HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-18, Page 6u e6 tai W ly d co! ae gio Ir la 1t cl er .1t at w ft lc al at t b It h t. J 0 d f t r llhe Nuet'c C•of'ner. .ealr Falk. An American paper haring tr/.red sew pi '1s 104 ib. best poems on "Pipes& • the qursttr,u," a young lady (teat dill sat bank euturud into the Otsupetitioa, the l result owug that she r b pro. As lam" awarded give in but V poem is 'richw• git bol w, but *la rot mated t , withhold the Het authors 'maw, whi. h s.• du, althoagh t the production is one t•• lie prowl of. Sb Th. poem, whri•b t 'resoled "C .uutry Sty o, reads as fo.11uas . Fo .Tis •reals', calk. and peace boar Mime sl a !dere whir' creep. Aa 1 every little smelly tower Uq towed .t. kat.: la sleep. Warta tatty timer a,.,1 at mails' beet Are drean,ln .,r thr.r..o., Aa 1 masa the Weaken. playful noes Are tickling P•upk , sinwt. 1\,,w 111e soul a,y des: smuttier Flt .\s *did tie 1 3 u rat La. /lc grabwh of tie ruu,.,. the wafer. A darken u. -kat wicks; And u., ! what W,aetu! t., taus spoils Ad wriggle is aur breast. While Jusrph'a heart for me beats wane beneath hue bonsv m.4e toes. ANSI while All '4414.1 004•1441114 1 eft From care awl sorrow too My thoughts to kyLone rays do fiat When Jue was ,marlin' Ire. Th.• .,.d form louse 1 wee once more. When. bop elites errep sad cling. The hooey -suckles 'round the dour Where humbly twee do sing. The folly hawks and Iwpp.N gay. The steeled Inignoaette. The weeder nob Its fragrant ht.): Where Joe and 1 hr..* mel ; Tin baru-yard where the tke clicks said Are etatteria ace tbd grated. 'The roaster crowns. on the Nam Ti.. Kt. Meer s•rutsu.' 'roaad, The Moil, rule with ele.•py eyes A.L,wlw' o' ba•r Kern. Ilex ta.l awk,kiu' of the Gies Which 'round her has and ham. f'elt's im and Joe u;aril Iht• car. A sir Main' ur our feet. Joe's aerie sut41-,"hunt his heart And talks most atrial sweet, And I i'1r nr sat•(. AI443 (41 and akty,4,4.'. Hay. " 444 Jr..., 1 can't Jud yet, 1 wish y Wed slop y 4r tttsbtn" but Jut fie tomb* me .rotted the kerb. My Muni he dos imp 1 tea, And wnran. 1.1w heart will rarely break 11 I dim, 1-I•rNttlee to to hien J oat theta 1 -IN ar u,?- daddy shot tVItak• amain' Through the hallo itetho! wttster• you two steal f' r+y5. Joe. "V$ 4'11 Wayne' can 'toad oiler s M•il me ,cert and run 'helo( '(,cough item beana*d hick ia, Poittrry fly in' like tun And nearer •h.u' like the jlebes& "1:h ! What dy'r oar r 1 rub toy bead And low';r OD what a aback ' (Ne K a:, " w)'4 k •. " 1•w aria bed, 11'4 aimed( tea u.'kwk." MT lallm' suck I •,uickiy retell And Ilius!i all my at Italie.. Thea ley it down and start to pat. 1, M je *salamia x:tader hree. • he.. 33tsMsso* TOWILSitI, Aprii 7, lr4lid. Ctwucil mut to day purses' t t., ad juurittneut. members ail preeeto . los .,fwlast mmeetiinggto ger'eed waist. v/. its tree planting e Moved by Jas. Lsithwait. 