HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-4, Page 7SIQJ jA FRIpAY, APRIL 4, 1&,4
run find Fancy.
A eq., whitest.
of politeness is *M dew not weak s'u.ethi.g
Wet weedhar will ialeowe trawl* w bca
a .tLi g Amain
Powder is like me.a y. It's awful herd
to hold atter it bellies to go.
RRollisg stook -Calfa pitched doom as
A kettledrum 1. s.. dolled lssoauss it is
amide up ut • great deal ,d wise and
very little to eat.
That Xiohigander .h.. wiII.d Josh
Billings $3,000, must hate .I •1 from a
'bad s; e11.'
The fuUe a log is a literal tr.►nseript .d
a sitru un a Pennsylvania village store :
F. rod Tates, Sugar and Shingles,
Brickdtat and tomes. Whisky. Tar and
other Droste,'
At the marriage of an Alabama wid-
ower time of the servants was asked it his
msglar would take a bridal tour. 'Dem -
m. tr ; .ben old mimeo was alive he
beak • paddle to her ; denim if he'll
lithe • bridle to the new we or nut.'
A Reetcht.an, standing by the family
grate, said : 'Pb.n- lie my green'-feeth-
er sad my gran'mtither, and sly sin
heather and either, and their lies my
nether Bub and iny puir girl Jeannie,
and their lies my wife ; anJ, if I'm spar-
ed, there Ill he toga'
Words of lilisdom.
1f you want to be happy when old, be
temperate whets young.
Sema people ewe bora with a head
in wMeh the thin partition that divides
greet wit from folly is wankel'.
To be sonnet with little is dincult ;
to be content with m•ci, impossible.
1f we weald perpetuate our fame or
repotstioo, we must do things worth
writing, or write things worth evading.
Lits is like • true. When you limb
to the top you must keep a fast hold on
every limb, but when you want to drop
you hate wahine to du but to let go, and
nature will see to the rest.
Doeutes between true free, is and
tree lovers are vi nu wtle.rguewrce. The
only dangerous quarrels are those be-
terru I"- pi. who do not quite under-
at•tdJ each other.
Mens lives should be like the days,
more beautiful in the eveaiur ; or like
the sprint, ag'•ow with promise ; and like
the enema, rich with golden sheaves,
when good works and dosis hare ripen-
ed on the field.
To think we ars able is almost to be
so ; to determine upon •tteiumerlt is fre-
quently attainment itself. Thus earnest
resolution has often seemed to have
about it almust a savor of omnipotence.
-flatatesl Smiles.
There is a greet difference between
what an ambitious man is and what he
aspire to be- -as there is deo between
what a vain man thinks himself and
what 1 e ia.
The truth -the bars, naked, awful
and wlea►a truth -its at tunes the roost
ditlagrveald. thing in the world. It is,
in fad, about the telly thing that nese
.of us are afraid el. A complimentary
fah.h.wd is frequently mum s•'thin; t,
our frelint(, than the most honestly a:1.i
candidly spoke's word.' that were ever
Be reserved, but n,.t eo tr ; grave, but
not formal ; hold. but net rash ; hom'e's
but n. t servile ; patient, but hoot imseu
utile : constant. but not obstinate ;
cheerful, lout not light. Rather he
.greet tempered than tamiliar ; familiar
rather than intimate ; and intimate with
story few, and with those few upon good
a.iber up else 7escusesis.
Household Hints.
For whew monist fondles, t Raw Se -
seed on rubbed with • &nmol el.eh,thwe
Alis' with • dry piece of damsel ; a
tlgruel•1 u.4 t., pet too week ea.
Una La. -Bruited galls ,we p.
l.g.ud, .eegtwos aced gam aasbie h.M
a moundgash ; Irene, tree pUtrrsa B.il
an in the water else beer ; thea attain.
Bvaxs AND &.ii..•. - every Issmi1
should have • preparative of nomad oil,
sheik and vinegar, almost the a.wieterwy
of thick peirtt. weetewily Ms hand fur
new and scalds,
To Coes A Faw..-Equal pails of
soh se:o and quick lime made lot.. •
paste ; ■pply to the felon sad regime
whenever ,dry. 1t will nese pain If tree
felon has progressed utuch, but it is
sure ogre.
To prevent wu..dat b . !• frees crack-
ing either pour sweet, but lard 1,.wo them
or imw rag in cold water, loving to the
boiling/ pant, heal aa hoer or leoger,then
Int the water 000l gradually, when the
buwl may be takes est.
