HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-18, Page 4ru th 'G so re w fr se al 61 I b 11 to Z 0 i f t t s t 1 4 THE HURON i3IGNAL Ss published •very TI't,ta7vMeraag b7 1Ic- UslsaCuear &atm at thaw/lia•e North 8t off dis. Miriam GOMM-WEL 0.YTARIO. :+•w1 Asa I*daqy •te4 to ears• of she serrowe►l a' h6g eoentr7 W tarn earsassteaalla end t rata gat r I7 sal simisa It has • Use than ea 1+rfr v Ibe oeentry 7 ether awwasr sin tihbm,i d 'art et :b$s racism, thumb evniast A w Pied sea°t as tela' meat W tart~ Lo *44103.. tot►• were, s $rrsl--dyes. Nit r 7 sad .ttrestd• pais._ 41 r therefore a corset Mr•a►t1 Odivertlanieinitatainos. 4110 t. *draftee poems* prepaid Mho 0 ►IlsblesUThitef■re sls wowlb• A $7.001 lm*M t sops1d-: gl i3. is rale wW be inertly r,,lt tt.yss oe AavRrtrpiiill gt{ghl Genu pe A lee ase Iasm?hwi ; three serfs per Itae for each aaaasesentlanerrtan. Yewiy,b&lbre*rlr. >d. aad ewarterly contracts at reduced nom. a gime P*smyageo ollee bare alsoasrstrlass 1', Saabsad dsM+Uasst rand Posses*. tag the areal ar far ts'r` ...$ 6oasrich, are pretrio-pared 10 do bedews ta • as line et grips tits ra u t ystome sttt/ that cannot 'FRIDAY, A PEIL 1Brtt. 21N. 'i or APING ff.(llE. From tbe.Clinton New Era. of last week, ma clipped r,n item which .ought to bring the blush of shame tri the counten- *aces of the Howick township council. It tells of an old pauper freein that town- ship who was committed to gaol as a vagrant, because he was old and help- less, and air-teens/up declined to sup- port him any longer. Ile had just finish- ed.a six months' term for vagrancy, and, hating got outside the atone walls, was endeavoring to •walk away an iso from the,place of tibe six months' durance possible. He is a decrepit man and years past the allotted three score and ten. When he &tete back to Howick, he will be cummltted to gaol at the in- stance of the township ouuncil, who will contend that they haven° right to sup - pert lieu, nn the pleathat he is • real detitt of Guderich, having dwelt in Hi couwty town for -the pelt six months. Thee1d man will lie term baek t.. gaol t. les not Gnu) has been found in Michigau. toe Thieso who Made the discovery were pumping a drive well. Good ;eying quantities have been totted at a depth of 804eet on a bed t4 tuck. A rich strike of geld has tau been made at !liver THE HURON .SIGNAL, FRIDAY APRIL 13, 1884. AT last acco*nte t;anent Gordon was fila N Khartum. A Msznsee of IM West Riding of Huron Vetoes. Association will be held at Dungannon a►uut the latter end of May or beginning of June. Business of importance will be trausacted on the oc- The telly reasonable excuse for Mc- Pbers•n•s era, exhibition in the Senate on Thursday last, was that he was crapu- lent from the effects of the debauch of the previous evening, when the Tones in session at (Ottawa banquette(' the &ari- ?eruus Bunting. "1 31 sat City, N. W. Territory. Ord Wedlwday last Mr. Justice Hag. garty uecided that contracts made by telephone an valid. This decision is only in *ccur4*nce with common sense, fur so much business is transacted now- adays through the medium of the tele- phone that it would be absurd to declare such contracts invalid. Prannre one of the vilest, loudest. as mouthed, duty tongued members of the ADDENDA'S ARTICLE& A. 0. p. W. ENTERTAINMENT. NABBED IN NEBRASKA. U dues aria IttAMamma46 to ts.Mammat Piro ter a law osseww■s+ee. a Geed Pveensai sse, 1171 see meeaN•emsersita er•lew, ing ,e a rsrIM Sevier ee •renewald • renewal s,tweeta. Inas raw ease tae•er's Work eai. !Cm, if 1 was .o •.f the uruin•ry er nesepapcontributor-,1 would, upon putting pen to paper. Immediately em- ceed to excuse cyeses fox net having fur- nished letters dorm the two weeks last past. As I am muthing of the kind, but, un the contrary, a gentleman of leisure, 1 shall not follow custom on thin occas- ion, nor .11.411 attempt to set up anex - cuse on oceaeiona when 1 shall see tit t let • wink or two •Itde toy without fur nishiug my usual served. These anlcl are toot written to save the editor from writing ; they are not written because the