lewd look of cwn-
10t.atnl 113.1:,.:+, a .1 rushed true the
out lege.
•What are y,•u ly1ue there for, you
lazy . *imbued l • neared Randolph, whose
bursting rune suuptht rent is some safe
tee that nem - a sewn mord asps. re-
'You shall, Randolph,' said Mrs. One
hast, partaking of her sees teetmnq. '11
will get your father to under their ovie-
tiou fruni the cottage, aid you shall go
with the factor end a strong tercet to have
them turned out.'
'Clad, that's a small instaltuest,' cried
Randolph, his baleful eye gleaming with
vi,dictivo triumph. 'It will be setus-
thine to ase bis rage and leumiliatiun to
being kicked of the Cacti It meat tar
done tomorrow, mother. They shan't
harbor three another day. And there's
another fellow that must be Discharged
Ralph, the tpauekesper.'
Mrs. .lrshaue started and turned
such familiar remarks adJ*,need to me,' able distance in advance of the game -
said Lilies, oddly. keeper, who, with utmost sung frail took
'By Joys ' you can talk when you his pipe, lighted it, and began to
obieee. I supplier you are the charmer am oke.
1,1 h stn • u,rt at
the side, .d s clump of whit's, and after 1y -
gazing for 3 moment or two at wine i*), ray,' she hastily observed.
thing near his feet he turned around, Ralph is blunt and plain spoken, I
expecting Ralph to be immediately be- know, 1,ut hs swats Iso Kann . hs—
hind hiur. To his iuJes•ebabha asileer he—yvu moat tier with luta, and I
who 1 al captivated Eustace Grahame, ' .411 at once Kate v ppm •1
and with your spell teemed to solemn
sable. Cu,ue. ceufaw, now that you
didn't expect t.. remain in this humble
cottage atter you inteigled Eustace to
the altar. You thought to be treuaiated
ed ?' she faltered.
'Because he is an idle,
dent feltelty__lie _pie
impudeuce in the wood
I shell have him turned
drunk•e, iruo
we a deal Id
just now, and
ori tmmcdiete-
to the mansion, and live there in grand tie ohserveol the keeper. sete:al hundre 1 shall speak to hitt to be were resp.ect-
style as uty lady. Dida t you, now ; and yards back, jogging quietly forward as 1431,'
aren't you awfully Mortified at flit re- ! he inside the smoke curl scientifically
Randolph belled at hism"ther lcenly,
salt !
above hes head. and detected her agiratien
Lilies flushed crimson. an 1 it Ler 'Coif"and you, why are y•u loitering "d heavesu ! than it 11 true what
the mai says,' hu remarked. 'He u
your brothel, aid your father died a
'Hush, Randolph ; fer Leaven's sake,
hull,,' whispered tis mother, it, the ut-
111.4► tern K,
'It is true, then !'
'Yet, it is true ; but why lid Ralph
disclose the secret ! :f your father
cones to know lie will never setter the
estate on you. He will prefer Eustace,
notwithstanding his marriage.
'i kbow he well,' said Randolph, bit-
terly. but he roust uevet knew It. is it
known to soy sue else but this man
Ralph r'
'Not to souther soul.'
'Yet he may reveal it at any time.
He it not arta -to be depended on.
'I have lived in terror er,'r since he
found me out, said his mother. '1
don't thunk' he woullal reveal it when sob-
er, but lie is sat often drunk.'
'He mud be removed,' avid .Ran -
own labor hid provided. Net once did dulph.
his eye wander with envy or regret over fWnteved'' echoed his mother in
the wood and fields which he had been tearful, yet flashing eyes, as headvanced ;tris youth, 'you're an -idle, drunken
a step towards her. vagabond, and I'll hare you dtecharg- alarua.
taught to consider would one day be 6i• 1 w
thrust there erne a choking feeling of there t he shouted: 'arid h .w dare you
smoke when you are fuilowute cue
'11 you were a gentleman, sir, yu '1 likes a unlike when I am in the
would not insult one,' she returned. woods,' anawered Ralph tekiug his pipe
'Oh, ho, you are sulking,' be cried, from between his teeth as le made the
with a mocking laugh, 'you doa't know observation,
whu I am, I suppaee ?' '1)o you I i dire say you like to Jo
'I take you to be Mr. Itenduiph Gra- anything but work. What's that 1'
Immo,' she answered, bending upon Cunt And he pointed to a small opening in
a steady look of reproach ant' reproof. the clump n1 ehlus at his feet.
