HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-4, Page 66 1 'N rune the •lint man woe 'V repo 'V kne' ly. mu n o' t l as Irk.) Foal lay, Itis an ChM Orin .lag am toy w:u Ira "ev Gu. apt 001 it bit Lit bo to Jo t:o dt fo th to in ti tot a 11 a s 6' Lite Poet's Corner. Taknts Jews dm p1..: one. tR stir .t the wail- -Not adt-"Net at boww, tide monolog Omsk, .►es Or • o.11." Tose ..d eels ter broakfe.s - TMsgo tested aped* stews - Waite and girl • $awlee- Huebasd 'kips for t• ma. Taktsg op to nrpste- Ta•ks •.d duet for 1nach Soy. fur asking raueslM•. 41.4. from w • poach. Wilshire of the windows (lours ail open wide Saes with pail .ad duet -pan Used to ee ver arae. No are La tl+e forams hell gore os • nom "('(winded house to:tar, m'm, Vire .1.a. of sortie Night • s doctor Lalling Wife .lune up In bed, Husband aLwuts for drug store; clerk asks who a dead. Nigh. reporter's Item "Coroner had • ring For • 'stiff' found tlo ihnp- First one of the spring." Verdict of the jury -- nevem*, sly od woof- '•Aulolde from. Torment, ('•used by cleaning bees*. 1lTIQU>!T'rS AT HOMi. •sloe I missile mew Ill essge. There is lar to maser td "pkytsisking" kept, ..1. with •..1 ..r evil i,itenllurn, at the eve .1 the poling. Keay inns►*.* sad assns • sopr w4•ly the .uexperieecod, neware r e L.Iwt, alma sever i. feel ssNslied as M the lowish .ad w.M-J.wnt{ of their lift • • am outer. they have them "under Voss 00 .t. 'I'My are perpetu- ally "pg'gI,i .or 'se ether, ..r r■•th- i,+R of 's.,... eft ..in1' the hotplates vic- timise' ic- tiese• t • e1r so. * . of This is the i'ewo 1+ • e 1, 41.0 I .4111J 1160 Mat eta - )(Deity 01 1 10 P' • d ••(moats wail whta:h •err y.... .1. dr.a are troubled the einem . ' • • •' bid feeding of ill - .0 .11: g*meot 1 .0,0 >`''f 1* are to then, - ▪ V•11 rfl .rl .11 u' 1111 tie gat rid of the et ,.4th tt4nli•o., .1 tern -ding masses w h which chs droll aro led of physiek- • 1 The pr..aler .•f .«hui.sst.ri.i male, 1' .s to irth►ute N p.rtie,,lar1repreien- ... 411.1 04(148" 1•. 10• 411/11111, diatomic - There is ,i.• ae•Iat•vo which can he with awful y w • he cam of infant., ••soros M medic: 1 men versed in the se - •w* .•f drugs an 1 fa ..hdlg with the ,nd.- p,henomene rel hoalth and disease. '18e no- of ordiels an drams is simply as play with poisons. II ler b. • 1,.•I n•.•.• w 11) in • n 4 1 t 11 •- under their ca.e could .•nay len •w ....e half ..f the p.in they intlo.t sod the ,tos•auef they do under the qut.s esllcitous dos sstic doctoring, they wen d not re.vs•Ii fu.gioe them»lru. 1l J.Nald not be l.srr.M ger lottery A lose. No i bosidc.able proportion of the !salad es of •cry young children ..'e made, and ti.. refers are need:*». 1 he e are faults of n fumy endeavour •u treat diseivws which have u • existence. and to preset. a health white is ot.ly jeopardised by the measures taken t.. render it doub- ly ironed. The rase and negligence of home oft. n induce carelessness as to etepietty, be hnprua►u.1 hence that le litenss a- d polish are . my needed u1 i.ciety,aud that carel.ssuess of manner is ■ppn,prlatc to home life. MI such views are erroneous. There is positive comfort in politeness, and uteleette is as impor- tant at home as abroad. We distin- guishtliquette as the outward expres- sion of puht0ueste 11 has to do with forms and attentions which are external. A lady in society as treated with a cer fain deference, which tnanufesta itself in delicate attentions. Children in society are treated with considerate kindness, which is always considerately expressed. There are rules of etiquette which relate to ruany little attenti and formulas. These