author betieres the public a III wale) if they fall to appear weekly ; they are written simply to gratify the whin of tk wither, and are a sort of escapement fv trl the letting off of certain views on at - ten, men and things which are not in accordance with supposed theories the at present exist. My independence I this respect ,nay G said W resemble that of the hog on ice, which when it did not feel like walking, lay down. Without feeling like an egotist, I knew there are m some who missed my philosophical re - arks from the aolu.nns of Tut Seurat. during the past week or two : and, with- out being driven to distraction by the knowledge of the fact, I am fully *an hat wine few who at tinny see the pa- per have, during these weeks, rejoiced in their hearts, and mentally ejaculated - that is, if there be such • phenomenon as a mental ej*calatiun-"1'nn so glad that old. stupid Addends has ceased to write ter Ter Servat." Nevertheless, In the The entertainn.ent bis Victoria hall oft Monday evening, under the auspices a1 the A. O. U. W. .1 this town was& high- ly tele, and redacted credit on the prom .stn of the scheme. The hall was crowded with • respectable and ap- preciative audience, and e►try••111 pres- ent tau/footed strongly that they were enjoying a treat. The chair was occupied by Mayor Horton. who, called toff 701 rata.&A6Ms. The tint piece was en 101010116/ - duet un guitar and concertina toy M we Luttrell and Belcher, which .!►cited neon ; and was followed b A. B. H demon in ' •The Ma`p!e Leal," which t being rncorcd,bruught forth "Sailing," ✓ a capital style. A reading by H. `Strang, entitled "JennieMcNeil, ' w . well rendered. Neat was the duett, ' ✓ Pulcatori ' by Miss Wynn and Pru Foot, which was cannel. "The Englis man," by J. F. Robinson, br,ught mound call to that gentleman, when t tickled the ears of the icor* twister. , of the audience by singing ".tire you M Reilly, that keeps the Hotel 1.. This breezy Irnh burlesque called ttr another.,m ditty frthe versatile J. F., who *rai- ded the audience with "Peanuts." The address by J. 14. Miller, I'. G. M. W. was nest on the list, and was followed by Miss Smeath in "Please give Its* a Penny," a sympathetic little ballad, very feelingly given. In response to an e,.- core Miss Swath gare & coquettish little lay called "The Style," in which an easy way of getting evert with an impertinent youth was described. A fine song "Looking Back." was beautifully rend- ered by Miss Bertha Trainer, who on i being encored came forward and gate, in a fitting manner, Lady Nairn's patheti song, "The Lend of the Leal. Miss Trainer's voice has much improved during the past year or two, and would do credit to any platform, and in the Not musical c.onllany. Alias 11'ytin 's renditrun ..f the "Valleyof Chamouni,' was very io.•d. and her •,.nor, "The t''ratr's item,- fairly htotiz!It .;own the sal aesra an en - on in upon a change of climate, then I something lila 3:3,000 coming 1.. as Liu. When flee latter heard ..f '1 Z&iea, nt:rstcrrss i he immediately went to Tavistock, h• there discovered that dance ISOtur a busily eugaged in endeavor* 19 he oily the defaulting. of Zan. A us getting all the iuturration poseibl. r. Tavistock, McLean went to Stratio ist and the* telegraphed to Toronto f, r detective Bluets, who met kunst Strat- font in due course. Zebra was then tracked to Port Huron, Mich , Mount Pleasant, Iowa, Lincoln, Neb. , and was finally run to earth at a little town called Seward. twenty miles from Lina.hn. Zahn entered into an undertaking to make things all right for McLean, and finally *01111' TO Pull' to Canada, where his relatives wuuld make up the deficit of $3,000 which existed in his account with Mr. McLean. We understand a satisfactory arrauge- e meat has been come to whereby tour townsman will not only receive 10. $'3,000 in full, but also the auount of his ex- panses u0 the trip to Nebraska, law costs, etc., which, we understand foot up some 3800. Christian Zehrs, • 'marls mast aged ahem' 30 years, who was sum* time tunes a thriving fanner 1u the neighborhood sal