The Huron Signal, 1884-4-25, Page 2e At pr'ae the t husk Mau her 1 sutb the The Sty Tis, Aal w..s A. 1 i1 r. 141 And Wh Ms! The The The Tar 7'I,e The The A 11ort V Per. Joe'. -A A td ;say. Nut And' 11 Jui 1 lie ' Ilett tL 1 o>rr It Poutl A ."Rh • ()l,' u It' v fa At thea l'„ tout: f I.t I ,1 t M..vi .I.1*. read M:,Iw 8 ..ie the May tactor ,lohi Acht ti1n 1,0111 reel ed b twee as PT read drawn afire - or IV' fume bons rod. wet( lege( 1111111 Mrs. diger $lit ; secti work untie cil the 2 1'A 11 it 011e, 4411 t(w I liver edy, Bine bilis' pity' bowl (gt ball, n ion 1net. ROM( fie for a and 'try 1 tie, t ter • inedi stem tome your abos talo Loot of 11 vdie and Th• 0111110 15 •er -a to told l Ia t.1 si1M Mold 20 OLD ALBION'S CHIMll8. w a• aid ream wade tie appeaewaee ae "To du leggin and 1011111.111 is ■rare u vatM.ip tier revelling soap a Iwo aoaptable to the Lord 1MM 1P11 ." tasnarless. says an old Jewish en Iseed Ir this wise nit whew they•iolate the letter of the law its seder to ere -cute its rt. A lady responds S it as amen es breaks a nth' of etigtilette, that she may Dago the Maher kw ut kladoesa The lady who presides over • certain aristocratic family in Washington is famed for her perfect masuere and strict observance of social etiquette. Herdin- nen are faultless for their dainty and ex visite style, and s great guest always feels a glow of pleasure when be is invit- ed to dine at firs. L- s. hams chimes that tell a thousand rales, I three upon a tone a distant relative of Sweet Wilmot (sides time. the lady, • young :ran unaocwtumed to nd ruag • thousand mswories at vesper and at prints. I the ways of society, received an invite- For1 bridal sod at burial tion toor w a dianar parry al tie grand house. cottager and king. bochhsme, theglorious t, (Artist chimes He was bashful ane •wkwark and made How bteseedly they r1..g. I more than one blunder before the dinner iovee. chimes of Motherland , hour arrived But when the guests were With all thesoul of none. seated at the table he thought his trials or red New the Lord that I sin •pr(irg ad like a.oat 1 watt for Ivy Cs.w err over, as each guest would be tie,lold o:nrlbh thee. busy with .e serious business of eating That Ir land's glory teat.. n. observe hini. 'or she is blessed of 1 e Lord, Soup was served, as usual, and he was Fur you. ye 1'Lrutiaw belle. I actively plying his apron, when, to his These verses attracted considerable idismay, he heard the young man sitting totice at the throe of pubhcstion, and dne Vere by many Canadians treseured as a fraceful tribute to the mother truantry rom a native -Morn American. The poem was published in book form along with a it as I do ollectien of Bishop Cox'* ballads and The hostess was sitting directly across a. To the surprise ins Englund and Amen- the table from her rustic relative, and,as a admirers the surprise bishoprous Gnu- he dropped his spoon in coufusiuu at his Ital. admires of the bshup's writings, neighbor's rebuke, she gracefully lifted her spoon, and, to the intense relief of the youth, put the end of the spoon to , r THE HURON SIGNAL FEAT. . APRIL V2.1884. 6.44 wreediwilb les theear 1840 them appeared in the ,w York Glewschasant, • poem wntten Bishop Cox, of Western New York, titled "The Chimes of &wised.- Toe .w mu e daises, the eligaiolief µyeriand, a teustslri Sema rad at out hem taws ante Ivied :ewer A thousand years have 1.111 ; ..w `tonus must their mimic be; As Mesas their bellowed day. n(1 ringing with • seraphs ,rice, A winos up to pray. • Ins oweMew. As a drawing fur all weettaer of flesh wounds thew is nnthung better titan Hagyard's Ydw la Oil. t a1 I leansee.alla heat psis, sebdres ioAamand tnetrou aheals wiliest a gear or *farness d /M parte injured. It is equally veluabie as a pais remedy for talented get` 2 ass 4. AMeetaa oat. •welas -- a flaw ( his by owe the