in society are carefully gr•ded,and often rigidly enforced. They may beau de on•ruus and w oppresaire. But *dynes'* for the howeneed nut be so rigid as to be burden.nne. Yet may be the means of teaching l oth:coma W chtWren. Those who have an instinctive politeness easily fall in with the rults of etiquette. But all have net this instinct. Some a:ee.reless, rude, se16sh, inconsiderate. These need discipline. To give this is not to lecture on the rules of Rued under or politeue.L It must be instilled more byexample tt to ;Tempt. And where te parents are careful t.. observe the forms of polite- ness, its importance is naturally im- pressed and its rules are speedily learn- ed. Therefore. all deference taut would be shown in public s,ciety shoed 'Nark intercourse at home. And ii husband and wife are courteous, childn • imbibe and pectic* it. Example is the great teacher in this line. Beyond this courtesy exerts a very de- cided influence on character. Trained to the etiquette of politeness gives • bal- ance and evenness to character. Its very i ic•ption involves elf control and con- scious restraint It is with moat second r•sture. The forms and rule are acquir- ed and the habits slowly grafted on. Where this is done so much has been accomplished in the line of elf -control that it influence extends to temper and habit of mind. Such persons are apt to be.elf-contained in all emergencies. A gentleman will be such under all provocation and amid all triale and tents. tieges children thus educated receive (seething mors tet poli.B 1ii thine to gracefully escort a lad to din- ner, or to maintain an agreeable c,nv•r• Nation, or to show, at all times, the air of good breading ; but the value of it all is the trait of mind that have been impart- ed. A cleats person will feel clean, and one accustomed t.. politeness will Later- ally realise the elevation of feo'ing that attend" courtesy. So habeta formed at home are important, and the habit of courtesy ranks among the first. 1 Mew $. Treat *.dila Wooed.. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY' APiIIL Pecs... Die... Peologs to'arwst abeam -A. per l sages kI ewe sueta 1i4et444•14,. fel. M. Mere orders' 'named ea .11 MONO order et - 1.m 1. 3o- Maar/ Venal Room shoat Drtlsla. et - Priem Edward leM.d. Vawhwadlaad ani la- Depostt resolved Mer tet rsswlaiMes of the pee a mels hash Weems the helm of 1 sus 1!e[ O soot. Mpm. beam s levetm as _ ed is __ woo. hats s oot M ikal p-..lader• ••- .rpted. The subject of one of the lectures by the Society of ius,rection is First Aid to the Injured, delivered by Dr. D. L Woodbridge, of Now 1'..rk, was "What to Du in Case ..f a Sudden Wound when a Surgeon in Not at Hand." He said w part An inexperieuce.l person would nat- urally close to the lips of the wound as quickly as passible anti apply a bandage. If the w••und is bleeding freely, but no artery is 'pouting blood, the first thing to be done IS to w 1,11 .t with water at an ordinary 1L .:perature. To every pint of water add ei her five grains of con site sublimate or two and a ball tea- spoonfuls of carbolic acid. 1f the acid i lard a.id two tablespoonfuls of glycerine to precept its irritating the wound. If there is neither of thew articles in the house, add four tablespoonfuls of borax in the water. Wash the wound, clone it, mod apply a compress of a folded squire 4,1 cotton or linea. Wet it in the solu- tion used for washing the wound, and bandage down quickly and firmly. If the bleedirg is profuse a apenge dieted in very hot water and wrung out in cloth should be applied as quickly as possible. It this is nut