Whet t[,. voles is lost, as is some-
times the eon, treat the aside of odd,
• wimple, plowman remedy, sap sit ea -
'Mange, is furnished by beating up the
whited an egg, adding to it the juice of
..i .mea, and swarming with sugar to
MILK or Roses. -Put into • .wall bot-
tle two ounces Mf nose water, eln1b tea-
spounfei of oil of sweet alon,uds, ten
drops of ail of tar. Shake the bottle
Gatti the whole is combined, and you
have a nice commie to apply to the akin
Dacus WAaa.-A very nice thing for
a lady to keep is a bottle of this on her
dressing room table always, far tittle
spot. on her garments : One quart of
boiling water, half an ovum d camphor
este Ounce of barn ; after osolna, half •
pint d alcohol.
RIIPILutro Marrs. -If fine cut tobsc-
eo be sprinkled under the edge et car-
pets, and under those places where bu-
reau, bookcases Ind the like snake it
dark, the moths will be prevented from
laying their ages in them, as it will drive
them away.
Bice Htat.acua. - This diatreeainu
complaint can generally be relieved by
•taking the feet with water, to which ..
teaspoonful .1 powdered mustard has
beets stirred Soak as long as p...lhle ;
or till the wet" get. Duo: ; K draw. the
blood from the bead.
A good old lady friend of the Phila-
delphia Record desires attention tailed
to the efficacy of brewers' yeast as a
gargle in mases of diphtbri• and scarlet
fever. She prep ernes 11 better than
potash or any ether subdil.te.
Zoce Wnrrzwu.. - Mix oxide of
zinc with common sits, said apply it 'ith
• brush, like lime whitewall, le the soil-
ing of • rooa After three, upp4 in the
seem maim a wash of the-eridit of
ai.ar till sir oaten.. with the oxide.
als�blgsa a Somaeam-.- with a shining
Tours/AWL -For toothache take equal
parts of aa. ' T, sulphuric ether, am-
monia, '- u. •-, tinder* d cayenne,
and ow eighth part of oil of doves. Mix
well kleallsr. Saturate with the liquid
a small pie of cutters and apply to the
cavity of the dinned tooth and the pais
will cease immediately.
TatAr:lg.T or Bort.-Boils should
be br,u,I,t to a bead by warm pnitiees
.4 can,- .u' a flowers or boiled white lily
Mc', or onion rugt by fermentation with
hot was. , or by stimulating plasters.
Who t npe they should be destroyed
by a ur..11e or by a lamoet, but this
should u•.1 to attempted until they are
ful'y peeved.
Let a professional ,Dan, or any men,
when he starts in life, hare a side study,
be it history, or a lacguae", or postre.or
say branch d natural history, ur geodesy
and let tum give to it the fragments od
his time, and he will be sur4riised at his
own "egwi.tio.s. The cable teas of
his thimble and life will be elevated ;
the change of subject well be his best
rearsatios . And what is thus true in
literature and seises is mon n in
Cand m all that relates to duty.
is no time too brief for mandatory
Pryer. When the oosute.•noa of Nehe-
miah was sad for t:.e delatiotu of .l ere -
salami, and the king asked him, "What
. thy neestwst r there was tint. between ,
the question awl the "mower for him to
pray to tho'Ood of heaven.' 11 the ob-
ject ..1 this world had been to furnish
uppoitonities for daingg good, it could
hanky have been awninged better than
it is ; and whoever has a heart est upon
that, will have no need that any frag-
ments rd time he may gather up will be
w Michigan lady writes to Mr. Vick,
the desist, that to kill :meets .he uses
one teaspoonful of ker sans to • gale's of
water, and .pnnkle. It on the planta
with • hand broom. It destroys green
currAnt worms and other I este. a:•d
.a• use 1 aIt huut Lnjgrj to 10 -Mil ,1
p:er.eUuu.', callaaand caner ten•! •r 1.1,04
OM 111111AD.
