HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-25, Page 1•
34,3- ttie
w L:\rMI,KIt:►sea. ,
c ou NT l NEWS
cENf$ - 'GE
} 1[b(iiLL1V t DftY silOtl. t'y. r
t $t.W A l -LA 1tl AD !la's
!kw Ildverlikeseebis Tb1. Neve.
Oabu Sets S. Shone.
Millinery ]IW (;reliatu.t
Etar tide Y. Punek
awl Class -Nis- Wtetkeraid.
Yo J. R Houclei■n.
Lead r■ for Irak - H. Beetirillrr
NEWS ABOUT HOME. The " Y Cn in Cwnd w tea.
I C stnmwCommittees. u Meluer Cuan-THS.
tes. - i ' TR UrE $TORIr eh u.J be to the man seferiwg (rthe
pied the pulpit, , uturu g g, 1'Ibe Guelph Conference. of the anal." _ ,.m
deem*, f •r e•, te_ktessly anomie about
••A rhiel•s assay( ye. 'akin' notes last Sunday in St. Ge.rge. church. Mr. I seated Methodist cherchea will meet. in ' through the ceutary. However, when it
An' (aith he'll peat it." Craig is nue of the must agues mid use-! Clinton on the lath of June. The due I, is considered that Little me a nuns- at cow -
fel clergyman in this section. i trete to be represented comprise thane , 1Tpoa Which Londoner Duet' iteratively peer %%Immtou, and unused to
TOWN TO1K03. The service ice St. Geurgeis church was 'of Guelph, Straiten", G.derich, Walser- the Pestilence Sensation. • the u:auuets of t!.us country regarding
conducted by Rev. Mr. Craig, of Ciliates ices Owen Sound and Wellington. The such tuattan, mute lwueltcy must be
Ask for the "hSu»d Comfort sr tKlvette on Sunda last and Rev. Mr. Waken) I temtery to be represented will embrace ,
Dentistry.- --_ ° '° ' ° ' '
a c clink.
eh own hue.
a v targe etw. Say fi.,ni laerorgetown eke:otesatvrt' c Ta+TtMunv
O. (•. Robertson, hes the cheapest wall pa; Perform() like udie,re in ala Atgliwu"rJ ■•w ■■ knells llta•is►*a tssrt.'d ..ash
w l •t taken u red resets , ' , , Ion the G. T. It. -nearly dos north to a (rsugt•a+e fat„ea•r rest riled veer From )donde.'. Fr.•.• 1?c+a.
-- -
• per In town. fart,' p church on the saute erasi r .
.d awl in *mail large wnu MesWrd and Owen `found tattle.; las the' snare s. slaw weirs ase sa..e •111Mrerla u,.rai a
rived an the city front Woodstock, and
ague residue III tine Fr'''. Para, u► the
affair, be vouchsafed the iuturmattun
Wellington St., ..0 tine eteumlg .•f Mon• I Skiff d' iia lords ellniteinr wall appear 1 )❑ Monday last upon the arrival of that Little had formerly been a readmit
day nett. in Victoria 11.11, G.,derich. to -night and the Loudon papers, oa,nstdcrable excite- eat the vicinity of 1Y.odrtock, and, that
AVVtftk4AL•Y skvu>.---Ti.r 1.11.1). F. tomorrow oil6t. The Tor.nto laohe meat was caused by the fact teat au arta- r rare of mall -poi had appeared in his
$ L. It t RGEO*Sun• Y looming geutletieu ar•
>U( NIQ OUM)N, b , a varnish u stake.
nt PaR Wa s, , • parlor tweW
: Daat4L O ace ant re•rtdenre, 'Pea 'les,
:=Xes spirt batu•x Rank of Montreal,
Y. A A. 1'ridbam, the fashionable tailors,
ITS3 have now is stock some splendid tweeds, etc.
For a well -*,tang suit. in the latest styles, (tad
at a reasonable price, sail on them.
L People's Column.
L'OR S kLE -- .i RsvasatsLE SseTe,
formerly see t Is the NorU.$ireet Mrthu-
diet aonday S Ia... *111 hs.s 4 t-hea►1 r. Taw
.sots aro as goad se raw. sad parsons desiring
• thew fur church. school. lodge or otncr per
p.,Ka, wvicill a hsuttuin- Enquire of 4. PiIL
.L Rollers and iron Harrows, will be meld
pI.) at Um Goderirh loandre - The flea'',
per and all rep&rs fur the manse can alms
procured from the• tauderich Yuundr oroe
Out. 'Hall to H. $Ek:UNIL R.
