The Huron Signal, 1884-4-18, Page 7J I1 k HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, APRIL Fun an0 Fancy. "It is not right to spoil a gill.', wed - tag," was the seamed on which • Milo wise reign/. refused a dlt'olee la ease were lbs porties had :trod to- gether ogether forty nitre assts. It takes but thirteen minutes to load an elephant on a railroad train, whsle it takes meaty fur any curt of s wwwu to kiss her friends good bye and fuse the check for her truck. It has been stated, and some sports - Men will, o.t doubt, lip sorry to hear it, that • i►hing pole has been inverted that mg mora every fish ail _!.t Th a will do away with all h.h at • es, Mae - nisch as the angler • it11 • pule that doesn't registered will al a aye be regard- ed with sespicil'n. watt to hie was lessor hope What to him weejoyor c Ire t Far oap Which the siri bat l,tt ea the par new 1 ea the tvDu'pst stair. Aad hes fest w oat Ike wild. fierce dolma, Aad he bumped each stair with a osier IW • draw, And the furl below. with thew:nabbing news. Laughed like • fiend te see him newts. - IKx• "You have the advantage of me,' raid a merchant, blandly. "You will have to get some one to identify you." "Identify me 1 Why, I and your son, just back from college:- "May- be, Maybe, maybe," answered the old gea- tletaan, "but my son did not look like a fool, wear a hat like that, monkey -tail coat, !toothpick shoes, uur did he suck cane handles. When my wife returns from her visit to nay sister in the ouuntry, you may present your claims to her, and if she decides that you are our offspring, 1 shall be happy to bid you an afestionate guard -bye un your return to college.' Morns of Biishom. Buy the truth and sell in not. A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. But when shall wisdom be found 1 It cannot he gotten for gold. The rich and poor meet together ; the Lord is the maker of them all. in all labor there is profit ; lout the talk of the lips tesdeth only t • penury. He boat lovetb wine shall sot he rich. Who hoith woe f They that seek mixed wine. The prosperity of fools alter: dr.tr••y them, but who so hearkened' unto me shall dvell safely. Farm and tarOen. Oohing may go in the ground as .t.,o as the int stem of fret are over. Tory are hardy and eau tritium the a'l't t•• certain elteti1. Farm iluldeweuta, when .ax suaaliy brushed iter with crude petn.kuus, whir last onager asd be protected from changes of weather when exposed. lu the roomy of Elgin, 111 , the farm See rata* sr wit cure for the canuu.g fautury, and are careful to mew all 1141 ears, mashing awl stalks fur feral. Paris (green and London purple nil be diluted with 200 (tarts by weight of lead plaster, and the mixture will to ablrndant'y smogs to destroy pot du bug, and main other pests. The want of pure •is l ('.eh water ac oouuts in in 11.) tn,taaecc f or the lack of sip during ilia sinter FowIs require a coustant amply of wrier, ani without It will mit lay. There is so use iu cleaning )•xtr puultry houses unless you burn the old seats. They will harbor 'store of the various kinds •al poultry parasites than you can ever exlermu►*te with a white- wash brush. Chickens, such as Asiatic, should never be allowed to per. a until sit months old, or the breast bone will be liable to become crooked. There is no cure, and it is a disqualification for ex- bihitiuu fowls. The garde' should be thoruughiy g,re- pared before putting in seed Fineness of condition is more essential than any other object. Garden meds will not germinate uniformly unless the soil is in proper form fur their reception. Remedy for bloat in cattle. -Take • stick about two inches in diameter and et sufficient length, insert it in their mouth, and with small cords, extending to the horns, fasten it there, ani the work is done. Your cattle will be speed- ily relieved. /PHe