HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-18, Page 1Si•-( ciptlyL .1 92 .47
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WI■N. SI • KA It.
NJ its:lt :se
neer .tdverfl.wreNt T .1+ s 't.
bog LAW -J. M. Met*
go *err- Mrs, deltoid.
M Wlaery-*I.. grebe*
lug Wasted --N. K.1 w.0
)1.w (Aral O11--0. N. Davis.
WUhesry -lass Wilkinson's.
MUlln.ry-The Tun.ato House.
UIH Wanted Mn. 1). McDonald.
Wall Paper Jas tiannden ft Hon.
Appeedin. Wasted -Asa. Morton.
Oolliso INA Fertlitssr-J. C. Nattel.
Male reads to Lead -Seager a Lewis.
ed Dress deka Al.
Doetlst. 0100 sad residence. Wed
Str wt throe do.,rs below Rank of Montreal,
yeas f .k Ind
She People's £olumn.
L matetLIGEN
Oa i YR•A asP`ikir i
NEWS ABOUT HOME. Row. Mr. 8Mw•rt prewche.l in Koos The hotn.m has fallen out of wheat. Dame 1tMm►-Dietl the past three. ,I *OVie.
ahem& ow Realty moralise, and gave • The price .4 flour is duan. One wuwle yews frees me to time time we struck ot
slew seed in/eruetittg exposition .,f the wpl. se that we would have cheaper our subacsiptit►a list • number of nautilus?? m's's• ken elm 4'estass
•A o►I I u atoms re. tattti aster Testa Teem Rias.
An' (efts ►e91 peat It' scripture read. breed, that is, one who has not hued of perwku in arrears. Boma of tbien
g.lka( enougfh t• know that bread make • peeteesiva to honesty, '•ut they - '
TOWN Tann. Ti1SReNa4 will be MY adBese An unusually eYteresting witertein-
_ f.,r the remainder of l lrlatjll only follows dont in its upward sore- (ailed t'• p&♦ their is luta per •oa►utiie see people of CRAtoo,
number* ccntai°m: the menet. ehaptefe • tents, bat scorns it when it backslides. when rwodwoed. Thu has caused w t.
Ask Nr ael{d Comfort' K "Olirotte' -lite.
be niece particular about Iettiog ell. y 111111 J es•euiekec last.. Messrs R.1 -
Ask attar. of the story given in, nuM.. Fuute end 18iu o,n, el the: (lode-
o.C. Robertson,lrast.a has cat revolved• Ssallox To MLILOsa. -Hent Smmby A "x ti,to. -(:. eurrell's heavy scribers -emu ewi, with their laymen.* l Je rias Mosok PatYaugWt, wase pitted
have desk a welpa per from 3c up. Carpet oreaisg a esnnnn w the settee will be ehsaed : dalli•ri "Kin, Ton' was per- We has to Jets, but the thing has to .be net' lit Messrs. Hei:ey, itis miwl( east
takes .p and relaid. chased by Ferguson et' Old Lot reek at done if; subscribers don't attend to the Diewt'.n, uI the sister
Parties wishes( to ecce* photos of the ei the Ibv. T. M. (Jampbell, m a goad figure. We understand that the matter of their own volition. ALF. ac-I•arliatneM ". Chu-
R+demptortst rather* Miller sad grans. tan North. Methodist church purchasers shortly afterwards disposed of oouneekere°fter presented will be theme lest. The steer% under diact:aeori was
ds eo by calling at sr studio. R. tdslows The Attorney General has decided that p e°rnpriaed in aletpclky resvl4two whteh,
The fall wheat is picking sp. and promises hikes M, a Chicago buyer, who was taken ed at eeedit rates (✓1'1.00 • year) in under briotiy samweleith, nac•nt than ii would
well, bat hooses **ulna Bader the new tariff bicycles are personal with the appearance .•f the handsome to pow the expose of puetage, bsvkiwQ, m.t Le in the : lite tt of C•sytle to be
et every season of ttwee°r, to tern' eat sed Abed when tb.y arcuetpan7 a pa..engee horse se it posed the coifs teat oily. ego. The deadhead must go.
