HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1884-4-4, Page 511111.11111.111111117114 111,44144••••••••44, •r► L TSI! DRAM PRINCa. ■in Med/ r..pee.d M Maeda - a Cane of • ere pace Takes- -Ttia Vanessl sae Ow Sem a-waulgp. TINOS.' Ih,u1n11at nidi►• hie 'beer reseiyd regarding the despise. of the Qumnl rseetes•t Mat, t. eddllt..s M that gittlt .w •rc.d.d ;age Lox box, March 30. The ret..iw of the Lul..4 Alb..uy bs1.41 bevu placed in a eoMi a.-raj•.,.1 in • :"art a.lurwl robe and wr.ri.g Moue .4 the luauy •Iuc..rs- tloos tis. duke bdremoveti. '1'1.«aouhr for Pa..Ii hs takett a c.•t .. . Su '0 01. The Mort will roost.. 1.. oottat..sug until May lltl . Mr. U...I.t..,.e rill stake • ►rime vtl•wt t., b• process in the Com - Inoue ..' Monday cud • the res..lu- to..n ..t condoleoo. himself. The bed/ f the w e .Ink0 will be bought aver to i uglaud to morale. The foetal of the late Duke of Albany' -takes Pace nest Saturday. A Canes despatch says the Cued* de Paris and Other members of the Orleans family :kited the mortetary chamber to -day. A kit* of French inf ntry has arrived to seeder military honor. on the departere of the dukes re.tairs for London. New York, March M. -A London j'. 1dispwteh ..ys the accounts of the Duke .f Alben7s fall ere euoltieting. A die - latch to Reodat's bays that he was stand- ing on . °heir, while viand dispatches .ay that he was asseneieg a staircase. He took rapper after bis :stern to the Villa 11e1Tand retired to rest as uveal No swan was felt in regard to his eon- ditiun, bol a dueler remained is the bedroom with kis. Great rrliesoes is hs.rred .s te the premise wale d his .'eath, but it la gso.raldy supposed to i:ace been ) Ile Dt:oh°.. of Albany reesi 1(er hos the Duke n Thtusday, in which he paid that he never felt better or stronger. The escort will .tart with the body on Sun- day s.rnise, and will reach London • Monday evening. Wben the (sateen heard et the Duke's death she was seised with a paroxysms of weeping. The meet- ing of the with the Duchess of Albany was mast affectins. As she totem.. the pork she ors unable to se - mein if • tears at the sight .4 her suis daw.lat. home ; she was weeping bitter- ly wl . u .1,e met the widow. The Pnnoxar Helot of Waldeck-Pyruwnt, mother of the Duchess, and her sister. the Queen of Holland, are coming to ('l•remont. The Duchess passed a good night, and bears up fairly well. The Gazette orders the court to reams in mourning till May 11. The Duke will be interred in the lltau..kam at Frogman on Saturday neat. London, March 3L -It has b.M de- cided to bury Prises Leopold is asee d - once with his wishes, iA tate Royal Vault ht lit. O..ese'. Chapel, Windsor. The ceremony will be private. The Crown Poses of Germany will resat at the funeral. 411 res $*Matin Larva CUM'S. Coggin, April 1. -The Prince of Wales and 40 distinguished persons attended the funeral services of the Duke of Al- t any to -day. The train containing the l.ody started for Cherbourg with mili- WARRANTED tarn !moors. The streets were lined with military elf the wry to the depot, and all the steres were closed. The Prince of Wales, brother of the dead duke, was cor.pletely .'tercome with grief. On the coffin was a wreath sant by Queen Victoria- "Prom a devoted and sorrowing mother." fllh HURON SIGNAL APRIL 4. t&e4 SPECIAL SALE OF CARPETS. .torooto4, i. W.'B'RETHOUR & CO. BRANTFORD, lI •tt..lig 4ttK nrwl some Special Linea of Carpets , we are offering our whole stock of BRU-SSEL TAPESTRY, ALL WOOL, AND UNION =At tlre:itly Reduced Prices. One Special Line we Show of 37j -d 100 Pieces Tapestry Carpet, from 37+c. !'2"„ Being.leas than Manufacturers' Price. This i. a Rare Opportunity for parties furnishing to PROCURE GOOD CARPETS AT LOW FIGURES. 