.L. IRALU purposes epeeist a Delos leg
(lass is t:odericb. to be held to a central loca-
tion. Instruction+ will be given in O11 and
Water coloring. Painting. and Pencilling and
('rayon Work. Particulars as to hours. terns,
etc. can be had by applying before Tuesday
neat, et her residence. Balked ituail. lisle•
rich. 191e-11
NESS. 1 hat e a few 'mood -band rip
wh ch I wi11 sell cheap. Alta a bicycle .SI in..
which I will sell or exchange for eV In. The
=wahine has tall rollers. J. E. RRYI)GK .
Dungaaaon P. O. 1111M -It
The Undersigned has sixty lswar:ns of tees
• for sale In doable or single bug.v. also hires
anal s=ulcer•. together with a large quastlty
of honey In on" pound boxes. Time will be
given by furnishing approved near.. please
order at once. CHAItLES J(cpHEE. Carlow
•' As natural as nfe-1. our splendid phrase
for describing the photographs taken by R.
Sallow*. He alms to g,ve the must natural
expression to all who 'sit for bite. Call and
see work.
1lfuuscwlrvs wee went wan lepers. wtaaow
shades, carpet lialag. picture or rvoa, uteeM-
ing. should call on . under ! : Son. wbo are
ring bargains in ail line•. '• The cheapest
horse under ibe sue.'
Etre young lady cannot be -Queen of the
Ms but all can get an excellent p ph
of themselves at O. 11. Robsons, the o -
graphic and crayon artist, corns of 11 -
ton -et. and the agnate.
The coming of Spring tends to show that
there are changes in nearly everything. but
W. 1.. Horton keeps the best liquors in (lode -
rich all the year round. Remember his store
*son the corner eat $outb-st. and the square.
tliaa F.ex is visiting at Hallett. pups! of liuderich High school.- - "D. reception trete his friends up.n ha re- I the L•enJen newspapers at mica set to developed tate a endgut type of small.
der the auspices of the Ladies Aid As- 1 peninsula between ( .organ Kay and ; ■a•.w at- Laid.
socialites of Keel church, will be held utile Hann& : and from Georgetown
at the rosidene of D C ;Riechers, westerly t.. Feeler thence to the lake.
anniversary auruioI. sill b.: 1,ie•chel in says of then : -'rho utsusual *newsier' cls eat a highly sensational character was family. The gentleman ic. quertion
St. George's church by Itci , .1. W alters
on Sunday monery; next. The mem-
bers of the order will attend the service
in a
J. S. Macdougall and James Addis•,n,
who have both recovered recently from
serious attacks of tunes., met on the
for the present week which opened at
the Royal Museum last night, drew a
very lance *whence. The programme
wee were than eve: witertaiuing owing
(e its great variety. The well-ku•,wn
Skiff us.! Gaylord i'nigrie Novelty Com-
pany contain some fist -rate Variety pee
Square on kluuday evening last, and p o, who never fail to 'chase, arks anr,n;x
exchanged oongratulatiens upon the re- I them is W. Gaylord who last night gave
gaining of health and strength. • an exhibition of feats of strength, ten -
The Cranbr,uk correspondent of the turnoutand equilibrium. that were really
Bruewls Pod thus refers to a fturmer' wonderful. He was accorded a warm
found to be coutauted w bei!. the .i.in•r, stated that souse weeks since little and
t.wr a:;.l Poe /'n..,• us *blob the con- his wife came to 11.,..datoek sod suc:eel-
duct of certain coedited amu oft:oderittls. ed in hiring out with a farmer ice the
as well ns that et the Lowe authorities vicinity of the town All went well for
was held up to severe censure. a few days,and the farmer was cottalratu-
lt epi -eared that upon the arrival of lattuit himself epee hating secured two
:he lilt) p.m. trate at Lnao'ou „u Satur- valuaIle astatauts In l.ss husbandry, lent
day last at was feuud that a paassnetar, only a shun tees hasp elapsed when the
wile had *nue through that day front wosuaii bitcaotu IH. pier sickness sp.