work. G. R. Robson. soul tpsee(ge ate erre front dtkann tOIi to ]Ire United Settee. The
y' Tee political ezcitement is cooling Kno: Cacso•a ENTsaTaLetta -The Clinton cwt nut haute sajlpeted the
Thr summer visitor@ to Goderleh thissomasw. PO►g Y
will he sure to rokk,rmt the nether of well-
The regular V('ednerlay eveaioe pea dews, but t4 interest in the fate q( mniisical end library enterlaiomeaf Mid allinviativ*, rstbiu. remained for the
dressed area In (ioderlch, r P. t A. P'rkd• K meeting was not held no Knoz ohurc , Eusta ke the i httca•t is weekly increesine. in the lecture roost of Knee ok•.usch w Goderich p;,.liticians but t:. fight the
hes the iaulets Meal* moon an now easy uwit:g 10 the •beow a of the Palters" .&kleg upewmmer suitspis Those who h•vo neglected to begin ibis Geed Friday evening was very °scows- question web the an/ukue►i and vigor
With mops pelvis the question Is. 'sot the Presbyterian synod, at Seaf.krtb. stirring tale, should leek up back num- he. The ptogramaa was &n aitzaetire w ehsncteristtatily theirs. Mr. Bailey
wkerse at ire value be got• but where The extensive improvement recently ben, and ,et posted to date. Thu .we, and was carried out it «:cells>t hal od rat'a,r „d s sa of twent
eaa etleea def O osmium' t H you weal r y K" { h y
vtM6t wins or .limon ae clasp as made to the (}rook Trani' elevator would week's instalment u.•rks the Mt{ w of style, and the audience was late and an minutes. He entered tee • lengthy
W. L. Horu,•'s indi ate that the crmpatky expect t•o do the many trials of Eustace the Outcast. admirable one in every respect. The compari.uw between nwnaschicei and re -
a large emmon's helmets is et this port. The dates for Raster up to the end at v.ocalmats were . 11n Itotl.vell, Misss publiau ystttntions,snd ought to clench
µ, L. Ferguson, the well-known hone this centuryare as follows: --1885, April
Steels, Kay, Maldrum, sad Messrsnig a w:itetnt by ramarktg on the ab
dealer, of Colborne, returned from the
5 : 18146, Aril 96; 1887, April 10; 1688, A. B. Henderson, H. Rutkptot, A. Saun- fen olsny scriptural warrant for gov-
Western States on Monday. where he April 1 ..1889, April 21 ; 1890, April d ; den, W. Brown, and the other mem- aretucat by the pa.pie. He dwelt upon
; 102, April 17 ; 1863,
hod beam dramas.; of some entire duck. 1891. March 2'J bets of the choir. Tho readers were : - the •lotions of thews, Mormonism
rang. M. Coseren and s.
On Good Friday the sermon was April 2 : 1864. March 25 : 1896, April Miilliams, and Messrs. Mitchell. T. and t;ntverse Sufir'age,lwt did not show,
preached at St. Peter's by Rev. Fr. Mil- 18'x, April 5 ; lel , April 18 ; 1898, whet he evidently uuuided, that thetwu
ler, of the 13alempturut Order, who April 10 ; 1130'J, April 2 ; 1►00s April McGillicuddy and J. ,j, Miller. 1 h`. feted
qui di•.ns weed a.re•ult of repute. of $32.60 was tabs. at the ''''''' lioa;s untitutione. lir, Reysoels fol -
spoke very touchingly on the crucifixion. 13 H. I. who hest nu ars
de -
W. L Patterson, agent Eur R.L. M. eeie Oates thinks the present cold Strang.P Ytied, y lowed in a stirring ,sed enthusiastic Polk & Co's Prrsein, al Director is in peaod will give way within • Tory few ask. Mew Fish, the. utyauut, did he: fe9oo of Amoncat itistituLoga He
days, period of warenPort well-
ays, to a propointed out the ug niticaace to be at -
town gathering information for the weather remarkable for its steadiness.R.DUcTION or W.a,rai ON THS G. T. Rat
R. mated to the irrangaivaiwe position oc-
work, which is shortly to he published. Another dip about the beginning of Mal-Supetintendeut Spicer has informed espied by the head of the Coadiau Ex. -
We were pleased to see Jame Addison will be fo lowed agate by long warm the representatives of the trainmen that notice, end psome Jed to show that