12C_ W_ 33r'±T230T71Z az CO., itraatfortl, April 2ud, 1884. IRANTFORD. $50,000 CET. AT a P1LR. THICTO1tONTO OENERA1.'rfL'8TS CO"' ase.reeared Lo early. Loarunny at I per cent.. pay - non TERMS TO fel; I r BORROWERS, on Bret -chew tar.: security. AppIr to CAMEROX. HO1R�ar4 CAMERON.stero Agnate for the Toronto Oeoeral Tra•4deC�oy. Meeks. ('ANa.ROC. HOLT k ('anc.oe have alar&Wier awlueat of private fund* to loan as first -clan tarns security. Oe4MIcb. Oct. 1. Val tall-tf Canned Goods. New Clover Seed AND - TIMOTHY SEED, SEED WHEAT, SEED PEAS, OATS AND BARLEY, BUCKWHEAT, FLAX SEED, _ GROUND GIL • GO D4 TOO I# s ,11111)ireactinkitirns GARDEN SEEDS EVUlt FOR ILLI AT SAMUEL SLOANE'S SEED STORE, Corner of Hamilton and Victoria street, Goderieh. Chicken 21% Tina, Pigs Kest " Corn Bref" " Tongue " '- Macker.4 (in Tomatoe +attee,) Sal -non (extra quality,) Lo' ever, ,.. Salraigott (Fr teh), ( Btu. ! • �rri.. 4.;.. To:iittnr+. ^>, `hl<:seas, -' (:rue n Pc.* (Fr neh), G r, a n.0 , t (Ihrtic sq'� Freneh Mu•I ttro4: *, - Potted Chi.'isa. Ham k longue Mntttartl a..•! i t 1 tel jars, AT TH L CASH STORE. THERE IS CHEAP °rookery & 4,,,foss Glassware, Lamps, &c. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS. Cheap and Good. Give Him a Call ! SAS ! NAIRN. ..7..,.. Oft. 111M4. G. H. OLD THE GROCER, Ins Square, - G(xterich Amt. MSL ne- IC wasted for Tete Lirre we al the Prwddewt• of the I'.S. it the largest. Haadeemest beet honk •ver wild for Ma tam twos err grin T. tW wt all... �`�..5 5. Angels.. i.s-ease PMt. In y 1 It. Awyb► • Yi�i7 AYER'S PILES. A bier )ssp•eiu et *$-.tholasssors wtesh mw bearer weikeing rasa hirer Mw.esesst ce tba ahead, Mods. sed If ver. Arlin CAtr,A*TIC PIL&a set Messily Wee thea -fes. and see .tpsiany deslged M e -d abs t)tserase a easel by timer wsap-aA, t edelalg ew.atestea. seassestl.a. Dyspepsia. W..dssM. Dyson - eery. mid a best el ether allm..m, for ail ed wheels Bog are. err. sorkgro.1�s, ••d 1411101101 The.aee.etw Oa of Ran ruse b remedy. pbyslstass h repast Iwaetlee.boee O - uraebt,s,aWy toe esnsaMea t whisk tiny an Q ML ly tM aa*1kal ps'efonew.eminen Thew PILL are e o possdsd el vegetable sub A awes nay. sad an absolet.ly free from cal sal er say Ober tajnri•gs Iagr•dte a A I/wpMrer trees Meaeaie Weft.. «Aver , P11.11 vee hevsbselde Bask areas s .nasus e.etpaaMa PW4 ars ors= r hem ne loon a.d orae est {�ts� I eosil look eo M relief. O. des wBI 14tiasilt ily,m ..hey ay booth aawl fres ss bead erslesi Paste l Gee ever tees& Ithe Ina t pM-ee to N to speak la tbp.Lr piers, sae 1 essays M w Plias. K..,narks often. WPlata .Iateh-era .7.asi'`i; •'n " 1 Ws mod Armes N aas+ as ressuwaswist awe hem sewer Intoes. tum M tau M sw.ap-s Yr desired re. sola We essaeatly beep them ea brad at ter raM-•. rad prime rem ...OW me notetesete. .1'. 5 s! rawer .Laity ••war * T iurow. Wictia. Tessa, Jess MIMI Th• TaAsen 1yrb > �. wflr. ass at weer bind; 7•`':ae"'aI�_ tom. ntil lefts _.� COLBORNE BROS. Hare just received a large cnnsignnn ret d Cottons. C.ttonadee. Ducks, Check Shin- I.Rr and Tweeds at lower prices than ever. ('a14 and tee thew. A splendid assort meat of PRINTS not► 1. Stock. MO New Patterns to choose from. Be rave and see their Factory Cottons before buying. Ooderich. Feb. Ittb. 4884. ca N t4 g O CC 0 F;E-1 w z Ih.. 0Xt A ZO W e33A. 1-4 ...-- tit ' 4.14surA ytt H A P**'74 6 g 0 0i � i'- t 1,- ' Iii mi F %� �sW � W i 0) l,, , 1 r O 4�fri h.