HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-18, Page 2It SEISM _.w -a. a y h• w Set. w Yb. A roll A 11. ,t • A is N THE ANTIPODES. THE HURON SIGNAL F1UAl..•pi: II, i�.X884. Sew teem.^. I C3Ri3J►T �J►RCiAIN1'11 lt'oR Q�$H ►e acre Gad the geienl aspect of the i -All ye -worm Witt Weir wbra tow ren l o,dledlun s we impacted to see. Th. !the t ignition surroundings s highly buggerIf )uN,r.. i'..fl p,t. ova grown f the sunlit are lark., lig bitten slobs Grier e-u•a. but ed very inferior gv.s1 great ave d comfort and thriving arcuu- I Gel 1w! uattitise tie limelight (rout iieeM+►d, lis stemma. A well provided end well lee The ,,toes, w ,„,,„.s.„,11,.1 oat,' Gild q w t are grain is worth neeia�. fine the luau sickest invalid cast use too. Litt re wit 1 What a W idw-awake Ata oniL• I Victoria. esteems �! with beth witty f ea t Birt m the .grtetalttual Gad ews of tiaaka, the earrmeM ane of r.tr.. .lies. Gad `r.+t g'■'r ter r IWI)I the buttlinlg; •ppb IU Gad the o�d .MMi t••ttrtltg ar.'.nti 1 t.•' '' lbenl other i Both hi the soam1 u far bt of large est k el wines, ate falI cd iatarest 1 mstlsa. kidlte talon . ••r s ' tied Both i• baron Gist vrir_ .1 • the *eidetic* el • «111 15 bioses rarer by u i••1g h•'1, balmier W arty of I W all who Os applwoia. 1 f3aw. I asst and alsmaso - wweo+ rswd.dM.s Nook salsas. ♦bars tar Juice .r rte 1 Floe oar owe Correspe..dcat. It may be stated generale that the aasrrow drip of New South Wales Tying between the table -land and the sir u well watered by the mountain etreasss, aid ties laud iu the neighborhood of tinea streams u rich and fertile and well under cultivation, but, with this excep- tion, the vast ranee of country froin the sea coast to the Darling river, five to seven hundred miles in width, is pour soil and little adapted to agriculture. But • rich return u reaped from this otherwise barren country by graziers, and the vast tablelands and elopes of New South Wales are becoming famous for their extensive pateral operations. But a great drswbsek to the more rapid eponym/ out of these grazing runs is the prevailing drought, which in some parts Continues from year to year. It has been noticed that • 1 portion of the rainfall of the interior slope, when it is blessed with a downpour, soaks into the ground and drains along the incline to a great central basin, which must be especially favorable to the formation of artesian wells, many of which are already in working order or process of c enrtrue tion. It is well that the advancement • of the colony does not depend on its farm* resources entirely, stuek•breed- ing, wool -growing andmining arm the , the Hunter river and li BACKBONE Or THE l•OCMTGT, the I most was y M 1 these parts , 1 1 ti ,it urs car moot Mf1P►$Milt township Showa au *ate ee ' . k nothing but y wife rs.l J+oiStet • re ma 1. Plows and leariaswe.al+ai of a *Glare*- to many of the purld healthy 1M geoid 1' to bettors rid 1 or.lor. or tin exits t 1•dsheme• 01 wine fur breakfast, dinner and tenornd by ,.1 1 I t vtspa hen. A I merits eif A setmi.. wine be proved rex,mnuetid shalt, t.' ui ..a her of ouro she ors rum Ask mins prod dot Jnr if b.'p America, those from 'Ulm Sams and by the manner w which uI»•unw� jl.urnare not the tu+a fm. Il ,wed.. (rein the dominions being particularly high0•1""''• ( -. rustic pounuiiga •number striving V nut encouraged alma I Inc 11 f Rutland and by its geseral WIN •n1 •holesomenes•, loot, Clergyman. try' ne noticeable,en physically uup uv. Y•"" of Of the boil could meet with as ig an Malan*, fe.er. Aare „eel H1Lo•ise..v, ad lapproral r this distract. Fuanrt ce in • u rt of our *,Grit is 'temperance in all will lea�!�wlrr"�^hl..r•h,,••1 a• eosin as talo c a old country mowing machines, clue as b ed ran pa but durable ; an scum in reaps „ .., the ►,..year mower from Haggart A Suri, of Kraut- things' otherwtse we might have t..k51 M'' i1r m••thrr dev.:0 I ' . led ford Ont which seemed to have been tar, much for the dt ;ut•csusal... ld - for ... neuralgia ah .