dander* circulated by Tories against Mr. Macke.ai s' (iotesw- ment, and charges ,•f mismanagement hurled against the lase Premier, have been exploded. The steel mil slander was thoroughly exposed and refuted by Handford Fleming in his evidence before the Pacific Railway Commission. The "water ctretches ' hate been adopted 1.y the present (iurernment, and now Sir Hector Lngevin has beau forced to evil - fess that the Lake Superior pert of the Canadian Pacific Railway 1s to be at Fort 1 'illiun, mad that a port wit of the money voted for Port Arthur pier is to be spent in dredging the bar at the mouth of the Kaminieti1ula Kiter. Tune brings its revenges, and now Mr. Mac- kenzie has the satisfaction not only of smite; the charges that were made against his Administration thoroughly refuted, next to tum whisper. as he nudg but his opponents have been forced to him : adopt and carry out his pulley in all iw- "Dto't dribk your soup from the end portant respects. -(Globe. of your spoon ! Drink from the tide of maseii P►.re.. Dollar' upon dollar is frequently spent oa tow taltbtbtsof aretwwteadatteas for arucals erureiy worNet w with Mutire orR t<psadr Gree . )er are not aced to purchase it wind store it. aterlisa a proves. Qallat o. K►rani drys d got a bre refnl hold. and U wt ooa- vutceddit will Deur yea o ft the worst torso sl lyrpepeu• 1Jverassn/Istat. eta, Saran eof tld bwalk. Ieeg darn:* sin t iroelaM frau a In son sad ewe M est {•ersew la roar own Www. lut he supplement to the April number of Kon- Beds contained the exact words of he poem set to mune under the title 'The Chimes of England." The fact He had the wit to turn to the disco's, - hat the outer page of the musical sup• filed young man who had w openly re - Annuli bore the legend, "1Yenls by buked him, and, in a whisper loud Augustus (irecille. Eel.,' aroused the enough to be heard across the table, ex- tuspiciors of • gentleman living In the claimed :ity, who at once communicated with u Rev. Dr. Cox, forwarding a copy of the perien:es melt away like mist before the tong. In reply the Bishop states. "The the hostess ' convincing merit of Putna n's Painless has beet included in on publish. J t Corn Extractor, and now when thousands ed volumes here and in England for "1 u may use your spoon as you please ' 1 .ha!l follow the example of that house a rule ( eti- quette was .et aside for the sake of good breeding. - 1 Washingtonletter. ■laid ugtst■tag. There are but few that have never suffered almost Intolerable pain trona Tool acbe, Neuralgia. or like acute tains. To them such an instant relief as Fluid Lightning is an nm told blessing in time of trouble. No dlagus Ing. offensive medicines to be taken for dare. One application of Fluid Lightning cures. Sold at O. Rhyne. _'n. crowed wIsb emcees. Success has current value the side world over.' It breaks down every bar. rier and holds the key that unlocks every door. Prejudice, the result of many failures, and the memory of painful t ramose alw(/.mM• When Poison's Norville, is teed fur pre. It matters not of bow loud standing it way be, or how often other remedies have failed to agent relief, Nervihne, the great pain cure,does its work `prompt- ly. Buy • 10 cent sample Mottle, and try a fur internal or external pairu You w111 be, convinced of its extraordinary n,wer in relieving pain. Ten cent bot• poem Y I For Daae: in t :lea at Jas. Wilson's. Large bottles 25 COW!. fit+' ARA a NOTOX , D.C.. May Ibth, IItt10. (:xNTLritxN- Having been a sufferer 439REIAT BARO AINB FOR OA81-1 1 W_ 3_ R1:S3LE Y , IN TNN PITOPLt$ nom. OODtI1l'U. r sew tipertag meat A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF NEW (1001)8 _-_--:OMP 1g1NO--- READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS J PULL LIN10 OH' .TAP gip. Liyu Owe `sOODSee la ; 111.5. W bleb be is prgarad to sell ('beeper Ihea she cbsspeM C+RAND CLEA RING SALE ! - The subecrlber is also cteartng off the --- Remainder of His Winter Stock at RealtDiscount Prices. OVkltl'OATrt pre. lowly sold for $$ and Ito can now be 154 fur 44.:i<asd p respectively s''ITINO l'141TIIM, which r (runt sir 10 ih have hewn reduced to fruits Mit. to ler. and other hoods in propurtcwt. 