:•,derich, v. as suffering from au attack pewee . f • somewhat msysturlous claarac.
of smallpox IA about realties to e'en- ter. awl Us nature soul.l net be •.,wpre-
tnunIcate with (ioderich, the reporters of heude.l until at length it Weenie fully
The cricket club is prsperin2. aiTitudest 64" Knox C.Ali]fe, Toren- appearance in his native city. Amu■q'work tu.wrtte up a "setaatiou" fur tee pile Every etre and attentiutt that
to, preached an able sermon in the Pre.- the otter artists were Miss Alice:Gaylord, respective p,uruaL, and rho result sou could be given was latshud upar► her,
Sloane s making things hum n, the
end line. byterian enurch on Sabbath Inst." the Parisian sert,.reanic ,oeaest, wins tine a number of gratuaLowcharbrs were but she gradually t,. iaue w•.,;se until at
Dkawt,n CLAnn.-Miss :\reatheraid, i minue d the audie•ico with nie!•.dios in made against the sathuntica eat Goderwh. length she deed fi •no the detest, and
F. A. Kent returned from Montreal
last week.
Jlw Nellie Tnuuch has had a seven
attack of quinsy.
Mrs. Jno. %v. Venatter is visiting
friends its Brantford.
Miss Downing left lest tetW Oki IIA
Hamilton. Wesleyan colleges
Stephen Yates preached in the M. 1R'i.
church on Sunday morning.
We are sorry to learn of the eostint:ed
illness of Jonn McKay, cueper. -
whose nil paintings on exhibition in
Saunders' window have been attracting
much attention intends to open a draw -
mg class on Tuesday next- She has just
returned from the. studio of a well•kuuwn
coven different langualw. r gt and It was state.l that the pe
atnt hd beau
aa was interred *s quietly and unostenta-
dancomen, lady sharpshooters, gentlemen resident of Godcrich for easing tkree tiuualy as possible. All the bedding and
of the order of the burne.l cork, and months, and, having :untracted the du- the wouuu's wearing apyarel were
champion clnz dancers. all to go to stake ease, was cast adrift to wake shift ter preutptly burned. the husbaud-a cloth -
up a progranuno that cesium f sip t' till himself as Lest he could that be had set being alsudeetr•yrl,aut1aiter all pre -
Hamilton artist, where she received in. the museum so L.nii me the enga- ement 1>~eit sent out 0 town by the curporaeon a .lttiot*S thouvht nerersary by the n.e.li-
itruetions in ate art to quatgy herto r of the cutnlrany lasts -- - _ _ - authnrities ; and that s number .•f the ad •ttaraelanas has been•a.h•p.en1. 1.e was
stint siton of teacher.'t
SsttRON •. St1LS-On... -n Sunda] mmon( edical on of lhMlerich had cuttepire•1 furdulhed with ucw ,taru&eats sad allow -
On Monday evening nest the adjourn- sewing last Rev. T. JL Cunha' 411e- tusend him out uftht tnwn,amutothat end eel to depart westward, altboug!t test ruc-
- .
--ed- vastly meeting of St. George's church livered a sermon to the sailors, in North i haat furntshel loin with a ticket for Lan- time wete left by the medical variaeman
will,be held in the school Wont at 8 p. et. Meth.dist church. The text madden and money to defray t:ecessary ex. to detain himfur settle time until all
ss. A lart,e attendance is requested, as Padua 107. and 23 ams 24 verses -"They !pens**. Ta:k was indulged iu as to the puesiheity .4 contagiwa was oyer. But
that go down to the sea in ships, that de reeriety of sending the unfortunate man to would not remain, and so he was
! !la t•
the ...__ :al statement will be presented,
11 J
j. DIYARD SHARyIAN, Tar. SI.aALRtlI be sent Many n lei,a Annelleerepo .. special rt f peal ct+mimtee as to business in Ivrea: waters ; these see the k Lo laodertch, and thereby teachln., •u8'eroni to leave, ate must se l.la
for the remainder of 1884 for SI O./.
EAST STREET.Is still testy to do any work in his line at
moderate prices.
Lisle, Bricks, Firebricks. and other Building
Material kept on hand for Sale. M %44
Osdericb. arob tstb, law. 19
Tor Sate or to Let.
few weeks ago. After spending some e . for en our. the close o f , With the object o boding .,u: a and acco Ing .a t: r due preparation, to
the advisability or others Ise of altering works e.f the Lord and His weeders in ' outside pioointe that Leeson rhuull not, his way to h.adertch.