A Asir toss eraMes.e7 Jismassem
`s M
las Shear/ otlmamom
demi el tholed-bhhlhnoroaid, pee�,It Pp.i14
y. .1. brbyWsta iei .a+ mow" •,'
wheat shlwW stoke 'every �~1Ma
maim* fornssp the aril names by the
log the 61de : 'It has .kali,
only tb r alias 'tepidity of Grit
newsmen's ."Os watureary prawn"
fails it ;"is attackrun .ditli
a eharaeleeissis pew ut 1.417 its rejoic-
ing over the Med '1s esprwa•d as weal.
in the very worst of English ; 'these
fellows have w style ; 'the (Rube need
to be a power,' but, 'it was • wane,
btatal, bellying sheet' 'lt made even
some money out .4 ds pr'ustituti.w d
'Geod'e great rift .d speech' to the por-
tions u( falsehood and &larder ;' in its
systematic goalies' 'there wan w. r4nk
Lou high, nu character tow revered, les
luau loo pun, no age lean revenu•i, 10
move its victims from the posen...us
epithets which viperous •u.l v,t.•lertivit
men showered upon them (tom the
()tube's oolwnn..' The ability .of •
ooarss and vulgar kind which once
characterised it has gone, lard it is now
canting and snivelling, and verse and
velem by tures, but without any ability
at all.' 'The Mail has had its slurs ie
this terrific downfall and bankrupt van-
diti n of a otos powerful, ins)
lout, domineering and brutal party
urvaniation.' The (Aube 'is grovel-
lingly hypocritical,' 'a preciuus com-
pound of cheek and Chadband with •
dash of Job Trotter,' 'gloating' urge the
sea.piracy 'in paltry paragraphs, and
bad jokes. dogrndl rhymes, and vile
caricatures, and soaadabw• accusatives,
in a way that made all decent Reformers
ashamed- Every idiotic w in the Globe
Mhos stood on ba earn and kicked his
hoe(s in the air with delight at the slan-
der that the 'Chri•tain politician' Mod
sprung upon the public by means .4
treachery •ed perjury '
Referring to the conspiracy : 'Iles
iniquitous end cynical c..rr•ipti•.n of their
saturnalia of scandalous pr.00eedtals.'
'The criminal a.tal,ination of cynical
ministers and f'rreswurn nle:ul.ars ill
bringing the proce.dtl0Rs: 'even a vel -
ger, brawling barbarian like Mr. Fraser
world not in the congenial society of his
favorite bar -room, venture seciutmly to
accuse Mr. Meredith a 'Desist custom
justifies the pushing of Fraser and Hardy
and Pardee into their proper pleas,
when Tom and Dick and }tarry are
wont to snicker and seamier and slang
in an atmosphere is which a gentlemen
would smother' • s s 'as teetiebesy of
the scoundrels:
este Pr.p.petgm w Meese Mauls.
Nothing about pleat °altars is atom
fasein'tti ow than the multipling of plants
from cuttings. It is the making of • SSW
pleat, and use takesal the more interest
in a phial thus predated Florists, with
their propagating beaches tang out plants
hundreds and thousands. Their
pn�eo ng bowies 1,eg
regular plant
iaetortes in which the raw materials of
cuttings, is turned eat as the finished
ptodod-the noted plants. Several
years ago we published • method by
which the amateur could multiply his
planta in all needed number, and with
seething like the osrtatuty that attends
the larger operations of the florist. Tie
method alluded Lr is An,.wn as 'the
mac 'r system,' and, as it will be new to
a large number of our reader., we gine it
in brief. The outfit needed is sharp
man .-if from the sea short, let it be
thoe.uagbly washed, to deprive it of all
salt -and • sewer, soup -plata ur other
teat that will bold an inch in depth of
seed. 'ening. are made .d the tender
growth d hose plants, an inch or two
long, and set in tho sand so closely Lo-
wther as to touch este .nether. The
dish .4 sand couraiisiog trio cettia4.,
should be set in a sunny window fully
exposed to the light, and the send, from
the beg:Maine must be 'sopping wet,'
and kept in the state of mod oustiouom -
ly. If the sand is allowed to get dry,
in st .d the cuttings *i11 be bet. Some
cotti.lgs .i1) :re rooted in • week, ether
in two or three weeks. A. soon as roots
are formed at the base, the cuttings
.h• ild los potted of in rich, light soiL
Shrubs that do n at rout readily from
cuttings of the ripened stem, will .Sten
grog readily in the saucer if • tender
shoot be taken --(Agricultural for
H a tee W ar!e. - T.. the••• wan t• .
use hard water for washing, th . Dor: ho l
may be reed nine Ido.::-.'roeuna Iarce
barrel, . t it close t.. the well, and let
some one whit is able, if you are not, 611
it with water ; thea put in two pvduls of
wood ashes. skim off the ooal., let it
stand two days at leant ; wash your white
clothes as to kiting, soap them and lay
(ham l,. a dean tab ; )tare anhcisco
brook water boiling hoe to Dover them
poor it en them. and Dover immediately
with one or two thick woolen bl•alets
and let them stand until the next morn-
ing, then wring them out, a.d yea have
mien did suds with which to wash your
colored clothes. Suds and rinse your
clothes alto with the brook water, and
your Clothes will look as nice and white
as if you had end rain water. This is a
good way for women who are not string,
se they are net liable to everw'.rk as lf
they did it all in one day.