up town on Monday, after his long siege spell. The first week or beginning of thbrought down
the afteend week of Juno may witness ee'comtoaoy are oumpelled, by • falling republican iastita(tioiu formed • remark -
illness. -. ...h. • reduction et
fine by the diocese. hut lie te fast re- slight frotes ..ver the coldest parts of
human pev.grw, -mot
tive per cone ea the wages of employes
rat they were successful,
covering strength at. 1 spiels Uµtuiu Bid New Y••rk. recertcuast trete sun era Ler say. lege but thtet were 1. snip° Ha re -
It is understood tis. o: t:.e iucitsti•e•• to Ilrriu s.ud to HOTEL Gscrzss.-At receipts of thuert.ad last week aro said >w foetal to superior insentience rogue._
curlers t • send out three or the Division Court, Landon, before His have been SUg000 less than last Tacit'.ed for working of soh institutions,
four rinks of curlers to spend a winter in Honor Judge Elliott, • case of interest b This is acoouated for by the fact tat and a mist excellent speech
Canada u likelyto be accepted, and that there were many millions of s. t els of by that um as a were
hotel men was deceit -4. The plaintiff wheat less shipped ; the los to the hred- sentinel W must eventually
it may take place next semen. toad an holo' keeper •f the city fur the companies by the system of rebates to
A young ladiiu baseball club practice plies of a se: of harness, which was terve slit ; and the cnupeteten of disappear Defere the ever-increasing de -
daily on the equ•re duties/ tine weather. stolen front the defendant during the the untarpiu» shippers
Quebec Hiles), >;tlper- Mr.s uf Newton social
inlatgpeech l utility.
Soate of the girls are ab'e to make tee Aldine of the last Western Fair. His intsodwnt Spicer has infurwd the woo
and three hose bite, and they skip .er and Hsu .r decided that the defendant was playing[ mach feetility et imagination,
that the reduction will only extend over but etching in the way of ar um.nt,
the diamond field in stool style. battle for the price of the harusss. six months. It is expected That at tee
FL+HIN.O.-Our &nslers &re no betting Our Bicyclists held their annual meet- end of that time business will revive exempt the in case of acne:aeon our
their rod and tackle in order. On Good ins last week and elected the following wdicieutly to warrant the compete) to sgutto bonel railway would never be
FridayJ •e. Fritzle sr., csatlit 7ti ofeeers-President, Dr. T F. McLean ; suffered to bo eumltrang ed inn argument
y. mncreaamnK their wages to the present motet unmercifully strangled the hands !
herring with h'«•k s)1 lime He and Vice do. M. G. Cameron ;Captain, G. scale. . t 11 t. Dunces. The latter planted his
others have bad worse luck stuce, how- R. Cox ; Lt Lieut , J. H. McCullagh ; Ntgt, or PoO1 ovsL-...Mr. Justice 4
ever. -` 2nd Lieu, H. G. 91cLao ; Bugler, Jna batteries and steed with such deadly pre-
Osier, at the Halter' seems. spoke batt° , that delle remained of thepante- !
SE6M••N T) Foka.rar+.-The annual Platt ; Secy. Treas., Harry t'idsl. The strongly in favor el Ibe establuhmsot of math alduesd by tie affirmative' His
sermon to the F •rk niters will be prEictlkid dub alwo a(ielotod the tolluwiug uniform ; county pourhouses and the evil *ffects of overwhelming and specific array et facts,
nest Sunday morning in the Nunit St knee breeeldes, green jackets, drat, confinitng in jail, as is the case in this I embracinir many most original crneep-
Methodist church by the Rev. T. 11. helmet, white flannel shirt, and maroon county, persons charged with vagrancy. tions of the question, was not pierced d
Campbell. The order will attend in a rationed stockings.The jail, he said, wasnot the place fur a sinyla p pint by the Acrid .l«Iwnos of
body DRawTNci His OWN LIFE IN+CaaN. s. those who were unwilling to work and Mr. !Hanning. Tho latter gentleman la.