'scowled It .fat IL Elliott that by -leer No now read be passed- Carried Moved by Edward Achwun, aectaideel by .toht &.ac,wa that the Court of Kevisron ho the present year be held on the 2t;th lifay, in Knox. Hail, H.olulcsville, at 101 o'clock, &tit Carried. Mood by I John Beacoul, seconded l,/ Edward Acheson that iso acti..it be taken on peti- tion for sidewalk to Huintesrille, from post office t., station at present. Car- ried. Moved by John Beacom, second- ed bd.Jaa.'H. Elliott, that a bonus of twenty-Sve emits per rod, be given for putting up wire fences where the rode me blockaehwl with snow,sueh parties AS are retiuested to do so, be notified by road commie toner, and that the clerk draw up • by-law, confirming the same, also that on wire fences already built, rte such part or parts of the sumo as are found to be a benefit to the pdt,lic, the • bonus be twelve and ..rte -half cents per rod. ('srrtcd. 7'he following tea -omits were p.id *s'4oss,r's salary roll being tin idled t;i:. ; Wm. Gonitis and Joe \tiller, indigent., oue 110arter's allowance per Mn. Gallia•, 637.:1) ; K•..bt Bray, in. digsut, *10; Godsend, Mat-, printing, $18 ; Perk for sending trustees schuoI section census, 141 each section, a's.' for work in Iwmlrv(,,n with Ihp ratio' co' - unto* on tl)e asseestnent roll, $ear. Coun- cil adJjo�urned t.. meet motile of Monday, Owl_ 181 itis TU HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY APi1L ;8. :,;t. � lsyessr a asetsaa Me lour - this day «,111• year/ ago., whet Her M ste•ty was standing ea the publie rood near amus"isle ,kashaa the isatin from a putt cular point, a flock of sheep• - pro c'.e4 Hsi ala jetty, lrot.g teut un h. r work, took 1lttW notice of the Seek, and merely moved * little nearer tbo aide of the nand. A buy in charge of the sheep shouted st the lop of a aton- t.wi�n voice, ' Stan' oot 'o the road, 'utas(, and tat the sheep ga• )'y Her W)e.ty mot muting out of the way lulce res last u the shepherd, he again shout- ed, 'Fat are ye standtl.' there for Gang sot ..' that, at let the sheep pass ' • tine of ilex Maj•ety's atteud*Pts. elm had bean at • distance, on hearing his royal mistrs.s thus rudely aoudad, went up to the shepherd, aad thus addressed hies, 'De you knew who it s you hare been speaking w rudely to., boy t' '`a _ I slither ken r,••r pre ; but, he she fa' she likes, she sudna b. i' the sheep's n,ad.' 'That's the Queen,' said the official. The boy looked astonished, and atter recov- ering his senses, said, with great simpli- city, 'The Queen ! 0d, fat way dean* she pit on clan that f..uk car, ken her r• A Sad tow et MervMMs. To starve the lungs by • lack .,f vital fao4 aotitained in tore air. if the lungs are %helmeted by colds, remove the ac- cumulated phlegm with that ea. and i leuant throat and lung remedy, Hag - yarl. Pectoral Balsam. L' DK. LOW'S PLsarissr WORM Sral'r. - Au agre.ab.e. safe *nd efts 40*1 remedy' tea remove all kinds of worms. n1 bens Fever odic, unnatural appetite, Ire'. falllea,, weakness, and convulsions, are Fume of the affects of worms in children; destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. lin Alm, •c .eery pill c.intainac.lt'wrl .t.J other miners! compounds. Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters is purely vegetable and takes the place of all tither purgatives. In largo bottles at 50 cant. in li b All 1a she %MOM, 11' leen the Pacific acaudal was the topic• of the day the Tory press thought t..' break the force of the rev.lat by eat ling it the Pacific slander. In like manner they ar.