'Exactly ; and therefore, your brother- 'That's a snare,' replied Ralph, quite
in-law. You should not be so saucy to coolly.
'D— you don't I see it is 1 And
hove comes a snare to be set in these
grounds r
'Tho poachers have done it, I guess,'
rejoined Ra'pb, with utmost provoking
- 'Poachers,' ehtiutud Randolph ; 'you
ecuundrel, what are you paid for doing !
Isle t it your business to patent pa.ec t-
ime ?
we consider that it means that we are to 'Can't,' qui Ralph. 'they creep about
take one, so• in spite of nee'
'Leave me, sir,' cried Lnl:as. with •1 tell you what it u,' rejoined the fur -
50 near • relative. Come, give me a
kiss, and be pleasant.'
'Shame sir.' cried Lilies with a burst
of anger. 'I1 yea had not found rue
here alone you dare met be s•. rude and
'Oh,ho, the pretty et reit 6a.. g••t into
a rage, anti upon my life, auger maws
her look snore beautiful than ever.
Well, when we sailor are refused a kiss,
'Nut without my kin,' he exclsitued, oil_ , take' effectually out of the wily.
Nothing would have tempted him t" ex- His presence here is tow great a tisk.' ---
chanve his present joy fur their prowess• putting out his arm to grasp her. •Metter md,' teas Etalph'r laconic re•
d d h'�n, d'Merciful heaven ' Randolph... falter..
also a clear head and a strong arm, 441” 1 Sh' sere*, and struggled f 1 is a nth II in
se'aian ..t rank could net bestow, and t•.
and with your love to sustain me, it will dwell thus through all the years of in his grip, and resisted Cie attempt with I te11ancs, thee :n atone which implied
be Ilttdilldeed 1 I de not make • credit- indignant desperation. a doubt that hu ran had Je rived hien,
common earthly existence he was quite s
able fight in the world. Dunt you think content. kb, could the veil of the Suddenly a swift shadow crossed the , he gaped „tit —'better not, dad you
s', Willy ? future have teen lifted hetero him he window, a feria darkened the doorway. ! say r
'l'in shure o't, Afaister Grahame, I'm and in an instant liandolph's arm was Just my iJenti al remark,' answered have seen to what a very different
shure u't,' cried Willy, with great eitbu• wrenched from its bold, while with a Ralph.
career he as
h w destined
•ea, terrific fetor he was hurled into • corn- I 'You low, insolent blackguard.
s s + + s s
exa'ai:ued Eustace, '1 won't
have Mr- (irehatne from you any more. It was about an hour past noon, and
'A crime. 1)h, no, I have the means
of getting rid of hiiu without that. 1
suppose you have ne slue:imsh liking
for the fillew because he is your broth-
•No, he har ou;v been a terror to rte,
and 1 he ceuid he get safely out of the
sr, and went heavily against the stone I 'Now, then, you just atop that,' inter -
'All right, I tell you i here the
wall. ruptel the keeper. 'i d have you to
Call eue Eustace.' ' the sun shone down from a cloudlesssky. 'Oh, Eullaee, hula so tiled Tire have mind you're not on the quarter-deck
'Thank ye, I w ill if Ian mind,' laugh 1 Towards the edge of the wood which ceme,' robbed Lilies, es with Ry what moans, Iran tee n r
THE l eexe torero
joy she' just
ust now, • id that 1 ant t a sailer that's ,
ed Willy overheated the river came Rend01 ph
yank into her husband s arms. i taut to put up with your ulscraped ton-
'Weft, what says my little wife now 1' (Grahame, with a rifle over his shoulder, 'Cowardly dastard'' said the enraged I Yes. 11 a taken a deal of your jaw 1,e- rat m► :rTlvl'►n
elms and clew behind him was Ralph the ouch as he on the form of Ran- fore this, but I Il be lun>;ed if 1 11 plat up
dolph, who wet gathermg himself up with it any more, Berner as how i'nn as
asked Eutaw., holding the face of ! e y gazed
up to his. '1s sho still inclineu to mourn gamekeeper.