•amt • 1 hrrey^te:u a-seh hodlast H_ RZI�LEY', Of THE PROWLS'S STOW 00DLMICHH. Is sew •pe•/irt est A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK ()F NEW OO )D8 READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS a'VLL LZNR O7' Or !. i DRY OOODB, Neta .416'h i.e w pteMrsd to cell (Aver lka• Ills etaatiae ferCA8H. t:ewd \'dw 1..yliry Usk. used, and heel Pwbslly been on exh,bt- I *eery tall from Ibawa years nal t„ tar' bitters..- P -Ed. 's; �' - itw'tby lith heap t th International in Sy, exnrbltion need to ted years prem supposed time a • .e ' mr' in 79 and '80 Sydney, comprises 1 tested, suit wine dewed u froth as bntrn an.1 t.,u ae,i-I not fear sieawa nearly the whole display. Very few int- ! are told it did at the crowninit .•f .•nr ••f • ...• it 're -I ?'"?il y1.lUAn l• kings,. The aloatmtlty pro ; Ise ^ r rl,•t 1 ' ''� Idris plemenus are manafctorvti is the otiioav, . , er English was over M••re r.J $ R and America supplying the de- I doted in this district fiat g benne ra ut each . Ansi ht.1 GRAND OLEA RING- SALE ! - . -Tbe subsorlbar Is alsockarlati oC (kc Remainder of Bis Winter Stock at Heart' Diecoant Prices, ,,N ratt'OATs torsioud/cold ger Gad esa bow M bad or N. M ambit M +rMetvely. g / c H$.ruw. b ( Gall eke a T r.•uoal t+ (rein tea to Mc, sad Issasel to a+•dw►e1Mr Iw Iwt er aN. !F • t N'ANT 8ALt0A a CALL ♦T •'TUi PLL^el tlTUHIt. 0oieii . Feb. ff. INF. W. H_ RZDLmT, Coe. Kta•slea-et. sad setter@ ng nJ me ut 1! Th 1 • 1' r Joel D. E. Mee. HUGH DUNLOP fashionable Tailor • mend at a lower rate than they can be a quarter of a n.:IGon gallons. Ielr y The vig..r of Teeth fol^ the a� alai* here. Quite a lance number of . at the rate Id frown :,O rte. to $i.:.0 and i Wain in hu Litters bungles and coaches were exhibited. tout 192.00 for I;•illen according to the interned Irl+ P all strongly marked with the old country guelIty. characteristics --durability and clumsi- ness ; several of American build, light, comfortable and handsome, were un the ground but were lucked upon u only fit for city use American buggies and orga ---�-- W E8T 8T RE E T, OMUucti. u. of tow Stomach. Liyar, Pusassat. !and Bowels, are pr. Int.tly removed ay Has the Finest Assortment of GootiM for Fall Wear to Choo'e Froth. National Pula 11 YOU WANT The officers elected for the ensui.. I -- _ quarter in Dewdrop Lodge No 34, R. F. Indian are at present ggttei tutting the Aus- of F are a follows: Worthy Cuuacillso, Indian market ; one d..1.r 4tely ice• Bre Harry Horton ; Vice \\. C., Sider formed us slut be had to sill a number Annie Agnsw : Chaplain, Fire. S. Kirk ; of his buggies at a sacrifice of 1112 each, teem,Bro. Will McIntosh ; Treasurer, (les owingprincipally to the inferior work ' Bro. Neil Murdoch ; Financier, Bro. S. wtlttoa.eloctotyo tyst';ew that is put en p the market. The show of � Murchison : Herald, Bro. Robs. Mur- Tog 0i:►e`y�strop s""csmf�plewe �i•i" es s1 ssio est Or y roans!,, CATTLE .AND steer IKunz :Deputy Herald. lister Kate Mc- tea. o • tee I Kenzie : Ric lee., Sister Martha Mur- Wgetttt• '�O war good. No part of the colony enjoys i doth ; Guard. Andrew P.iherds ; Senti- ee f h - toe...._.. for _tock than alongha-ha m►:_ ledge is to�� eeg'ypvs ed m" rot eS a a her neco, John --- - et seta yeses O o,,,, ���'slytOl' V tributaries. n • very I naperuus condition having a itis o.aes T» lhorses Tu purebred herds Gad thoroughbred 1membership of sbeut 69 in good stand- � 7to and in • few yeen two other industries are scarcely to be scare theed. Th. ire. I . r ere a ' En.clless which have Met be adde ¢to th .. Principal breeds of cattle ore the Dur• -r"- M NNE�O unpertanee mny be addel w these. h• n•. Herfurds, and Devons. Gad as to Fireman s \1'urnt Puwden destroy andt namely, the sugar and grape culture. the relieve merits of these three breeds remove worms without injury t.. adult ..r The priueipal grains grown are corn, rye, hen as well as in Canada and elsewhere infant. its ____ wheat, barley and ,ata Oats and bar- the customary dispute has arisen. Stock. tc wit the moat fastidious and th meet *,.