Thomas Angus, agent for this Sinter', -Chas. Barrett, of Ashburnham, Maas., earn their own living. He approved df we may safely assert, one of the acct
sewing machete, has removed to (lode -
96 yearn old, bad beide insured for the plan adopted by several of the platform speakers in thin part of test
rich, and intends to push the sale of that $1,000 ill 1844, Having reached the County Councils of purchasing farms and province.But his eloquent end fer-
celebrsted nachiue. He has had consid- extreme limit of life, s cor1ine to the erecting poor -houses vagrants could be vent appeals to asntinklnt of error) kind
arable experience, and will stir up trade tales) of mortality on whlth the insursnce sent and compelled to work, and where were appeals unavailing °gaimt the lever l in his line. company dues Otranto, eke President they would not be • burden upon the pre-
sentment of facts quoted, tend *remnants
sent him the tether day a cheque for the country. Such an institution he thought adduced by the previous er. Mr,'
c ass amount of hie policy. It is believed to was a growing neeessay in several c un- Foote, who closed the debate, labored'
d.•cided that helmets sha11 not be pr'- lie the out, case on record where • man tits. In Norfolk and (Waterier) they had under a very great divadkrsntyte+, in haw -
cured 6,r the battalion this year, but has beaten an wsurwueecumpiny by out these institutions, an in the c ounty ,t ing many of his areements anticipated
that every man shall be furnished with living • policy. ♦ Yurk they had recently taken seep• to by fernier speakers. He inside a capital
a Gleti (try cap. Meowing etre A Ds. sa.tso WIFE s provide such a place. When will his speech however, and showed a tectdit ,
J Stavcnwn, of Clinton, will Sanrza -An intere•attng decision on the Lordship bo able to point to Hare n as of tesnures in.liostive of match ability eel
be the Curtis Ste from this county to t4 effect cf marriage with a deceased wife's one of the eel' toed and progressive a debater.
eider on the rights of property was ds- csunties which brig provided one of these 1
animal meeting of the International Aa filtered on Friday at Oego•sde Hall b7 much-needed homes forthedt►stitnte and+ AL the Weise oil( the debate, the
soeiati.w of Sunday
school Teachers, Chancellor Bold. Briefly, the lecisinn unfortunate ! er suspended the rules .d the Heune
Zee -
which will be held is 8t. Louis some
was that after Jests 'd the rife the bus- flat the l'roudges, 1Leasra Forrester, Bta-
time in June nest. band is entitled to • life interest in the Dun the'ed lsof Msstw tN 18+33.- bury soul Alter of -might give theig
From edition of Messn.G. P. Reed' decuton. After a short trtuultatioa,
& Co's American Newspaper Directory, Mr, Proudtoot announced the decision
now in press, it appears that the news- of the judges t.. he that the weight of
papers and periudicala of all kinds at evidence had been adduced un behalf d
present matted in the United States and the negative.
few sew Ooenleg The cbe°pest
the sun, or wall payees, opaque
It ANTED IMMEDIATELY es --AN window dress, decorated. Matted sod Pete.
1 •apsrtk cekl girl to help in the ogre of telt. b°by carries•'•, birrdd eases. milk
n, Infant. sad &sales la hoose work. Ape eI 7 °°d p°IY-don't fail to Dail neat door to
I, wk II
on the leen of 1 wad 6 p.m.. to MRS poet omce. West' street. -Saunders
U. 11ti*ONALD.WeU1 mean. 111stt Bon. see
:The lamest stock et wall peed W,,slof
Toronto a Imriee boot store. Doom. trees.
tiWnhgs, caps. frescoes. ceilaktg deteratk*IL
corners. center pieces, extensions and all kinds
of borders embossed gold and plain. The
above wall papers are direct importations
PPRENTICE WANTED To LI/AILS from the beet Amer±can and E luh menu -
CARRIAGE MAKING. Apply at ensue taotarrrs, and comprise di their latest do-
te MORTON, Duml0ms Cardene Wir14a, signs and patterns. Nahtug can equal them
lOslt g plc* sad finol ty from c No tr rouble to abow
J•mse Immix. North side of Market souare.
The Straits of Mackinaw are now
Redemptorist Fathers left on
Saturday last
P. Kelly, of Blyth, was in town dur-
ing the week.
