HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-4, Page 8r osiom•s rr:G N. K I N } 1 ,N rune the 'Gut man some repo4 .Q kne• ly. baa o o` tl Y Trial Isyr It it an ohs. Jag, am buy w:ii ora' see (lu. a; it Y 1 it bu hu hot tot Jo w do fo th fo In ti u! a k s r 0131'1'•` It1 THE fluit(M4 SIBXALt FItIAY'. APRIL 4, 1884. Adagio* Toledo Mode, Mnah 17• wl■y tehteir sale bag prtated at Ya. Sumer - is reforest* $ the rob- 1aye gr a free .slier Iavert.d 1• - t of the above *Mast allow rte to I t Ftp tet nese elf eat► ate •sew fade (%•rt><aon (hallway wan ♦taMitmw tale .04 a saleable tar tst t ku..rw es ~ ears alto, yam; ora IJr. J. C. Lw.i.o ad, the Sands marine of tarty y 1r1 ■e. Saha Ilktp'rl. ort the Huron road, Hallett, was • loan haulm f r nuts wide, and early on Wr•I se.day auenurw, March 96th, the rile shut:' l Or hear t at lie Jar: w, being • 't t:herrydale Nemo lad w*. was .direly e1mlDsi I the P^'pws y to whoa Copt. idols vetch, the Waste nitrated warble baa • mmrrte of the • W 01 solum fou sere W ilah,al,ue adore was us, 1. fro: a moment they could ed afterwards by the ecb.rwen l)itT. Nape, at Iba C.stbort andwel • neve it, as lid hal been alto Branch, Agnes Anti, Peon//, Cu,adby Juba Koos, cacti m Yost„ ' : A. -11 TipG t• ►It,1 Coit►ut T- wls eft a•tw rel teen wad ora ` • we oar breeds* tahtis with a Ya. Seruared l icer which tri caves stsa, heart i . It te sr the DiglaMao ten of iiil resets. et diet tact a eentttt ties may y. y brut op marl thong ea.segla le ,. to.deacy to toles..$. Hundreds et salty outlies are Maras •roaad wa mark whatever. dry asas t iatestver sAe4 sad • osmotic water or mgt. Ti•s filth. ear, Ib.. W Urotwta Jarmo sere a: co., tic ... Molal• Loather Eno.` and well t fee urinates betula the start!- I &ad Resolution. These wan the tore- p ua, on Saturday, Eng. - ed Sarnia Her fulww of $.watdtee, 11e t tug arm .ueoumeid was order but t tr runners of the many maguthcent veeseb stied ,_ ' .f It orf hu idyl... study .'u the Ilwre'i which liaruia has alno. Men roud of. p sad initelltgrw's at•bie, o..urirtnd ilja I Thus one by one we all pees away, mea hu lucphigeuati and awu. usuaattrlly a sod rowels in their turn. Of the latter setae c -rims lir was .ik( • any'ry it may be said they .re all Kone, tong, healthy meso Beit. eine , ed. cou 1leag ago ; but of the former there are nerala After c.auug; his dinner, on Wed' still • few old land Inarks lett to note snooty, he cat. upne thou, and while ' p Amen thew 1 wight shoot came over rte" a toeuer • metol a 1*. went u* neo Capt. C.Mc/ilaehen, C.pt. Jamnn camp ursr c omen wee limo, and he wen•, I Warwick, and Capt. Jas. Duncan, a11 residents of the Township of Moser, in the sitting room azul sat down, t . tai till . felt better, w uplands¢ to Mr. bpmraer of violent heart -bunt. Mr. Nf. Craig came la and he solos him • heifer while waitin:. He shortly after left and waked towards home, sod as he was in the habit of dropping into Itattenbury'' stables, wing a large dea.ur in horses, ms suppose! to baro turned in, and doubtleas instantly dropped dead, s he was found lying on the floor a moment after he hal berm seen .m the street. It was ;dein that he was beyond all human aid, and the Ii(.le►_ body w. a taken to the hems that he holm lately left in the supposed bloom of health and strength. Oa two previous occasions augured from similar attacks, which were of short du- ration, and front the effects of which ho did not appear to surfer. Mr. Shipley was born in Dalton, Yorkshire ; in early life bei•• apprentice with his father as a waggon maker, and Airing Mr. W. h unt'a•'n, of this place, as Lilco -laborer. 