TTat Pwees1 and Sweetest sr Kisses.
Promiscuous kissing en the part of a
person, that is, kissing everything or
•nythi.g, has no real meaning. it is
not in fact kluging. It is merely the
formality of sticking your puckered lips
.gat..dan ohj.et slut making • smack•
ing noise. The purest, sweetest kiss is
that. given by a boy to hi mother.
Wets yam see a boy, no madam it he is
40 lar one year old, proud of his mother
said not afraid he will he een.idetwd a
seatirental fool y others for doing it.
you have found • man who has a spark
.4 true manhood In him, no matter what
or low bad his general record may be.
The buy when he cones home, will in-
variably kiss his weber is generally the
bny t,. be depended upon, for then is
no ley ..r man with a guilty 00.eciemw
who tan come up and honk ►is mother in
th. eyes sad kiss her. No, the .boy who
baste his mother is every inch a man.
It is a pprr tad reseed for say men t.' have
it mid he always kisses hie welter.
Tleasseda Say See
T. W. Aitken, Oirard, Ks.., write.:
1 never hesitate to r'oommend year
Ennis Bitten to my o. s meet, they
Writ IMAM sgtie.etin• sad are rapid
sellers' tissues Bittem ane the pwntt
ler d hest mine edick.•.w. stem will posi
ti ogre Kidney sad Liver enm
Purify the blond aid vegolate the
No darnel] ase mored to las without! them
Ts,.y .ill save inselreds of dollars in
d . aloes bills mosey year. laid at Nen
'beetle 4 J. Wastes.
shales Traps.
If we set traps for rat. and lore cock-
roaches to their death with phosphorus,
surely it is right to entrap when we sea,
by any mets ant inconsistent with the
public welfare, a clogs el sen whew
methods sap the vest feeedstssa' of all
free and hewed w rreremern - They live
bat too corrupt, to substitute greed for
snnilotive as a motive of seine in poli
lir., and shall ere rtes against Com only
seen methods se might be employed
a.tsirast h.'eeW
r.e (Des 1 The idea m
and one Meow. !doodah
and Means seg�iestdd that the members
who hid bus. `apprtnobd" sh •.ld have
turned their basks dimply on the bribers
at the fled, sad teta.ed to have any
ther dealings with theta, they
view of the twitter whish en po weed
nisi, not blinded by iarty prejdbe,
will endorse. The briber make�--
'Jrt approach in the ,cost tentwfive mut
Well newsreet
tsmtiew avenger rake hi. cert "l' y, I A lit x.1 reward will to p id to any
Tasty who will penoleos aces of Liver,
Kidney or Stomach complaint teat Dere
trie Hitters will 1tMut apeedll cure. Bring
oh w steam!, •t will ve' 7nd 'thif4, for
med'4!ine if it fah tat cure, and yogi
• 1 he well r .rde•i for your trouble
dee. As Breed dynes., Bilious-
-et Jann•li -e, (:n ns:;paline, sad gam,-
Irh'lity ,ata q,iiekle cored. P ante -
ere unsrentNA .w nvotey reigailed
,ne roily A ty "sesta put Mei 1e For
., by .1 W,L.w.. 1fi1
£ 6kaillis heves'«,.
wa Jehass., of Ran n. Usk. , writes
Yat his wile bed bow troubi d with
aeon 4ts.ehite lug easy yaws, and that
an remedies tried gave w perwsaaewt re-
lief, anti) he peeved a loads of Dr.
King's N.. D:awr+ety or Coasmesptiva,
1oeghs and Culls, whish had a lnegieJ
onset, and prudu.od a parwlaooat eun..
It is isearaMeed to Dorm all diseases .1
direst, Laois or Itrunokial Tubes.
Trial butt►ma free •t .1. Wilson • drug
slur . Lslge wase. $1.0). 'b)
sew t Pu.sese.a W.skeaed e7 s-
etas. ItteJLNI7 sad ..mipo.ten.