rand lament because my love Inc her has We have as yet given the reader no from the fiuur. q,;nd as ynu any day.'
description of Randolph, but we shall , The miscreant spoke not, but his face; 'Lay deers that genre beg end bar a,li-
now do so in a brief sentence pr twoe was distorted with at expression of from this estate,' reared itend.•lph. '
He was a well -made youth, with a proud fiendish nage and hale, and, grasping the stamping vehemently with his toot.
changed me front an idle rich man's son
iute an honest working null who has got
to ',her fur her and himself ? Will she
*tire me up and send hue away from her haughty air, not unlike Emtace in his barrel of his ride with hetet of his 'N„t likely. my young crowing cock.
tee menet W • Masa Woes
It may be i ntertMin' to the rade, to
know the *peel at e!ich many ducts fly
Jewel wind . T
Mallard, freta {� t.' itp mile an hour.
Itlack duck, from in to ate utiles am
Pintail, fees 1S0 t.. i .) tulles ata bear.
Widgeon, from lisi t.. SN 'des ea
Wood duck, from ii t.. 60 mules an
(iadwall, from 60 to ;11 miles ma
Ifedhea.1, fn on 00 to 90 miles an
Illi• wtisgtail, from llp tr !0S smiles an
Green wtnetail. trout 90tu 100anles an
Broadtail', from tki to II utiles an
Canvas hack, (tout 444 to IA) rodeo an
Wild genie, from sal t.. 110 guiles au
For the above tall 1 ant indebted to
Mr. D. W. Cress, an old desk sho..ter
and a careful student ••f the habits of
water fowl. 1 have net tlne slightest
Iresitar►oy in believing him right, for the
experience tit others %tth whets 1 have
*hot ducks, coupled with tuv own, more
than corroborates the asseeteeiv. When
1 hate held ahead of a string ,.f blue
bill, say at least ten feet. and kill the
teeth or fifth duck al the string, I have
been strongly impressed then the speed
they were flying was like the traditional
greased lightning, remembering that the
charge of shot left my gun (No. 4 shot,
say with an initial vel••cuyruf 1,800 to
2.000 feet per second. It will be seen
that lung experience and good judgment
is ncrewry to know where ts, hold the
gur tin order t.. become a geed duck
shot. -- [ Pittshur, Chronicle.
.5 e• Seturml.
it is natural for some people to be hilt
nus, (wing often a result of prculiar bili
nus temperament, which with high living
t.w• greasy fowl, inelisteatien 'rein inactive
liver. is the frequent cause. Thu rem-
edy, Alen.. all ethers. is Burdock Blood
Mitten. It is highly curative ter all
biliary complaints, and far better than
physic f.�r inactive ,'. ta1itions ..f the
bowels. 9
Use Pref. Lows Su' .hur Sea(, for
Prickly Heat, Nettle Rash. Seeley Erup-
tion. Itch, and all disease.( condition of
the Skin. lin
teemr hem..
"Alt ynor own fault
If you remain sick when you ran
t:et hop hitters that never host.
The weakest w.man,amallest child aid
sickest invalid can use hop bitten with
safety and great g...d.
end men tottering around from 'thee•
timeline kidney treub'e or any weak -
nesa will be 'linen new by using hop
My wife and daughter were made
healthy by the use of hop bitters and I
etwominend that. to my people. ,t,th.o-
eilist Clergyman.
Ask any `wed .tor-tnr if hop
liltters are not rtes beat faintly sed.. one
Oft earth.
Malaria! fever, ague nod Biliousness,
will leave every nr:ghM.rho. d as soon as
hop bitten arrive.