• ..,.w ter b ery cane that ,nt conspiracy. g the bre clean • p y- The ware change of headlines may contain tout- u•'n u1 the eyes of Mrsara Ruutltttg, Sleek d 1'., , hut it will avail theme little either 111 public or Ie:Cal lT'.rutt0 World, Real be biddy. Many people are troubled with gid I nems or dirtiness, which is generally a shin .4 disordered digestion or unerllsl cireu'ati,n. Burdock Blood bitten re- stores the digestive lowers, prometee • !hgalthy circulation of the alai fluids• allays nervous irritation, thus curing headache and giddiness. _, Ia Ilse Hoar 0t1eea You waist not to try experiments, tout tewrt to the old and well tested meats that afforded relief in the past. When your cone ache dun t take the first aril- . de offered you, ''but find out just the thing to answer your purpose, '.1*., to Ly i repave the troublesome corns, and to du It promptly, 1'o(nJrn'• I'., anlatw 1,34, ,,'s. 14nrrhir has been used for many yeses. It_ 11 has lISvcr beet, known to fail. Putnam's Extractor makes no deep hol.s in the r flesh, hard to heal and mon t Prelim, Clerk, at is sainseat it is natural Ior bottle penile tool be Mi- ami, being often a result of peculiar bili was temperament, which with high living toe greasy fete!, indigestiem from inactive liver, is the frctlnent cause. The rem- edy, above all others, is Burdock Hl..,d Bitters. It is highly curative for all biliary complaints, and far better Than physic for ivactits conditions of the bowels. 2 (lama& Lane, the latter, had his leg badly cruahiel while working at Dur- niort s sawmill, N'roxetor, on the let inst. The young mall will I. laid uproot - Rome time by the unfortunate accident. ►1'a*RlxiritP). Almy 1:,t 1,, I orbic flystu.Kttr!, Having Leen n sufferer for a lung t frntl nercuns prostration and general debility, 1 was advise( to try flop litters. I have taken one brit- tle, and I have been rapidly getting bet ter ever shine, and i think it the bort medicine i ever used. d am now gaining strength and appetite, which was all Kone, and i was in despair until 1 tried your Hitter& 1 ant new well, able to go about and do my town work. Before taking it i was completely prostrated Mae. blur $,'i * i,. . Th. oc*o ,(ul medal pre*ented to the Leeknew Curling club by Adam frown, otplamiltun, and woe by Hugh Somer- ville, h*. arrived. It is of solid silver and Is merle from a con 1fi0 years old stele 1.Igtseaeag. Them are but few toot Mir. nevem .wfMet Plum Int.terelde psis frees x rrtett4glg fie like made esies. 'r. sub zia:wt�liefas fluid I.ltbta;Ios fa Ie flaw �f IneF►1r IfN s 101101111 teal tMkwe(re radle'ate to fel takes flee ea • • Vteig rhn n1 Fluid Lightning cline, ON se . yeas ern lien the original disc mfort& It wuse orks I nicely and etfitiently• A tt5tictk's Thertro•rv' - For a Cough, Cold or any pronebipl atfecion. “Pectoris," in my opinion, is just the lilting. 