Mr. and Mrs. McDougall are progress-
ing favorably.
John Watson. druggist assistant, has
returned from Galt,
Pupils and teachers settled down to
work un Tuesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan and Joseph Kidd
spent Easter at Dublin.
How are we going to celebrate the
Queen's birthday in Ood.rich 1
J. S. McDougall our Division Court,
clerk, is now able to be around.
J. C. Harrison left this week for bis
summer campaign in Michigan.
17 imsediately to help In Paint Shop.
Litt HARRY 1tOTHwrl.L.
1 C to learn h ne dry good* business.
Apply by letter in own handwritlntlto s
11 s. Uoderlch
I SLUT, T, o° Wednesday afternoon. !leder
will be rewarded by leaving It u Mr. PdMy a
amble. F. A. PHIP'PS. ft
."'t NESS. 1 have a few seed -band rigs
wig ch I will sell cheap. Abell bicycle M i•..
which 1 1 b&I or exchange L. DRY Df DOES,
has '. teller* J.
Dungeon(. P. 0.
as sid 17 'swarms of bees
for eat te
__41.1111.=g wile a Ire quantity
abo / h rIN hoses. Time will be
a e prorad nen. PMeeo
at ogee. C RL6a M.PHEE. Carlow
PJA. o°(.-
URIC LAYER AND PLASTEREI:, Mies A e Dixonof Exeter spent the
R! 1sT STRKET. 1181 pe
Is ,ttU ready to do any wart In his line at Eater vacation at her hoose in town.
moderate prices.
1.eke Bricka, Firebricks, amid other Building H. W. Brethour & Co., of Brantford,
Material kept ea bead tee 1a seem aro now running a big line of cke:ked
Iinderiei. Marsh 11114 *IL cilia
Navigation will likely open here neat
For Sale or to Let. week. the ice having become badly
brei• en.
1 GROUNDS. the property el Hatch Jap°-
. n. For Tereus. kc.. apply to DAVISON k
Dulwich. 1 AprlI. 1154. I!V-It
1 J 1 NU on corner ee geed gravel fend with
Is stories, in good
store room wood_ Maisie and 1 acre land.
T. HAYS Sbepp&rd •n. Tenths seer. y to
LY OR SELL Nacres. M cleared and
fro d attunes; all well hated; twee well :
gwd herr sad eked end other bslldings, la-
rludiag brick collage tis* with odor fall
alas of bow : • splendid orchard; kw* rest&
runs across the lot. Terms easy. Apply on
pr.-miere. Lot M. lake Shore Road. township
of t'olborne. 1t. T. HAYNES, Sbepp•rdto°.
Much !t4 MN. itlb
• l t , HA LE -O. $id Con_ R.D. >r acres clear -
1. trluco good hardwood. A good orchard
e.Jldg house. Fields elope to • creek running
4. -rem the lot. amid are easily drained. Terms
7. A plyIlk l NR. T. HAYNES. tibsppard
Fred Crofts, of London, spent the
Easter holidays with his relatives in
M. C. Cameron, M. P., f•.r Wee He-
ron, wised home on Tnunday evening
of last weer.
D. M. Malloch, Inspector Public
Schools for South Huron, waste town on
Good Friday.
C. A. Sekervile, of London was
Telesis old friends io•sod around Gods -
rich last week.
A. Wallace, jeweler. was in Clinton
this week,the guest of his on -in-law Mr.
McGarra, J. P.
His Honor, Judge Doyle, who llmi a
severe attack of Bright $ diseviiie Tsai
week, is neve around.
T. Farr..w, M.P , for East Huron,
who bas been very ill at Ottawa. is now
able to leave his room.
Last week the Principal '.f the (lode-
`' ILLAOE PROPERTY FOR SALE:n°It Model School commenced dulling
is the village of Pork Albert Huron the pupils of his dam-
( minty. 10 acres of good farmt° l a n d for ( Richard Miller and wife of Manchu -
sale. (1. the premises area good r*we°• cit br, spent the halide sees. n with Isre
tags. (fame ham. wawa ck,. no. er.bard -_
goe.d fencer; nine miles Icons Ouderica. w Sslkeld, Bayfield read.
r:•••••) gravel road. As rtwads boalth. eon- Mie Panum intends opening •chase
vr•rlenev 10 churches. • Ates& eta. ne lees_ Miss
little chlildren at "The Cottage,"East
street, on Monday next.