, My 'nether ilr,yw the parslysir sed
neuralgia all out ..f her system with Lop
bitten.'—Ed. Oswego :leo
Keep the kidneys healthy with hep
bitten and you need not fear sickness.
Ice water le rendered larniteas an 1
more refreshing and re. iving with 1101)
bitters in each draught.
The vigor of pent' for the awed and
infirm in hop bitters.
uletructe ns of the Stomach, Liter,
and Rowels, are promptly temo'rd by
National Pills. m
A Rad ease 's r *lac•`GODBRICH BOILER WORKS
nerve Tu are the lungs s bby a lack ••t vital
food contained in pure air. It the lungs
aro .-ta.trunted ley odds, remove the ac-
cumulated phloem with that safe and
pleasant throat and lung remedy, Hal-
yard's Pectoral Balsam. 2
back to my Inst inheritance e' features, but the expression of his hands, he *prang tuwards Eustaee, nim'' I ee tuaybe as good a tack to the estate' rctrelesm. thwellall atths.tatbtr.
de that,' murmured Lilies. 'but 1 we , 11'hilo the face of Euetace was Lank, blow. would make your chance of reline it a it stent* to Ire frequently referred to
hal layer met you would net have been open, and good humored, Randolph had The tatters quick eye saw the inter- tecious small one.' 1 in the Bible, though i.1 trap Chemistry
P, p , is mach ol»: tired by bad tnmhatiens.. .
made an outcast.' a surly look —a sensual, selfish, sinister tion, and letting Lilies elide swiftly, yet The fellow's drunk,' ejaculated Ran ' Many things hecnme comprehensible 1
'Nor would I have known what a' expression, indicative of a tyrannical safely to the ground, he closed with doh+.
glorious and precious thing love is,' h• 1 and revengeful nature. Ili. complexion Randolph ere he had time to strike, ton 'SOL :t nit ..f MO.'rejoined, with flushed cheek anti sparkl-' was sallow, his eyes small end grey like the rifle from him, and, with a strength ,you are. „Emil, for yon se
den 1 em
1 his mother's, while his dark, CLAM hair porn of bas terrible wrath, he snapped it to kis ow who I am. or remember who
'And though our mare .,g0 has coat cane far down upon his brow, and was in tun, as it it bait been a reed end you are
you a pa
regret it r she said in a half•serious, disagreeable, almost villainous aspect, In the whirlwind of his fury Randolph lore.I knew whn yon are 1 I'll tell 1 trent' and might have been seen try
ha .11414,11): us and his centemlour•ry, Clement t
given way tot host imps sago rrlle di ttd to a ports house, tittd tem ytln7 the saw ti. •+ a tat
b ark that "ever cue shall
' %h, Emtacs, you know 1 mold not countenance was altogether different. { ing the weapon tet deal him a murderot's as yvu lure, suds went of my mouth'
we take the generic term salt, and apply
it to petroleum and its residue, asphalts.
Iwet's wife, if convened into a pillar of
coronion salt, would have been washed
away by_tbo first shower of rain . but a
pillar of asphalte, even as a memorial of
home and an estate, you do not rted in the middle. This gave hi11, a flung the pieces on the floor. There you are wrong in iu.th,particu- I her, would have been an endunu2 n,onu•
Have shoo Knit.- 1 a larlfe stork of
dew Salt Pans and Boilers
huts on shortest Notice.
Mail onlcr. for new work and(n-pale will
receive prompt attentton.
Works near (1. T. It. ;nation
t).rlerieh, Fete es. 1Ss+t.
114 1
If playful tune. and h:M whole air and bsarfng were re- was but a child in his hands, and hal he , of me, troth f
you. You area grouser of a cobbler ” wh declare tlut Ir1111 t s � to b fl K owl i s
`CaA yea doubt (hat fume lore is strung pttlsiv• ether than atttactiye, -- M ' tae e,f his i !S also 1 1 mob Ilte [etlt }u� jr'j GU Il G j�1►J[•�l
enough to stand such a test G he return- ; 'So that's the cottage. a it r he re- the hatter would have had the venomnus uncia, Ralph. Now, what do ynu think, y I 1'e salted
ed, gravely and seriously. mukeel, as he came to a standstill on the life instantly crushed out of him. But of that'' I !