available use bee or cloths wrung out in ice water. If a large vein or artery is spouting it must be stopped at once by comprssst••n This may be dons by a rubber tube wound around thu arm tightly above the elbow cr above the knee, where the Pulse is felt to beat ; or an improvised pourniqutat may be used. A hard apple or stone is placed in a folded handaer- chief and rolled firmly in place. This binders is then placed so that the hard object rets on the point when the artery beats, and is tied loosely around the arm. A stick is then thruit through the loose bandage and turned till the flow of bleed coa.es. s da i rPMOew 1 assaa. Wl Uste. them k a ales the rsyw ase fellows : ran mulls. aeldttta Deamast, lslml.ad. O- Britain iMAO&d ik Ory prig Tressed Oso,», l Lat- eaw.y' gl Pur. w tYsi ateneepra. /1l: Weeds. Med S Vvl• United :--/Bahamaprma. Baha Vic: thiloalas et et. stems.. ilk. Ades. It. Malabo. Jamas, as/ Poeta Mee. 1st.wfeeadlaad le now 1. tb.Vidal Rahn. bet the pastel rales remain .s be/Mol. letters ti meta pie 1.oace. Portal cards! mote e.t New.pap.re 1 menu foe I seem**. Modelo► tion tee t mats. Fur Aden Argentina Con astl. British , ( Coluata• le OOle oss. and seer* - Cabanas la AAils, A Ica. except dt. 'Pierre and CJ5. via Persian O*!fPert w 1. Asa.. Ahem. Ooeaal.s. Trtn8pai.4 Calostes V A'rloi, Ooeaalea and America. wept Cubs apnod Fort Ries Straits Rettlemen4 is Woe as. re fte.. Sc. for I awl Malaya. s (thee reRtatra- tion fees lee. West lade bleeds vet Halifax. rune rate es formerly. Prepayesoat b is all eases. Alienate. leaegt New South Wales. Vic- toria). and Queealase :-Leteers Ta. Parer, t cents. Australia. New Booth Wada., Victoria. Qa»aslaad : -j,.ttme Me, papers M. New Zelasd• via Visa Tressle»: lwuirs 14 :. Sc.. parse diel Tbrose. itis ormget. nn/ pai.fda[.s1ial 111117 be readily .Osl$ by Oil the a pgaiMlem it listens& y a t the • Yellsame _ h asthma, esti* stream to dins- seims d °Oke painful afssaas• it is qudly .iwsirw 1 •__Nary lemper48... if you would avoid sickness clear away the filth etre( rubbish about your premises establish peeper drainage an admit pure air, The skin, kidneys and bowels aro the sluiceways of the human body. Re- gulate these channels of health with Burdock Resod Bitten which act direct- ly to purify the blood and regulate the stomach, liver and kidneys.. 2 Wasst:soros D.C., May 13th, 1811*. (iatttt.seam- Haring been • sufferer for. long time from nervous prostration end general debility, i was advised to try Heap, Bitten. I have taken one bot- tle, and 1 have been rapidly getting bet- ter ever aims, andI think i tr filo beat med. I ever ed. 1 atii'i.eti gaining strength and appetite, which was all gone, and i out in despair until i tried your Bitten. I am now well, able to go about and du my own work. Before taking it i was completely prostrated. Mev. MART 8TCA3T. . Mime Bombes Ttbsaubt. if you are .011.18.41 with yourself when you have approved ..f what is right, you will not only have the mastery over yourself which 1 recommend to you just now,l.teut everybody. and everything. Lay this down, then, as a rule, that a great capacity, and lofty elevation of soul, which distinguishes itself most by despis.n1 end locking down with con- tempt on pain, is the most excellent of all 'hinge. and the more so if it does not aim at applause, but derives it satis- faction from itself. Besides, to ms, in- deed, everything aeeme the more sem. mendable the less the people are alerted and the fewer eyer then ars to sea it- Cicen,. Firer colic, unnatural appetite, fret- fuls..