Tavistock, and reputed lu be worth some 220,000, during the month of February become financially involved, and accepting grad advice, undo up his inle amid to ave this country, and seek • tow hums in Uncle Sanas domains Amongst those interested in the where- abouts of Zehrs and one of those toot gait/emunsulted when that gait/emdecided to !rare the country was our towns- man, Wm. McLean. They had had dealings in the cattle trade, and at the time that Zahn se suddenly decided present parliament is Woodworth, the t So Nova on• blatherskite. He is • man of very unsavory reputation, being a confirmed slutn-seeker. Recently he saw fit to attack Mr. Blake on the Boor of the Haase. and whet, called to order by the speaker. refused to bow to the e decision of the chair. Tho Toronto ' N. i-. refers to hien in this instance, as, ts • "Mr. W.),W.),dwurth, who is feat develop- 1 put an another tern ; and the little ing into as great a blackguard in the t game ,will IseIs el b H ,tow+ as 1" ie out of II" 0 i' y y the Howlck towraditip umil McKinney is Ko..ti enough - - se resent writing 1 am in no way intluene- 611 loy the Althea of rit4rl ciao• ..f thew* burn referred) to. i an. 0......1,1 a ata •er o have my vanity tickled 1,y the anxiery f the one set of readers : and my con - nominees of superiority 1•1 Intellect renders me impervious to the venomous flings of those whose obte/omesa hinders to die or 1e*.• th-. district ; and nett ant, Riwrru Name and tris two deputies .i will taste' in their placee at the count council, and frown down the poorhouse schema, on the ground that it would be unjust ,fur Hawick -- which ?.or ,w poor support the poor of other mnnlcljel s- ties. k is time 01.1.4.o -eminent stepped in and Utak the 1 r... idling of Losses fur the helpless, tout of the heads of narrow - soured members •.f cm*sties council. y •• OM Timms are t'1a■grN std Ma.■era Ga■e.^ Then'. a id,ra•e wr neer! to noti.•e in every Tor. sheet - ...rent l I o l".•atest to the molest --high or Ino. It was •bean.,, on houtrtoe. it waw "hollered - on the Miert. 1t was fleetly. >ca, end laet:y, • :fu..at must a, .. hem from picking up the pearls of ph losophical literature which I,.fr,su time to time cast before them, through the! medium of THE SIONAL Ncw, Nr hon. ' est, -is that not the •paste way to 1'-r.11 at the matter ? • TIM ♦1'1'attah by P. G. M \t', !Holler was of x practi- ea: nature, and had .. trudancy to direct ► tea, tight* of many Pres.,..; t.. the bonen- . working of the order. The oryani- alien was of comparatively recent origin, having been inaugurated at Meadville, Pent.. in Ititit3, yet it had :groom rapidly,eo that to -day it embraced a_iuemh.rohip of over 130,000. The main of jest ..f the order was to protide a clomp torched of insurance, so that the prlarirs •1 agents and the suet of expen- sive ..l.ticco might to done away with. The ell • ••a;.re paid .to a widow of other rel..e:t•e upon the death of a member woe cwt given as a charity, but was paid as yea• right. None but men of sound itealt'mentally and phyli; tlly,were ad- Intt t" the osier, and the tonal health testee unto' Ey ignorer -ice companies was inaptttuelrted ie•fer.- ...tlol,u.ion to the A. ( 1-. \. ' by a further test tiltl•ush too unatiuu, of the los;;.•t b..x,by which the 2tharaarr and to,., Of the order was twilled --two *deer,. ballots rsiectiag the applicant. (;uelerteh lodge was tutu:imbed Ito 187P with s rnembber- sbipof 13, and to -day although, no spe- cml effort had hitherto Leen made to advance the membership, the list figured set-, still in o the lard the of of l 13 the The i assessments during thepast four years had hien as follows in the local ledge : 1SS). 313 ; 1881, $13 ; 1882, 314 ; 1883. 312. This sum hal paid up all calls for insur- ances of $2,000 up.•0 the deaths that had occurred during the.e years. Last year ' the amount paid out in Ontario heti • been $84,000. Thu was the first time the A.O,$J. W. had over come tef.,re the f blit- in (Jndetich, and the object of I the present gathering was se that many h might not otherwise have an (limo- Thee. limo- No snore we hear that slegam--the .heater. 