'No, Eustace, no, i do not doubt it,'salted with l t,” 1 see a meaning only
brow of the eminence. even in the midst of the tempest the .You sail; see what T thick ..f it whose 1 when I recollect that, in regionscomtain-
ake ardently exclaimed. Our lore is Ye.,' answered Ralph, 'that's theself-control if Eustace did not utterly I got up to the, house and see nay father,' i ing petr•deutu, sacrificed tires were fed
indeed higher than all archly feeling* cottage ; 'and yonder he is himself catch- desert him. and he had already check- said Randolph, turning on his heel and i with this fuel to aid the burning In
and influences, yet I cannot forget that ing salmon with Willy Somme+elle.' h t f h Rand 1 h W th walking haex ty y like manner, when Matthew likens the
for me you have sacrificed so much. You .p,,,, my Ido, but he takes his (La-
mest feel it yourself.'
with fire, and every sacrifice shall be 141 .: t, �... t. i.1 .
•d the mutia.n e• Randolph a lot; away.
earth when Lilian come clinging t.. his 'Hellos, my bantam,' cried RIO after
gradation with amusing quietness. Of arm. - him. 'Take 'y *deice and! see pair
'i do fee! it, Lilies,' he replied. '1 enure. the country Heber still keeps her 'D,, not hurt him, Eustace--pray. dee mother first or you'll be sure to. put your
feel it as a terrible venlig se an unpar- charms fresh for him, and that's the not hurt him, but let him go away r' she foot in It.'
wilthing which breaks his neck to the yoke. pleaded. , was ..n fit to be trodden under the toot
Before Randolph hall got t.. the Amuse „f man Now salt never does hose its
de cf
blessed, first to salt, and immediately
afterwards to a lightest torch (1.• , and -
les, as translated. were then unknown`.
i nee the connect in his mind. He
just said that salt which hal Coat its savor
alloled act of injustice. Sly soul rises
against it in earnest indignation. The
very consciousnen of my own integrity himself. Couldn't he hare kept it
makes it the more iniquitous in my eyes. ' quiet, for the dullest idiot that ever
it is not the has i feel. That i can (teed might have known that the gorge.
safely bear, but it is the thought that my nor wasn't to be got over to a thing of
father uta enslaved by pride and sinful the kind. Will, i have no cause to
ambition as to perpetrate such • wrong. complain, for it gives me a lift to the
I can no longer cherish • eon's feelings perch that i`ve long had an eye for. I
towards him. He has crnehd all regard ; hope the old chap won't be long in fretting
out of my heart, and henceforth I can into his last berth after he trete his wilt
think of him nnly with a trembling, yet
hitter sadness. Bert let es speak nA
more of these things. This is our bridal
day, and we esn be happy in spite cf
what has taken plane.'
'That's rieht,'/eried Willy. 'Dod, 1
dines ken if I'm a bit eased *boot the
matter. 'A saaw's a man Inc a' that,' and
vs am tea times * better an thetUieht
than ever ye wee utile heir o' Rengarry.
As for saline yer bread there's no fear Randolph strode down the slops and
o' that, h oe aruppw
it should he at sal- made for the cottage. (Alias moa within
At the sight of a stranger in
What a precious fool he has ma
made, so that i may take command upon
the Tension, and go it like • jolly dog.
111 just step down to the cottage and
have a peep at the wench whose char's
have ruined Rename and iwrw:tht me in
triumph into port.'
'Von fellow,' he called aloud over his
shoulder, to Ralph, 'stay where you are
till T return.'
And without limiting for art answer,
Alb ins.' and alone.
'For her sake and my own self resl+oet
i span you !' thundered Eustace, 'but
dare to show your hateful presence here '
again, and, by the heaven above us, your ,
relationship shalt not sate you. There 1
is the door—go ; and be thankful that
you have unbroken end)* to go with,
for had the insulter of my wife been
any other but the Genof my father I
would have crushed him to pieces as i
would crush a venomous reptile in my
Randolph slunk silently towards the
door, but at the open threshold he turn-
ed with a look of diabohoal vtndictive•
nem on his countenance
'Yoe shall yet repent this,' he hissed.