becumeth pour that dealeth with a slack hand, but the hard of the diligent maketb rich. ;.Ave,•Ill,±0141 Hejapy is the plan that findeth wis- dom ; for the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver. _""'of Ten is that scattered: and yet in- cres.eth : and there is that withholdeth mon than is meet but teedeth to pover- ty. A perfect and just measure shall thou have, that thy days mtv he lengthened in the land which the -`Lord thy,God 'iveth thee. i4ousehota }tints. ()Millen CA 140 White este belied in Isyers. Put together with whipped croon and oranges sliced. WLITS CAO.. Two cupsful of slater, two thirds capful .f butter, sae cupful of milk, the whites of sig eggs, four cupsful of loge. two sma►1 tablispoonsful baiting p seder. Par., .0 taste with almond, vanilla ur leu'. u. PAIL CAUL --thus cup butter, two cups sugar, 000 cup corn starch di nelved in one sup milk, two cups fi..ur, writes of five anus, ane -half teaspoonful of sada, one teaspoonful of cereal tartar. Thiele a very ire cake. Arris Ftoie.-(This is delicious,) - One plat of sold stewed apple -moos, sweetened to taste ; the whites of two egos beaten to a froth. and either spread over or mixed in with tn. app's -muco. Fhtvur with vaunt. To be eaten at once with cream. KauwN Barrak Pcnu4Xo. -Ono cup mutases, one cup milk, three cups four three eggs, one and a half cups currants or raisins, quarter teaspoon rods, a little euntamun, clobves and allepiue, pinch of salt Pour in • should and b.. 1 three hours N all Maaklyd. If you wish to make jelly of red rasp• lar ghees times when our newel assn propel old T. eight use stheen in thin are dooded with patent medicine adver- delicious jam_ The fruit should be pn,gwrrtion . of eight quarts This berr:rs tigelu 1)15, it is (ratifyIIIZ to know what allow three of currants. This makes I prlcurn that will .Yrt..ul`y cure yuUj II you arebilious, blower ,.lit ..f order, liver inactive, oar 1eneral da.biluated, there is notl ii. in the world that will cure you a quickly as Etna • .e l.•tteir. They area blaming to all w./nkind, end • aareilrt Itiaawae:7. Wm. Johnson, of Huron, lAsk., M OMI that hie wife had beer troubled with mete Brunekitis (ur tramy ye is., sod dist all nm wives tried pee In, partitionist re- lief, until he preeered a b.dtle of Dr, Kong's New pesorery low Cuusumptida Gough. sad Cubo, which hada magical effect, and produced a permanent cure. It is 4" t-.nt.ed to vers a!! diseases of Throat, .units ur Br'arehtal Tubes. Trla! 1. 41'es free at J. W tier's drug store. Large ghee $1.00. lf•i sew use M IrsatNes Wesketsad by ms - ease. H0MYtY and RkiIJ 55• 'The Greet firman Invigorator is the seedy epeatic foe impotency, aervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the gook or sides, no matter bus shattered the system limy be from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great liertuan Remedy will reet..ry the '..st functions sod secure health and hapgnnrss. $1.10 per bot, six tomes for 55.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent ,.n receipt of price, pomace paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, vele (gent ter United States. Cir- culars and teattmonUb sent free. Sold by Geo. Haynes, vele agent for Gods - rich Sas When th'• house is located upon suf- ficiently high land, a rubber hose at- tached to the sink spout will enable the fanner to supply plenty of water to the garden, almost without coat, and the soapsuds will proves first•elaas ferti•izer fur all garden crops. A rain of one-half inch depth i. egn:i' to IMO hogsheads on an acre ••f 1..4..1. This shows the advantage ,.f manure as top dressing, during the suns mer especially. A very tittle rainfall will snake the immure available, while tf the manure 15 buried at the bottom of • furrow, nothiav lees than • thoroug seak- imtg of the soil will suffice. Potatoes