Geonpe Hudson has recovered from the present system of ...aureh payments 1 the deep. The division..of the syn) hep I 6X.REA.
i sees p v '
Rev. Dr. Cre and Rev. T. M Camp• Rubt. Logan, a former resident of elements i f success in his canine. 2nd. land a lo' of other water of a similar na- ''seas ,1ohn Little, who has evidently
bell will exchange pulpits on Sunday Grey township, but who los been a real- The sa,ler'• be ano's. with its duties and i tura, were contained ice the frantic anti• , reached the autumtu of life. and is rapid -
evening. dent of Dakota for the past ei•rht ..r nine dangers. 3rd. The sailor's cmtempla- '1 cies of the L nduu papers, which, it they!1T drifting to the great heyon ! tine pnn-
1 years where he met so h
b'ect hence ort be laked upon
ass Lace et Titer trtr sr- t
his attack of tudammatioi of the lung• w !t u f r discussn m were : 1st. The sailor, and the essential refuge for thus* in u duattuu The aUovr 1 Ac...r.ltn t„ the statements . f the
it a large sheer of tions of Guff's works and word. The 1 had their own way, would have *enter& etp•1 p,rtteu of his life was pissed in
Mr. !M ata. turner, has purchrsa ti .e J senunn was ezeeedin lyappropriate, end ! awrth.,nn nt,r.u.nfI, a .n the sante u(
old R. C. cemetery on Dunlops 1 iU u d prosperity, rented his pr.,perty then Iiler Yorkshire, Eu{pals, Lot latterly he cn-
a terrain it in recently an.l returned with his family, • the attention of the audience was c osely 'nalerich. ceiced a desire to remote to Camila,
q held h \t ' f the t, p 1 f' th raj
1, f f 1
UItOCN1►i, the property of Hath John -
Yoe Terms. kc.. apply to DAt'1,SON t
- JipAN9'ToN.
Oodericb. 1 April. ISM. IY3:-ti
INOos corner of good gravel read. Mega*
IsttoPo e•aeies, in good n•pair. Stere 7is2t,
wood sbrd .table and !screened.
P.O. antedly mail. Terms easy. Apply to
It. T. HAWN : t. Sbeppardton. It4S-
- t J. Olt SELL. s acres. so acres cleared and
• tree of stump,: all well fenced ; t wells
post barn and tied and other buildings, is,•
' + - leading brick rotir x , with cellar h111
else of hone.; a splendid orchard ; large creek
nuts acro•• the lot. Terms easy. Apply on
premises. Lot It Lake Shore hood. towneetp
l-olborne. 1:. T. HAYNES. Sbeppardton.
March lath. lett. 116S-
V SALE --Ug 3rd Con.. E.D. 30 acres clear-
ed, balane. good hardwood. A good oeettard
•add og bouae. Fields slope to • creek running
across tbe le. and aro aunty drained. Terms
s YarcApb bIAt. ppati R .. T. HAS'Lr.•t. SheI7
rd us,.
• In the village of Port Albert. Huron
-`'Allaty. 11 arms of good farming land for
on the premiers are • good Mesas cot-
tage. frame barn, skids, etc. Fine orchard.
good fencers: nine miles from (lotteries. en
good gravel road. As regards health. ooa-
venience to churches. a:boots, etc.. no loca-
tion more desirable. Village prospering.
good harbor..pleadid chance for tradesman
or retired person of means. as all. or port of
rope rty. can be purchased. Pessew,l ne Im-
)sedia1.R.F'at AIMrt . MRS. MARY O'CliN.
An interesting letter from .k. B. Pot-
ter, 0 sIuntguwery, N. W. T . wall sip- he removed t.• Godarich where he will
pear runt week. reside. -{Brussels Post.
Geerga Biack returnmi from Pert Col -
me last *eel. to tie an engagement.
Yo La-Rev.J, V. Smith, of Lon-
• E. R. Watson, painter. doer, will take the place ..1 the Rev. Mr.
Griffin, of Gnelph, and give the last lei:-
eo-Advertisers should remember that Tas tare .1 this season's course in North-st.
IIfeesee has a larger circulation its„ jbis Meth„deet church, eau Friday evening,
section then any either paler, "' the 25th stat. .this eveniue'. H16 sub -
Miss Strsubel returned to her position ject wall Le "Homeland." Mr. Smith
at Toronto, on Satutday,having taken a is one of the most graceful, eloquent and
few extra hili ley' to recuperate. interesting lectures in this country. and
The Choral Union will practice tonight we are sure these who go will enjoy a
at St, George's Sunday school room. All rtreat
the members arerequested i Attend
Mrs. S.•ette! !