1 1851 h' came to this country, Mr. A. who au doubt au entertain their friends by a deeeripttua of the many changes which have transpired in these parte dur- ing such a long period of years. Capt. Galloway was a brother -Lir -law of Mr. D. Howie, of Moore, and with tae latter took to the lakes about the same time -1144'= Mr. Hueeie stuck to In Dunlop, Moodily. iu.4Co!- htrtel, (;.rlerich, . at 1 o'clock btb of Aprel, ES:ofe the is Matt b wNla eirj tr boll Prams the Sarnia fleet till the end of the Mal- colm Cameron , luadron. Onllowey s in- clinations led him into the American ly tled in Toledo, l0., herelhe married amend acquired mate property. He leaves a wife and invalid son to mourn his loos -[Sarnia r - ver. Qtalwald. The footpath around the blue bond is a little out of order. Lessee say that they find it difficult to emoort their fel- lows tome with comfort Whore is the In Dodsworth r•'rming .one of the auntie par- patlarseter 1 ty, and with his father, broiled en the Slltlol'4. base line. but shortly afterwards moved to time farm now .ncupie.l by Mr. S. An- LEAr YEAR DANCE. -The Misses E. h Martin, M. Bands and Janet Goldthorpe the fare: on the Hun n road wham early cuuncillun of the pla;o He was was asuccess rom start t4' finish. The draws. Abut I years ago he Ines to a receLtl. got up a leap year pray, which has an.cc resided He was one of thef owning war lire1 y, all the girls present ' Inc of the •' •'.t prudent, industrious, looking after their male pan nen. and euterprirtug fanners in Huron, deal- ing largely in cattle and horses, and in.partners. all lira transactions was con.cientons, , __ honorable and straightforward to s de John Barker spent several days last r and hal accumulated a,nsid'rrable' week in the `':),rousbire city" .I On - property lie was nue of the few Wren tnrio Exeter. He doubtless revelled in who have the faculty of being on friend- [J.romExetcissa ly terms with almost everybody, and not I the aliahtcst cr. sure can be gamed on KRunvtsos. -- Our townsmen, Robert his life or actions. A snootier of porn ib -an, after several year, residence aX-.Ile ',tined the aleth,.dt.t church. but amongst 05 to about to rem,. ve to the afterwards he left it and went to the Bible Ch. +tion church, as other ulo.o- bers of his family belonged Were, and he was ala•• a trustee of this church lie Marto a 0.10. three sosissebi ell daugh- ters, the eldest one][rs. Thema Gibbing., of this place a solely ay that among the many darths that lave tate:y taken place in this vicinity, 011utalL none has added • more profound genas- - ti••n or elicited draper heartfelt gym- Brs'i*n To DEATH. -Mayor Forreshte pathy than this «no. -1 New Era. Hlas JENNIE 6HIHLEv. Miss Jennie Shipley, daughter of the late John Shipley, took sock while in church ..n Sunday, and was taken to the resideuce of Het. Mr. K inner, where she died a few minutes bo! re 12 o'clock on Monday night. The sal event com- ing shortly after the sudden death ,f her father has caused a gloom to pervade the .'.amenity. She was aged 18 years. g l{oppp Mo stmt Ma rah. 16.(. tics wife of Hobo Doha, of a desolater. In Garbraid, on March lith. Ialt. the wife.1 Wm Wells, of a son. At Westseld. on March Amb. the wife of W. g Campbell, of a sou. NAMUR* neighborhood of St. Stephous church, on the Huron Road, having rented the farm of James Porter fora terniof years. Bob's jovial countenance and merry voice will be missed by his old neigh- bors, amongst whom he was a,,,favorite, beim willing to tic a rod turn. On the Nth March. at the residence of tits bride's uncle Jas. 