•w, weakness, and consul ioee, are sons • •f 18.e affs'ts of worms in children ; door .y the worm* with Dr. Low's Wnv1 Syrup. Int Slab Abbot Gre tlaa aline hemeiter.w.deme. Mrs. Melee Phsrviat No. 331 Daggett St., Chimed, 111., is mow is her silty - e ighth year, a lad states that .he has .uf- fu.ed with Ouseempli.m fox sheat ten yens, two tresti•d by now phy.ieionsoal1 .4 them peosowoeint her eeii kopeks.. She had gives up all hops of ever rswv- . ring. heves bottles of Dr. Ring's New Discovery for Co*umpti"e completely weed her. Doubting metes, please drop her a punted and satisfy your.,!, es. Ca/I at J. Wilses's drug store and get • free trial bottle. (1) Seeing is believing. Read the testi menu& 1 the pamphlet on Dr. VW Buren's Kidney Cale, then buy a bottle sad relieve yeomen of all the distree- 1pates. Year Dreamt elan tell you Dreamtabout it. Sold by J Wilson GmbH -lel 21 The use of Pal., S•lts.Castor Oil, do . end other o•weous, griping Catlurtn••s 4 unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute is found in Dr. Canon's Bitten. which act as a Cathartic without griping or causing nausea. All druggists sell it. 60 Dents a bottle. A men in Lexington made a wager that he could name 0110 hundred women in that town each of whom is prettier than Mrs. Langtry Ile wrote out the list and took it to the editor of a news - p per there. The editor said that if he published it his hide would 1» literally riddled with bullet -holes. 'Why,' said the other, ''ay.ry word of description appended to each name is highly respect- ful and cumplitnentary.' 'You misunder- stand me,' said the editor. 'It's on ac- count of the RAMP nut mentioned at all that I would M murdered if I posted your list.' flub sines. We bare made orraug.uients to club TOR SIORAt with city papers at the rates given below :- Signal and Daily World . . . $3.50 " Weekly (;lobe _ - • 2.25 • Mail ... .... 2.25 Adyertieer .. 2.25 As edtsers Trebel,. Theron P. Kestor,editor of Ft. Wayne Ind., Gazette, writes : 'For the past five years I have always used Dr. King's New Discovery fur coughs of most severe character, as well as tor those of a milder type. It never fails to effect a speedy cure, My 1rien o whom I have re- commended it spealnof it in sane high terms. Having been cured by it of every cough I have had for five years, I con- sider tt the only reliable and sure cure for coughs, colds, etc.' Call at Wilson's Drub Store and get • Free Trial Bottle. Large size $1.00. (2) In grafting it should be borne in mind that the scions should be taken only from healthy trees, as any diseased con- dition of the sciots will convey this un- healthiness to the new growth, and will actually affect the tree ever after. even if it should nut cause its eventual destruc- tion. The fruit grafted can only repre- sent that of the parent tree, and when there is a falling off in sire or quality it may be taken for granted that some- thing is wrong in the c►nditit•n of tNe tree front which the .cines are cut. In cutting the scions care should be t.keu to do so before the sap has begun to move in the spring. In fact, t•, be sure of there being no mistake in this, it Is bettor to cut them late in the fall or in mid winter, and tying each kind togeth- er, label and bury in the ground under a shed, frim which much moisture is ex- cluded. Or, if the ground is not frozen, stick the ends two or three orches in the gr,nnd at the bottom of the tree from which the scions are taken. Grapes and cherries cannot be cut too soon in the winter or spring, and then the worn will be sure not to be omitted through n.