as a farm crop pay as well se almost any other that can be named, one with another. One farmer ne r Cleveland sold from one •ere this year, over 5160 worth, and he counts 5100 of it profit, which is • very liberal allow- ance for cultivators, harvesting and marketing. The avenge value of the potato crop in Ohio last year was $32 per acre, and it was a poor year for potatoes. • mteasesa iulird and the scum taken from the top before the addition of thu sugar. After this is put in let it cook just let.? eau igh to dissolve the sugar. Curnute and raisins cooked and cm- can 1'o hall for only fifty cents a bottle ned together make a delicious sauce. .tg Dailies Wtlwa 12.1 They should be tl oroughly cooked be- April is a grind tire* to train apple trees. They should be pruned so as to allow air and sunlight to enter among fore putting the sugar in. As you stir to to em crushethe currants with the spwo01 If you are suffering with low and de - sugarthe air e u e. A goer deal of eaaeed a tits, loss 1 f appetite, general wound shield M used ; the pound fur debility. disordered bloom', weak e .o4tt- pound rule is • good one. Thin makes i I h 1 �raer Gi.r Ip. an excellent meat sauce, and pies made with it are luxurious. Whurtheberry pudding may vary the hill of faro just mow. Take one cup of molasses, half • cup of water, three cups tutlon. he.drehe, or 11'1• dtarun o :t lotus nature, hy a:l "1 •.t •' procure a t»•o- tle of Electric Bittern. You will he sur- prised to saes the rapid inlprovoment tt,at will follow: you sill he inspired with new life; strenoth and activity will return ; of t1 sur, one teaats,o iful of soda. • tittle in and miner' s•111 cease. and home s.t't and a liberal pint of berries. Boil cord, yon will rrj,.sce in the ponies ,.t f..r three houn.or bake in buttered trssir Electric tii.ters. Sold et fifty cont+ a until done. You can try this as you no bottle hp .1. Wilson. 161 take, with a broom splint. If the dough _ _ does not adhere to It, it is sufficiently To the Medleal 1-M0.'i4.. and all w''e is cooked. it ra) Pretty blocks for ensy quilt have did- Yhoapphatine, ur Nerve lima, s i'•. •. ferest shapes and styles of fans on them. hate phaEletnne, lased upon Rci•i'l.io- ia it mit, and in fact all those gr Facts, Formulated by Prafemeor A')stis. it the ywit, gain in effect by haring a of of black velvet ribbon. This san be brightened as much as you please by the using of etn••r•idery silks. Bro- ead 'Ile be de more effective if Aantung BANK OP' MONTREAL CAPITAL - svieJ'at7 . - - etr,lls,00 ed,ws,lee. Goderich Branch. D. GL4.W - - - - - lfw.ayer. Allows latereat w dmpoats. Drafts. lett.. of credit sad .troalar mutes itaurd, falai, la all parts el the world. ITM. CANADCANADIAN BANK OF COMMKRCI IAN Paid up CiYif.s., - i6,�,� Rest, - - i1,�, '. President - HuY WAt McMASTElt General Afeawerr, W. A. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - MAX ot.xk. Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a this principal Towns sad Cities to Canada Oreat Britain and the V� States. bell* sad sold. Adraaeeeto IanNeN ifl.leel iMk raga more oadorssre, without m.j ps. ITN \ week . sede at home t•1 11 r In taoariuu.. 54,..1 buss... 1,-n b. fomthrpublb. light• nut t•.d ,.1 We nidi •lar' roil. koro *u -� a•n, boys •cwt gar 1 want's a cry w Pere t•. a .1. (or O.. Nos is t5..' :our. You can work .. *pair.