110* are !awe Theme a stoppage in the Moire wild torrents th now. po Tiekna rel a..o.rthing wn.nz in the Sleek. Hunting, Kirkland, Wilkinson .poilyd the little a present l&w'a,N ..tr, and oho *wirer it is Rome, And the public verdict now ice, "Mowat won't th repealed or emended the better it will so.' t be. As rt et preae•rt stands, few of the aha Jasrwtesse. Theme w one subject I will refer to is week which 1 believe to be an int dant one. Young Hannuny became beuedict a short time ego, and. strsr_ it may appear, he not only ler,uobt h• bride to his home, hot alai, insisted t her mother should become one tot the househ•,td. Yuan!: Mrs. Ha ony'' did her best to dimmed, her spouse from ! the project, hut his was fixed in his cur - pose. and finally she bowed to his deal- ' shin, as in duty b..und. The odd lady has, consequently, been installed, and, II !am informed, looks as much in (.lace till any other piece of furniture. This is as itshould be. What Neeson is there for u supposing that • man's wife* mother should not hare claims upon him ? Oa the contrary there is every reason to be- lieve she has such claims. i tell you, it a roan gets a good wife, his mother -ii- ' law should have a lien upon his relp.gy rare which a century's worth of seroom should nut dim, let elate, efface. \{'hen would The husFi vu wife be, had it nut been for the hew band's motherin.law 1 \\' w hr i. twee to Idle or w.wt4,tees are sent to god, hot toy e.omn/tted are hem the uofurtunate dosses k.ewu a• aged or heli,less, who.-prupsr plisse of abode should be the p .twbr use er house of ref use. For year* peat the Huron County gaol has been sea nisch an iu6rmary as k has been a gaol. Oa the neat visit of the Prison Tnapoletor we world like to; see that ftnetien•ry tteeounce this double -headed style of doing lousiness. ' so that legielatiom may be brought to beer on the nutter at • feature session. those use& ' " -- Ties Privy Commit having decided , against McLaren, it is now in order for every ntnaomp; oop writer um tel oouotq Tory press to point out that 1`e Priey Council has not th•tthomrgh knowledge - of the case which should be pesseased by a deciding tribunal, if the decision had been adverse to Caldwell, these now irate' scribes would have pointed with pride to ! the fact that then existed in the Mother Land, a final court where even-handed justice could be taste) out to all who cartie.i appeals thither. It makes all the difference in the world, t.. these gentle - Mon, whose ex is gnred Ate exchanges. e t -Thirty-eight mil- lions of (fellers is a large sum of nn.iay for the l'aneJiart Parliament to rote G1 railways in tome t mion, but this is what his been 1one. (lonsideri py.uiati..0 of ohm country, Casted; pr•Inhly gone ta n greater expeeiditura. of y and land in Ilei construction of railways than aa, other country. The province* •lune have spent over thirty millions of dollar. in constructing local lines, besides •hl.•i, there is all the The Walkerton Trdrrup, has changed handy, 'Olen C. Suliiran, L. L. B. , has sold out his interest to Jabez Stevens, f. •rmerly .4 the Chealey Entrlpris,•. The T•!.w-ope had not been a masons* un- der the proprietorship of Dion C.. but it u believe.' it will in future be carried on better by Jabez. The Toronto World,rne of the liveliest dailies ever published in Canada, has suspended. It made • game tight fur life, but had finally to succumb, The "fittest" does not always survive. The Kincardine .Girded is now run upon an economical basis. For some I and months past that journal has furnished hou its exchanges with "half -sheets.' This N. P. is gripping tightly the Tory jour- nals that don't get pap, and retrench- ments is necessary. Tho Guelph Mercury came out last week in a brand new dress, and allowed to good advantage The M.rcrrryis one o.f the solid Provincial journal, and de - the infant to childhood, to girlhood, to womanhood, and trained her se that Id she would one day scours the affecti>n fpr of an honest man t Who kept a watch- (ul eye upon