The Gnat German Invigor.tur Is tee
nay spear fur impotency, .wrv•ous de-
bility, seivmsml lassitude, f,rrtetfulltess,
pais in the back or sides, no matter bow
shattered the system may be (nom en-
ement of any kind, the Groat German
Restudy will restore the '•est fent-tides
and swan health and 161.00
per t...o, six bones for 00. Sold by
all druggists. dent s. It.oetpt ,.1 price,
spats y F. J.. r(.terbbesey, T•Jrdo,
Ohiosol. r aunt k. onifStales. ('1F
sud,.rs,.nd tsstitt alit Mutt free. tGJd
Cir -
by Geo. Buries, sued asset for Oodc-
riok _ lbw
A sweats M W Mea►Ind.
1., the times when our newspapers
are Wooded with p -'eat medicine wdser-
tireuenta, it is gra: trying to knew .chat
to procure flint .111 rr:taluly cunt you
If pm are hiliu.u. Sloe! ..,t .'f .aider,
liver iu.dive, •w :casted debilitated,
titers is nothing in this w.•rld that will
ogre you so quickly a. E!,ario B•t:c:r.
They .re a blessing t., 1'1 mai:skind, and
ten be had for only. Af•y Dents a bottle
of James Wilson. [2:1
brier i;l•e tp.
If you are svlferiug .ire 1•.w and de-
pressed spirits, leas, . 1 appetite. general
debility, dwu drrrl ahead, weak consti-
1ution, head tche. or any disease of n 1..1 -
boas nature, I.y a!1 means procure a r,..'-
tle of Electric fitters. Yeu will toe env -
prised to see the rapid improvement that
will follow ; you nail lee inspired with new
life; Iltrength and activity will return ;
pain slid misery will crane. and hence-
forth you will mjetce iu tl,e praise .•f
Electric Biters. Soil at fifty cents a
b•dile by J, [CO
T. IM Medical PreMesimm, mid .11 when.
N .a.i7 ewe ea.
PhusQhatine, or Nerve 1'000, A P4os-
��dElement treed neve terienti1e
Fa., Formulated by Professor Austin,
M, D. of Boston, !lass., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Ver'tigc. and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseased of the human
system. Phosphatine is not $ Medocine,
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but .imp
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is suficiont to convince. All Dragoon
sell it. $1.00 per bottle. Lowden
Co., mole sgents for the Dominion,
fib Front Street East Toronto
A Wide Awake IllewsSIM-
3. Wilson is always alive to his busi-
ness, and spares no pains to secure the
beet of every article in his line. He has
secured the agency for the osdebr.tedDr
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
the only .ertain core known fur C..n-
seseptioa, Cnomha. Golds, Hoarseness
Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, ..r any
aisetion :4 the Thrust and Lunge. Sold
on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles
tree. Regular sae 11.00. (3'
'Britian, whew morning drum -bast
sounds armed the globs, hes but ow
queen, while we are West with tit»
more in every home from oouan to oonsue
and from where auronborealie fingers
paint with weird, mysterious M
the Dakotan skies, to when tb. billowed
sunshine of the Motion gulf dants its
ossseteas anthem to Floridian shores et
srarkeating green and gold. The ease
ant Jew was rated by a theocracy ; we,
beth Jew sod gentile, bow bsiteath the
Hower wreathed, silk -lined yoke of a
resistless sheagracy. Ma' ehkee in rem
Marvelously gifted in wont in's gland en-
dow mast -I.eigus.'-[t7. H., Exchange.
. 1 1 1 .1 . r IS .41.11,1.4.
x, .,; ease.•-�
Wit'- .
II •.L.1:1
Alww. t" coma 4e.7a.. ,••all,, tette.
or ret! • •d ears tier a•a.-. .envd, ra•l•
la all p.. of the .urkl. 17)4.
CANADIAN B A N O01l1 4801
t'.wl lop Copies., fJ<6,00‘1,0W.
llesf, -• --. 401,4011,(I011,
Proudest - Suet'. H )i Me HASTE/.
Goner. Meaeeer, -
N•. is.......�r.o.
ioderich fironctt.
A. M. itt o!•tt3, - - - - Man *use.
Interest allowed on d. p.Mta. drafts ole •
the prlaclpel Towns and Cities a tames
area teritatn and the United Slate., Moab
Adranoe.to ransom on Notts. .Iib oats
.err endorser., without mortaMte. 1753
7\ work . rade at lienee .) the it.