- time, or eit o• your %hole time to the business. No other business 0-411 pay you nearly w web. No cue tan tall to nuke enormous pal. by .ngag" a at once. Costly outfit mut terms fr. a \,. a rt made hue, easily. sol honorable. A4dre.,• Teem de Co.. Amamma. Malee ThePeoplo's Livery • M. D. of Boston, Mass., cure* Palmate, any Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia e u can made , and all wasting diseases of the human sae color, by having the figures outlined system- 1'husphatine Pi not a `Iedecine• with gay silk. ,;,I,atMIMMIll but a Nutriment, because it c•or.txins no Any one who has had the misfortune Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but simpp to .jure the eating of •ruble" timbre- ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A angle bottle is sulficinnt to convince. All Druggists .ell it. 51.00 per bottle. LoWDI* & Cc.. sole agents for the Dominion, Bob Front Street East Toronto la will be glad to know that that is not without remedy. A preparation of dinar varnish and saphaltum in about equal quantities, with a little turpentine, will male an easily applied coating which makes the umbrella about as Rood Wiwi To Ms m new again. Spots on gossamer coats If trouhted with an unhealthy, slow-heolia� and cloaks Can be ecveeed,with this •lar. W n d- Pariis' Carbolic. Cerate. freely. N her• IIU Ida terbeano,. e If the K sou m..m branches standout •.w,,, ^• N.1:eres,zg Slne•ItT ('tin fr •n • 1 0.04' 1154' c nova. • the branches nee• you met diad ,t invaluable f Iran* y / better t • rCealry handsome mats are medal of �ngr ami .•ou,p5elrly re :your trouble. non an he given than to make the lei with borders of daisies and of golden brei ' t of order take with It s few fn'm the tro•.o rax) 1 or 1"' hes and 'neer leaves, wooled Rhyme' drag wore. Y"1 like t with crewels. If yon puechaa* the gat • Wide twake Rrr�lst• J. Wilson is always alive to his busi- Dess, and spares no pains to secure the best ..f every article in his line. He has secured the sorcncy for the celebratedDr !.r 'o i..•11 au inverted umbras. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Allow no le wnches to front each other, She Felt as Mast` terns so so much used now by which you the only certain cure known tor Con - can stamp your pattern yourself, the ex- gumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness passes is trifling. A very pretty that is Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any of !sloe foowith scton-like boomer, work- affection of the Threat and Lungs. Sold e 1 •+ tee yel!ow. Scarlet and canary on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles New servant -I like it hem, MU` 11 somata just like ray 541.1 h• our. Mistitwe- Indeed 1 Doi vot: ever hoe la ris.rae- sn•inane+ -o+-bia-l-- nor all. w 111 •1" branches 1.. grow tea slowly 1 Aral!. al t.. each other. There is ilamlt ana d11nyer of 1. a• lig the brst.cl rs t•.• .•(ren. New *event- Oh. no ! i was ret _-speaking of the Immo, I was thinking bow nice that noise up stairs sounds. It reminds Inc of home all the time. Mistreat' .Colt ' you mean that Yam- mering. That is say danghter. She is devoted to n•tn.usee work is brim. it is very fashionable now and .he has quite • talent that way. But how can that remind you of your humin 1 Where did you life f - - New streant-Next door to a boiler factory mein. A Rrw•an- Of one doss* "Tutees' &Y" to any one sending/the best four line rhyme on "TOAssZIT, the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Rat:.. Ask your d .gggru eet or address. At this season of me year there should he a bottle of Pectoris in every houses it ia une.5uallod for Coughs Colds and Hearsenon is pleasant, equally safe for children. Price 25 cents at all drug. foists. m a•'or, olive and o11 gold am all very free. Regular size 51.00. (31 Ilidsmse tgarlsls. - tastefully uei- IfrgilFi' lin'•Mr._jlZma age trwblwl with pain, A beautiful tidy for the bsuk's(*largo w wearing=and n dr.tgionit feel- chair is made of a s{tiare piece of cloth • ala • 'b.f tl of fille bol.. with thick shout tarn inches each way ; on this is These are solid VOM. The best blood purifier gad yeti= re- gulst'r ever placed within the wash of sufferino humanity, foul is Electric Bit- J. P. FISHER JOHN BOX t•!. :t inrw-ofJae, 1' ". t. x, ur144• r. o+• ev 1• 11••1 e t Kerr. .!tare e.