previous suitors. and did le serves the success which has thus far • • nut "nils approval until the right one wi been its portion. May its shadow never' 'came ? Who, if site had w willed it, grow less could have made it se ,iiaagre.able for nay of learning of the aims of the ord. er• , w.,uld have the Llan of working ea- It avned to -night to a limited extent. The e, natter closed with an appeal to all gores- rat who had not previously made death •..rision for their wives and families to t ANOTH$a Vaaa10t1. The Lincoln, Neb., 4h,Ir J,.ur,oul gives the following particulars :- LAT before yesterday there arrived in this city from Toronto, in the province of Ontario, Canada, a detective named Chas. Bluets and a gentleman named Wm. McLean. They at once visited the sheriSs o1ice and police headquarters, and, making their business known,secur- • ed the co-operation of our "fbcers in its prosecution. They informed the officers that they were looking for a man named Christian Zebra, who had by forgery and false pre- tenses swindled various persons, at his former home in Canada, out of sums aggregating nearly $40,000. The matter had come to light ou the first of this month, and Zehrs had disappeared last Friday. : r ad Mr. McLain, whom Zehrs h victim- ized to the extent r.f .bout $3,000,seOtlr- ed the services of a detect ,e and ed on the fugitive's trail. A curious circum- stance enabled them to trace him easily and they never foot the nail He be- Imaged to the t knish religious sect, and aur of their beliefs is that buttuus ear e a vain and denting .how and a snare to the feet of the righteous. They accord- ingly abjure them, and use hooks and eyes t., fasten on their modest attire. The absence .of buttons m ode the fugitive a marked roan, and everyone who saw hits in his flight remembered him. His pursuers found that he had stopp ed over s day in Mount Peasant, Iowa, and had purchased a ticket there for Lincoln. They found on their arrival here that he had changed Canadian money for United State• molls' at nue os our hank,, and had stated that he was going to Seward to buy land, Mr. McLean and Al. Bluest left on the of ern..on train, and yet trace of Zahn as soon .. they reached Seward. They found that he heel been negotiating rich some parties for the purchase of a retied of land, and be had stated that ie could pay $;,0(10 in cash. At the nor .4 their arrival he cess out in the 'untry, but lemon returned. Sheriff ;met' was called 10 the assistance .4 Bloett and McLean, and upon truing to h-1 house where they weir directed, the .ject of their search mai found in the 400011.),. Mr. !Heiser and the oflieers were trestle gratitie.l at rapt urine their man, but they sere much disappointed at finding none of the stolen wealth upon him. Subsequent investigation chador. ed the fact fist a man, who wait identi- fied as c•.ming fn,:n Mount Pleasant. hat/ visited the house a few minutes ief.,re r arrival .4(be officers, and it is sur iced tint t e valuables which, %cher ad he turned oyer t.. this inert. tr. cLean in so confident of this th*tlhe own suit agaititt the man f..r the tonne not of which he was'windled4ly cher. Acting on the advice of this ratan, the aroma refused to leave Seward until had Io, and McLean came hack herr .1 had U. 8. Attorney Latnbert.on ace up a complaint, which was laid fore 1'. $. 1'omulssb•,ner Ie r"•nmissi1,ner leaned e warrant, nt, awl amnt, prod e officers ser. expected in with the ismer on a late (retold last night. me no time in id t • The London •4,1rv-tiaer has taken 17001,6 Harmony that he might never to aneenor stride forward in its journalistic march. it has just put in a Bullock self-feeding press, and io printed from stereotyped plates. it is now one of the bsadeumest and 1,reet daily newspapers a, and a s credit to Linden. juice at dor i•r,.r fl=e7t,'r prosperity. mcney and /awl .•.