- glect. Pear and apple adient eat and preserved in this way can be set quite bate in the season -even up t•. Mir' and June. In grafting, it is very necessary to do the wog': carefully, as it is sure to be compensated for by the reedy and un- failing success which will fellow. limo Prof. Lows sulphur Reap for Pete-kly Heat, Nettle Rash, scalaq trop- es. Ise(1, and all aIsmael o.wditioe of she akin. lm CPI 1 1Lr.n. A name wall known in est.. •• •.e, with the (lair Renewer, whish I fere.. . may hrur to it. natural odor by a f e . • •sa nor holed at 110 wide per bets • he Jamas W Mann. 2m ,v . 11 Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. CPEO - 113 AFUELY CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich of II jd etla tsmi -.t.. russrr lis. • alar iir (w ifs tilPli NM s. N. R-A.seapNt* suet -gest of Callas sad tllroeide always op hate Woo WOW. 1:h M r'oe.esable rate . Platers (mala[ a opoot'"y.--A cad sstks:ttd 1:r1 PITT TOR P0811 Dversrnr. -Poverty with perfect health is rather to be chosen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the magic effect of a duller bottle of Fot $TAIP eF HIALTI. For rough renditions of the Skin, Shampooing the head, Pimples. Eruption and skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Sul- phur Soap. m All Nervous Debility cured by the use of Dr. K. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere Sold at Wilson's drug store. . 2b) sal Ammer wanted. Can &fly on. bring us a cane 1.1 Kideey or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure 1 We say they catlike, as thousands of cases already permanently cured sad win are daily re commending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, They puriffy urinary complaint e blood, quickly regulat the hov- els, and act directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. [1]: Salt Maui tared. Ars you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; if so, go at once to Geo. Rhynai Drug Store and get a package if McGregor dk Park• s Carbolic Cent e. Price 20 cents. It was never known to fail. b Field Llgbtslew There are but few that have never sufferedalmost intolerable pile m Too Neuralgia. or like acute pains. To theta such as Instant relief as Fluid Llgbtaing is ea 00 - told biassing in time of trouble. No df.`ast- ing, offensive medicines to be taken fix days. One •p licatlo. of Fluid lightning torte& 8old 01 U. lthynaa'. he At this .oaeon of the year then should boa bottle of Pectoria to every house. itis anequalleri for Coughs Golds and Hoarseness, is pleasant, equally Ife for childrsw. Price 25 cent at all drug- gists. m Canaries are natives of a warm climate and very tender. The fall and winter too is the season fur moulting, when they f«1 too miserable to sing. (live your bird • little opium seed and few grans cf cayenne pepper. Keep it warm, and cover the tag* with a piece of flannel at ny,ht. merit Proves. Dollar upon dollar ie r pearly spento■ the :•Ith of recommendatlo« o•etloala entirely worthless. Not so with ofr..or'• Speed il Core awns are oro e•. Caliatp(1 Rhyn..'dmrug store a.41 get a free trial bottle and arm roa- viamod It will core you rf the worst forms et lyq.sp.s(a. Liver Completed. Me,. no muter of bow keg slaading. It costs yon nothing. Sold de We. and /1 bottles. Ilea rot imolai* trot, troroaos la your own tows. ba N. household should no M.nstdere 1 complete without • bottle of Dr. Van Haas's Kidney (tn ie in the eotot. It is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly cure all fortes of kidney diseases. Sold by J Wilson am A BARRIS'e TaartuowT. - For a Coach, Cold ne any Bronchitis' affec.on. "Poetoria," in my opinion, to just the thing. i have need it