1' and arse: lbs (*tads and Pnrw whet 1* r }or bus or not. IF YOU WANT BARGAINS :'ALL AT "TUN PUS/PUN t.TU8L' OudericbjFeb. td, 114. W_ H. RIDLET, Per. Ktsgstwat. and Kivars HUGH DUNLOP • for a long time from nervous prostration fashionable Tailor, snot general debilill, 1 wan adaise'1 le try H" Bitten. I pare taken one set- tle, and 1 have been rapidly getting bet- ter ever since, and I think it the (test medicine I ever used. I am now gaining strength and appetite, which was all gone, and 1 was in despair until I tried your Bitters. I am now well, able to go about and do soy own work. Before taking it I was completely pr•'stratel MRs. Alam, Sti ART. a taages.g "There was a laughing devil in his sneer," and consumption in his cough. Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam could cure the cough, but nothing the devil. This Balsam pommies wonderful properties for the cure of all kinds of lung and throat diseases. L A. Miles, of Burleigh, Chit., had been troubled with • bid cough fur six months, and could find nothing to relieve it until he ikon'. P ,nary Lot a tuittl• of lye. Cherry Balsam, and the second left hit(. entirely cured. are willing and glad to testify et its{•.on more than forty year+. it might be well K h derful etlicieuq, it goes f. nth cr..au eil to enquire who and where is Augustus _ with the .uccess thrt • my real merit Greville, Esq. 1 fancy he is of Utopia neat To M. attains. Buy I'utnaut•s Painless Corn and wrote poetry in the (*reek Katona* It troub'rd with an nnhealthi, slow -:salivas Extractor. Beware of uuitanoms. N. McIF 1 k ' l'srMdic l'eve'e e in and cont •i,' % of A. M. 20,1100. In the 'chime* sepal. sore nr . e t.r ar ' a „ proprietors, inlays: n You soft* find*? It.aalwMr for hraltnK. cleartr l'. P {sort . ( u. L*bed ire Boo. /kti.., .aur single word u I n•motiga 7"tar trouble. altered. All the rest is identically my Iftttu• Blood is out of order. take with it a few cwn. if the name he nut merely mule dn.es of lttiin'sttr'" :=p.r'vty l'un• t°°'' 'Why should swan whewblooa is w,.rui up because an red as has no right moiKe _7wst "mama"- within gmntis sin of England as a son, the whole : Freaks of fly,KdSit ke his Taas. ire cut in al;tlaatryg t 1 h thing is unaccountaL Ir. p 1 It would a -- Or let his hair grow rusty, scat: and it . p „g• pear from the etateni'•mt if the Bishop!A signboard, marked "six miles to Whea "CIMOAa Lgaskgytiwswiliest • I:ncr C3 cents at all druquh.e m that Mr. John Dick a11 publisher of Boer' . ontg emery Ala '• was found in the g.ruw the faster. For sale by J. tt t! A B&Nasa's. Te'riwoN" - For a Cough, Cold ..r any Bronchical affeeton. i `Pretoria•" in my opinions, Is just. the ' thing. I have used it in nt-y family for Cough. and Colds for the fast four years with the t unvaried success. and to- day any opinion of it is that I continue • think still more of that which I he;att th+..kine well of. Geo.K-eaa, Manager-TKtti •io Basra:. WEST STREET, Has the Finest As ortulent of (oods for Fall Wear to ('hoose From. IP' YOU WANT A Nobby Snit at a Reasonable Price, ('.11.1. (1 g1Gg DD NLOP_ lithe, has bee") iuriwsrA on by a gentle- tuountnin after the tor:oado, 250 miles son 2m untgomrry. alit • The a tartest medical wend(( the } k gentleman liriehtw,ad, Ind., oat t.fe•imN•cwsera Mils world. Warranted t.. .tce.iily cure • *meager M man p eseased of ret aro ani'tttinn titan fr,fol • N origin BOOTS AND SHOES At the Oldest Established:Shoe Store in Town, In Endless Variety. MY tt suit the most fastidious and di most economic buyer WINTER STOCK Is now t•oniprete, ant I take pleasure in inhrn.ing ley rust...tiers that at no pre v sous time have 1 had such a Large & Varied Stock :1s at present. I have mise: the Standard of Quality ai,il 1. -meted the Price, R.rete.