•1u.ur'ion.. Wet Lusa) r:• u... L,
I.M.1 else publtr. 11 Olt. t ..1 1.11'1:
,-I. Vs, *111 .tart l..u. SI. i.. no
men, boys and girl want" 4 very
where 1 . work for a•. Now ig the ti.e. You
can mark a %rare time. or .i. a your chole
time to the bovine... No other business will
may lou warty so well. No one can fall to
make enormous pay, by ,u, agtrg at once.
'unity outfit and teras fr,-. \;one. road,
(.Yanvenni , awl bumKabl). Addr••ws Tutu
lb.. /le 'lona. Me:awe
Testae .re Mild Farts.
The best binod purifier and system re-
gulator ever placed within the reach of
suffering humanity, truly is Electric B:t
ten. Inactivity of the Liver. Biliousne'
Jaundice, Constipation. Weak Kidney
or any disetae of the urinary .Kiane.
whoever requires an a1petizer, tonic -
wild stimulant, will always find E'ec'r:.
Bitters the hest and only certain cure
known. They sct surely sod pl ie:Isle;
every break gnar.sntred tr. giro motive
o i.a-
satistaction or ID 'ttev rofun•iw.. .41 at
fifty cents a bottle In J. Wih..n. [4]
Nen aro o.4 to be judged by their
Inks, hataite and appaearsnee ; but by
the character ..f their ties and colorer
•tiers., and he their work.. It is bettor
that a ntu."s own work., than that
srnther man's wurda, should psis
Every Thur day P'1'. z. Portland..
Bury Saturday from Halifar
1.II R SmnaTesT Sat ltc a ric to AMI/ Irl • M
111 lifer .11' dein PlltS.
s.%ILietis • 11A11. I.iNE.
.4A11IIitCIAN, 1.., PorrrL,t'D, Feb. 2114*.
!CALIF \X. Mar. lat.
C1tt ' %ASI AX (rein Pc•RTf..An, Mar, 41h,
II ALIFAX. Mar. eth.
POLi' NES! A N. be. Ib.tTLA%n. )tar. 13th.
HALIFAX. Mar. 131h.
P':Rl'�iAN. freers I'nKf1.Ann. Mar. 70111.
HALIFAX, Mar. Vail.
CASPIAN. tram PastrrLAND. March 11th,
HALIFAX Mar. 9th.
HAIIMATIAN. from leorn.Als. AMU 1d
II A i.I VAX. April nth.
SARDINIAN, from PM*Tt.ArD. Atoll 10th.
HALIFAX, April lilt4*.
PAR18iAN. from POa1TLAKn. April nib,
HALT1 IX. April 171b.
t'IKCASBIAN, Loin iete tAOD, April 211h,
HALIFAX. April t.h.
POLYNESIAN. from PoS'rLa!".. May Int,
HALIFAX. May 3rd.
I'aasetrger'o wishing to embark at Portland
will lest a Ooderich. on reside)... at 12 o'clock.
The last train ria Itallfax with the Mails
and Passenger leaves Goderfrh retry Wed-
nesday. at 12 o'clock.,
Prepaid certificate Isatt..1 nt grtail* reduced
rte. to persons .i.hing to bring their friends
oat from the Old ('onntrS.
For'1 hast• and all informal:0n. apply to
Ticket Agent.
Goderlch. Nor. find. 1163.
The People's Livery
Nst Co NC lei C• ^,U.
usl'ntd, AWL 00'T. Te.c.Tc-aktablWe
H 1
P H t)X, INS. ('O' Y , et Loewe 1laga ap--
K-1aY1a*ed IS_
a A IT5'01iD 1JN0. CO Y, at YAavvur • Cees.
-)' . 41 '4 ISM
am low Les 0 es et
b.HOeAC aot..9
Two t ,M•I.p• •' 1• etr
a' o A-sise• f rte
L A N A IIA Pitt LO! N Ams HAITI/Ka SCO. st
nein m 1 sae ea a -.aeon aware f.1roes
1 Wiper Ler L -C w•t'errt
Porta 1 a DORTON.
Goiter' -h Sept M. 1:.K
TM.sawdsof gra v ea
aro &Nasally rubbed
of their.'helium Ives
prolaasd• harp:nem
sad health restored
by the wee ort greet
a I. b pu..l n el. r d permanent y .ores 1m-
/Nrart lc %meat hg excesses of say kind,1
arms as Itealwress, sad all des nee that Gol-
low •.•.ega.aaeo Self -Atrium ulora ofea-
ergs . lea of memo -y 1n.hmeal lam lade.
pain In the ba, L. dimness of . mom, p.. ma -
lure old sgr. and malty ether disease tbat
bast to icon it) or comment tion and a pe nu -
INT" aysre.