1 hare used it in w}' familyi for ' Coughs and Colds for the put four you" with the must Knvaried suceem•, aced to- day my opinion of It a that I continue i to think still lore of that which 1 bey,an thinking well of. (Otto. I( Ken, Manager tinta:io -Bank, Pickering. Price 20 cents at all druggists Id - is t1 t .M._ MnfM Trial. Narvtline.ie thi 4 i ora Pertain al,d certain t may costa 10 cents ftnonsedy for ,r in the worhl. l a trial bottle. Asingle trial bottle will prove Nerviline to be stuffy efbe,ciuw as an external or ic- ternal remedy, and for Lain of every description it has no equal. Try a 10 Cent sample bottle. Kid at J. Wileon'a large l.ottlw 25 coot& _ Ilimmurn ►bin/ 1s the only instantaneous -five ralgia, Headache, Toothache, Rule (ring et 4.w JJee,ap.u . needed. No taking nauseous meallLihadicates for weeks, but one minute's al'phcatilm remove, all pain and will ,rove the ;retest value of Kraut's 11'1uid Lightning. 25 cents per bot 'tie at l ie,�� a khynaa' drat *bore. rwaaM dates. Pasta., to Great britata-:c. peri edam. by Registration fee le. noel. *, i orders 8r.*ted w all ewer miter e ...oda. l-w/u/ drew. Orem ll dl rl .e Kd loud 1411111111. Yew /ottadl•ad alaa- Deposis reoetrW wieder ibe nisnit toes e1• th ped A la•savialu'beakbetwee' home 01 aid gad GMp.m. Iteslaered letters mast be pasted IS mlwgbe briars the clear of Swab seal(. (race hours 1 am to 11 p.35 , Saadays **- mined. eOsta{uK Pow•rwa. Canada hating bees admitted fate the I'oa (64 Union there is a re arraagemewt of postal rstee. as follow• rug Austria. Hclasuy, Des ark. 1041aad, Il;wypt, Frame. A+rlm•i , Uereeway, Gibraltar, Ural Hritwla sad +i+r'wWaa. Gres-.. Itwyr, (,mss - sabers. Malt.. Moalaaegro. Netherland, Nor- way, Persia, Portugal. *sere& It:eoalMam. Reeds. St. Pierre, Merit& Hauls. the temoty Wada, Hweden. Mwltaerasd geld Tartey. And via lacWsted s slams of B84 r Manama& CoonAt. (trots. Jamaica. Japan, enT d Porto R bsca' 'Newfoundland is now in the 'Postal ("nice. but rhe postal rues remail 5. before). Leet. S coot, peer ii ounce. Metal carafe S cents ego Lion fNewsee Sp1 cents for 1 Fowey, diarist Yur A4. AUrgientiew Lbnfolerotlea. Draft Headed Dolma. Ceylon. tineulaod. 'ren Celestial la Aalil uritis, (trunk* and Am Ica•Peexceppta `. Pierre and Miguel/se.t', r. Africa.via Petit 011, l''rt uguees Cutouts.* In .1e Iw **Moe, OosW. Trinidad, Spanish (bion, aaien *ad America, eatrpl t'u and Porto uses Tbssrm. This ticrienesi and petaful at£eetwn may be readily cured by the *ppinaamou .f Haypard'a fellow UJ, Eakin* d Internal ly at the mine time accortlen1 p, direr terns. In croup, asthma, colds, swollen hands, r'h essumaatu and tither painful dimmest it is ritually etticacious. 1 Mar PlepaikM a Msdeese, Mrs. Helen Marais, No. 33I Dayton St., Chicago, DI. , w Pow in her silty - eighth year, 2.1t.1 states that ate has suf- fered with Consumption for Ob•.ut tett years, was trilled by tithe phye,cia4ls.al. of them pr',uuuact44 her cue hopel•e.o. She Iral Kicen up all hope of •vet moot. *ring. (tete', bottles of Dr. Kings Nee Discovery for C.,ssawptiou completely cured her. Douldin4 o.tres, please drop her • postal and satisfy yr.ursrl.ea. t' J! at J. Mason s drug, store and 'tet t fr. r h, trial bottle. (1) n• Seeing is bettering. Berl the f1.Hi mounds in the pamphlet - "4�._.1ftiR .r Iluren's Kidney t'ule, tun buy a lydsle ". and relied* "'ourself of a!! Chow. ,tinit. a ea Ing pains. Ys'ur Dru;;.est can tell y'ot. tea *1l about it 101 1 I.y .1 1l'tir'.n I;a'aerial,. 