• or by the Ihmitop 710.11116 sme Premier. Mr. Blake had good gmund for ani- madverting un the surrender of the IA, - minion Government to the French Tor - .n I vas m the metier of railway subsidies d I The French Tortes had the match light - arid and were determined to blow up Sir) John Macdonald and his whole cabinet unless he came t.. terms. in onler that there would he no tnistake the terms I were plainly cited. As Mr. Blake s*i4, if it was only justice to Quebec that the I I'.ernment proposed to do b1 handing over these railway sulosidrcw at was some- , what sheathe that it did not determine t.. orf justly until a was hereof to do an. The truth is hoeeter that it was not • matt. rot justice at all but of Wackna'l. The Frei, h Tories took $.r John by the throat and Sir Jnhn had to Constructing t''.. O'.n.11an Pac,he an the infeN dere ll. : 1•. 11 .r.• .1 ..f tinsel of this expend, m. ,. ...t t.. bel• reaped. To& Tenor aro torrehly down upon McKim, M. PI'. , f-.. %%. Wellington, and aletephoricwlly speaking, hold their nn.. w hen they mention his name, Nnw, De Kiln was just es had a man before he was,appnrched by thc1'..ry emissaries ■a he w now, but, when they thought they or'ttld get him, they were eliding to have him, mud would ala, threw in $1,000and a regi$eu lship to hoot. It is becomes be wasn't wilMWg to *ell out that his MIM now at inks as the Tory nostrils. MANrrnaA'is awns in a stated politi- cal ezejtema,t. Penner Norley Wednesday danonno d the Dominion Government, and annoeenoe•d the loran lion .d the Pr.vincul Government to • fight /•r its rights to. the hitter end. 11e yawl that the 'ammeter, Germs u,nt, by ice poli% tostard Manitolw.had voted i wait of confidants in the l.egiala(ur. and eke ie,trti e.. rernevent. Tile sps..h Ice *g t(;.l mor)p mope*, (ay. -(Termite. Telegram. aeeahM. Sjcrker Shear', ..1 the N.w 1 oak 41 hlyulwn tiro, would in, Ara eurl'end WIMP./ to have been the happy man he Is to -da There are a thousand and one reale why Harmt-ny s mother in-law, every other good mother-in-law shoe rn yang theins:lv.s et th. A.l1,C.N After rote* of thanks to the chairman and all those who had assisted in the tertatnment, the mutiny was hi -ought • close by the singing of the "National y f tnthero .111 rad !d be highly tsteeenr i by the tigkt•tkbmkr i?ear wltll■r.. r..,.. th bog sun -in-law, but what I boraalttw F SPRING OPENING n ( itatkce Walvis( ?11Afi. heart heats warmly hoard every eel behaved nwther-in.l*%T -au,J especial toward !Ina. Addenda's mother. M own experience has been happy if' th - -- -.....oar s m thele Display. . 11 1S i- / The nu!.rta••t■ 1...4.e 1 happs• •,11 4..tur- Ileo ly day. as they received their callers. All sit the stores were put n1 the most Inritine ! Y 1sheer, and the hats, bonnet', flow.rs am! is leathers were *'town t,. best rah mimeo. pr - ' There was a large turnout of ladies. he k ! AN NRr, ra1.KRtn"r dr t display was near. She showed a whither i he n of very popular at 't -i in both male u1' TI _"'els and materials. th t ! Nal. t;IRv1X'a I pr lirgo throw room was geed to adventure. ' !She had sores very new shaper 111 hats,, 1 end leer thwarts erre lunch admired by I the ladies. regard, my lines laving fallen in pleas ant places ; and now, honking bac through the vista of years, I wr,t.l(f no change the plan upon which i bo._os, wedded life the luyin.. of dee defer once t.. the mother -in law. S„• 1 pa my young friend Harmony on the hack and encourage him onward. 1 cart til him to be of 4100) cheer, for the day+ are coming whale that 'atelier -in-law, whom he has taken to hos home. will mike her prose eco felt,wlien the,eiJnirht cry will ' be heard, and when caret 4 cad catnip teas will be neeessary toreperati,10i. *u - ler hi. nm,ftrte. Theon will Harnintry hank his %taro that there are each he ego as a wife.'s in, ther t.o set things enenlly In ..nler aril rn:•tnrrr do ursll49 tatters when A 111.1 s ,.rl .e. sot -myth 1d cunning G.r•.k. hen '. , 'Hat• m,y, again 1 1 r1Nt tiler . let 0411.0 1 agonist anthers n, IAT. and la tilt Ping cast ,leatarot upon then 'elves-! horn they have sworn to "Love rhert*it .1 protect. bwt,u for 114, 0* shell not in in the hater *nal mmsens►cal rail- ing, and shell never `week fa.h in the valga► 'strati' : undertook t. 