Heed fur (Mentors with teethe:misla free by
sail. The IatN.OKATO.Ia sold at it per
bo.xor six boars for 55 by all dr.gwletc er
.11I be seat free my L tteetuely staled• ea
receipt of rales, by
ir. J. CH sx Drvsa••t,
157 Summit Rt., Toed°. Ohio
on... Riga AAP,
Sole Attest for Goderich
IUn.t .p,heK aarro ntnaagnoelea) st.' (bet
.and Ir. time bs
«.me wealthy : those who db
no mincer.' their opporlun
nim rentals in poverty. We .mr • gram
.letrace to make .ossa. We want men..o-
no o bay• sad girl. 10 work for es In tbe.r
...eon te.slutes. Anyone can do tk. work pro-
perly from the .rat •tart. 11.e hewn.'. Will
pa) more Ikea ten fiti..-* old III'. r• weft •. Itz•
=re outfit furnished fn.-. No. he w 1 0 ea -
falls to make n,.•nr. r.l.te1• \ • a Can
gr. ole your whole Ill*., to 1 • . • . 4 . 1 . my
your MOM moments. 1 . . • . • ■ ad
All 1Ralf +.n..-,o-.•r..1III. ... • ..r �,IS
RCN et (' • 1'0rt1•1 . ' .. .
$600.0 B d.
11.<•I. • ••• '• 1• r.wr, -. ease
Lit trt. s.;.r•.'.1•.••.I.r. t1., 1it?,•c►e.
Il digeseh L. l -o, .e 1'i •. •• 1 ••• ••1 u• we
usa*t. airs with At a I'. \. I .'.rl'1t�
al.rl:t:.,dkn•1•.1 t.•, • •'tdwit
T q A p ....•r • e• 'r fail to
't. �,. •..--
cr. neon,n. a1 . 11 . . •.1
;,. ,y..,,.'. It... •• . . •
,ale by all
• . rad'mlta-
1 •,,, T• . gr..'' ' . ,.4 only by
.14.1.., 4 '• I.•1 . A • ' . 1 111 paten.'
SI •. • -t 1 • . Out. Erse
Wei ..•:•• .ma:..i.• 1• a: p •1•. id on receipt
ofa.:ems' - • 1 t.
M. r n«.4 •t 1. tt:wb'/ BSI C STOKE.
Health is Wealte
- Ale* i•.• taller'etw• at.
lEcilltIL Alldon . Hntchineon. iter.,
saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle ..i
Dr. Knees New Diaouvery• for Con-
sumption, which caused him 10 procure
a large la,.tle. that >.mplelrly cured hi:al
when D'etura, cha-,ate of climate a1..
everything else had failed. Asthma,
Bronchitis, H,mrseness, Severe Coughs.
aid a1 Throat mod LanN diseases, It ,-
eaareeteed to cure. Trawl Bootee at J
W 'an's drew store. [wrle rise til. (1..
1 health journal a.ys that you ought
to take three a Darters of an hear .t din-
ner. 11 is well I.leu to x•1.1 a few vege-
tah ea and • piece of .Heal.
sad he laughs is y ler (see id maze tams
tweet teet mews than a joke. ry to.
make the matte militia et mesh a 0..1e,
and all wines. hila Mr M..lith
sad Mr. Morris undenitand this levied
ly well ; they would be look if they del
not, and they are ant fools. 11 Me rat a
to be taught, the nap wed be left open
• seemliest LsM1k e1( lime In shim ow
the trap was len epee surd the rats op
pear to nee ►e.. caught, t4••neh it se
rant well to be too sera, -( Monteath -
J. P. FISHER & JOHN 110!
Itavt•r pereheaed the Lavery Swaine.. d Jao.
IL Rumen evemerlr owned ha R•.bett Kerr.
soli. R • shame of public M'ronajoe. They
Rea arse arIM'artu n to ala ead utter
I The Finest Rigs
LL AV!) SEE Ca- Oppo.l's flal!ey.
h.,':', .0 •rich.
iodcrLI , Tet, lib. lath. 11064m
life is ear. p
IIto l dare bef.,, ,, u lit; rim •'hing ltibeap�ty end .sub
lime leave behlsd to . ongner
time. pVKaweeklsfouruwn
tows. $65 meat •nae. No risk. Everything
new. Capital sot e....ired. We will furnis
rola everything. Many are making fortune.