• :• potnm*s24- The) s•tu-rt.l' 1' sstle'aat., , :.. al:. rad ollkr T' h a Fi newt Rigs ..t44I) .•'1.• 1!:1' !.. ... N.% -to' " 1.a:lt. 11.... ..• • .. 11, 1. ham --ttlilmt Ilr'nw, the you mend • patchworks ofpp:nsh +n•1 velvet ter. maedi* ity of the Liver, Biliousnea hairs .Mrmlimg 'initials of danger, and in the form of a wide -sprawl frit. The � ter'. icy, constipation, Weak Kidneys, Amid resort to Burdock Wood Kitt're, cor•lera ,.f the h'•oek are ,.f !%mei relent. or any •rhea..• of the nrimry organs, ,.t the oru1o1 kidney regulator and i-lo.•.l and o:1 the top, dr...sing .arc: the fan. is rtlgnlrYrt sn w)gw4)01'1 tonin or and liter cleansing tonic. - a setas from a moss t..se bosh. in rib ern mild whoever ran nl. will slwars lin.l E'nctrfr elsl.r..id'•ry. The edge is ini.hr.1 with Didier. 5!,. rarest and only certain cnFe L 'WORLD O�r'1F: ix -r. Ilii. d•'si;g" is j.rettl t'r w b:•ock in a guilt ..r scfa pillow. jks.►wn. They Aaa surely an')-q•1r'khi A telly way t, lex a Im-leaf fan to every bottle guaranteed to (;ire ..•,rids at.•se made a ,• werinl .p •r b P � satisfseti.m ..r im,ney re(un•lee,. tl•rld M I M to paint it. ix M fifty •-encs+ ,.'tt a It J. n day n awn a wag s Ica paint.1 ntake'it quite thin with boded As Onto" TrMasr. Theron P. Kestor,editor of Ft. Wayne Ind,', Gazelle, writes : 'Fox the past ire Feats I have always used Dr. Kings New Discovery for coughs of meet severe • character, as well m tor tha»e of a milder type. it never fails to effect a speedy cure, My friends to whom i hare re- commended it speak of it in sante high terms. Haring been cured by it of every cough i hare had for five years, I eon- oder it the only reliable and sure cure for coughs, colds, etc. • Call at Wilson's Drug Store and get a Free Trial Bottle. Large ase 51.01. (2) T Mr. God i al nne ultra mantle or 1 1 1 J R Ism 141 is support of the (rancho., bra , o" "n - Prussian' due with a little silver•white He 1' ud them( for able "'joie that tee 111rye.t number of cap- lies as' A Lire asvlsglrrr•►at. loin citiseus ah••ul 1 t• ••• a the innehies, I 1 '1 Pettit the fan „both sides Mr. W L. Arlt with 1f h rose ! 1 , )t 1, 1 1 Nti11:,.1 5'. t'AI:I W HITISH A. CUT, Toaonno s•taMlsb 5173 PH(s:.VI)i INS. ('u'Y. et Lux Win Kaiiteed)- ietatMrked 1711. ■ ARTI"OR111NK, t'O•Y. or HAavrear COY. tatKisklowa takes 1''54' he abpi. e' trot clam rate• by DUDACK MAIL akar at The ■allonagned is ala* (p. rd.• I l CANADA PKR. LOAN Ann SAVINGS CO. at Toroaru. Messy t• Lees ea a0aclasa swar(t7 YAM 7 to $ per Cent Cloture mores HOltat NUL7YrN. Odder' -• h dept. le. 551e. BOBBER -1' .o'sa10t. of gr. Yrs are annually robbed of their tee 5400..1,4". pr.lora,•o. I.appt.. •sa nod 1."111511 00.t..n .5 4a 1 he roar of theatre.. GERMAN INVIGORATOR, which po.statrly u.d permanent y sures Us - poles,' «'gond b) r14..0'. 1,1 .n) 111141.1 gem/nal Nestersa, and all dOrar•s that fol- low as a sequence of twlf- Ah■sr. as less of ea - erg). kw art memory. uuitersel lessowir. pail. s. the lost k. dimsc.$ of %halon. prema- ture add age. and many other tinwares 11•at Int to. inaanit) or.v'I.su5ption and • Vr um - tars Kra a e. Send for circulars with testimonials frre iv mail. The FitleusUATOM is sold at $1 per box. or six boars for $6, by all enimp ta. or will be seat free m) mail, securely scab d, on receipt of price. lot addressing F. J. t'116NEY, lkuttglst. 157 Summit Kt., Takao. Uh.o GWo. R111,1% AP, Sole Aerial foe Goderich ---- I people arc al* a) a on the look on, (or •h•n.•ra 1.. "acre -ase lheii eantiag0awd 11, ton.- he come wealtht : Moe.. who 'Iw gnu - mguere their opp.,, lull ittrs remain in {.•tett)'. - We lair a an a chant.• io make mole.. Ne wart ren. wo- men. hl.• swot garb. to *eek for us in .1.c." "%nImalitwa. Amy Me tatsduthesort pro peri) from the first .tart. 11'r Iwsa... • all pa) re than tett •••..., 4.141.11•11) wsgrl pew., •' outfit form",.