2144 The use of ['its, 1:dts,Caatur llil, A, - and .other nauseous, griping Celli/Hi i•• - is unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute 54 f 'and in Dr. Carsobs 'litters. which act as a Cathartic without gripient ' r closing nat'sea All druggists sell it 50 cants • bottle. re. Puma/ Malacca LettbrestIhope- . per rbooks. tee. k. fes 1 ea. tether realer* Metres lac. West India Islands eau Halifax, same tetras formerly. Prepayment by stamp la all Goers. Australia '.:rept New South Wales. t'ic. turbo. and Quee*.and : tenter, 7c.. paper, l tents. Australia. New Mouth Wales. Vb. ort*, ltueenatand : Lettere lett., tenser' lc. Il New papers Zealand. ata 4'aa Yroaclse0. Letters The well known strengthening proper tics of In,n, combined with other tonics anti a most perfect 'terrine, ars found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood And complesinn. lm Ir. the history of medicines no preps ration has received such universal arm.' men!Iatiou for the alleviation it affords and the pertnauent cure it effects in kid- nay diseases, as Dr. Iran Buren'* Kianey Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by J. tt'ilson. 2in Frotu the Liver and Kidney* arise fu1• ly half the sickness. Dr. Carson's $'omu- ach Bitters stimulates bootie Liver and Kidneys and insures one against disease; it is ti..t an alcoholic stimulant. In Targe bottles at :,Ocenta m National Pills are sugar coated, wild but thorough, and are the best Stomach and Liter Pill in use, Ito No household shouts w considered complete without a bottle of Dr. Van I rem kidney ('ure M in the closet. • It is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly cure all forma'' of kidney disease', Sold by J Wilson! 2w 13.ODERItTH t PL 4 NING MILLI • 1•.STARUSHED iii:, Ru nab Ras... 11'e hare Made *rrantfemruts to dub Tea 11e1NA( with city patten at the rates given below: -- Sigma! ani Daily World ....63.3(11 Weekly tibohe ....... 2.231 Mail..... 2.2b Advertiser .. 2 25 i I'I rt lilt I, 'tit D\ .es/rte, -Poverty 1 with perfect he.tltli is rather tar. bech.aeu than ricl...1 and deslxlnia. Try the jcr gi7 effect 4t of a dulhir bottle of Fut-riry c For rough conditions .4 thea Skin, Nhatupouinr the head, Piwplrs, Erupti..n and skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Srd. phut Soap. at .111 Nei V14111 Debility cured by the tit,• of Dr. E. C. V'est's Serve and [iris., Treatweb'. See advertuwmeta die -whine Sold at H aeon's drug stare. 2b' An Aa'wer Neatest ---..- f Can any one hying us a cared Kidl. or Liver Complaint that Meet/sic 1:4 will not speedily core f We say they 1 Cahoot. as tlt.,usauda '.f cases already permanently' cured and who are .laity' to antmending Electric Bittelw, will prose Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Weak Rack. ,r lily urinary complaint .tuickly cured. They purify the Wood. regulate the Se„v- .1., 'and act directly ..n the diseastnl ' parts. Every bottle guaranteed. F..r sale at 50c. a .bottle 13; J. 1Vilsnt. 111: mr Extensive Premises and ,p'endid New Steck. (*mop rice-Alartivi C'A13INET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Gc delicli \ g••od a•eortene*t of Kitchen. 