+lemic buyer ley are very seldom allowed t.. ripen, breedine has late y been suffering from ' The he:tic ash. Ps . Tri :haw che••k4 ' AME.S SMAILL ',i i'H!TEI'T. &c. 1 but are cut green for fodder, and where an ..ver supply and the cuuse.guent re -and precrnow appetite indicate il \\'urn. t Divi, , e, .1b`. it .. L.n`,r .s , .rm. i I M Y 141 E R S T C K of late years has in nearly every part of ductioe ..f prows, and the •fancy figures' Freeman's Worm Powders will c,uicklr Ir.' , r - ,.,.rt t the colony been a complete failure, nus- we have seen paid in Guelph, and other 1 and elfectusily remove them. Fin t ed by keel -ere rut. In the Illawarra p+ru of Ontario and to lows and Illiu•,is •' is now ra,mplete, and I take pleraure in itifcrtirinr( ray scuseanen that at no pre y district sixty bushel■ have been produced for thoroughbred stock, u here a thing vioua also* here I had such griming of the alt. In one case • Devon bull �'•gi 1 to the acre, but now wheat rowinr F'_ eetirely abandoned then, and of many *het trek the champion prise was sold - othe d ! may be sail for ri:o rir5o) a few years rage but now -Xi v ^ai:.d- A Nobby Suit ata Reasonable Price i F U GH DTTNLOP_ BOOTS AND SHOES At the Oldest Eatablished:Shw Store in Town, variety. The rHt districts rtriver .I .trrtct *,seventwe y fire !u dull are pare breds he will not bring 4" \\' ! rd to fat stock - ATF +fitly fS0) $' il► tt . regi PRIG}. . •i2 (IVES AND TT - pmiles north it Sydney, where , ad a thew of is far greater than the de- she, ham SAI t'kt(d & SON SELI. leGaEISEI - prdon¢ed visit of three mo -.the, a$�'rda ply ' PAY HIGH ON T where the best oPp. rtuaity of oilersutg tem Mee' eerily for the tallow, and fat cr. and feruunq sn lace of the general 7 thnffttiness of the Australian tanner.7c•ttte stoke -fin years site,: brought • Floods are the .r.rtrat source of injury sum ..ituel to 940 nese will briny a price to the fanners of *los district, and yet olual to 910 ur 912. The only remedy so remarkably fertile is the land that the f, -r this is the gn.wing meat trade with loss sustaihetl by inundation is made up Enel..n 1. This enterprise. it is thought, by the harvest of tri., wowing -not two ei,1 Le is success, and a number of DON' �,x.•1''l0 ' •'tlh' Humbug but call and stili. yourselves that years, for the suite _round often yirlls •heiehten1 ug and refrigerating establish- - :n. ••'F•t1E CHEAPEST Hu( -SE UNDER 'ffiE SUN. - mews have Leen 1rovided fur exporting a year. Two este..., in this district nem TWO AMP • EVEN THREE NARCRvt+ (ru7.r•i carcasses l.. England. An es S�-•� ID� R� ".1 SON buses:e ••f the lack of enterprize in the cul•,i.is!s may he seen in their not start•`l c • lora• treat canning anal I,reservitut estab- tltent Street. i,c\t bailment. The subject has been much t talken of. and it is not likely it would turn eut a tai ore if praperty managed. mind, so much e•,,that often animals are DON' w T BCE YOUR WALL'I :17.R BEFORE SEEING shUNDERi, ct SAN'S PatbiemoCHEAI . i Newest • REdtiZced Prices_ • sh..rt tiuie ago, cat up late farms and sold, realizing a se n equal to 11'R)0 per acre. Rent brings from 1120 to 910 par acre,and the distnc: has,notwit hstaudini this *normal rental, a thriving and weal- thy papulation. Lacey -tie, a gran touch for pr-servrn meats in tin cana always like clover without the top, is extensive- finds :t really market in England. The ly grown here, and in fast, to look over same tardiness is shown in starting any part of the valley from an eminence, orange preserving establishments Thom - the observer would readily conclude ands of bushel. of this tine ripe fruit are nothing else was raised. All the year allowed to ret every Reason while mar - round the lucerne paddock affords wore mated* is imported front Dundee end for the farmer, for no sooner is one crop other places in Britain. While this els oaf O1 another is about ready to cut. trict u noted for cattle breeding, it .Jail Th' IS sold at the rate of from $2`c ti sleets IN Hot+nE seem. 940 ton,accurding to the season's de - ma makucg that branch of fanning highly table. To the !