•1 h'••' \n 'Oe' • cO- dage. tails to Mae n ..ae• 1 • • 1 11 get 01. your wh.d• ' �. . 1.1) 0,.451 Deere on. no •. cud • 1-'1174 I I, 1 :.:. . - $C�Co.00 F: L i 11r 4s. at .Il g l.• •1.. .. ,er 1.5'. 4`1 1'..Icp:.,l ...1 . • : .. 4., 1 0. Italie. • : .5 , t . t -4 1. ' • 1. • vie .141111441. are s.•i t' . • 1 .11.. w'bet.O.,din .• . • • • 1 . • Y 1h. T61 • ,1'. 1••• , ' • , • , • 4. l a. l to Rtt � ant 1. n• , , 1.. • . • ..., 1 ,nee a•olda•n t.,: 1' 1 414 ' 1 ..i I) an ilintorl.t.. 5"*44.• . •. �:•'•.,. •.. evil •s.lts- tion..'Torg..Ilmt• 1.,.1..•. 1••• • I'') hr. JOHN 4'. the , I t '':1. 1 .1 '.sitIr. 11 ami 1.1 nil" 141. :,• 1 . 1'' I..n,. ote e teal goietsar -. tat : Y n .,. p'. 1 pt o(♦ 3 cant n umr. 1•.. t Sale el toes o. '. til • L 01$I. ....�• :.ant mighty and . ealth is dealt Jim. lwaati_bnWud to tunitle $Aawret.tn_yen a0n tows e: •-r1' fee e. No risk. h:vrrytleagI mare. 01 . awl e a .' E. Allison, Htitehiu...n, Kati., a handle and* 1. wits .t. you choose and defended alt_ ,,�•,. � •. n •A the frau- seed his life by •wimple Trial Mottle ..i new. t'.'pilalawt ,e -tonere. We *111 furni.l. you ce.1' than -t. Yamyare asakiCY 1••rtnne. radio+ nwhe .t- •n:eh.S Met, and be) a and `{,r:- .nos. e g _.. • w•'. Reader. If you nom business at'.:..• : 'um Call nuke great i.a a:l the 11111.. write t•: Icularsto 11. 11 tl s 4 11 d!•,t'u. I'ortlan Mal A ht d to decorate it, punt a poppy or some buds and items on it, ties blue ribbon tnn : the handle and 'sane it in a con• cenient place. if you_prefer to make it pink, use crimson or moldier lake and white in the sante way. Many people have stored away in boxes birds which nave been hrouyht or sent t" them by friends who hate hoar' in the utcertuost parts . f the earth. Thew may not► he brought forth, and help to make attractive the pretty cabi- nets of wood covered ttitb pl.uth. A box- like cabinet wavered with to jewel plush, with a braes lock and key and a looking glass back, if filled with birds, makes w very interest.ng object, and brightens a romm 5.leasantly. Dr. King's New IKec.rcry, for Con- sump.tNM, which mooted !rim to procure bottle, that comn.ete.y cored su, when D,ot,,, s, ch• 're ..f climate and everything else heti failed. .tsthma. Bronchitis. H.wrsenemm. Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung disallow. it is euaranteed to sore. 1',W Soaks at :- Wile .n's -Wile.n's dreavasee. ImrelriseH. (1). $1000 FORFEIT Ila.:ng the a;ri.1s1 couch.• :.e in Its sure: iority oc•'r all other.. and alto r Masseur!. ul trots of the most complicated sad 'warn* easys we could find. we feel jeweifit•d in °Wet - lag to forfeit Onc Thioate. 14dlarw for say case of ao■; h'- e•,t•1. sore t`. mt.. influenza )loarscttest'. broLchst , . .. 1 • 1 u ht n'u ua its earl - .'ai0 , whoo1s4I0tggcswu:yt'.. ant alt diseases 04 which a e only .'Mlu' oroa. owl lungs. t, a ac cr tt• urn with \a'.•.t'. 1'ough Syrup. w' to. t11.an accord hug to direct: •a4. t+anst'le bottle.. YS and .'0 tents; :loge bottle.. one dollar. O.•nuine wrapers only in blue. I4Uld by all druggists. oresut hj� 4141/0101 041 Meet,. ••''r.re. J(IHX C. WF•sT'r-4 ),. Al and It Kine street East. Tereuto, Ona ewe at J ...1.'.V I LtsON'to l arm( fins. Ytrdari -h Irl: - a TRY-- Dn. E. C. Ws.a•Te Nana s •.al* r. u 1DLAv 5.0X1. a guaranlea+! •pet•i5( 1..r Hai terse. Iia stases.. Cunt ubtun'., i :tr... 11. • . forging Heads' br.%4'rt-ou•17o►tlatear.►1ttdi he use of alcohol or tuba: 1 0. ti al, ft:lreri. Iea- dal Depot -aims. 1,41. nit r of 1: •- 1'111n, 1. twit high. inww,) :'..l ;.