Telegraph communication has been re -
'established with Resit ale, Ms.ie alter a
suspension of two yeses
tion more desirable.
good harbor. cplea4Y chance
or reeproptteifrrtted or mass. s
y. ate moth
aseetesely. DI
NOR. Port Albmt Os
ell, L CASE, M.D., C.M.. M.C. P.S.,
1 p1 dela°, Sargets, Aeooechear.
a1 ar[bat
termed/ oeenpted by Dr.
H..bl aw) Degasses. eight ofllee - Mar-
tin's hotel. Isl
vJ . SICIAN, Serpsr Aeeoaeb°ar..se.. M.
C.P.S. Osteno. tJfaee--The Square. 1 doors
East of Wises'. Dreg liters. se steer*. mint
• iAN. SURGt0's. Ma, Oradeate of '(yr•
Deco University. LloentialA _Mktg( the fto al Qgf.
d iatL r. .e ilk
Oppehsite Blr *1. east 6540, IMilas
Le roomer ke. Oelce and reeleeaee
Street. Street. seceme ewer west of Vteterie
The officers of the 33rd Nett , in con-
t .eembled at CIin1.n last week
An authority on fruit is Harper'° property as tenant by c onrtesr, and fur -
Monthly declares that if eight out of titer, that Gr entitle a husb•n1 to tenan-
every nine peach buds are destroyed by cy by eoudal
y a legal marriage is only
frust, a geed sure is done, as only that eecemery. In need not be canonize&
small percentage need mature to make
Few' Fusel;nes. -Dr. McKay writes
the crop • tine one. as follows : "On -December 29, 1883, I
Mag Day Concgsr. - The comae to baptised 13 in T.tmsuh, and we comment -
be giro* on May day has now taken de-
finite shape. and promises to be good.
The programme will lilhortly be tamed.
A number of choice glees, oto, will be
among the attractions.
"Bob Wilkinson has had a neat ✓kit
built for himself, light, strong and with
good linea Geo. Grant, the well-known
lust angler, a1... has had a shin made
during the wiotor. with ss eye to the I them sine their uwia mountain airs to
op season's sport.
our sweet bytes.•
Canada reach a grand total of 13,402. The proceedings closed with the Ns_
This is a net gain of precisely 1,600 dur-
ing the last twelve months, and exhibits
The wholesale liquor dealers and die
tillers of Toronto have formed an organi.
cation to oppose the Scutt act in see
county in which it may be submitted
Thirty -fire thousand dollars has bow
subscribed. T- -----
Foss+ne. -At the last meeting d
Court (ioderich, NO 32, on Tuesdaj
evening, the following ,Eheors wen
dented for Ole enauing term : C. R
Rru. R. It. Symonds ; V.C.R.. Bro. D
R. Stoddard; Clap. , Bre. Jess Melntyr•
F.8., Bro. Thos. Sneyd ; R S. , Bro. A
Saunders ; Treas., Bro. Chris. Crabb
8. W., Bro. Chas. Cottle ; J. W., Bro. J
against 1,390 in 188.1. Canada has char- I Gilders ; S.B., Bro. Eli Symonds ; •f. H.
ed in the general increase.