•s Andes Mlte. it is a positive fact that no such ' alue in foot sear eau beg• t elsewhere with • child up,n each knee during the That i..tai?r •g toy to t Staple wager t..ea e. Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Clcars, Salt Rheum, ___.. recent cyclour. The house was demolish- lot thou.>nts 4y not. uta many of their Fever Sores. Ca tarn. Piles. Chi161ainsl i A very touching: description of a need- el and the ratan killed, but neither of the dear ones from an earl grate Truly p Conte. Trttrr, Chaplaxl, Hand*, and all ' Dr. King's new Discovery for Cunstima- Corti E- otions, guatal Haeed t, carr in all of every grade still receives toy prompt and careful attention, and will be made n} a erten r:-tancr,..r nnoney refunded 35c I in the most appr,yel styles by tint -class workmen, end rr ;a .. For le by 1. Wilson. V. I 'of the airy best material obtainable. las how** Me/WANT WA,. Si err.- CUSTOM W ORS. ern maple auger catnip appeared some children were injurei weeks age in the ,-olumne of the Fret' Dauirl Watson, ••f Rockingham, N.C., Prem. The writer ..:aa diseppeinted at - Leta his gun near the head of his bed. finder} the sap gather.d it patent buck- ! When be was found after the storm, his f 1old-fashioned 1 h a l n discharged 'nil the entire tion, Coughs, Odds. A -Chia k. Itr.nchit , Hay Fever, Loss of •tiicr, Tickling,: in the Throat. Pain in Side seta ('hrst,or ems instead " in the gun a peri ( any disease of thr Tnroat and Lein:.... trough and boiled n a patent ev*p.mttrr charge had passed through his body. 1 imitative cure. Guarantee:*. Trial R..t \-'' .n'a Dm/ Large set on a brick furnace instead of its tete Nenr indianap:.lis a h"rae and bug- this free at J. 1st old black iron kettle of butte dimesienS •containing two going sixe 11.00. bobbling over a great hickory tire. The 1 the storm were separated, thebuggyhe- I• wnter must hate hero an old fogy in- 1 in{ hl"son thruulh a fence, leaving thi deed. for the *tocafled modern camp he' hose, in the street. Neither the men speaks of has long since given say to I nor the a 1 was injured. the still more recent methods "f waking IA cheat lodged in the yanl of Mn. maple sugar. One of the tinge: maple t sugar camps of the west is situated right Coatis Fitter, near Wheeling,'1 . \ a., here in Detroit. The camp, whicI,when I which, an►ung other thinga, c,ntsined first started; occupied one room in the I many letters that had been written whi,e basement, has now extended over the' the writer was in tate army. and were ad entire underground floor of a large dressed to his sweetheart now his wife). building. A reporter, on visiting the I P e owner of the chest lived in Industry, maple grove, found the horny -handed I ----- - farmers hard at work sugaring elf. Great Robert Wilson W jolt ',tired to Md - barrels of the poorest sort of Cuba sugar,' when the wind struck its home at Mone ` damp, dark and clammy, stood in the ingham, N.C. Ins clothing lay upon a cellar, like exec -Mel Cubans with their; chair, and in his vest was a gold watch. heads uff. Shallow cop per tanks sine 1 He was blown out into the garden, and mercd over awl fires. 1 his watch was found hanging by the 'Yes,' said the bronzed agriculturist, idiom in the top of a high tree near by. 'new is our busy seawu. N e use up it was still going. several barrels of Buse.vads sugar a day. We dump the sugar into the loans and wasa+ral=•ab' stir it up with hot water. Then we add Reader, if you are troubled with pain, the sand and ground leaf and twigs ' weakness, weariness rad a dragging feel - 'I don't t wig,' .said the reporter. 