in my family fes Coughs and Colds foe the put four years with the most unveried sucws, and to day my npiniofl of it is that i continue to think still more of that which 1 bikes thinking well of. (ion. Kean, Manager (Maria Pock, Pickerirg. Pnce 25 matte at all antigens m A oirr•. neseevery That is daily bringing joy to the il..mes of thousands by sav11l,; many of their deep -un« from au early grave. Truly is Dr. King's new Disc.e:ere for Consump- sion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss ..1 Voice, Tickling is the Throat. Pain in Side and Chest, or any disease of the Tnrast and Lunge, s positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial IloP es free at J. Wilson's Drug Ston. Lang/ size $LM. (ii Keep lemcna in • box of damp sand in a cold cellar during the winter. Obstructions of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, are promptly removed by National rills. - .n To clean a metallic ..r bristle hair brush, dissolve carbonate of soda, or al.ratus in water, and pet it in • deep duh ; piece the brush in this e, that the booties are in the water, but the back will not be touched. Use *inti water to bristle" as they will hid .t soft. After half an hour, strike the bristles on • dry towel to remove the moisture and put the brush in a cowl draft of air to dry. A Startling Discovery. Physician's are often startled b• re- markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung disuses is daily curing patient that they have gisen up to die, is startling tlsetu to realize their sense of duty, *nal examine into the merits of this wonderful discovery, re- sulting in hundreds of our best Physi- cians hhcians using it in their 1, active, Tog) bottles free at .1. wile..,, s Drew Store. Regular size $1.0J. (4) A !em•rittable Iseape. Mr. Mary A. I)ailey,of Tunkhannock, Pa ,was alk .ted for rex year. with Asth- ma and Bronchitis, during which time the hest physicians could give no gels.( Her life was despaired of, until in lest October she procured a bottle of Dr. King s New Discovery, when immediate relief wail felt, and by olntinuing it use for • short time she was completely car- ed, gaining in flesh 50 lbs. in • few months. Free Trial Bottles of this certain care of all Throat and Lung Diseases at Jas. Jb ties at es Drug Store. Largs $1.00 (4) GtOD1a11I0I3 PLANING MILL KOTARI.TEAID IIsi. Buchanan, Lawson 3 Robinson e 4*t'VAC t*.XRa or Sash, Doors & Blindc DIAMOND IN ALL COMA Or Lumber, Lath, Shinglea and builder's t..tevtal of every d..rrttat►a. MINSK FVR1.T1fll1E $ SMOLT, r All OI le -s r remedy uses ted to. Ooderteh. Aeg. 1 IML tt! ly 114 sow° M ssocusarrsO IIIRTM Tasoossoisy MATctlutiTl>f1, MIS* SU ET OtMiMIt1M0 TIOS 44dir ' t. c1 ' Jt•` Arna . M Rf .iso . 1011,11. IIFAZeiar --,r404111". CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND £ PACIFIC R'Y, Stang the Creat Osetrel LMw, aAoide to travelers. by reseen or Its unrNalee sae- g raphMal position, the aa.rts.0 and best reins bebetween et M . t 8405*. .rthaat air S outheast. mod tet Weep M.rteemet end It Y 1ltsralry and Wee* true, fleas Its connections are N N the primmest OMNI of road between the Attest* and the PaMelo. Or Its resale Rd* - Manges It remenes Cnk14•50, Joliet. Poona, (Stowe. VSal*ss. . Oesse.metiers nod gest I..asd. M Modet /ienprt. msseolosrS, asltingeow. tis.41.l8* [serve*. Osealoosa, Pawed t. One mato«. weal LIMrt t. low city. Anmeti , Awe. Awdut.n, Hunan. throws* Center and Domicil Moe.. M tows t CaRNM, TN.•sso tb.rw.rew and Kari.