� J One:of the chief qualities looked for in the Australian horse is pace, and c..nse.1uently everyone possesses him tATI )Y or T'naai•..o self of a fleet animal, regardless of ail considerable attention is given, and in 1 other points. But the yearly sale .,f 1 some parts it is itr.wnquite successfully, I thoroughbred culls show that the people but the colonial leaf ceinot he brought ! are getting tired of racers. Trotting to tate tame pert eeticm to the American. • bongs are taw. Heavy draught are Too couch saltpetre is taken into the 1 principally met with about the docks plant to give it the flavor of the Virginia and public works of the cities, the leaf, and siuokers say the manufactured - Clydesdale being the favorite. In the tobacc . burns btully when not mired i interit r of the colony large herds of • stunted, degenerste species are running wild, and the squatters to save the guns soil water for their flocks are .obliged to engage men •pe.ully to shoot wild hones. But the most profitable part .t stock raising is THe ExTENStrx SHEET breeding nest with in the pastoral dis- tricts. With ordinary care the numbers increase as high as seventy or eighty per cent. of the breeding ewes. They require tittle attention, consequently littte laher is employed, and they are exposed to comparatively few pests. Sheep runs are stocked to the number of froze 10,- 0110, to 200,000. Tiley stand the variens department+, it is a pleasure to drought much better than nttle,and are state that in ewe humble smitten alts se tepidly iseraeutyt as . Flu- Gehl• runs "Huron Tract ' :.tis held its nun, •nd,in are decreasing. A `rut many thorough - litany reepects,snri•a4• tho "Granary and bred morins are brought to Australia garden" of New South Wide,, the ex from the California herds, but steps are pibit of flowers and fine arts depart- being taken to prevent these import*. manta alone excelling anything we had teens owing t.. the introduction of scah ever seen in Goderich Bort au the tat by the American sheep. Several large ter department the exbibas were not and valuable herds within the last mynah fairly representative sof the country town I have been slaughtered and all suspected or its neighborhood. many ..f the paint- runs have tecce strictly quarantined by ings, drawings an•1 exhiors of lilies' the inspectors and government voter - work were sent fr•-'o gv.lney. paling the ieeriee. local display lute intinticnate , and in the floral department it is • foregone conclusion that C.rnal..s cane ctnuot produce the varieties anol excellence that is here met wits, The !runt depart- ment made but • loan -.r display compered with even our toe neap shows. Apple.. plum., and the English fruits geneinl y were small and of little variety. Tbr-e are net grown attccesduliy in the c.o..... e nd have to he imp.rte'l from T.i. ,,:oaa or slew Zealand. Ilrnpre, ors:wee, apricots, peaehts, phonon -fruit and tun nansa made • Round display. Particular attention is given to the eulnv.tyon .o( grapes and oranges ; and Iowan*. might be muted in great quantities, but owing to the sup.ner excel'.ttee of there grown in Fiji, which are het ought to Sydney in ship loads and sold very cheap. little at • nation is given t.. their cultivation here. The gain exhibit was very am.Il. In.lt.n cern foramina the principal gore Teo awtplee et winter wheat sr...a eh •w 1.. of with American leaf. Sums of the Ise is made up without nuxing. Fut much of it ie used with imported American leaf and then lead as pure American. There are in all eight whiter, manufactories in thin district, but it is believed that eventually the cheap CIO - nese labor will carry the pr ductiien ilia manufacture to the southern districts where the Chit one are mere plentiful. During our stay here we visited THE aoRH ,'LTCaAI SHOW, _ - - which gave us ample .pp.rtunity of com- paring everything we saw with like in- dustrial exhibits in Canada After a careful end impartial h.,.k through the THE. RI5$IT ETAT is in"rrs '.1 anun"ne. There andin It :