H b f .•!r 1. o \o settles* p mer that n thio • _
Dun. - Wm. J. Balk, bndher .f k.
sermon. James Iteatty, 01 the lieatry !true stale of afar, s reporter ..1 THE 1 set mail for America nearly two months
line of steasmers, who was is the emigre- !,a. uudr.rt. ask to. ruquur into the' since, accompanied by his faithful wife.
i slice, was asleep to ides pulps' to close 1 antecedents of the uuagrent-wh.ru - The couple arrived moon the Atlantic
the service. He gave a short address l name is join, Little ; whether he was a ouaet after au uneventful trio and land -
to the sailors, full of 'merest and aggro- resident of Godericl• or not ; the length j set at Portland upon the first of March.
priate thought, sloe!' was all the more of tour which he had rgeideol in the t They immediately stetted west ward,
appreciated from the head sIa lice of town ; if the l.,cal au'h„ntiei had any- their destination being the. 'acre of
boats. We hope the seamen will remem- 1 tbiug to do with Id. being sent to Lw- Woodstock, on tt.e I:reat Western dee is-
loer this sermon in their interest. and ,dun ; and what was the conduct of our' tun, between this city and 1'uis. As
the roman of the congregation to pry l medical men in the premises Cpen I was' anticipated, they found relatives
for their safety and success. !careful i•n.luiry we found the tollowsng I there, who greeted theta most cordslly,
CHRISTIAN leas • n CaLDrroas.-Tbe W be end fee a few days happiueas reigned
German wboee peccadilloes were describe -.4 TIM Tatra ttw t en Mai cs+t supreme liar during the ill stirred
ell scourge,
d not
goted iInt of his art in ldidi ultiees when he 's Stoost 'Nettled i _... uunwuiod by bis wife arrivliing over a month ed in Cs►n , the smallpox :germs
wust have tbeeu [wplant-
;ran s, an i
De tler a^:1 'enol ac- ik J. Reck, canters, .4 Saltfor.i. elm up with our tuwn.rosu, N' m. McLean. ny welt a put of ,dher ems t d ea m the woman s system with such re
us, earth
eempante. ►+y 'Apses slay Maleulwsun, baob'pasta r.iadtag at Tunaw.mdi N. 1 The am erg j, ,u , save . ttasdled to kaat Zom t,wnship, 'hear
left .m Tuesday o:, a Vett to Burlington.
for some tithe, fell tniiiai decline, and small excitement existed m Mtratfnri on WoitZlMiek when they obtained urn-' cooled suttl it W nrercon a them. Little
N tlkiusuu met with a painful was taken to the home of his tester, Mrs.
Jas, F. F. Atkin, ' at Turonto a few weed's
accident on Saturday, having smashed sir,. It was hoped that he would rally
Sen w when brought to Canada, but a sue
one of hie Rn while ttrtrng a
hammer. h -
The ice has gone hence, thank good- cumbed on Monday. His remains were
nes, and there is every reason to believe brought to Godernch lilt Wednesday, and
that a warmer spell of weather wig fro- were followed to the cemetery by ser-
ene -- - rowing friends.
Ret. T. M. Campbell U87 The Ontario Minister of Etlecationhas
remain: preached a epecist iMniun to issued a circular to inspectors regairine
Tueaiay last, when Detective !Peen and ys ent is the household of a well -to- 1 obtained an ungsq*ment ice the vicinity
Mr. McLean arrived with C. L. 'Lehr, „ fanner. Shortly after their arrival o Vo .datuek, but within seven days
the Tavistock absconder. i'nf••rtutoate• Mn. Little was stricken down with , after arr.val the woman n►anifested
aot 111 Christianfutrfiet be war t. or hi mrgte s na1:-pua, and atter • brief illness died. 1 becametwnsirso and the cascoGradually decub
The hwbsnd also contracted the daseaw,tautly
the reach of Genesee authorities agate, t and beacon very low in spirits. SS hits "peal int, :t vow)*severe a'tsck „1 the
but such was his luck. Some lather sour w the state he was teethed in an antisep• fearful- malady, iesultine in her death
faces became Visible on Wad"esday l3 ti solution of carbolic acid ano water, a upon the tenth day. All through her
this place, when it was found out tbtt new auit et cluthes wasgtveo him tad. a
he had Leen seen in Wenger.' t tie nevi• sunt of money with which to pay kis fare
ihuess she was attended with the most
leader cam lends 1*unhtsd, tete. tsinis-