'led room. Itt&tttt Ituota and Parlor Furniture, mach M Ta blow t 'hairs their, /sac mid wood seetedt. Cupboards. lied -arcade, Matlrtasw.. Wiseb•etaads Loultipai, 44015.. What -Net., Looking (Dames.• N. It. A ru.,plrtr wow 'Meet el (WAN and Shrouds al. ay• res load ado Hearers for bar a4 tosaut4ab4e rate . Piet an. rranslae a spec *ht.-- .4 . ave .41 4 t. 1:13 SOHO M YNACQu*ns'rg WMTN THE CEOCRAPtnr 01 T/ci) !uE ne Itl(Ay4NINC THIS MAP, TWAT rex ' me% elk o ., r CHICANO, ROCK ISLAND 8 PACIFIC R'Y, Siring the Creat Central Lino, affords to tiaras., by rea•pn Of Its unrivaled Iwc- cr.tohhcat pO1it8On, the shortest an) nest route between the East, Northeast atm Southeast. and tete West. Nostt.west and Southwest, It Is literally and stricter true, %nit 'Is connections are au of the princtpat hum of road between tee Attantb and the Pa^Hoc, ,y na main line and branches It ruches Cin mac, Jones. Peoria, Ottawa, 4a bane, Conerseo. Moline and Rout. (stand, in lit. sola 1 Darenpprt. Mueeat/neo Wa*hington, Keokuk, Kncar flee vw4 i(0o3a, Fa1M• i, Des Moines. meet Liberty, sena City. Armoric, Avoca, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie Cents M Iowa; Canaan, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, in and Council truffe. t'�y��f w0rth and Atehf•oe, M 54....•, and tort hundreds of frit Ils.mmrwirt, and ti sown - ,a} Iatvm'WUeM. Tee twin vMlaase and town• if Buchanan, Lawson 1 Robinson ' Aro } *W IStrnestwsed.sgsy a troubled triad Slit Malaga, ' 11AYl'Y.t. "TI'wK Ky or d Rough Skin, Pimple* or Canker Sorra ;1 so, go at once to Ile, Rhynes' Drag Baehr Doors t'-- $tore and get a package 1 Mg; cregt.r A. ! J3/m } s Pteke a Carbuli,Cerate. I'r�i.:e'2:1 cents. i it was never known to fm. t. uaalJttl* IN Aha. lit\tis o5. w Luyilber, Lath, A manilas br«eirry. Shingles WO builder's material of every de..•r:etion. ' PuysIcian s are often startled 1,; e -f tttarkable disco%etira. '4iw'£ict that 111 ! soma rumatrust A SPECIALTY. King'• \ear I)i ,1,t,t GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," As it is familiar/sr caned. Offers t0 ttablders an the adeantagee and comforts tticrdent to a smooth trace, sate bridge., Yn:on Depots at en oo.INettnn points, Fast Express Trans, composed Of C*)Mlet HEATED, F4NELY UPHO4,sy. g'D and calix►'' WILL. VEMTI;ATtW, ttftLL MOST MACNIFICEWT HORTON f ECLINIWC CHAIR CARS ever built KINKS;SOAMT DAT 00/ a one of tete lutes, o4Srned and handsorn'et PILAC* SLEEPSMO CARS, and t PYl1MA11'S that are acknowledged by prate a WMWD OARS ROAD IM THE COUNTRY, and ,n p44DN to (44 the IINEET RttN t1POW ANT the low rate of 1EVEWTy-ID d LENTS EACMlor mNxla are relied ta',aveasr• at THREE TRANS smote way between CSIICACO and the MISSOURI RTVER. TWO TRAINS each war between essfAQO and MINNEAPOLIS ••:a int. 411430o$ POLIS ant! tor. PALL, A Slew and Direct Line. eat Seneca and Kankakee has e between Newport Mews, ittenn.Ond, C.neinnetl. Indianapolissnanbees, end Counelt fluffs, It. Paul, M'nneapoh• ane intermediate points.d La Fayette, Ail Through Passengers earned on Feat Express Trains. For more mita a hod information, see Maps and Folders, which nay be obtained, Fe en as Tickets, at an principal Ticket Offlcee in the United States ane Canada, w a R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vine-Preu't A Csn'r Manager. O•re! T'b't a Pepiy Ay" ALBERT LEA ROUTE t'.11l Orders promptly attended to. HC"y e1} I' r L a i.,' „1 g, Mal all Throat and f.tmgill:r,raee ieda:ly� (toderteb. ANS.2,MU. curing patients that they L..tt.