'toy. Palace sliest. Mon- treal. by the Rev. J. S. at Black. W. A. Ha - Is s. itaaagtaa Director of the Ogilvie Milling Co.. Winnipeg. to Oeorwina Ilei, third daugh- ter of the late 0. P. t're. Ry the Rev. James (:n7 Clinton. on the I pith Inas. Mr. Thomas Whitely to as Ruth ! Eleanor Ina., Was both lit liudericb. Np. In Clinton. OR the IMO alt.' Joke 8blp:ey. axed SI years. g moat end 1 day's. la Ooderich t .unship. on the 23rd Annie, wife of Mr. Peter Perdue. aged 21 years. In Clinton. on the Toad ult.. Mn. Ann Moore, reli-t of the into Wm. Moore. formerly of Clinton. of the firm of Moore S' Ilanter• aged 61 years. 6 months and 1 days. In Toronto, on the (tial ult., Mary, wife of Mt. Kenneth Mul.eed, lir IlruasSL. and daugh- ter of Mr. D. Itoss. Clinton. aged M years. I mo nth. 2, days. received the painful intelligence this week that his sister's child, at Mitchell, had been burned to death, by the burst- ing 61 • lamp. A fire occurred March 29th in • build- ing owned by W. H. Cook, insured for $700 in the Standard; Wm. Young', bakery, insured in Norwich Union for $700 ; building owned by D. C•ntilun, inured ; C•ntilon's furniture, insured fur $150 in Norwich Union ; Cantilon Bros., groceries, insurance lapsed ; stock w t:. IGleolow• mostly aced. The building of Mr. ,t unexpectedly are we called upon Racey was partly burnt and wrecked. As the whole olock was of frame build- tu chronicle the decease of one of the Ings, it was deemed necessary to tear must worthy residents of Morris, down a small store. John Cunningham, the psrs.on of W. l;. ll:ogston, who captain of the fire company, was serious - died on Tuesday tore.muon, March 26th, ly injured by some falling timbers. aged 76 years. The deceased was born on Aug. 12, 1807 in the parish of St. Androws, Plym..utk Co. Devon. Eng- land. lie emigtstd to America in 1883 and settled at Viotorla Square, township of Markham, 'shore he tarried on busi- ness as • blacksmith until 1858, when he removed to Morris and purchased lots 29 and 39 on the lath con., orntainiu, 200 acne, f room Messrs. McLeod and Mc - Murchie, where he resided up t.. the lime of his death. Notwithstanding he was 76 years of age he was ss smart on his feet as a y rung man and although poorly for some months he was not con- fined to his roam nail 4 weeks before his ioessae. The cause 4 his death was bronchitis. Mr. Ilingston took • fore- most position its agricultural affairs and has always been connote -nod with the mel- ees societies whose object was to encour- age the farming community. For 16 wan he was president of the limy ranch Agi. Society, and although he often asked for someone to be appointed in his stead at the annual meeting, .very voice wits always omitted for his we•els. tion. in connection with the Fast Huron Society he filled time president's chair ter the pat 10 years, successively, and in connection with the above posi- tions he performed his work so faithful- ly ar d energetically that he was elected an hon•'-ory member of each at the last meeting. His place will be a di*ioult one to fill as in all his term of 4.51)e the closet observer never knew him to per- form one selhsh act. Ever since the brick school house was built in Brussels he Ras a member of the i(cho.d Borrel and for Teen was eh•irman, and it was regretted by many that he nositinard • few years ego. In his Darier life me took an extort part in military *triton and held the position of captain to a volunteer Co. The deceased was a member of the Eris on un Church, also, connected with the Masonic Order. under whose direction the fillers! will be on rriday. Although Conservative in polities, he was very liberal, and never premed his views on anyone. A wife, 7 sons and 1 daughter are left to mourn the irreparable cors of s good husoand sr 1 kind father. Man Il nits' his kindly o hu oof 5ame will viee and enooarsg.w of his eery long live in the ,wnsory large oi-cle of friends for his many vo"d Roel qualities of head and heart. I Itrus eels Port tloda'ich Township Arthur Churchill and sister left Manitoba on Tuesday. H. Marshall and two ewes left on Tues- day for British Columbia. Mr. Goo. Miller bought • fine brood mare from Mr. D. U. Junor for the seas of $300. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Foster, of Kansas, old -tine residents of this township, aro visiting friends and relatives, after an absence of about nine years. Jas. Rutledge, of the 4th cob., died on Thursday, and was buried at Bayfield on Saturday. The deceased was one of the oldest residents of the township and by industry and hard work made • com- fortable horse. He was one of the pioneer exhorter and, along with the late James Cox, was vary effective in rousing his fellow men to a sense of their whole duty. The funeral was largely at. tsnd.d. CsdeMv* Markets. 0oesatoa. April 3, lOti. Wheat. t Valli y bush........... 51 0. 051 10 Wheat. (Springl it bub. ...... 100 0 1 O0 Flour. 11 barn .. ............... S 00 M 5 50 Oats. p bush ........... 030 a e 31 Peas. V bush .................. 006 M 0 72 Harley. Y bust... .. 0 le to 0 30 Potatoes 11 bush new .. ...... 0 10 Ha). p ton...... 7 Ser Rutter. 11 a.... .... 0 16 y 16 uadoz. tpaekedi..... . 0 11 Shorts, 11 cwt:..........- 000 Ream p cwt . 0 70 for r v N w Hides.......... .................. S SO ' 0 15 aw 0 If 022 Orf I O0 ft 0! 1 711 gR 00 100 s20 ALLAN UNE or ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL -LONDON DERRY-iiLAorlon very Thursday From Po Every Satarday from Raffia Tux SHoaTairr SKA lbWT" To AND Fatty ENGLAND. SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY UNSURPASSED. Winter adrrangern ents. SAILINOS-MAIL LINE. LONDONDERRY A LIVERPOOL. SARDINIAN. from PeaTt oxo. Apl tl lamb. PARISIAN.frost Poort.axa tpril 17t6. Drowsy, dull and out of sora t Are you bilious, nauseated and made sit k by the thought of food? Is there a dull, drag- ging pain in your right side? Do your bowels suckles.' get sore without any apparel. cause ? Are the whites t.' your eyes tinged with yellow is your skin wan, clantmy an ew copper -colored T mouth taste badly in 11: • morning ? Are you coati•..: e 1)o you have itching pi' =+ Are your -bowels ttmc 1 Are you dizzy and cd at times ? Are you got ec and despondent ? 11 If r urine 1•ighly colored ? A you nervous and full (•f t 1 feelings ;.t :.'1 1, ir.; of y..-. body ? your before Cos.: ou a.. ia. s: l Li so: • yn• corm of low fever (r l)e:cfx otherwise hopelessly Take SuLeitta Ax.) Ian'. BITTERS. Ilia too.:1,c you is that your Lear i I wit (1 order and r.eeds re;'.'•.itt't, immediately. StiLPSE1 A 1 IRON "Blrrgi;s''Ill help yo -.s as nothing (.lee i:l th_ shape of medicine car.. Regulated, stimulated rude to dolts proper work i s proper manner by Sr -truer. Aso, IRON BITTERS the 1.i11Y will resume its natural func- tions, and all the above syrnve toms will disappear and b. forgotten. But do not neg1.•ct them. Use the remedy a: once. Sold everywhere, price 5o cents. SPRING OPENING MILLINERY part °wrier of the rotor. C. N. I Aeneas rales. .own gas. --- L The aulactol et lsq• Icave to announce th+t her ()p- i DIsglsr.e.'tiitlttltsri Millinery 'Alit take piaci' '11 - ' SATURDAY, THE 12th INST Instead ••f the di h, as formerly advertised bee bad a The ladyNi under F8 c ands this department largest cis ities Canada, ith cher solace in tie,, York, U.S , Ikunwledtte' .d thn rr+luirenmruts ..f thi• bnneh n/ the bn►ine.e, eamtwt [ail topions u t Goderich W5 mare pfreo•suy devoted pwrticular .nests.. to Ib s'41.