> Q tf�� a QI A H � 1°;'; 44 (I) H b Custom Shoe Shop. The a.4..retlf•M arena, to r.s.ad t►• v of I.udartel• aril rtcl.ay. that'4 prepared le v. aatl•(ac1.ea t• .E .11 firm of Feet Weer, Made to Order, both Stylish and Durable. SEWED WORK A SPECIALTY Best Value in Kip and Calf Boots for Country Ws -a•. a!'Itese-ber the address 4151 -1 - HENRY H. RINES, April 1.t. ISA. R. W. MCKENZIE (SIGN OF THE PAID LOC$_) -1ti Ht:_t[IQUAItTK,ll. YOB - STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE frith Barbs Either Four or Six Inches !part. Z FULL raw LEt o ' Spades, Shovels and Gardening' Tools. Atrea's sty b... yawl aisyrorsi Cattrarrte Piva ee.ee.t bee▪ r:► 1 tate bora, ./,salsa sad M e- esN by �o tkdee.p w on /.s elm sod vigor M goal* gamma . y- 1111..,*_ ST alk#O. Ayer'& 0e., L.wsll, Msm AN by all Deaggibbalt • OLD, AND wft� six 01 mina t Mote.f Uri ow_ Ayees Sarsaparilla. aularyseiger:wltstaitt way be undo skean e.. fs.. Wail dim t K ds bottles lar M -ALSO Al PULL STOCK • GENERAL HARDWREI •P�CIAL VALUE IZ- Paints, Oils, Glass and /'fail. h(rs i/.:.'t',-ials. S B FFIELD CU '21.:11.7 17.."1". Jl R= ! -A !!W Nm�s---- • POVLE SERGE ---ALL 25 Inches Wide, at 25 (;tents -SPECIAL VALUE: TO MOTHERS OF FAMILIES! U1 C=1 b b I E I offer a few pieces of DRESS GOODS, suitable for Wrnhpers and Children's Dresses, at 1(k., 124c.. 15e., 2(k•. per yard. Wim_ KAP_ Ooder4ah. Mardi nth. HPL lea-. in. Big Slaughter Sale for 30 Days -ALT- J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. (TREY COTTONS AT MILL PRICES. WHITE COTTONS AT MILL PRICES. FANCY SHIRTINGS AT MILL PRICES TWO CASES NEW PRINTS -JOB PRICES. BIG DRIVES IN TABLE LINENS & TOWEI.LINGS. A LOT OF ULSTER CLOTHS --A GREAT BARGAIN. SEE OUR NEW DRESS GOODS. GOOD WASHING SILKS, AT 50c Co-. •ad Bee what Bargains we are oft ring for the Next Tir ' • Dopa c 1-1 .~„ r. -..-.i tree. � '' `S� �; ; I-1 is .21 C:1 Id C VI .5-1 n (21 l,�ltn. t" O P. JORDAN, Chemist anal Druggist WHOLESALE ANi) RETAIL DRA1.6R IN Drags, Chemicals, Horse, Cattle and Proprietory iedicines SPONGES, SURGICAL APPLIANCES, Ac., &c. A FULL LINE of TOILET ARTICLES & PERFUMERY �ZO�L H.►Z.L. UOD>D11I011- J. C. DETLOR & GO'S. • i 1 DON'T PAY' HiGH PRICE`( Felt STOVES AND TINWARE Any - «here vise, when $AUNDERS & SON SELi. SO CII hBcY ►tiOS t)R TNPAewPE1'aRttBernEFa ORCEHESEATI.NG SAUNDERSDON'T Newest C-oods cd-Liced_ Prices_ DON'T but lca:llFan1'dNaEtieRfyTHrseSkea .that , S. V7DEPZS,nd S01\ West Streik seat door to the Pott Office. Sorn.et .ix Wanted_ WALL TINTS. KALSOMIME COLORS. in Svery Shade. Ready Mired Paints. Penr•ben', Collage (•olnrw. Red ('rase Brand. Ladies and others can not the ruler they require wlehoet the trouble of s4.1ng. Wareaeted to he PIr..tClaes in evert mato-I. end ,o Etre sat Intact For wale at John A. Naftel's Hardware Emporium The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. LAND REC+TTLA TIONS. The Company sere lands within the Railway 1Mtt along the mein line. and In Southern ltaaltelm. at prices ranging from $2.50 PER ACRE apwarda, with mr.dltinns etgMein* enklvaa4.on. A rebate few rniti.etion of Mtn. 54.1111 N ed M sow aero. steaming to price paid for the land. WIw«I en certain ennditinn. Th. eompinv Oen Misr fisn.l• .. •",nn• emotion'. eattle-eat or en)t4vaUon. THE RESE.RYET) SE,CTiONS •Iratre L e Male t r.. the odd aemlrred w S -t4.na within one mile of 11.e itailsl. are new e�esd tar sale en advantageous Joa.. to porde. ,.o -per.., In under rite their Im1.eiiI• • M neklraMe.. TERMS OF PAYMENT • • Purchasers .saj pay 01411111114 1111 cosh, and the hahnce In Mr a•;n.•I In.ta)tnenh, wit$ lateeeet at SIX P** ('ENNT. per aroma. pstable In advance Pante. Panha.dag wttho.t rnedlttnws of reltivati n. will r..wi..• • Lead rel ragre.r. mare at tier of perrhs•e. If a yaw.g• '. made In rill. Pay.rrn111 may he. made la 1,44:11) (4ItAa T 1w1Y1104. which will Ie •.-repors mit ten per rent prevalent ern Ihwh par valor and seemed Inter. -.I These Iterate net le °Mapped nn •p - 'Beating et the Rask 4 Montreel. Mowtrwl or at •a d I.. 1«. P0R RR con ea and co)fTItbi $ Or PA LA and dl intone= rrprrr to the H alma. of ails. apely to JOHN R. Mt•TAr1r loaf. Lead ('esmis.hn.er. Wlwnlyee. Ry oder of the Parted (`NAR1.ra DRINK ti ATxR. Peree,neve -115 is