-41.rn up190':•17 to die, is startling thein t.o realise their I Haveitsarsr.lc'`,-- -,shoutr .11,1 Suiting ill l,Ctl4rraia f td:r hist 1 a 4'GODBRICH BOILER WOR[S ns th:. li eriLi i,t-Ltitel^rt- olaiwee slot oe `ciai is using tt til then bottlers free at .I ti :; • 1' at irar. Trial BRASS A IRON STEAM FITTINGS :��Yr r;:r z=; „ y Drug x!t►�t BOILERS 1 ENGINES New Silt Pans and Boilers HU.a ea ihnr,,'+t It nice Mail orders for new work n'Itdtr. 1 revive grump a ;(144(1,4. CHRY$TAL & BLACK, t\'snka V('* 0. T. tt. Citation. U,rderlek. Itch. abet. _.. 4:17 88miller Plan. CHICACO. MIS 4 CURE Bark n. MI..1.• an,i revere ail t:,. ,•,,., ... . drat:...•bat.,a.•runofthe ,ratan,sir ya,'. ;. *mean, NOWA, Dmwon.rr- D.urnw ah.r , a:.: f, Pain Is Mediae. At. Wit- le the -,r wet hA.s4- Waearess• i:as Levu 'boon in cCur.et e SIC fleetselmysCartnr•LitU•Uverril a,.ems.:r valuable Is loernpat4ea, dirty! sad 753.534034 tate annoy leg complaint. Sties tb.y also correct all d,ennlers of the etees•eh, Nimalat• the !A..r sad r guia1e the bowed, sits it tare um cued F'ARMERg Desirous of obta`nln Plow• of the sheer• iaeblea's teases 'wave. make. bring N.s. sit pt (04 and 141. canbe fur. embed w.th the sante by application o the w. �y ()unity Godenchw Burns, Rrueass,luta,l Icer, Salt iihsum I O�� Fe Sore*, The greatest medical wonder w the .lido Warranted to speedtl Core F • Z Fever ,res, Cancers, P,1es Chilblainel Repairs of all the shore plows ase also be ob- eyer, instance, or mon!' per bolt. For sale he I. Wilson. ly'. I riff on Plows alone. Tetter Chapped Hands and Il l 'sinal at lhr aster place. 1" , eureLin 11 Reduction of 25 Per Cent, y (1'. l - refunded euERRT h �t FSR THE CUBE OT !� . COLDS. Mir. ?IS aad ail LI. le Eof PERSONS tit ad*awed stage O: CoNSUMPTIQN• HEA r Ari •ores wnnlA t.c ai weer MST trim this distressing complaint: la thbose t who 1 bale.,tkt.r � O°m,4110" 1"'d T t wile te n, tbem a awl lbw. II pais 1 zi- - I able la ss many stye that they will not io wua.a; Sado without Gem. But alter all s,,k bead ACH is the bole et en unsay lives tbd here ,a 141.1,...s a here M tient. reat boast Our pails a u- u -'(suer', Little Lirof Pills are r-•ree.' - lath r easy to Wk.. Ow..r two pans m- „,r, Thor an etractly '•[•table and do a • or Parte, bet b thew "Mlle Ott Ion 1 I. e... i ries ■w these. by • is . at Vienne; ere for 41. Hold by draplfate merywbwt, or Mat by ,ilei. CARTER MEDICINE CO., Now York City, \Pply to r roe Prof. ,,..w'. %alphirr , .a!, for C..1. III..AIBER, Heat, Nettle hash. ticalet Erup ltslasgiss Agent Owlet' •b. Prickly (ton. Itch, and all dlseaseal t t h:e el .4 the Skin. Ini ('tyle at.a.R. - .A name well known in onnection with the 'lair Renewer which •ators. grey hair to its natural ooior by a few weeks use K.'Id at lip tents per bottle by .Samos Wtlsrn. Zip GO way */ fel lb* work Inag etas, mond 10 eta. hie sod tee w144 matt Ton a My al.. a1M3M bot of tees -a that wall put you In Ih. money In a few days thaa tau tree aeyirtposionto at nay M,Nsir'. No .