•rrl'rc to n.i-r•r).1au7 and death. IYr1'.atnrr OM Age. Rer•nnnese. Loss otV "s et in etlhetseL.trt••.ivnteri I . .vee and Sperwaitorrl 0•n, a awed h) of • r1 lerl fug of the brain, self-abuse or naer;ndalgInec. One )w'x -sill core recent ease.. Farb hoz to tains one alaoth'm Oration.' art. One dollar a 1 ex or six loxes for five dollar.: sent giro on nn•ep{ fs paid on reeeip' .r( prfee. bites to erre any case. With each order re- ceived by us for sir bores. aeccmpal.lyd w Hh five dollar.. we will trend the pnrch..cr ear written guarantee In rrfnnd the rumsy H the treatment does not effect • cure. (]i.areole* Issued only by JA Nita w1LM%. sol. "thin (sed agent forOoderieb, lint. JOHN (' M'EST g ('1).. sole proprietors. Toronto Int. e 'Pick's Floral Guide , Ido tau 1. as 1:te■a.1 Mash .f Ike rage.. x gate.* ria'". of Flelwrw mrd Sendai h.. ease. Mao rete W..rrattew• .�I the eh111osw mhos.'r.. Plat to an.. V.44 151.1.'.. :111.1 DNeetora for eros i nit. 1t is 1 4•1•0144•1011. • n..nith for the (enter table or a thither resent:t Lased on )nnr 4.,',,.' •n i 1'• et 11111. r w•idn.s. wish t••1• •' n1., n0•t 1 w II 0004 yos n cagy, twstase• mud. 'Tics sere quart -T of its ease. it :: p• l0tcd se both Ea I wee asd GI•rw,n. U v.,.:1 :rewardsew',et,.eras'de-dcc! the 10 eY. U. • •- +end. wee the keel la Ilse yreetd t 71..• ►'t t.uAt liClOA ir"tii hell bow' to art mad 141411l'. /Mw5e so•l1"e n'de Garde.. Ili Feges.4 Colored 11 .tee. h.agrat ;non. For On rents in taper .:. v r.: ?I.ID .n . legate rhdl.. In (lern•u...r r: al .h. If e'. Ittr-(rte1 1100t6l+ w.pdae- PNgea. , t.h.r..4 Pharr :a ever) uu,lw•r w•awy lis•• 1-.•ar.'. n -. 1'ri,,. 11 .:• 41 s1 ass Flys rep es for iflole. riperemru 7 umter sent for 1, n r:e't : 1'1,55copies for V.esata.s chase in it«!. • i a. a.' vert / right •'• .1.A.M>QS PZCg justice. art Roetearaarc'. ):. Y Al, the Omelet of 1't tee Leopold ••n k • large ' 1 h 1933 s day the queen • t during the ser- vice weeping bitter:y. All the young Tineas were .obbiu: The Prince of ales yea /40) gal Atte- the service Thousands bear witness to the posi- tive curative powers of the ORRAT Ors- NAM1)tvroo*Ams, the only remedy that has proved itself • specific for general debility, seminal weaknwtln , imtencO. etc. , and all diseases that arise fr rn gen- tians* or overtaxed brain. finally ending in con•Ilmptil'n, it1••nitr and • psm.- tare envy. ftl,ld by all dnnrgi•ts, or win be sent free on rc(nipt of 51.00 per fox, or six hoses for 5a. Address F.'J. Ceswsv, Toledo,. Ohio, sole sgent for the United Metes. traded for cireolar and testimonials oaf genuine cures (Iwo Rhyne.Oodeticb. Bra c e. the Seaforth Highlanders (the dnkis regiment) played "Ile will return t. bachelor nu more." The sky was over- cast and the weather gloomy. The latest invention for the protection of baseball catchers is a fiat ruhbrr cage, which, when ezpaided with sir, is worse ever the chest and ado nen. it is an absolute safeguard from injury, an far as tests made i cantly by O'R mirk* and .rim White of the Buffalo club indicate. it was, *l its warn by 0 Rourke. pound - 011 with bets and clubs, jumped en, and finally O'Rourke allowed Whito to stand ten feet away and fire a baseball at him as oviftly as he could throw. /►'ltrmtke says he felt not the slightest inoarnveni- @nee. X umbe, swesear. As a dressing for all manner of flesh wounds there is nothing better than HAgyard's Yellow Oil. Tt cleaneea,•llays path, subdues indanse ation and heals without • scar or stifnem of the parts injured. it is orally valuable as $pain us remedy for interna! e • Semere able.tea**, Mr. Mary A.Dailey,of Tnnkhannnck, PN.,wm afflicted for ax years with Asth- ma and Bronchitis, darine which time the hest physicians Gould give no relief. Her life wont deepaire•d o1, until in last October she rw..enred a bottle of Dr. Kist's Now Disaorrry. when in.mawliale relief was fait, anal by ctetinaing its ase for • short time she wise rompletely ewe ed, pining in flesh 50 Itoin a Mw wrath. Fees Thal Bottles of this certain erne of all Threat and iwor Mamma M Jas. Wilwes's fhsg Renee. Legs Wattles 1;100 . (v 'Why should &man whew Morel is warm