'sive expression to hos seats 1 m as an t tltaw.. at:otesnnnn. Ho recently n,ents with toward to • fellow legislator tai by patting his thumb np to ha noes and I 4, I twirling h,e ourstrrt.•hed fingers. This p w highly effective and ponnte.l method ..1 an jo argument is • m.ugll to make the men who t..aert to such stale and romm..n- place devaeesps ..wk s•raping and play- ing on jewshar(e,nd mouth orttane tern green with only N" dome the thumb and 0.411 act will afe.•r)ity hives. p.20 lar among our parliamentarians. --(Tor- onto Nowa firma+ .IR tieAn1 'hates Read. ha dead. His prolific (stile pen brn*Rht him fame, and his ka wall long t►orattnue to be popular. r'oe's, while full of interest when 'adored •in.piy ace tales, had • higher Pct than to smile* the people. They e aimed at the follies and evi and w.,r had some attractive intlhvery, sod was a.n rg laely patronised hr the fair visit** on I obi the look nu. f•.r the itvles i wet Vlar inti KINM.N !aye• made an excellent shoo of both reale tin swat brain and tnmminz•. Her stock .4 j iso /,,them awl flowers was lard., sod well trios ch,.,p,. 'PR ttlamy4 rarree Iheld their ferrel nq hu w week, but on Saturdaythey e) ., r •n the Tho a m.sdetahle number '.1 rj also . Their rn.n meek e. O. ',loftily purrh* -.i hp a Their et sad the nu►ehst'a rt n la'd the A ex goo us style and exposure •ef misting wrongs d n..t fail in some meeaurw to effect m Mr. Rude was net entirely from tdnryncreistea, but they were lea of harmless, and the great balk of ork was sound, humane and moral. world ran, oil atord the loris of moil: 1* r'hatles (terms. emu Carter, sent for trial on the eh.srge of efealeng Tenney from a man I Wesel. of Belfast, has left for 'Land .4 the Free." Th. ("mud at Walkerton found a true bill st lam, but Tom failed to 'thaw up, ether was his bondsman in this sem i warmed .1 Il.rnnln r the ' Arthrr, one .4 the oldest tnh, br:'. 1 ".1 Jwrr the r (Arae, was found • r'l seat' trunk in his bedroom crud sating ..n a j His t 'mightier on onteri last Thunds $$00 rrR ss horrified to of And oho fire no Ler )ace p1 ear bM.•faet a.•1 1'a ler rM ssw, year ..l4 sen of d pepikampa aa. wP n c.,a the Ion Mg. st car w.rhmr.na_ riAmv ahn pockets of hr 4"01pA for els Iso. the Denning hes led a dissipated life for ke Awsan'. wversl yearn trial. e w against the city of London intainiu;g a awla.ne• in the,e water works sed ether daises in R'trer "Maness has been soot fur OOUNTT OURRAKCIT, New Awe■ ea. Pira. re eisoas ass ea Souse of oho Preempts merchants to as much a* 800 down ems a The usual maws and other slw',ts will Le held ria ;Faints/ow Nark, tfwfurth, un the 241h May. The neat ru*irtin► of the Congregation- al Assooiatimi Vt Western Ontario will he held iu \\'inghsm. A large quantity of flax seed haa h•,' give* out In kruseels this sprung, u d mere :R going out every day. twat wink John Mc)lillan, rite , f Hullrtt, amid s ytsr old intimated .t.!. lion, G, a gentleman trot Khaki/spore, ft.r the sum of *1,500. Iota Tuesday week • large a,mpany, emotionn, 20 or 30, left Brttsselenote u ..n the sflcruo.n train tear 6(anilube, the Northwest and Dakota. Dr. Heave, of Clinton, has auld his being tot 18, mon., Hullett, and ttsasisting .f 100 acres, to J. H. Medd, of the seine township, hot. $2,360. Richard Kinatsau captured a vers hue atter on Thursday, un the river near Lower Winghatn. It measures 3 feet 7 inches from the volae to the tip of the tail and weighs 18 lbs The directors of Clinton Driving Park Association have determitred to add t.. the attractions of Clnttou un the 24th ..f May by offering liberal purses fel horse races to take place there on that day. Deputy reeve Thompson, of Clinton, leaves eu a trip west to a few days ; h. expects to take in • large purlieu of the northwest. and will visit Tettaa,Miss•,un, Kansa, and eller States on his way home. 1). Pectic, of Grey, formerly et Gude- rich high school, preached in Knox church, Brussels, un Sunday. The i•wr says David gives promise of being a sec- careful preacher. He has just returned ` fro,,, the Muskoka mission held. Jas. Turnbull, 4th con., Grey, had a ewe that gave birth to a lamb .on Mots - day of week before last. Nothing very wonderful ih that, but en the following 3lotodmy she gave birth to • second lamb. Roth mother and lan,ie are living.'