Foresters in the North street Methodist them to examine int., and report on each ons evening tend that he was again miss- t• relative' who reside in Huron county 'gigs to her every wart, and was almost
church howl t whether the pupils therein tag. 'rhe G. f. R. was guanled, rage 1 ten Wednesday the 9th eat. he arrived dutractrl at her ds:rsw, but imafadiate-
eC as U
Ween . Graig, who went to the old coon• ham been required to get unauthorised wesent out an all directions. det•c. at Seafurth, and from thence proceeded 11 thereafter, all the b edc,otheis and
try- last year in company with G. N. text books It is found that fussy of 'eves and r.et.st.tdles, with fury tlep,cted too near Winthrop where an uncle rendes articlov were burned, t *, ether
Davis, left Glasgow on the 18th April for the complaints against the educational their ceuntenaeee, Loo re seen with He was there but a short time when the with hit clothes, and the hetyaee.I roan,
Cio rd to thefrequent changes their ear lent to the fugitives trail, and nature of the disease mut dsceverod
who nppoaoed in perfect health, was
,leech. eyeless In Isa1 req
The excitement is weslly increasing of text books area f(tunded, not in the while sante 0 our citirens were bemoan- tai, as happens usually to uut•ile muni- furnished with new apparel *tie penuitt-
1 leave •s ',„dat,ee'. tee
etllCal.. ever the fate .4 Eastaee the Outcast. changes authorised by the department, tag has escape want, his chances certain etpalitees, was determined to send him e t . Litt1
a eta
'ter numerous wisteria
• - - - The story is one of the most interesting but in the illegal substitution of air IJ appeared slim. At eta the county town this impression lams els, that he uta+n• t r:pplietl with money
rued hooks. tips and circuit -t -, c!, nes the guilty one that in (ioderich ,.- mini gpet better ! ley the tiu.terich physieen. -s h_• posseas-
/r E. CASE, M.D., O.M., M.C.P.S.,
_- .1. Out. 1 fu•iof a. wargeen. Acrow•hewr.
dee. °Moe -/'Pkat formerly occupied by Dr.
Hutchinson) Dungannon. Night urtk•e--Mar-
• tie's both. M1 -
B. WHITELY, SC.D., C.M., Pelt t
I •. elICIAN, Surgeon. Aceuoeheur, efr., 31.
C.P.S., Ontario. Mice -The $psare- t deem
-. East of Wilson's Drug :Store. up stairs. Ife3t
Vi . iAS. SCRUBON. kr.. GrJisate of Tor
onto Welty. 1.lexrtlate of the Royal Col-
lege of PlSysfolsas, London. Ynglaad. kr.. Rc.,
Y C. P. 66 Ontario. UT, a and residence
Oppo u Ra11ey's Rotel. Hamilton street.-
OgOY. (brooer ale. (Noce cued residence
Brace altreet, .eeond door west of vetoes
Street. 1731.
. clan, Ssrgeow ud Aec*ecber,'eradiate
of Toronto I'nItensty. Oill eeppo.Re flamer
ren tt ('s'esame's Bank. L,acknow. if act In
otare. enquire at the Rank. 1' .y.
Psyniiataiaa tlsr*oeae. Arroacbers,
oilier at Dr. Shearson a residence, near Use
gaol Ooderiele O. C. enAtwo.r. J. C. Hann.-
TOR .. r!i1.
t..M.r.. t.r.r.w.
Lederer en the Rye. 'tad Irl ty
Medica) t7ether% 700.11/1110,'tad s to the
Merr.r Eye and Ear Imtrmary. (Volk( and
Aurbw to the Hospital for Birk children. late
clinical Aialsanl Itnyal London Ophthalmic
Htrptal. Moneaelds, sad ('entre London
Threat and Fir Hnepital. tet en race RTRatr.
March II 1b. lint. Inde•
ever published.
standard glees, part songs, etc , ws
be sung at the May Day concert. to be '
held in the Temperance Hall on Thurs-
day next. bee pwgrwsassea
Rev. Mr. Pritchard. of Manchester,
preached in Knox church on Sunda'
evening, in room of Rev. J. A. Turnbull,
who was unavoidably absent.
At the annual examination of p(rub a-
tiesen for the ministry of the Methodist
church, E. Medd, of Godench High
school, passed his preliminary -
Adam Cook, who has been afflicted
with a cors eye for three months poet,
aeeompanisd by his wife, is in Toronto
harinq an operation performed.
The Huron lacr,eae dun is pea:tisies
every evening, and will be a strong teens
this year. AH matches this year ars to
be played by purely heal players.
Harry Arnold left for the city of the
Saints on Monday last. He Sas secured
a situation durit2 the assume en board
the C. 1'. It. stamen Arthalossks
Mr. Neftel s fencing in hs proven,
lying on Smith street nth herbed wire.