Lsanxo Lt•ezprow.-We are sorry to
learn that owing to ill health G. W. Berry
has decided to remove his f • ,.:y tees
this village to Goderich. M9 Berry's
health has been poorly fur some time
past, and on' the advice of the family
physician Mr. Berry has decided to re-
move to that town, where be has par- Manacsl. Ansoct.►Ttnrt, Tim regal
chased the handsome residence belonging quarterly meeting .4 the Hurn Media
to Lawyer Seager, one of the finest in Asenciatien tank place on Tuesday, H
Goderich, in the hope that the bracing l inst., and was well attended, notwill
Weise of Lake Huron might be the •tsk.ding the lied e.eds There sag
mean of restoring Mrs. Berry to her present Dr. Will...., presides(; 1J
former health and rigor. Should health Taylor, vita pereident. and Drs. Cam
ppeermit it Mr. Berry will carry on hie I be 1. Gunn, 1411,11 and W.nthutgtu
bkmin.•s here as usual, but should the There were reported • case of sesta
tree tome when be is called upon In with ultimate loss of seneat, n of tl
sewer his connection with u., Litcknnw Mg and foot •k( that rule. A ease •4 silt
will los.. one of her meet enterprising shot wound, fracturing the thigk. boas,
sad public spirited citizens. Mr Berry pies ••1 which was shown with the 111
has been in business here for the peat teaed hnliet. The tall first pee
sietesn years and during that time he tlirrkngb a dor, theta through the rig
has always taken an active. part in the thigh, fracturing the hone, and th
public **fare of the village Feer many tbniq:h the roper thigh. and dropped
veers he was • director ..1 the Kinkel, the boor. A case of meat ones
Branch Agriealters Society, and a greet beginning first in the left hand, and
deal of the wane attending the shows most immediately attacking the Mb
arm and hath lop and feel. A tees
dressed atameeh, causing death by he
knnrrhage mud indigestion ; .1M a ■
of lupus, involving the gaeeliw et
moral w net. The dieeesioes bre,
out wee very interesting points 1
meeting was ettecded with & good I
of iatleetet. sad papers were prom.
for the July g. -{New a
tested the dying lure of Jae. Eleven an increase of 6,618 over the total num-
churches . u the Bast Coast ere about her published just ten yen since. The
completed. Girl's school Meshed and increase in 1874 over the total for 1873
opened ; this building u as large as the was 103. During the past year the dail-
ies have increased from 1,138 to 1,254 ;
the grew" I purchased before going to the weeklies from 9,062 to 10,028 ; and
America Upward of 100 abwrizinies the monthlies from 1,091 to 1,499. The
were at thenpening of the girl's bc1io0l. greatest increase is in the Western States
Would that tboasaads iq America heard Illinois, for instance, n••w shows 1,006
papers in place of last year's total e.f 904,
while Mar>uri issue. 604 instead of the
6'x3 reported in 1813. Other leading
Western States alae exhibit • great per-
centage of increase. The total number
f ?opera in New York Stare is 1,523.
Rev. C. E. Stafford,o Brest, former- Tia executivi uT te S'tnday Scho,1
ly of Hottesville and Brussels in this Association of Canada, under the direct -
Maitland Lodge No. 33 A. F d A.M.,county, was recent' presented web • ,nn of their sectary, Mr. John Mc -
will hold an emergency meeting en Tues-
rierday evening the 22nd inst.
Miss Frances McLean, who is atbod-
inF the Wesleyan Female College, is
spending her holidays in town.
Harry McLean. ren hots fee his
Easter holidays, and had • gond time on
our excellent roads on his bicycle.
We understand arrangements are be-
ing made to hold • monster meeting of
Foresters in G.derich at an early date.
During the mission given at Hw11et by
the Redemptoriat Fathers in Holy Week,
Mies Nellie Tighe presided at the organ.
Our cricket club opened the *sawn .et
Good Fridaybyplaying • friendly
meet, the °es twine °been from the
Joseph Beck returned from his visit to
the United States last week, and reports
his brother as rapidly Improving in
Mrs. Robertane, n( Clinton, has re-
tuned to her meal after a pleased vitt
to her daughter, Mn. W. Smith, Kin14
eon street.
G. )rACKI&* 1[. D.ei Oradet
else. sad Aeeoscber, Oraetate
et thilvonity Otseee/p°°ste vetoer
at tbe aaak raw If yyy la
ow. asseiro eDRm IL SHANNON
gest atele*pcli watwow, C. Ewr.
vow 17°1.
*5.0.P. teeet.►
tee's. Ear sad Throat. Trialtty
•••• ee totkesers. dee'Ilste,ud
Jw Yrow. tense
enp((ar get cravens firmest.