'Ry all the fiends, but i shall have re-
venge for that blow. Regard me hence-
forth as your remittal mosey. who has the
will, sad will seek the power, to obtain
a terrible renews!'
he had resolved to follow Ralph's sig- savor, and is ',ever fit to he trodden un-
•ler fart. But petroleum does lose its
mama by exp.aure, and, out of the re-
sidue, the ancients used to make asphalts
pavements as they do at the present day.
{Sir Lyon Playfair.
creation. lest their should be any truth In
the wi1,1 statement. He theref.ere
roueht the drawing room and found his
mother then by herself.
'Randolph, what is wrong I she snit
iously inquired. 'You appear to hare
had something to rex you r
'I have been nearly murdered by Eus-
taco,' he suddenly answered.
'Mont/red by Benue.'. Where 1
'In the cottage when he fives wilt his
salmon fishing brother in-law 1 went in
to have a kook at his retitle wife, and
found her so ,realty that i couldn't help
asking her for kiss. The wench was
ae haughty am a Lichen, and retuned,
wherenpon i was about to take what she
wouldn't give, when Eustace horst in
like a tiger and felled me to the desert('.
By hest -ens, neither, 1'11 have revenge, stone
bas's Ise wady.
Mary',e„pl., are troubled with giddi-
iddyness or dimness, which is generally a
Bien of dinrdared dieerstion er unequal
circulation Burdock Blond Mitten re-
*terra the digeatt.0 powers, promotes a
healthy etrculatien of the vital fluids,
allays nerveue irritation, thus curing
headache and giddinese 2
beam'. Il $d Light wtea
is the only instantane•eus relief Ger Neu-
ralga, Headache. T.wohachs, etc. Rub-
bing a few dro,s briskly is all that is
needed. No taking nauee„am mehc,nee
Ger weeks. but erre minute's &pphcatins
ermoves all pain and will prove the green
valet's of Knott m Fluid i.ishtniner. 43
cents per bottle at tavern Rhyne' drag
TOH.1 C'C'O, C'1 God 1t S, (o
Ilorneelle sad Foreign Fruits.
1 Tsten of the pleat Bramde.
Fresh and gmnked stall Water wish la aeasuee,
A full •,«erns.-nt of all kende of Nuts.
eq....v. served la *eery *eye. ineestred. 1
11'E a'f.E.431.g 1A' SE:IvnV
MMoral 1►".igns. Wreathe. ('nese., itnueeets,
rt... made to urler.
rlewersma rums a Vegetable. 1m e+a.a•.
1113Ii11PTA1:7 Rb N T
Corr t 1f (nes.- it in ere, Onderieh, Oat
Doe. Is, left. 1fR-Imo
ry omen. Crwhh•. Mork. R Inaetos sL, Un4,
Arlo. Mama and spondee. ion• drawn correct
ly l'arp'nler's' p laaterer'.}rd mason's mark
eneseured anti valued.
for the working Mesa. Pend 1e Ma
for puetaaru. and we will mail res
aims, a rot al, valuable fres of saw
of evade Mat will pat you In 1M
way of making mere mosey in • few dav• than
ynu ever tho,ght pom.IMe e' aay busters. no
tweital required. W• e Nl Mart you. Yon cam
work all the time or In spare timer amity. The
work le unit ,•really adapted to Ibeth from the sere%
Tonne anw d old. Yeeau essay Mill ars.
1.. tt every er ening. That all Irks went west
May 1NI are bn.itiewe. w,• nuke this enpmrwl-
treed offer . in all whn err net well sattdemt N
sant wad et In pay for the trouble of wrttist"
•a. Full panlenlera. diretekows. ere., tont mai-
roll wawa will be wade by thaw ',bogies their
whole tIme to 1110 work. (1 1'reeves alms
Iwtety sore. 10001 delay. saw. AtWwm
& Co , Poe deed. ante, 1