*pItal retnirowl. we will .fart you Tao tae work all the time or In .pare time only The wart M mil oriented to troth /twenties yeses wed d4 You ran easily earn froth y,r, to M over) !renter. That all gibe w*at •weak lasralt. M1.lnem. we make this eapelOt. 11154 le all whose, ant seeksatNAnd we will ii to pay ter the trouble or writing IM. paAbusars, d1reetMwa, .te., sent bac Irer ,wee wilt be seeds hr t It, so who:-, taw* whole thaw le .b. work. Deem awe •.•w. algae lately aur.Deal delay. ,!tart row. Add, ms ATteeow t (b. Pot dead. Maine. UMW U•deticb, March Nh. IMI rtstt Wantad to be Koou! THAT 1." , 1a fowl SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. (p; i SWISS BOAP I go CHOICE CONFBCTIONBBT, 1 sW 88e so,A,p CANNED FRUITS AND nu. 2. TOIi.1 ('O, r'/G.4/18,lige t SWISS. SOAP Domestic and raw. Fruits, I totem of the No. S. Preen and rlmnked lith Nater Visa la A full ams tetras et ell binds of Sub AN.w w.v.ed N svaey *arse Ilii "RR.f NW fs ,41,4.w Nr tURICN, SWITZERLANO, neral lirsilpte. W14seba tweets tietemets, g 1.1....1.4.PxtetkialareplyNe., tnSde to Arta, t►N R ,4thronglt. iMwsNe! PIaa0.1 T *tiled, inn,•!. tierttany. ^arNroaNea la It.aeea. Ands -la. Orem.. ant Italy. Maantaeror.d int tirade only by lea PBZ 'G , '$ 2, The Huron Sea%%,� Co y >�2,1" 130Dat)1lx(?a_ resit Deo.111. N ma SnortOw Cst 80AP. 8OAP. 80AP. SOAP. O•derich, Sept, 11, 1484 nag. ream asalas erect tired by the44 groat Keonnmy Maass lowness, o g Go•4444ire - *flee fair WAWA or tots *TSc welt M be Mundell tow wsto.y Nn P., , 3, ,n 2.i be PRINCIPAL+LINE. •e-iT'+'i e• tonnrrlitor. 41L;eliisr and :nf..T bee res *e. .7ne Pint• le Mel,ra.aa uterus orae t. We". low'(.h, rasa- !,•I •,4. t»i w. ale. Nee Rests, Annul, Wen se Teaks. t • I tV aa" lOIs .. ear. the trainee te me wart,( tar a:l .:awls ur trate: t.hu nn.0 t`..,.., toe., Nlawrap,; •..••A w r car lore.., r, M.teA u i tow Great uertunClu KANSAS CITY Throng% Winos tisth Celebn..y Lbw sale at • I Wiens 1 tin r s wed Canada Yid r*erP0TTE8, MECEY4t L0W Owl rero'r lro bp,: Ell, Cbtinae.111. u.s ,+... Apt, t:bfea:., tfi Try ft, list Ina will bol ,ra voiles '4 Iwtnn, lasteed ..r a Ala •.,lull, Canadian. Pana Ag t, R. J.oprri,yoK,e Torono, Ont, Title' Agent, (iod.rrh s 1 Read six (wets for phase. aad receive free, • coati f hat Odds ',Mob will listp you than anything Flee Is t m...7AM right ilthe'r eel. sts east berm fire[ timer. br 5Proad to Meteor Open§ %Marr the warfront. *laolIr roltd MaAt more address. Tat 'a t Coo.. Augusta, Maine. ten- _____ f Says Dryden tihe knows her man, and w and swear. valet Can draw you to her with • anis hair." Rut It moat he besatifal hair to have ouch power • sod beautiful hair eau be ensureda� the cos of CumesLa311 HaHamRs R Sold at Went. by J.'Wilror 1` • I 1 d tI r 71 fa al rl1 lit y, t4 it H ch hill In. fri • ch' 4148 COT ter cot ad, for Drs La Dye Mal has deb etc. able in a tore will hot, CRE the and R by M Pa. ma the I Her Octal King for a ed, swot ofWale .1 *1.00