* Ott/, In 00....,1, and tern er w thavid Ddu alai m tl nw•ses w t(1 the rsdde rwef dee.. woman* she tove ss h "CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," A. It l lento rW ended. ower* pm ap..eseMr• an the edvalrtatas anddrioteriferte ineedFast Is t. • *moothTrek* trait. sae COm10010080. WELL Union Depots at nvsoms.A1' . WELL Inst 'apresa 1.7 U eeLOI*d d lltuTto. /IRnT trP/IOLVT,oREo .(1e ELROA/rT DAT oOnollEe 1 :• ON M tit. 8I0ST MACMWIO[RT 110RT0! kiOLJ11I00 0NAIR OARS eta r butt t PVLLMAU'l latest 6Mkined and noridaonswe Pt*L1101 SIjVIMO CAMS, and 0*1110 CAM that are soluse0r.sOsd M pro.e ane p•opts se be tde (INERT RUM aeon AMT ROAD 11+1 THE OOWTR'r. awl in wW04 seeenor mode are *meed so elseM.rs at ow low rate ee SIVIJITTd7VI UNITS RAOst. THRKI TRAIRM sees way between 0Il0A00 and the S710S00R1 RIVER. TWO TRAINS goon salt/ bow*... OIROA00 and 00NN[APOLI$ and [T. Paul.. els tbe ALBERT LEA ROUTE. wwan Direct b•t.elopere Seism. Rlehrstrod. O itelsnst . bsdlsiweNe w La Pensees Ned Owwal Mugs. 0t. Peal. alInnewoolles .ad bsterrned*te points. AK Through. P.*w1ara *erne. on Past [sprees Trams. Per ,.ore detailed dnfornmeen, see rips slid Patdero. widen eras b. Obtained, as well * Tionesta, at an prlrytpal T*tet Onto« in tde United States end Ons..., or 0 R. R. CABLE, R. 8T. JOHN, 111p.-Pns't dt Gown M.wysr, Oven T'a't a Poss'r Ad % CHICACO. 3a. . CURE Stet flrad•chs sad relieve all We %estles (set dent to a below mete et the melee. each as Um s:aow, Names, Drewsioar. Dietrses Oar Pais • Mtw tis W hots shows carieIle. Inns *bar s st rvmerF cliERiet P CMS of s. COLD$. C81TIg lad all', lnarM of RNs tile Mr/Laced Star CONSUKFTIcaf • JW BRAYLEY. MONTREAL- SICK s Readeey,yet Carter'sLhtle Liver lso correct Pill ls••preeequally UM sassy while mlieble in Cosei,, caner promoting al( dlssrderee'. m.', r lien r.the li• t ad ulate *wets. vet it they only card I4EAD Asha they waddle Kneelpetiols@ lettere obs w eer from this dls etteng aomplest; bet tem - sway tats giodssesdwtet.N ben, and Wore who saete try lbws wElp*p4 ties. HUD POI* gale- a dobwwithout wr 'tes W.Mt bbe t 414Eemceed 4 PRINCIPAL+(.INF e T:ttiT, 441.3tliC.T awe REST n.e to .t. Joseph. seldom Topeka. Dab moo. DYlaa Ga1- reaaL IMAel +•T DON le Imre, •RrOMs.Iliswr.Ess- f••t.lrew Itsatea, Atlases. O 10011 Tessa 1.Use bees d»wow lives Webers l.where w. ba.L KANSAS CITY satico ever gees Ot pMEs ems t ernes Cuter's i.sW Lute way se take. Ows Prile are very sed pale eies. Th are strictly v*a/s0N'goeel de vent . , or palm bet b their gats settee pesos a.( wile olaeldest ss at tt b w mydaN CARTER I[EDICIIN E CO., New York Olty. aatirM s *tel yratd for WI elms, of trent u.. Au emestlees mode 1a IA m aL. 1 Try t► MI rad wie aid traveling a loamy. 1sst.at et • dls' comfort SOAP. SOAP. 80AP. SOAP. 2 0. Rik S 2 SWI88 80AP No. le 8WI8S SOAP No. 2. SWISS SOAP No. G. Moms »m•.staets-.d►ythe tat Peeememy /temp Omar -ay, si ZURICH. SSItZEUWOt wham trade ettegailarSNv tkmtis Out Isa'wad. Proses. Oetar.a.. Am .•, Orssoswd testy. Waew/aderel Masse s only by T he Huron Soap Co'y (SOMIDISIONI. 8 8 Rd 8 8 SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. 0oderlr41. Sept. 11. 111M. 11111 i.1 POTTER. IJUE1te ion. wort e aa'r ll•r.i e. Ola, )lets. age, Cb Legw ill. hess.. rsa Canadian Pass. Ag t, Tombs, Ol t Rp• B. Jol91110 e,t Tieka• Agwt, fiod•tfsh A PmeetIIIEi▪ E! Ihs..gtbtee .w 1. this = A.. ea. ether e . ero se t+ se tree lint hteh• Tfi breed road Lem. At iN441ulial"14 81$ * Ows.p A im• kkapu "fibs her sea, rad when yes tont end swear. Oen draw you to her with a sisal. hair.' Rut it meet he beaatifsl hair to h vel sue& power ; sed Iseewtifel hair ss be onserred by thew of (luroatmini Ran R now ga. Sold at WQet& or J. Will. eta