Before one side d it was finished, two
horses were badly torn in stepping over
' The Unroll lintel- Isar the -Woollen...-
hes momently boon reAttsd an every braaeh.
•. sad is gal& of grrleg eattafentlos la yogi?.
pavtlrtdar to the traveling' militia Tee
stasis la eeneeeties has bees specially fitted
for the farmer** rewveaiwre. sad le la
.•hare of a *rat-elew hostler. Rotes for tree -
eons trsr.II . el per sat' : epkeW term. fur
wrekly boarders. toes
Geo. Porter, taw Weil -known sssistsast
of Goo. Sheppenl, bnokeeller, lett nn
Wednesday for Pert Arthur, where hs
has secwred a *Amities with McGn(gor
& ('n.
Mae Dorsey, of Ssaforth, has returned
from Winsipeg, when she spent the
winter with enndsetsr Frank Dorsey,
her brother, and is now the guest 01
Mics. Capt. McKay.
The following "pommel mention' is
from the Leeknow Fentoef --"Jimmy
Addley's familiar forst is s`sent frets
the streets of Wingham, in MfaNqusss.
of his having taken •trip to , to
visit the jailer for twenty -one days "
Among thowho sojourned in one was captured nv constable *'peon, rt treatment than out in this (reentry. Ac. ed means of his own nisei thin amply
nide' hese
t week wits C. Sheehy, of De- Stratford, in W elleeley. From there he tv.rdisigly, he wee takes to Seaforth, and I sufficient to pay fur his passage and ex-
fruit one ..f the divest railway passenger was taken to jail, where he will pr•absbay • return ticket was purchased for hen. P-
on the continent. Hetweets have atnple time to rue hs thouthtlea■ Little arrived hen ice the early part of
the Missouri Pacific, and the rheerh, ys mme the hen renhil antra" 1N"' a week, and shotty atttr'ward 'tient up
'tan will no doubt by this tinge he fully his anode with a again, who lives in
aware of the fact that "Tie way of tits stools tele Medical sttendattee was pru-
tnnmeressor is hart • aired, and after an examination it was
The following from the Norf,era 6s- pc„pooeil that he shaul1 be sent out to
St. Louis and Pacific Railways, 'and has
spent thirty years im the line, an& -e*--'
presenting at. He graduated un a Cana -
dun railway. Mr. Mheehy has half pee -
sanded us, to take a trip to the s:o utb- sign, published at Wick. S,e,t and. refers an lariat/ad lions where 'snail -pox patt-
Western States, and perha;es we may go to a nephew .-f our townsman, George Ietats hail been treated some years ago.
on a holiday jaunt tu'he shores of the Swanson : --We regret haring to an- To this Little steel unusly oIjelted, and
gulf of Mexico nest winter. mounter the death of Mr. Joliet Noble, decided upon going to Laudon. when he
Mie DAT CONCERT. --A very interest- coal-ntrrohant, second sun of our respect- 1 understood a regular seal , .. hospital
ing programme will be given at the ea{ townsman, Mr. James N.•*, .. .Iyer. I exulted. All efurts to deter him (rots
temperance hall •.n the evening of Thera- Por some yeses past Mr. N••hle had been this purpose proved unavailing, and
day nett, May lit. A perusal of the in .leeltmng health. The seals et a I as there is at present no hoard *f
lie will euarantea • full house to the lingering consumption were grtvluaily Health oatalolahe.i in the corporattua,
promoters of the concert -the members developing themselves. ant on the sftaer-the medical authorities wars power -
of the choral union. The following is noon of Monday last the crisis arrived I deer to heeler him from putting his
the raawaRAMwg: which brought an gad to his suffering* 1 else tete opera'' Such being Hull
1. Instrumental Duets "Amide in it' Diabolli at the comparatively early age of XI ease it w
as deselect that a medical at.'
%llama (Good and )teMi:king. rvara G/ a quiet retirees sup esti on, ' bn,lant should drive him to the elation
2. Ofar Mal Day- Meller•
he did net take anyprominent part .n Id
p { ether than that les rletermumAta„n
3. Inset: -The fisherman" Debase local politics. As a member of the Mer- taking the 'bus should Lo put ante opera•
•Mr. Fest and' Mites tchantdeDslutin Soviet we remember
/. Part !+ung t'e•cefni Alomb'rlag on the ` g J ! tion. No emery was peel Little in
('burs, Kieran gloraco! well the keenness with which hat reamed Uoderich, and m, instructions as to his
S. dsiIo •'Over the leaning Plea" . - !into its debates, while his speeches, al- 1 manner o1 proceeding were goyim hist.
Mr. Hya.laTson. i was models of neatness', were invert- t No ticket was purchased for him bens,
ewe. leo. "Nark the Lark". Dr. Cooke J Cleave. I ably charged with valuable information. , but he teaselled from G.dertch to Chu.