_ The following in a mummery (of the lousiness done et the Seaforth postonke during the three meths ending March :31st : Deposita in the Saving's Bank, $38,000; batik cholas* paid, 366,000; orders issued, $8,347; order's paid, *4,- 000, and stamps sold, $1,183- Some days ago Ed_Bcasenberry me with s• severe lele in the death of his valuable trotting stallion. It had got one of its trent legs broken while Imlay down the Browner Line by stepping into • hole. Efforts were made to cure the leg, but they proved an/seeding. The average; attendance of pupils in each department of the Seatotth Public School for the month of March was as follows :-Mr. McFaul's, 41; Miss An- derson's, 48; Mies A. Cowan's, 60; Mw Kate Cowan'*, 88; Miss Killoran's, 61; Mies Sb,..'s, 62, and Mn. Coulter's, 8R. The Avers of the 33rd Battalion ma at the Queen's hotel, Clinton, last Fri- day for the purpose of making arrsnge- nlesas for the annul drill. The proposal to get helmets for members was left in abeyance. It was, honorer, decided to gat Gl.ngar head ►gear for the whole Battalioa.4 Z.aaea •411111r. A week volt aa R. W. Tuck, prietr.r Queen's hotel,Bnesseis, and fami• - ly were out driving, the horse took fright and shied, throwing the occupants out, giving Mr. Tuck • nasty cut in the head and injuring the buggy. The 11fam101.'ilysta...care.ped with a few bruises and a Mr. I). A. Mcleod, auctioneer, of Clinton, w het. in Wingham last Friday. nearly het his life on the railway track. He ran to catch the train which was locking out at the Y, and in the act .•f Letting up on the car steps his body came in contact with a semaphore post and was thrown off, injuring him`severely about the head end shoulders. Brunei's village will submit to the po- leder vete en Tuesday, May 13th, a bye- law to raise $11,000 to be given Gettege H"we• t.•, carry 011 a 11-011.1] mill in that village. Some five years ago, Brum& t*wttaed John D. Ronald, of Chatham. - too start a fire engine works. The people have not yet begun to realize even a smell percentage ,m the outlay. Font Batt --The Huron foot hall club .•f which there has been some talk, will likely be formed with its head quarters in %S`ingham. instead o•f being, as first projected, c..mpos,d of members rat the • different club• of Morris, it will 1» enm tweed almost wholly of the teachers of Nutt. end Wast it*r,•a. Tb• intention is to play the first march about the 24th of May. AN Aern Mi*, AVT. -While the (..inch) was in preemie on Monday even - ,ray, *n old man, whose step was feeble and will• hair and beard as whoa as *now entenvl the room and applied for a night ,'..dying. The chief was about 1 . place him in nue of the cells, worn :Le 'propel's), of the seemlier" present was aroused, and a five cent subscription started, t.. provide him with a conifer - utile lied at a hetet A dollar was raised and the pont old man appeared moth pleased that he would hero at least one cunitortahlc night's lodging. He►e his nano. as McWhinney, of Howick ; had keen in jail six months, because he had nowhere else ti. go, and walked all the way from Goderich, although he ap- eared to he much more than three -score years and ten. ft is a disgrace to such • wealthy county as Huron, that it has no imitable place wherein suck persons se *hi. eon lie provided with accommodation the teto.aining feel dgye e4 then' exist - erne -. (Clint•.n New F,n. 4111. IiI4 a otos a mous se 0.80. Wi.kinsn says that he is to be made sheriff at Calgary, or registrar at 1liarrtn- t.1n, or registrar at Regina, OT "land ranger,.' * me hate er that as*, "in the Si eurie country." or "Lh,,nininnl oommis- shooter in the disputed territory He enys he .'n get any on. ../ those offices for himself or appoint a friend. Mow wnald do o pposite Lieu -o erns .4fit Aaeutulwa4f•, nr, feihrlghim thatt,Ggleev. him • permanent interest in 5,111 pan +tertiary 1"--(Wrwiipeg Maim