'What ing in the small of the back, with thick ground leaf do you tee, and why 1'--h colored -slimy urine, thew you 'Oh, we get ms ole leaves aitd break have alarming signals of danger. 0 'em u . Nothing pleases a man so much ebould resort to Burdock Blood Bitten, 0 as to find a bit of maple leaf or a snap's- ilm grand kidney regulator and blood ed tar twig in his I p . if maple sugar ' Old liver cleansing tunic. $t•.re. (t; An attreesh-r, safe and clte:tual remedy D0WNG- W reiuvseall kinds of :vireos, n► _ _ MONTREAL "LYMAN" BARB w LI E 'FENCING. iia., CING• First Friar again at lea Provincial Slow. Prize awarded for Wire as sold on the Spool- not ter the fence. Very largely used t n all the principal railway lines of the Dominion. • For sal • he J HN .1. % A FTF:1.. ('heap Hardware Emporium. Coderich Tt 0 33 'And thesandr 40 'Oh, well, sand is cheap enough atiil sate awry ever. „ ( helps big in weighing out the chunks Pain banished as it by ntagic. i'olson s I m Peoplo are sort ..f educated up to expect-' Nera•ihne is a psitive and *limo( instar*- ing sand in their sugar. • tanenus remedy for external. internal or n 'You use reel maple sugar to site the meal pains. The most active remedy O flavor, i suppose 1' 'Bless yin, no; tlwtt's the old•ttaliva• ed way and it's iitpivaire Now, we bars Aaveriug extra -t in them earb.ys, 1 nal use. Buy a 10 cent sample bottle at • we son tart utast an „ %t' y brand of Ipaple.jilanu'a. Large books 2i cent,- ar that s cal't- I for.' to boy ass la•lliug out the dank Tbew.d•Rey lie. looking fluid into molds that held about ! T. W. Aitkins, Girard. Kan., writes : 1 a pound each, tonne meld% held tireO lbs. ! •1 never hesitate to recommend your 0 Another poured the more liquid stulT in- I Electric Bitten to my cstatmers, they m to cans Iabele'1 : 'Pure Vermont Maple riar- atttrn ettidactinn and are rapid Syrup ;beware .d nuitat'wma.' 1 sellers.' Electric Bitten are the purest '1 suppose you •.• I the most of it tut land hest m.,lie;ne known and will pati - the c•ty hers r tirely care Kidney and i.iver cunplaints 'No, very lit il, The greater leo t Purify the blood and regulate the bowels goes t.. fanuri - •. the et try, elm Ne familv can afford to lie without them ri bng it in again i , 'area wagons an.1 sell They will save enndred% of dollars in it around lite atrec'S 11 hooses where the doctor's hills every year :old at wet.. pe....I..Ill..nla:.ateeh. 'e'n• alte•Ie.ated a battle by J. Wilson hitherto known falls tar short of Nervi- 1 r line fee potent power in the relief of g nerve pain. (*.pal for internal or ester• XI2 T11 1 1 . t't , who don't I.ur ft"m he tegnlar .t„r.• ' i The Canadian ';'.. Why amber from eget o. pro.trwtion. 1 L This is the .t,. r tern utapl.• *tate when you can buy • 'guarantee 1 cure at camp. N, me ..r Le, ..r.• g 11 a Wilsons drug atom 1' -_ _. _ -.. -_ trait Free Press _ A Rxwasn-Of one dozen "Trani: r q T LAS D 1_''. IL. 3 - TONS_ 1 www for (lie teKiK. Ry" M any Dry aendit•Y thea hest :'air 11 le la generally t1.. hre: doom to case .4 rhyme on "Tttaaesev„- the remarkable an injury, but a .tortor trona always little ••o•", f•,r the Teeth and Pat« Ask respond to the call. 11 you have Her• roar dnl,-:est or address. yard's Yellow the at hand. Y." hS a ..it this .tse•wt el tree year then: should reliable remedy fur all w..tttnts, inanity* he a bottle of Pectoris iso every house. and pale. It has ...ted lift when • it is nnc.ivalleri for Caught Cable and d.•ct..1. had altand..ned lolls. Keep it ready Ger ata.