7. s)nett "Lite. Dream is O'er Anes Asbof the Young Mens Chrir ' ton not his return ticket, whtnh hal been
MimesM,es Cooke and Ntneatbe. a member 1
,Tswrsssaww. ban Association, he RA, ever active in bought et Seafnrth on his way lather.
II Organ trate' Putaela, se Irish Airs" Anontrfurthering its object... Velure the pass- I Ties fact goes to show that Little had
Mr. Test. m• f the Edetcatius Act, which a ..n• mot ikon a resident ..1 ti Blench for the
e. filer "Hail. Smlllwg Meow" Spotbrtb g "
(:bora _ i pels every child to be e.'ucated, this I past three mouths, as has been eerenems-
1e. flesh - - --- I Association promoted evening classes for ly stated. it will be thus seen that
iftr. and Mrs RMhwetl.
11. Wee "Wises art thou. Ream of 1.1 ht nor toys whew, edpcatien hal Wen I (leder-eh ie in no way responsihle fen
(brae. Iger H• 1t. BisisoI,lecteal. Ths or
Mood wk weecoatis's- { the action of Little, and that Has blame
1! s.,rett. The Pilin" larr's.tn es rs. Rothwell and William.. Willa
,,, p for scout vase, and Mr. NeneNenewas 1 which the Leedom papers rs
have e-
O. Pao Iseng "The Bits sells n1 reotwd" one of the mint active teachers n( the !download to place upon the shoulders
Venins. lJo 'i1i"
night seMwl. So much esteemed was be .d our town author/dies and medical men
to (Nolo "Tits Harp that erre Thro Tara's
Mies Skiniinlp. Haiti Moore amonpt the young men of the Wick
IL Peered Chorus' Tlweled nr ismer Free a "birch c mgregation, and io well
Is cors nava nes Qt er make
to speak, that be was selected days, had net sweetened mediae oasis-
a.rvMPaw to the presentation ..f a pulpit since two previous an hour of twprevious to
las Andrew• sewn, bible and psalm -beck t.. the lbw. +akmg the train lo.. 1. sedate If rensmre
W cook,.1 lir. Hexa on induction hen " i.5a'sld he tttwrh,sl ter anyone'' osrteiply
Tal water tie dkleellee of Mr Feet. J
in entirely .milled ler. Little, a!thong
he had been in (1.derich for clout four
PkFcaZTI0yAk•: MIAn41ta`a TA&I(.
barite the week ever; precaution batt ,
been taken to prevent the speed •d disease
in ih,derich. At the Lass where Little 1
boarded during his abort stay in our
town, a thorough disinfecting process
has been adopted The railway *each
in which he teavell(.Ito Clint ,n on his
way t.. L•usd.,u, has been sidetracked,
and a system of fumigattion with burning'
sol;dh,c has been inaugurated Tho
children of the family with which little
have wean been forbidden to at -
t -11'e central an t wird scis...!s until
esseh time has elapse•! es will *errxatl
the auth visite. in allowing thea, 10 11111
':tete uauA1 pl.a.e.. 'The t ,.hc l men
tho t•twn atith•,rities err °sertitsg
then.toot in every possible manner toed
*tett the spread of the disease, andl
we are pleased t.. state that their (Sre
have beim successful, as thus tar L!ttle'e
has been the only case hard of.
LITTER 1.. Iut•Re,v1Y...
From the L,ndun papers we learn that)
Little s eptly ree.overing, and teat th
.I1.ee in his else was of •pattens!.rlp
mild telae.
New Hsst.TN ker. -114 settle rail
the attention of our resaiers to tho fedi
that a new health act has lately bees'
ptasswl, regulating all kinds of nu,sencee
ennsidere.t detrimentrl to the hesitb.
1 Al ie.. ,} I c'esn op at nner.as the pens[ -
ties f ,r violation of the act are heavy,]
and only short lien• allowed. No
pens are alto-rorl within 70 feet of
, dwelling, and there are other clauses i
Itemise mutest. The health board will
be the ,nay.', clerk, *nil three ratepay
ere, and they appoint their uwn intone
i ter, if they else to.