4 Bele.
purse of 11I00, and 11'Is. Stafford with a Ewen, premise te huW a sense .4 mate
purse of 890 by the Uttozster cons/rues- tete* fur the benefit of the teachers of
tion, as a mark of & etioa. i the county of Huron. The time Irnp.ks-
At vespers en Easter Sunday, Miesed is as follows :•-Wingham, May 11th,
Wynn assisted the choir of 8t Peter • 12th and 13th, Clinton, 14th, 15th eel
and sang, "I Would Not Live Alway' in 16th, (iodench, Monday 18th, 19th and
• very sweet manner. The services of 20th ; Seeforth, 21st, 22nd and 23.11.
the day were of an attractive character. Mr. Mcl(wen-s institutes aro said to be
Fn. Watton and L,ts officiated. full of instruction, and all whu take an
Tb. Detroit Bicycle Club has decided j interest in Sunday School work should
to cost. • Canadian hwycls tour of °area ate it a petal to attend these intenst-
days, c .mntencing July 13th. The ingethorings.
route as laid out takes in Leamington,✓sox Levine's Ctrs - At a largely
Thome. London, (kkderieh, Lucsn, attended meeting held 011 Tueem.lty even -
Prof. Clarke and Mrs. Clarke, who
seran od etg a p etii s nf their hooey -
moon in ed.rish, left fey the east on
Dr. G. 8. R oculist and asrist,
of T.xnwto, will be at the Windsor hotel,
Stratford, elm Saturday, April title for
Roe. Caves Carsiebsel hes been
.lasted Dee of Montreal. His many
Mewls here will be glad to hear of his
.4 v.weewaent
Forest and P4arni,t. Number .sf Mille, i ing last at the Huron hotel, the Huron
The Synod ..f Hamilton and London,
which met at 8.sfnrth en Meknday, Tues-
day and Wednesday of this week was
largely attended, at oot 200 representa-
tives being prem The proceedings
were interesting. and the Salvation •rmy
acme in (.x considerable disoltwirto. Perry ; field captain. John Curry. Man.
John Wilson, carpenter, hrecovered ante. onmmitcee, T. •,. raham, Jas.
from indammetion of the toren, but is Hendore.wt, wee allerd, IGm'l J. Reid,
still crippled by • *verso attack rat D (► (7amer.m. Honorary memMra-
mistime He was laid up fee six week•1s, C. camases Q.C., M. P., A. 11.
by illness, but is now able to be about I Potty. Bag. home, Horton,
with the tissi•tance ..(w cane As will Sheriff Gibbons, Hon. A. M. Ret.., John
est 14.411107 wi•rk fur some wattle
yet I McBride. Esq Wm. Cream.Rsq.. J. T.
[amens c lob was reorganised fur the sea-
son by appointing the (ollowin t Aloes .
Hen. president, M. Hutchison, Esq.;
b .n. vice president, Dr. Holmes ; pre-
sident, 14 S Williams ; via president,
(deo. Rhynea ; hon. secretary, 8. Mal-
oolmson : acting secretary, S. Hays ;
treasurer, H. J. Henle ; captain, Thos.
The *vesting rriw in the North
Street Methodist seChunh, partook of as
Raster eltarseter The hymns were
specially esterase std printed 1. the
oeeaeiwm, sad the attire service bore
are the resurrection .d the Saviour.
neer preached an sppreri°tw ser-
mon in the esersi.g.
Bro. !Lich. Gibbs ; Court physiciau. Bra
Thos. F. McLean. 1L D. Bro. Aleut
Saunders was 40404 d.lsgato to attest
the High Court meeting to be hold i
Toneitu in June, when imp•.rtas
changes in the endowtneat schen. wi
be made, in order to form a reesrre fon
for t4 security of members.
held by that erkeiety we dote to hia/aM-
G•srnw, Bel. , H. C ..k., Esq.. Jueleph inc and ererg.tie efforts. He he served
I►illum, req. W. /MA", hip Iv several term, as • member of t4 mime
Johnston, Esq. The deb is twin tej b.wrd sed village geese l,awd ennld have
beak's dews to band Divehi* tit omen, been sleeted neve by seclamatinn 1404
he not debited the sires Mr.
viae family ■trey with them the eel -
wishes of • large nivel* of Mewl . -
[teeknow 8nttitl/l.
end will be open for chalblenee at the
airtime date. The excellent reeved el
the Heroes last mote makes them vir-
tually the leading club of the aunty