• 1 MA she Ole 5 r m CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full. line of all the Leading Patent Medicine. always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) GEORGE R=NAG, , Z O. M BOA TS tmt S HOES Rl LJ O BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE, tri We do .um t i C)Bee t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above &or' in the store lately,occupied by Horace Newton. Hawing purchased a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer (iooda at close figures, we are determine to gire the Public the benefit. Lift Railway Co. Tike I ,,m:.1 _, . • w Itis t: 1! ., .1 alnnl t'.c main Lee. and in t•nronlalle Mawd..i•aat freest $2.50 PER ACRE Hoarseness is pleaa-tnt, wlmally safe for npwanl.. a 1•. .• Mpn.r;a.: i ' children lents at all drug• 1 venni.-0. , •,1 , , • , • t '- to n: '•. r _ .1 ;,•-r arr... Recording to price paid for M lead. ..'.. •••.• . • ;•wt• 1 t! •. o'rcr Land. ...thou' r-.roiitions rises in .ell le d,• . 1 at •l ' . No ; she Iuiyeral and .u1T,•re.1 phvtg, tr rnitfsrs TAaoiN. "poems all the true 1 i Ye37. it a rhe- Thenen 1'. Keviter,«lttnt of Ft. W:ver "tors d g her rn ;:.rpt ..n I .,t 1a.t res* in•i . t•,r-,lb-. writes For ,ho post fit. "caval by this flop hotter, time vests,*(ran 1 her. always tined i), King s New 'say ... much 41. -tit In.lrel ' tau heed' i►i.eo. ••ry for a ntthm of mast Mvewv "how thankful ear should l-• ("I' lino character, as w.lb as for these oda milder typo.. 1t nrcer (Gila t.. effect a speedy Fever colic, tensest kur..1 'ppatile' ttttN- ewer. My friends t. whim 1 have re- fnlnew, weakn.•s, •til ""nwebiN110. 510 commended it peak a( it in same high riot .d the .1f«9a of SI/ .trine in ohihlre.; teem.. Haunt been comet by it ,t( every doors/ thea wneina with Dr. la,w'. 11,41111 I e.ogh I bre hirl for live „see. 1 ton - K)rai . Its eager it the only reliable and sure cure Ihaaman'a W,wlr P"sde s devtn,y and for coughs, e..W.• etc.' ('all at Wilson's 1'elgura . asta wi`h•ui WPlsry to adult or Drug Store and get a Free Trial Bottle. *hint. m 1 Large air $L00. (2) 71IE />,'E.:E/: t SF.CTtOXS RI int t'.. VIA • Lr .• ,, i •, • • otier..l f..e .r,. 'i. yr*'.,• .• ,• at. -• 11:;\.5'1•.. • •. • w days •',o• mile of the Ratlway. are WOW • *•Teat to undertake their Immedi PAYMENT: Pon have -slimy pay one7,.alh !a ..h. lied t1. - lelance in the anneal inala'mrnts, with Waren .11.i X 1 FR (*PAT. per awns•: M' alt. 10 •Arany,. t'.rtk• pen AWlag wttIWO esfldwte•s of r,HI'attmt, will revel:e a tent nt r'nnr.y. •n .' at •ion. of rarebit. If eignieutN :rale M telt Pain...v. may be mate Is L AMID t'RtA. Tr w')Nlin, which 1,111 be arrente 1 •t ten nue real pprrk nil. in oil their par valor a•dn seor,: interest T1w IMwds ea. c hr tetaia 1 ort ap- plkatl•.n at 'b. Rank of lifontrsal wares; -(w at any of It siervie(... Ink 1'k It DI soil rat " Ii1TN IN `t 11rr !t 11.11 and all lnh.rtnet lea with reap., t• 11.' par ems, of sante. sp91y to 20H s; 11. M the srerATM'Landt i*t Winnipeg. Ry rdor ter... Cn Tleey. *NJ= QUICK SALES & SIALL PROFITS WILL BB OUR IGTTO 1111 -Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. AO -Remember the place, next dm.r to J. Wilson's Drug Store. .ai'Custaan work will receive our special attention. it -None but the best of material used and first-elam workmen employed. iv -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice Uocierieh: March 9 11382. DOWN1NaA DOW ED D U F DEMO V ED PHILO NOBLE, MEROf3ANT TAILOR, Has Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the Square, Goderich -LAND WiLL FURNiSH Ott Ali I.: 11'i- - Gents Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices. PS Ttiha Fit rtarrsa'R. I Itfls4: A SPIN iALT1. riwrie T PIT 4.e 4.AaTrrJ. .twtha rwewwrrtt ATTF'% .toe TO. %WM Tilt •slsasw* PHILO NOBLR, HAMILTON-STRBHT, QODIRIGH. AN Desigus !na11 Pepper. Now Is the time. it you wish one or the atom vomit at home, to •er Pnt ier's room paper ile Um over 20,000 Robs of the Latest Designs Benetifnl (-Mows. and at priersler Ihan crry mneh Inferior geed•. ('all end are Hirai are the Mat •.hue in 1owa. and must he *old The Lalesi Spng Bazaar Pates and Fashions, A -r Bu'ri .IR.eiar