within fait lee his grardeire cot in 'debase/or 1 Or lot his hair grew rusty, meant and thin. Whose "Cew/tAL IWrwwlls will mike g. now the faster. For sale by J. Wil- see 2.0 A Moe fes the Mehr. Is generally the first thing in lase of an injury, but a doctor cannot always respond to the call. if you have Hag - yard's Yellow Oil at hand, you have a reliable remedy for all wonnns, injuries and pain. it has sated life when even doctors had abandoned hope Kiser it ready f..r use. 2 A 00 Mbseveef That is daily bringing lily to the hewer* M thnueands hy saris" many of their dear ogres from an early grave Truly is Dr. Kirit s new Discovery for Mnsnmp- tires. Onlrghs, Dodds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Nair Fever, Tma..A Valise, Ticklinfl in the Throat. Pain in Ride sad Most, or any dioses of the Throat and Tang, • primitive erre. flasrentosed Trial Rot - tis free se J. Wilson's Tieing RHwe. Loir1<a ..... 51.00. (til **la setrwenbes.' C A.Couture, of tit. Alexandre, P. t,). , was said by his physician to be in the last stage of rnn.um�jp'tion, and was vivre up as incurable. He had not a t,. tool Who could give him hopes of many days .d life. When in this cendItl.m he be we t1. take Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balesm,and an immediate change sinned. His e.oush grew boomer, the phlegm gradnahly censed, his appetite volumed, and in a short time he was well Ttse Agway Over I Pain hasiebed as if by mare Poison 5 N.rvilim is • positive and almost Instan taaeesa remedy fax external, internal or Led pities • The newt active reread h hitherto known falls far short .A Nerv, line for potent power in the relief of nerve pain. herd for internal or etre, nal IM.. iley a.10 cent 5.005'10 Mottle at .1, Wilsons. Largo bottles 2fi ownts. Why suffer from herr w , penetrations whore yea sea buy • g-aarsntmel care et Wilkins dr71,; Core 3) 1..••••••••1••••..........44.; - FR7. MA.7115 W ORM POWDERS. Are :... n • - t•eh&.l'mtaio their own Purgative I vas. sure. wet 00 direire7sr »r emirs In Children or A GENUINE ll, INGER SEWING MACHINE. C//.4.5. P/ F TTY, liar _ be appointed /agent of the above 'mar hors to .o1M1t the initial pn1lie pat- ova" and will ...poly machine. on liberal Try the Cienuine Singer. Rawl • nose Vleatort* strop., wear the M 0. Choreic Iawdprtrh sioea,i , Dee. la WM IRI Mr T IS NO Hlli,'•'"• 1 Thal 1npl,tkerta Is err of 'ho nosed atat/l Pe- na.•li4"1M•. wed sena 1110 o r -eye awn.' Owe* ands of &Isid .% i• + he: 115.14 *0 0e.• e11' deny, mei that do. to in inane Casa, ere prw0rl..- a.t1 0'e it i -))r-- se or* A m.d1- •Ine tee e h a ' -".'.5.1 ant tar rare fnv I hi. do were*. and entraeio s 4.00405 05•.•554 be Mile.' R4•1 Jos masa' 0ravwlly earl. -named hy evert fa tsIR. to' 1.•..3line' 0. Aral A , on- narration M maul worm rosily rh51.4 s• the beginning thaw aA oso, ►I' bas'Itsr4 headway. Poll h wltk 5k. d.4- 1.•.. Ifeeto,..•.(;gain M1 aanciaasit era nes ww'' ' •; 41 0. t•s, 10.0. (tart, a ides 1. nK re•1 t1,.- subtle fes Melt. LAMM".1111.11 t 'i:ot, • n.•n) CR'tl')• Reit- 11117. W•• so -,h no101d -naytal '1 at it will mower Its-.nr,. 1. •tiers paten' hat e Apr,' tidy.- .454 %.e.w'e' .. 11 ',Onion of 1' ,-,.4111. and hos ere Iakrr 1' 0• n0••w. ..1, .rnt- tole ti. ire birth aatt ter I .al men to Ida. MI. !ese-e.• w •-Teelese.w:sl.. a teenier, and trial belie. . rat or and(wg 5.r. Addrot Nev. If la55k' a IV. 7.511 h 1•.O. fln•0r'n r.r eat. r5 err wet, *Me ads«. Jere le Ides. 110S4 s WILL CURE OR RELIEVE twouSNE88 Pi' !N 4. G ^PCPS1IA. DR')i„Y 1 ....IC MON, FLUTTERII:3 ';/.qG;:c OF THE HART. 1 'T&CPEtAg'. AO'INTY OF ' • :T 5NEi';-•', 'NE sTO-•t-' 1-•ftTSURJI, DR t1E88 i '01101E, Of THE STA i..d wary spe•b. of die sot rertsmg tram i:.erWr.d 1 • 1 1•. K Oliva. ,..aMaihailly B..w i. • t, . Kt 11.000. $66 ate,. nu, •• % sr Old. cat work. wet, • prtireiar• /IsYA.