%iuw uI our nods( baviat vjsisad Itsadue and for,.nW, selecting for cbuiewt article. prose the emstifatai brit hlendmK of codon. toWe feel a,ufideut of our former suooess. and tlotbiag aha'1 be wanting uu our • t. wake • visit to our phos not wily pleasant but pru8tiWr. STA)AIPINO Uhf ELVZ't dotes to .order m all My'ea STRAW WORIJ►IS''.,tmI and done trot .'u ,hurtuolicu, and At prones to cuatomen II-T.1ISG AND FITTING A .PECiALTY. Remember ours will Ire the Leading House f'.r STYLE, FINISH and PRICE. Your respectfully, 2VZIZS_ GSR ti..lerieh, April 3rd, 1884. 1907 MRS. SALKELD writ. IL\T'1: HKR SPRING OPENINGI 0. SATURDAY, 12th APRIL, 1884, W14II' SHE WILL. SHOW THE Latest .1 orelties in Hats, Flowers, Feathers and all kinds of Fancy Goods. CALL SOLICITED. feisder.ah, April 3rd. I011. MRS. W. SALKELD 1 12117-Im Successor to Mi- Jessie w" Ilton. Millinery Opening ,$OLD B' \Ae here much p:ea.ure in announcing to the Ladies of liederlch and rtclntty. that 2.1m7O:::). N We Will Show on Wednesday and Thursday Eett, 9th -10th HALIFAX. April 12th. HALIAX. Aprtl 111th. CiRCHSSIAF `. lions Porn-ese'. April 24.b. PO&.YXItSlAN from o) Tt min, May 1st. HALIFAX. May x' Sailin.irom-&ebec. PER_ SARMATI 1F- PARItIIA. 8.4IIDiNIAN Clhl•A:(.'t1A14 P0y1.1'XK,AIAll I'KItW'VIA% ......... P.\It13L\X • Passengers wishing to embark at Portland will ha%e(Ioderich.t Tuesday a,at 12oc The last train eta Halifax with t1:e and Passengers leasee tioderich every Wed- nesday. at 12 o'clock. Prepaid oertiacate issue.! at greatly' reduced rates to persons wishing to bring their friends out from the Old Country. For '1 icket s and all Information. apply to •neat 11111- Miry A lith i !ti Jan. 10th. MA A VARIETY OF Beautifully Trimmed Hats and Bonnets,Comprising all the New- est Shapes. All are Cordially InvitsdiQ-Examine our Goods. D. K. STRACHAN, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Keeps on hand a supply of material for the repairing of 7tt: Jus. nth 21st 2sth .. lours and R8ae1's Sulky Hay Rakes, Plows and Agricultural Implements and Machinery Generally. M:.IORK THOROUGHLY DONE. D. K. STRACHAN, S GODERICH MACHINE SHOP "THE TORONTO HOUSE." tf West side of ,square- nett door to Singleton's Fruit Sore. oodericb. April 3rd, IML MISS GRAHAM PRING OPENING I An interesting pr0I1 s r being prepared for the "open lodge" tribe held here on Friday next, the 11th inst The H. S. I.. S. entertainment was taken in t'y a number of our young peo- ple on Friday, and pronooneel a sut- oees. Oso. B. Robertson, of Detroit, whom bereavement we referred to in August lust, is visiting his orphan child at the residence of its grandfather,(;.'. Keh•.e. Three snakes were seen and killed by Daniel Carnegie on the 24th ult. This is the earliest date of any snakes being seen by any of our Leehurn people this year. Canrw. -- The fall wheal looks pretty fairly in this vicinity after the severity of winter is neer. Some paces where it wee pot in too late it ,tandii • perry ethane*. Shea aaa. Quite mite a masher of pers.t r an sick in this vicinity. A great many are effected with • kin: of a coil whit* becomes c rntsgious. Roane. The mads during the past week were almost impassable ; but the high winds and severs frost have 'dried them considerably. Among those who arrived on the mail raga. John tyau.wer' coach on Saturday morning was H Hoe - Capt. John Galloway died et hos r. r I tow. teacher, of Paramount, to breath dorso a in krw.r town this worsting, after the healthful air of his native villswe a hngoet li illness. (`at* Galloway war' n. if the ••ideet captains ..n the lakes. anti wire well known by almost every 1111211 100 H. ease to Teisde its 1860 a.d wa, almost oonatentstilet ets,wtpad in vowed.Amor - emote he Mire r • loatth Idtiro., and e•. et hove the t for the trochee. time. onmore. His school at Fermenta oat closed up until after the Easter holidays, .wing to diphtheria having broken net among the pupils. Satire families are down with measles twas asting carom ( the .clot "'a) at Kingsytn. Nome grown up lt.11e ,( !.)''