Itnake as tomb as men. and boys ans
rivet we. header, it you
r all
writeat leh yes ma forIeularkd W. 11 pLLETT
Mn Mat
R•vhrg Is.. oppstMed Mord of tet abev•
ma eldoo k}.11 5.11.11 the wool puha pu-
r5msag , eM wn amply g.ehlsee na nberal
Ds. E. C. WIGHT'S NERs'e A,cn BRAIN Tm.T
MIXT, a guaranteed specific for H3 'litchi. D1.
sinew. Con. ul.lon•t. Fits. Nervous Ncuralgis
Headache, Nervous Prostration CRUHd t.j the
sae of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefalnevr. Men-
tal Depression. Softening of the (train. result.
Wegin insanity and leading to misery. decay
and death. Premature OM Age. Harr.,nem.
Loss of Power in either sex, Int dentary Levees
and Spermatorrlrra. revved by over-..rrtka
of the brain. sell-.buer or over-I.dulganee.
One box will cure recent rete•. Wart' bow elm
taloa one moot h'e treatment. One dollar a bon
ore': bows for fire dollars : sent t y nail pt's
palet ON ,rcreip' of pro c. We gwrontee stir
boxes to cure any case. With each order re-
ceived by u. for sit boxes, aeeompstled with
are dollars, we will send tar purchaser ear
written guarantee to refund the honey if the
treatment does not eaten • cure. uwrantee
blued only by JAKmt WILa % .ole `ethor
Med agent for Ooderlcb, Ont. JOHN C R LRT
a: CO.. sole proprietors. Toronto Ont. (lin
Haring the utmost enaadence la its ,uper
iority over x11 others. and after tl.ousatds of
t.wta of the mere complicated and reveres
eases we conid dad. we Teel Justified In nRM-
lag to forfeit tune Thoeissad 1,o,llsr• tar ant
come of 100X''. ,-adds. ager Worst. •nfiurnp
hearwrneaa. brnhchita. 4.01.00110p1 If in in its
emir coo.. whooping ooagb, and all Mileages
.t the throat sad lungs, exempt embus. for
which we only delta mist. that we can't cure
with West'. (WW1 Rfr.1 whets taken screed
leg to tummies.. t(•wpri• bottles, % and le
emits; W. VP bottles oar dollar. l►0nnine
wrappers yonly InaaMae. told he all druggrst•1
tentCAC ERT a• CO, sl sad I17 on receipt
J prstrees ease
Tema*. RoodatJAR.W55M R
iffy tie 8snuime Singer.
11mlssymgp; YChstfeat, tsOmar . M. a.
erels. Uebrleb.
0edmtsh. Dan. 1a, 155t 11111 1st
Vick'. Floral Guide
woaat p °w who's:
plasamit to take. Ceshsla IbMr own
Iforgativ.is a safe..w.', sad .m
destroyer at worms in C.illdrea se A
g« resile as *ItwaaS .ask .t am rode.. s
neared ?Wm e(5I.W. s s.1 tee►eakle.,
mid meow Maas past 111sosr.rts.• of the
choicest Flowers. P1sl.t• and Vegetable.. and
Dtreetnetfor growing . it Ir handsomernn.prh
for the (‚.*Si table or a Hn!1A•y Prevent.
Maud ea year save and Pm* (Nitre address.
with tee emits. and 1 will send yen a wool.
poleaxe paid This is not gamier of IM cost.
7t h minute In both Ssgtlah awl OOerm,n. 11
ea afterwards order seeds eleAnet the M era
'MIN *soda ere 5M lives la ret Otort4 t
flee FuoRAI. GI'IDO .111 tell how to get and
pew them.
Yto 's FI.wm ea4 vegoiewor retards.. Its
Perms. i Col,vsd Pastes. 7m Reg..•lays. Fat
le teats Is paper rovers ; 54.05 In .Least
Math la Ger me or Istit1s11.
.arm'. Clored 1 sle.elsl7 Mane
Pam.• Plate Ie 11ve�ry *umMe
loamy Ase E Nice 51.111 a veer
Flee Copies fav 6s M. RM.ime. Number
.est ear few .mess :1 trial neples Inr 111 wnu
ZO xla�
E :I"dlFE(AS,
Recd wire species of mesas srtslwa thaw
disordered LIVER, KICe $TtM.•ON.
seesaw Oft
T. ■ILBURN & LP., prep' T'�oaberrts
Went d. mfg I'•y i1.
AG E N 1 , 1lovk t' oast•" • e 1e7�
Capital required. Jaud Lir * Co. 1e
val. Omeleee Cut