.Irl. RF. HELD' 04 Ooderich. March 27th. 101. 1636'-+n week- at home. 1115.00 ontat free. Pay $66• requi• rtell sure. o rink. want not required. herder, if you wart nosiness at which persons of either sex. young .r old. can make great pay all the time they work. with absolute certainty. Write torr fun ppasrticulars to H. HAI"tic-n S- Co.. tort land. Maine. OO TO KNIGHT'S iron A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. 0TWO 110088 EAST OF P.O IISS.ly H. ARMSTRONG Ticker Agent. Watt 10 110 l)etderlcb AM m 1 -Ooderich. April 2nd. I SIU !I UI,1 (1 Iffn 7w AT 10' CAE OWE 1 The auhaeril.er is now prepares! to furnish all kind. of Field and Garden Seeds of the BEST VARIETIES at rab'i that cannot lw beaten in Gotlerich. ('all and examine samples Ile - fore purchasing elsewher.•. REES PRICE, SATURDAY, APRIL 12th, 1884. The Ladies of Godericlt flnd vicini• ty ars Cor- dially Invited to Call and see the Display. CHOICE CONFECTIONERI, CANNED FRUITS AND FISH. TOBACCO, CIGARS, 4-c Domestic and Forel J Fritts. II tiM of e BBrands. rises and Smoked . t Water fish in as.aon• A full assortment of all kldds of Nuts. yours reeved Is Seery Style ttegoliw4. Ir'E (REAMS IN QBA.w)N. noral Ur•;gn.• Wreaths. Crosses. Rstpwets, et.-.. made to order. eleweAsa ream. a timetables 1s aer'e.. AT- E. BINGHAM'S REE3TAT.7RANT Sat Street Grain Depot. Opposite Cowl Hower !tgonr.. Oo.lericb, Oat Town Hall, f Ioelerich. Dee. actin. 101133m. M•mch islet. 1011. IIOs s DANIEL GORDON, Tire Seedier not CABINETMAKER A\t' Leadiuq lluaenaker Haws land now the L►alaaT aTtefo of First - Class Furniture la the ('nasty. and as i wen rir Ars. for era.win ..rt lar tradeeeehl bT ear owe. 1 ogt•r. Taperer, Carpet lonta '. fret. 61,M upwards. w7iertaete, good. seer Ole op. Row Rork Chain. frets Nie. w►• aad every - shim .Ir is the taste p..psrlss. AT THE OLD STAND Retwu. the Past Mee a Rank of MowrrevoL faOfl9D1RIOg. net. OM. MIL telt FARMERS Destroys of obis/singMews of the above make. beige Nos. IL le and th era be ter- sighed with the .saw by applloatles to the Fowaby, Goderioh. Ooderich. April 2, lad/. 11017 THE SPRING" -OPENTNG -OT----- The Chicago House, WILL HIE FIELD Ori( Saturday, .1.pri1 12th Ti.-iLatest and Best Styles of Spring Millinery will be on view. Miss Wil' 1$oa'a, - Regain of all the above plows caw also he ob- tained at the MN pl.... PLOWS & REPAIRS WILL wa 1101X. AT 1 Reduction of 25 Per Cent, t rout rbw IAar • psMtab.d we Tear. Am" C..4. HUMBER, Mawaat.a A.ewt. l7e.eg{d. OsAi rtek. iNar.b ell. Mgt Isle Ooderich. march 27th. IM1. Chicago Howse. Irt ENGINEERS AND MILLMEN. ATTENTION. ASBESTOS SHEET 1 PISTON PAC ,11; Q. JOHj < A. NAFTEL. CHEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUM. MONTREAL J "LYMAIr BARB WIRE / \ FENCING. Met Pros •gala at last Provincial Show. Prise awarded for Who ea *id ea the upon: -ret for the fence. Very largely used w an the prumwei railway1 s., d tlae tlesafat.a- Icor sale by J Hof A. MATTEL. Mese =or ittiwperltsar, gedliwtsh WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING DECIDED BARGAINS tit REAL ESTATE iN TidM ?OWN o1 OOi)KRICH- 1. A Ceras Let Nw 0.s West treat, cl..stota.Ss rt f IL loot M .err tM very t sit- eatN*. with view of Lake. w► Ma tleib tool f 14,10* with iew maw am* ea re4 1 .s * et4l0 t. 1 , M ka. v.e. et0•r the Wallow. biro... worth Tlisma ara iwRMnes. Oalem Atf. Mg ties `0 0 td mow o t tie le at at dm above fl,ZAOE1 t LEWiR, • Saul t.ea U.d.gt.b. O.derleb. rear SItb, OIL 0111tf JORI IacTAIIIIART 1UTOWA STSUT, Has oy'ewed out a feu Use et GYOCBRIBS AND CROCHET• Fresh, Cheep. Gni of the feet (snot FLOUR eft M E AT Awsetrlra. 7sje,i akA f`w+d >IIsM. sl• wen A sag rwen..itwly s.Rgtd. JOHN Y.(rrMAGART. 0e4e01e*. ]aaeb MphI. tt*-Im